Temple Beth-!':L Broad & Glenham Stn . Providence, R. I . THE JEWISH HERALD Vol. XII, No. 7 PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1936 5 Cents the Copy GUTSTADT BANQUET B'nai B'rith Head SELECT PLAY FOR Arab Boycott of MONDAY EVENING REPERTORY SHOW •

Anti-Defamation Leader to "The Small Miracle" Chosen Jew1sh Shops Seen Address B'nai B'rith by Repertory Players Here Tomorrow Report Strike Will Continue On New Paths

To Mark Historic Occasion Election of Officers, Committee Reports on Program; Baptists, Quakers, Jews Will Hold Special Exercises at A. Epstein to Speak Temple Emanu-EI :-: ------The Annual i\leeting of the Jewish wi ll be Abraham Epstein. the cxccu­ :-: ------H_ome fo r the r\g.cd of l~ hoclc Island tivc Secretary of the American Asso­ The only Jewish religious obscrv- title. Temple Speaker ;v_1 II b~ held on Suoday .afterno_o 1~. a~ ~iation of Social Security. Mr. Epstein ancc i11 conncctio11 with the Hhodc lfobbi Goldman will bring the c:.:cs­ -.:W o clock at the Hom~. 99 Hd_h, idc 1s the o ut sta nding authority on old age lsland Tcrccutcuary to be held in this ciscs to a close with a brief address 0 11 a\·em1c. Samuel ~•f. M_ag1d, yrcs1dent pensions and is responsible for o ld city will take place at Temple Emami- the s11bjcct "Religion Faces its Fourth ~~e;~~~c~omc wil l deliver lus annual age pension legislation in this country. El 17riday evening, October 30, at 8:15 Cen tury in Rho de Island''. The following chairmen will then He is also author of several \'Olt1mcs s~c~~i~~ ~r ::~~ c~~~~::ty~;.-~'.)halli Eve After this service a reception is be- present their reports : i\ l rs. Sa11111cl N. pertaining to old age and old age sc­ In keeping wi th the h istoric tradi- iug tcndcrc

The Big Black Dial with the V,iS/TOUR " Squared Circle" Cmpfddf· Everything Sim­ ple as A- B - C OBITUARY IWar Veterans Auxiliary OPTICAL DEPARTmEn ,______. Donor's Luncheon Tuesday 1 Never before have any radios LOUIS POLLACK . Rhode Island Ladies Aux il iary, Jew- been so simple to tune and Funeral sen·ices for Louis P ollack, ish War Veterans of the United States operate. Tell-Tale Controls have their names written in them- plainly tell you their t:~::'[~;~;t{.l:::,i~~i,rr:~i~~f~'/~i[~; ;~'.:::~~:~t~:~:z::~:t~~~f~~~:\~"'};ff use. Turn any control-and Pollack died last T uesday morning ~br_aha!n H a_lper~ 1s chai_rma_n of the Modern Method• a word telling you what following a brief illness at the :\liriam ,iffair. l·ollowing 1" a pa~tial li st of the See D r. K llbanoff happens fl.ashes in the Tell­ H o spital. H e was secr etary of a local do_n ors: :\ lesdames L?u~s Hlu mcntha!. our .optom etric b ranch organization for 20 •ears Max Hlumcr)th~l, Wilham Beer man, Tale slot. Operating a Zenith eve apeclall.-t .. 1 Model No . 5-S-127 is not only simple, it's fun! Mr. Pollack is surdved b.Y iwo s~ns, t 0c;odl,fr~;~: ·.,/(~\~enl.~e~~~;~ 11 E~i~l~~:1 Bernard Pollack, of Bu rh.ngton, Vt.. Samuel Cohen. J oseph Ccrel Jose )I{ Quality Glasses at and :Max ~ollack. of Pr~v1~ence; one ~_low itz. pavid Feldman,' Jose~h Rea sonable Prices HOFFMAN RADIO SERV C i~~~i~:~•ceMrs. J\. D. \1/embaum of he!d. BcnJamin G.crtz, Jacob Gertz, J E 1 1 1 . :;~·~.\: ~!f1\i~1;1 °G~;~:st !i~~a~~;d Hi\c{~~:i~ Sales Service Kurhan. •K~P.J~.~J~•,rs• 230 p · · A Tel. GAspee 0500 i\ lesdames Samuel Kennison, Sam- ~ !l!!!l!!J• aL.EA S~ OPn


