Preliminary International Theatrical Marketing Strategy

Main Genre: Family Musical (-Familiar Territories) or Live Action Family Comedy (Annie-Unfamiliar Territories)

Quvenzhané Wallis Annie 12 Years a Slave, Beasts of the Southern Wild

Jamie Foxx Benjamin Stacks The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Rio 2 (voice), White House Down, Django Unchained, Rio (voice), Law Abiding Citizen

Cameron Diaz Miss Hannigan Sex Tape, The Other Woman, Bad Teacher, Knight and Day, Shrek series (voice), What Happens in Vegas CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE

Rose Byrne Grace Neighbors, Insidious and Insidious: Chapter 2, Bridesmaids

Will Gluck Director Friends with Benefits,

Primary: Family with a heavy female skew (moms and girls), fans of musicals, fans of the stage production

Secondary: Teen girls, fans of the talent

Bifurcated Campaign: There will be 2 positionings based on familiarity with the franchise

ANNIE-FAMILIAR TERRITORIES (eg, UK) ANNIE is a star-studded, feel good, musical comedy intended for the whole family. Produced by and Jay-Z, it is a modern take on the musical classic. Familiar songs have been updated and there are new ones, too. But at its heart, ANNIE is still about a fun-loving, ever- optimistic foster child (Quvenzhané Wallis), who, despite early adversity, always knows that the “sun will come out tomorrow”. Annie’s bright and winning “can-do” attitude proves infectious and positively transforms the lives of those around her, even the hard-nosed tycoon Will Stacks ().

ANNIE-UNFAMILIAR TERRITORIES (eg, Japan, France, Germany) ANNIE is a star-studded comedy for the whole family. It is a father-fish-out-of-water comedy centering on Will Stacks (Jamie Foxx), a hard-nosed tycoon. Like Cheaper by the Dozen, The Pacifier and Despicable Me, ANNIE is about what happens when someone is thrown into the role of fatherhood, in this case to a young foster child named Annie (Quvenzhané Wallis). But Annie’s bright and winning “can-do” attitude proves infectious and positively transforms the lives of those around her, even a seeming bulldog like Will Stacks.




ANNIE-FAMILIAR TERRITORIES:  Franchise with a devoted fan base  Well-recognized cast (Foxx and Diaz)  Catchy musical numbers  Family-friendly message

ANNIE-UNFAMILIAR TERRITORIES:  Well-recognized cast (Foxx and Diaz)  Broad comedy beats  Family-friendly message


ANNIE-FAMILIAR TERRITORIES:  Feathered-fish of a genre: not many comps for a live action musical family film with young female lead  Annie casting apprehension  Males will be tough to win over  Convincing gen auds, particularly teen girls, not just for families  Holiday competition for territories releasing in December

ANNIE-UNFAMILIAR TERRITORIES:  Musicals vary widely in their appeal internationally  Title keeps focus on youthful lead  Males will be tough to win over  Convincing general audiences not just for families  Holiday competition for territories releasing in December



Act as if we are rebooting a new movie franchise (eg, Spider-Man, Karate Kid) by showing why a new ANNIE is necessary

Remind audiences what it is they love about this character using hallmark songs and moments that evoke the feeling of Annie.


CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE Our ANNIE still has an optimistic lead character (vs overly self-confident), a father figure in Benjamin Stacks and themes of hope, optimism and love. These themes are what the audience cites as “story”

Assure the audience that what they love best about the franchise is still firmly intact

Use Annie’s dog Sandy as part of the family sell

Broaden audience via humor


Hide the musical, though in Japan there is more leeway to showcase the music, particularly the song “Tomorrow”

Portray Annie as upbeat and optimistic (vs overly self-confident)

Rely on cast sell, particularly Foxx

Broaden audience via humor

Particularly in Japan, an inspirational, more character-driven approach might work best

Use Annie’s dog Sandy as part of the family sell




Lots of audience goodwill in London for the recruited audience screening. Girls 7-12 and teen girls were fairly enthusiastic, while parents proved receptive.

Top Box / Top Two / Def Rec

Kids 7-12: 70 / 94 / 62 Girls: 79 / 98 / 71 Boys: 42 / 80 / 33 (Norm: 65 / 85 / 64)

Parents: 38 / 81 / 65* (Norm: 35 / 70 / 60*) * Definite Recommend to parents

Teen Girls: 50 / 90 / 65 (Norm: 20 / 55 / 40)

The film played to a full house on this rainy day. The acceptance rate was a good 70%. Recruits were mainly drawn in by the cast (Diaz and Fox) and also by familiarity with the 5

CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE Annie story / movie. “Hard Knock Life” depicted on the teaser poster also had a beneficial impact. Inspirational storyline cited by parents as well. Fanship of musicals and musical theater was also cited.


In the below graphs, awareness and popularity are indexed against the average scores for each territory. Stars’ awareness and popularity scores are mapped out so that they land in one of four quadrants based on whether they have high or low awareness and popularity relative to the norm for that territory.

The ideal marketing scenario for a territory is for a star to land in the top right quadrant: “Superstar”, which would indicate that the star has both high awareness and high popularity. The Brad Pitts and Will Smiths of the world occupy that very top right corner. Conversely, if a star lands in the bottom left quadrant – “Underperformer” (low awareness, low popularity) – it would indicate that the star is challenged from a marketing perspective.

