Complete Local News Of A Population Of THE WEATHER 1 8 ,5 2 4 Increasing cloudiness farmer today i

1»t.r»l . . Meeea d m mm rotten J.eau-y/l. im . .t t1i. Foit Ogle, .t num^th, N .„ U rM f, StmcsB H r«r*rr MM -t'Tmr-’

^ VIIr -N o ,,,,S5 .3 - H.lO. SipE, N. J., TH-URSDA^MARCH-<^»M-1- mtWBfAPKK______uF Tir* TmvNBiin* op miLSitt k -P-M eE-FlVE-.CENTS- ard Parties Are Eyeglass Lens To Sing In Baptist Church Moves To Help Solves Theft Flood Control May Liquidate 2nd

Leads To Arrest O f Kearny Affected By Ban P&scoe Seeks Diversion Man For Taking Police Of Highway Funds For Tract Of Nursery Auto January 31 Project In County mbling Causes Can- pence last InUMAJi jQfilinqiiftnrtos O f feT7 ftOft closed’ an outstanding piece of de­ Assemblyman Herbert J. Pascoe Mefeean Sponsors idling Two Events tective work by bringing a 25-year- this week moved to. aid in flood con­ Against Parcel In Best : Pirn K. Owen spoke Tuesday be­ trol wofk along the Elizabeth River fore the vRo.tary~ Glub.-on how^ the ■oM-youfe-teto-Pmice^0oart^eiHihefli- Daylight Saving Residential Area poiieeatr junuafy 'STr’HtSOTy by^rrtrOducing-a-*biii'''to: • d4'vei-t-$l'Q0^~ ecT r e s u l t o f federal income tax laws work, and 050’ ” State Highway Department mentioned various deductions pos­ evidence being a single eyeglass lens ]ING AMENDMENT Without any distinguishing mark on funds for this purpose. Pascoe said Congressman Donald H. McLean, STREET EXTENSION” "" sible.. At the close'of his talk he this county has been ignored Jn dis­ Hillside, yesterday introduced' a answered questions. Owen is a. cer­ it. The investigation was carried on MAY SPUR BUILDING by Oaptain PaurdSorlesky- and-De- tribution of funds for public im­ bill in the House of Representatives tified pUblic accountant and a mem­ provements;— calling^foi^atitMTwWe^ttylight-Sav^ ber of the local club. tectlve Charles Grant. Plans to move for liquidation of ed as charitable activities Arthur McGarry; of ; 65 Maple Should the bill be passed, it would feg Time from the last Sunday in lie 'viotims-this week of the Dr. Jerome J. Reich received mark the first time state funds, have March to the last ounday in Octo­ leavy tax. delinquency of the Eliza- birthday congratulations. Guests to> street, -Kearny, pleaded guilcy .be- isth Nursery Company on its prope­ -Grand Jury ban bn commer- fore Recorder Ellsworth J. Sterner been designated for flood -control- ber, as a. national-defense aid. This eluded—W, O.- Healy, of- the Eliza- work w ltm E j county. Thejjlu pro- would bp the same seven months" rty bounded by Wilder ~ street, beth Club, and Edwin L. Savidge, of to a charge of automobile larceny. The quartet above, known as the Crusade Union Boy Singers, ktiem ' avenue,..King street and__ ingt -Whil'e—local authorities Enable JiL raise iJ,90£Llmil,- he_was schedtderdi]L:^ect.^aLixaug--the-4ast aken no official action to pro- the Tldselle-Roseile Park Club. ~ directed by Rev. IL E. K. Whitney, will present a program of Negro ualitles raise an equal amount of World War, two months more’ than, toanoke avenue, totaling about"$47,-"'“ taken to the county Jail pending spirituals at the First Baptist Church Sunday evening. t0 0 were~~discussed^uUhreer-iiour-r; tfie^card parties, it was un=“ Grand Jury action. money. The Board of Freeholders has been customary since. Already has approprtated funds and inference of., the.. Township Com= od the sponsors had conferred —Police.-w hen they recovered t.hg McLean said’ it would be auseasure mtttee-Tuesday night. ■ the police and were unoffi- •Issued bonds to cover the requlre- car in Xjower road, Elizabeth, found greatly assisting in defense industry, Wlien Township Attorney Emil A. advised-thalit would be wiser Would Permit the right half of a pair of glasses, ment. The funds probably would giving more daylight hours for work, Developer To Charter Sixth be used for pushing early flood con- Herrigel returns next week from, a > hold them, at least not in and proceeded !!) check with dover-s as well as making possible recreation trul: work to th e nelghborhood near short vapMilqni he will pe authorized, origins!' form. ' The regular of optical dealers in seeking to get before night falls. the Irvington line, where Hillside, to open negotiations for the acquisi­ r bingo games of St. Oath- Gas Station a blue to the identity of the owner, tion of title by the township to the i Church and the Church of Erect 5 Homes Scout Troop Union and the county park com- first getting an analysis of the lens. fanission have plans- for correcting tract of several acres. l the King have already been Finally indications pointed to a pur­ Approval of a petition for exten­ conditions. Tlie tract includes frontage of toned following the Grand chaser of glasses from the optical To Call Seven Ben. S. Baurer, agent for County Chartering of Hillside’s newest The bill declares the appropriation 543 feet in Wilder street, 733 feet presentment. sion of the Business C zone to per­ department of L. Bamberger & Co., Park Homes, builders off homes on mit construction of a gasoline service Boy Scout unit, Troop 05, took place “is to be expended under the super­ to Salem avenue, 426 feet in King Two Parties Cancelled Newark Police were informed that Chester street near Conanfc street, Friday night at a ceremony in Hill­ street and 689. feet in Roanoke ave­ > local organizations have can- station at Bloy street ami Yale ave­ vision of the Board of Freeholders nue, was voted Monday night, hy t.hp. whoever had such a prescription announces that five homes will be side Avenue School. . .. of the County of -Union and the In Next Draft nue. The property is in what the card parties scheduled forHfoe- cottfdTnot go dong-wlthoiit. renlaolVig started in their development next Installation of -the -troop was by Township Committee considers the g week. The WflittBli’S AUX- Zoning-Board, of Adjustment.------wsefe------> Union County Park Commission for] tiis~glitoes; A shark showed Me* -Troop 14, of ■ EHzabath, Herbert R -the -eensferuotion and—mainteRanse best residential section of the town­ |of Hurden-Looker Post 50* Application was by Nicolina. and NOtlbCS B,1'B &U8 to be issued 15 Garryvpurchased a new pair Feb- Fojir holies-have already been Otto, chairman of the Hillside Dis­ of dams, flumes and other water ship, . as township-owned lots in can Legion, called “Off one James Paradise, owners of the lot ruary 1 2 . even men here Monday informing sold f including -the two that were trict Boy Scout Round Table; Free control devices', for the-control of Wilder street opposite the tract are was to have been held next '80 by 70 feet, which is now used* as McGarry’s Story originally erected. County Park hem that they must.report at the Linkin chairman of the organiza­ flood waters in the County of Union priced at $50 per front foot. There esday for the benefit of its re­ an ice dock. Three residents op­ jcal Draft Board office at Hillside McGarry, a former resident of Homes features five room bungalows tion committee of the Round Table and for the acquisition of land are indications that efforts would be lation fund, and Hillside Chap- posed it qn the ground that fumes Hillside, admitted after lengthy with attached garages. * Of the new ivenue School on Friday, March 21, would result and be objectionable, and District Cbmftfissioner J. Leeds necessary for said construction and made to maintain the high standard " !. O. J5. S.. also cancelled a questioning that he had taken the homes bo be built- one o f bhem wlll Brown participated ^ in ■ 'Ure eerc- --pro sdto the- News of the area. Last year a tentative, but the board decided this argument control of "flood waters." military $ party scheduled for Masonic police car, He said, according to be a two ^atory dwelling. | monyrReyrG^orge m : Runnerrpaa- atlon fo rvice ■ppposltlon-to constmcLa large gar- tomorrow night. The new Hill- was insufficient to hold.up the ap inspection of the homes on Ches­ Causing Damage lea^ tom plication. police, that ho, had been bowling .tor of the Hillside Presbyterian •row d'en apartment project in the. tract Jnft of the American Red Cross with two friends in Hillside and then ter street is invited. The owners Church, offered the invocation. Con The statement of Pascoe attached nine under the sixth call and one was dropped when residents to. the lold its benefit card party^as jn ie board heard several neigh went to a tavern nearby. The driver contemplate building about twenty gratulations were expressed by May­ I to the bill declares: “The rivers and as a replacement for a rejection in area petitioned against any such uled on Match 24, but there is, bors'protest against application of Of the oar disappeared and Mc­ homes on the present property. or George W. Herlich, a ' former I their tributaries in the County of the fifth call. ■doubt as to whether prizes Mrs. Charlotte Zelgler, of S3 Wil­ Union have been and are doing ir­ Garry admitted going off with an Chairman of the Round Table. R; Physical examinations were given Method Uncertain were to have been awarded liamson avenue, for permission to reparable damage by flood and ero­ automobile in .the lot in hack E. Pezzia, of Elizabeth, field com­ by board physicians yesterday to two It is not known whether the j given -OjLtv Carried to- its convert her home, in a Residence A sion. The banks of said rivers and police headquarters, which had the missioner,, led in singing. volunteers. • The notices will go out township will be able to take title me, this ruling would'also, pro- -gone, into a two-family dwelling I the adjoining lands are being eroded motor running. He told police he More Graduates George J. Cohen is‘.chairman of. Monday when word' has been re by ..agreement with the. owners by card gaines to ‘ private ■ homes, Mrs. Zelgler withdrew her applica­ in such a manner and quantity that toured the. neighborhodH looking for the troOtf committee representing the lOelved whether these two hav payipeut of nominal sum to lieu of s .poker played1 for money tion when the objections appeared' the- public health, municipal wale] his friend and Was going to. return Progress. Club, sponsor of this sixth passed the.' examination. By th foreclosure, or whether' foreclosure, bridge, mah . jong and other Tile board/ could only have made, supplies, highway bridges and state the.car.wheri he skidded- and stfuck Entering Trades local troop* Irving- F. Kann J b* same day it is. expected the local involving ■ long court proceedings, in which stakes are involved. the recommendation for a change in .county . andl.