LONDON, Jaaa 1 { Q « ( M peopU w en told by rsdte •'cUmiuta HlUer^ U ihvf bop« to (oUl war wid n a n Buntra M ffit 'M> t*aiu Bneh u Uw attack on wrecked-hy-8.72flJIM.poiind**t-h

P|UCE 6 CENTS . you 25, No. 38 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO^ Monday, June 1,1942 RAF BOMBS DESTROY COLOGNE ^ ^ ^ ^ ★ ★ * * *■-★-★★★ * ★ ★ ★, ★ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ , ^ AXIS RETREATS IN DESERT AS BRITISH CAPTURE GENERAL yichy Men Welcome Jap G en. om itiel A ide ' ARNOLD REPORTS .SYDNEY HARBOR - 1,0(M) Airplanes Taken by Allies U.S.AIR1 ! AfTACK BY JAP- Blast Nazi Gity > Tobruk Fight JOININATIACKS SUBUNIISFAILS' In Gigantic Raid By LnWABtl W. tlKATTIE ,• • fir DarnoN . w v c a MEBBOURNE, Junc/l.tUID—Three ny HENRY T. CORKELL LONDON. June 1 OJJD—Ueut. Gen. LONDON, June KU.PJ— The groat Gcrmaa Industrial ciW Henry H, Arnold, chief of the United Japanese midgot submarines were o f CoIoRTie— bloHtcd b>; 6,720,000 pounds o f 'bom bs— Btlll ^ CAIRO, June I (U.R)— Col. Gen. Erwin Rommoi l6(iny huc- State.n. iumy air corpn. snlrt U)doy behcved at the bottom of Sydney burninB and is covered'by a thlclppall of flmoke, recon- ^cccdcd in cxtricutinff the badly-baLlcrcd npcarhcad of his Amerlcon nlr force.'using harbor todny after an abortive nals-sancc pilots reported today, nxis Uink forcc.s from a British trap In the Liby»n_ (ie.scrt lt.1 own fields and ground crews, would soon Join the DritiiJ) la ••Pforl harbor" rnid In Vhleh suicide ‘T ’b c r e i.s .slilJ s o m uch Hmoke ov e r Colo^nic that r cc o n - south of El Gnzaja, after the capturc of his accgnd m com- crews steered up thw main port bombing Germany on an unprece- nalSsancc p!lot.i found it uscIchs to try to'take pictures denti'd scale. channel In sight ot tn^boat pas­ nmnd b;* the B ritish . ■ , ■ sengers. showing the full extent nf damage." a 'reliable source said. Uommel withdrew his Gcrman-lUilian armorca unit.s west- "We shall hit the enemy hard nnd rrlentle.ialy until h!.i military Navnl qunrters snld that Uie fiUb- The smoke completely’hides a wide area.” ^ ward, back from Britain’s coastal atronKhold o£ Tobruk power ha.-( Ijeen broken." he said. marlik-s, npparenUy launched and which had been his objective, “ . . . Wc are determined to get tQjanuuned by a mother ship- closa By D ltrw MIDDLETON , to Uie Atistrnlinn coast, had almost after takins a heavy Datter- every possible fighting plane Into (I Uie flHht. No combat pinnes ore certainly sunk and that attempts Arrives Home LO N D O N , June 1 (I.R) injr fro m B ritisli K u n s. and being kept back In the United 8tat«s .would be mada^to'ralso them. The hour of joint United bombinK planes which left the ^yond_tlie abMilute mlnUr...... Gen. Douglas MacArthur :.4-British mass aerial as­ nounced In a special communique desert waste.s -stre.wn with quired for tacUcal training, saults to blast the rcich out vl.ilt has, I hope, hastened Uie day that three of the midget two-man ' wrcckcd and crippled tanks. undersea craft were believed de­ of the war, city by city, was DiJtWi mIdtile ciiBt hcadqunrlers when our sir amis stiall Join In nn air offensive against pic enemy stroyed. one by'gun fire and two by declared officially today to be nniiouncPtJ Hint Gen. LudwlK Cnie- depth charges, in a completely un­ wpU. 50-,vcnr-olcl ^ccond In cciiininncl which Uie cnnnot-meet, defeat or Marshal retain, center, and Tlerre Laval, rlgltt, Vlchy’i new chief ot nearer at hand and the Gcr- ' •■:urvlve/< . Gen. George C. Marshall government, extended a welcome to M. Mltanl. ambaxsador to successful raid. Uie first on an Aus» to riommel. wiui inkrn prLioncr nllcr trnllnn port. mhns were advised to look to • Ills rrconnnlsiancp pluiic whs rIioI (chief of army ttuff) said Uie,other France from Japan. Ihp nation that sA&Iied lndo*Chlna from the (Iny that American troop.i will land The Japaneje siicceedfd only In the still smouldering ruins of down. ■' '• '.i' . • -1 • V French last year. Thl» Is one of flr?t pleturei from Vichy lUnce Laval dnmnglng one small harbor craft ConioUdatM ^oreM,, In France.,U Li obvious Uiat no aJ- came back to power. _ , devastated C ologne for a^., fen-ilve ognlnst Narl-occupled Eur­ glimpse of the future. ^ Rommel wus iu»ld lo Be cffliK . ope can succeed without air aupcrl- go made ,.•<' two Baps In the BrliLih mlnerield VIctary Ix>omi The enemy craft' cnnte up the Una cxtendlnR u)uU> Ironi El Onzala, A.n Arnold spoke at a prcM .... main channel of Au.itrBlla's tecond It clenr Uiat •‘the Yonks are on the to Hacftelm. clly and greflte^l port lost nlgJJt, ing"; Uiat the BriUsh-Amerlcan,'. fereoce." roynl air force fighter Entire Senate M*ay partnership ot power in th» air wiil'Ji- Drltiih.-teft tlank. • planes. 10.000 feet over London, into on e'ot the finest harbors In ltf'*pAiared ihnt Homniel. pull­ mode victory loops to celebralo the the world and Uie greatest naval repeat ond may even dwarf th«'- .- ing W fc 'h la ndriince ferccs to ea. Brltbh Saturday night raid on Co­ base In the souUiwcst Puclflc. RAP’ s terrific Saturday night 1,000-v i £ape,thdr'annlhllftUon behind Ihc logne. Uie greatest _ever made by- Votfe Soldier Pay Homea along the water front on bomber attack which loosed 0 0 tho., ' ' 'British lin e Mulhu'cxt of Tobru'^. 0107 both sides of Uie harbor were rock­ war plants of Cologne the greatest* an nlr force against any tarset. Lon­ weight of steel and esplooive ever Iiad Bucccftded In RCillnff mont of doners'waved at Uiem and gave the W A S H I N G T O N . Ju n e 1 ed a.1 the glganUc shore suns, planes his Unks and Armored cum back to* borne on wings. Uiumbs-up signal. - i> — S en a tor LaFollctlc, and naval craft went tnlo action. iho trregulftr line, ftUhouBh pcr- At the aame ttme Uin government Pn.viftiiBera on a harbor terry boat, noiUaa Day . Iiaps In preparaUon for n new atrong made It known that the Germans. PLASHES of _ .. Wi.s., «uvc noticc todny daw the periscope and Ihe upper Lieut. Gen. Ueno' H. A m i ^ head drive ewtward. . In a vlclmw, vengeance raid had ihjrt ho would press a motion part 0^ the conning tower ot one of ADMIRAL LCAHV of the Unltod SUtes air forces, said ' hla- conferences in London were nommel'p ef/orU . m conccntrato bombed durmg the night ancient ' liachncgc .the senate con- the enemy submarines as It passed hU rtaln lorccfi lo the ^ cit o f ^ e .Canterbury, the cradle ot Chrl** LIFE Close to them. , « ¥ « . '4 nearly cotppleted “hartth- '. Uanlty In" England. de.itroMng''Bt fetcnco comnuttco-which-.hjis Tliey saw It for ono minute. Trac­ cd - Uia^ftjr. wbux o ir ta lM im -^nU-— ^ L le u t. Ocn. Nell M. Ritc^iirs im­ least one of Its historic churches. opposed a house move to raise er shells stlottcd It then and brack- join In axt air offenstva'jtgalnst the perials held the upper hand lit tlie DOUBLE DUTV enemy which he cannot meet, de* - It was now establlshed-that In the HARTTORD, Conn.. June 1' — tfi(! t'lay o f arm y bu ck pri- cletTwIllJ' deadly lire, It submerged. Envoy Vessel, bnttle of mechnnlzed columns soutl> Cologne raid, the greatest In the his­ • Tlie reckle.u enemy attack brought feat or survive." west of Tobruk. ------— Mrs. M. J. Knowles wob-carried •atcs fr o m ?2 1 to 5r)0 Replying to Arnold's congraUila- tory ot avlotion. Uie Brltw r u.ted by firemen down' a ladder from the wnr nt Inst to the shores of the ' K *p «l New -Drive 1,500 planes. One Uiousnnd bomb­ m onth. ' ftouthenstem part of the Atutrallan Ai-rives With tions on the Cologne raid. Air Mar- . Some observers beilfvctl Rommel her Uilrd.floor bedroom during a. juy^h shall A. T. Harris, chief of Use RAF ' ed Cologno Itself, hurling on It ap­ fire In her home,.She wcrtt back to (C«ntU«^ .n P*(. X. would ntlempl nnolher concerted proximately 0,720,000 pounds of ex­ ge"hi bomber con^ohd, said: e a s t w a r d . U i e bntler- bed when they the bliizc wa-n ‘‘We aro supremely confident that . plosive nnd Incendfary bombs. They out..A few hours'later, the' flra commlttce, which haa stood by the 90^ on Board JiiB of his forcos''JtiviOJisly suffered left seven-dghths of Uie city In with Uielr aid our common enemies In Uic battle of ’Ki^Ut.^brldRC. 20 rekindled, ihe firemen came b,ick senate vote for a boost to M3, ond By ROBERT OKIN .. —faced with certain devosUUoo ot flames and the smoke, which rose —ond carried her down the ladder force a.senoto vole on ncceptance mllc-1 jiouthwest of .'Jbbrutt. Col. Don C. Fallh will need It.^ 15,000 feet, was seen on the const ROAOBO'AROBUYS ' JERSEY CITY. N. J.; June 1 (-TV- Uielr own lond—will liaVe cause to again. - of, the >50 house-approved figure. CA Br(fl;.Ii mIHUtw' comiitcnUWi' for hii Is (he Job of command­ 135 miles nway. • ‘ •nie-iftil{e-palnte eon-Hlderftblo /orce of axia nntl-tnnlc ilnc wheliit ot the Ttt’In PnlLi hlghwo; thecfrnl town of Canterbury, sending sudden bud weather forced cnncel- llttlc-'UttcnClon. *b«:uu.ic in Con­ w k congrcss republlcs safely home from nnd nrtlllery Runs had been cstnb- InUon ot the orders. necticut such In'dlnn name.i M todny ordcr'ecT purcha-w ol .•er 2S'planes in three waves. . llhcd aroun^ Uie two Rops, In Uie and 19. ,n, , dltlonal I3D.000 (maturity vnlue) in Europe toUi tiio Cologne raid, which Ulmer, recorded iho official Infor- woa a new chapter In the brlefter- believed a nifi?e InlclllRcnl Jiid'nment Members of Uie bonrd purchased the first lo leave the 'Milp. accom-’ Uic channel in forays against air- •- needed to win Uus wnr wm produced . matlori given him hy the newly : the (lUCsUon Could be ninde.of pnnyln^ the body ofc. his wlfci 'who rible history of wnr in the air. commlsslohed 2nd Lt. William H. the bonds Wj^h hlghwny dlstrlet dromes and rail lines in northern In sugar beel^ fields of eouthweatcrn le summer military enpiprUgns. died while ho was* ambiSMador to Idaho lodny as white-collared city Gill. fund.1 a ft«* rtiy had received a rul­ France and Holland, and other NAZIS B L A i O IN The war' deportment lins I... ing Uint siiw A step would be legal Vichy. • ' , . flights winged west by di^light to workers .were converted into farm N^YesWrday Ulmer, now a lleiiten- ficinis had agreed thrvt best results masked Its-^eslre to get yoimgej; in all respects. Of the 008 pn.Lscngcni. lC9,were continue tha battering. laborerj. > aiit colonel nnd a.vilstant adjutant mtn Into the n'rmy. but aciiato^" ' wmild be achieved If American crews general of llie poat. admintstered Tlie monci' placed In IJie bonds _. 8. dlpiomnts. 185'Latln American O f 8ucl» magnitude was the Co­ Many de&ks In tlie Idaho .state (R*Ohlo) said hchad been sup^ ... wa.1 orlgin;ilIy to have ,been used In logne raid that only a mastcrwork o( house were dczcrCcd and skclcon flew American plane-n as Amerlcnn Ujo'onlh 10 MflJ. Oen. WllJljsm U dlplomatSj and 573'^ere U. 8. cltl- PRICHA unltji but In cooperation with the Ugarta wfilch Indfcnted tiiac the financing,Uie district's 26 mile road tens. There were ruitlonals of 33 organization, with * the bombore suffs manned some atorei wlicn the GllL British air force, except when emer­ army could build up to n iotarof be-.' olUng program Uils'Mason but this countries as well as 1 0 statelesQj^r- swarming over' their targets at six- L O N ^ N . June 1 (U-fD—Tlie Euro­ first group of more'than JpO work­ tween 4.SOO.OOO. and mca pean < revolution radio sold today gency condlUons dictated another BTILt; TRo'UnLE w ort was-ordered. stopped by. the sfcond intervals, made it possible. ers t«mod out to ollevlftto the aliort- within the next year without tnklnt; federal government nnd as a resuli Us iJarolyxlng might was told In.. I ;,.'U iafM hlgh-mnklns,German army age 6f sugar beet thlnncro which course. DENVER'. June 1—A police ac- Llfe nbonrd wn--enllVcned t y the lie anld the American nlr corps, either IB-year-oIds or men \ ' ' for thLi year, at least, only malnt«« astronomical figures: , ly' bfflccra had been arrested In con- Uireatened lou of a.,.large portion cldcnt report Indicates Uiere ar»i families. , ' singing of songs by naUonnllsts of ■y nectlon wlUi the attempted aailnn- nf which ho has been a member since naiict' work can go forward. J many countries. Including Poles re­ Of three-fourths ot Cologne afire of the Idaho crop. liaxards evert in the slower types Taylor airt!l Uiat niembera'of Uie and under a thrte-mlle-hlgh p*U ' UoiS .of liblnharO (Uie hanirman) A. J. TUlman. Idaho',dlrtctor of 30 year* ago when he iind fellow of emergency transportation. cently reienaed from German In­ ■ ileydrlch. deputy gestnpo chief, at American army pilots started the Jack Rowland. 