Note that not all graphs are presented at the same scale – note awareness and popularity index scores along the axes.

Popularity score = “one of my favorites” + “very good”



Quvenzhané Wallis

Quvenzhané Wallis is not well-known internationally with below norm awareness levels across all territories. In Germany, however, she is quite well-liked among those who know of her.



Jamie Foxx

Jamie Foxx has robust awareness is most territories (one notable exception is Russia). Foxx earns moderately positive to good popularity scores, with Germany, Brazil, the UK, and Mexico among the most favorable.



Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz is very well-known and well-liked in all territories. Older moviegoers are slightly more likely to be familiar with her.



Rose Byrne is still building her international presence, with below norm awareness levels in most territories. However, she does have moderate awareness in her home country Australia – driven primarily by older females. She is moderately well-liked among the few that aware of her in FR, DE, the UK, and AU.




Key Positioning There are 2 positioning depending on whether your market is familiar with Annie or not.

Annie-Familiar Territories (e.g. UK) Genre: Family Musical Tagline: A modern take on the musical classic Position the film as a star-studded, modern, feel good, musical comedy intended for the whole family. Produced by Will Smith and Jay-Z, it is a modern take on the musical classic. Familiar songs have been updated and there are new ones, too. But at its heart, ANNIE is still about a fun-loving, ever-optimistic foster child (Quvenzhané Wallis), who, despite early adversity, always knows that the “sun will come out tomorrow”. Annie’s bright and winning “can-do” attitude proves infectious and positively transforms the lives of those around her, even the hard-nosed tycoon Will Stacks (Jamie Foxx).

Annie-Unfamiliar Territories (e.g. France, Japan, Germany) Genre: Live Action Family Comedy Tagline: Bulldog meets underdog Position the film as a star-studded modern comedy for the whole family. It is a father-fish-out- of-water comedy centering on Will Stacks (Jamie Foxx), a hard-nosed tycoon. Like Cheaper by the Dozen, The Pacifier and Despicable Me, ANNIE is about what happens when someone is thrown into the role of fatherhood, in this case to a young foster child named Annie (Quvenzhané Wallis). But Annie’s bright and winning “can-do” attitude proves infectious and positively transforms the lives of those around her, even a seeming bulldog like Will Stacks.

Targets Generate awareness and interest about the film through online media stunts and online features to reach target demographic:  Primary Target: : Family audience, with a female skew (moms and girls as young as 5); Fans of talent (Foxx and Diaz); Fans of musicals; Fans of the Annie (1982) film and/or stage production  Secondary Targets: Teen/Tween girls

Objectives and Strategic Approach

Objective 1: Highlight the ensemble cast to reach broad audiences.  Highlight the diverse cast, especially Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx, on social, in online editorials and ad banners, to engage broad moviegoers.  Introduce the different characters through the Tumblr site and through the Holiday cards feature.

Objective 2: Introduce the story and the character of Annie to younger audiences.  Highlight the modern storyline and the fact that Annie is a contemporary character (she has a Twitter account, Mr Stacks is a mobile mogul) in online ad banners, and through the Emoji video and the LeapMotion game.


CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE  Portray Annie as an upbeat and optimistic character on social and in online ad banners. Work with media partners to create awareness around the character and the story.

Objective 3: Make Annie feel like a cinema-worthy event, by highlighting the humor, family-friendly message, and heartfelt moments in the film. If applicable in your market, also highlight the music.  Feature Annie’s dog, Sandy, on social and in online ad banners to stress the heartfelt moments from the film.  Highlight the humor through video clips and on social, to broaden the audience.  Emphasize the family-friendly message from the film, and the fact that a lot of the themes that resonated with audiences in the 1982 version, are still current and relevant to today’s audiences, 30 years later (importance of family, keeping a positive attitude through adversity, etc…)  If applicable in your market, leverage the PureSolo karaoke app and encourage audiences to record themselves singing one of the songs from the film and share the video on their social channels.  If the songs are being dubbed in your markets, work with your local Publicity team on the Local Song Initiative program, to create buzz around the local artists who will be dubbing the songs.

Digital Campaign Overview Sliderocket Please visit the link below to view the Digital Campaign Overview for this title. The presentation lists all assets and features for this campaign as well as any available EAGL file names and timing.

Link: Campaign-Overview

Social Media:

Use social media to distribute content and increase word of mouth.

Upload video clips to your local viral video sites and specific video channel.

Feel free to create your own local pages with social networking and social media sites where users can subscribe, watch the trailer, post comments and see photos from the movie.

The below U.S. Social Media Strategy is to offer examples to consider for local plans.

U.S. Social Media Objectives  Introduce this contemporary version of Annie to key segments on social so that they can fall in love with the character. o Create edgier content for targeted audiences. o Build shareable objects for platforms to drive conversation, engagement and reach. o Leverage hallmark songs and moments while showcasing the contemporary aspects.


CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE The U.S. Facebook page is listed below. Please adapt/translate it for your local campaigns. If you do not create your own local ones, please “Like,” “Follow” or “Subscribe” to these accounts from your own accounts. Kindly alert Mallory Mangold ([email protected]) and Carly Weaver ([email protected]) when your pages go live so we may roll them into the Global page and drive traffic to your sites.