FLOUR GOLD MEDAL 2•;:A5B $1.13 RINSO 3 t~s 23c 2 llls 35c

BUTTER SI~:::~~~~K LB. 35c


LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 CAKES 17c Mello-Wheat 2 iti~ 29c Indeed, you don't! The day of scrub­ bing blackened pots and pans has BAK a N G cllN"\>~1~l~:) tl:~ 19c gone forever. You just don't need to do it if you cook with an electric range. ri_: GREEN 100-LB rO t a t oesMOUNTAIN BAG $2 • 15 Why? Because electric heat is as YORK 6 clean as sunshine. All your utensils IMPERIAL LBS 25c stay as clean as your china plates, even if used daily. One whisk of a LBS Sc damp cloth - and you've done your 3 "scouring." CALIF. DOZ. Change_ to E lectric Cookery - enjoy VALENCIAS 39c the unsurpassed cleanliness it affords - and remember, it costs no more! LBS 10c NARRAGANSETT ELECTRIC CompamJ LBS 15c 8 STEP STEP · MAKE YOUR HOME ALL - ELECTRIC 4 THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1936 More Jews in Palestine I The Jewish Herald Around the Town Only Soluti.. on to Problem I With Leonard Harris The Jewish Home Newspaper of Rhode I sland •·).( o re Jews in Palestine is the only ______. Published Every W eek in the Year by Ed ·t ' M ·z B I The Jewish Press Publishing Company l. OT S al. OX solution io_r the J~wish problem,'' said About PeopJe D~a~e;t:\~~~ considerable interest the ~!~~t~~rih:~a~~P;;;;~~::a1t1 asp:t~tf,~; Look out. F lorida ... Yo u can get a \·iolet ray treatment letter oi Dr. Jiie Berger in the last ~efore an enthusiast_ic group oi Zi~n- from a slot machine for the modest price oi fiiteen cents Jaco b Le.ichter: Adv. Mgr. Walter Rutman, Editor is .me oi the Jewish Herald. which crit- 1st members. attendmg a banquet for .. H o w mid-winter tans will be at e,·en·one·s neck and icised the appointment of Samuel Ka - ).fr;;_ Silverman and Dr. Berger- last call without the trek to Florida ... l(edico~men. X ate Bolo­ gan .. to enlist Jewish \"0ters in behali Saturday night at Zinn';; Restaurant. "6 Dorrance Street. Case-Mead Bldg.. Providence, R. I. oi the Democratic Party··. In replying "Less than ten per cent oi the .-\rab to w and lleyer Sacklad. a re attending t he American Col­ TELEPHONE GASPEE 4312 to Dr. Berger. permit me to preface population are against the Jew;; in Pal- lege oi Surgeom in Philadelphia ... Rumor has it that nw remarks with the statement that 1 estine. but this minority. through the \\"alter Xelson has accepted a post on an c.'\'.pedition to han,. no doubt whatsoeYer but that aggressi,·e use of arms. ha;; frightened Labrador in the capacity oi D. D .... \\"alter. ii he goes. :Uember \\.orldwide Xews Sen·ice with ~ews Dr. Berger·s leuer expressed his sin- the remainder oi the Arab population will be away nine months ... X orman Cohen has good cere thoughts upon the mailer. and into passiYe action. Correspondents All O,·er 1he \\"a rid that he is speaking from a non-partisan "The moH wonderiul thing oi all in news ior the bald-headed boys ... H e is stocking a machine point oi ,·iew. The ::a.me cannot, how- the present critical situation is the at­ t hat is guaranteed to gro w hair on any billiard-ball head ------e,·er. be S.1.id o i some others who ha.,·e titude o i the young Jew. It has been a ... The Kadima h Choral Society swings into action some THE JE\\"ISH HERALD im·ites correspo ndence on criticised ).[ r. Kagan·,; action;; pure ly ta~k to. keep them from making re-- time this month with a board meeting ... The Repertory subjects_ ~f. inte_rest to the Jewish people. but d isclaims ~~~~~ri~~~it~~I t~tt!~~:~ h~~{d_8 f:g~r~~ ~;~r~: ~~: ~~:ssi~;.ta~~\110~:.