10, and "h is board decidedthat the federal gov- ternment'camps. of smoke. , ' “ Ui6 U. a. employmtrtit service; tald RESULTS. emment. because of this arrange­ . .Of more than I.OOO bombera roar­ A P ram ie Jaat week. over' 300 city w o ^ r s reported for history of bombing by practicing brother, Roy 20, were injured when >oh y said-he could not make any wlUi potatoes on {ilialked rings WYNOT. Neb.. June 1 liJ^A hen ment. ^houid have Use ot the money ing over their German target* In ▼ The'European revolution radio U Uie beet field lalx^r early this morn­ a motor car collided with their belonging to Art Driver had bcfn bile sutement - until • he had ' a clande.stlne' broadcasting station :*ntlng*4 *n Pw* S. M decision was reoched to make the (Cologne, and ols(\whero In the ing, However, only 100 were o-ulgn- titndem bicycle. laying an egg^n day In the back bond purchase last month and thU (C*nU>iii^ M r«s«-l. Wima I) . In Qermany. believed to be operated ^ to the flElils beciuM week-end Rhineland and the Ruhr valiey in - seat .of his nuiornobllp^ When he ^dntli. a 00-mlnute procession ot death and >' by Prussian officers oppooing Adolf rains had' made the beet rotvs in drove Into his .farm ynW with 1,000 lUtler. the Immedlote vicinity of Boise un­ Pocatello Students If Ute oiling pc,ognim is allowablo dcsUiicUon. • The broadcast snld Uie attempt'... hatclilng‘‘ baby chicks in the back under federal regulations next year Of perhaps 1,360 p la o ^ .in aU. workable. \ Go Into Beet Fields seat, the cgg-a-dny hen. with' a •Heydrlch's 'llfo probably' had been ITie new farm labor recnilts In­ then the bonds wlU be turned bacic' HOLIOAYMHS Including .the bombers’ protecUvs mado by oupporters of Kurt Dalue- POCATELLO. June 1 (/P) — Ap­ proud cackle, fletir In and claimed in and the funds wUl be e x u d e d on >m»4 as P««* L C*)«aa O cluded department, heads, stenog­ the enUre brood for her own. gue. who succeeded "the hangman" raphers and clerks In many state proximately 250'^hlgh school stud­ the program. . BA "protector of Bohemia and Mor­ agencies. ents went to work today In the beet avia.'* It Aold' an attempt had been •Employment service officials, MAKESIAKEO fields north ot hero and 8. A. Dunn, Tribesmen Cause local labor coordinator, predicted AKE-BIG made against • Daluegue recently, formers and sugar company exccu- The heavy United Slates army •presumably by Meydrleh’a hench­ Uvea were unanimous In tha belief bomber which wos forced down on there now ".Oiould be just.about By The Asaoelatcd PrcM Trouble in India men. aignlflcantly. U-a.wert*d. Dn- that conversion of clvlHai^ non-de­ a CasUeford farm field last) week enough workers to- get the cropo 42 Japs Come Tuesday A naUon honoring lU dead o( thinned." oUier wars oven In the midst of a NEW DELHI. JljQS 1 (Ui!>—Martial luegxio confiscated Heydrlch’s villa, fense workers to fill gaps In the mode a successful takeoff Sunday law was proclaimed at noon today He einpliaslted. Uowever, that the ono found some toiacc today in formerly owned by Baron,von Roths­ ranks of fnVm workers will lick the after a runway had been construct­ by BriUsh auUaoriUes for the Sidd child. M soon M he iu.iumed office. ah^Ugca which threatened the ed for It across three fields. ' problem Is atUl acute In other pai’ts counting Its smalleat Memorial day As First"Beet'Workers holiday death toll in years, area of horUiero Bombay presiden­ '• The arrested armji officers, the DeaUnaXion of Uie ship after Uie of the upper Snoke river valley and cy because of "increasing outrages* "^broftdeaat «ald, Incloded 'several "If uie rcsponic for work contin­ takeoff was not learned. th# declared "we want to get. every ex­ By O. A. KELKEir~ Only 287 violent denths ported throughout the'United States by tribesmen, and punitive sieasures from the sCiiffB o^ Gen. NlkQlAua von ues tomorrow and for Uie next few ground at CasUeford about 4 p. m. tra man available out In the fields were reported tmderway. FaHcenhont and Ocn. Ernst days In proporUon- lo the turnout - The takeoff-was made aft^r^ores because the more workers from the First volunteer Japanese workerB to come into thU section during the two-day holiday, as agalrut an average ot 400 on "a nor­ 'There have been 'a series of at­ Stuelpnagle. today. It wlU go a long way toward of workmen had built -an eastiwest dty that thin in Tyhee, the mort of ^tlaho to aid in saving the sugar beet crop will^rrive ‘in tacks by the Sind tribesmen r»- . The quartern of mrfny offlccni In solving the labor problem, Tillman runway a c r ^ three fields by re­ farm laborer* well be able lo re­ _T\vin Falla Tuesday evening by train, it was announced this mal M ay week-end. Only one violent d e a t h _____ cently. dtftdcts which had been In.spectcd moving fences, covering ditches and lease for ,^1-orlc farUicr- north.'^,. ■ajtcrnooh by Harry A. Elcock,, Idaho district manager of The announcement of znartial 1 « « . , by Heydrlch In hb toura of Oer- Ha expected tha lalJbr sltuaUon rr'iiin; out tbo ground,-Bulldozers ported In Idaho—D. J. Borup of said that "ouUages are occurrlns on mon-occupted £urot and heavy roller* were employed ^n the Amalgamated Sugar^company. Bolse.- a victim of lightning. to. Improve In'the nex^J*" day* Elcock .'uUd. Uiftt Uie first group— nn increasing scale- a n d - it wt*T.;- hate been aeareheC _____ . (CantlanH «■ Ftc* t the work. 1 CJIANGE Utfth'had Uiree. c . 8. Day, killed 43 In number—will be housed ot the In a pool, hall fight at StandardTlUe: understood that ftw » o f - . police. The apartment oi a' German The pUne firsflanded on UicPred CHICAGO. June I (/?)—'AfUr British and Indian troop# w - general In B n toeli w m ransacked Scnftcn. Jr.. farm but was moved .spending the last 23 yean purchas­ migratory farm labor camp south thejresent time'th&airlvSl ot these Darrel .DurranU S, drowned .near lOf Ttt-ln FalU. All win be "slhgles" JapSncse will not disturb camp rou- Morgan, i^ d Bnmo Da'Zancl^, 19. overtaking against thp.tilbeRBen..v^...v despite proteaU of/Vpn Kalkcnhomt. 6-7 Cent Decline about half a mile sway for tha take­ ing 180.000. books. George-B. UUe>( , ’(A BriUsh n d lo broadeatt. necrd- , _ Heydrlch. mftmwhlJe, aUU waa In off. Spectators were kept St a dl- and all m^n. , Una and the other camp residents vlcUm of an accident In a Blngbain hod decided to take Uma ■ off to These Japanese ore coming here, will remain in their pnsent homes. cd In New York by CBS. Mid t U t . • '-jJrltlcal.-eondltlon from the ajuuis^ln'a tance.' read some of Uiem. mine. ' • T several tnuns.hadbceo wrsdced. w , . jsilll«t*.-and tha gestapo'a reign of . In Price'of Wool under sponsorslilp of the .■'Ubbt com­ AU these' people are n A engaged In Two ia clori were credlUxl wlUi NEW YORK. June 1 W^,— .Wool UUey, who is head of the New­ pany. f r o m . 8flcnirtn?hto/ Calif., o^cultunU work. saving many lives, both connectod in the Allahabad aiM ca tu iu tttfij ..larror continued Uiroughout Ctecho- berry library, sold he planned 't o deaUi of 34 v u t m s m n A ^Bjory, o T - slovakla.' tops futures lost at much as clx ona where Elcock conferred wl^iv reloca- Lire as-Group with the war effort! gasoUne raUon- 7 cents.a pound today In on early Uniforms on Duty •retire and "I intend to sUirt coming Uon heads lost wTck. . ‘‘The Japanese win be able to be tng kept maoy eutom motorists at 30other«J .' >1 ' ' . *1.20 a pound. December and u id no other unifonna except ranch reservoir site, near Mountain Japanese arriving hcra'T^esday wlU ese vUl come Into this scctlon to been killed In (riffle accidents aged, but filled snth . president., announced today. lost e.s cenU to tl.104, and other regulation C. A. P. imlforms win be Home. Ida., will be openetfTrtne 10, bo placed in one of thMComp i]hlt« work' after the. first unit members . There were 102 drowninga and 83 containing two u ~ “ - - New ofTlcers for the ofBoniulion dellTcrlea «ha*-ed losses of i j to 5 worn by ptrwnneJ while on duty at Boise, by the federal reclASiKUoQ and that the unit will bl segregated- find that cbodiUona ar« fulUbl«; oUiere lost Uiclr Uve*,UiroQlt» mis* which-»«»_ not .. aim will be nusQd t l the EOsioiL eeaU ft pound. wlUi pfltnl task forces. bureau. • . from the balance of the camp. At .' •* ri** t c d u u I) eellaneous a cd d cn U ./-' - when U v m Vi&m. P a g e T w < j' TmES-NEWS, TWIN PALtS, IDAHO M ondaT^ J^ine 1 , 1 9 4 2 ] HITLER PLANS TURKEY OFFENSIVE IN LATE JUNE OR JULY fiEPORIEIIHlS He’s Prelty Tame Now AIR BLIIZ« TwiirEalls News in Brief 0ST5 EARN.TOP Foxx Sold to '■ Townsend tipeaker Chicago Cubs J O F M A m C K Townsend club No. 4 will meet Among recent bualnets vlalton' In - Lomii r. i:«QcnNeB Ciry OF COLOGNETuesday at 8 {>. m. at th« probate Bolu from Twin Falls were U. r. iLMRiM ,/lBy Boston Sojn »7 -^The Boston *• i Un» In Juce-^poulbly bvcn u lnt« »rmada ever to put tnto uw skies ai ‘tn-tnrTSkdt-qUisrirtllCh Katured ‘Red—Sox— «nnoonced-todB7 ~ t n * —' u Jul;—AdoU UlUjr. pluu lo glvt AeUUve VIsiU* Leave* H o a s ^ outright cash aalo of First Baseman one Ume. -Jos-Estilng, Roseau. Minn.. the annual s o w rally of .Uie W ol- Uu m fxw n d (or • g«ser«l oftcftslre “ O f j,0OO,OCO pounds or bombs drop­ Urs.' L e o ^ 'Ellis w u ~ 'rtlea^ Oier league, here yesterdoy. The Jimmy Foxx4o the chicaco Cutw of guest at the home of Mr, ahd'Mri. yesterday from the Twin Falls coun­ tho National league. oa U>B eatlre RuiiUn front More ped. Albert Estllnj. He I* the brother or rally and talent quest attracted 153 Greatest Raid ' ' ty general fcos^dlal. where iCie re- 'members of the Lutlieraa Junior or- It w-03 n^essary for 0|vner Tom Uua UjAt. h« bope* to m«rch. Mr. Estllng. Yawkey to' get viUvers from other Of twice the, number of- planes cenUy submitted to an operaUon. ganlzaUoD to Twin Falls. throu«h Tiukey *nd Inm In order friends axre loformed today. AmeHean league dut^''b}'’ orter t o , and four mnes Uio j»olght of explos­ To Fort LewU ^ ■Twin Falla won Uie compeUUon In tu execute one o f hla rtmoiu plncer dfam^ with a playlet, "Wliite Ele­ mal^e the sale of Foxx, who long movcmtnts. t ive and Incendiary bomba that ever Wiillam Jacklln. who has been In hod been regarded 'a s one of the were dumped on BrliAin lnA*lngIc Ogden for* the past month, visited Seriously lU phant Comes Home,” which was di­ ThU infonnftUon ctine to me on Miss Grace J o h n ^ , daughter of rected by lUIda Trlpple with Betty game's.modem stars. " . , . the Iwt day of my ilay lo litsbon night, even at the height of the here Friday en route to Fort Lewis, Team captain of the Red Sox. Oerman qlr assaults. M^ash., where he will take a six Mrs. Emma Johnson and gcandr and Helga Rommetvedt. Adeline from a OennAn tource to well In daughter oc T.,S. Smith, Is seriously toleiker,' RuUi Davis and RuU\Uart- F6xx has played five full seasons' In lh« know o{ Ihlnga Ui&l I cttnnoi Ot S.OQQ airmen In a single. Intri­ weeks' training course In automoUve Red Sox regalia. He 'waa purchaa- cately coordinated air attack. lank corps work. 111 of pneumor^’ at her homdL iS&i man In Uie>asU The local leaguers doubt lu veracity. . Seventh avenue . east, members of also caroled off honorv wlUi their ed from Connie Mack's AthleUcs, . The rcccnt sce-uw elniggle Of. 109,000 men In ground crews wlUi jvhontvhe broke Into tho'blg at home sending the planer off from Building ToUlf family said today. photogropiilB display of league oci- the •outhern'Ruulan front, mx In- tlviUes, of whldi Edwin Bruno was Ume a« ft catchcr>ln 1038. fonnant. pointed out, u menly a scores ot bases. Private and public building ex­ "The beaat.** as he is affecUonate- Even the Germans admitted Bicycle Fonnd ' •- the supervisor: in needlework pic­ preporaiory action, a cleanlns of penditures In Twin Falls for Uie tures by Clara Brune, needlework ly caUcd by his mat&v has led the ‘'great damage" to Cologne alUiough month of May totaled >4.483 against - A blcyclo wlilch la owned by Mar­ league in batting twice. In IBU and the boards for the major acilo:; that' display by HcIrb Rommetvedt. and i» empendlnj. the Berlin radio scoffed at Uie Brit­ *30.350 for the same month last year, tha Pruitt, 119 FlfUi street souUi, ish announcement of the Kope ol water color pftlntlhga by Margaret 1038.. , ' • : • - ' UnJcM the United NaUons spoil s.- report compiled- today by City has been re;umed to tho-ovner. Foxx. a^membcr of several' All- Uie attack, quoung Nazi (ulUtary poUce records »how today. The wheel Neuman. __• . ' lilUer's gome by really erecUns a Clerk W, H. Eldrldge shows. ‘ Clover Xouth \Vins Slor. Ameflcan league tcnma. began ' eccond froat In the quickly and sources as saying only “about 70" vas found-abivndoned la the hls’ profcBRlpnal career with Eaaton efficiently, thereby compelling Hit­ pllines look part. ^ Home From Ogden dojjntown sectlog. OUier) winners were: Dramatic in Uie^EMlenv Shore league tn 1034 ler to itJce large contlnsente of hl5 Tlio Urltiili said Uielr losses were Miss Cora Jensen relumed la.-^ reodlng^. Marvin Jagela, Clover, wlOi as a catclier. troopa nhd hU olr force awny from 44 planes, picked o ff by 500 antl-ilr- Friday from Ogden, Utah, and is DsmOge Mioor ' ' "Soul of h Violin": violin soloa. Don­ IttiMla, this 1* wha'i I3 scheduled ' craft guns &nd many night fighter convalescing satisfactorily at Irfe Only minor, damage wa.n noted as ald Martens. Clover; .scrapbooks. squadrons. ^ Ivbme of h « mother, Mr*. 