U.S. Social Media URLs

U.S. Twitter Facebook Handle: Page: YouTube U.S. #AnnieMovie Channel: Hashtag: Instagram: Wikipedia URL: nie_(2014_film)

Info Tab and Credits: Please use the approved wording on the US Info Tab when filling out the credits on your local Info tab on Facebook:

For legal reasons, it is important that the order and list of names are observed.


U.S. Twitter Account:  U.S. Twitter Handle will be:

If you have local studio Twitter accounts (e.g., tweet out periodic updates around film content highlights (similar to email campaigns).

Wikipedia (Collaborative Website): Please create a Wikipedia (or other collaborative website) page if you are able. Link:



Online Editorial/Publicity: Provide trailers, key art, photos and other marketing materials to local entertainment and fan websites. Offer exclusives to your top online partners to launch the trailer or video clips. • Syndicate trailer and approved clips • Launch exclusive photos on cinema sites • Launch exclusive clips on movie sites • Invite movie/portal/genre sites to local junket/media events

When talking to online editorial partners: 1) Highlight the cast if they are popular in your territory. Do not encourage editorial partners to talk about the casts’ personal lives. 2) Highlight the contemporary characters and modern storyline. 3) Emphasize the humor and heartfelt moments by featuring Annie’s dog, Sandy. 4) Highlight the filmmaker pedigree. 5) Encourage your editorial partners to create fun activations to reach target audiences.

Annie – Local Song Initiative Objectives:  Turn Annie into a global phenomenon by creating a video showing all the local musical artists singing the song ‘Tomorrow’ in local language.  Introduce and build awareness around the songs from Annie in international markets not familiar with the brand.  Leverage the social reach from the local artists and create social noise.

Digital tie-in to Publicity Initiative:  We will be working in tandem with International Publicity to create a multi-language video (similar to Frozen: ) with all the local artists singing ‘Tomorrow’. o Film artists in front of green screen o Include movie footage o Include Sandy

Annie – YouTube stars singing Annie song (TBD)  The goal of this program is to modernize the songs from Annie by having current YouTube musical influencers record their own versions of the iconic Annie music. We would work with YouTube to identify musical influencers who would participate in the promotion. The musical influencer would record their own version of one of the iconic Annie songs, and after it's uploaded to their own YouTube channel, we would feature it in our campaign on social pages.

" - Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile Program" (Music video)  The US team will launch in November the “Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile” program, where users will be asked to submit pictures of themselves smiling. Some of these pictures will be selected to be included on the Sia “Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile” music video (similar to the If I Stay #BestDay video: 3&type=2&theater ). Feel free to replicate this execution in your markets or leverage and share the video from the US team on your social channels.



Digital activations around screenings  If you plan to have word-of-mouth screenings, please make sure to plan a few digital activations. o Before the screening  Make sure to include your social channels on the invitations.

o In-Theater . Work with your local exhibitor relations teams to add a card with a specific digital call-to-action before the movie, or play the Emoji video before the film starts.

o After the screening . Hand out postcards with discussion guides and ask users to tweet their answers using #AnnieMovie. 15

CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE  What was your favorite part of Annie?  What was your favorite song and why?  Who is your family and what do they mean to you?  Tweet you answers using #AnnieMovie . Ask the audience to take pictures in front of the standee and share on social.


International Splash Page Approach: The international splash page features the title, the trailer, photo gallery, story, and links to social media and worldwide release dates. The background video will be updated throughout the campaign. EAGL File Name:

International Tumblr Website/ Lyric Fan Generator / I’m a Rescue Too: The international immersive site will be the destination to learn more about the characters. The Tumblr site will also include a Lyric Fan Art generator feature, where fans will be able to create and upload original Annie UGC to an online gallery, and the “I’m a Rescue Too” section, where fans will be able to post pictures of their favorite pets. EAGL Files: September

Search Engine Optimization The following is to help search engines (e.g. Google, Yahoo, Bing) find your site. 16

CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE Please use the following code when translating the site into your language. Also, submit your site to your local search engines.

Website Annie | International Movie Site | Sony Pictures

Meta Tag:

Bobby Cannavale, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, David Zayas, James Lassiter, Will Smith, Jay-Z, Jada Pinkett Smith, Shawn Carter, Will Gluck" />

Please translate and add to your local territory and language. Please alter the keywords with ones pertinent to your local territory and language.

Feel free to include your local release date.

Access to asset source files: Go to Sony’s EAGL online tool to download the source files to adapt/translate in your country/territory.

Splash page:

Social Assets: Annie_INTL_SocialGraphics Annie_INTL_SocialGraphics Annie_INTL_SocialGraphics


Domain Name Registration (URLs):

To see the Int’l site live, go to:

Create a local vanity URL for your country that is easy to remember. Use this link if you do not create a local teaser or full site.


CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE The U.S. site URL is: . However, do NOT point to the U.S. site because it uses U.S. assets (e.g. trailer, story, release date).

The Worldwide Release Dates page link is:

If you create a teaser or full site, let us know so that we can add your link to this page and drive traffic to your local site.

Please e-mail Andrea Chen ([email protected] ) to get your link updated or added to the page.

