South Rhodesia Mands of His Own Ultras for Uni­ Pendence: Somewhat Rashly He Re­ Lateral Action

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South Rhodesia Mands of His Own Ultras for Uni­ Pendence: Somewhat Rashly He Re­ Lateral Action May 9, 1964 THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY But the terms of reference of sible choice of his successor. Rhodesian tobacco, and Southern the Fourth Commission do not Field's February talks in London Rhodesia's important exports to indicate that any consideration produced no promise of foresee­ Northern Rhodesia and Nyasa- has been given to these basic able independence on the present land. Smith has seemed more wil­ problems. franchise, vel he resisted the de­ ling to play with unilateral inde­ South Rhodesia mands of his own ultras for uni­ pendence: somewhat rashly he re­ lateral action. His resistance was cently predicted that he did not THE description of the new no doubt strengthened by full expect to see African majority Southern Rhodesian Cabinet awareness that South Africa rule in Southern Rhodesia in his as 'the cowboy Cabinet' by the would not support 'illegal' action lifetime. He can point to the un­ African nationalist leader, Nkomo, (the Union needs to try and keep precedented boom in South Africa is not inappropriate, but it does Britain as sweet as possible for that followed her expulsion from surest that the new Prime Min- its own sake), and that the Com­ the Commonwealth. But South isier, Ian Smith, is sharply diffe- monwealth would probably expel Africa is very much more develop­ lent from his predecessor, Field. Southern Rhodesia, so terminating ed than her northern neighbour This is not clear—Field, until his imperial preference (particularly who is still very dependent on departure, was not averse to important for tobacco) and severe­ rather vulnerable (but for her de­ games of Russian roulette with the ly limiting the economy. Faced veloped customers minor) lines of African majority and the British with the prospect of total disgrace, trade. It is this question of the Government. As it is, the variables Britain might also be inveigled viability of any universally con­ in the situation remain much as into freezing Southern Rhodesian demned independence that has they were. The British Govern­ assets in London, and organising tempered the enthusiasm of white ment continues to dither, bound some sort of trade boycott which Southern Rhodesians for brave on the one hand by its current would cover Britain's imports of gestures. electoral prospects and the possi­ bility of a Tory revolt if it expli­ citly refuses independence to Southern Rhodesia before an Afri­ can majority Government can be assured, and on the other, its de­ sire to tread on as few toes as possible, whether Commonwealth, African or white Rhodesian. The Rhodesian Front Government has a majority in the Assembly of only five seats (including the deposed Prime Minister and the ex-Minis- ter of the Interior, John Howman, who resigned at the same time; there have recently been rumours of a 'third man' available for re­ bellion), and its prospects of sur­ viving the coming months are not exactly bright. The inflation con­ tinues, the failure to execute the racial segregation implicit in the 'community development' pro­ gramme remains fifteen months after the Party came to power, and the white emigration rate, a thousand a month (a net emigra­ tion rate amounting to four per cent of the white population since the Rhodesian Front was elected) does not. seem to have abated. To all this, the rising militancy of the Africans, provoked by the delibe­ rate harassment of Joshua Nkomo, might act as a catalyst, either ac­ celerating the Government's move­ ment towards a South African pattern of Government or forcing it to reconsider the whole situa­ tion. Which alternative Field would have chosen, had he remained in power, is no clearer than the pos- 800 THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY May 9, 1964 White urban workers clearly the case of South Africa and Zan­ books in regional languages is only might favour unilateral indepen­ zibar. one instance of the incompetence dence and the reform of Southern Education in Perspective of the States, Inevitably, then, the Rhodesia to resemble South Afri­ Centre has to step in, but in a ca: the legal structure will then THE connection between the task which only the regional autho­ guarantee their social status and various levels of education rities can satisfactorily perform, privileged jobs. But the farmers seems self-evident but somehow in its effectiveness is necessarily who constitute the backbone of official policies and pronounce­ limited. the Rhodesian Front will be a little ments this has quite often been more doubtful for their livelihood missed. It is, therefore, refreshing Amending Companies Act vitally depends on certain mar­ to find the Union Education Mini­ kets. The ejection of Field from ster emphasising