HA:\1PSHIRE. ' ' Peartlon Joseph W
582 SOUTHAMPTON. HA:\1PSHIRE. ' ' Peartlon Joseph W. agricu.ltural implement agenl, 16 'Plckett John & Sm1s, boat buildeu,. Western lltl{lla-nader. Park street, Shirley ' • • · · . "itkforda Ltd. gener'al . catl'iClSj at High .treeiO' Pechell Augustu~ Wm. T. gas engnr. r5ct Ports:woM td Telephone B18 ' J Pedkhanr Edgar Charles, sign writer, 42 Middle street Picknell Clarissa .A. (Mrs.), draper,1o Park rd.Frei!inan\l\l Peckham Emil" (~r!!. ), tov dPaler, r2 On.~}nw rn11d Picot Alfred, beer retaile·r, 67 Bevois Valley road Peck.ham William Edwa.rd, baker, 136 St. ·Mary street Picot Elizabeth (Mrs.), 8hopheper, 37 Union road Feet Arthur Richd. police inspector, Stratton rd. ~h1rley Pictorial Printin~ & Publishing Co. Lim. Vincent's walk l Pegler Alfred, gold!!mith & jeweller, .r51 High !treat Pigmm George, beer retailer, 54 Canal walk· P~lhant William, dairyman, 53 Highcrown st. Highfield Pike .Arthur Edward, managBr to the Capital & Coull-i Pellerin Auguste, margarine manufr. Le Danslt fact~ry ties Bank. Limited, 20 & 21 High street Pellow Charles Jame~. dentist,146 A·bove Bar street Pike Basil, teacher of music, 29 Dorset street Fells John Seaman, deputy supt. registrar of births, Pike Ell en (Mrs.), dress maker, 19 Park street, Shirley deaths & m:l.rriages, ro Blechynden terrace Pike Hmrry Michael, prof. of mmic, 24 London road Fells Martha (!\ir~.),temperane11 hotel, ro Blechynd~n ter Pilmel' Percv, boot maker, 131 Milton· road·" Penfold Edward, pork butcher, go High street, Sh1rley Pinckney Am}' (Mn.), shopkeeper, 31 Three Field lam: Penfold Zana (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I 'Belgrave rd. Portswd Pink Waiter Herbt. & ·Son, bakers, 2' Brinton's TOad Penman & Hyslop, tailors, 12 Palmerston road Pi,nnick Andrew Geo.
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