3ane Jen­ ,cat» driven by Waldo Martens, Buhl, Boise dxapter; pQcin.i. Poc-tello County Gets Six The Qennan dlcutor Intenda^to On the basis of British .reports sen. following an operaUon lo which and Bud TravU. Tn'Ui Falls, duahed chapter, and posters, Vivian Carl­ • '•tlnUh" Ruasla by a dramatic gen­ Ihot Uie RAP used 1,330 planes In she submitted recently. . at thi Iniersectlon of Main avenue son. Pocatello. ail, tills was aHoss of ^ than four Autos for Month eral auault icons the vhole line 1 And Third oUect east about 1 “ ■ Tlie winners, will' compcte ijt the per cent—compared with the 10 per notional meeUng to bo held In Six passenger automobiles arc the ‘ aiid from every paulble angle. He Cendltlen -Cbod" , “ ' m, Sunday. T ^ e were no pctsonal Twin Falls county raUoning Iward'i li wlUlng to put all hla egg* in cent generally menUoned as the Con^Uon of'D r. lit R. Groomo. Injuries; necUon with the intemntlonal maximum Iflsses which stiU would venUon at Denver July 8 -ia .^ v . O. quota for June, tho local board wa»- basket and concentrate on thl«' mark the raid as a Success. - Twin Falls veterlnary-surgeon. who Informed today. , military problem. recently submltt^ to an. operaUon. Car* Crash E. NUi, Pocotello, W0.1 in dtarge of Larg* City the MJent quest. The local board Also was allotted • m utr will, u usuM, allm pt' to was “good" today, arfordlni to T»')n Can operated by Leo Johnston, 10 passenger tlre.i. 40 passenger ' confounil hla enemies by eurprlse— Only Berlin. Vienna. Hamburg Fails county general hospital author- route three, and James C, Busby. • At a zone business niecUng held ■urprUe both u to the time o( and Munich surpass Cologne In iUes. in the nftemooh Donald Meuens. tubc.1 , 131 truck tires, 194 truck r o -^ Twin Falls, were slightly y^omaged treads and 104 truck tubes. >^r atrlltlng and as to new weapon* de­ size within greater Germany. Be­ as Uiey cra.ihed at a point two and Clover, was decUd president to elic- However, from the state reserves signed during the long winter. maU lo captlvliy. Mfke was floirn lo Boise by niot Vem L. Chapman, side being an Important manufae- Reeeivea Derreo ^ one-ihalf miles westrOf Twlfl FftlLi on- -C«d-Lutcr.Jlelnke. Twin Foils, and “ We have a whole, new bng of after the shaggy creature was found floundering In inoir near Qlbbons- turlng center of 786,000 population Miss Horrlette Jsne SUnsbury. ,lho local b ^ d received permission highway 30 Sunday afternoon. JoJm- Claro Reinke, Ts,-ln Palls, secreUry to Lisue six passenger retreads, one trkka.'* my Informant boasted. *l»e, Ida. . , , . in the heart of a great German In­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. s. aton wax making a left turn at the lo- succeed Ruby *Llcrman, Twin dustrial region, Cologne /ilso is a Stansbury, Twin Falls, will ucdve passenger tuba, ift truck tires, dght Turkey's position has long been time. occordlnK to a wreck report by Falls. inick reUeats, and 1 0 truck tubes. a matter-ol doubt.' One niujt not gtcal Rhino river port and the hub a bachelor of art« degree at Colorado Deputy Sheriff John LeUer. ^ Eden In 1943 ' fofget that the Oerman r^risen- of roll lines connecting Germany SUte college of edueaUon. Oreeliy, There were no,permits for passenger An Invltntlon to hold the. 1043 tubes in the reserves. tatlve In Turkey Is wily AmUauador Men of^orl’egidor “Bawled and France. > C^lo., Juno 3, aceordltig to .word « - Now Uealensnt if ' Though one ponderous blow, vir­ celved here. , rally In Eden was accepted. Plans ?rana von.Fapen, for whdln dlplo- Richard A. Reynolds, son of Mra. for the Denver convenUon-were dls- msUo Intrlfue la duck. aoup. tually had flattened.'* g/eat Qer- Dorothy R ^ old ii. Twin Falls, has Like^Babies” at Stu-render man dty. the raid's significance lay Sen la I been commissioned a'-second lieu- cusaed. Car Pools Aren’t for the BrlUsh -in the vision it a^ d\ M rs. -William Beale Uaant in .the U. B. army followin: Rev. W. P. Mueller, Boise, was raised of more, and fcorse, to come- Johnson, Pocatello, are the parents complefloj\ of hla txoSnlng »et^od at toastmaster at the t 1 In ‘Common Carrier’ WASHINOTON, June’ l W©—The -rrom -here K looks like fltlog for the .enemy. .of a wn. Kenneth Beale Johnson, F t Belvolr. Va,. It wa.i learned to­ pie American Legltjjr'hoH. Car pooling when arranged on a men 6f Corregldor 1 "bawled like ceased on both sld<». Men hero all Prime Minister Churchill pictured l)om 'Alay 2^ at Pocatello, Mrs. day. Reynolds waa^a sergeant In the Flora Dlerker was chairman of voluntary, share-expense basis Is not JAP SUB AHACK feeling bad, because of terrific ner­ babies" when tlje hour of surrender Uie Cologne atuck as part of a mas­ Johnson wok 'tormerly Miss Doris national guard wh^iflt was federal­ the rally committee. She subject' to .regulaUons governing vous strain of the siege. Cortegldot ter strategy rather than an Isolated Parsons. T»-ln « l l s . Mr. .Johnson sisted by Carmen DeWltt and Hilda came. ized and moved from here to Ft. eommon or contract carriers, used to be a,nice place, but it's ichlevement. Oa In active du*y wlUi the United Lewis, Wash. Me will now be sUUon- Trlpple, office of emergency management This was revealed 0 0 the official haunted now. Withstood a terrific lie told the fllera la a message of States navy. ed at Camp Gordon, Go. . In addition to Tft-In Palls. Poca­ announced today. 0 60 army hour radio program, yesterday pounding, (ptause) congratulation that their work was NHAR RFAILS tello, Idaho Falls. New Plymouth. Goes to Seattle Tlie only responsibility that the when an unedited transcript of radio ••juSTTtmde broadcast lo Manila '•proof of Uift t^wlrm power oC the Leavea for Boise, Jerome, Eden ahd Clover driver of such n vehicle will have, continent ifhere nearly ,alj its n ,- messages that came from I^>rt Mills. to. arrange meeting for surrender. Briaih bomber forces" and also "a Mbs Evodha Elder has gone to Seattle. Wash., to Join her father.* . Mrs. H. W . Parker, Portland. Ore.. were represented In the talent according to Ralph Smith, sUte 000.000 people are centered, along Corregldor, during the hours'Just Talk made by General Beebe; ' I herald of uhftt Germany .will recelvc, who has been the guest of Mrs, C. quest. passenger transportoUon coordina­ .)vlth -war industry and the ports before surrender. May 0, was ro- can't say much. Can’t think at all. city by'city. froRPttjw on." Ben E Elder, a former .resident of T^'ln Falls. Mlr.i Elder has been n K. stitvon here, will leave tomorrow, tor for Uie ODT. Is -the ordinary which twelve th e ^tal supplies released. I can hrirdly think. Say I have 60 Tiie DrltLih radio told the German for Nampa to attend the annual liability under criminal code. from the^nlted BUtes. . , -^ c re are the last messages sent pesos you lu i have for'this week­ people It was but “ the first step" and guest of Mr. and Mrs- Verne Melton It was believed t h a f t ^ submar- by the radio operator at Fort Mills end. (pause) The Jig la up. Every­ reminded them that '-the Yanks are for the past two weeks, followln;; the O’Hare Visits in laea had been launchi^ from a c^lMay i . 1943: y one li bawling like a baby, (pdiue) .coming'' to add Uielr might to JJrlt- close of school. Before going to the coftr.t. Rhe npervt three days vtalllnR and the wUe of Uit'late Dr. H..W. mother thlp, operallns aome^hete ■They arc not ncsa yel. Vv/« are “They Me piling dead and -Kound- aln’s btsnblnR sucnglh. ^ (" Parker, who delivered the first Mountain Cities ' off the coast,1 because It seemed waltfffg for God only Icnows what. In our.tunnel. .Arms weak from ber sbter. Mrs, A. Esllnger, at Wells, 'Hlslily tiuecemafur 'i Nev. . / Methodist -kenn'on in Twin Falls. 'definite that they were midget craft, How about a chocolate soda, (pause) jwundlng (telegraph) . key long Some United States air officers with -very short ranges, and the Not many. Not near yet> Lots of hours, no rest, short ration, tired. • flew as observers In the raid but air I Return oearest Jspanese bases In the Soltf- heavy fighting going on. (PAuse) (pause) f Canning Demonatrwtlon ENDS TONITB ] source.! rtnphaslzcd., that }he nc- Tlie—victory canning demonatra- - Dr. and-Mm, O. T. Pirkln^on re­ planes xnon Island* and New Guinea ore ■•We've only got about one hour Knows How Mouse Fe«b complIUimest, which the air min­ turned Sunday from Seattle where route to Butte, Mont, today oftar , Jane Wilhem 3.000 miles away. 30 minutes before. . . (pause) "I know now liow a mouse feels. Uon. sponsored by the Twin Falls istry called "highly succeasful," was county nutrlUon committee. Dr. ParkljMon attended lhe;western a brief visit here. '•Younr America" T»'o,houra before hla announco- lU vf to Give aji Caught In a trap waiting for guys to the work of DrltLili forces alone. branch, ^rtnetlca^ Public Health O'Hmc. who wa.i cUtd^by Presi­ jneot ot the Sydney raid, MacArthur “We ifiay have ^6 give up by'noon; come a^ng -nnUh It up. Gdt a Miss Opal Woods of the iierr t. Joined by American nlanes. they nlng company ond Mrs. Margaret convcnUon. They alio visited their dent Roosevelt for his daring ex­ bad Issued hla regular We don'fknow yet. :Oj»y are throw­ treat. Can pWapple. Opening It said, allied alf* fleets may .deliver sons. Sgt. Leo Parkinson and Bert ploit. dedlned lo dlicuss his adfen- ing men and shells at ua and we with signal corpe knife, (pause) Hill Carter, dbtrlct home demon­ blows thrtfe Umes aa great. stration agent, in charge, will be Parkinson, wtio are stationed In tures, preferring to Uilk of Uie be­ 7 /b a r m ic ie ' may not be able to stand It. They “ My name Trvlng Strobing. Well-Informed experts agreed that SeatUo with the army air corps. lated honeymoon he and his wife, poitlog big ^ t d plane raids • Uila to. my mother. Mrs. Minnie held Wedne.idnv. June 3. at,J'p. • succwlon of such rald.i. Increas­ In-itead of 7:30 p. m-. at the Idaho whom he married In September. ' B III 'W Si thretf«f the chief tepanete inrasli Strobing. 603 Bnrbey strccl. Brook* ing Itrtcftle 0.1 United smtes air Dr. CoQCblln'llelter , . 1041, arc taking. bases. 'We've got about .43 minutes and iyn, N. Y. They arc to gek along Pow»r company auditorium, Mrs. fqrce.i become' available, might Carter announced today. Dr. John F. Coughlin, retired Twin He said they were going to Butte Wallace Beery Dill and Koepong, the chief towns I feel sick at my'stomach. I am OR. Get In toucji with Uiem boor bring Germany to her knees by a\i. Fnlla physician and surgeon. Was to attend "some kind of atelebra- Jt MMH , respectively of j^rtuguese ».n d really low down. They are around aa possible. My love to tumn, . ^ Return frem Coaat "resting fairly comfortably" at the Uon.’’ Netherlands Timor Uland, and I «e now smashing rifles. W ey brlnii Pa. Joe. Sue. Mae, Oaro'. Joy nnU Once the ta.<>k of smashing Ger­ Mr. and Mrs. A. D- Wilson have Twin county g?nerin hospital O'Hare was recenUy prom ote to on the north coast of New Qulnea, In the wounfled every mlrwte. Paul. Also to all family and frlenri-v man Indust:^had been achieved, air returned from a visit with KlaUve.i today, rthere he la being trpated for lleutenant-commander of the navy's were the targets. will bo waiting for y9U gttys to God bleis • 'em all. hope they be exporu predicted, it would be lela- In California aqd Utah after taking a broken right leg^and ankle and fleet itlr arm and awarded a con­ The DUl and Koepang raids ___ help. Tills Is the only thing I gucs.i Uiere when I come’ liome. Tell Joe Uvely. cosy for allied armies to In- Uielr daughter. Miss Shirley Wlbon. oUier injuries. He was hurt Ih a f " gressional medal of honor for his made at night; that on Lae before CIA be done. General Wolnwrlght tehercver he la to' give !enr Iiell for vodc tlie conUnenU to San Diego where she became ’the at one of hl.i business properties heroic deeds. “T dawn yesterday. Dill had been at- 1 ^ right guy and w e^re willing us. My1&ve you all. God bless you . 