\~1g t~ ~~ Players haH reported ior work. and it looks like big do­ respo ns1b1hty tor an indorsement of the views e.x- played by the fa.ct that two year;; ago ~rit(sh to settle difficulties in Pales- ings ior this season .. \\·e hear that tickets ior the Junior pressed by the writers. he critici,;ed the Republicans ior thdr tme. • Hadassah dance a re g oing so iast that we ad,·isc you to effort,; 10 iorm a IE\\"I S H REPL" B- Dr. Ilie Berger. who also recemly phone your resen·ations now .. Frieda Ernsto f will handle L I CAX O RGAXIZATI O X . returned from Palestine. made a rec- E.at~ u S«orid--Class }fatttt. x o~"ffllbtt ;, 19:9, u th.- p~ Offic:.- ai Although I respect Dr. Berger·;; ab- ord of his impressions by u,;,e oi a Pro~id.-iin-. R. I., liod.-r th.- Act of )11.lclt .i. 1879 solute sinceri1,· in this matter. I llnd tra,·elogue. in which he cO\·ered the For the Good of the People 1 1 Subscription Rates: Five Cen ts the Copy. ~?~-f~~/'~~~1e1- fee~g;~:t '~t;ol~~t ~~:: I itinerary oi his entire trip. The Community Fund Liason Committee met Tuesday =====B=y=M=•=il,=$2.=00=per==Ann=um======/ ~1~;~:1~a~:rke w~~ft :;~:1;1~111~!~- l~~H!~~Jt~ Political Advertisement. ;:~t ::~~a!~: ~:::i:~e:~~tot1:e 8:i:~~:::t= ~ril. my reasons ior di.:agreeing with SCHLOSSBERG HITS Fund were heard ... Waiting for the meeting to come to In the fi r:51 place. 110 at1empl is be- order, we spotted jewelrymen, Horace Drefoos and Lou Comparative Figures ing made to organize a Jewish Demo- Kaplan, talking shop .. . Charles C. Brown was wary of cratic organization. \\"hat i;; being at- KAGAN STATEMENTS draughts .. : The Silverman brothers three, Archie. Char_lie tem pted. i;; to enlist in the cause of Iand J o hnnie, came early ... In a corner the Reuben L1p- Roo;;e,·elt. as many Jewish persons as __ sons conversed with Sam Lazarus .. . Sam, by the bye, has 10 1 The su m of nearly a million dollars expended ~~!~!:11 _ 4'~~r7h~o rf~~~~;~;lcet~~- \t This i.: in reply 10 the politica.l ad- cultivated a movie moustache ... Ruddy Phil Glanzman b,· the Joint Distribution Committee in ajd of policies. The que:.-tion oi Roose,·elt or ,·ertise_ment ,:nitten an~ :.-igned by found that he had been elected to head the liquor depart­ German J ewish refugees from 1933 through , ~:f P~~~~ '~f,~;/s one which ir.inscends C~l;'1t'n~~:~-o;~:~~;! ~ha~ a~tt Kagan ment- that is, the coUection of funds from liquor dealers • • ... Speaking honors for the evening went to Max StoUer- 1935 ~ms rather sraggerit~g a t first ~lance. \\'hy sl ~~~~\ 1;~~en~eople. as ~;1 !~~\:;t7a:~se at,~~1~~:\11~::;~~~~gtr~1~ man. proteg~ of Walter Sund.Iun, who came in late and But the appe;.nance of tlus Slllll shrmks COil- ,-uch. work in a harmonious unit ior pos1t10 11 01 the Jew1,;h officials who sat on a tack .. Syd Rabinowitz and Ernie Shein forgot siderably when we place it beside the total num- :;:;;;·~~~;lll~-~1: ra,~::1~-tl~~~~!;1ar°!o !~lr~ :~~d.s~:;0 ::~~!~ r~/tiw~~l~~li~~\: c~:l politics for the evening ... The meeting opened w ith an 1 0 1 10 ~~;;,\~;;';;:;;;:~·;~~:,::n~'.~-ll~::·~:~~o~~-:.:;::.~ ~~;~:i·.~~~::t~~.:~::~~i·~~he},-';"i~ ~~~.~~i~~·;~i~:~~k~•:f. :i::f~~~1.~i l~) :; ;!,!~;~F:~~~~:~:~!::~l:~'[~l:~?:~;;: ~ Ot all of the hundred thous.a nt.I UC'elled finan- Doctor know.:. were prolific in their exaggerated nature. incorrect iacts and brought you by a Community Fund solicitor . dal assist;.l nce. of course. but those who tlicl 1 o ppo5i1ion to that grt-a1 m0Hmt-11t. impressions oi misrepre,;,entations. Ha,·e11 ·1 the Jewi.:h peo ple already '.\[r. Kagan ,:an . .. The Jewi,;h People Presidential Thoughts were lHLUl e1·ous enough. learned a lesson from the happening:= ha,·e today no t ·only a g~eatt-r number I wonder what F. D. R. thinks of when he look,- down 1 1 st 0 Relief for refugees in COtl!lt1·i es where tllC'y :~a.k~eTtn~~;~~? 1~ ·~:1 ~,~~~ 1~~.Hre:d"l{·hi ! ~l!a~e~:.:st~:f~~:~ bhl~ldi~~0 "',~~ ~~~ upon a mob oi excited people, ,;,uch as were gathered \\"ed­ cannot be easih· al.)sorbet.l into the national Ct:O· leuer. that I am in no way comparing them in more responsible po,;itions. ne.::day morning to greet him on the Staie House grounds