Games/Viral Components:

A few features are being built to reach your targets:

Features: 1. Illustrated Soundtrack 2. Holiday Cards from Annie 3. Clean-Up Game with LeapMotion Integration 4. PureSolo Karaoke app

Illustrated Soundtrack A drawing is worth a thousand lyrics. Emojis will be incorporated to bring the fun and uplifting message from the music to international fans. Rather than a sing-a-long with words, these sharable videos rely on imagery to illuminate the content. This creative interpretation of the lyrics through Emojis is a fun and kid-friendly approach.

EAGL Source files: End of September

Holiday Cards from Annie Create your own custom card by mixing pre-drawn shapes, figures, and scenes to share with friends and family. Share with your loved ones on social with your own personal message of well wishes. Sharing Annie’s cards will enter you into a contest where the winners will get a holiday surprise (TVs, phones, etc.) from the mogul himself, Will Stacks.

EAGL Source files: October



Clean-Up Game with LeapMotion Integration Using the Leap Motion technology, cleaning becomes fun when users gesture through Hannigan's long list of chores (the game can be played whether or not you own the LeapMotion controller). Game description: The inspector is on the way, and Miss Hannigan is yelling at you to clean up the apartment. In one round, plates are tossed (swiped) into the cupboard like Frisbees. In the next round, clothes are thrown into the air and must be tapped to fold them. Rounds progress until the entire apartment is spotless. The game is scored by how quickly the player can finish the rounds and how many items they successfully put away. EAGL Source files: October

PureSolo Karaoke app The Pure Solo Mobile Karaoke App allows fans to select from a large selection of songs, record their voice, and share via social media (will work on both Android and iOS devices) Launch: September in English, October/November in other languages



Text messaging: You are encouraged to create non-premium text messaging campaigns promoting the opening of the film. The trailer can be used within mobile editorial offerings on 3rd party sites.

Mobile Markers: If you use mobile markers, please include them on the website, posters, standees, etc. If you have questions regarding promotional mobile marketing, please contact the digital team. Mobile Markers will feature clips from the website.

Online Media:

Here are some tactics that you can look into when putting together your media campaign for Annie.

Audience  Primary Target: Women 25 – 49 & Kids 6 – 11 (Girl Skew)  Secondary Targets: Tweens (Girl Skew) Internet is an important component of the media campaign, bringing to life all the characters from Annie and allowing the core audience to build character recognition and play with fun, interactive games. Video and social are going to be big assets for this title to help sell the fun and funny moments in the film.

 Focus on children sites (e.g. Stardoll, Cartoon Network, Miniclip, Disney and Nickelodeon) to reach younger audiences.  Portal’s family sections and social sites (e.g. Yahoo, Facebook, and MSN) are a great place to reach moms/parents.  Leverage search to reach families/younger audiences looking for upcoming family friendly/fun movies coming out soon.  Be sure to include music sites/custom playlists (e.g. Spotify, Vevo) in countries where the Annie brand is known and music is the focus.

Start your campaigns early out, with an emphasis on social, search and video to build early buzz and excitement for this film.

Rich Media Creative Source files will be available on EAGL. Campaign will include 40K standard banners, progressive, expandable, mobile and stunt ad units.

Some of the partner sites being considered for the pan-regional buy are:  Facebook  Google Search  Youtube  BeOn  Unruly  SoFeminine


CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE  MiniClip  Rovio  Nickelodeon

Digital Promotions:

Please work with your local online promotions team to develop local campaigns.

Promotional creative guidelines to help promote the film with online partners: - Highlight the film's title treatment and film release date - Include an opt-in to your local newsletter where applicable - Offer the online games and features if appropriate

Email: Add a “Registration” link/button to your sites to collect names and email addresses into your database. Or work with an online partner to promote the film through their email lists.

Consider delivering an email to your list(s) when there are key events like: 1) Website launch; 2) Game launches; 3) Online clips, 4) Most importantly theatrical film release.

Online Showtimes & Ticketing and In Cinema Programs

Offer the ability to view local theater showtimes and/or the ability to purchase online tickets on your sites and within online ads/widgets.

Other: Each country is encouraged to use other digital assets such as email and email signatures.

One Sony: Work with your local Sony divisions and sister companies to help leverage the digital marketing assets. 21

CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE For example: Playstation Network: Distribute trailer and video clips Sony Xperia Tablet: Preload movie marketing content Sony Xperia Lounge: Content your local Sony Mobile team to push content through the Xperia Lounge Android app available on Google play:

Sony Home Entertainment: Bundle in Annie assets with similar comedy genre DVD/Blu-Ray campaigns Sony Pictures Television: Highlight the movie online with similar programmed films Perspectives: Please work with your local home entertainment colleagues to integrate PerSPEctives into your digital campaign.

….and other divisions that are able and willing to promote the movie for you.

Digital Asset Creation and Guidelines: We encourage you to create and share digital assets. Sharing ideas improves the marketing campaigns for everyone.

When developing ideas to be used locally that are beyond what we’ve uploaded to EAGL, please send to us for review. The ideas are reviewed by home office in 3 main areas: 1) Legal: There are contractual agreements that require certain items to be included or removed (e.g. equal likeness issues of having talent listed.) 2) Filmmaker/Talent Requests: If the director, producers, and actors have a certain vision of how the movie must be perceived, these must be taken into account (even if it is not a legal reason). 3) Positioning: The digital assets must fit the overall marketing positioning and strategy of the film.