1,000 Plane Averaie bride of Ansel E. Hill, formerly of Main avenue Memprlal day. Ucked heavUy Friday. lUght. » go on-for hlrs, but shells were &i S keep voM. Love, sign my name ^ e s e sources said the RAF aim Twin Pall.1 . They visited, their son ■ In their new raids, allied planes dropping all night, fdster than holl. arfd tell mother how you heard from probably would be at an average of- and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. N016! Ends Tomor^w! centered on the harbor area at Dili me. (pouse) 1.000 planes on each nlglit of attack Melvin WlLnon, afSnKJlaphBel. and and oa the airdrome at Koepang. “ Stand by. , . “ but that it would be necu^ary, at anoUier aon and hla wife. Mr. and Idaho State Seen Today At lioe. tliey hurled bombs directly (That "ntand .by” was Uie lar.t tlmes,-to send over 3,000 bombers— Mrs. Leon wlI.wn.'Los Anffeles. be­ oa the airdrome runway and on the heard from CorrcRldor's radio.) all great, four-englned welght- fore returning via Toquervllle. Utnli, Pedestrian trudfilnR along Moln. dock area, and sUrted llres In carriers. to visit Mrs. Wilson's moUier. Mrs. Employes ill wearing a wldler’a knnp.iack. . . TNRIUS THI K R ItN . buildings. One caemy plane tried to ' Such a,force could drop I0.000j)00 L. J. Slack. • , __ , T ot juiC out ol swaddling cloUies Intercept at Uie. it was driven oft. pounds of high explo.ilve and Incen-- trying to ride a scooter on Sev­ : HAS NIVIR SUN dlaiy bomb.1 . Beet Fields enth avenue north while fond rls- Envoy Vessel • Some British air auUiorltlea have . B i r O R I . . . Jap Work Crew . trilto r4«# Op.) tcrs look oh. . . Warning llglit-s LAIIENO contended that bombing alone Is In- wjien high ^ lo o u close for summer ntlll burning ot open sewers o n . suffldent to win the war but Uierc Arrives Tuesday vacaUona. Sixth avenue north.. . Jean Hang prAIexande'r Korda NAZISRETREA' Arrives With Is reason t(^ believe that the gov- busily at work In Chamber of Com­ - (F r » r>I* Ottf) • • Tillman aald preliminary reports emmerft and the air council htivc merce offices, where she took over- "Chosen It os the best method ot pun­ At this time, however.' It t-i Impos­ showed tho «iy folk were making E sible even to guess If this will actu­ good beet thl'nners—a task th^t de­ today a-1 new secretary,- . . Man 908 on Board ishing (he Germans tmtU slUps are sacking coal on Main- avenuo —BOISB.-Juno 1 (-P>—At-least 400 available to transport an allied ex- ally be the case. velop* Uu&e backa and sore arms OESERIFIGHIGv^tors.are expected for tlie three- among the wtrolned because of the south.. . Mattress on Uwn of re.i- U lked wlin rreslclcnt Roosevelt. pedlUonary force to Uie continent. More than 100 other Japanese .... (Fraia P«f# Ori») (»y annual Idalio' Elk.i. convention Dw at work In the Nyssa. Ore.. large amoiiftt of atooplng Involved. Idence. at 137 Fourth avenue me) sent southeastward around the starting here Thursday, It was an­ He weiA Immediately from Uie aecUon. ha'vlng volunteered for the Each farmer gives his «;ew8 a n oryj.. . Army recruIUtig pcrgeant ' British left flank, appeared to have nounced today by Robert Overstreet pier to one. of several cors which work and having been transported short course on use of the short now wearing his regulaUon "go lo .choked off by a lack of supplies and iTbll" cap. better known as an and J. O. Malvln, co-chairmen. took his party and hU wlfe’Sjbody from Portland. The Amalgamated handled hoes and gives personal relnforeements. And the original ' Registration, under Uie dlre< t«mp»ny has a plant at Nyssa. supervision In the field to make oversea.1 cap. . ..Janitor Will Vo ft ■Waahlngujn-bound train. 1 1 Brown trimming trees with a hoe ■ oxU objective, coastal Tobruk, re­ U.S.AI ENW of Ed Peoaley, will open Wednesday Ray; Johnson. Red Croas olflclnlr Arrangements to bring the Jap­ sure that "city slickers" don't chop mained ftrmly In Sritlsh hands,' e%-enlng. Thursday and- Friday anese here to work were made by out the beet sprouta and leave Uie -at courthou-ie. . ^Fellow looking ■'•There were increasing Indications explained to the pa-isenRcrs that prettified wlUi bright blue straw events will Include rltuaUstle con­ 100 Red Cross workers on the dock the county commissioners, the sher­ we*dS standing. that OeoenU Ritchie was moving The workers are paid from WJO h a t,.'. And Md Dolling. wlUi wor­ tests. with teams from Moscow. would aid them with Information, iffs office, the sugar company nnd - from the defensive to the offensive. Caldwell. Twin Falls and Idaho Falls the United StatA employment aer- to $13. for thinning and blocking ried frown, picking cockleburr out There «ras -ao official esClmate of f^ d ^nd any accomodations they irr^m On.) beeUi. depending on cSndltlon of tho of sprouting gnus at side of new I NOVllLTV A NEWS competing. The winning t^ams wUl vice., tele^iono building. enemy toues. but reliable quarters be eligible to ptMclpate in the ns-- would pursue the Some -^lentless TJiU afternoon Sheriff W. fields. — — - aoid destroxed and bunting axis Uonal tontest. sponsored by the Newspapermen InclBded LouUs p. polity Jollowed by the RAP. ' Lowery aald that arrangements have Slate employe* -who tuued hides dotted the huge ^ t l e a grand lodgv, at Omaha In July. Lochner. chief -ot the former Asm- ' "It ts a cardinal prlnelplf of the been completed for adequate guards. for Uie woiJshsd been granXed spe­ Many tanks. It was sald( wHe fired An oratorical contest will bo eon- dated Press Berlin bureau; Alvin J. United States army air forces Uiat He also said that the Japanese will cial vacation by Gov. Chase' ‘ by their own axis crews after their ducted-by Uie AmerlcanUatlon com­ Stelnkopf. Angus M. Thcurmcr and a combat plane whieh h not being be voUinUully registered as Clark. . fuel was exhausted. mittee. headed by Ray-mohd Givens, Emeat FUchec'of tlie same burcaui Iw d to h]t the axis Is 'dolng no one us they arrive at the camp. Recruiting of the city n-orkers - At least 600 »ehlcles were known Friday afterfioo'n and night. Richard Massock, clilef of the for/ liny good and no one any hann." Meanwhile It was reported by o f - w^-represeataUve of plana From where I sit.... to have been destro>-ed by the royal A banquet In Hotel Boise Saturday mer Rorte bureau, and Max'KarTer> Arnold said. flclals that the. volunteer turnout be carried out Uiroughout Uie state olr fORfe daring the paat 73 hours, night will . climax the convention son o f the Bern bureau. He said the chief conslderaUon of workers from among townspeople when labor/diortagea develop, Till­ despite Oennan and Italian lighter Joe imhoff of Boise will sert'e 04 Reporters Irom German aald of h li Ulks here had/been to In­ was “fair" over the weekend and man said. Previously Nampa. Cald­ planes. master of ceremonies. The g ^ d there sUU were 4.090 in, America sure that the Inereioing demands ••gtiod" todaj-. Many more workers well and Welser city workers had . ^ Joe Marsh ball wUl follow. With M. O. Strong whom the Germans wished to re­ of- American units on American air­ are sUH needed and transportation been called for farm work. In cljarge of arrangements'. turn to the relch 10 aid the war craft production did not Impair the Is furnished from the employment ‘This is Uib only way that Volunteer Hurt The program also will include a effort However.- there were not DrlUsh offctulTO, now or in the fu­ •endco office each day at 7 s. m.. .in make Vp the tremendous deficit trap shooting tournament, with enough Americans left in occupied ture. . .__ m. and B p. m. Volunteer work- of farm workeri who will be needed He sold he believed a mutually to crops In Uils area." In Fighting Fire teams from Lewiston and Pocatello Europe to trade. Some American kre paid the same as regular save vital why the PltgHms landed at P>y> already entered, and a golf toumey, ottldUOs eatd a Bccotul voyage of the satLifactory balance has been struck. Ubceren. W, R. Wing, at the Boise employ­ ln'bel;ilng to exUngulsl^ a blue From Air Chief Mocshall to Uie ment-office said. "The mlgrotlcm ot mouth Rock instesd of aoratwhm at the coimtiT home of O. E. Qrleve with entries to date from Caldwell, Drottnlngholm . would bring back If more Japanese do not volunteer’d thlojc that Jnat abeut else. Nampa, l^wlston and Boise. iowUest helper the British were In­ to come here in the Immediate fu­ agricultural tabor into defenscy in­ Saturday afternoon, Chris Stohlcr most Americans of legitimate cltl' spired by the complete success of the everything wortii .while In the tenahlp who wlahed to return. ture then drasUc ocUon will have to dustries. 03 well aa the drafUcg of ren and taffered broken bones In Cologne raid. It had tieen calculated such labor In all parts of . this re­ world 'Wka Invented is the last one of his feet. b) taken to get volunteers into the Uiat If UiT raid were a success. 00 gion. makes it now almost tmbo*- few year*. Interesting, isn't it, the way ft Be la a the T t Id rails The Hospital fields for thinning and blocking the planes or six per cent .would be- sugar beets Hr*order tha^the vital slble to- find any apprtclable Dum­ simple, eraryday beverage Ilk* eotmty Benerof hospital.' NeWs of Rccord lost. Actually 44 planes. or,iS 3 per ber of surplus workers from other It's kind of refreshlog, for a H ie blaze was put out soon after crop can be saved. beer can sret Ungled up with hi*> cent, failed to return. When Ger­ areas.* change, to find out that some (Itu - toryl It was dlicoTcrtd, Origin of the fire No beds were available at the many lu t folded Britalo in force. Twin Falls county general hospital MARRIAGE UCENSE8 - EIOUT EXECUTE!) ant things in our modem life date Pcrclval Adam Smith, 33 and Uio I ^ o n raid of May 10. I W l- MOSCOW. June 1 (A^The mUl'- w ^ bsek tO|aaeicQt dty*. today. Ufilng &00 planes, one-third M many Maybfllt’aboeausother«'i*oia*» j • ADMITTED Mary C. SmlUi. 31, both' of Twin Uiy t^bunal of the Moscow dhtrict thing fundamental tnd human FalU. as BriUln sent on itj gr«at announced today that eight' men M n. Robert Miller, Jerome; Mre. fcnalve—Oennany lost 33 planes, about beer. It’s the beYtrage of Donald MacKajr, Filer. had been ienttnced to deaUi before ______moderate! sinslble. well-^haved__ -----‘BIRTHS ■ ' per cent. For InsU n co-I read the other firing *juads for serving the Ger­ day about ft piece of ^ tte r y aome ptopJa Ih ^ e ry part ef Ihe.woiU, T o Mr. and Mrs. Paul Colllj, Twin mans during the enemy occiipaUoa FUR OeraM Ashby. Mtv. Leonard EUs, FaDs. o'boy; to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. EXTENSIVE RAIDS. of Moihaisk. aclentlsU dug up In JfesopoUmla- and alwayi ha« been. M n. J. s . Hlnshaw, Susan Robert- Bogue. FUer, a boy; lo Mr. and Mr*. VALLETTA. MalU, June I WV- On the pottery was a pKture of • • • eon. Mrs. Cedi Foye and son. and R. M. Warbefg, Twin Falls/ a girl, One hundred sixteen raiding axis two brewery worker* making beer. Mrs. Sam Houston and son, Twin planes were shot down over- this be- all Sunday, and to Mr. and M n. STORAGE Perwaally, I like It becanae ll Falls; Kenneth Egbert. Murtaugh; Calvin Thomas. Twin Falls a k U leagtiCTCd lalaod during May by Mta. T«jm Lundln, Eden;,Mrs. R. 8. ground and alr.defenses. ■ taf (e«.io good and ia m refreehiss today, all at the Twin Falls county for as low aa . and I knowJ.e»n traat I t And .. general • hcnplul- maternity .home. To MT.'aod Mrs; Charlet Burgoyne. I get a thrill ont of thiaUnc that Filer, a.boy, today at the home of WEATHER LAWN Yoa know, thafa.ootaelhlnf to maybe some writer fellow back ia Mrs. O. Tets, 433 Third avenue cut. Twin Falls and vicinity—6Ucb(- think abouL Beer...6,000 yearaagot anclent^^fiDli^r andenf M ewp^ Lawrence Rites ly wanner taday and te^ b t^ MOWERS I vender if It tasted osM loC Uka la of 7«ar« «c*. fait FVNERAL8 the good Iiger beer I hara aeot up ‘ the asme Way about t>e«r • • I ^ JEROME, June 1—JoMph Griff-'' Last year’s Prices store your fun safely CURTIS - - Funeral services Jor adequately diirlng hot turn-; the house every sow- aad then. In* .Lawreow, retired Railway Ex- John W. Curtis, CosUeford, who died RICHABO'S It'a a anaQ world, after a . . pren agency manager.-will be paid tner monUiiI Our regular s Friday a t'th e Twin Palls county ^mewheteeUe,ItUdthatb««r ' ttnti trthut* T u e ^ j ai-8'JO gtBtrU l^copiiii: be heW Tue*-- ELECTRO.FENCE quaUty w r tltt.______'____^ —«e»e over oi|-th«'M«yllowtt^in” - ^j/oto /ouT'dava-tpithovtir al'tb'0'7crome funeral homo, c^pel. day, June 3, at 10 a. m. at the Evans Priee* Btirl ai fUJO ^M^GEL-AUTO -fact, if 1 reacnber right, a ahertv^ fatal trafftoaecident in our Rot.' Walter Harman, Christian and .Johnson funeral home' chapel. RICHARDSO^WS church pastor.Jrtll pfflclate. Inter- Buhl, wltb ChrlsUan SclentlsU In . / Twla FoDi. WoBo •(•.of beer.vaa eaa o f thftrw itma - - inentTrm ^nP thB -Jeronje' ccmh- SbDEN ELECTRIC Charge. Nela Z^usoh will be reader. Pbone >70 . Next to Oipbesa CLEANERS'*' DYEBd; Burial will be In the Buhl cemet«ry. Twin F a l l * ,^ 171 BoW. Pfc' 1 , M J 2 '' TIMES-NEW S. TW IN FALLS, ID^HO Page.TIiiWi tUGpllEOllO: ^Company B Leaders UlSB WILL M .Mesico’s Answfci' to Axis—“We Go to Wai’” MAtt-VMlEn'■ «ASOiH DR.WILLlAM[lftLL M1U345W . nr n'tWITT MACKENZIE POCATELLO. June, 1-D r, Wll- Magic Valley* 'war bond » n d ______Wid^ W «Id.W *c?AiuUyil“ .. _ •llim-W. Hall.