nomic lire. ,-~ation,ll trajiiing for refiigees !:.\~1iRt:eu~~~;~1ft';~:~:te0ir°r [::,~;~~;~~ r;rs)~t~r"~h~~:u~~l~~~'.!. ever in the his- ; 1;;;~1_u_c_h8:1~ lg:~::~·dlidco)~!~u·1: 0~~;;n;;;:l~i;\:~:nofh~~e t~~; 0 1 1 eager t~ 1ea~·e the tl omain of Lufimenschen for ~~ir?e~1~ 1~ t ~ et,~~ t:~~!-i!~id ~~n~i1Jt:~~ !. a'.n nry sorry for ~Ir. Kagan·s the rir:S.t lady was wearing. and orchids to boot. . . Eddie producti:·e fi eltls. and transfer of Genua11 J cw:s mc~ely uSing_ Genliany a1~d the en·nts ~~ft!•:1~,.:r~~~:~uhi~7:1are~;- mtu:~~u!~ Higgin5. 10 whom 1he brunt oi the arrangements iell. was f rom their first l;llldS of refuge to lands of per- w_h,ch transpired t~ere. as an ~xample che.ck up and find that we ha,·e had. mi:Staken ior a G•man by the mob .. Eddie accompanied manent immie-1-..1 tion-rhese are the three «reat ot 1h; ;.ehaknGe;;s o1 Dir. ~erg_e rs argh- m_1de~ the Republican administration the o fiiriaf-pany:--ridfl1g-rite-nmning-board ....-\ nd speak- ...... e mt-nt. . e . erma~ . eu. pnor to t e ot this state. a greater number oi hon- ing o i electio ns. we find lha.t a greater numbt- r oi people tasks which the J. D. C. has set itself. ad,·en_t ?1 Hitler. teh that tllt-y ""!re ors bestowed on citizens oi Jewish are taking interest in elections ... In ·24 in the Coolidge- . as sa1e m G_ermany. a~ a re we Jewish faith. a grea1er number of responsible D Of the hundred thous:a nd refugef'-~ a t hird people_ he~e 111 1he _lmted Stat~s. Dur- positions. and positions of tru:51. than avis election 57'e oi those eligible went to 1he poll,;. haYe found homes in Palesrine : of the addition- :)~f ~t~~r~1~aa1~pafEctEtTEi PTO und_~r the Democratic a~mini_str~tion. ~i,~1:'\~o~c:;·:~~~~se,·eh electio n in "Jl. iO'c of the po,;,­ 11 10 al hundred thousa nd expected ro lea n :- G e 1· - O RG.-\XIZE (X O PPOSITIOX TO ~11 ;;11! enumerate pro,e m} ::otate- Happenin~ ruan.,· within the next fh· e r ears f ullr half. it is ~!}i·:,t~~de~~~,~-?Ge~~1~~~~e 50~~:ta~•; ,,-;· h~~-e had 1he highest ho nor in estimated. will go to the J ewi sh H omeland. ihem with the ,;,ame sinceri,,· as di,;- t~e Judicial bran<:_h. of ~his stat_e_ be- Friends of Yvette Frank (her name is now Markenson) . . . pla,·ed b,· Or. Berger. and o thers with S owed on a d1s11ngms_hed c111zen. will be glad to hear that it happened recently, and ifs a These llllllllgrants represent a grear gam fol' 110[ the ·1east semblance oi sincerity. Judge_J. Jerome Hahn. a 1or_mer mem­ girl ... Leslie will be her name ... Mazol Tov to the Abe 1 Palesrine, which. according to a serious: student 1he la tter bt'ing mere s1ooges _ior Hit- b~r:1 tdh, 1S~1P«dme C_?urtko t the_St~ie Silverrnans on their eighth anniversary . .. Herman Bennet ...... · lt>r. preached and shouted agam:St an\" O I 10 e_ ::o an · .-\ ::.J?ea er 01 ,he of the questIOn- Dr. 1hr hael Traub. tl1rector of SOLIDIFIED OPPOSIT IO X T• H ou_,;,e ot ~epresenta11,·es. Philip C. w hispered that the grand opening of his new agency will take place on November i ... the Al Gordons are u:pec:t- the German K eren Haresod- is unique among HIT~ER. . . !i~~~:~h:·2° ~ic~o~-i hJ~ 1~!•~gin 1~~e 0 1 t~: ing an increase in J anuary ... the Joe Levy's heir will be 1 t he possible lands of immigration ··in tha t there The/~1:1;.1e}~~as1 i? 11ie NGoe~~~a~i Jew peri?r Court. here sooner ... Add odd nick.names: the Korn brothers., Sol i t_ is possible to _Place J e\\~i sh ~a pita I ,_in the ser- ~~~~~;~. ~.:~le~j1~~~~r J ~:le~-o~~\i~~o:i~ Di~~:ic~c·iu:.is~i ~:,,.;o!tl~d~~n~\;~; and Lou, have been called "Shwnmy and Poopy" for years n ee of the Jewish labor ltllllllgrant. ous. and 1hat he might wreak his ,·en- Le,·ye, a derk oi the District Court, ... Welcome a newcomer to Providence-Stanley Housen, geant::e upon 1hem ..-\s a result. 1he ~mson Xa1 hanson. a recording derk manager of the Figure Beauty Shop .. Jew,; oi Germany did no thing to pre- Ot the House of Representati,·es. ,·em the ELECTIO X OF THE IR David C. .-\delman. assistant City This and That G R EATEST E XE'.\IY : they did not Solici to r, \\'aher .-\dler, supen·isor in Side glances on \\"es11nins1er street:-little .-\nn \ \ .ooli, vote at all: tht-:r stayed at home on th~ Board oi .-\griculture. Harry Hor­ strolling with a box as big as ::.he is little ....·\be Krasnow, Welcome elec1ion dav . ..-\XO \\"H.-\T HAP- O\"ltZ, three depul\· sheriffs ior the PEXED? · Statistics show be~·ond county of_ PrO\·ide'nce and a great passing Tilden;;, with a tremendous grin on his face . .. an,· ,·e5tige o f doubt. that Hiller was number 01 clerks in the State Board Helen Stearn ahno:S.t knocked me down and walked 0Yer lir5t elected and came into power by of Public_ Road5, Board of Agriculture. me in her haste to get .so mewhere .. .. \ 1111 P o rt wa:.- in kind 'This week .\ merican Jewr_,- welcomes back Yi ~\ntot:rt~~~\~:,~-~'\,~-~lrslati:S- :~~~~ 11,;1!':1~~h-~.;; if~r t:1,~e sg,t~ ~} oi a ru::. h, too .. . \\·onder wha1 Lee Brookner was doing two gentlemen on whom it lrn s a definiie claim, iics. ihat had the Germa1i Jewn· ,·o1ed. Pro,·i dence. mam· of 1he clerk;; i;i 1he up around :\larket Square carrying a box .. . Pe.rhap,: she went down to ieed the llsh .. . Shirley Le,·y, with hair blow­ though it share them with Palestine. tEt~~\~;1~~~d ~f'":~a-;\~{I ~tr 1 ~~~~ ~~~:1\~ 11 ?:~~r~~~;~t,de~~~:~e,:}~~ "~~; ing in ,he wind . .. l guess she lost a hat or two and is tak­ On e is :\filurice ~amueL the noted author and HITLER \\"Ol"LD X OT HA \"E put on by the Republican Pan,· and ing no chanct-;; now ... Saw Billy Ames at the X arragan­ lec turer who has for r ea rs diYicl cd hls time be- REEX ELECTED. are ho ld-0\·ers. · sett. . He·s pu~hed the clock forward an hour ior post 11 time .. . But he says ifs O. K. to bring your lunch ii you tween t his countrr and Erctz I srael; t he other. edT~fm~e~·:,~ th~tem~~~~~n~:;J 1;!~i~~ ad~![; /~:f~tt~';: :~~t t:1~~c~~ti~g~a~~ want to get a g ood seat in tht' grandstand. 1 ~ ersh?n .\ grom~k,'". t he Philaclelphian who has ~;tc~~~ye!c::1r~~;~~~;;a•~1n~/ ~1:a~'"a!~,~1~ ~~;~etus~i~:e~h:~~Y·~t~~~ff, ,-!!~:m~f lived Ill J erusalem for tweh-e year::,:. and there are too gruc~ome to reco unt. and are f~ithful i.en·ice. :\f r. Kagan ·does not Here and There founded the onh· En