Therefore, follow these guidelines when submitting your digital creative ideas:

1) Approved images. Only use approved movie photos/images from Publicity, style guide, EAGL, etc.




The creative advertising campaign for ANNIE presents a modern-day update of the well- known classic story. While not shying away from the musical’s iconic songs, the campaign emphasizes the comedy and feel-good nature of the film while showcasing a well-known cast (Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz). The promise of a fun, uplifting family entertainment is at the heart of this campaign.

Teaser Poster:

A teaser poster was offered (on request only) in April featuring a bold tagline taken from one of the musical’s best-known songs (“It’s a hard knock life”).

Final Poster & Quad: (On Request Only):

The final poster and quad are being serviced in September and prominently feature the film’s cast against a skyline, anchored by Quvenzhane Wallis as Annie accompanied by her dog Sandy in the foreground. The call-to-action tagline (“Be a Part of the Family Event of the Year”) invites audiences of all ages to discover the experience that is “Annie.” 23


Additional taglines have been suggested for territories releasing in the holiday corridor, or who prefer a more overt take on the story:

 “This Christmas, Find Where You Belong”  “Family is the Greatest Gift of All”

A red poster is being offered ‘on request only’ for territories who may prefer the iconic and defining color (but only if the ‘Annie’ brand is well-known locally).

In-Theater: Standee:

(7’ x 7’3”) A standee is being issued in September based on the international poster. The key difference is the arrangement of characters around Annie. Annie herself is shown holding the title treatment to help introduce and emphasize Quvenzhane as the new title character.


INTERNATIONAL TRAILER “A” (2:00) The first international trailer was serviced in April, offering both an introductory approach to Annie (for audiences unfamiliar with the story) while also including iconic moments and songs for fans of the musical. The trailer opens with Miss Hannigan (Cameron Diaz) characteristically yelling at Annie and the other foster children to the tune of “Hard Knock Life.” When rich magnate Benjamin Stacks (Jamie Foxx) literally bumps into Annie on the street, she triggers in him a plan to take the orphan into his care for political reasons as he is running for mayor. Cards telegraph the promise of comedy and emotion (Share the Laughter, Share the Emotion) as Stacks starts to care for Annie, with the song “Tomorrow” setting up a feel-good montage of “The Motion Picture Event of the Year.”

INTERNATIONAL TRAILER “B” (2:05) This second trailer takes a slightly broader approach, including more comedy and opening with a voiceover from Benjamin Stacks (Jamie Foxx) extolling the virtues of hard work and 24

CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE opportunity to the strains of “Hard Knock Life.” Annie’s story is then introduced, with accompanying cards (Sometimes what we’re looking for / is right in front of us). With the plot conveyed through choice dialogue between Jamie Foxx, Rose Byrne and Cameron Diaz, a montage ensues with cards (Share the laughter, Share the Emotion and Share the Family Event of the Year). The trailer ends with a button highlighting Jamie Foxx’s humorous aversion to Cameron Diaz’s character, further showcasing the film’s biggest international stars and including a salient comedic end note.

INTERNATIONAL TRAILER “C” (:60) A :60 will be in development for placement around the busy holiday corridor, just prior to the film’s international release for one final effective push with the right targets.


TV spots in development…



Depending on existing awareness levels in your territory, use editorial coverage to either reinforce “Annie’s” popularity and cement the must-see status of the new movie version, or establish a fresh profile to emphasize such commercial assets as the cast, the comedy, and the family-friendly message. In either case, position the release editorially as an event. Additionally,

- Emphasize that this is a modern, contemporary reinvention of the property (and not a period piece).

- Seek placement in all entertainment, family, kids’ outlets, and any appropriate women’s outlets.

- Consider including Sandy the dog, as appropriate, in editorial placement (or look-alikes in publicity stunts) to provide crossover appeal to boys and family audiences.

- Where ANNIE is a known property and/or in markets where musicals are popular, highlight publicity assets that feature musical elements including, where applicable, local singing stars who dubbed the songs, or contributed to the local soundtrack, or recorded their own cover of an ANNIE song.

- For markets where musicals are not popular, pitch features with an emphasis on family appeal and star wattage of Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz.

- Consider a local advocate that provides a quality endorsement for the film. For example, some markets are considering screening for local royalty who have young children to help


CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE position the film through publicity as the quality family film choice of the season. Other possible advocates include mommie bloggers, music stars who are “Annie” fans, morning- show hosts, and so on.

PRE-Christmas Openings:  Ensure the film is included in all the key Fall and Christmas line-up features, and “things to do with the family this Christmas” film lists.

 Ideas for consideration:

o Consider a local Christmas charity kids fashion show with “Annie” branding.

o Pitch “Annie”-themed Christmas windows to top department stores.

o Encourage children to dress up as Annie and have their pictures taken with Santa Claus in a shopping mall.

o Arrange for Christmas choirs to sing songs from ANNIE by the Christmas tree with local media to cover.

o Host an event at a toy store with a children’s charity, inviting disadvantaged kids to a closed store event where they can play with the toys, receive presents and goodie bags, followed by a private screening.

o For Christmas releases, book a charity holiday gift donation tie-in or special charity benefit screening.