- im m icip a jroads uiH a cemetery fence; He declared he sCQUuihasr^r ’^ e ^ f^ it^ Io u F ^ h if-; board 'Wiir^hMey: information., con •WfiLbe necessary. . . ^ only difficulty in such c&ses zone to the Township Committee, private residences are being serious Was dazed-and wandered1 about, ter members of the troop are: Ar­ periling any rejections madentomor The committee also planned Tues­ had the 'matter remained before it. Hillside High School, graduates in ly endangered. Since the State con­ d be that oi^hforcement, since finally getting home at 5 a. in. He thur -Berlin, Milton Bra neck, Ray­ row at ’ the Newark indu'ette- ate day night for opening up of Wilder police would^have a hard ttoie the classes of 1939'and 1940 are en­ trols the use of -these water supplies The b o ^ declined" act on an asserted he thought the car be­ mond Eagle, William Flieder, Malf tion. ,and be able to notify .addftionaV street vfestwar-d into the southern ting -up' on >11: suoh games.; It tering trades -and industry ’ to a arid inland rivers, ■ the State should application by George Wagner for longed to someone in the tavern. oolm Gillet, Norbert Goldstein, men, then to appear March 2 "part of the Westminster Tract. Ed­ ars that all these games are greater degree than are those of the contribute towards* the cost of- ove permission to build a small ware­ Police were ihclined to believe Sheldon Gottfried, Harvey Jacob­ replacements. d in a class with pin ball, and state as a whole, according to a 'coming this menace to public we ward. J. Grassmann, major owner in house in a Business C zone in Long MoGarry’ 8 story about taking the son, Edward Katz, Howard Kiesel, even-though they may be games comparison revealed last night at fare, and the purpose of this bill is the development corporations build­ avenue near Liberty ayenue, -on the car by accident in searching for his Sanford Krichman, Paul - Lowen- ing in this area, will be asked Skill, they cannot be played forground that Wagner failed to pro­ the High School ^Parent-Teacher grub, Howard. Mandl, Arthur Noviofy, to make a State appropriation to friend. They said he had never had Association by Miss'Mildred Hamil­ assist in so doing.” Elks To Observe whether he will deed rights of. way (jes or prizes. vide a more complete plot plan and Martin Pinnas, Morton Smith, Sey- trouble with the law before. The ton, who has been m charge of com- to the township for the extension iblic Safety Chairman Harry R. definite information- as to what the mour Sternbach, Leonard Cohen, Pascoe conferred with county off! township already has "been paid pllation hf statistic^ on post-gradu<- of Wilder street. ''The committee el revealed last night that the building would be used for, as. an cials before introducing the measur $280.35 damages by its insurance, ate activities. 1. Ronald Cohen, Calvin Silverstein, 8th Anniversary hopes to extend, to., this new street" jecutor’s office Tuesday had in­ exception to the zoning ordinance Elihu Cansor, Bernard Leisten, Jerry company for the car, whloh needed . .The comparison shows * 12^ per several dead end streets which now ked the police department that must be for a specific purpose. Zisman and Gerald Alters, mUbh repair as a result o f the acel- cent bf gr^uates in~p:e state are Hillside Lodge-1091, B; P-. O. .Elks peeent-Grand -Juiw presentment "denfc“ The-car"hadno-marks-tedi- nterpreted to prohibit the hand- ’entering 'tmfier'orrin'dust^'iT^hiie Skating Benefit -wUl—Jhold an eighth anniversarj Chester avenue. Utiton__avenue, eating it was a police-ear, as it* Was lout -of prizes at card parties the percentage in Hillside is 18. tonight . with special Jerome avenue and Irvington ave­ used for detective and’ some night admission is charged. This Defense Corps To Miss Hamilton said that while the recognition given to a program in nue, and also to connect.Gate way,” police scout work, and only in. erucr Cases Of Measles By C,E. Societies deemed M e • same as giving state average of those , going1 to arts' honor of the Original Committee of In the southern part of the West­ gencies for regular patrol work I Ip tb persons at bingo games, colleges is decreasing, Hillside's 13, who formed the lodge in 1933. minster Tract,. With Wilder street, Get Wooden Guns had been pressed into service by pa In H.S. Diminish major object of the Grand1 Jury average is slightly higher than in The Christian Endeavor Societies The “ 13” were residents belonging thus opening up the entire area for trolmen on the evening Sf the acci: iism. He said there is no pro­ the state. The state figures show Of the Elizabeth Avenue Presby to lodges in otiier communities who early development as a high type dent because another scout car was ion of such affairs without Solution to the problem of get­ an increase in the proportion of Hillside’s German meeisies “scare” terian Churcl^ will have a benefit brought together otiier Hillside residential section. laid up for repairs. 3 although admission is charged ting rifles for drilling purposes by graduates entering office and store’ in the. Senior High. School is ap­ roller skating party on Monday members in other lodges along witi [the opportunity of playing the Hillside Civilian Volunteer De­ positions,. while Hillside’s trend is I parently practically over and under March 10 at 7:80 o’clock at thd charter class of initiates. Officer/ fense Corps has been reached by away from them into industry', ap-l complete control, as the number of I-Iy-Way Arena on route 20 in Union for the coming year will be nom­ Cabin Cruiser For Is pointed out that the current preparation of plans to use wooden patently due to intense industrial students excluded from school be­ The proceeds will go to the Neu inated at the session. is tlie direct result of the, horse guns. Students in high school manual Faculty Host A t activity in this section. - cause of Kthe disease has become Fernwood Fresh ..Air Home located A group, of candidates will be ig amendment adopted by ref er- training classes are turning out 40 Technical Training Rises negligible and many hav$ returned in Roseland. This Is a home initiated into membetohip the Use O f Sea Scouts rOOTciw Jersey, the. amend- wooden repllcas of Army rifles. They A similar trend was indicated f a to gnhnnl following fehfflr quarantine underprivileged children o f Ne' “OrlglnaL l 3 Class,' ’ at the. regular prohibiting all forms of gamb- ‘will be exact duplicates in size arid P.T.A. Meeting the larger proportion.of. students as victims,. .... and" vicinity ""wliich~is open only lodge meeting. Following the meet- during- the-summer months. - R be A 24-foot cabin cruiser has. been except horse racing. Prior to color, ja entering technical schools who had Few additional cases were reported ing a dinner and entertainment obtained for use of the new Hill­ longs to the Essex County Christiai doptlon of the amendment, the taken college -preparatory courses in this week, and the major portion of will be arranged. Various Elks offi­ side Sea Scout Ship "North Star,” The local group, which has been Members of the faculty will pro­ Endeavor Union. -law permitted, gambling with school, likewise among those who students excluded about two weeks cials of the present time and leaders and the members o f the unit will active for several months, originally vide entertainment and serve as ixception of horse racing. took business courses and among ago, were able to go back to school Tickets may be purchased from who assisted in the organization spend much time in the next few expected to get official recognition hostesses at the regular, monthly those who took general courses. Hill­ as a part of home guard replac­ early this week, members of the societies. of the local lodge eight years ago weeks putting it ift shape for use meeting of the Hillside Avenue P.-T- side found its greatest proportion _of will be special guests with the to the late spring and summer. ing the Natipnal Guard now in fed­ A, to be held next Wednesday March unemployment among students who JAMES M. IRWIN Original Committee at the dinner. After the cruiser has been entirely eral service, and met with obstacles 12 at 2:45 p. m. in the school audi- >ut Activity W ill took business courses, 27.1 per cent, Hugo S. Gensel will be master of scraped and the motor replaced, it in attempts to get regular firearms torium, Services were held Monday after­ compared with the state average of ceremonies for the dinner. is expected it will be docked at for drills. ~ Several rifles borrowed 21,3 per cent. The State average Safety Program noon at the home of a daughter, k P.T.A. Meeting from Major John A. Davenport Post Mrs. Edward Herbs ter and Mrs. Sewayen. .The local unit was char* for unemployment was much higher Mrs. Irma Rbid, 111 Vanderpool 1722, V. F. W. are used in a study Stephen Wargo were hostesses at street, Newark^ for James M.- ii tered in January, but' the**boys hays- the regular monthly executive board among college preparatory and gen­ been active in organizing% it for a executive board of Calvin of parts and operation,. The corps eral students than in Hillside, indi­ By Jr. High P .T .A . of 1544 Munn avenue, , whp died iflge. P.-TV A. will meet at < the has many. men under the age i meeting held on Monday evening at day night at the Newark - address the home of Mrs. Herbster, 1441 cating better placement of ability in Luncheon For Board p d f Mrs. Lawrence Lillie, of 103 years, so that formation of a county HUlsid!e along with the industrial after an illness of three weeks. Rev, Compton terrace. Parent education “ Safety in the Home,” a playlet Ralph R. Roby, minister of Frank­ way 29, tonight at 8:30 o’clock, home guard , unit is not expected to activity in this area. next meeting of the associa- change the local organization ma­ chairman, Mrs. Paul MicOlintock, re­ directed by Mrs. Helen Mohr, teach­ lin, Memorial Methodist Church, was Of Sinai Auxiliary ported on the Extension Service Miss Hamilton reported that in er, will highlight the safety program, in the school on March 13 terially. anticipation of the newest occupa­ in charge of the service. Burial was SaybrookToHold i30 p. m. will be devoted to The corps at present is studying meeting she attended with the presi­ of the Hillside Junior High School in Evergreen Cemetery. A luncheon board, meeting of. the dent, Mrs. Claus Miller, at the Y, tional study made-' here, the local t work, with exhibits of /Che modern pofioe methods, and soon P.-T, A, meeting to be held in the Mr. Irwin was born 75 years* ago Ladles.. Auxiliary of "Sinai Congrega­ M. 0. A. in Elizabeth bn February school authorities provided for more hcraft o f Brownies, Cubs, Girl will take up fire fighting methods at school auditorium on Monday March in Harrisburg, Pa. . He lived. In tion will be -held • at the home of 28, when Mrs. Phyllis B. Davis spoke work in the field of general manual A Safety Program Boy Scouts. Mrs. Henry G. the Tuesday night sessions in Hill­ j.0 at 8 p. m. The cast consists of Elizabeth most of his life, moving Mrs. Theodore Yecies, of 238 Conk­ on the subject, “The Importance of training shop.activity when the new on wnr,b§' the’'speaker. side Avenue School. pupils of the eighth grade. A film about seven months ago to the home lin avenue, Monday March 10 at 1 Pre-school Education.’’ liigfh school opened last fall, a'nfl all. on "safety, "For Safety’s Sake,” will Plans for the regular meeting of boys taking the general courses ere of another daughter, Mrs. Frank p. m. Final'plans will be discussed The association will be represented be an added attraction. William Decker, of the Munn avenue address. for -the paid* up membership lunch­ the Saybrook School 'P.-T: A. to be' at the meeting of the Union County permitted to elect 400 minutes per Krautblatt will render several violin held Wednesday March 12 at 2:80 week,of shop work. This includes He had been for many years em­ eon to be held at the synagogue Institute on* Human Relations on solos.' ployed by railroads and trucking Tuesday M arch. 11 aF I p. m. Mrs, p-. m. in the kindergarten room were March 12 and 13, also at the annual experience in wood and metal shops, There will be a report by the nom­ made yesterday afternoon at the elements of electricity, and mechan­ concerns. His wife, Mrs. Bertha Le< Morris Silver, chairman of the spring Central Conference in New inating committee, followed by an Irwin, died a year ago. home of Mrs, R. F. Mildrum, of 42 ical drawing. She said changes in hostess committee, will be assisted 2 )on t W e n tio n J t Brunswick on March 20. election of officers for the coming Besides M rs.' Decker and Mrs by Mrs. Ben Braverman, co-chair­ Beechwood place. Safety will be the the curriculum are being studied' for year. Host and hostess for the eve- Reid, he leaves another daughter theme of the program. Announcement was made of the introduction next year, based on man, Mrs. Dan Diamond, financial ntog will' 'be Mr. and' U vb. W pa m Mrs. William Scherrier, of Elizabeth Miss Rosine Boyd, member of the —-T sk — Tsk — Tsk annual card party o f the Mother- trends indicated in the survey, which secretary, Mrs. Max Kurtz, vice Daughter Club to~ be held at the Raphael and their committee. tlu’ee sons, James M., Jr., of Roselle president and Mrs. Benjamin I high school faculty, and Miss Helen hasnsSown no|.!too mhen need'Toy Mrs. Martha FosterpscK^ Klnhackr...cvf.. the Visiting Nurse As- Alive — And Kicking school V>n‘ Thursday afternoon Park, and Walter and John TtwItl membership chairman.. office workers unless in- highly conducted a parent education pro­ Elizabeth; a sister, Mrs. Minnie sociation, will be guest sj>eakers. March 20. specialized fields. . ~ Final plans will also be discussed gram after the board meeting Mon­ Mutch, of Roselle Park; twenty-five Twelve children, of: the fourth and The Last Laugh Stress Vocational Guidance for a series of lectures to be held day evening. Her Subject was, “The grandchildren and five great grand- atO h eb Shalom Temple, Newark, fifth grades, under the direction of Ware their faces red? Hillside’s Congressman. Donald el. ------CaMiED FOR 'JURY ~Wflbur~Hr~Oo%; 'principal of lhe~ EHttiesuf- the' School^Ntirse.” — cnilaren. on four consecutive Wednesdays be- Mgs.-R. O. Gnvette, safety chair- who was one of a committee of five so-called exports in- Five Hillside men were called school, speaking on the same sub­ ghmlng March 12 at 1:15 p. m, The man, will •- entertain with- safety M n g also Under Sheriff Charles & Ayers, Senator Charles E. Monday for petit jpyy service from ject, told the audience about the HOME ROBBED songs. lOizeaax, and City Clerk’ Frederiok G, Kentz and Mrs. Katherine attention given vocational guidance REPORTS STOCKINGS STOLEN lectures, are being arranged by the March 10 to 22 in a drawing before Otho Vars, “of 170 Hartley terrace, N. J. Branch of the Women’s League Mrs. Lawrence Seifert end Mrs. -• Card of Summit who- 'couldn’t give the, answers to two ques- Judge Edward A. McGrath at the under present day^ conditions at the Mrs. Gabriel Blakesburg informed Monday informed police two watches of the United Synagogue of America. SamiJfel Basqh were named delegates Hffi submitted at a recent quiz program of a Summit Republican courthouse. The panel includes: recent Atlantic pity'convention of police Monday someone had stolen worth $55 and a gold watch chain Dr. Louis Levitsky will speak on to the spring conference to be held John M>recht, 1297 White street; the State Education Association. two boxes of stockings,, valued at iabc. One question was: W ho were this country’s last three am­ were stolen from his home Sunday. “The Jew, The Pulse of Civiliza­ in New Brunswick March 26. .A bassadors to England* and Can anyone not bom in the United William Edgar Simmons, 410 Har­ He urged parents and pupils to at­ He said the family was out late Bun-? $8 , io, from her husband’s depart­ tounan relations institute will be tend the conference to be held Satr ment store at 1321 Liberty avenue. tion.” Mrs. Yecies, Mrs. Israel states become President? 1 The experts came through all other vard! avenue; Charles A. Merceron, day afternoon but did not notice the Alexander and Mrs. Benjamin Smith held at the Elizabeth Y. M. c. a . 1470 North Broad street; Walter J. urday at Pingry School, Elizabeth^ The detective bureau Is investigat­ iuestlons with hying colons. loss until the following morning. A are the sponsoring committee. March 12 and 13. Reports o f various Parker, 1505 Muirn avenue,' and Jack when' representatives of numerous kitchen window was broken to gain ing. officers and committee chairmefi , Z. Kevoe, 1573 Maple avenue. eastern-and a few western colleges entrance. The detective bureau Is were submitted'at the meeting. ■ ®ia-last week-end found Dr. Sainuel Samet, local dentist, quite will be present to offer suggestions ipset to hear numerous rumors to the effect that he had been investigating. ATLAS CLUB TO MEET concerning entrance into these in­ APPENDIX REMOVED PLAN TOM THUMB WEDDING "rned’ in an automobile accident in Hawthorne avenue,- Newark. The Atlas. Political Club will hold stitutions. HEADS HOSPITAL BOARD About .fifty children, under the di- _ « | Mark Twain in a similar predioament many years ago, he a meeting Monday March 10- at I vifma Anne Vit, 5-year-old daugh­ Last night’s meeting was marked Albert O. Stein, of 144 Malden ter­ rection of Mrs. Charles Blazier will wishes to Jet it be known he is still alive—and kicking about the pV m. at 1240 Broadway.' All mem­ ter of Mr. and Mrs, Anton A, Vit, DR. E D W A R D J. MORESS by a talk by Captain Tim Healy, of race, was re-elected president of the participate in a Tom Thumb wed­ ‘■sports,; bers are urged to afctehd, as impor­ Jr.,' Of 30 Hollywood avenue, is re­ the National Broadcasting Com­ board of managers of St. Elizabeth ding at Franklin Memorial Metho­ tant matters will be discussed, in­ cuperating following an appendec­ pany, on "Happiness Through Hob­ Hospital, Elizabeth,* at the board’s dist Church Friday evening March cluding plans for formation of £ tomy Monday night at St.-, Elizabeth Something tells Us that those persons must be chuckling wisely Announces the removal bies.” „ At the close of the meeting annual meeting Friday night. ladies’ auxiliary. 14. jg j Who opposed the 1939 Constitutional amendment legalizing a general hobby exhibit, under the Hospital, Elizabeth. :orsc racing and pari-mutuel betting op races, on the ground that direction of Leon Braaer, was held, of Ms offices to VITO ADDEO & SON amendment | placeH a dfrfoaito prohibition on some forms of Constantine J.. Harpef and Robert On* of the Most Modern Lubricating Systems Mlnnhlry of- the manua,! fl,rts de- 20 Hillside dive. WA 3-089L iameimg while permitUng it at the 'KcksT- St That U m r many- in the County, yet you pay only • . ------— HONEYWELL bersons who opposed the amendment were poUteiy told ttiey were 1524 MAPLE AVENUE partment, had exhibits Of wood and $1 Gbod Grade Lehigh "Coal being insincere Mf saying if' Betting on horses,SKouia""be legalized metal working. projects of their Your lubrication Job U verified by charts issued by FUNERAL HOME Oor. Dorer Ave. •• students, and Miss Eleanor Koyen your car manulacturer. Nut and Store ...... 9.50 ton Purer forms of gambling should be legalized likewise.. Now they 1070 No., Broad St.) hillside apparently can tell other people they’ve got the racing on paper— had exhibits of students’ work in HIRLEMAN’S ESSO STATION Fea , V...... 8.50 ton r r ne tracks—and law enforcement on other types of gambling art, including oil colors and. char­ BOLLYWOOD AVE, Corner CONANT 8T. EL. 2-1770 2nd Grade Nat & Steve. .8.30 tan wnere VC will hit home with more force among the rank and file. coal sketches, ( g i r p ^ a g e T w o THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1941 Women s Page Personal Society N otesFraternal

of Battln High school, Elizabeth K n w W v m ™ W B M s avenue, aM the Katharine Gibbs aounoe She mafflage of their daitehj Officers' Slate Newark Girl W e3s Name Principals New York. She attended PembrokeS C ard Benefit For By MRS. BESSIE CPBTIS Jttiss^atty- -E.'-Kiug, [ft 'FranJT eultege, ’ Providence, RTIV'Mtt A round Town- ! (JrO.Od-I I I A* A. Fatten, of 64 Clark street, tj rich is a graduate of Hillside High ; O f Woman's C l ub" W-llliam-bell Jr. In H .S . Operetta School and1 attended Rutgers Uni­ Local Red Cross MISS . EVSI/ra MAX30N, Iff aide boys who were glad to me^t marriage took placd January 4 .J versity. lie is a member of Alpha 1439' Bond ^street, acdomp^Plgd-. seme one from;tjome.'.. the- Community Mfethodlst r a S MR. AND MRS. JOHN BEATTY; ■ Sara Jane Lewis, daughter of Mr. Principals in the- past of " ’The Ete' Chapter o ' Alpha Sigma her moflier, Mrs. M. R. Maxson, of Dr^t®BaeuBg^.~Ti&e-Rev Fault p '. The’ slate of officers Toir 'the' next A-mammoth benefit card party for' .ofvSrer(idtt{ piste, -Elizabeth,' formr Tllden officiated. Miss sang ■ jg l ||tub/year--was presented at the. meets and Mrs. Thomas Dewis,- of 40 Day- Pirates of Penzance,” Gilbert & Fraternity, .He is employed by the the Hillside- Uhft ~qf' the American. Miantto HigHana*; has la^fcseturn-. sd from a ^owo weeks’ so3onm at eriy. of HlEslde, wUi return Sunday h«-attendant; HUss Lovalne ' ing of - the Woman’s Club of Hillside ton- street, .Newark, became the Sullivan operetta to be presented by Elizabethtown Consolidated Gas Red Cross will be held Ih the gym­ bhde of William ] Bell, Jr., son of Qdmpany. Daytona Beach, Horlda. ■ from a two weeks’ stay in Florida, of Ngwark, and Willlam. oeatttr'ii :in M uonic Hall Tuesday afternoon nasium of the Hillside Avenue, Hillside was best man. \ * '#by the nominating committee, com­ William Bell, Sr., and the late Mrcu. bool March 28 at 8:15 MX$3 OtaVS! BRADFOBD, of '244 MR. a !W T E H WESLEY " School Monday March 24 at 8 p. m Ryan street, entered..Beth... Israel. posed by Mrs. Harry Schnabel, Bell, of 13 Ooe avenue, on. Saturday the school auditorium, have , beep -Eefeahl-ished-’U-ndei* the chairmanship' EJebruai^^-at-GalwiyPreebyberian Hospital; Newark,; Friday for an -eheirmanr Mrs.