Claus Spreckels
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jr ir ir ir jr ir rr r ir if k k p ir inrm BU-REA- U. S. WEATHER U, 5 SUGAR-- 96 Test Dec. 26-L-ast Centrifugals, 3.67c.; rainfall, T. 24 hours' Per Tnn ST? 40 SS Temperature, max.70, Analysis Beets, IOs. If min. 61. Weather, 7 3-4- d. Per Ton, $82.-4- 0. variable. y jl jl j j jt j jt j jt j JtjK jt o j j j j j jiji j js jijt js j VOL. VI, NO. 313. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1908. FOURTEEN PAGES. Entered Jsn. 19, 1903. t Honolulu, Ho4 Clm Matter. Under Act of Covgr Huof Mrcb t 17. CLAUS SPRECKELS, THE HE HAW 1 CASTRO ORDERS IS SUGAR KING, DEAD WORK AT THE VENEZUELANS TO I TACKLE Who Made History j DUTCH Man CAP TOL in Hawaii Record I a Great One. Cables to' Venezuela to Attack the Blockading I Breckons' Case Coast Ships Evidently Has no Knowledge of Associated Tress Cablegram.) :'jf: Recent Events at Home. ii-t..A- i wise . Legislation SAN FRANCISCO, December ,26. I Clans Spreckels died at half-pas- t four 2 Frear's Work Rudolph Spreck- - o'clock this morning. (Associated Press Cablegrams.) els and John D. Spreckels, with the I latter s daughters, were at the bed- CARACAS, December 27. A cablegram has been received here from former side, and the ethers were summoned. By Ernest G. Walker. President Castro ordering an attack to be made on the Dutch warships. C." Spreckels are Rudolph and A. (Mail Special to the Advertiser.) named as executors in the wilL to I WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 14. serve under a bond of half a million Gov. AMERICAN ENVOY RESIGNS P. is about concluding his dollars. The income of the estate is Walter Frear stated to exceed a quarter of a million annual visit to Washington in the in- I terest of Hawaiian affairs. He has been dollars a year. There are matters that ROME, December 27. Ambassador Griscom is reported to have resigned. very busy for ten days, consulting with ' seed immediate attention. The will is es Secretary of the Interior Garfield and in possession of the widow. It pro-Tid- THE LATE CLAUS SPRECKELS a MMV ! other cabinet officials, attending hoar- - BIGGY'S SUCCESSOR NAMED for all the children and disposes MM ' an estate of possibly fifty million rected to Lis life-wor- He saw oppor- thirty tunnels cut in the solid rock, ings at the Capitol, and looking out Tor cf tunities on the Pacific Coast for the de- still brings the water to the plantation concern dollars. The ovening of the will is to the many matters here which velopment of a great sugar .industry, laterals. his large insular constituency. He now SAN FRANCISCO, December 27. Police Sergeant J. B. Cook, property take place on Monday. I with tropical islands within easy reach His holdings rapidly increased until ' p . i expects to conclude his work here m clerk, has been appointed to succeed Biggy. as a source or raw material amii compe Spreekels became the undisputed Sugar the late Chief Claus Spreckels, the Sugar King, the tition ia finished products cut off by King of Hawaii. With his power as a time to leave for New York day after . news of whose death came to Honolulu mountains and deserts. He bought an planter came also power politically. In tomorrow and to sail from San Fran- - " was for years interest in a small local refinery and i financial ways he made himselt ot suctt cigco Honolulu about a week later. PITTSBURG'S MUNICIPAL SCANDAL cable yesterday, ' f hr Jli;ti1.i soon worked up a large and profitable service to the King and government . political very satisfac-an- d intimately connected with the businegg The he bought out the' that for year he stood as the power The Governor had a and industrial history of Hawaii. He 0ther stockholders and became the sole "behind the throne, making and umnak- - tory talk with the President was was up to the time of his death, still proprietor. With improved machinery ing Cabinets. Spreckels, Kalakaua and shown, several days in advance of its PITTSBURG, December 27. It is reported that there will be forty mora I uiDson in oruer oi power namea, onnected in many important ways and the magic of his personal .direction ine pulbiication the President's generous arrests in the Council bribery case. , with the commercial and industrial life jwviL recommendations with reference to Ha waa nnt ' ,nnntin.A to tsm '- of the Islands, and he had, during the satisfied. He knew that he. was not - waii in his annual message to Congress. thirty-tw- o years since he first extended using the best methods. He resolved , He has been in touch with the army BEACH HARGIS JURY DISAGREES - 1 1 1 1 1 Lis interest to the Mid-Pacifi- rendered to master the whole art of sugar-mak- I ' 1 I I I 1 1 and navy authorities so a's to inform : v mg and then make a fresh start. I v 6 ;n,1trv He'l.lll llr himself as fully as may be about the great ( mU &t & tQ UULLLULrhr Ul IRVINE, Kentucky, December 27. The jury in the case of Beach Hargis, this Territory. plans of those departments respective of Europe. There, already a rich man, he accused of the murder of his father, has disagreed. Claus Spreckels was born in Lam- - put on the rough clothes of a eommon ly: for sending soldiers and for improv stedt, Hanover, Germanv, in 1S28, mi-- laborer and secured employment m a HAWAII PLANS ing Pearl Harbor. The Governor has re&nery at Magdeburg. He worked in 1S4G. ; for been much impressed during this visit crating to the United States SEVENTY-ON- E ! DEWEY IS It was wan a uesire iu e3cai.e time he had become famiijar w;th every with the assured and increasing promi- forced military duties that every man detail of the refinery process. Pres. Gilmore Addresses Farm- nence of Honolulu as a Midpacific City is supposed to go through in the vater- - it became evident to him that Cali- - ers' Institute at Annual because of its new importance as a mili- WASHINGTON, December 27. Admiral Dewey celebrated his iand that vounr Spreckels came to fornia was not yet ready for the beet tary and navy center. birthday yesterday. was an nf sugar industry, and he resolved to de- - Meeting. A few nights ago he was a dinner America, and he illustration vote his energy for the time to cane. process of natural selection by gtUfgt of. Secretary Garfield, along with the He put up the California refinery in At the annual meeting of ihe Farm- most energetic, the most en- 1863, wooden build- Gov. Regis Post, of Porto Rico and the which the enlarge the small ers' Institute held last evening in the SCALDED TO DEATIf the most resourceful ele- ing four times in three years, and then territorial governors of Alaska, Arizona terprising and rooms of the College of Hawaii, John ments the population of Europe have replaced it with the immense brick and New Mexico and several officials of hun- W. Gilmore, president building wjth a capacity of eight of the institu- who have to do with SAN FRANCISCO, December 26. By the bursting a steam tube in tha leen sifted out for the benefit of the dred barrels per day which now looms tion, delivered a lecture on the plans of the departments of United States. Most of the good peo- over the Potrero of San Francisco. At and outlook of the college. territorial affairs. engineroom of the Chronicle one man was fatally scalded. 3 were satisfied to do as ' ple of Lamstedt that time, it took three weeks to make With enlarged tables showing . the The Governor participated in several they were told, and they have made hard sugar. Spreckels invented new three different courses provided and talks at the Treasury Department re- no further mark on the history of the re- plans processes by which the time was of the proposed new, buildings garding the proposed change of site for STRIKERS FIGHT MARSHAL'S POSSE world. duced to twenty-fou- r hours. He intro- in Manoa Vallev. tn aid Mm illus Almost Penniless, but Ambitious. duced the modern cube and crushed su- - trations,. President Gilmore spoke of the Honolulu public building It was more ambitious youth, however, gars to the American market. At first the origin and work of the college, finally decided to abandon efforts to The Kentucky, 26. Two were a dozen fatally secured a steerage passage to America, he bought most of his ray materia in The college itself is one of many State secure the Irwin site. It was found on DANVILLE, December killed and landing at Charleston in 1846 with Ihe Philippines, but when the Hawai- - and Territorial institutes whose foun- - the whole impractical to make the injured in a fight between striking miners and a TJ. 3. Marshal's posse. - ian Reciprocity Treaty was negotiated dation was an : a huge permitted by act passed . three dollars in one pocket and change, which would have involved slice of the beet sugar industry of Ger-- in 1S76, he saw that. a revolution was during Lincoln's presidency. This act many in the other. He did not know impending in the' Pacific Coast refining arranged for the sale of public lands great delay in erecting the building. A PORTUGAL'S NEW MINISTRY at that time what it was that his other industry.