NOVEMBER 24, 2019 Very Rev

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NOVEMBER 24, 2019 Very Rev The Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte The Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis Bishop of Charlotte NOVEMBER 24, 2019 Very Rev. Christopher A. Roux CHRIST THE KING Rector & Pastor SUNDAY CYCLE: C — WEEKDAY CYCLE: I — PSALTER: WEEK II WEEKEND MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9 am, 11 am, and 12:30 pm WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Friday: 12:10 pm Friday (school year): 8:30 am Saturday: 8 am HOLY DAY SCHEDULE 7:30 am, 12:10 pm, 7 pm CONFESSION Thirty minutes before daily Masses Saturday: 4 - 5 pm Sunday: 10 - 11 am ADORATION Wednesday: 8 am - 6 pm Sunday: 10 - 11 am PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday: 9 am - 5 pm Closed Fridays during the summer Mission Statement We the members of The Cathedral of St. Patrick, through the mercy of God the Father, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit, seek to grow continually in knowledge of and love for God. We strive to enable ongoing conversion to Christ of our adults, to inspire faith in our children, and to be witnesses of His love in the greater community. Address: 1621 Dilworth Road East, Charlotte, NC 28203 Phone: (704) 334-2283 Fax: (704) 377-6403 Email: Website: THIS WEEK AT THE CATHEDRAL DATE MASSES EVENTS 8:00 AM † Harrison Lackey 7:30 AM—Confession 11:00 AM—Baptism Saturday Requested by the Clementi Family 4:00 PM—Confession November 23rd 5:30 PM † Wanda Chimiak 4:00 PM—Children’s Choir Practice Requested by Nancy Frei 7:30—9:00 PM—Organ Recital ft. the DeLucas 7:30 AM † Joseph M. Donahoe Sunday Requested by the Donahoe Family 10:00—11:00 AM—Confession and Adoration 9:00 AM † Joseph A. Whalen 10:15—11:30 AM—First Penance Meeting November 24th 10:15—11:30 AM—Faith Formation Classes Requested by the Rodriguez Family 10:15—11:30 AM—Adult Group Study Christ the King 11:00 AM † Helene Edel 1:30 PM—Baptism Requested by the Carter Family 4:30—6:00 PM—Boy Scout Troop Meeting 12:30 PM Pro Populo Monday 12:10 PM † Wanda Chimiak 11:30 AM—Confession November 25th Requested by Nancy Frei 5:30 PM—Pietra Fitness Class Tuesday 12:10 PM † William Welker Jr. 11:30 AM—Confession November 26th Requested by the McNulty Family 3:00—5:00 PM—Children’s Choir Practices 8:00 AM—6:00 PM—Adoration Wednesday 12:10 PM † Jer Kelleher 11:30 AM—Confession November 27th Requested by Barbara Meskill 3:00 PM—Children’s Rosary & Adoration 3:00 PM—Children’s Choir Practice Thursday Parish Office Closed November 28th 9:00 AM Kerri Davison Requested by the Martin Family 7:00 AM—Men’s Rosary Group 8:30 AM—Confession Thanksgiving No School Mass Parish Office Closed Friday November 29th 9:00 AM † Dolly Tonon 8:30 AM—Confession Requested by C-Plan Charlotte 8:00 AM Kelsey Kuhlman 7:30 AM—Confession Saturday Requested by the McNulty Family 4:00 PM—Confession November 30th 5:30 PM The Perrone Family 4:00 PM—Children’s Choir Practice Requested by Jean Perrone 7:30 AM Eirlys Mary Trojacek Sunday Requested by the Witt Family December 1st 9:00 AM † Helene Edel 10:00—11:00 AM—Confession and Adoration Requested by the Schroeder Family 10:15—11:30 AM—Faith Formation Classes 1st Sunday of 11:00 AM Pro Populo 10:15—11:30 AM—Adult Group Study Advent 12:30 PM Jim Loncar Requested by the Loncar Family PARISH DIRECTORY THANKSGIVING SCHEDULE It’s been five years since our last Cathedral of Saint Daily Mass will be offered at 9 am and Confessions Patrick parish directory, and it’s time for an update! at 8:30 am on Thanksgiving and Black Friday. The All parishioners are encouraged to sign up for a time parish office will be closed both days. slot to have your picture taken for our 2020 directory. Photography sessions are free. All participating fami- YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY lies and individuals will receive a free 8 x 10 print Thursday, December 5th—A.C.T.S. and a free parish directory! You’ll have the option to Come on out for A.C.T.S.: Adoration, Confession, make additional photo purchases, but you won’t be Talk and Social. We'll gather in the Cathedral at pressured to do so. Photos taken by December 8th 6:30 pm for adoration, Confessions, and a talk on the should be received via mail by Christmas. Catholic Faith. Then we'll head out for dinner and drinks at 8 pm. To reserve your photography time slot, please