- Dy»ld Moore,-- Mrs; dlOSefi TBTTolIows: of Mrs. .Allan W. James,g the^ tpit appendectomy. J^oob Wind and Mrs. Alvin Graff. Church, ■ Newark,. The ceremony Frederick, Albert tssler; Mabel. Wifi - devote..much .of its effort to- Union Gjrl Bride •SCB. AKD MBS. ‘ 3E 0aG S -Those presented for office are: Mrs.* was performed by the Rev. Dr. Gloria . Seuorzo; Samuel, Edward making surgical'dressings. Commit­ EATOHWELL, of 160 Hillside ave­ ySjmmet T. White, president; Mrs. G. George McAllister. Miss Lewis was Brown; The King, 1 Emil Mozolak; tees for the card party are as -fol­ attired in aquamarine blue crepe and The Major General, David Johnson; nue, spent the-week-end as guests ol i Douglas Wilson, first vice president; Of-Wm. J. Miller lows: • Mr anH Mrs M Mp.nnrma.p.lf. Mrs. J. Henry Staub'tFr., second vice wore a fur Jacket with hat and ac- nth. Louise Meagher: Sergeant of CASH! Police, Donald Schirrmacher; Edith, Smith town, U I„ and attended a Chairman Mayor’s Defense Council;., ittsh ® t r Relief dance. Saturday ; treasurer; Mrs. Henry J. Althenn, sage of pink roses. Her sister, Mrs. Rosamond Von Foznak; Kate. Irene Miss Marian Ormsby, daughter of oahdy table, Mrs. Raymond T. Davis, for SILVER, DIAMONDS ?Hreeording secretary; Mrs. gg Gould- Evelyn Adolph, of Belleville, was her Ondayka; Isobel, Evelyn Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. . Chester B. Ormsby, David Mnnre n.nd Mrs.. Wilson;, evening, ■ n y n grAR.-nfTnai isia fct Spoffard, corresponding secretary; hrirififtyrifl-iri-___Bhe~ was attired, in. Marguerlte^Ftch'tner_wlfir1W_t ^ &C- ■©f-960New- Jersey Bvemje7~UlilOirr Mies-, Mrs; Hen-ry- Jr,Al,bh'enn‘;'"‘rett jacket and- dress similar to* the* bride B&e&Me EKF bride Saturday motning street, left Saturday for Fort Worth, OLD GOLD • Mrs. Robert IK. RluynJlK, - J p M 6i5E5paH3s£r oeiving committee, Mrs. Edward^ M. and also carried pink roses. After of William J. Miller, Jr., son of Mr. Texas, where he will be In -training," -counselor. Constantine Harper and Robert Nevius, Mrs. James R. McHarg; Dental Bridges—Chains—Rings—Watches, etc, and Mrs. William J. Miller, of 327 .MRS, - FRANCES PATTEN, the Department chairmen: American the ceremony a reception was held Minchin will have. charge of stage tickets, Mrs. Norman Govette, Mrs. former Miss Betty B, King, of "Home, Mrs; Hugo S. Gensel; civics, at the home- of the bride with about and-lighting and William S. Hunt Trinity place, at 'St. Michael’s JT-Henry-StaubT-JrTr-and-M-r-Sj-Sebh- 55-guests-attending.— Aftera-short- ©hmch7~Union;------Winans avenue, returned from Oo- -MrsrSamuel-MeGluref^e-artar^vlrs^ o t dialogue; The entire production X. .Metier. C H A S . H U B A T K A , Inc. honeymoon trip to Washington; the The couple left bn a wedding trip himbus, S.' C., where she spent sev­ Raymond B. “ Wolf; 1 music, Mrs.. is under the general direction of The Board of Education has ELIZABETH’S OLD GOLD. BUYE^ SINCE ; James R; McHarg; welfare,. Mrs. couple will make their home at 13 Daniel Kaut&nan, director of music to Philadelphia. -They will make granted the-unit use of two rooms eral days visiting. Mr. Patten is a . 9 BROAD ST« ELIZABEH, N. J. -home temporarily -at- the-HUlr: member of the Essex Tyoop NS-" Richard Frank. Committee chair- Coe avenue. in the high school, in. - the practice house on.' COe ave- side address. The bride attended tlonal Guard ..and Is stationad_at. ' men: Program and year book, Mrs. -nue-for—i-ts-headoua-rfeersr-one-feQ-be: Union“H i ^ Fort JSSESOH, &. 1 White at me - Norm an H—Qovefcte;—publMty^ Mrs. used for -surgical dressings and the v . graduate of Hillside High Schoolr lortrM^Patten-met^e^aln'HtSY' » Samuel Allcom; membership, Mrs. Rehearsals Progress other for knitting and sewing, Sur­ M iss Taintor Engaged is employed by the Western J. Leeds Brown, Mrs. William J. gical dressings wilLha in charge of- Electric Company, Kearny. He is a —Johnson, Mrs. Edward S. Erith, Mrs. James, assisted'by "Mrs. Emmbt ^ P e T For Play O f P .T .A . past master of Alpha'Eta Chapter ON DANCE COMMITTEE 3-Pc. : Mts. William B. Pimm and Mrs. To Robert G oodrich T. White, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. bavis ' Phi Alpha Sigma Fraternity. Miss Elsie Rasiewych, of 540 Lo­ • Kenneth H. Bothweli. and Mr^ajfilson. The knitting and P , At -Tuesday’s meeting a talk on Despite illness and the weather, c u st‘street, Is a member of the Re-Upholstering Slip-Covers considerable progress, is being made Announcement has been made by sewing room will' be under the super- alllmni committal, for the Etherty -daguerreotypes was given .by ’Mrs. jsdsion-=of^ Mrs. -H-ugoSi -Gensel=and; on. the- sixth^annual play of .the Mr. and Mrs. Archie Raymond Endowment Dance to be held at - Leigh Blumer, o f- South -Orange, Mrs. Nevius. ; Who also presented a very inter­ High School P. T. A., “You Can't Taintor, of 485 Irvington avenue, H e l e n e L e w in s k - i s Essex Junior College, Newark, on sag 15.00 ______Take It With You,’’ which, will be Elizabeth, of the engagement last Saturday. esting display. -Officers of the Fifth ENTERTAIN CUR PACK Like new,- l District Drama and Literature presented March 16. AU the action Friday of their daughter, Miss Mar­ Troth Is Announced Cub Pack 193 held a meeting Tues­ New Springs, forum,were guests. The meeting I in this, very humorous PUlitzer garet Day Taintor, to 1 Robert day evenings at Hurden-Looker best filling, ARTISTIC was under ’ the • direction of Mrs. prize play centers around the char­ Rhoades Goodrich, son of Mr. and ANNEAL ECOET INSPEOTION Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewinski, of ’School*. "'D en 2 entertained with a polished. S£,f#yjnbnd T, Davis. acter of Grandpa, which will be Mrs. George H. Goodrich, of 40 Hillside Boy Sodit_ troops 'Wial played by Arthur G. Woodfield Ridgway avenue. 1232 Robert street, have announced skit entitled “And the. -Lamp" Went Upholstering Shop , Workmanship Department Meeting? have their annual Inspection by the Frank Fisher is assisting Robert Miss Taintor attended Vail-Deane the engagement of their daughter, Out A* The regular meeting of the 261 MORRIS AVE, “Tuesday March 'll -a t 1 p; m. the Enion council staff nf enrrimtsstnn- Guarantied. Ashley—with proper-ties. — Seheolr~^iBa,hfrth, ami is a graduate' M4&S - Helene Lewinski; to- Jo hn—Jr t roop committee will be held MOHr ers tonight at Hillside Avenue ■•tivics—department; Mrs; McGiUfe Blake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard day ni|ht at the home of L. Lillie, Sohool. District Commlissioner -J. chairman, will hold its annual cov- _ Blake, of 1596 Clinton place. 103 Highway 29, at 8 p7. m-. ered- dish luncheon at the home o f: Leeds Brown is In charge. ' Mrs. Robert K. Bloy Sr., of 1465 —Center -street.— Committee- members Social Items- Will be responsible for the dessert. Hostesses will be Mrs. Robert Ash- nsyrM rs. R. Ki BloyHSr., Mrs. R. K. ■ Bloy Jr., Mrs. Metzger, Mrs. Oliver Wailing and'Mrs. Wilson. J DUE TO THE FACT that no of Coe avenue, returned home from :■ '—The Garden Department will meet games of any kind are. allowed in Flint, Michigan, where he has been I | Thursday March 113 at 1:30 p. m. at the county the card party which was attending the General Motors School . the home of Mrs. Edward M. Nevius, .to have been held oil Wednesday of Technology, on Saturday to spend of 122 Fairbanks street. The . topic evening for ithe benefit of the- Re­ the week-end with his'parents. Sun-I for the jifternoon will be “Garden" habilitation Fund1 of the Auxiliary day evening he left for TarrytownJ Work ^or March a n d ‘ the* Inside of Hurden-Looker Post No. 50, Amer­ |N. Y., to resume business at the Story of Trqes.” Mrs. Staub, Mrs, ican. Legion, has been , postponed. Chevrolet, plant. r. Pimm .and Mrs, Arthur ‘L. 'Theurer Goinqover&Aj President Mrs. J. W.’ Philhower will MRS. STERLiING PATTERSON . will be. hostesses. calLa spools meeting to make, other. of .Jjooker sti'eet, was host -to the X ways' W meahl ’ dessert bridge plans in the near future* • Ladies Aid Sofeiety of the Hillside J#for the Red.Cross will be held MR. AND MRS..A. C. STEIN, of Presbyterian -Church. Monday after- March 14 at 1;30 p. m. at the home Malden terrace, returned home from noon. I. The. ladies are- .planning to with buyers of lo\y-priccd cars of Mrs. Frith, -of 137 Clark street. Atlantic City on Friday after spend* give one day a week at the chuxch* ; Proceeds will t be. used ,to purchase :ing a week at , tile; resort. \ for Red Cross sewing-. ' Mrs. Minnie. ^ material' for surgical dressings. MR. AND MRS; LESLIE R. Pierson, of 18 Fairbanks street, is in charge. TICHENOR SR., of Salem avenue, STAR OF HILLSIDE CpUNOIL, returned ttiome from Florida cmSun- Daughters of America, will hold a - W. RaaeaU Davies, Jr., of Hillside, j day after a- two weeks zojounv at meeting at the Hillside Community ■ has been elected. second vice presi- resort. House, Coe avenue, on Monday eve* _ Cent of Rensselaer ..Society of Engi- MR. AND MRS. J. DECKER and ping. . neers at Rensselaer Polyteohnio ih - l sGn Walter, of Virginia street, wifi ' MRS, J. y r. PHILHOWER, cd s&itute, Troy, N. Y., where he is a spend the week-end as the guests of Bellevlew terrace, will .leave shortly s-tudent in civil engineering.______Mrs. Decker's sister, Mrs. H,—R,. fxn*TTsqjtrarn in Fiortda; He is the son' - of Mr. and.. Mrs. j Trippie, • of , Philadelphia. MR. AND MRS. OSCAR NEW­ MAN, of Dorer avenue, entertained op Saturday, evening Mr. and Mrs. H. Schroder, of Bloomfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilken, of Hillside. MRS. JOHN W. PHILHOWER, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilken, and Mr. X j o c a t i o n s and Mrs. William Metzger were among the guests attending the Past Presidents’ and Past Com­ manders' dinner of Rahway. Post Iv^t Thursday, evening, representing the loosTLegibh Post. RBY. JOHN- FINNjERTY, pastor of St. Catherine’s Church, returned D r . W M . MALLAS home from Florida recently. (Denial Surgeon MR.