Lm A tnt MM te « Irwy * « • < U jtniftifjV , K. J • LEADERETTE

Oil Painting Brings First Prize for Results H«n* Weingartnnr A Lyndhurst artist, H a'n s Weingartner, woo flrstprile fo r o ils in thr- lOthe an n u al N e w J e r ­ sey State Exhibition being held at Montclair Art Museum. The allow ia spoaaored by the Montclair Art Association and New Jersey Chapter. American Artist Profesatonal League. Mr. Weingartner will reeteve the Agnes O. M opes a w a rd of

The awards will be prsaented at 4 p-m. Sunday. Nov. XI. th a closing day af the show. At the same time announcement will be made of ihe winner of the pop­ ularity contest, baaed on votes of visitors te the exhit.it In the sculpture exhibit, S. & Boughton, of Teaneck, waa first with his head, ‘ Pugilist". He wiU receive the Painters awl Scul­ ptors Society of New Jersey a w a rd aI *30. ------Tim e others from this vicin­ ity received honorable mention from the Montclair Art Museum: Havilah Hawkins, son of Joseph W. Hawkins, 44 Garfield avenue, Koeemawr. tor Ma scupturad head, “Slave"; Kobert JUad of Arlington, for his oil paining, •^fhe Brownstone", and John E. Bradley, of Bloomfield, for hfc water color, "Compositk* JT. “The Museum is ciptn WWMiyt with the exception oI M ondays, (ra m 10 a.m . to 5 p m * s n d S u n ­ days from 1 to f:S0 p.m. It will be-closedBogk Thanksgiving HHf Day. S e v i n O T d k Graduate

■ tl-J » tl.. XJ --- Kiwanianc H««r nwinvrivi v VTVSHRl Opposing V5*W Af A f>nllt^4lnnI » w * l V Wa j h T lw irlM t S*t*ion Movi* C WMWY Commissioner Horace R. Bogle lashed out st Mayor Carmine pavlno. Sr, for teUing the Ki­ wanis Club two weeks ago the tke ttltsae va* m P.m. ( l IW.., Creek township's financial position fhaaa aaate M nh under |4ew aew m » , He addressed the aama body at ago aad aeeae deel M»*~ aad ('mm it at Path.. their luncheon meeting at Jo f.«d k» Ph.tip *.*.!(, inaij fcn jo's Restaurant, the second of ‘ad Ihe UM W.»4 tkivs w 6si> the five commtasioners-acbadulsd la addre* the club- i Comm Issioner Bogle. Who waa aay foi ao years prior to the «Uctions last May. charged May Pr Savino’s remarks ware M t the truth and asserted Lyndhurst is "Too Busy” Savino

rt* t m * tt»**r4ST »*« •»» • ItfUf to Hickory Dock PTA n - u u - U I pI w w iw I J .w i iw ™

d V MWl!?*OaalSve-ICIadei

former Lyndhurat youth who aim, gee Uvea In LaJolU. California ideas and Lyndhurst High School remem uach as O bers Charley very well He waa La Jolla, from that msptuuen aad mar- j Here e roe ried another geaiealr Ha»- rsfU ui s ;e Authority Has Nof M m in the community to help PlwW I V flU IO I olicy on Service Units maintain health, and observation « ^ ^ ______in the hospital wards, to lean* T** hickory Peek . r T * * * * what the hoepital ia. and how School at 611 Tm it opento. Durini th. mtir. »- *“> year education * program, their dition, Mias Elsakai Blair wffl ate SSL! ^rX i^^irieoce *** to if . t M m i * p K are ewehted” Blair is a graduate of MHjft- Older nurse, at the ho^fUl vania State College . ^ are attuned when they see how The other members of the staff carefully these students sre be- include Mrs. Dorothy Dc massy, ing prepared before being given qualified teacher whs haa beea an opportunity to actually work with the nursing school fot the on the wards. “In my student past two years, and Mrs. Aaea days, we enterod in September, Pago, K. H. toy Christmas we. were on night The school mSlmfM Mgn duty,** i several of them com- standards and the Children are mented. However, they all agree given every opportunity to pit* that H U to the advantage of pare them for their later school the student nurse and the patient life. The basic need for the |M - to prepare the student carefully school child is social adjustment before giving, her clinical *xper-1 which is usually acquired thru ience. | nursey school experience.