-Jr_ president of- Uie stamp quota for June 1* • Ttie allita yery defiitllely &re get- subsuntial'inctease over the J#*y A Ung ahenrf wILh thaln'Job Of tappLOf college Of idolio. wUl ^ilve the cdm- ^ Herr HlUer io le»rtt the measuii: mencethenl address at tJte Unlver-i quotas uhlciv a'ppareaUy will’ b« far • * • of hU elrUt^ • A • • , ally of Idaho, souUiem branch, next exceeded when' final M iy flfuret LAUst-»ftAwMt.fejpre»alvo Jjreof Hiureday ai 0 : 0 a. m., according to ■e'tabulated. of Uila resO In Uip revcUtlon of «lr AVtorinclusion of Elmore county... ------p«JTO'ln^«'TTfcorf Brtllsh-bojnblnft nn annoiiiicrmcnl by Df- Jolin R. the nine south centnAt; counties ara raid by soifu liSO wurplanes Vfilsh Nichols. rxe<;mive deiin. N. asked to purchnss tSiSiSOO In war - laid w&sle (« A l^trcc nren of the -■-Dir«hn-Mr-;rHiH]; who were en­ bonds and stamps during the month caged In ediicaUonal work In Bul­ ancient, city of ' Cologne—a . rfiilly garia prior to Uir outbreak of Uie beginning today. ' . tOTlf>'Jn* exhlblUon. . _ ‘ __ war In Europe. ulH occupy Uie gueat Twin Falls county. In which bond- , Omen ©f Future - room In Uie new SluUent Union fltnmp purchases soared nearly dou­ Thai In. to use Uie lansuR*e of building. ble Uie May quota/ was aligned R ' BflUdh Premier Churchill, -a herald Dr. Hull altendftf Hotchkiiwi Achool June Kual of tM5.e00 compared with ' of what Oermany wHl recelvc, city and wiLs gnuluatcd frojn Princeton Uie sas.s00 given It last m onU i.T^t by city." This »Utcment sc(]Ulre3i ufilverslly In 1025, He hold.% Uie U Uie Uilrd largest quoU In Idaho. added alsnlflconce ihroush th«.an- Duclielor of Divinity degree ironi Ada county'*, is M10.600; Bannock nounecmenl Urfay In London by Union TJieoloKlciO bi-mlimry. New SlSO.iOO. Lieut. Oen. Henry ‘Arnold, head of Vork. nnd Uie Ph. D. froin Yale SouUi ctJilrnl Idaho monthly.av­ the United SUUs air foreea. lhat unlvenity. For five jcur.% l>rc;.lclcnl erages f r ^ July. 1941, through he hiw-pmctlcally completed eon- Hall waiv engaged In teaching luid January of 1042, wlUi Uie quotas for lerences with BrllUh I*Ji4 cni to de- ndinlnl.itnitlve work' in Uic Ameri­ June, are as follows In ^ ocla ted , velop "Uie maximum impact w our can coUfgc.‘'Sol'lii,'Bulgivrla. Hi; ti»d Pres-s tabulation received today (to- • combined air ntrcnttth" on Germany. previously tnUKlil liLsioo' ynd Bl'- tjvl represents face vtUne): . • , In short, th«-^urlnln hM been ble at Robert college, litunbul. .Tur­ Average June Qnota drawn aside to kWc u.i a glimpse of key. He 1.1 Uie auUior of a book and .tS,OGO $ 33,600 an allied; fleet which In mpldly de- [leverM mnKi»ilne-4:tic]e.-\. ^ . u n ------7.000 vfloplnR tnlo a force Uinl rothlnR ot4| Aiher^U, Wll-%on. IVln FalL,. pres- . D.IJO 43.M0 • earth will be able to wlth.nt«nd. We lUeni of the ^tnll• Ixxml of rducu- . ff.781 24,800'^ 22.600 fhalj, In due course, be nble'lo blMt tjuti: Harrison C, Diile. Moicow. ot banner* sach I I the»e were par«Jcd over head* ot tho.. In Csnstltdtlon pU u. in - 0,742 Hllfer’B Germany off-th e n"'P--'P pTc.ildent of the UnlVPr^Uy of Idalio . baekgrcsnd. at Mexleo City In a huge demenstraUsn aapperUng Frealdcnt .. Q,B3B 39.400 of the KaUnnal- pataee .. 2.875 20300 make way for another relcli which anti .of Uic ioullienr branch: Judu*- >i'. Idaho state ly actlvltlc.i. garden clul), held at the home Of open hoti.%e Tliur.sdav In the After­ Josephlnfe with Mrs. Ferrts forms the chief bsrrlpr to the Cnu- guard? If you do. there's a place EnllstmenUi for Uie new nqund noon nnd agnin in Uic evening fol­ ol.ion, gin her Internship at King connty'a ' rajus.'but Uie Important point to JEED OF IRLH Mrs, A, J. M>c. . . playing Uie plwio nccompanimnnt hojplUl In SeatUe. Wash., In Jan-' for you—In the "awkward squiid." wilt be tnken Immedlatelv. Srvernl lowing Uie style revue nnd progrnni. keep In mind U that the mere fact The formaUon of the squad wifa Twin Falls men have luked'to Join, MOSCOW, Ida.. June l(-r^ O rca l- "I'v.enty diiplais were entcVcd by Tlie newly recondlUoned voeatlon- and MI.V1 Lynch, the violin. Aiary. • Uie Na*ls haven't been able, to gel announced by Capl^ M. GrootM, In addition to Caplaln Grootes, er • recognihon of religion ih .the individual members, and Mr*. Vir­ , afW building, the new dormltorj* Three members of the advanced Mid Camm wltl live In Kansas ahead with their project of break- world of the future m is urged ye.i- ginia Ikard acted as judge. Award* or the rest of Uie year with her the compon.y commander, through the officers' of the jonyi.tnv nrn vl the new heating plant nnd laun- blind elasses. Joyce Bamea. Robert .. Ing through Into that Gitrden of acUng Sgt. U. N. Terry.'hLi pub- Winston Potter, flrft lift^ a n t; lerdny by the Very Rev. Frank A. were presented lo Mrs. Julian, Rlek- ,, ry were open for InspecUon. In­ IsUir.- Kfr*. L. W. Blauer, Wlchltt,' ' W in h In lUelf a firrlous setback. llclty officer. . 'W. W. Thoma.'i, second lleurenani: Rhea of Boise. Eplscopnl bLMiop of eti.N. Mrsi, and Mrs. H. C. 'L.ilrd. structors and admnced student* WaJton and Vonda KelTer, presented ,’here she will do secretarial work. &cry day they are kept from the Tlie companyls at Its aulhorlted George Clilro.i. first sergeani; Idaho. In his baccalaurralc hcrmoii cond. coadiictlitg die tours. Exhibits of ft-o- playlet. tran.ifated from oil and oUicr frc.-.h Auppnes whlc strengtii—S3 officers and men. Oul Howard Ijirsen. sergeant ot the for graduating atuclenu at Untv,er- A luur of .Mrs. Mye'« flower gar- cntlftnnl nrti were featured. o.s v.-ell French; * Hitler needs so badly Is another nail with ft number of members ellRlble first platoOn: Corp. i;. N. Terrj-. slly of Idaho. -den foUowiiig I'tic meeUng.-’ IS Uie new structure.i. Victory Urlll Birthdays Honored ROOERSON, June 1—Mr. and In the fuehrer'.'V coffin. So long as for the'crsoni«l calling card, tnmple /of advanced blind students preiented Tliur.sday night, in honor of the ISth leave. • Albert Pruncis. Orrlii Fuller, Wll- nnd Robert Drown of Kellogg, vlce- demon-tnillon in churgc of Ray O. prlnUng done by the MudenUs, About numbers, directed by Mrs. Ferrts. birthday of the CoUoh. twin*. Betty It Li lliU surplus-Umt will (!P Ham D. Spenctr’ anil AuKU'l Wll- presldent- Peler.',on.. county cxten»lon agent, 05 cardi were printed during "She Closing number wa^ a circus b)' the nnd Ben. and the birthday of -Ur. RFC Depots Will ■ Into UiB "awkwrird Miuml." T h e Hams, corporals. Dr. Fuller abo li Urge Devclopmenl be presented at Uio home of afternoon. smnll blind etutfehu. abo directed ZIUIox. membent of the squad will be given the bugler. • The as.soclailon went on record L, W. Crandall, president of Tlie annual revu» presented for by Mrs. Ferris. \ Accept War Ores special drilling apfirt from the . Tlie company drills ever>'Thurs- also as favoring an iipproprlutlon Uie, June 2. M )0 a. m. Uie pftst several years In the Junior Fourth grade diplomas were pre- '-WASHINGTON. June 1 tli.PJ^Ar- regiilar drills of the company nn* day night at Uie American Legion by'Uie state legtilalurr of JllSO.OOO •nie demoTUiratlon wll! b* on ways high school nUdltorium was dii- snted 'by SuiA Burton W. Driggi 'When'thelr Induction time arrlvei hiUl. for an Intensive program to develop of .ridding Uie gardens of f^ect pen-sed with this year due to Uie war .5 Uie fallowing boys; KelUi-Black — • ^ahaemenU for tJie cstAblLihment of r t r E v ery BuiWing. buylftfdPpoU at numerous jw lnu In Idaho re.-tourcc.'. pe.-.ti. conditions and was replaced wllh n Boise: Harry Turner.. Twin FnlU; the Pacific coost and Rocky ^b u n - Tlie a-v.ocliition resolution apcclfl- itjle show nnd proRrnni glven-1n the Charles Tyree. Coeur d'Alene, and Bi? or Little Use lain weft »o Uiat chrome and mixn* cally requested Uie board of regents itnte school auditorium nhd,- tlie Roland Kelly. BoLse. orw may bo* deUvered In for that sum to carry on a program Hansen RNA Lodge 'recrcaUon.n TueMtey afternoon the annual CINDER BLOCKS Japs May Leave Eden Camp of research and cxpcnmenuilloi*. for school picnic, usually held at Bfin- truck and •o.-agon loads have beeti Tlie style .ihnw wa.'i Riven under Walls for a bam. 30x50 by 8 . 1 eompletod. Chairman Jess Jones of greaurr utllliatlon of Uie sUi Ui'k To Fete Husbands the dlrectlonof the In.struclor.’Wf*. bury'j.-w(i8 held on Uie campas -^*‘- mlnernl. Umber, agricultural Mlldr(-d FouLs. Girls of th e 'a d ­ feel high, cost only *324^0. laid Uio Reconstructloh Finance corpor­ I the wall. Cinder block for ation announced todoy. To Work in Harvest Fields oUier rescurv.s. boili n-i a wartime vanced elawe.n ^ d some of the novelty races, sports • , Poj-menl will be made.a-f«>on a.', and Mst-wor mrniure. Cal Hill. Plfin.-; were discussed for cln.ucs taking ilfu-t, modeling the various kinds, _ hen house. 16x30 by 7 feet high The wartime civil cohlrol admln- ber of the corp.i until luo weekj cost only tlOLSO. They Insulate lota of 10 toM or more have been htratlon. under ccrtaln .condjyon.?, Blsltfi^ Rlirii asserted tlinl .... the difltrlci convenUon to be held’ vnrloua types of gnrmentA made o;fIcIal closlris day for the school after Uie end of the end of the war. and are fire proof.. delivered and analyzed. Jones said. will be able to pennll Japane/t who 2—He swears loyally to Uie United world must find some way of Jiving Tttjn-Falls June 10. Tlie group will in se*mg classes during the year. \Aav Tl ^ Dqwta are being-cstAbllahtd by will be housed at the Eden camt} to State.i nnd agrees to perform talUi- In peace nnd harmony after this h^ve a pot-luck • dinner Tuesday, Instrumental numbers were pre^ ^ Uie MeUb ncj.crvo company, subsl- leave Uiat camp to work In the flrftts tnll<>ucAU tAsk.5 oTvilgned lu i;lm by terrible niKlitmare U over. June 2. nt 7;30 p. m. ai Uie-Woo- of Uie RPC, at Phoerttx. ArU.; diirlnff thi’ fall harvest, li was learn* -Uie'coi-p.i authority. . , ^ "We wrestle noi against and man hall with their husbands partment under the direction ot are about 350.000 Ameriean citltens Jerame, Idaho Phene < Aubum and TracyC Calif.: SalkJa, ed by Uie Tlmes-fiwi. J—He may be granted furlouglu blood, bul agnin.1t prInclpaliUcs, gucst-i. Miss Julia Lvnch and the stnle- living-out.%lde Uie Unlted._SUt«s, Colo.: Dutic. Mont.: BatUo Moun- WlUt lO.OOq Japanese to be hoiticd .tor work In agriculture, indii.itry or against jKjwers, against world riders After the bu.-Jnc^i meeiing bingo echool quartet. consLitlng of Mrs. normal times. Uln. Nev.. and Demin*. N. M. ' at Uie Eden camrf—*uul wlUi muny outer private employment under the of this dnrkncM. against splrltuiil wa.-! played, the prlrc-.-i («>lng lo Mi.vs StaUons at Yreka. Calif., w d of Uifie being able bodlcd young JeU<)ecn •lasses In recipes to save on sugar. Tills situation will give Uie Jap- Inst .v>cla> meeting of the ien;.(in employed in defea-.e work ---- , Advance Showing of Women’s ane.\e a chance to demonstrate iheir the home of Mrs. J. A. Wnlle. Leo Turner, Murtaupli, » virfting loyalty and willingness to serve the nork.imd business. aea:Jon .will be his uncle, Wilbur Turner, Upon nppllcatlon from the war The Hale fnmily hn.-- moved Into JEROME country. rflbcauon auUiorlty. nnti »talci held once ft montl) rturljig the i In Uie war relocaUon auUiorlty's mer ai the homes bf members. the tcachcrnge. Mr, Hnie «i|| be Uinl Uie conditions IJsteifhave principal ot Ru.well Lnne school this '' Mr. and M n. Id Eoff have been bulleUn on the subject, the follow­ met to the satbfacllon of U ie ___ Mrs. Earl Hansen .conducted Uie ing Is found: leason study. "Future of Marriage coming vcar. • b « n en]oyin-4 » brief -visit with relocaUon authority, Uie wartlhie Thelma Trimble. Kimberly. U rU- 1942 Uielr.ion and daugfeWr. Ruth *n4 OUltstlens Astui^cd and Family Life." Proffraci oonslst- clvU control administration will-per­ Itlnf her cousin. Paulb* WooUn. Donald, who *r» both employed in “Among the obUgaUon* which the mit Japanese to leave auemblr c«n> •d ot (ttltar and vocal number* by goremment work. Both left Friday <«nllstee assumes are these: ter*' Ouch aa that at Eden) for pri­ Jeanette and Delores ShaF. a read­ for the coast. - ■ 1—He agree* to serve as a. mem- vate employment provided the lo- ing and vocal number by Mrn. Ken­ Mias Nancy Reed. diiuRhler of Mr. caUon of such Japanese 'L« outside nedy nnd a comic reading by Mr.i. FALL COATS and M ii. Prcd C. Rccd, Jerome, baa Uie . boundaries of military area Ersal Shupe. ' arrived for a visit with her percnts, CAREY number one..’ IdnJio Is not located Co-hoslciscs were Mrs. C U I She plans to return’ after a few In mllltnry-area number one at King. Mr*. Clint Shaw and .Mrs. \Vc have rcccivod a namplc ahowing present time. , weeks to3 on Jose, Calif. Owen .Barton, who was opernled. Alma RobertAon. of the new 1942 fnll coats. There are Mr. ana Mrs. Lee S. Johnson hnd ProspecUvp employer* seeking lo on for sinus InfecUon at the L. D. S. fur trimmed coata and fitted diURhter. Pally. Iiavc returned from hospital In Sail Lake City, Is some- arrnnge for the private empl<^menl Europe'* motor vehicles, the few Denver. Colo., where they attended whot improved. He was accompan­ of Japnnet^ under the condlUons Uiat are «tlU JspernUng, nrc mlng nnd . box type'coata in plain colors nnd graduaUon cxerclie*' for a daughter, flUt«d will need to consult E. ” everyUiIng frotn alcohol from ied by .hln wife. Mrs. Barton, and Fryer, regional director ot war ., plaid.s. Some hiivc n’latchinp iQuffs. Wo Orla. Ml*s Otla Johnson.,has ac- his p ^ n ts. ^{r. and Mrs. Amoe bakery dough to producer ga.