The Oversight, Acquisition, Testing, and Employment of the Littoral Combat Ship (Lcs) and Lcs Mission Module Programs

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The Oversight, Acquisition, Testing, and Employment of the Littoral Combat Ship (Lcs) and Lcs Mission Module Programs S. HRG. 114–736 THE OVERSIGHT, ACQUISITION, TESTING, AND EMPLOYMENT OF THE LITTORAL COMBAT SHIP (LCS) AND LCS MISSION MODULE PROGRAMS HEARING BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED FOURTEENTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2016 Printed for the use of the Committee on Armed Services ( Available via the World Wide Web: U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE 28–323 PDF WASHINGTON : 2018 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Publishing Office Internet: Phone: toll free (866) 512–1800; DC area (202) 512–1800 Fax: (202) 512–2104 Mail: Stop IDCC, Washington, DC 20402–0001 VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:25 Feb 01, 2018 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 5011 Sfmt 5011 C:\USERS\WR47328\DESKTOP\28323.TXT WILDA COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES JOHN MCCAIN, Arizona, Chairman JAMES M. INHOFE, Oklahoma JACK REED, Rhode Island JEFF SESSIONS, Alabama BILL NELSON, Florida ROGER F. WICKER, Mississippi CLAIRE MCCASKILL, Missouri KELLY AYOTTE, New Hampshire JOE MANCHIN III, West Virginia DEB FISCHER, Nebraska JEANNE SHAHEEN, New Hampshire TOM COTTON, Arkansas KIRSTEN E. GILLIBRAND, New York MIKE ROUNDS, South Dakota RICHARD BLUMENTHAL, Connecticut JONI ERNST, Iowa JOE DONNELLY, Indiana THOM TILLIS, North Carolina MAZIE K. HIRONO, Hawaii DAN SULLIVAN, Alaska TIM KAINE, Virginia MIKE LEE, Utah ANGUS S. KING, JR., Maine LINDSEY GRAHAM, South Carolina MARTIN HEINRICH, New Mexico TED CRUZ, Texas CHRISTIAN D. BROSE, Staff Director ELIZABETH L. KING, Minority Staff Director (II) VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:25 Feb 01, 2018 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 8486 Sfmt 8486 C:\USERS\WR47328\DESKTOP\28323.TXT WILDA C O N T E N T S THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2016 Page THE OVERSIGHT, ACQUISITION, TESTING, AND EMPLOYMENT OF THE LITTORAL COMBAT SHIP (LCS) AND LCS MISSION MODULE PROGRAMS ............................ 1 Gilmore, Honorable J. Michael, Ph.D., Director, Operational Test and Evalua- tion, United States Department of Defense, Washington, DC ......................... 9 Stackley, Honorable Sean J., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, United States Department of Navy, Washington, DC .......... 26 Rowden, Vice Admiral Thomas S., Commander, Naval Surface Forces, and Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, United States Navy, Washington, DC ................................................................................................... 39 Francis, Paul L., Managing Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, Government Accountability Office, Washington, DC ........................................ 40 Questions for the Record ......................................................................................... 93 (III) VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:25 Feb 01, 2018 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 8486 Sfmt 8486 C:\USERS\WR47328\DESKTOP\28323.TXT WILDA VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:25 Feb 01, 2018 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 8486 Sfmt 8486 C:\USERS\WR47328\DESKTOP\28323.TXT WILDA THE OVERSIGHT, ACQUISITION, TESTING, AND EMPLOYMENT OF THE LITTORAL COM- BAT SHIP (LCS) AND LCS MISSION MODULE PROGRAMS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2016 U.S. SENATE, COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES, Washington, DC. The committee met, pursuant to notice at 9:35 a.m., in Room SD–G50, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Senator John McCain (chairman) presiding. Committee members present: Senators McCain, Inhofe, Wicker, Ayotte, Fischer, Cotton, Rounds, Ernst, Tillis, Sullivan, Graham, Cruz, Reed, Nelson, McCaskill, Manchin, Shaheen, Gillibrand, Blumenthal, Donnelly, Hirono, Kaine, King, and Heinrich. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN, CHAIRMAN Chairman MCCAIN. Since a quorum is now present, I ask the committee to consider a list of 2,385 pending military nominations. Of these nominations, five nominations are six days short of the committee’s requirement that nominations be in committee for seven days before we report them out. No objection has been raised to these nominations. I recommend the committee waive the seven-day rule in order to permit the con- firmation of the nomination of these officers before the Senate ad- journs the 114th Congress, thank God. Is there a motion to favorably report these 2,385 military nomi- nations? Senator REED. So moved. Chairman MCCAIN. Is there a second? Senator INHOFE. Second. Chairman MCCAIN. All in favor, say aye. [A chorus of ayes.] [The information referred to follows:] MILITARY NOMINATIONS PENDING WITH THE SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE WHICH ARE PROPOSED FOR THE COMMITTEE’S CONSIDERATION ON DECEMBER 1, 2016. 