-AND M RS A. ARTKE, of -North. Broad street, were host to tlie Men’s Club of Calvary Lutheran Ohureh'on Monday evening." Cards -were played and a social evening I followed, i | FORTY-FOUR MEMBERS Of the [ Ladies Auxiliary of Calvary Luth­ eran Church attended the- fifth an­ nual bus ride,, to Radio City Music Hall, New York, last week, later go­ ing to t!he Brass Rail for dinner. MR. AND MRS. WALTER GIL­ LETTE, of Pennsylvania avenue, TRUSSES ELASTIC HOSIERY entertained for / the week-end Mr. ABDOMINAL BELTS and Mrs. R. Gillette and son David, of Lyndhurst, L. I. MR. AND MRS. A. .A, LAMPE. of SCHARFENBERGER’S Robert street, entertained on Satur­ day evening Mr. and Mrs. P. Muller 1141 Elizabeth Avenue Elizabeth, N. J. and Mr. - and Mrs. Roy Muir, qf Elizabeth 2-2211 Cranford, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Mad- HY ARE SOiMANY foiriner owners o£ low- ing, of Newark.' • Medical Supplies Surgical Appliances MRS. MARY TURNER, of Robert ipriced cars now driving new "Torpedoes” ? street; had as dinner guest recently Simply this— Pontiac is priced so close to the Mrs. F. Barkhurst, of , lowest that the difference is scarcely noticeable. Ohio. Mrs; Barkhurst, a former And the scores o f advantages Pontiac, provides resident of Elizabeth, expects to make her home in Newark in the more than offset its slight extra cost. near futige, WFor example, Pontiac gives you the ultra-modern MRS. R. R. GREASON, of Coe -beauty o f "Torpedo”-styled Fisher Mille r’s Snappy Se rvice avenue, had as her guest rpp.Rnt-.ly her sister, Mrs. E. Shurmann, of Silver -Streak frOiit enm Pontiac Evanston, 111, matchless comfort o f the FOR SNAPPY WEATHER MRS. WILLIAM BELL JR., of . 13 Ride” . , ■ the assurance o f more trouble-free per, -Goe-a-venue—will-have_as' guestsTthls^ formance provided by Exclusive Lifetime O il evening he? parents, Mr. and Mrs. ’ Never hesitate to call us in an emergency. Thomas Lewis and M r.. and Mrs, Cleaner . the handling ease ofTru-Arc Steering -WiHifan-Minohittr o f Newark; Mr. . . i plus record gas and o il economy. and Mis. J. Adolph, *of Belleville, Large or small orders executed with the W hy not take your present car to your Pontiac and Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, of same courtesy. Roselle.* dealer today? It probablywili cover the down pay­ ment on a new Pontiac; The balance can be spread Streamliner ^Torpedo” Six Sedan Coupe $923* (white sidewall tires extra) over monthly terms tq fit your convenience. EL. 24123 Remember, Last Winter WA, 3-1938 Cold rooms... drafty house... high fuel bills. THE FINE CAR *D tlivertd at Pontiac, Michigan. State tax, option, WITH THE LOW PRICE equipment and accessories— extra. Prices subject T b / ffia c change without notice. DANIEL LEEDS MILLER. INC ONLY $25 MORE FOR AN EIGHT IN ANY MODEL I k Johns-Manville 1356 HQBTH BROAD ST - HILLSIDE,«. HOME INSULATION MAXON MOTORS, Inc, 326 Broad Street Summit, N. J, 1444 No. Broad S t 1 Hillside, N. J. aed public opinion 1» the most po- “A free pres* ib of the greatest iUl restraint* upon misjovernment.” terpreters betwce: XJ. S. Supreme Con >ople. To allow I HILLSIDE TIMES EDITORIAL PAGE ireelve*."—U. 8. S

SMASH THAT EGG! ■ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR- and to the men who were under the ic fljUlaihg UlimgH direct supervision , of Mp, Mitchell. itJs A Dale .... '■Sincerely,* ■ 1 , "< printed and Published every Thursday at Opinions O f Our Readers ATLAS POLITICAL iOLXJS North Broad Street, Hillside, New Jersey 43 By PETER ARLAUCKAS. — by ■ h il l s id e t im e s p u b l is h i n g c o m p a n y Tomorrow , DANGER TO CHILDREN 'this would be a good one to setT The fc Sllverstoin ...... Business Manager Eastern Star benefit card pafty.' Editor,. Hillside. Times, boys ought to know that the S. G. A. CHURCH OF CIIRISaP; SCIENTIST It Kaplan ...... -••-.•••...... Editor Monday Why don’t the mothers do some­ and the Board of Education are be- !an” is the Lesson-Sermon ,suh* Telephone WAverly 3-2465 Junior High P.-T. A. meeting. thing- .'about our schools hare in < hind them, rather than4 depending Hillside Presbyterian Church «h4-ld-r en- -upenHhe-—eMe-mindedness-^-^p-” Q( I-n plj SUBSCRIPTION RATES luncheon prior to Every Member cross the highway and two railroads utions such as ' the Progress stian Science Churches and So­ 1 be sent to any part of the United States (or the Canvass. to get to school while they have Club (for the basketball team) and cieties throughout the world. riptlon price of $2.00 a year, single copies 5 cents. Postage Tuesday the Lions Club (for the ^football hall the classrooms closed, in the The Golden Text -is:* “Beloved, foreign countries must be added to these rates. Township Committee meeting. Hillside Aventie School. Why can’t team) . Both of these organizations Board of Education meeting. deserve the greatest credit, and the now are we the sons of God, and it. COMMUNICATIONS half the children on this side of the Visit by Saytyook Mother-Daugh- tracks go to the Hillside Avenue members, of the teams deserve a J doth. not yet appear what we shall is always pleased to publish letters and omer iiems*oT |-he: but we know.that, when he shall aders, and invites such communications. The name and' Wednesday to the Coe Avenue School? G-. A. and the Board of Educa- appe hall be like him; for we writer must be given in every case, not necessarily lor Hillside Avenue P,?T. A. meeting, You might ask why the children all see him as he Is.” (I John 3:2). as an evidence of good faith. Anonymous communications Saybrook P.-T, A. meeting. don’t go over the bridge and around, Credit Is Due. Among the' Lesson-Behnon cita- bushed. > ^ March 13 what child, especially a boy, ms IS the following from the Bible: Meeting of Calvin Coolidge P. T. will take the,longest way around? EFFICIENT SNOW REMOVAL f any of you lack wS3or^iet ffin We ten them not to cross the high­ Editor, Hillside Times, ■k of God, that glveth men Marc per ally, and upbr aide th n^t; and WTTO IS RESPONSIBLE? way. but they won’t listen. - —We, . as members_of. the Alias Pol: __Annual dramatic production of Mr-v—WoodfieLd claims that shall be given him.” (James 1:5). jssibility that the Union County Park Com­ High School P.-T. A. walked a few miles back and f< iso includes ay have to pay $65,000 more for land of John Movie party of Hillside 'Avenue every day to school when he w the following passage from the Mother-Daughter Club. to school, but that was' years Christian Science textbook, “Science Kean for its park in Hillside than the land is Today .children are brought up dif-~ and Heal til with Key to the Sprip- i worth- at the present time suggests that the -Ey.6E-yJMemb.er Canvass of- HllUtda -fer-ent^-in—modem-times - we—don’t turrs" by Mary Baker Eddy: “Man Presbyterian Onurcn begins. - believe in walking much. ~ br-the offspring, not—of-fche lowest, • Freeholders should severely reprimand some- jgjgi March 18 Why .don’t- we mothers do some- but— of the- highest qualities of fiousjiegtect.- Board of Health meeting...... thing about it when those who think Mind” (p. 265). , -th * y c wn ^everything --hl-----Hl3laid< 1 t|e Park Commission instituted condemna- Hurden-Looker Pi-T. A meeting. won’t do anything for us? edings against the Kean property based on,a Meeting of Roosevelt Democratic HILLSIDE AYE. MOTHER. 10U,000r Thre-suitratthat time was apparently Club.1 , | ng in the air, for when the Park Commis- I end 0"f last year tried to condemn the same he basis of a $35,000 value, the Keans suc­ restraining the attempt on the ground that seek re-election. uit had not been legally abandoned, prevent- Three of four ^Hillside Bey Scout mers-ffon^sellin-g^t-in-the open -market. As troops win red star rating in annual inspection by Union Council com? he commission has-now been directed by ViGe missioner’s staff. • Alfred A. Stein that it must proceed on the This year’s local repairs will be h-the original suit or it cannot proceed at Teh Years Ago inadequate tp needs, according to Stumbling block to extension of Road Supervisor Frank M. Mitchell, Maple avenue to Route 29 is- seen Who points to unexpected—£1;160 er the Park Commission has any other legal as Township Gbmffidttto& advises snow-removal—eost-and—to—unusual- county. It does not have funds for damage done to unimproved streets we do not know, but even if it should manage obtaining rights, of way for county by severe cold of past winter. 1938 ■ lo u t of this predicament, the carelessness to lay roadway.. repairs probably will not be lasting Report is submitted to Hollywood I because of availability of only $5,000 nitted this situation to arise.is something Hark Improvement Association, to purchase materials. ild not go unnoticed by the county govern- studying forms of government, on State Aleoholic Beverage Control city pianager form. Report to come Department charges Barnett Sugay- Ulside is very much concerned in this matter next'on city commission form man .of Hillside was.. ringleader in as it has for over a decade tried-to obtain* a Bob> Buck, 17-year.-old | Hillside .theft of $22,500 confiscated1 alcohol aviator, meets President Hoo-veiL-at from federal warehouse in Newark, rk,. and just .when it seemed that the path White’ House, bringing, gif t of* Cuban '’alleged ;~to~have been recovered m "finally ci'eared'ioWaftrttra-f crbtectlV6',"‘aian^ Clgar'Tfom * President ■ M achadom house- in ’Union, ' momento of .necent record trip.tol entirely-unnecessary obstacle. If tteChanei Havana and back. nt does not ruin the park project^ntirely, it Charles I. ^Downing charges as­ sault and battery by Harry I, Luft- y likely that it will eo^t the county taxpayers mah, claiming he was''aSSaultedVby rable additional sttm of money, Luftman in hallway in municipal building.. The two have been in dis­ ndie^fciens are that the legal.department of the pute concerning Luftman’s military Sili dowtn. oii-its job. In private business such record. pn would be quickly remedied, and unless there Five Years Ago ' George A. White is selected presi­ mable and adequate explanation, it would seem dent of Young People’s Republican county should also take steps {q 'obtain' more Club of* Hillside, succeeding • J; Franklin -Reinhiajd'.—MayQr._Benja^ legal advice. . ~ min Hale tells dub he“intends " t6: PARKING SPACE NEEDED ■ms likely that the Township Committee will I'nsideration of a municipal parking lot on Pub- Ice property on North Broad street ■ opposite ion avenue, and it is-hoped that it will come to nt conclusion this time than it did previously ack of parking space on the upper eiid of North eet4s=w^aggravating=;pFohl:eBJF=Tfce=&u§ges> imit parking Is not’ exactly a happy one, be- ©pie who. work in the vicinity have no other e but to park all day, since there isn’t even ; lot that charges a fee for'parking. If there some relief for the people who must park all whole situation would be relieved, and a muni» rking lot seems to be the answer. [ hoped that the differences between the) town- Public Service can be ironed out, so that this ; condition can be eliminated.