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On slippery roads you want’ sure and even braking —- O e l d o m w ill you find a man in a happier state o f m in d . . . the feeling of gratitude that comes from being able wheels in balance, aligned than when he slides behind thc wheel of his first Cadillac. to surround him self, and all who ride with him, with every safeguard an automobile can provide. fur true steering—tires that It's a wonderful, wonderful feeling! ^ of course, there is thc soft, satisfying rush of grip the ground _____ v sw «i i y, l, ii * Sthittne ftllisllntM lum iim cni lli or -A a long-cncnsncoInm j-k.rl.liafl dream. the m iles—the easy, restful ride—the positive, effortless And, of course, that means a glorious sense of achieve­ tt will pay you well to bring handling—the sumptuous and com fortable surroundings* ment—with a deep sense of personal satisfaction. your Buick to us — let our le s , it’s a great th rill fbr a man when he goes for his And, then, there are the immediate pleasures that press m at ride at thc wheel of his first Cadillac. mechanics make the correct upon him . . . But% if t only tke beginning! ____ tests to thoroughly check the . . . the feeling of p rid e th at is inescapable when a man running gear you'll be rid­ comes into possession of something which is so uni­ Day after day, year after year, he w ill have that same versally and so deeply sdmTrtd . . . wonderful feeling as he rolls his Cadillac out into the ing tin th is w inter. street or highway. For the joy of Cadillac ownership is It Now Under f ie OweersJbtp aad . . . the feeling of confidence that comes from Cadillac’s deep and abiding. Most owners find that it never leaves. Better come in today — or great reputation fbr quality and soundness and long life . . . phone us and we will pick­ Wouldn’t you like to learn what it’s like to sit at the ...th e feeling of elation that comes from the car’s wheel of a car that can mean so m m k to you? If so, up and deliver your Buick am azing responsiveness to throttle and brakes . . . come in to d ;y—for a ride that's a revelation. without charge.

