Progmmm? of % Fourteenth Rehearsal and Concert
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SYMPHONY HALL, BOSTON HUNTINGTON (S-MASSACHUSETTS AVENUES -, , , j Ticket Office, 1492 ) „ Telephones ^^""^„ , ^^^ j Administration Offices, 3200 } THIRTIETH SEASON, 1910 AND 1911 MAX FIEDLER, Conductor progmmm? of % Fourteenth Rehearsal and Concert WITH HISTORICAL AND DESCRIP- TIVE NOTES BY PHILIP HALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 27 AT 2.30 O'CLOCK SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 28 AT 8.00 O'CLOCK COPYRIGHT, 1910, BY C. A. ELLIS PUBLISHED BY C. A.ELLIS, MANAGER 1013 WM. L. WHITNEY International School for Vocalists BOSTON NEW YORK SYMPHONY CHAMBERS 134 CARNEQIE HALL 246 HUNTINGTON AVE. CORNER OF 57th AND 7th AVE. PORTLAND HARTFORD Y. M. C. A. BUILDING HARTFORD SCHOOL OF MUSIC CONGRESS SQUARE 8 SPRING STREET T)14 Boston Symphony Orchestra PERSONNEL Thirtieth Season, 1910-1911 MAX FIEDLER, Conductor Violins. Witek, A., Roth, 0. Hofifmann, J. Concer^masUr. Kuntz, D. KrafEt, F. W. Noack, S. Perfection m Piano Making 5 feet long THE Quarter Grand Style V, m figured Maliogany, price ^650 It IS Dut five feet long and in Tonal Proportions a Masterpiece or piano Duildmg. It is CniCKering GT* Sons most recent triumph, tKe exponent of EIGHTY-SEVEN YEARS experience in artistic piano building, and tne neir to all tne qualities that tne name of its makers l-i implies. CHICKERING ^ SONS Established 1823 791 TREMONT STREET, Comer Northampton Street, near Mass. Ave. BOSTON " •nCRTIETH SEASON, NINETEEN HUNDRED TEN AND ELEVEN Jourt^wtlf S^Ii^araal anJn Olnnr^rt FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 27, at 2.30 o»clock SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 28, at 8 o'clock PROGRAMME ' Gernsheim . "To a Drama": Tone-Poem, Op. 82 First time in Boston Reger ..... Variations and Fugue on a Merry Tiieme of J. A. Hiller (1770), Op. 100 Saint- Saens . Concerto in A minor, No. i, for Violoncello and Orchestra, Op. ;i;^ Allegro non troppo. Allegretto con moto. Come prima. Wagner ....... Ove'rlure to "Tannhauser SOLOIST Mf. HEINRICK WARNKE There will be an intermission of ten minutes before the concerto The doors of the hall tvill he closed during the performance of each number on the programme. Those tvho tvish to leave before the end of the concert are requested to do so in an interval be- tween the numbers. City of Boston, Revised Regulation of August 5. 1898.— Chapter 3, relatinii to the coverind of the head in places of public amusement. Every Ikensee shall not, In his place of amusement, allow any person to wear upon the head a covering which obstructs the view pf the exhibition or performance in such place of any person seated in any seat therein provided lox spectators, it being understood that a low head covering without projection, wbicb does not obstruet such view, may be worn. Attest: J. M. GALVIN, City Clerk. 1017 L P. Hollander & Co. GOWNS "" SOUTHERN WEAR Custom Dressmaking Department. Third Floor We are showing an exclusive line of MUSLINS, FRENCH LINENS, HANDKERCHIEF LINENS, FOULARD SILKS, COTTON VEII^ INGS and other Materials — in NOVELTY DESIGNS from the latest IMPORTED MODELS, just received from Paris, suitable for SOUTHERN WEAR, from which we will take orders, or can furnish from stock for immediate use. Smart French Linen Princess Dresses . From $35.00 up Dainty Imported Chiffon Bead Embroidered Dresses From 55.00 up Foulard Silk Dresses From 55.00 up Muslin Dresses From 45.00 up Handkerchief Linen Dresses From 45.00 up Linen Tailored Suits From 55.00 up Serge Tailored Suits From 95.00 up Shreve, Crump & Low Company. Diamonds. Gems, A splendid showing of Diamond Jewelry. Solid Gold Goods for the Library, Table, and personal use. Watches. Exquisite Chatelaine Watches. Old Sterling Silver. A magniFicent showing of ornamental Fancy Goods. A room filled with the superb Tiffang Glass . Rare Old Tapestries, Antiques, and Furniture. Finest Stationery. J 47 Tremont Street, Boston. 1018 "Zu EiNEM Drama," Tone-poem for Full Orchestra, Op. 82. Friedrich Gernsheim (Bom at Worms, July 17, 1839; now living in Berlin.) • "To a Drama" was published in 19 10. It was performed at a Phil- harmonic Concert in BerHn, October 24, 19 10, conducted by Mr. Nik- isch. It is scored for three flutes (one interchangeable with piccolo), two oboes, English horn, two clarinets, bass clarinet, three bassoons, four horns, three trumpets, three trombones, bass tuba, four kettledrums, cymbals, tam-tam, harp, and the usual strings. The tone-poem begins Allegro moderato, C minor, 4-4, with a theme announced, dolce e tranquillo, by the wood-wind, and the final phrase is echoed by the strings. A continuation leads to a more vigorous phrase, wood-wind, which later is freely used. Development after a climax is followed by measures in gentler mood, and a suave motive is sung (A -flat major, meno mosso), at first by the first violins. The tempo changes, vivo e agitato, and there is a