 Junket Activity

o Int’l press junket – December 3 in New York with Quvenzhané Wallis, Cameron Diaz, Jamie Foxx, and director/producer Will Gluck

 Materials

o Written Materials

. Synopsis available as of late May. . Completed production notes will be available mid-November (TBC).

o Photography

. 5 unit shots available beginning of 2014 . We are aiming to get a few “mailers” which includes dance, music, fashion, dog, family/kids, becoming available starting mid-September . Special photography of Cameron Diaz to be distributed mid September



. Special photography of Quvenzhané and Jamie, and Quvenzhané and Sandy the dog, to be distributed

o Electronic Materials

. 2 trailers were released in April . EPK – tbd

 TOUR (TBC) o Week of December 14 – UK/European Press in London o Week of January 12, 2015 – Japanese/Asian Press in Tokyo


- Place profile features on the unique talent and phenomenon that is the young actress Quvenzhané Wallis, from her film “discovery” and Oscar-nominated turn in the critically acclaimed BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD, to her role in 12 YEARS A SLAVE, and now ANNIE.

- For markets where ANNIE is a known property:

o Pitch general features on the enduring appeal of the “Annie” story, the musical, and its many incarnations including this new film version.

o Support the modern theme and the fresh look of this new film with a focus on the updated “modern Annie look” – i.e. children’s fashion feature with Quvenzhané in colorful sneakers, high tops, jean skirts and jackets.



o Pitch an editorial history of ANNIE - which known actors have played ANNIE growing up (e.g. Sarah Jessica Parker, who was selected for the lead role in the 1977-81 Broadway musical and held the role for a year in March 1979)?, which actors have played other roles in the production? Feature actors in your market who got their start with a part or lead in ANNIE and invite them to the local premiere or special screening.

o If there is a children’s’ version of the TV program “The Voice”, “X Factor”, or “xxx Got Talent” in your country, or any similar talent show featuring kids, pitch an “Annie” night where participants face off performing songs from the film.

- The upbeat Annie has earned her place alongside the likes of Oliver Twist and Matilda … Encourage a discussion amongst literary experts about what is it that makes orphans such compelling characters?

- Place editorial features on director Will Gluck, and his track record of cool, witty successful comedies (i.e. EASY A, FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS) in print and online film publications directed at film buffs and adults.

- Invite local celebrities and their daughters to any local premieres or special screenings.

- Consider features on dog adoptions, animal shelters and national dog shows if timed to the release of the film.

- Through animal shelters, sponsor a media covered ADOPT-A-PET day. All information leading up to the event will come sponsored by ANNIE, the movie.

- Organize Sandy look-a-like contests on the red carpet with multiple dogs.

- Hold a competition to design a collar or leash for Sandy, the Dog.


Whether ANNIE is well known or not, whether musicals are popular or not, or whether audiences are simply looking for a fun, upbeat, inspirational family film, music can be used to


CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE effectively build awareness for the film. From song use at publicity events, to dubbing talent making appearances on behalf of the film, music is a major element which can be used in a variety of ways to support the film.

- Soundtrack

A song soundtrack album, featuring the cast of ANNIE performing the songs, will be released worldwide. Iconic classics from the film such as “Tomorrow” and “Hard Knock Life” can be used as the basis for a variety of song competitions, and physical soundtracks can be giveaway items. As always, soundtrack music can be used during premieres/events.

- Single

There will also be a single released of the song “Never Fully Dressed” performed by Australian singer/songwriter Sia.

- Dubbing Markets

In those markets where songs will be dubbed in the film, the local dubbing talent can be used to generate publicity through personal appearances at premieres/red carpet events, TV/radio show bookings and in some cases, recording a song from the film for release as a single in the local market.


TARGET AUDIENCE: Dual Primary Target: Women 25 – 49 Kids 6 – 11 (Girl Skew)

Secondary Target: Tweens (Girl Skew)

STRATEGY: Position Annie as an enjoyable comedy for the entire family. Launch effort will be focused heavily towards kids and parents using television as our core medium. Outdoor will be utilized everywhere possible to introduce the new contemporary setting, characters and entertaining storyline. Internet will be used as a cost-effective, targeted medium to reach kids and parents. Radio activity will be planned during our launch time period, as a strong supplement for promotional opportunities, and as an urgent call to action at opening. Press will be minimal, only in key publications and on key days, with colorful page dominant ads to achieve event status.

Television Begin flight with tactical top performing primetime programs, running longer lengths if possible. Look to popular variety programs that deliver family audiences (i.e. Dancing on Ice, Pop Idol, Dancing with the Stars, X Factor etc). In markets opening around the holidays, consider special holiday programs and movies that would also reach our dual targets.


CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE Where possible, establish positioning early in the market by running moderate length units (:20s and :15s). Heavying up on efficient weekend and after school kids programming as early as three weeks prior to release date will help to increase excitement and capture kids’ attention. Consider running strong Thursday-Sunday bursts early in the campaign to ensure high point levels/maximum saturation. Ok to consider double-spotting in highly rated half hour kids programs to increase occurrence and nag factor.