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RUth. 2-1234 De MASSI MOTOR CAR CO.. Inc. 29* PARK AVENUE LYNDHURST. N. J. RUtfc. 2-0SM t h p b s d a t , novqfoEit ia, m * T H E LEADER PAGE T H R *» U'. MISS of Lynd. M * w « kanter - i f m m***• m m £S£T~ "* * •* < ? Ch*pHf r. DiMfa mi Rlnilr W w ftM enrrtadm y< t i - i To Wa ,... ,.. f i * ;-1 we nm ...fn _ tONtta ... . <•> MdttiOll to the M art Carmella Ngece and FbUowtaf | two-week trip to in four weeks, we wiU rover our ^ 1'! ! " The Waal ffeii* Cbnpfl* ^ M n Ruth Steole Mrs. V. Saturday in N« V. Mid CmmaArn. the entire route. -by -adding another _ tlv# Mr Undhohn explained Madasaah w dllZ S , iT j-V Mr* Roily Fenah and Mr* Fluk n - w I i T - 1 M—tor. li,T « " H O r^ld «.! M.s Uywdhurat Matthew Walenski of coup»e wlU live at m R aym ond truck We hopTthat all you hmd ,i d»r;ng- the nest three years -Ro ' Plana have k in completeiit tm 441 Cheata* stie^ Keanty Mrs aareld Cnsell Jorsey O tj w iW as best man. i svamue, Nutley. people will save and continue to tory International will spend the wedding Saturday in Herbert Om a leH . ptssldsat The Junior Hs.tsssah WlU pre Angelo Patti of Clif- | *n>«_bride ia employed by_Wtl juive your paper for us $730,000 ptmcipaily lo create Spirit Chui^h, New York of M l* Xsty, Now York. Mr. Ibrrie . _ _ James Viola of Wr wish to say thanks a mil belle*- understanding among the will conduct tbe bMSineaa porupn sent it* fourth annual donee on Joan Tbereae M artin, daughter at of the meeting after wbwh re- Kkn II It will bo bold at the La VMvhia of years in the •«<* lion folks, and to thank Joe Mar peoptea of different nation*. One Mwi^Jahn J.*a«tln_6r ~ ia employed by Concrete Speci chiano, the piMls will be given be tbe Aaner Continental lUllmwn, N4 Irw J street, Hew York, to Ar of the bride *n',WR -Ly*~ of the principal ways in whirh ty, Lyndhurst. hurst salva dealer, who do: |h|> nioWy will le spent will he icon Affairs and CrfucaUeatai utreet Newark and will agatn th u r A. L am ia* <00 o t M r and ” * * »*,\« Mt> raey ^ "T v’S T lo rr » ok) fash- chairmen, and a skit presented feeiufv Charlie Fields and hts 1 nates his time and trucks to all <»n Rotar* Foundation Fellow Mrs. Arthur, temiae. ot 44* Wil t.oiaoetnjtaaaay. The ee^nwny ioMd * ~ n .rf white satin styled scouts under tbe direction of Mrs. ^snrt orchestra, M*m Fran (W ah to Ljntdhurst. 'dupe which enable outstanding tsioasmen program chairman «h««rman t4 tb e affarr, a*it*»ed The ceremony will be perform, £2 “ "™ L*‘I 1►i * 1 wrth *•“ *"* »«*> a pick up If you have paper and don't ,j7aduate study itev ?. *7 ! Her Inswt veu fell from a crown the gang in your neighbor ,^iwi4 | w Serial-hour wtll follow rv Mildred F nkleete.n Muriel ed ty the Kev. Father Keogh Mm Hilda Ftnber. choir man C « * * k Nalalia Wemglnas. I’al ■a J ^tolll —- #.^.11»— a 1 — . “ '■ard A. M ooreA re of eobnaderrd satin She are,. Hnpdjrptoa^eall S O I 1 I M udun of food w 0 1 Suk» tW. ■no wui or roiiuweu 07 I r r - of I f r the nusaiier bsaauir l^ be 1»»W O fow its. MsM.ns QobtWlg. ^.dg caption at the Grama tan HotA H.ll •— ~ T .r m W P rH ' two white orchids end Urn! Rl ’ :?MM. .n.t leave „e«iam was rrt.bli.hed »* Skipper cat led in Rutherford and than tSMMMMV maid of honor, by Mi« Lyodhur«^S^ tw br«Je.I T^ brZS,.** w o re The regular Friday night Sea North Arlington in the small “Devoted to set vice Rutarv Jeanne Kaeatner and Ellen Tuite I was junior bridesmaid. LeoeoM *«erirm . teauty velvet with at bridesmaids. She will wear an Piana of ~ ' Scout meeting waa held at truck He ptrkrd up ln#0 pounds p ro ,,^ , „ w nai ,round fo. matching hats and carried white ivory satin gown trimmed with yrsnklm Cehuol. The theme t of p^per and rags and .buuf *f>0 UQnon busim-s. .nd p.--lrw.oe*»l Tbe flower girl wore the evening » u Leadership, pounds of scrap met.l Thank r>nullves thimishout the »orld. FURNITURE SPCCIAL! Chantilly lace and carry a prayer- The bride w an a gawn ot aft- n with matching hat book with white orchids and which is one of the requirement, you everyone reeardless of nationalities nt po w hite slip p e r a a tin fi American beouty peas. of Ordinary Sea Scout Hank. ------litu-.l ot rrlutn».s Wltefv the with Ugh neckline *•**■ i roaea and pompons. FORMICA DINETTE SETS - H f.0 0 Benedict Walsh will Leadership—as soon as two or B .1 .