section of a stormy nature with use of fresh and also familiar material. An expressive ascending motive (English horn, bassoons, lower strings) is worked to a climax. Tempo I. (moderato), C minor. There is a return of the opening theme, and there is long development until there is a robust motive, derived from former material, for full orchestra, C major. A short contrasting section, molto meno mosso, quasi Fantasia, introduces an important section. Andante amoroso e molto sostenuto quasi Adagio, G-flat major, 12-8, beginning with flute solo and wood-wind accompaniment. There is a return to the tempo at the beginning, and there is use of former material with trumpet-calls. The suave theme first announced in A-flat major, meno mosso, reappears now in C major. Other themes are heard again, as in recapitulation. A few solemn measures intro- Grand Operas to be Performed this Season in NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO ••GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST." By "LA BOHFME. •• By G. Puccini G.Puccini ^ Vocal Score. English text . $2.50 Vocal Score. Italian and English . $4.00 Piano Score .... 2.00 Piano Score . _ . Libretto. 2.00 Italian and English . .25 Libretto. Italian and English texts . .35 ••MADAM BUTTERFLY." By G.Puccini "MANON LESCAUT." By G. Puccini Vocal Score. Italian Vocal Score. Italian and English texts . 3.50 and English . 3.50 Piano Score .... 2.00 Piano Score .... 3.50 Libretto. Italian Libretto. Italian and English texts . .35 and English . .35 "TOSCA." By G.Puccini •• GERMANIA." By A. Franchetti Vocal Score. Italian and English texts . 3.50 Vocal Score. Italian text . , 5.00 Piano Score .... 2.00 Piano Score .... 3.50 Libretto. Italian and English texts . .25 Libretto. Italian and English . .35 Vocal Scores of the above operas can be obtained in Italian and French texts BOOSEY ^ COMPANY, 9 East Seventeenth Street NEW YORK CITY 1019 TORREY, BRIGHT & CAPEN CO. FINE ORIENTAL CARPETS AND RUGS English Wilton and Brussels Carpets Imported Axminster Carpets Woven to Order, Any Size, Any Colors Domestic Wilton and Brussels Carpets and Rugs Inlaid Linoleums Torrey, Bright (®, Capen Co. 348-350 Washington Street Boston, Mass. 1020 — duce the Finale, Andante molto sostenuto quasi Adagio, 12-8, with ending for full strength of the orchestra. * * * Gernsheim, born of Hebrew parents, was first taught by his mother, a pianist, and then by Liebe, Pauer, and Rozenheim. He also studied the violin and theory. Instead of becoming a virtuoso, he went to the Leipsic Conservatory for a thorough training, and during the years 1852-55 studied under Moscheles, Hauptmann, Rietz, and Richter. From Leipsic he went to Paris, where he studied, taught, and was heard as a pianist. In 1861 he was conductor at Saarbruck. In 1865 he taught piano and composition at the Cologne Conservatory, The Duke of Coburg-Gotha in 1872 gave him the title of Professor. In 1874 Gernsheim was appointed conductor of the Maatschappij-Con- certs at Rotterdam. From 1890 to 1897 he taught at the Stern Con- servatory, Berlin, and until 1904 he conducted the Stemscher Gesang- verein in that city, and since 1897 he was conductor of the "Kruditio Musica" in Rotterdam. In the last-named year he was made a member of the Senate of the Royal Academy of Arts in Berlin, and in 1901 a principal of the Royal Academic Master School for Composition. His colleagues in 19 10 were Bruch and Humperdinck. His chief compositions, with dates of first performance, are as fol- lows : SELECTED PIECES FOR VIOLONCELLO AND PIANO CARL BOHM. Op. 366, No. 8 EDWARD MAC DOWELL ESTELLA. Arietta . $0.60 (Arrangements by JULIUS KLENGEL) RUDOLF FRIML. Op. 36, No. 2 To a Wild Rose . $0.50 TWILIGHT .60 At an old Trysting-place •50 To a Water-Lily •SO DAVID DE SOUZA. Op. 17 A Deserted Farm •50 BERCEUSE. (Doux Sommeil) .50 Told at Simset . -•50 18 VERY FIRST STUDIES FOR THE VIOLONCELLO (with second 'cello ad lib.) By CARL SCHRODER Op.s? (SCHMIDT'S EDUCATIONAL SERIES NO 14.) PRICE 75 CENTS ARTHUR P. SCHMIDT J20 BOYLSTON STREET (take elevator) AND FOR SALE BY ALL MUSIC DEALERS 1021 Symphonies: No. i, G minor, Op. 32 (Rotterdam, February 25, 1875)- No. 2, E-flat, Op. 46 (Rotterdam, March 16, 1882). No. 3, C minor, "Mirjam," Op. 54 (Rotterdam, January 18, 1888). No. 4, B-flat major. Op. 62 (Mayence, January 21, 1896). Overture: " Waldmeisters Brautfahrt," Op. 13 (Cologne, January 14, 1868). Concertos: for pianoforte and orchestra, C minor. Op. 16 (Basle, November 15, 1868; Gernsheim, pianist). For violin and orchestra, D major, Op. 42 (Rotterdam, January 22, 1880; Isidor Schnitzler, violinist). For violoncello and orchestra, E minor. Op. 78 (Eisenach, February 16, 1907; Karl Piening, violoncellist). Chamber Music: Divertimento for flute, two violins, violoncello, and double-bass. Op. 53 (dedicated to the New York Philharmonic Club ; first performed by this club in New York in the winter of 1 888-89) • Quintet for two violins, two violas, and violoncello, D major.