-i frcov ♦ Barton. locaUon authority. Whltcomb^otel. charcoal bum en io replace nTmosi eept^l ft-poalltonJM secreUry to a- Sa^i Francisco. are indeed fortunatey^^bt^ able to offer' manager of the May company,' firm Mr. and Mrs. Kerfcilt Perrins and unobUlnatile nA6Ilne. TryAlIJFk - In Denver and does not plan to re- family. Dlackfoot. are spending the y^ou thift sr a n d Bclcctton o f coa ts . a t this turn to Jerome thU summer. week wlUi.Mrs. Perrin#' parents, Mr. money savlnjj price. M1S3 Louise Flechtner. daughfcr and Mrs: Hay Ivle. of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Flechtner of Mrs.. George Rice. Zlnmeti, U vLi- Jerome ht6 been a. guest of her Itlng her daughter. Mrs. D. E. Adam­ Coata Of- thl* type sold parents' J o r a brief 'lime; She ha» son. Mrs. 'Arnold Sherrlff and S E A f D THE F A V O R t T E ^ daughter, Mary Sue, are also visiting last fall ; . . and wld been attending Reed's eolleae. Port­ •ell again thU fall (or $39.50 land. and plana to visit In Utah. Los M r*., Adamson. Mrs. Sherrlff Angeles and other coast clUes as formerly Mlss.FVm Rice. , Mrs. Earl Hudson and son spent well as Vancouver before reluming the week-end vWtlng friends here. 10 Jerome; The remaining months Mra. Hudson was fonnnly Ken- of the summer ahe will be employed neUt QllUam. in 0un Valley. Alden and Drerjl Jvle have been Robert Connor, for a number of BUtloned at Sheilard field.' Tex., $ jeari an employe of Tlngwall'* de» where ihrlr oUier brother. James. Is partmcnt store In Jerome,'has gone also intralnlng In Uie U. S. army. to SeatUe where he will go into de: NOW Mrs. Walter McBride and son, If you are nnxlous to tSf\M work, and will later go to Jllnmle. Victor, are visiting he par­ ONLY AUaka. where he employed ents. Mr. and Mrs^ Parley Mecham. *e« what the new coat.s In similar.duUea for the duraUan/- will,be like for next fall Of interest to friends here Ih Jer^ 25 we *lncerely urge you to ome. was arrival rccenUy of Mrs. FIIJER’ Buy NOW Oh— Stella M oorrrwho-rctumctl-M -hcr .come In and see this home afur Juivlng been absent lor Filer cliapter No. 40. Order .. advance afiowlng ,on our • .1. Lay-A-Way Mveral' months. Mrs. Moore 'stales Esstoro .su r . will hold a rfgular rendy-to-wear balcony, 2 . E a sy P a y B u dget Claa. . : that it the climate agrees with her meeUns Wednesday evening. Jtuie 3. . 3 . Low Cuh Price aht wUl remain 1n Jerome lor the with charter members 'tnd-^ past 4 . SO D t^ C h a r g f. . Umf being. Ur*. Moore 'fias been matrons and pCM patrons as guests. rlslUng rtlaUves in Btockton. Iowa. A special pnjgram has been ar­ - Mrs. R. O. Preeman haa returned ranged and the proficiency l£st wlU Revised Resrulation W makes it manditory that ws chAngi home from Sun Valley and .Ket- be given to seven new members. :hum where ahe has been speeding Mrs. Lillian Macaw is vUIUng at , oar billing da'teii to a,-calendcr month. Therefore bcjrinninj Uie past lew day*. the Jack Thorpe home at Jerome. NOTICE witb the month lof May our books will close on tht last daj • ^ Capt. Mao Hardwick., ton oT Mr. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Greer of the month instead of the 25th. • ' and Mr*. WUllam N. Hardwtck. h u daughter, Irene, left Thursday for -been promoted to rank of ma}or, a week-end vUlt wlOi retaUve* at fort SlU. Okla. Powell. Wyo. Irene will remain Tor Mr. and Mr*. Bmest Nlms have a longer vlslU gone to.CaUfoTTila where they will Mrs. J. B. ^turray and infant daughter returned hone SituvlaT visit with their son. Oarl Nlms, frofti the county hospltaL » X. C ANDERSON Co. Berkeley. They also plan to visit Ur. and Mra. J. A. MlUer and other relatives, and will be gone two fsmlly left Wednasdar for -Albion \ — Twin Palls ...... reeki ■ to spend tha tummcr.

- - i a _■ ,P»g« Four' Monai/. Jdne 1 ,1948


na«.aUUkk«l .... WHIRLIGIG FROM NEW YORK ■ StAMINA-Under flKreUry R obert'p. P»tter»on. WITNK8B—If fovenunent prea their wild jaercenarlei through the 4u MniM, «l l» a«ea Jr.. U UiB ottlcUl who'U tkUUuUy tntnlpuUUng; Um mountains. And here too hve the Ua TlM ^tw* ruklkUt agenu would quit bandln« out pap. pretidenUtl tnd legUliUvt ------' about the submarine menooa and UU [ndUa> IMoalemt. the fiercest flght- .Ejiund u Mwed «Um BtU sulUz A»r{) I. lll i't t tM of the 18-ftcd lO'yeur-oklj. At mlUUry production tha American public tha' whole irs Ir^Uithe vlceroy'a armlea. .M fb . 1> T .I. rJb. IMiaw Ik. J t a ttonk I. lilt. mantger. ha li promoUng tha U«< becftUM of tha truth, we not only would vrio3L up •UMcmrnoH eatxs thoruga or Irftlaed IndusUI*! workert. He beUivet w r ears with astonishment but wd BURNED—The arrival of L leuU ^ that the fighting men muit be drawn from the lower would bang our heads In thome. We Gen. H euy Arnold and other 'aky and Aturdler brtckeu. fall to grasp the Mrioumew o f tha chiefs la London has revived ex­ •s;s; H j« contfoverjJ'. over.enlUlment of achoolboy* h u ------situation because cited specuUtlon about a sustained a iljniricant bsckground—It me*- o f f T o l a i aerial offensive against Gemany, DEMOCRACY MAKES GOOD within easy distance ot the Panama and grueUng. it It a same ^or the hardy. Caetar had canal and the state ot Florida. ...A anUclpated stouter resistance In the supreme teat of total war. democracy many mlddle*aged Romans In his legloni, but the Three allied > merchant sUomers- and had' assunbled ointold numbers l3 proving It can produce Iho good*. . average age of our soldiers In th« to n itniggle was 33. were Med to piers. The channel of dive>bombers to destroy Gamilin'a We were alow about deciding what we reaching the Inner harbor Is nar army. They were designed for UiU wanted to do. That wns because we decided FEAR—President Roo.-icvrIl has SRalii delivered s row. only 30 feet deep, and readllj one Job—no other. With the arml^- visible. An enemy U-boat surlsiied Uce Ooerlng had this huge, almost ./or oursolvu Instead of permitting some Hit­ cnilsed along the Inlet In broad day. unscathed armada on his hands. ler, Mussolini or Stalin to tell us what we and carefully conslilsred movfs to encoursge Chinese light, and at their leisure aont three Overconfidently the high com­ tttoi^ght. and Ruulans os they close In lor clcclslve engascmenta. torpedoes Jnto the hulls which ob- mand diverted It to another purpose • /" We-wero slow In getting under way'because. with axis troop*. Since Hitler and lUrohlto aim. to llUrat*d,Uie craft. Then the Invad­ and trusted that sheer numbers knock out our powerful allies this summer, P. D. R. er sailed out defiantly and did not would overcome quality. The superior being dem ocrat, we do not like to fight, had itrlve.f raise their hopes. hiutanerge unUl at sea. The only British planes clawed from the not thought much about the. matter, and at Japan ta seeking franUcoUy to drive a wedge be"' .wespon our men had with whlcR to clouds the outclassed Invaders. The first set our sights too low. tween the "democrauo front" and the people of the oppose this brazen asault was a lesson of that colossal mlscalcuIaUon a But once clrcumatonces; aljted by.Japanese Philippines, China, aurnin. Jova and India. Tokyo's puny machine gun! Commanted the has been burned Into the mind o f “ aJogan Is "Asia for the Aslatlc.v” In carrying out this eyewltne&s bitterly. ’’It was- Pearl every aviator since. Hence the visit treachery, awakened us to the sordid facts of doctrine, Nipponese soldiers are discrediting the mal­ harbor all oyer again." of a U ^ . military mission to make . lnter;iatlonal life, we started doing such a Job treating whlCci tft Manila. Hong Kong and Singapore certain we hsve the exact inachlnes as no other ifBtton could, even approach., while they show unusual tenderness to the natives. To LUCK-Japan already Is attack­ and formations , for the bUU of A mllUoii-dollara in pin money today. We meet thU releue agree* t^lng to aoften up the neutral atate Rio clients which ahows that our L ot's n o t thinlc o f it a j s o m u ch m oney. Let's ment with Stalin nppears to be » prelude to even ot Afghanistan which touches the South American lielghbor has put more substantial negoUatlonj that can ^ t ba^-an- northern bordera of Uie staUSlo In force far more drasUo anU-axls T iju A lb e It in t4rm s o f ships a n d ta^ks, planes nounced now. The fear ot Communism has been ex­ Punjab, according to word yeeelv* measurcs than we did while a state and guns, powder and bullets, Jeeps and acbut ploited to advanuge by der fuehrer at Vichy. Rome, CAREOFYOUR ed In New York trading circles wlUi of nonbelligerency existed between ' c^rs and khaki-colored trucks — war para­ the VnUcan, Madrid. Ankara and other Important buslnesa Interesta . In northern tu and the relch. The administration phernalia we weren't tryirfg to manufacture capitals. Any successful attempt to include the Soviet India. ( of President Vargas did not atop at within the'economic and/soclal'setup of the western The Kabul government -a lew merely freezing Teuton money. . , three years ago and are making today. CHILDRW world would have the .vAlue of a victory on aea and P O T S h o t s By ANGELO PATftI monUu ago ran out of the country It };as confiscated the property ot We started In 1930 with an Industry de­ land for our side. ■ ' Berlin and Rome naUonals and cor- voted exclualvcly to civJIIan neoda. Insignifi­ OLD BClioOL NEGLECTED pocaUons. Depending upon circum­ cantly, her? and there, we made a few t ^ RIGID—Tlie appointment of Lewis W. Douglas as INITIATIVE the unruly tribes on the Russian stances the alien Is compelled to , operations chief of the maritime commission marks and Indian fronUers. Now Japan relinquish to the reBUbllc between of powder, a few thousand rifles, a few hun­ , GENTLEMAN IN THE TMRD ROW In Room One Uie AcUvlty Pro­ the first serious attempt to aolve the crlilcal waUr gram was In full swing. Miis Jennie ho.1 taken over the Job of Intrigue onq and 10 per cent o f his lortune. dred fighting planes. For many of the things transportation muddle. It means th e. replacement ol thoroughly believed In getUiig eacli nnd open Instigation to rebellion. • required by-a m odern soldier w e dldtn ot e'v6n ofesslonal "company men" by a hard>bolled, bril- PROOF P O sm V E ' AR.MY TRAINING, A LA T l i r child to wouc along his own line She has bribed, the Faqlr of Epl and possess Wurfprlnta. ------in( and-dlslntcrcstefoshloned and out­ cold, rain, etc.. that are boosting coal ter written by airlend or ours.'Har rooking posters, some stuffing bay of Bengal. ' worn concepts. Tliey were exceptional tchnlclans, but soles but making life rolnerable five ry Nichols, onetime Twin Falls gent animals, some planning cages, paint-. But for once luck. Is with the Llojd Brasllelro. the largest ateam- of commodities to service the entire American Uicy were hot equipped to solve prdblems of an Oceania United NaUons. The whole defendve shlp line, has been expanded by n attoni days out of every sevtn. And ihLii now at Port Uonard Wood. Mo,) Ing boards, making signs. world In which Vewels were being sunk almost as coal salesman aald even he Is Ured Jimmie was a sore Uiumb In the system of Indla'was planned years the purehue of Jive Danish-craft While we are finding fault with Washington fast as they were Eullt. They continued to bring In ago against the Russians—In those which had taken^fuge In the har- of the chilly weather. T ills past month has been a busy' organlzAUon. He wanted i ' for.its confusion and failures of leadershlp,- line fruits, vegatablea^nd meats from South American That does 'It. rage the weather- every group and succeeded days called'by Kipling "the bear bors. President Vargas a l s o . h a i * and Caribbean countries because It griped them to one. We're getting a lot of toughen­ Uiat walk like a'man.'* Railroads seized fourQ^rmiin and 13 Italian'' wlth capital and labor for their selfishness ing exercise* that I don't mind in 'ing useless In each. Try .1 see a Iwat return empty. They stuck to ancient routes might Miss Jennie cou)d fit . him and cantonmenta point toward boats totaling 113,000 tons which and shortsightedness, let’s not forget the the least except that I llnd I'm not than offset the recent losses because Uiey knew no others, even ttiOUKh there were MORS ON WEA'niER securely Into no one group. Hr Afghanistan, These odvantages now positive aide of the bal^ince sheet.' shorter cuts Between our porta and the various fronts. aA young as I uswl to be. Just'the con be used If the Nipponese ^ u r by. marauding sub.i. Dear Potsle: Mmc .1 manage *lo hold my had to be. treated as a very bother We have multiplied our plane production They refused to recognize that the really Important Let'* have a parade en/the some indtvldusl. one which " Ui< traffic was thc-rralUwlUch left our Miorcs. ami tiiat wheUier It be double timing through 24 times, so that with Henry Ford's new plant day we don't get any rain. the woods, going over the obstacle Class Leader. "Helen, aged going U loading abroad with Imports causcd delay. Jhls pro­ on 1'* sighed over dally. operating-we. afcne, will be making nvore air­ cedure should be abandoned .lor the dursUon. I'hey And If we'do, betcha It'll rain ... course or marching with a pack on (he-pnrade, — Seurputs my l>acle''lour, six and eight miles. One day Jimmie brought a note Ci;AP:PE&’S OBSERVATIOl^ craft than all the axis nation’s combined. Wo were not big or smart enouKh to oppose ccrUIn gov- to the teacher who read It and said. erftnicni ogenclcs InsliUng on ••busine.M ns usual" for Because of my dutle* as clerk I oc­ are building this year as many cargo ships as REVEALING 'HIE RKVEREND'S casionally mlsk out on the exercLies "So you are going to'm ove out of the total w e possessed 'J an . 