1. BG Robert N. Polumbo, USAFR to be major general (Reference No. 1206) 2. In the Air Force there are 15 appointments to the grade of colonel (list begins with Daniel J. Bessmer) (Reference No. 1553) 3. In the Army there is 1 appointment to the grade of major (Brian C. Garver) (Reference No. 1557) (1) VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:25 Feb 01, 2018 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 6633 Sfmt 6621 C:\USERS\WR47328\DESKTOP\28323.TXT WILDA 2 4. MG Jerry D. Harris, Jr., USAF to be lieutenant general and Deputy Chief of Staff, Strategic Plans and Requirements, Headquarters US Air Force (Reference No. 1617) 5. In the Navy there is 1 appointment to the grade of lieutenant commander (Suzanne L. Hopkins) (Reference No. 1633) 6. LTG James M. Holmes, USAF to be general and Commander, Air Com- bat Command (Reference No. 1664) 7. RADM William K. Lescher, USN to be vice admiral and Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Integration of Capabilities and Resources, N8, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (Reference No. 1671) 8. In the Army there is 1 appointment to the grade of major (Clifford D. John- ston) (Reference No. 1689) 9. In the Army there is 1 appointment to the grade of major (Reinaldo Gonzalez II) (Reference No. 1692) 10. In the Army there is 1 appointment to the grade of major (Graham F. Inman) (Reference No. 1712) 11. Capt. Kelly A. Aeschbach, USN to be rear admiral (lower half) (Ref- erence No. 1767) 12. VADM Dixon R. Smith, USN to be vice admiral and Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Fleet Readiness and Logistics, N4, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (Reference No. 1804) 13. In the Air Force Reserve there are 6 appointments to the grade of brigadier general (list begins with Joel E. DeGroot) (Reference No. 1811) 14. In the Air Force Reserve there are 13 appointments to the grade of major general (list begins with David P. Baczewski) (Reference No. 1812) 15. BG Jesse T. Simmons, Jr., ANG to be major general (Reference No. 1813) 16. In the Air Force Reserve there are 2 appointments to the grade of major general (list begins with David M. McMinn) (Reference No. 1814) 17. Col. William E. Dickens, Jr., USAFR to be brigadier general (Reference No. 1815) 18. In the Air Force Reserve there are 12 appointments to the grade of brigadier general (list begins with Brian K. Borgen) (Reference No. 1817) 19. BG Randolph J. Staudenraus, ANG to be major general (Reference No. 1818) 20. In the Air Force Reserve there are 6 appointments to the grade of major general (list begins with Craig L. LaFave) (Reference No. 1819) 21. Col. Stephen C. Melton, ANG to be brigadier general (Reference No. 1820) 22. MG Paul E. Funk II, USA to be lieutenant general and Commanding General, III Corps and Fort Hood (Reference No. 1821) 23. MG Gary J. Volesky, USA to be lieutenant general and Commanding General, I Corps and Joint Base Lewis-McChord (Reference No. 1822) 24. MG James H. Dickinson, USA to be lieutenant general and Com- manding General, US Army Space and Missile Defense Command/US Army Forces Strategic Command (Reference No. 1823) 25. BG Patrick M. Hamilton, ARNG to be major general (Reference No. 1824) 26. In the Army Reserve there are 18 appointments to the grade of major general (list begins with Benjamin F. Adams III) (Reference No. 1826) 27. Col. Mark A. Piterski, ARNG to be brigadier general (Reference No. 1827) 28. Col. Ellis F. Hopkins, ARNG to be brigadier general (Reference No. 1828) 29. In the Army Reserve there are 70 appointments to the grade of briga- dier general (list begins with Michael A. Abell) (Reference No. 1829) 30. RADM(lh) Mary M. Jackson, USN to be vice admiral and Commander, Navy Installations Command (Reference No. 1830) VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:25 Feb 01, 2018 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 6633 Sfmt 6621 C:\USERS\WR47328\DESKTOP\28323.TXT WILDA 3 31. In the Air Force there are 28 appointments to the grade of major (list begins with Kip T. Averett) (Reference No. 1832) 32. In the Air Force there are 2 appointments to the grade of major (list begins with Shawn M. Garcia) (Reference No. 1833) 33. In the Air Force there are 1,903 appointments to the grade of major (list be- gins with Daniel C. Abell) (Reference No. 1834) 34. In the Air Force Reserve there is 1 appointment to the grade of colonel (Gary A. Fairchild) (Reference No. 1835) 35. In the Air Force there is 1 appointment to the grade of major (Megan M. Luka) (Reference No. 1836) 36. In the Air Force Reserve there are 2 appointments to the grade of colonel (list begins with Brandon D. Clint) (Reference No. 1837) 37. In the Air Force Reserve there are 90 appointments to the grade of colonel (list begins with Isamettin A. Aral) (Reference No. 1838) 38. In the Army there is 1 appointment to the grade of lieutenant colonel (Eileen K. Jenkins) (Reference No. 1839) 39. In the Army Reserve there is 1 appointment to the grade of colonel (Jeffrey M. Farris) (Reference No. 1840) 40. In the Army there is 1 appointment to the grade of lieutenant colonel (Mat- thew T. Bell) (Reference No. 1841) 41. In the Army there is 1 appointment to the grade of major (Melissa B. Reister) (Reference No. 1842) 42. In the Army Reserve there is 1 appointment to the grade of colonel (Charles M.
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