0 0 1 1 1 Lnnd. The Pa le~ line P ost. of ,;·hich he is the ~\~l~ t~~(! ~::'G!:~1:!:0;~~:r,;ir~~ntl~~~~ s~~~~:~1 pu;~;~·n'.0 ~-ti,s,!o~ep~:i~- s~~:lr;~ in retirement ior ,;ome month:.-, has secreth· b«"n ::otud ,·­ editor. ing in mass against their greatest en- who was totally disablt-d a-nd wh~ ing to be a conducw r ... 0011·1 be surprised· ii he ap pea~s emy. :.-e n ·ed 1he stale fai1hiulh· io r mam· on the podium this year with 1he Philharm~"lnic S,·m­ )faurice ~amuel. wh o:::e books include a utllll· Should_ Orga~ize years. also, Sheriff .\lbe-n Rosenbt>rS' pho ny Society .. . Xorma She.i.rt-r. widow oi the late lr~·ing 1 1 1 1 he r of illuminating ,·ol um es on modern Pales- J_e~, ~~\~,:r~~,i!:• ~;\ ~:ni:hi11 ~~~; ~~;~ ~:~~ii~;as,hoeus:~~tewi~.~~ut o ,~:;•setw~~!~~ Thalberg. will ne,·er make another picturt-. but :,;he ma,· tine. knows at first hand ju~t how di!-l.t ressin« l)OII t? 1he1r enemy. ~o also do I be- years. · turn producer ... Leonard Lyo ns. Xew York P ost colum~­ • • i=- he,e 1t would be an error for any \ · h • d I ist, w ho is making the other Gotham scrfrenors jump. the last ~IX months hn,·e been Ill that land nnd gro~1p of .\mf'rican Je,,·, to fail to o r- ha·~: ~0d ~h~ee'~c;~ty~~;~e/,:~~1 ':;~ 11 ~~!~ 11 tl'lls ns that Billy Rose and Fannie Brice are calling 0 1 1 1 whnt pro~res~ _t he ) ~i!-l.hub ha~ none the less ~,~hn~;;~ 1~;Y : ;~1 t!~ab~!~ ~~llfri~~1/~; in~p_ector~ during ihc Republican _.\ ~­ themseh-es the Jewish Lunt and Fontanne ... •·Help Yo ur­ mnde durrng tins per10d . them as American Je\\ :.. ;:~:11::,~~at~o,\t' ot~er word~. this 1s :.-df."" the \\'P.-\ Federal Thu1re production starring Curt 1 1 1 1 Uois. has brokt-n all records for \\"P.\ sho ws by passing )[an ~· groups in lhis coun t ry who are inler- a~'i~itat~11 ~ ~; ;:.a~~1/:~0 ,:.a::,~£~; 1i1~:,:~~ disc~dir·~~ i:s~;s ~?~l1\t ~:::~~~~g~~ its 84th performance ... llut:z Greenbaum, British camera­ estecl in Pnle~tine must be bewildered by the b~other<: in Germany. I.ct us get be- ;~~~~e 1~;~/~~:r~i~~t~r"ihich t'!r. K:g~n man, won firs t pri:ze for photography at the \ ·f'nice In­ rec-C' nt e,·ents in the Ilomelond . It is lo b<' r::~~id~h~:eJ:\~~:\ \\.: f::1A,:i~~ica~~~~ time to check up. All :~c°~/wt~ffici~l~ 11 ternatio nal Cinematograph Exhibition ... Paul ).[uni won I tru~t that tht- Jewi~h people who ar" ~=~i~ia;:rtb_et'~ ~ut bon by th Demo- hoped thnt these groups will hn,·e the opportun- f the acting prize for men . .. \\"hen Go,·f'rnor Lt-hman re­ 1 0 1 11 1 itr to hea r Mr. Samuel's report on the la.st hnlf f~r 11 ~\eh~~f~ ~11 ~'-i:' 1~:1~~ :~:i3tl~~\! co,~. of ·,11;_10;<:,eof ~::n~-i t ,~e~~- ~f1~; tires from public liie he could become a musician .. . th Yeflr in PnlesLi ne. preHc ntcd in hi~ graphic nnd JEWISH PF.OPLF. who are H EART ~~;' /:\,~:•cab ;'°ho ~['ed c 1 C1ty, He·s a swell 'cellist. .. A long search for the papers oi ·rn srinnling- mnnner. ,Yen.re sure that thjs re- *88sE?.~::TF~~I Fc~~~~!;1Nwi~; and cr~dit t:u;~,;~is;j\.t>~ g;,~~t t~ 0~~ ~ Father K ino, Jesuit explorer of California. camt- to a successful end when Jake Zeitlin. the Dr. Ro,enbach of port '.'·ill cll'nr ~1p man)· points which hnY e beeu JEWISH R OOSEV ELT count:;J. truly yours. tE.,~!1t the \\"e t, re,·ealt-d they had been in his ,ault ior thrt-e puzz1mg American Jewry. S I DXEY )_ R.-\BINO\VlTZ. coL·xc1LMAX J. SCHLOSSBE RG :rear THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1936 5 • Political Advertisement. Political Advertisement. Political Advertisement. Political Advertisement . Political Advertisement. VOTERS OF RHODE ISLA ND