visit: and enter our parish code: Saturday, December 14th—Speedway Christmas nc238 and password: photos . Online registrations We’ll be driving through the Christmas lights tunnel are open Mondays—Fridays (paper registration at Charlotte Motor Speedway. Meet up at the Cathe- forms are available in the narthex or outside by the dral to carpool around 5:30 - 5:45 pm, then we’ll rectory—weather permitting). Families of six or head over to the race track. more are asked to schedule two time slots back-to- back to allow enough time. Photography sessions will Tuesday, December 17th—Operation Christmas Child be held Tuesday, Dec. 3rd through Friday, Dec. 13th. Join us for an evening of Christmas spirit as we sort and organize shoebox donations at the Operation FIRST PENANCE MEETING Christmas Child Processing Center! Please register The First Penance parent meeting originally sched- by Dec. 10 so that all volunteers will have time to uled for last weekend has been rescheduled to this fill out the volunteer waiver prior to the night of the Sunday from 10:15—11:30 am in the Family Life event: Center Meeting Room. FB: “The Cathedral of St. Patrick - Young Adult Ministry” CHRISTMAS DINNER Instagram: @stpatricksyam E-mail: It’s almost time for our annual Christmas Dinner for Web: the less fortunate. There are many ways for parish- ioners to support this important ministry. All parish- MARCH FOR LIFE CHARLOTTE ioners should have received a Christmas Dinner en- velope included with your donation envelope set. We The next March for Life Charlotte will be held Fri- rely upon your financial support to purchase the food day, January 10th, 2020. The day will begin with a that will be prepared for this dinner. Please be gener- Mass for the Unborn at 9:00 am at St. Vincent de ous! We’re also in need of a large number of volun- Paul Church at 6828 Old Reid Rd. At 11:00 am teers to help prepare, serve, and deliver meals. Vol- we’ll start to gather at the parking lot across the unteer spots fill quickly, so register ASAP if you’d street from the Diocesan pastoral center at 1123 S. like to participate. Please sign up to volunteer here: Church St. There may be some parking available in the parking lot, but please expect to find parking on your own uptown if necessary. At 12:00 pm we’ll march to Trade and Tryon where Fr. Cory Catron, AD LIMINA PILGRIMAGE Parochial Vicar of St. Vincent de Paul Church, will The Diocese of Charlotte invites the faithful to attend preach. Then we’ll march to the court house at 401 a pilgrimage to Italy during the upcoming Ad Limina W. Trade St. where we will pray a Rosary and Chap- visit from February 7-15, 2020. For more information let of Divine Mercy. Please join others to march and and to sign up, please pick up one of the informa- pray for an end to abortion and save babies lives! tional packets with a registration form available in See the full schedule and important details at: the narthex, or sign up at: FAITH FORMATION VIGILIA DE ORACIÓN FOR CHILDREN Los jueves a las 6 pm, nos reunimos en The Cathedral Faith Formation program is open to all la Catedral para una Vigilia de Adora- children of registered parishioners of the Cathedral ción por la Paz y la Justicia en Nicara- from Kindergarten through eighth grade. Faith For- gua, que en estos últimos meses está mation meets Sunday mornings 10:15—11:30 am. pasando por momentos turbulentos y ataques físicos For more information, visit the parish website at contra la Iglesia Católica, sus templos, y sus Obis- or con- pos. Todos son bienvenidos a unirse a la Adoración, tact Emily Clary at (704) 334-2283 ext. 413 or via e- rezar el Santo Rosario, la hora santa de reparación, y mail: terminando con la oración de exorcismo de San Mi- guel Arcángel. La vigilia es en español. Register at: Upcoming Faith Formation classes: Vigilias de diciembre: 12th, 19th Nov. 24th; Dec. 1st (Faith Alive), 8th, 15th LATIN CLASS FIRST COMMUNION The Cathedral’s new (and fun!) Catholic Community Children ordinarily receive First Holy Communion in Latin Academy is open to adults and children ages 5 second grade. The Diocese requires a child partici- and up. Classes are held Thursday afternoons from pate in one full year of faith formation in a parish or 2:45—3:45 pm in the Family Life Center. Each ses- school setting before their First Holy Communion sion costs $3.
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