that secondary R K Hazari writes: office, perhaps contingent on the education is the most vital link THERE is no doubt that the British Conservative decision to in the education chain and point­ Companies Act is long and push the election date to October ing out that unless standards are complicated and that many of its (so giving the Rhodesian Front a improved at that level, the stand­ provisions are needlessly restric­ further period of safety from any ard of University education cannot tive. The Finance Minister has changes a British Labour Govern­ go up. himself conceded the need for re­ ment might want to make), has In his address to the State Edu­ moving the minor pinpricks which not in fact changed anything in cation Ministers' Conference, irritate company managements the basic situation, even though Chagla went so far as to suggest a without serving any social pur­ the figurehead has become what Secondary Education Commission, pose. The new amendments which seems a more decisive character. on the lines of the UGC. But since he proposes to introduce in the The pause continues: a pause the that does not seem very feasible next session of the Lok Sabha Africans should be using to com­ just yet, other means of feeding were earlier expected to have the pose their differences and form the finance to schools has to be sought. limited objective of implementing sort of united front between Chagla was frank enough to con­ some of the recommendations of Nkomo's People's Caretaker Coun­ fess that the scheme of matching the Vivian Bose Commission. But cil and Sithole's Zimbabwe Afri­ grants had failed. As an alterna­ it is understood now that the can National Union which could tive he proposed strengthening and amending bill will be of a more present an unequivocal challenge expanding the centrally-sponsored comprehensive nature. Anticipat­ to the white minority. Such a sectors in education. Such an ap- ing the Minister's intentions, the body could, with much more eff­ proach would not be entirely free Federation of Indian Chambers of ectiveness, present itself as an al­ of pitfalls. For "sectors" are not Commerce and Industry has sub­ ternative government and try to separate, water-tight units but are mitted a long and detailed note gain the support of the British. cognate and inter-dependent. The asking for the relaxation or dele­ sponsored development of selected tion of a large number of provi­ For the future, the indepen­ sectors may not only create ano­ sions. Understandably, the FICCI dence of Nyasaland in July and malies, but the progress of the does not demand the tightening of somewhat later the Common­ schemes themselves may be ham­ certain other provisions, the need wealth Prime Ministers' Confe­ pered by deficiencies in other, but for which has been accepted even rence will both test how firm that related, sectors. by some businessmen and inves­ pause is. The Assembly, at pre­ tors apart from other sections of sent not sitting, must reopen once What the Centre really wants is the community. But that is quite more in July, when the Rhodesian more authority in shaping educa­ another story. Front's slim majority will come tion. Chagla conceded that it under increasing fire if Smith is would be unrealistic to expect im­ The main suggestions of the tempted to take any decision mediate agreement to its being FICCI are that the restrictions on clear enough to satisfy his right- placed on the concurrent list. He inter-company investment should wing. Some see hope in a hypo­ was content, for the time being be relaxed because they are "mis­ thetical return to politics of Wel- at least, with presenting the objects conceived in principle", that the ensky (now, after the Federation and scope of a "national system definition of "associates" of man­ scalding, magically transformed of education" and the institution aging agents and directors should into a liberal) in alliance with of an All-India Education Service. be made less stringent and that Field, but this is still too specula­ But there is at least one import­ contracts with such associates tive to affect the present situation, ant reason why education should should be freed of the numerous and like the insistent demands for remain principally the States' con­ statutory restrictions now placed British action (standing on its cern. Instruction at all levels, in­ on them. It has also suggested that merely legal rights, even these cluding the University, has to be trusts should be allowed to regis­ being a bit thin), arc merely at­ in the language of the region and ter themselves as shareholders tempts to get someone else to pull the administration of education instead of having to register their the Rhodesian African's chestnuts has to be in the hands of those investments in the names of their out of the fire. But for Britain, at alive to the requirements of this trustees. least, some of the writing is on medium.
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