Safeguard your fu­ ture and that of your children : :

CHARLES P. SISSON For Governor JESSE H. METCALF For U. S. Senator , Elect these Men to · office • • • • • • • • • • •

They have been

EUGENE L. JALBERT CHARLES F. RISK For Lieutenant-Governor chosen for their For CongresS-lst District HONESTY --- EFFI­ CIENCY AND CAP ABILITY : :

HARRY SANDAGER For Congress-2nd District SAMUEL C. TOURTELLOT Vote the straight For General Treasurer Republican Ticket--- GO VE RN AMERICA THE AMERICAN WAY

JAM ES O. McMANUS LOUIS V. JACKVONY For Secretary of State For Atto rney General Republican State Central Committee I 6 THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1936

bringing greater death and sickness Conditions at the state in stitutions Junior Hadassah Annual El for the benefit of the S hoe and benehts to the working people. were terrible. Patients were crowded Stocking Fund. Mrs. J ack A. Knasin DEMOCRATS SAY 8. Enacted an unemployment insur- into close, unhealthy rooms. There was Dinner Dance Tuesday will act as chairman a nd she w ill be a ncc act to care for per sons uncm- no segregation of oatients. Employ- assisted by the following women: Mes­ ployed through no fault of their own. ees at these institutions were fo rced to Tuesday evening the Junior Hadas- dames Samuel Deutch, Louis Fink, ONLY FACTS COUNT State Finances live in dingy, crowded rooms adjacent sah presents its first social affair of Adolph Gorman Benjamin Levin, . From 1930 to 1934 wit_~ Republica1~s to ~ospital ward _r ooms.. . . the season \t the Indian Room of the Louis Port, G. Zeidman, Jacob Ern­ stof, Rose Fleisig, S. Grossman, M. 1 1 1 1 1 Believe Accomplishments ~i1 sc~~!~11:e_te~~~Y s;,~!1cr. J~~s~:;i~~ ~~~~~ rule~e t;=>:LJi~as\1~hAio~dj_;f~~1~t ?on p~!= ~~~r>~~:~~sef~r ~1~t~~10~~a~~b~:~·:e tei~1~ Marks, Louis Shore, Edward F inberg, Cannot be Refuted these de~c1ts they adv?cated add1t 1011- ~'all, and the_refor~ a bt11ld111g program, ner 'Dance ever staged by the organ- Samuel Foster, S imon Kessler, Joel al taxation a nd curtailment of state m co-operation with the Federal Gov- •. t' F d E toff cha'r iian of Pincus and A. Travers, Mrs. George Silverman is in charge of publicity. Going into offic .. in 193~ the Demo- scH~~:s·is what the Democratic Ad- :r~~~~1::~ ':~:1 t~:~:1~11:1~ ~~ .~~i~i~~:.1~;,c/~ ~h1 l~~~-r\:;:if1\ c~:1~111 !t~e_e, a~ll:O~tcei cratic Administration immediately un- ministration did: building program is now in the process to ay t 1tt a I ose. wis 1.mg 0 a ten\ dertook to keep its promises made to I. Balanced the budget. of completion, and deserves a visit by 1ius_t 11 t ·e .reser.vationsb Ill bd':'an~e 1 TO HOLD BARN DANCE the people and to rcco;&nize their p rob- 2. Reduced tax_ation. the citizens of_ this state. . c ,oicc ocJanet Gaynor, Loretta ... ,. ... 1 Y 1 About Current Film1,. bridge in the vestry of Temple Beth- -'· E n:1cted a minimum wage law Young, Constance Ben­ for wo men and minors thcrcbv abol- ishing the sweatshop and cut-throat Att t• d p I tunate person who found himself too nett, Simone Simon competitio n old to work and therefore could no t IN 5. E11act~d an anti-injunction law, rac Ions an eop e o btain the necessities of life unless pro tecting organized labor. .,------1thr o llgh charitable organizations. "" 6. _ Enacted the Pick-clock Act, pro- The D emocratic administration se- tectmg weavers. At Fays trid Allwyn. Delma Byron. the Hall cured passage o f an old age pension act AND OTHER PICTURE 7. Amended the \•Vo rkmcn's Com- Singing, dancing and c: impling her J o hns.on Choir and S tepin Fetchit :>"d now thousands o f old persons are pensatio n Act in 30 ·different ways, way once m ore prommcntly featured. realizing be11e fi ts of such a humane ATTRACTIONS into mi)lio _n s of A great vaudeville sho w of live acts law. hearts, S h Ir 1 c v a nd several shorts complete the bill They are now haopier and can ob- Room For Rent Te mp I e's new · tain the necessities of life without de- Twentieth Cc n- pending o n charitable org:mizations. Attractive, furnished room turv- Fox triumph, Now at the Albee Conclusion available for one or two persons "Dimples," o pens In two years the Democratic Party in residential section (off Broad to day at the Fays Nino i\Jartini, world famous singing oi Rho de Island has m o dernized the street). Separate entrance. For ~UM 8.eauJii Theatre. star of radio, opera and fi lms, comes state govern ment and made this state further details telepho ne Wil­ Hailed as S hir- to the RK O Albee Theatre for seven o ne of the m ost progressi\·e states in _/"Euet~ liams 7263. !cy·s w 0 II d e r days. in Pickford-l~asky's sparkling the Unio n. 299 Westminster St. show. and fcatur- romance. "The Gay Desperado." at Mathewson ing s wingy new Ida Lupino and Leo Carrillo arc ;------, Opposite Grace Church son~ hits and bra11d new d:mce steps, featured in support Young Woman Wanted "Dimples" is heralded a s th e o utstand­ o f the handsome ing hit in the li ttle star·s parade of tenor. Narragansett Park brill iant triumphs. Woman or Young Lady want­ Announcss last 2Days The second off­ ed for light housework and to A n exceptio nal cast, headed by the ering of the ncwl v­ Pawtucket, R. I. irrepressible and inimitable Frank act as companion to two female Demonstration of fo rmcd 11ary Pick­ adults. Live in. $5 Weekly. i\Jorgan, supports S hirley in the fi lm. fo rd and Jesse L. with Helen VVest!cv. Robert 1--:ent, A s- Write Box 613-The Jewish Fl6URE TYPES BY ··

Political Advertisement. Political Advertisement. Political Advertisement. Political Advertisement. Political Advertisement.

HENRI A. ROBERGE JOHN P. HARTIGAN LOUIS W. CAPPELLI JOHN M. O'CONNELL AIME J. FORAND For General Treasurer For Attorney General For Secretary of State Congress-1st District Congress-2nd District *

ROBERT E . QUINN THEODORE FRANCIS GREEN RAYMOND E. JORDAN For Governor For United States Senator For Lieutenant Governor VOTE THE STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC TICKET Part of the Reception Committee to Rabbi Stephen Wise at Roosevelt Rally

WALTER COHEN MARSHAL MARCUS SAMUEL C. KAGAN HOWARD PRESEL FRANK SCOLIARD Representativ,e-22nd District Alderman-9th Ward Councilman-12th Ward Councilman-3rd Ward Councilman-11th Ward

MARTIN SELVERSTON ELISHA SCOLIARO MATTHEW ROBINSON ARCHIE SMITH IRVING J. FAIN Councilman-1st Ward Representative-21st District Representative-3rd District Representative--4th District Councilman-2nd Ward 8 THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1936