Please build strong terrestrial schedules consisting of cost-effective dayparts that reach moms efficiently (i.e. early morning and daytime). To ensure high saturation levels the buys should include the use of high frequency :15s. Ten-second spots may be added to the mix just prior to opening and for sustain. A strong local cable/satellite campaign made up of longer lengths and high frequency will provide a low out of pocket way to reach women during this expensive time period.

We hope to create unique assets, station ids and talent greetings. These units are important to help us cut thru the fourth quarter TV clutter. Please leverage your buys to secure these pieces and make sure they are placed as much as possible.

Outdoor Where affordable and especially where the Annie brand has been successful, consider purchasing early units, focusing on large quality formats. Aim to secure premier locations only and try for backlit & digital sites given the winter season (in most places). In addition to the larger formats, consider efficient layouts that reach families within their daily routines such as: pedestrian circuits, banners and one-sheet placement in shopping malls, playgrounds, community centers, schools, toy stores, book stores, libraries and of course, multiplexes.

If releasing early, take into account heavy travel and shopping periods when holiday traffic is at its peak. Stickers on buses, trains, subway cars, mall elevator doors can be a great cost effective way to connect with Moms. Pending timing of release, school advertising may also work in reaching children.

Internet/Digital Internet is an important component of the media campaign, bringing to life all the characters from Annie and allowing the core audience to build character recognition and play with fun, interactive games. Video and social is going to be a big asset for this title to help sell the fun and funny moments in the film. Focus on children sites (e.g. Stardoll, Cartoon Network, Miniclip, Disney and Nickelodeon) to reach younger audiences. Portal’s family sections and social sites (e.g. Yahoo, Facebook, and MSN) are a great place to reach moms/parents. Leverage search to reach families/younger audiences looking for upcoming family friendly/fun movies coming out soon. Be sure to include music sites/custom playlists (e.g. Spotify, Vevo) in countries where the Annie brand is known and music is the focus.

Radio Radio may be used as an efficient tool for reaching parents and leveraging media promotions. During launch week, please purchase high delivery drive time dayparts that reach parents in a captured environment. Schedule the campaign as a call to action 3 to 4 days out with high frequency, short sharp bursts, pushing movie-going traffic towards opening 30

CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE weekend. Please take into account Kids Radio, School Radio or kid’s blocks within mainstream radio, in markets where it is available and effective.

Added value spots should play a big role within the overall radio effort. The promotional activity should be scheduled at least 10 days prior to opening. Sponsoring traffic and weather reports can be a great way to reach parents turning in during the winter and holiday time periods.

Newspaper Press ads should be page dominant, but limited, and used mainly as a means for signaling parents. When applicable, avoid buying small pre-awareness ads as we are using this medium as a call to action only. Please use FP4C wherever possible or affordable, to achieve impact and event status.

Magazines Consumer magazine activity will be limited, especially given the kid target. Some niche kid magazines may be considered, but only as a cost-efficient, low out-of-pocket alternative. We prefer to utilize this medium as a promotional outlet as print is less impactful for marketing movies than other media.

Pan-Regional Pan-Regional activity will play an important role in the overall campaign by reaching a broad audience, including kids and their parents, through cable/satellite. Beyond paid media campaigns, we are looking for opportunities to include short clips and/or scenes, tune-in units, channel IDs, theme nights/days and holiday programming/sponsorships.

Supporting networks being considered are:

Kids & Parents  Asia: Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon. STAR/FOX & SPTI  Europe: Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon& SPTI  Latin America: Cartoon Network, Discovery Kids, Disney, Nickelodeon, SPTI, TNT, Warner Channel


AVAILABLE SALES MATERIALS  Pitch Materials: o Pitch Deck  A/V Materials: o 2 Full Length Trailers

OBJECTIVES  Position the film as a vibrant, fun family film


CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE  Secure partner brands that speak to the core target audience and can provide meaningful media support for your release  Leverage Quvenzhané Wallis’ character to generate media partnerships with the biggest kids’ shows and print publications

STRATEGY  Pursue partnerships which target young girls 5-12 or have an organic fit to the storyline/themes  Develop promotional messaging which celebrates the fun and energetic elements of the film


 Key Promotional Categories o Brands which target young girls o Pet Food/Care o Kids’ Clothing Retailers o Sony Companies (Sony Electronics, Sony Mobile, Sony PlayStation)

 Restricted Categories Promotions are prohibited in the following categories: Alcohol, tobacco, firearms [all weapons, other than toy weapons], sexually-oriented products, pharmaceuticals, personal hygiene, intimate apparel, items with a political or religious theme, lotteries and/or gambling.

 Themes o Music . Pursue promotions with music or dance schools for young girls or contest mechanics which involve writing your own songs, submitting dance videos, etc. o Inspiration . Target brands which inspire young girls’ to express themselves through fashion, music, education, dance, etc. o Pets . Leverage Annie’s beloved dog, Sandy to pitch pet food and/or pet care brands or associations  Purchase $25 in pet toys at Pets Place and receive a film-themed premium  Adopt a dog at a shelter and receive tickets to local film screening

 Sweepstakes Ideas: o Express your style like Annie! Enter to win a new wardrobe for the rest of the school year! o Discover your inner Annie. Enter to win singing or dance classes. o Enter to win a trip to New York to visit some of the sites where Annie was filmed and tickets to see the Tony award-winning musical on Broadway. o It doesn’t have to be a hard knock life for you! Enter to win a prize pack of Sony Electronics for your home.


CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE o Enter to win your very own film-themed bike to explore your neighborhood with friends o Enter to win a year’s supply of pet food for your four-legged friend!

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES  Third-Party Brand Promotions A complete deal memo form must be submitted to home office for any proposed Annie third party promotion. Please include all information in the deal memo form. . Send all deal memos to Ashley Varner with a copy to Becky D’Anna and Ziad Toubassy. . Please allow 5-10 business days for approval. It is deemed not approved without approval in writing from home office. . Once you have received approval on the deal memo, you may proceed with creating marketing materials and submit via Media Box for approval. . Creative Guidelines will be available at a later date.  Media Promotions Details and template for Media Promotions will be available at a later date.


ANNIE Release Range: December '14 - April '15 Territories: ALL TRAILER TARGET NOTES Mr. Peabody & Sherman 3D Muppets Most Wanted Rio 2 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 IMAX 3D (Attached) Priority Mom's Night Out Legend Of Oz: Dorothy's Return 3D Maleficent 3D Priority How To Train Your Dragon 2 3D Priority Planes: Fire & Rescue 3D Guardians Of The Galaxy 3D Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Dolphin Tale 2 Priority The Boxtrolls 3D Priority Alexander And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Priority Book Of Life Big Hero 6 Priority If I Stay The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Pt 1 Priority Penguins Of Madagascar Priority Home 3D Priority



TRAILERS RELEASED Trailer Version Quantity Ordered Int'l A 4,530 Int'l B 467 IN-THEATRE MATERIALS STANDEE English: 1,185 LAS: 395 Castilian: 350 Italian: 2 French: 76 German: 178 Korean: 125 Date Queried: 8/13/2014 Inwood Shipping TBD Date: In-Theatre Date: TBD

"CITYSCAPE" English: 12,215 ONE-SHEET

LAS: 41,151 Date Queried: 8/13/2014 Inwood Shipping TBD Date: In-Theatre Date: TBD

Security Pre-Screening Dates & Invitation Verbiage

 Please find the security info for all Annie pre-release footage screenings and pre- release screenings.

 Please let Josh Farrar know where all screenings will be held, so proper security can be coordinated.

 Night vision goggles are required for every screening.

 Screenings prior to December 19th, 2014 – Full security procedures MUST be in place to include bag checks, wanding, night vision goggles and mobile devices with cameras MUST be collected.



 Night vision goggles are required for every screening

 Please find the proper verbiage for all invitations:

This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending this screening, you consent to surveillance by security personnel. By attending, you agree not to bring any recording device (including certain types of mobile devices which have recording capability) into the theater. By attending, you also consent to physical search of your belongings and person for recording devices. If you attempt to enter with a recording device, you will be denied admission. If you attempt to use a recording device, you consent to your immediate removal from the theater and forfeiture of the device and its contents. Unauthorized recordings will be reported to law enforcement and may subject you to criminal and civil liability.

Security Pre-Screening Protocols


All Annie pre-release footage screenings and pre-release screenings shall have the following security protocols. Annie is far too important to Sony Pictures not to protect it to the fullest extent.


All invitees must be advised in advance that NO mobile phones, cameras or recording devices will be allowed inside the theatre. The invitation must have language to this effect in both the local language and in English. Please also ask your guests to arrive early as this process could slow things slightly. NOTE: security vendors selected to provide security coverage at each theatre must be adequately prepared and staffed to facilitate this both courteously and efficiently.

Prior to theatre entry metal detection devices (hand-held wands) will be used by trained security personnel to screen all attendees to ensure they do not enter with prohibited items. A sufficient number of these wands should be available to ensure all guests are screened within one hour leading up to the start of the film.

At each theatre entrance there should be an area designated to perform wanding of guests with handheld metal detectors and to allow for the check-in of recording devices and all phones.

Security staff should walk through all areas of the theatre (including bathrooms) and the projection booth in each auditorium prior to and during the screening of the film - ideally, one member of staff should remain in the projection booth area while the assembled film is there.


CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE Theatre management should be advised of these security protocols and understand and support them.


Although package inspection is mandatory there should be no physical contact between the screener and the guest or the guests' belongings (unless and until they are checking in a camera or a mobile phone).

Security is responsible for ensuring that no unauthorized persons enter the theatre after the film begins and further to re- inspect all items/persons upon their re-entry to the theatre.

Security staff will patrol the theatre and utilize night vision goggles (NVG) to ensure no one is operating a recording device. The size of the audience and the lay-out of the auditorium will determine the number of scopes needed.

In the event someone is observed or suspected of recording the film a member of the SPRI staff will be responsible for responding. Unless there are extraordinary circumstances it is preferred that the screening not be interrupted and that the suspect be approached just as the film ends. This will obviously require continual visual monitoring until movie ends.

The local contract security vendor for each venue should provide enough two-way radios to ensure their staff and ours are well connected.


Upon completion of the screening, each print should be broken down, recovered and properly secured.

If you have any questions please email Josh Farrar [email protected]. If you have any specific equipment needs (NVG's/ Metal Detector Wands / etc.) please make that request to Josh Farrar immediately.