TREATISE open competition. Dolan was named as chairman of the committee to CAMERA CLUB arrange for *bhe fourth aimup.1 din- this month. Link, of 69 King street, atise on “Night. Photo- SYRACUSE HONOR STUDENT t week at -the -monthly SYRACUSE, N; Y.—Miss Shirley l the Union County Unger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ub at the administration Leon Unger, of 263 Williamson ave­ Warinah.90 Park, Eliza- nue, Hillside, N. J., is among the es were shown exhibiting 137 students on the honor rollt of rts of his talk. Topics the College of Business Administra­ eluded exposure for night tion at Syracuse University, having ising street lights, light- maintained a “B” average or higher nlight fireworks and! in- during the fall semester. p g with artificial illumin- Miss Unger is affiliated with Alpha—Epsiton-Fhi—sorority.------Morse, of Hillside, placed the _duh*s- February com* PATRONIZE ■ “Still life ,” in Class A, •oH “Doiaar also of ~Hm- OUR ‘ second in the Class B, ADVERTISERS Page Four THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1941

bid will be rejected. Democratic Club STARS OF “LOUISIANA PURCHASE” BROADWAY MUSICAL HIT JAGGERS ESTATE TO SAI* FAMILY, CHURCHES SHERIFFS SALE-r-In C Will See Movies J^-fleyr-'-Between GrA nslilp. Separi Mrs. Willie Lee Jaggerd, widow of Loan Association jf jaei ■ A motion. pioture of rear.?' o f She David A' Jaggers, owner of much territories now Involved'in. h-nst.mt.iftK realty in Hillside and. elsewhere, will abroad will be shown "fey She Esso reeeAve^the residuary-estater apcdrd< Marketers at the meeting of the ing/ to the will filed Thursday- for probate with* Surrogate Charles A; Roosevelt Democratic' Olub March V'N'SUII* OP HILLSIDE trlct Court Boon: is .at the v. F. W. Hail-on Bloy -QUor .Jc. Jaggers ■■ died- January, PUBLIC NOTICE street.. Acoordtog to Emar.ue; uer- A. foster, daughter, Betty, of Ox­ Title 40:80-26, Re sten, president, this will be the first ford, N. C., was Bequeathed. $12,000 in a series of programs designed1 to] and a foster son, Richard, of Hillr “make meetings of the club more In- sjde, -4&,Q0Q.. There are - also- be-' foresting, with other similar pro­ .guests’ o f .^op^each/to the Elizabeth grams to follow at subsequent meet­ Avenue Presbyterian Church, New­ ings.— ark, and the First JKerormed Church, Irvington. -BEGINNING NAMED TO POST BY, STUDENT PRESENTS PAPER MADISON, ,N. J.—Rosamund Van COMMUNITY CHEST Poznak, of Hillside High School; •presented a paper before delegates Percy B. Buchanan, of U8 North ‘ the fifth annual Secondary avenue; was re-elected vice presi­ Schools International-Relations Con- dent ox the board of trustees of the iKNERAL INSTRUCTIONS seventy one-1 Community Chest of Elizabeth, Lin­ Drew University on Saturday, March All bidders must agree to den, Hillside and the Boselles at the North eigM; 1. The topic of the paper was utes West"fifty;! at- ,nd the delivery thereof. -asheuld—Amertoa—defend—European 1 fl'f1 Etiuaida Avfeiiitit hundred ttja of fl, ( Hie Winfield Scott Hot^r'’Elimbeth. 'fT01Ul!Tg£-'in 'Eastern- Asia?-’ Wilbert C. H ealy.of Elizabeth, will Two hundred-, and fifty delegates -again-serve as president. Mealy an­ ■attended the all-day conference nounced Ivlrs^ Walter F. Meister will which included student centered and —be this year’s campaign “manager.— fOTtoty-^teeeted--rouBdr-taWe—emi- Nos. 28-27-28-29 In Bio Wilbur H- Cox, principal of Hill­ ferer.ee. Papers were assigned-priori 2 West Lyons Far 928, In case No. 61 side High School, was elected to the to the conference and- prepared by] --board as a Hillside representative, hlgh_.schno) students, - succeeding William Beck. Buchanan William Gaxton, Vera Zorina, Victor Moore and Irene Bordoni, a brilliant foresome who president^ add^to the season'sgaiety in “Louisiana Purchase,” the B .G . DeSylva song and danse:7 USUAL NOTICE the Hillside Welfare Association fiesta at the Imperial Theatre,------ALEX CAM were among those chosen for posts trap omtnLLsiDiE •HGfWARD J. BLOY, LALISCH & KALllcl on the budget-committee. Buchanan Having produced three smash 'aea j20.68 EDJ&HT— was chairman of the hom ing however, is best told the oritlos. Anderson agreed with the other! committee, ■musicals ln a row, a feat unmatched Walter W-toehell-fiakl; -‘-Not stoee whenhe-aallod it “A humorous, tuna; since the days of Zlegfeld fourteen tiie first nights of P. Zlegfeld1 lias a ful and opulent spectacle—it Is i BEGINNING: years ago, B. G, DeSylva Is formu- musical comedy packed, such an laughing ear-and-eyeful.” % BECOME CITIZENS la ting a fpurtil in California where .abundance of fun, music, mionj. end - Jor.ihB_-Cfm.venlaTvM> nf .wtc of TiweHness." Bums Mantle, Dally The Mayfair Sweet Shoppe Two Hillside residents, Theresa to addition to his stage chores, he. towners, a special mail Order ... Schneider, off1298 Myrtle street, and has Just i;een named executive News, reported, enthusiastically that pertinent has ■ been opened at the . Cendney Orders Delivered —CaU WAw i 3*9-0060 .. J "It tops the others." Richard Look- Nicholas Vitaris, of 541 Route* 29, ducer for Paramount Pictures, Imperial, Theatre whefe seats for ridge, N, Y.Sun, hallid It as “fresh, were among the group of persons all performances of “Louisiana Pur­ Dolly Madison Ice Cream cededly America’s top Impresario in gay and lilting, luxurious .entertain­ inducted into citizenship last Thurs* chase” are now on sale up to May Home Mad*, wr Standard Brand Box Candies the living theatre, he has regaled ment." The Joumal-American’s John day before Judge Waiter- L. Het* playgoers throughout the nation id Cigars — Cigarettes — Soda Fountain field, 3rd, in Naturalization Court. suoh dazzling girl and ihlislo shows WE FEATURE HOME COOKED LUNCHEONS DAILY as “DuBarry Was A Lady!” now on Sandwiches Served A La Carte ■tour, "Lanislana Purohaeoi1’ In Ho JMfiJSQ, BROAD ST.r HILLSTDF Realty Transfers tenth-month at the Imperial Thea­ tre, and “Panama Hattie," which Anna UUriak, widow, to Mr. and stars the brilliant Ethel Merman at Mrs. Demetrlo 8mato. property In the 16th Street Theatre. the westerly M e of Doremus plare; Firm In " the belief that theatre- “27B fe e rfrosrsillsfflr avenue. goers want only stars of the first Nettle B. Rusk to Gertrude J. magnitude In their Broadway song Qrowner, property In the northwest­ and dance fiestas, Producer ___ erly line, o f Maple avenue, 80 feet Sylva rounded up a foursome of un­ “ from Beileview terrace. paralleled sparkle, for “Louisiana B u i e V Mr. and .Mrs, Joseph Weingarth Purchase,”—William Gaxton, Vera to Mr..and Mrs; Joseph Weir.garLh, Zorina, Victor Moore and Irene ’ Jr., property, known as 86 Buchanan rBuy Bordoni.' To add to the originality street. of , muslo and lyrlos, he assigned B e t t e Alex Campbell, sheriff, to Harry Drying Berlin to the job ,of invent* O. Hopper, -and -others, 'trustees, tog tunes, while the master .libret­ property at the intersection, of the tist, Morfle Rysktod, co-author 6f ■ westerly -line of Long avenue and toe,£uhtzte-Brize musical, “Qf-Thee. -the southerly line of Leo street, with I '.Sing,” .was. afforded-' the oppor- exceptions. timlty to write as hilarious a book as .. Westminster Corporation to Mr. has 'stemmed from -an author-lji-a- UNION COUNTY BUICK CO, - add Mrs. Jacob Philip Baiter, prop­ deoade. erty to toe easterly line nf Revere T5ie combination' of stars and- ELIZABETH, N. J. drive, Intersected .by the southerly writers, all under the . managerial line of lands of Jacob Philip Baiter aegis of DeSylva, has resulted In a , Branch and Myrtle . Carrie Balter, 111,34 iesoundlng hit which still, packs ’em EL 2-3800 Brancll . feet from Nottingham way. n after almost a, year’s run at the Rahway Westfield -— Mr. and-M rs, Stwto H .-Rose-to Imperial-Theatre.— Ths~fefiiUBinBB“ Mlro Realty, Inn., property known oelpts Incidentally, are close to a as No. 661 Leo street. new high marfe-.