1, 1041. W e arc diplomatic reasons. Uie city. It will be nice f( "nie newcomer Is not a marine rxixrt and liiia no FRONT NA51E and deeply resent < being left be. turning out tanks, at last, as fast as we can Well, anyway, we know the front hind. " , to be In the c;puniry. I'm NATIONS AT WAR such haiullcap.i. He has what prevlou.^ i^rformances When the door closed behind Jimmie use them . demonstrated l»-4Mentl(il In this fleld-nn^orlglnal name of Rev. J5. Leslie Rolls. Uie 'Whenever I see the going Is tough to go In managing Uie labor aupply genial vicar of the £pUcopaI'church I say to myself. ’Nlchola. ole boy— for Uie last Ume Helen said. "What WASHINGTON. June 1-T h e gun and InqulrlnB mind. When he Itvilnll.i his progmm, went off half-cocked on Uils plan to But becau^ we went to work so late and so you got to keep up.' And I do. Later a break." amid "general assent. will depend upon how acute the^ slowly, It^would be fatal to become overly en­ nlUcd nierclmnimen on tlie seven will be imb- freeze war workers to their Jobs. It shortage becomes,' The British, who' Jcet lb as rlKld ti system of ralloiilnK- mill voyuKlng Tlie other day we rsvc you the when I see some of the youngsters A New Scholar couraged by the supercolossal Job of produc­ iiraycr for JourniUlsU lie found in (alter all I'm o ^ r 30) dropplnK out won’t happen overnight. Tlie waj ai thVowncr ot a.lllw er operotinK under Leon Hen* That' afternoon a UtUe boy*' was manpower commission has been sub­ had a severe shartage Im a the be­ tion we have achieved thus far. derson's re.itrictlons. the church clip-sheet. Not knowing I Hatter mj'self and say: T liafs the ushcred'ln. a nevf scholar. Helerf jected during the ginning ot the war, put Into effect We .can, however, and we should, realize wliat that B stood for, we tossed In a spirit; you got more stamina than bustled about placing him In few auggestchl/'ej,ientlAl work ” . that Hitler was screwy when he thought the Jimmy's vacant deat, getUng his a deluge Of pro­ order" which g a u the government .quMUon-mork.:. you much good.' 'It's building you reader, .his pencil, crayons, work­ American democracy wouldn't be able to bury .Now we llnd a notation on ...... ’Will add live more years to your testa and alarms power to limit the right ot employers .undQubtcdly a’ sign ot more ri'iilistic (hlnklng nt the ing materials, for his use. Indl- since It became to discharge men and to limit the personal, partisan. rkclaJ and class antagon­ .capital, Uie words emanated from'Uie very sources de.^k. We .-(uapect ilie notation cautig his hooks In the wardr&be known that some wasn't meant for publication, but About that'time I i right ot workers to-leave their Jobe. isms enough to produce the goods. which had sparked previous suggestions that things ji ready to T;he said, “Now you take care of degtee of govern* who are we to kfep facts from oj keel o\’er.,puffing like a , overheated The government listed Uie e.«en— were looklni; up lor Uie allies. yourself. You belong to lA One.'' mentmanagemenl tlal plants. Workers absent from Only ft. week before Uie wet bliciket wn.i Uirown. a con.itltuenti? The notation sal tea ketUe." ' —Harry H ie new - ncholar - folded 1 UNINTENDED INJUSTICE Uils: ‘ ; of Uinllabor ptrty work without permission or rcaxon- Joint ariny*niivy commujilquc rcvlcwlijK proKrcv; of hands ^n the desk before him and su ^ ly would be able excuse or. habitually late lor Lion Feuchtwanger.. an outstanding anll- Uie wnr wtia .couched In ro.'.y vcrbiiiKc. Die Pre.^ldcnt Ernest—No. ALAS, POOR CAP-N JOEI u t llkl a manikin. Mias Jennie Dnmett—No. attempted. a-ork are rcportible by the employer Nazl, has dramatized the difficulty of dealing hmwelf had emphasized the speed with which we werff Cap Jos Seaver'e patriotism knows explained about the work that was The government Elljah-No. 0 -UaaL.One would think he’d be to the labor exchange. The BrlUth wisely, enemy aliens on the vast scale solving the shipping quesUon. nlUiouch he referred going on. but he made no response will work In the scheme -was put Into effect Atte; Edwird-No. ^ satlsfledthat he's doing enough lor beyond. "Yes ma’am." The next day necessary In this melting pot nation.' ,. to-planned con.^tructlon raUier Umn to whipping the direction of- con agreement as to Its details was ob­ submarine menace. The bombing of Tokyo, the vic­ Edmund—Ye.i. Uncle 6am by becoming- about the and the next, he sat -wltii folded trolling labor sup. Feuchtwanger. Erich Marla Remarque and moat Industrious and accommodat­ tained between employers and labor tory In the Coral sea. Uio Rus-'.lnn rcslsinnce, the hands unless directed to act other- ply. Eventually It unions. . .. B ertolt B rech t, w hose book s w ere burned p ub­ lugubrious aoerlng speech—all Uicjie were cltcil boUj QUERV FOR SOMEBODV ing draft board clerk In the V. B. A. wUo. The children about him offered may have to take licly by th e Nazis years ugo. ^all live in' Los publicly and privately to ahow UiaT the United, Na- Dear Pot S}iot4: But not the capthln. He's not con­ him a share In their tasks, even almoat eompleta control. But that Hey. get after those gtiya In the tent with sending hundreds'“and ordered him to help,' without re­ Angeles, a city, of vast distances. As Germans. lons were getUng their second breaUi. Only a few Is someUilng we may fexpect to come writers and observers cohcludM from Uie;jt oiiiiwir- concession department at the Cow. hundreds of men off to do, the light. sult. ' about gradually and then .only to ■ regardless of thoir Ideologies, they are enemy boy boll park. At fii^turday after­ Ing — he want« to do a bit ol It employment service. Km^oye^a- ings Uiat complete victory was possible durlifc Uilj Helen, who ffas working with a the extent that an acu(e ahortage would ogree to hire-only irfm cer- aliens. They afe confined to an area within year. The time of Ulumph was generally flxetTlor noon’s game Uiey only gave one himself. ,ThLi .ileuth learned that group on the cages for the wild ot manpower makes necessary. of Uie free prize# awa>-—they tom- the cap's third attempt to enlist .tlfled rolls ot the employment ex­ five miles of their homes. They cannot be on late 1043 or the spring ol 1944. animals, needed somebody to hold There 1» to be no sudden pushing change. Men not in good standing - Despite these warnings, there ia one sign of kuccc.^i pletely Ignored the second prize. 1 has been turned down. Joe says he a board whUe she nailed It. and. of people aroupd, Nazi style. the streets after 8 o’oloik. wa.n all ready to eoUect on N a 3—It leels "like a million” but the army the U. S. employment exchange : Improvement which our highest strateglsui cunnot aeeiug the Idle child, pulled him lUt could not be'hired. Industrial On the anniversary of the burning of their conceal or withhold. By witching their fftCot_liisl; examining officers evidently don't out of his bcnch and ordered him Many tangles must be stralgiitcn. think so. . exemptions from military aervlce ^ b ook s, th ey could n o t g e t togeth er. T h ey c an ­ manner and other evidences of relief. It Is compnr' to hold Uie board. l{e pulled away ed out before the government cai. would'btf'checked m through the ' w r- —The Red Man from her and returned to fold.his not vialt-the library, bccause it is more than aUvely eaxy to teU when they are sanguine or down­ move very far. At ^ e moment Uieiemploymentimployment aervlceservice which would five miles away, iy ic y arc treated as poten- hearted. Before every announcement oT goo be'sL genius. . wrathfuliy,' but sald<^oUilng. cotucrlpUon nor the government the hlgherups. ing with producUon. Yet some pro* control which It has been necessary Til# We Favor a'Ohaage In Uni* We feel this will be comforting Jennie went to him ahd said. "Don' 'TIUon must be made ao that a work­ N O A P P E A L forms of Bellhops and Porters . j the parents of 9S per cent of all. ye»x see anything here you would to Impoae over Industry and con- . WIVES—Aa the center of world ex.greab. Wash­ er can progreu from bne Job to a sumers. ’Total war.plnches hard. Out of Progressive Wisconsin comes one ot ington resembles European capitals altet* the revolu* &arywhere club, they feel, would children In Magle Valley. like to do? " better one. - eliminate some sad. moments lor It Is not to be exp^clM.that civilian the weirdest court decisions we ever read. tions of the early 'twenUes. Diplomats, foreign minis­ He looked up at her with devo* The government must develop latxir can e ^ p e , or will desire to There a Wausau Judge released a man who ters and mllltsu? men'are sutssUtlng In whatever way service gents. F\»r liutance, Sa^e BUSINESS NOTE Uon in his eyes and said. "I want i^ochlnery so that the priority of Iattv Laughrldge of the marines The Back Shop Oracle tU to be a good boy, IH do anything escape, giving' up some of Ita free­ left his 2-year-old daughter in a farmyard Uiey can. But the prize example appears to be an Jobs will be clear. iH^at aUQ re* dom for the duraUoh, when the na- American engineer of Belgian blrUi and educaUon. points to the time when Sid Graves, our desk to aay he knows a you UU me to." all nigfit. where ahe froze to death. mains to be done ahd It will 'take Uonal necessity requires It. He recently rendered a great service *to the ruivy of the bakery Oraveees. was a ma­ aged traveling salesman ...... You see he had been trained Ume. ‘Hvere will be many In- TKe man, a one-time dUtrlct attorney, and by exposing espionage tacUcs iln an airplane facory. rine officer stationed In Washing* thinking of telegraphing h b home to the goodness that was submis­ aa when It will be' desirable Tils wife both werejjfunk. (Intoxicated secma ‘laa been promised n'co toa Sid was asked to carry the bag- sive. silent and stUl and could not from the point of new of warjiro* too mild.) The Judge sold he could not see ------— onwhlle. he Is eom ln g'l. kage of a u. S. senator to the law- understand (hfse children who ducUon to take men off of one war repairing ^ e electrical, washing machine, meclionicol maker's room'In a hotsl.hnlal seemingly were>Iolag what they that sucfi drunkenness Indicated "utter and Job and put them on another. That and autotfrbblle breakdowns In homes ot friend And the Two navy recniltlng g«tU ^ a s e d • without regard to the is what the priority aheeta w ill' wanton (Uaregwrd for the righta of others.”' cannot obtain help ebewhere. His wile won In Twin P'alla *ay thty'ra got to . . ueoa aeaTeaa. u teacher. to Indleata. 'Just caQ.t help Therefore, ho held, no manslaughter was Ings ln_scvenil civil service• tests in'gavernmeiit wticre.theyve ev«n quit beli^ Irked Rifsr ataapet...” •nie old school did Just that, and S Furthermore the bub of the whole wondering whe­ eom m ittfld a g a in st th e child. agencies. But she Is so chic and beauUlul that the when asked to ca n r bacsoge at • TRK GE?m,EMAN IN U. was not good. WaJUng for au­ xratim will b«r the United States male heads ot departments don’t dare .. railroad sUUons. THETHIROBOW thority before trying to do what ther this short­ ■'.....I f a d e fe n d a n t h a s been w ron gly convicted -.aploymtfttsserrlee. wave - radio war­ fearing to rouse the green-eyed monster in omcs. oflerwl ItseU for the doing made be staffed t^ a n d geared to a Var - h« can appeal. When a Judge makes a de- chlldrw submissive, but it-also made fare you bear ao more extensive operaUon than Srt much about may ^ clafpn like this agalnat the «tat«,;wbtch is"; Uiem Idle, made them feel helpless. rtserfi and that wlU require time. aoclety. there la no recourse. This man and HISTORY OF TWIN FALLS ■ • *d^of developing thetr. InlUa- not be a lltUe on I h ^ ablllUes. It developed the Even with the utmost cooperation the silly aide at • hla wife, are'free to live happllj? ever after - AS tSLEANKD FBOH THE FO.eS OP TOE TIMU*HSW8 teacher's Ideas. * . _ /■^ tlma. F i r s t , If In Wisconsin—if they can. , of employers and labor unions, the Panners of the eastern states have organized to light n YEARS AGO—JUNE 1. UIB '“^15 YEARS AGO-^UNE I, i m School U Intended to be a strong dlfflculUes will not disappear auto- n o b o d y believes John L. Lewis' attempt to unionize the dalir and larm Dn Wednesday evening of-this Members of the district lederatloa force for the development of the maUcoUy. Foi' lnstane«- ultimately New York; Communists knew well In ad- markeUng Industries. They ore Insuring their memt>ers children's latent powers, gifts and It may be neceiaaiT to take workers week the Twin Falls baseba^club of women's clube will be entertained strengOu.. There Is a difference rance tbat ESfTl&rowder. tlieir I^ad^r. would up to *10.000 for any damage catlsed by "strikes, riot, by the Lend-A-Hand club al on a f' from non-essential Jobs a n d put radio, what-s jdl •will 'give A grand ball at CouMcjq between headless disorder and the the listenin' >e freed. Tliey. p l^ M a reception in hia civil c6mmotlcn or mallcious'damage." They are evlt temoon meeting June 10 at the Odd them on war Jobs. But before much dently-not In laror of John's plan to skim the cream halL The dance will be ilT.en'to help Fellows hall, according to arrange!