'LL WIN" ernor Qmnn, 111 an attempt to build Lillian Zeidel Autumn Bride H ave Faith in Vote es Jhc 1lccttoK of 9ovcrnor ·s~an~:~1 E O 0 1 "SURE W up a political machmc, bought votes The Repub_licans have great faith i~ :~cial ~c~~irit;: \ 0 ,!1e pr;-::[: , li~cral of the mc_m_bcrs of th: Gen~ral Assem- • the vote-gc_ttmg p~wcrs of Charles l • State aid 10 education, adequate aid t_o bly by g ivrng them Jobs, 1~1 order _to M a rried to Nathan Baram of Sisson, their candidate for Gove~nor. veterans of the nation's wars, a fair SAYS GO P LEADER pass their pet n~easurcs. '!hey claun Woons ocket on Sunday ~r. Si~son ~as had much ~xpcne1~cc deal for agriculture and fisheries, re- 1 1 1 1 / 0 11 -- ~i::;cjii/_~~r :~;j~~t~.~~/~;~~ir;~b.~~ -- ~~ifci~~~c o~f\;:~v~d~n::sa~~s !!: ~\si~t{- ~:~~ct0 t'itesa~\~!\tyo~~c ;:0 1~t~;ts~vil:h~ P . t t T d f pay in addit ion to gettmg their salaries 1.fi ss Lill ian Z~idel., da~ghter ?f ant attorney general o f the Stf!,te. He sensible highway program, deHlop- Brereton Olil S O ren O as members of the General Assembly. Mr. and Mrs. BenJaI!lm _Ze1de l of .'.14 was elected Attorney General. 111 1924, ment of State resources, merit system R. k Election for Proof They say the Democrats o us.ted Pinehurst avenue, this city, and Na- and twice re-elected. He res1gn~d a s for appointment 10 public office a nd IS many veteran State employees with- than Baram, son of Mr. and Mrs. Attorney General to b.ecom~ Assistant caucus reform. out cause: t~at some who had ser ved Jacob Baram of 454 Wo_od avenue, Attorney General of the U nttcd States. In conclusion, the platform states: Peirce H. Brereton, cha_irman ~f the the State fa1t_hfolly for .a score . of Woo_nsockct, we,re married Sunda_y The Republicans consider E1igene L. "Given the mandate to go,·crn, the Republican State Committee_. m a y_car s were discharged w ithout notice~ evenmg at 6:30 o clock ~t the Mayfair Jalbert, of Woonsocket, nommee for Republican party will fulfill the pled~­ statcment issued this week, said he felt s1111ply to make way for party work I nn. T he ceremo1!y, w~ich was fol - lieutenant governor, a strong factor. cs in this platform. I t can and 1t will sure that the Republ icans would score crs. . lowed by a wed~mg d!nncr, was per- They have great fai th in L o uis V. give to the State of Rhode l slan~I a sweeping victory in Rhode I sland at The Republicans arc recall mg the f~>rmed by Rabbi Davi~ ~erner, as- Jackvony, candidate for attorne~, gen- good g o vernment within the con~li- the coming election. . record of the Gen.era! A ssemb\y on s1sted by R:v. (?scar D!nk m and Rev. era], and they place perfect conhclence tution and the law~. It will keep fanh He pointed to the victory of ex- Jan. I, 1935. By 1Jlega\\y r~fusmg to Abraham Epstein. _During the. ce~c- in James O. Md,fa11us of West \-Var- with the people.•· 1 th ~;~~f:c1 ~~ia;~:s ~;ecl!is\,e~~t~l 1:~~ ! ~1t~/i~~~i:!~lyt\:ic~~:be~r~bh~£°\~~j~ :1;~;y.. gap/~~!1i!e~tt,;.h of lS city :::dks~~\~~r~~ -i9~u;:c~~~~a~)f S~}I:~::: B;:~~!~1~" wt:~:a;~td ~!~:: 1i;1;~~1:~t: August. . own party, the Democrats, thcy de- The bride, who was given in .mar- nominee for General Treasurer. the campaign would ('lld. "We'll s~1r,c- "That election," Mr. Brereton sa 1?, clare, stole control of the Senate. !'-,c.t- riage by her brother-in-law and sister, The State Republican program urg- Jy win. There is no do11bt about 1t.' ';was the biggest political upheava~ m ing with ex treme swiftnes~, all w1thm ~,Jr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lieberman, _::_:---"------'--_.:_-- _.:_---'------;-­ Rhodc Island's hist~ry. 1t was hatl_ed a co mparatively few mmutes, the was gowned in white lace w it~ a long throughout the Nation as the begin- Democrats on that day oust~d the en- tulle vei l. J eanette Baram, sister ?f ning of the end of the New Deal. We tire Supreme Court, abollshed the the bridegroom, who attended as maid have every reason to believe that we Proddence Board of S.afcty, changed of honor, was d ressed in gold paisley wi1! again be ,,ictors on Nov. 3." High Sheriffs _ for Pro.v1dence Coun~y, with accessories to correspond. Arthur States I ssue ended t.he office of Fmancc Com~is- Schiffman of this city was best man. Th S t te Republicans say that the !- ioner Frcd~ric~ S. Peck and provided :Mrs. Zeidcl, mother of _the bride, w?re rincf al i ssue in this campaign is be- for ~c?rgar!iza~1011 of the. entire S!ate brown lace w ith matchmg accesso~1cs, fwcenp those who believe in constitu- a.dmm1strauvc system. Five new JllS- and M rs. Baram, mother ?f the bride­ tional g overnment and those w ho t1ces fo~ the Supreme . Court were ~room, wor~ blue lace with contr~st- would ruthlessly rule in defiance of chosen m ?rand Committee. mg' accessories. . ! th \)~\~, ~l~~:iic ar::J!rs ~f l~;~soc~~\sy s;~~d Th~a;~;:lt~i:a~:: !::;n~ok:mcam- \;~~~s~:c:;.s b\~i;~e;al~?e1th~arb~1id~~ -••II!•• 'I brazenness, total dis regard of law, the paig11 wholly free of hokum, ar~ not groom, Theodore Rosenbl~tt, Bernard treatment of public office as an op- arraying natio nality against 11at10nal- Zeidel. brother of the bndc, Alb~rt portnnity to secure gains f?r party ity: class against class. Lisker, Irvi.ng Feldman, . Maurice followers and 1101 as a public t~ust. They arc not rubbing it in on the Baram, cousm. of the bridegro~m, They accuse the _Democrats of d 1sre- Democrats by placing too much cm- Samuel Horov1t7: and Samuel Sclnff­ gard of the sanctity C?f the courts, ad- phasis 011 the Providence city Tcrcen- man, all of Providence. herc nce to the doctrmc that the. end tcnary fi asco. They simply remind the The bride's gift t o her maid of hon­ justi fi.es t~e .means, an~ that neither people that the Democrats, instead of or was a gold evening bag. and ~he the Const1t~t10n nor co mmon decency spending the money Oil the people, bes\ man received a desk pen ..1he shall stand m the way of the procure- bought whiskey at $IO a bo ttle an_d gifts fo r the ushers were gold ~me~i t1aled BROOKSIDE BUTTER lb 35c mcnt of party ad vantage. otherwise squandered funds at a Pro,•1- leather billfolds. More than 300 guests Dual Job Holding dcnce ho tel. were present from Pennsylvania, New 23 They arc laying special stress Oil The Republicans rce~ll the deadl ock Y ? rk.. Pawtucket, VVoonsockct and Fl NAST MAYONNAISE C dual job holding. They declare that that mar½ed the final 111g11t o f ~he reg- this city. pt jar Go\·crnor Green and Lieutenant Gov- ular sessio n of the 193:i Legislature. After a honeymoon to be spent in ~:wwKrr~si~1 :;t 1:;~i\~i~~~,t~~-e~i~1~~ BEVERAGES :,i:i°o:k 3 28 oz bttl 25c \-V o onsocket.