$1,500,000. - , Mr. and Mrs. William J. Carden ■ T h e story of "Louisiana Purchase," , to the Camptown Building and Loa- Atoociarion. property in jh e easterly REJECTS APPEAL side of koine street, 70 feet front Goal - Kopper’s Coke Superior street. FOR MAINTENANCE - Mr. and Mrs. Brands H. Walker Advisory Master; Dougai Herr, to Township of Hillside, property in st week rejected the application-of­ Lumber - Mason Material the northerly line of conant street, fs. della Lehr, of 1404 Osborne 823,0 feet from Pairview place. terrace, for separate maintenance Roofing - Wallboard - Tileboara Ardell Housing company to Town­ ‘ om her husband, Saul Lehr, of 876 ship of Hillside, property la the Union avenue, Elizabeth, northerly line of Conant street, 370 Mrs. Lehr had claipied her hus­ REASONABLE PRICES feet from Fhirview place. band . halt transferred his- property The Camptown Bunding and Loan family before thei: Association to Mr. antlMra, WUliaBt. May, 1982, to -exclude her dower W illiam Hale Coal Co P. Faber, property ktewn as No. rights. Herr said this action did not 123 West King street, formerly known g wy tw te -r i'tn u ift-'-'n ie advisory 1374 Liberty Ave. Phone Unlonville 2-2244 Etillsl as No. fl7. West King street. master declared the petitioner Is Hillside Building and Loan Asso- more able to support herself than EACH LOAD DELIVERED IS CAREFULLY WEIGI -;daMeBhof“B iffilranmil3t:to:Mr. and. Lehr Is. Lehr formerly was a large .Mrs. Edward V. Kobetitsoh, prop­ property owner; In Elizabeth'. Ac­ erty in the southerly line of Puree cording to. the wife, their marriage, Street, 366,07 feet from Hillside avenue. second for both, ended when, he | abandoned her on March 28, lw o„ New Jersey Bell Telephone Company Help guard against ‘PINK TOOTH BRUSH Who’s Who In Business with Ipana and Massage A b r i g h t -, spsrk!!r.g srrrile may suggest the healthful stic ^ .irnportaftt to good latloa o f Ipana .and mgSsage. JookstDorilt ’’ p A Convenient Directory- of Men and Firms Ready to Serve You Efficiently in Their Special Fields. -Get-an economical tubeof Ipi bruah” ! Q fm your gu m s us well at your drug^st’i today. Eai ybur.testh proper eerel time that you your Save lime, Energy and Money By Utilizing This Guide to Help You Get What You Need. Hutifimurtorthbrush aho i53\" massage a’ little, extra Ipar flash thaf waming tinge of “pink" . the gums. ForApana is especial —saa your dentist at once. designed ndf only to keep -xQU7mgy ijotr-be in for serious37 S jS t e Zlffli" sparkling but wit Liquor Stores trputi.Ieibmiet hlsidedde. DSti-J mamgetoi^itheatthG 7 ally, however, lis.verdiet wlft-ha . gums as v/SU. Help keep y< SPRING & GARDEN NEEDS at Lowest Prices ; “ Sjufitg: fS6|sf smile attractive the Ipana waj SAVING HABIT . . . SHOP AT modemsoftfoods” — “ gums that Szarko*s Liquor Store toeed-exerciso-for-better-healthr11— SOLOMON’S Aad, as so many dentists do, ha '“ Onsni Hillside’s Good Stores” Ave- - MllsVde, Nv J. tor Free quick delivery.— Oyea U noen Sundays 1299 liberty Ave. WA. 3-9507 ------BIER - - - COOLERS FOR Used Cars

Olga s Bakery & Coffee Shoppe WALTER R. LEE BUY A DEPENDABLE U8ED CAR AT THE Union County Buick Company A ll lands of Sandwiches, Pies, Oakes, Pastries & Hot Drinks Director of Funerals Establish«d hr l u . . ^ t w___ ._____ — ..J T J 282 LONG AVENUE 1283 Salem Ave, • ■ Hillside, N. J. 339 N. BROAD ST., ELIZABETH “ “ m . . ^ ELlsabeth 2-4547 OPBX , X f raG8 Ato, ALL DA, SUNDA1; ” 4* -KS:* (Seer obiitrilu it Gas Ranges Upholstering

H en ry Rech ____SUP COVERS MADE TO ORDER AU Popular Brands of Bottled Beer and Soft Drinks CHANCELLOR UPHOLSTERY CO Smooth top,' Roper,’ Ea Vr~4£ & %-KEGS BEER -- Coolers Rented 252 Chancellor Awe. W Averly 3-7111 Newark N J BIRKENMEIER & COMPANY (Near Hillside) ' ' ’ 1185 Liberty Ave. . .. EL 3-3529 SU P COVERS - UPHOLSTERING - INTERIOR DECORATING Open BTenta^ B®tr"l? AVB" WTMflTQN, N. i . VENETIAN BLINDS * jlLlan E® S-««U IPANA TOOTH PASTE THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY; MARCH 6. 1941 Page Five lagles Win On Testimonial To ARRANGES RUTGERS of Hillside High School and Newark Buckeyes W in Boys’ Activity A t Play Center Surprise Shower For Technical Sohool. He is now a stu­ Gustave Falzer DEBATE WITH ARMY dent at Newark College-of Engineer^ Orban’s Goal M rs. J^'Charlton Bartfi ihg from which he is expected) to First Playoff A contingent pf West Point .de­ graduate in June with a degree in ‘ Gustave A. Falzer, of 126 Franols baters, Under the supervision of Cap­ place, was honored by more..than mechanical engineering. He is em­ tain Lincoln, were the guests of the surprise personal shower was ployed by Baker STUbT of NewarE ‘! yely Snatch Victory 300 persons Thursday night at a I P S Buckeyes Monday night won Rdtgers University Debating Society held recently in honor of Mrs. J. From Defeat By Last dinner at the Hotel Douglas, New­ W first game of the final series for at a program at the University on Charlton Barth, of 1439 Leslie ark, on his completion of 40 wars in ^hechamplQnship of tha innktr rH-’ -February—3-ln------^trootr-at- lihe- home-of- Miss- NormTr — MUnite Thriller— newspaper work. He has been sports yiSmh of the Community Basketball This meeting was made possible Virtue, of Belleville. Gqests in­ editor d f the Newark Sunday "Call League by taking over the Huskies, lived Xjf'' through the efforts of William A. cluded Mrs. . Florence McGinley, > SchOOTT L e basketball team representing for the greater pari_of this time, 21 to 18. The series will continue Bobertz, son of Plumbing Inspector MaTy Sharrock, Mildred Hibbard Hillside, Fraternal Order of - Eagles, wln- and -also, has , been fo r years Held next Monday night at Hillside Aver- and' Mrsr H. W. Bobertz, of West­ and1 Rose Zerbino, of Newark; Anne- L 0f the senior Oommunlty Bas- secretary of the New Jersey. Inter- nue Schopl, no games being sched­ minster. avenue,, who is senior man­ Peterson, or Arlington; Mary Balas, L n League title, won by a point schoiastic Athletic Association. uled for tonight. ager of Debate at Rutgers., This is Jersey* City; Margaret Farrell K f i 30 To 29, Saturday night Falzer was given a. wrist watch Last Thursday night the Buckeyes the first" time -in the history of-the and- Nancy Burt, of Orange; Mrs. - %e Bristol-Myers

Virtues." Monday 7:30 p. in. fSpeakl ” 7 p. m. Intermediate and Luther Letfeue. WefUiesday 8 p. m. Senior Chrjftian Endeavor. l e t mid-week Lenten servioe,' sermon, Broad & W. Jersey Sts “The Mystery of the Cross." FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Rev. R. J. Goerke Go. --ELIZABETH-. The. Church Oooncll will meet after tte service on Wednesday eve­ J. Robert Cctekrell, minister. 9 f t ning. Thursday at 1:80 p. m. Wom- a. m: Bible Sohdbl,'. Men’s and Women's Bible Classes. II a. m. Bible Class. CLASSIFIED ADS morning worship, sermon, "Comfort Ye‘ My People," 8:46 p. m .’ Young H I L L S I D E PRESBYTERIAN ppnnle’R R^deties. groups of all ages. - Oh u k Oh , JKev. ueo, m . Runner, o m evening wnrshln.worship, sermon.sermon YOU pastor. 9:45 a. m. Bible School. “God’s Stewar Men’s Hl|le Class. 11 a.-m. sermon, Wednesday night mld-Weely>rayer Phone WAverly 3-2465 R lie Keystone of Expectancy." '% •.KyMtw-llAf BBMWhage, 92 ‘ HUlside i. m.'Senior Christian : EMdeavor. avenue. . ' Nq evening service. new details . . . ~ E XT E S ' DEADLINE Oh iTuKday evening the semi­ monthly meeting 5f .tjje Men’s ChM ’ Minimum ■ price per insertion. "■1 "Advertisements''WET’S® accepted until will Games. ana reiresh- 2 o ’clock Wednesday afternoon 'for in­ ments. On Sunday afternoon March' accent the latest ; •..40oup to.feur Mh.es (?0.-words). sertion the ■'following morning, j IS the ■ Every Member Canvass will be held. The quarterly Oommvmlor. Two tim es...... 70 c or 3Se saeii : Owing to rtlte great expense'dnsaivEicir servide has been united with the spring dresses Four ...... j+n.;^™ 1.28 or 32o Saak in postage, stationery and billing of small special Communion on Holy Thurs­ charges, our customers are asked to pay day night.: —IrQ^— Thirteen .... . 3.84 or 28c each he accepted, from responsible parties, Twenty-six . (5.50 or j251B each but prompt remittance is requested. terian Cjiurp-h. Fypp.nsivpr'mnktng "dresses- with FOE SALE LOST SORORITY HOLDS TEA ELIZABETH AVENUE PRESBY­ the new softer shoulders, with A regular meeting of the Omega TERIAN CHURCH, Rey. Arthur AT.T. DIABETIC, 100% Whole wheat A ONE-YEAR-OLD Pointer answer- Sigma Psi Sorority was held at the Northwood, pastor.’ 9:30 a. m. graded boleros, with jackets.. Importanf - :and Soy Bean Foods—Sun Dried to the name of Spot; white -home—of- Mrs. J-.—Wind—reoently^ sohooHtHd-Men’s-Bible-Olassi—1(R45 Fruits—Fresh Goat Milk, Natural with brown spots. Wandered from Miss Mkrgie Breece was appointed m. Service, of Dedication. -4:30 navy, brown and black with fih- Wheat Germ. RELES HEALTH Robert St. Return to Bwald Dietz, president upon the resignation of |m. Vesper servide, “Seel Hear I FOOD STORE, 941 Eliza. Ave., 1257 Robert St. Rewaid.r__„ Miss Mary Ann Yeager. On Feb- gerie tfigi- Pastels, . , prflffis io ’EU&Setb. . Feb: 3-8*. ruary 25, the sorority hBld its ani^ual patterns get-»tQg6ther-tear&tthe^hom eo f:Miss- THOB XBONEB, large size with Eleanor Otto. __ NEWARK AMUSEMENTS '. . . solid and ^pMnf comhlnaiiile.' ■ table. Will sou cheap, ?16.