- purposeful work of an fcUve eroup ot that tan be done.lthe question of . about? ■njaa _ um orand annotmced tbe date two weektf be- of children. Good work ca^s for off the farmers' mlUc. If Lewis’ scheme succeeds we the boys secure new im lfomu which ments made at the-Friday meeting ae^orltr righta must/be dealth ulUi. something's picked out that the Us- ore P ^ d e n t Rbqsevelt extended clemency. pralee. not the poaslve. mhmkilva tcnen want to believe, how ^ they suppose a chicken will Rav-o io-Joln the union before they badly seed. The but o f music of the club it the home of Urt. M A yn lb or contracta give a senior It Con lay an .egg.—Wallace Miner. Clyde Dudkj;. near Buhl do-nothing of ta^ old*ityla echocil. employe, valuable rUbU which he know they’re not Just glv will b« furnished and a good time If the average person half aa much will not be lnelloed to aaerlflce by. lie. more • ctrculaUon? I , The federal gevcmment new Is-spendlng more than U-assured to aU. . .' -aw‘SSS^iu.?'Si,2S'5*J? changing to Another and inora ea- worth all the stew. tbat*s\ Nothing on vacation it would be twice as three billion dollars a month, or almost is much as e«Bd tor uV. -aeta- senual war Job.- Patriotic Impulse It. but seems to me s ^ ' lies Is auch as t h e ? Bee^l. Hitler hoi b!en able to steal In a good year.—Lewiston may take cara of some of the cases qu;j« a test of accuracy. . Ttlbune. * . - ' _ the city council that Word h u lieen reeelred here of O. bS^ TlS ■uuon. but some oUier adjustment wQl be A d o c t o r taya g r e e s l i a aoothlng color. May* they ore decide upon a alte the elecUon of Miss Sunshine WU* Tort. II. •ssleatAfl a aeo-oodjjj;^ needed for many of them as eootract Eutem ' petraleum cbnaumptlQa The men orl Corregidor ga\-e their all. But-Dncle for the new Came|tr-buUdlng ai lUms^to Phi BeU Kappa, natloaal righu a.-e ln%-olved. during the first threer moQthi«o{ 'whjr- .fettln K - m o n e y n e v e r : makea 8tm a m o f ^ ^ only the loan of 10 per cent ol.your tlia board U-a^iurad of the hODoraiT fraternity,- at ■ Stanford ntu opt bMn cerrwt amount of peau 1 9 0 .wasriJ per cent higher thao n a n I fnecme for fetery. amount of money for said unlTcrslty .-...... How lar thU foremmen^wffl have' for the tame period last T»ar. Monday. Jtwe 1.1942 TIMES^OTWS. TWTN f a l l s , IDAHO ------Many GuestS' at Ida Wheeler and ^ Holiday Outings LDS Pageant Cast to Rupert Man Wed-;. On Warm Springs At Yellowstone, Give Repeat Program RUPERT, Jun« 1 — MOfc Summer homen on Warm Springs' SOGIAL EVENTS reek were th» destlnaUon of a SbenthuHiastic\vuarc.qponscto thedeverlystaged pagiiuit, Wheeler and Clsjoica Bu»b. boto ot -. number ot IVln Palls rrsldent.1 nnd 'Chosen Mothers," Sunday oveninB at the first ward Latter Rupert. wsrfl"'unVted'»la marrtaft • • Uielr guests over^U'ie Mtmorlal dny Day Saints church that officials o£ Twin Falls stake of the May 24 *l Yellowstone »t the bora# •cek-end. church have invited tho cast to /repent the performance. of tho bride’s daughter Mid «oo-ln- Mr. nnd Mrs. R. P. Parry and Written by Mr«. Warren Tonks in honor of 100 years of Re­ law, Mr. ahd Mrs. D. T. W hlt«, wlUj ’ and CLUB ,MEWS dauKhler.v Twin Folb. and Mlj.; Rev. Lewis D. Smith, St. AtUlr««S lief society orKanization the pajceant wns directod by M rs. fC: Gertrude Bliepherd and R. E. Slirp- Episcopal church, Llvlngiton. M ont, . herd, Jerwne. spent Memorial day T. Hull and will be presented ajiain in the very-near future, officiating. , •pIcnicklnR nt Uie Parry, summer accordinjr'to the director. ' Close members of the family pr«i- home on Warm Springs. ' Staged bchlijd ti. sheer, shadowy curtaiix, the pageant was ent at the wedding Included Mr. Theta Rho Girls Mr. nnd .Mrs. Vere-F\iltonMnd Mr, Mm. John Ross, daughter and u n - - nnd M r s ,B o w e n were Uie werk- m ade even mo^Ji reprcsen ta - In-law of the bride; Quenttn Wheel­ Lois L0udenrand Hugh S. Joslyn And Assistants en«l gueaUi of Mr. nnd W. A. .. of the spirit world by er, sop of the bride: and Doan* Rlie)' at tlielr summer hoiWe.- Former Resident lightinft effccts, under jlirec- Busl„ daughter of tho bridejroom. To Present Showr >*!r. nnd Mrs. R. K. Mt/Comli and tion of L. Z. BarUett. Cos­ - Mrs, Bush has made her homo Mr. nnd Mrs. V. C. Ballantayjic vi»- here since 1919, and has been proml- Hieta Rlio Girls' club will present Of -Buhl Dllarries tumes. rcprc.Hentative of the nent in social affairs and Woodcraft United at Episcop al Ceremonies n amateut' sliow Tuesday at 8 p. .cntlonnd itt Uielr ijawtooUi nloun- tnln summer homes Over Uie week­ period which each mother activities. The bridegroom has been irtJKainst .a back grou n d o f I. at th» Odd Fellows hall, assisted end.' Doctor in Nevada by Primrose Rebeitah lodge, ot portrayed, were arranKced by contractor and all-white flowers ajjd liBhtcd Mr. and Mra. Muriel SmIUi ojid which Mrs. Gladys Shaw Is noble young dnujhter. Sharon, and Mrs Mrs. Helen Johnson. altar tapers, Wiss Catherine Shirley Wilson, igrand. enUiuslastic was response U) ...... _ , Bush are al borne at Weds Sunday Otb SmIUi nnd Mra.' Marlon HoUo- Uie Bysh residence on F and flth Lois Louden; Tviin F uUh, and Abo assisting are members of tlio the cleverly sWiged pageant, •'Chosen A n sel E. H ill wny, m o tV sod sister of Mr. SmiUi, Nev., formerly o>iJuhl, street.^ " * - ' -Hugh Spcncer Joslyn, San Jtinlor Odd Fellows lodge wtUi Mar- spent the week-end at tM William aJiLWinters. April 18, a|, Ely, MoUierj," Sunday evening at Uio /lln' Pertonette as president. Ml.u rsl ward Latter Day SolnU cliBfch Francisco,. ojcchnnRed mar­ Graliam cAbin on , Warm SprinRs , Marry, on Coast Virginia Campbell is president l ‘’“c‘andlel“ h t‘ rerem ony'"a?1;r lal olllclabollltlals ool r -filnTwin PaUs-sVo^.Palls s\a!t6 ol Rupert B.P.W*. Club ’■ riage vows at 3 p. m. Sunday tKe Theta Rho club, creek. « M^. and Mrs. A. D. WUson. Twin Mr. and Mrs. Smith and daughter McGill MeU.odLM c Z « !.- R^V L ^ the church have '- Invited-i t , , !. the cast cast to . at A s c e n s i o n EpiBcoprfT Fitlh. today announced the marriage Comio PUy returned recenUy to Twin Falb from reptnt the performance. Written by Arranges Steak Fry- ;r C. Young. pa*tor. officiating. Mrs. Warren Tonlu In honor ot 100 chu rch . of their daughter, MIsa Shirley Wil­ Under Uie direction ot Mrs. Clyde San Dl(«jo. Cnllf. \ •" . Tlie. brldo wore an ensemble Of RUPERT, June 1—Rupert BJP.W. son. to Ansel E. Hill, formerly of Hlckok. the Rebekalis will present ¥ ¥. ¥ da-ity pink and liavy wpolHirepe. years of Relief so^ety'organliaUon, club held Uie annual steak fry at •> The bride is the daifljhter Uie paKeaii*-*as directed by Mrs, Twin Falls and now wlUi U. S. naval one-act play. "Tlie Merry Wives Her co»«tRc wa.i ot orchUb. • AS the CllVlstian church annex. Fol­ of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. I^i-, forcca stationed In San Diego. Calif, Boredom>with Mrs.* Viola Raines, L e a d ^ Women’s ".■iomclhlnK borrowed," slie 'wore a A. T. Hull oii\l will be prejcnted lowing dinner, a social fionr was en­ ^ don, Twin Falls, and the Tlio couple wa.1 married In San rs, Inez Fletcher. Mre. Ocnevlevf hamirierei! cror-•^. iin heirloom be- agifln In-the near future, joyed, ^ cordlni! to Uie director. ' b rid eg room in the so n ' o f M r. -Dlfgo Friday. May 32, and la re.'sld- Hpl^nbeck, Mrs. Shirley Peck. Mrs. nRlng lo her Several special guesU were pres­ Gladys Thomas. Mra. Shaw and Mrs. CJirBof Jerome Staged behind a Blieer.I'shadowy and Mra. I. E. Joslyn, Boise, ilng In Uiat city for th e present; Mrs. Alice G. CiAieron was matron' ent. Mrs, Ralph Lewis. Anaconda, Judge Oden Tompion perlonned the Clarice ..Wolter In the casL ,■ ^ of honor. Shft wnre n navy blue en­ curtain, Uie nngeant was made Mont.: Mrs, Rglph McQualn, M n. fo rm e r ly o f T%vin F a lls. rites. Second part of U « progralu wllf Names Mrs. Davis semble with nfiitclilnR ncctviorlcs, more reiiresentatlve of the spirit Mui*my Harper, Miss Nada Pearson, Rev. E. Italic Rolls, vicar, Mr. Hill Is stationed-at tlie naval Include solos by Doris Ann' Sher­ JEROME, June 1 — Mrs. Owen and a corsuge ot jiardenJas. Loub wprfd by llghUng effects, under dl- and Miss Mildred Scholer. T O s -W >.ivb was elected as ni»w prc^l- rtcUon ot L. Z. Bartlett, coatumes, officiated at'thc single ring ho-ipltal In San Diego. wood. Miss Betty Lou Woods, Clar­ Carptnler. Klpberly, Nev.. wns best the last meeUng until September. Mr.i. Hill, WM. graduated f;om ence Dudley. Larry Me«h;_>plano dent of the Jerome Civic cluU out*' representative of the period which Mrs. Edna WhUnah. Mrs. O. M.* ceremony in the prcaence of numbers by Miss Mldje Robertson, Twin Pa\ls hlch school -Kllh Uils RUviidliVs vion'icn's civic orRnnliai- Tho couple vbited lii Buhl "each moUier portrayed, were nrrang- Mitchell and Mrs, dH ce King were ,80 guests. NuplinL music in­ n tap dance by Mias Lucille Langdon. Uon nt a meetlnR'of Uie board of ed by Mrs, lielen Johnson. year’ji Rraduatlng' and Mr. d ^ . Mrs. Winters has b«en office hOKte.ues. cluded. a violin solo, "Vene­ Hill waa imduated from the same juid quartet numbers by Clarence directors st the homo of the rellr- mnniiRer nnd n.^slstant Inbomtory ‘■Shadaw’- Mu'ilo Dudley, Glen Terry, Bill. Reynolds hiR president. Mrs. L. W. Siuiberit. school in 1037. and X-ra}'(ccJinielfln ot the White Sacred music, both vocal and in­ tian Love Son«-;’ A: E. Fran-' and Carlton M'cMullln. Other new oftlcers nre Mrs,-S. .M. cis, a c CO m p u n i e d by M rs. Pine hospltiil In Ely tot a year. Dr, strumental. was abo "In the shad Tlie Thcta"RlVd and Junior Odd Chadburn.vlcc-prcsldLnt; Mns. IJoyd Winters is .Mitety engineer and first ows" and was dlrecUd by Wesley I F runcis, and the L oh en g rin Winter in Texas Fellows members will present a ser­ Gilmore, fuwnclal and reeonllnB ious play, "Forward Mtlrch," to con­ aid sU]>en’bor for the Con.Aolldatcd Bagley and Norman Berry. ‘The \veddlng march by Wagner Copi>er-mlne.n nt Klmbcrly.1 Nev. He End of a Pertcct- Day." sung by THE clude Uie event. and the MeridelasoTih wedding City Described Is also a naval officer. They Miss Maurlne Luke, -was the Cast Includes Miss Charlotte H, Mnln«-Slioun, corre.'jMiidlnR sec- .iiome In Ely. eluding pageant number, march, played by Mra. Mar­ Richardson. Franklin McMullln. reiary. For WSCS Circle '■ * * * . Appearing In the as moUiers garet Peck. Miss Imogene BeaUi. Gordon Hann New boiird members Inchule Mr.i. of different periods ot history were; ChBrmlflf Cenrn M bj Etta Rllcy, who «ipcnt the and Clarence Dudley. Lloyd Gilmore. Mrs. S. M. Chiui^rn. ALBUM Kathi-yn Parkinson ■ Paicant Cast Much senUmcnt woa attached to past winter In San Antonio. Tex., Publlo Invited tunl other holdovcr.i on Uic bonrd fnleruvlned mctnbem Circle No. Includc .Mrs. L. W. .flanbcra. Mrs, Weds.Lawrence Lee Mrs. E. B. Freeman. Eve, the first Uie erucmbtc of Uic brlcle. She Tlie public Is Invited to attend, nnd, mo5iiEX- Mrs. Rote Ba«\ey; SmoIv. s. Women's Bocl,eiy ot ChrlsUan proceeds wHl ^e used lo purchn Maine Shoun, ‘ Mrs. William 1£ You Hurry ; Vftts Bowned In Mn, Joalyn's wed- June'l—MIXs Kath­ Mrs. T o ^ . Mary, mother of Jesus: ervice. with an account of her Theta Rlio drill team linlform.i. Spueth. Mron at the annual ( fornlal Mrs, Don'Holmqulst, a recent bride, For Bood luck. Uie bride.wore In iinUon. , He left ’rMcHlay for. San RleRO to Mrs, J. H. Hauty nnd Mrs. Perry one of her slippers a four-lcaf clovcr. day luncheon of the Highland ■A J - Tea was served fron> a table cen­ club Wedne-idny. June 3. . resume hin work and will beTolned Freestone entertained recently at sent by her BrandmoUicr, Mrs. J. tered will) an arrnnRement of iris the home of Mrs. Weridell Glenn. 8. Bowland. from Almonte. Ontario. Mrs. Tlionip.wn, whose husband b later by his bride. We can accept only 25 mor# nnd tulips. Mrs. White and Mrs. qlth the Unlte