Quart of "Old English" At that time, Republican State Chair­ man Brereton, a n observor of the pro­ ceedings, declared: "Final adjo urn­ ment of the General Assembly after PEACHES an all-night session. marked by con­ No Rubbing Liquid Wax tinuous wrangling by Demo cratic lead­ AT Rrnucrn PRIC~S ALL THIS w~~K_ ers of the H ouse and Senate in con­ ference with Go vernor Green o ver LGE patronage and factio nal co ntrol of the RICHMOND s~mE~R and Lamb's Wool Mop party presented the most disgraceful 2 ~,~~ 27c scene ever enacted in the legislative LGE histo ry of the State." FINAST SLICED OR HALVES T he rece nt visit of President Roose­ 2 ~,~~ 29c Regularly 1.39 velt to Providence, the Republicans LGE say, was the result of the victory No l ½ scored by ex-Judge Charles F. Risk in DEL MONTE o~~~~~~s 2 TINS 31c the last special election. No , The perfect 1 TALL Judge Risk was elected t o Congress Ti;,~ co mbination at a special c\cctio11 in the First Con­ CLORIETT A 23~ 2 TINS 27c for waxing gressional District. In November, only floors. Can be nine months before. the district had polled 70,507 votes for the Democratic mopped with­ candidate and o nly 49,107 for the Re­ ~!NAST o ut dimming publican. I n August, last year, the up­ CHILL end SERVE the polish. heaval came, and Judge Risk was giv­ •GRAPEFRUIT en a plurality of 13,262. Judge Ri sk is again candidate for CRusi~~~~~LICEO 2NLo~~ 39c Just spread on with lamb's Congress. The Republ icans are fight­ • PINEAPPLE TINS ing hard for him, and they arc fight­ wool applier and it dries ing hard for United States Senato r 1 by itself to lovely lustre. Jesse H . Metcalf, to whom they refer •DEL MONTE t:~1 D N17~" N~~~29cTIN a s the "First Citizen of Rhode Is­ land." OUTLET-Basement FINAST • BARTLETT VARIETY • PEARS 2NT~~~INS 35c Lessons TREE RIPENED 2 LGE 2 9 WHOLE APRICOTS Pia no, Cornet, Violin ; French , German ·EXQUISITE NTI~~ C First Class Instruction Assured THE HUNT MUSIC SCHOOL RICl-lMOND SPAGl-lETTI coo••• 3 ,,~\ 20c W est 21 49-M 18 H arris on St. TIMBER LAKE RELISl-l swm.s••cv ~!t'.' 15c P olitical Advertisement, P olitica l Advertisement. P olitical Advertisement. Wl-llTE SPRAYWl-lEATCEREAL 2 ;/.,, 29c 1-lERSl-lEY'S"'"KcMocoLATEORAl.,\\oNo,A•s 2 i'A~: 25c Third Ward Voters UNEEDA BISCUITS 3 PKGs 13c Attention! Cl-lOCOLATE RINGS LB BULK 19c For Good Clean Government FORCE DELICIOUS FLAKE Cli:Rl::AL PKG 10c ~l~c~.e.~; 19c RAISIN RING CAKE PRlCI.D VOTE FOR PRIZE WHITE BREAD u:~~l~:o t~A~ Be

Representative • • • Ernest L. Shein FUJI CHINESE FOODS Alderman • • • • • Donald G. Clark FUJI CH INESE FOODS REPRE SENT THE FINEST YOU CAN BUY CHOP SUEY ,V; it~s ••r~ " 11c SAUCE , .. aor 11c David G. Geffner BEAM SPROUTS I }1.:'i 15c NOODLES rn 18c