— wt Senior Quintet To CAMEO The following girls were invited SABETH AVE., NEWABK Looker St» phone’ EL 3-0872. to attend as guests: Misses Nancy- SIZES 9 to 17, 10 to 20, 36 to 44, Play Faculty Five Balrd.Norm^ Bloom­ —— g e n e r a l b e p a i r i n g er, Frances Vasilauskasr-Ruth- Shack? “HIGH SIERRA” ~46ld"50Tl/? sizes, I Two basketball games and a dance ley and Evelyn Edwards. JgOME OR FACTORY REPAIRS. |\ C4RV KATHARINE JAMES 1M till he held in the high school gym- . The entertainment committee prp- SECOND fe o O R CONSTRUCTION - ALTERATIONS HE.V grant- HEPBURN- Stewart asiuar tcifiuiTQw “fflgiit. Y5. team vided auinteresting e vening. Game& AND- JOBBING- i composed of high school seniors will Weije followed by a buffet supper. Manufacturers of All Kinds of “KITTY FOYLE’ oppose a faculty team and a team Tea was poured by Mrs. J. Wind and PHILADELPHIA STORY’ Industrial Wood Work, Mill, Muriel Kemp. Machinery, Tools and Equipment. of senior girls will play an alumni KOPP MILL & SCREENS WORKS, Music for dancing will be provided by Walt Howell’s Orchestra. IN PINGRY CONCERT 432 So. 9fch St., Newark, N. J., vBarton Lewis, of Hillside, partici­ .' 'Phone BI 3-2630 pated' in the concert given last night • If. no am., Call WA 3-0813 by the Pingry G lee. Clubs in the 15 Williamson Ave., Hiils^cle, N. J. Kapner Family Circle Stryker Lane . Community /.Center* New -York;------Of N. J. Est. 1890. y - Nip-n-tuck [©- Mark Anniversary GET-TOGETHER MEETING ' Tuesday March 11 the Get-to­ FUENISHED BOOM TO LET The Kapner Family Circle will gether Club will hold a .meeting at hold a fifth anniversary dinner to- the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Barnes, “ FOUR MOTHERS3’ hyBrewster ’“LARGE, airy room* privafO ath and ow at Lebfl .& Eddie’s in New hri'4'2i_Mumi avehue. and Constance Bennett in “ESCAPE TO GLORY7 shower, good bus connections. $15 York., It will also mark the 30th ^moifthly. Garage optional. 1113 dding anniversary- of Mr. and Mrs. liberty Ave., Hillside. EL' 3-8954., Squires and "they will -be pre­ Church Services FRED ASTAIRE and PAULETTE GODDARD in Dark Shades 5 . 0 0 Mar; 8-4 t, sented with, a pair. of commodes by | “SECOND CHORUS” the new pfesident, Mrs. Lena Wach- The Aldrich Family in “LIFE WITH HENRY” ^ NEWLY decorated, sunny warm rcsL ‘ CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH, | room, opposite bath, continuous Among those who will attend are Rev. 0. Morgan1 Wagner, paator. Light Shades 5 . 9 5 ? h o t' water. Suitable for business Mr. and Mrs. J, Wachtjel’, Mr. ana 9:46 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. couple or some one desiring a quiet Mrs. N. Squires, Mr. and Mrs. J. ehuroh worship, sermon, “Winning defined home. Convenient to buses, Gonzer, Benjamin Squires, Mr. and Nippjed ip the crown, •5-cfent fare. Phone EL 3-0872. or . A / Match, and Mr. ..arid Mrs. LEGAL NOTICE aif-tucked all ’round. Wa-3-j)616. _ Waltensteim of NewyYork; Mr. arid “Mis! -tV SoKloS, oj Maplq- Black,- -browiij—.-n-a v y , . PUBLld NOTICE Js hereby given that { FURNISHED ROOMS wppd; Mr. -and Mrs. J. Kapner., of WEEKDAYS M K f M T k t - J 1 SUNDAYS copen, dusty, beige. Hillside; Mr. aijd.Mrs. H. Gonzer 'Jownship CommltLee of-Lhe Township of VFURNISHED ROOMS to let.. Near MAT — 1Ra W B S lm m ■ Jli Ileadsizes 21j4_tu_23 r'“ ancPMr. and Mrs. S.. Binemtock, of EVE. — 20c tM S iS L 28c bus line. Reasonable. Call .1144 N ewarkx^ ^Liberty Ave. , —FRIDAY i SATURDAY— GRAND HELP W A N T ED — Female LLOYD NOLAN - LYNN BARI M REQUEST illts * WOMAN WANTED, for part time “CHARTER PILOT” -W EDr-=--Trea8r ■ |:Marr-l-2^-8- *■ housework; health card1. 1433 Hia­ Vital Statistics — ALSO — watha Ave., Waverly 3-4292. Call ANN SOTHERN in BETTE DAVIS All aiidh materials sHttlT“bOiiforiti .with after 6. w “DULCY” Births “THE OLD MAID” TTRF.TI Q,ftB.fi F P R SAT.F. —Dangh-t-Sr, Barbara: Andreyehinr^ ------With-Cfeo. Brent Mr. ,and Mrs. John Andreychin, of “THE THffiF of LINCOLN AUTO SALES 1241 South Bright street. ------HIT • Son, Francis Edwaitl Janowsk'i, to BAQDAD” 380 E lizabeth Ave. GABY COOPER in Mr. and Mrs. Paul Joseph Janow- anBldts°mnstY§be e^fcloaed in a sealed CONRAD VELDT - SABU Newark; N. J. ski, of 580 Buchanan street. envelope and marked with the name of — ALSO — “ The Lives of a Phones Bigelow 2-9691 Daughter, Norma Marion Matay, Jack'BENNY - Fred ALLEN to Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Matay, of WAverly 6-0759 al^ifropoBa^s^aml0^ ^ ^ ^ ^hHor- And ROCHEKTERIn BENGAL LANCER” 6 Acme place. malltles In the proposals, received. ^ Daughter, Arlene Phyllis Carra- “Love Thy Neighbor” eino, to Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Carra- HOWARD. J. BLGY, cino, of 238 Hillside avenue. • Daughter, Frances Ruth Levchik, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Joseph Lev- chik, of 1437 HiaWatha avehue. Daughter, Nancy Anne Thompson, a Dream Fulfilled! to Mr. and Mrs.. Basil Hubert ... Thompson, of 348 Harvard avenue. Marriage Licenses CLIPPER HOMES Tq Henry Ruschmann, of Maple­ wood, and Bertha Klotz, of 516 beglnnin newest model Sweetland avenue. To' Peter Decker, Jr., of Hillside, IX MILLSTREAM The WINSTON and Helen* Horn, of 1046 Prospect street. MANOR PER To Heimont Storz, of 1031 Union MONTH adopted l?y the Liberty Av. & Conan,t^t. »52.2J avenue, and Hilda Ida H. Gebhardt, of 1036 Union avenue. HILLSIDE To George R. Vlbbert, of Madison, Near New Hillside High and Marjorie Budlong, of 41 Looker 1284 North Brc street. School. Excellent Trans­ To George' Demarest,- of East portation Facilities, i Orange, and Beatrice K. Teeple, "of 243 Conant street. 17 BLOMES Deaths ■ Sophie Sibiga, 75'. dfF ll Buchanan N O W .UNDER .No down payment up to $300. street. CONSTRUCTION j Terms, • trades accepted. -400w Alexander Harris, 51, .6f 538 Yale ■ other cars to pick from. 60-d&y -avenue,__g j guarantee on .all cars. Roy Mullins, 56, of 1220 Salem avenue. ROBERTOZZI AND ZIVE Mary Thanel, 81, of 221 Fennsyl-v vanla avenue,_ . Julius M. Forris,’ 54, of 1310 Broad- Business Directory HOWARD J. BUOY, RAYMOND TEPPER Beauty Parlors SURROGATE’S NOTICE —Ser-vices-wil-l—be—held—this—after> NOTICE TO CRBDITORS------FOAM-OLIO Scalp Treatment for noon at 2 o'clock at .the James J ESTATE OF FRANK S. WOODRUFF e^itehJng^-SCaljL----Checks rin.nrirnff Higgins & -Son Funeral Home,! 414 _ Deceased...... and falling hair/ _Woods Barber Westminster avenue' Elizabeth, for and1 Beauty Shop, 1554 Maple Ave. Raymond Tepper, of 628 Buchanan .WA. 8-6463. street. Tepper dido. Monday night upon the appllqi whyp being token to Beth Israel ^ PaiMiqg a&d Paper Hanging Hospital, Newark. Born in New York City 56 years WHEN THINKING of painting or Cash $700 * Price $6500 ago, Tepper had lived in Hillside pA paperhanging calf A. Artke, - 1108] aboiit eight years. He was- a sales­ gNorth Broad St., EL. 2-3296. WASCO ROOF- man for the Federal Tea Company. H ^ A L IT Y PAHTOTG and •’ pajper Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Minnie ^/hanging at reasonable rates. Still Tepper; four song, Charles, of New­ MONTHLY PAYMENTS INCLUDE ark, and Barry, Walter and Russell TAXES, INSURANCE and MORTGAGE same old address,. Wm. F. Dane, REDUCTION. NO LEGAL FEES, NO K 7 5 Salem Ave., EL. 3-7309. g Tepper, all of Hillside; two daugh­ FINANCE •’ CHARGES, NO ASSESS­ ters, Mrs. Harold •’Blake, of Irving­ MENTS. FHA. FLAN. ton, and Miss Boris Tepper, of Kill- Tailoring* NOTICE TO CREDITORS 12 MODELS FROM $4667 TO $6000 side; three brothers, Henry, of New­ ESTATE OF DAVID A. jAqOEES, De­ Budget Your Spring j. m e r t e l , Merchant Tailor, Clean- ark; Louie, of Bloomfield, and Maury ceased. 4-5-6 Rooms, 1-2 Stories, Many Variations ihg, Pressing, Dyeing and Repair­ Tepper, o^ Silver Springs, Md., and Pursuant to the order of CHARLES ing. WA. 3-0208. 1423 No. Broad a ‘ sister, Mrs. Beatrice Wilkes, of A*. 0*fTOi JR., Surrogate of the County arid Easter Outfits &St., ojbp. Mertz Aye, .. Natchitoches, La. CLIPPER HOMES BEVERLY ESTATES Home Offibe • ROOSEVELT OSCEOLA PARK PARK ESTATES On purchases of $25 or CLARK TOWNSH1 Centennial Ave. . Route 25 (U. S. II less, Our Junior Charge ELIZABETH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH to exhibit to the subscriber under oath % mile from St. CRANFORD Raritan Township or affirmation their claims and demands George Ave., Rahwi Hanford 6-0578 opp. Roosevelt Park Account. makes a conr Elizabeth Avenue at Wilbur Arthur Northwood, Pastor. against the eBtate of said deceased OFFICE on PROPERTY 50 H es Being Built OFFICE on PROPERTY within aft- jnonlha from the flatn of sale} rri9’ 30'R. mr Graded school ana ken's “Blbie class. IRLlBWCkD—GOU-NffBY—OLDB- -BSTATBSr IffORltlS" PLAINS--- “ venient way oi paying Way & Grannie Ave. OFFICE ON PROPERTY. 1,0:45 a. m. Service of Dedication. MOrrisl over a period of time. 4:30 p. fh. - Vesper “Service “Seel Hear! Speak!” WILLIE LEE JAOQERS, f o u r t h f l o o r . 7:00 p. m. Senior and Intermediate Christian Endeavor Societies j