^ \W _ .L , HoUr> Diati ict G<* ver nor em •i— ^ O n their iMum from a motor tWat p * m an, w hile M essrs Thom as more persons start doing some l' w vo' J ^ pha»i«ed T W .eta ha. e full 4ae islilr. kraiili Hwsawd rkair. "**** ! W» «« CaUforma the newlyweds H a rris and Robert Funabashi thing togotbor. you have it. Hu CQr p H e said that these ts a ttrikmi with .prtng M ia, awl upllolslrrnl tn I .en.tine th u s a will usher. ^ " y . «<*-» I U <» Eighth street. Lynd man nature make* people de twmllel between the program of SS P"”P”'! Mrs Sr.rpin.to u with pend on those with “something Rotary Clubs in HI countries Kutary and the L'nited Nations Y..«r iKstee nl ralwfs. . Following a wedding trip to and white orchids. Serndr. * Son. Lyndhurst Mr. ranada, the couple will make extra on the ball" to lead them throughout the wot Id a»e united Charter and that, atnce the or *a d 1on>'« 111 LYNDHURST FURNITURE A meeting of tbe Son Scout Hin< the Rolarv Club of North deavor to make it an effective -■ American Legion. He is in the mother wore brown, ewh with Ruth L Benedict 227 Kxlgr RA Si lk jaan l>»a«iir.l. N.-J. construction business. card party committee was held Arlington today following a Instrument for free pt'oples svuuuuM wuvvvwuvuuuvuwuvuvuM UUviaaaaaas On their return from a motor In Nutley Church at the home of Mrs. L. Larsen: confciance with locsl Rotary of- everywhere, of Lyndhurst. Tboee attending Marion Ryckman trip to nortda. tbe couple will Ruth Lorraine Benedict, were Mrs C V..nden Heuvel errri i v a live at W» Stuwesant avenue. of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- Mrs S Bull Mfnd Mis. J. Mitchell Married To Lyndhurst. Mrs. Haney is a grad of Raymond ave of Lyndhurst, snd Mrs. E. Weng land of Rutherford. Cox'n L Lar­ Walter H. Leet sen, Yeoman H. Brill, Apprentice Fbrrie of Tbomas avenue, were] ^Seaman R. WolHesp^rger and J veteran of four years with the Miss Marion Alice Ryckman. mnmed Cfictober 22 in Franklin M-- itchell --- of -L y n d h u rst. —Plani> Merchant Maria* and two yew* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DovtA Reformed Church, Nutley. A re­ were made for the 'forthcoming ia the Navy, la a graduate of ception «ollooed at Farrar’s Hall. card party to be held at the Ma S. Ryckman, of 708 ThyJ street. Thomas Edison Hi«h achool. Elw Lyndhurst, and Tech. Sgt. Wal­ North Newark. sonic Club on the evening of a bsth, and la 'with tha Singer Miss Rutharm Bannier of New Dec. 7. for the. benefit of Sea ter H Leet of Cherry Point, N. "«e>"ing M achine C om pany, D u a ^unawicb, was maid of honor Scouts of Lyndhurst. The affair C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin bath. C. L eet, of 7SS S ix th avenue, and bridesmaids were Misses is sponsored by the ship commit Lyndhurst. werr married at t p. Martha Ttedemann of New York; tee of the Men’s Club of Lynd­ m , Saturday at Sacred Heart Connie Dyer of New Brunswick. hurst All the pioflts of tht* Rectory, Lyndhurst. byHev. Ber­ iosephmo Nasco, Anna belle Feme sister of th e event will be turnfd over to the nard Moore. A reception wa grom. Mary Engalena of Newark. SOs Scous towards tbe needs Of held at the Lyndhurst Masonic Joseph Scarpinato Betty King and Mrs. Stuart the new ship they have request Club. WbiSe. hoth of Nutlev John Fer ed. Mrs. Raymond Ernst, of Lynd­ Joined in Wedlock ^rie of Bloomfield, was his broth* The Hayride that was planned hurst, was ber sister’s matron, of | er’s best man and ushers inctud- for Saturday has been can* etle* i howofi Raymond Ernst, brother- —Mi— Josephine Mildred Nason, ed ra Anlhonynm m ny ,maMaarum nf Madison, because wa were informed that; in-law of the bride served as daughter of Mrs. Lucy Nosco. of' George_ Dobler of N ew Y ork, it was unlawful to have a hay b est m ao 340 Copeland avenue. Lyndhurst. . Stuart White and Martin Nolan. tide in an open truck. It has The bride wore a gown of •"» Antonio Nasco. both of Nutlev: Pat Enealena been decided by Chairman H. white satin and lace with a high!0**"® *w*de of Joaeph Scar- rFank Dior to. Mario Danielli and Beil lto have a ;'u-ial evening neckline, long sleeves and a full P****®. son of the late Mr. aa»d Joeeph Reiman, all of Newark at Skipper Wengland’s home in­ skirt finished in a train. Her il-! Mrm* Scarpfftato. Ml The bride wore 'a satin gown “> . 4 * lusion veil was arranged with a!"**'® street, Lyndhurst. Sunday with lace trimming. Her veil wasj Ah apology is in order The seed pearl crown. She carried sl** ^ p.m. at Saered Heart R. i draped from an orange bltwsom monthly paper drive was held cascade of white rooes. Her sister I0- Church at a reremonv per-; crown aatd she carried'gardemas, Sunday and we did not complete hd. 19 c wore roee taffeta with a matching formed by Rev. Barnard Moore- and an orchid center Tbe maid) ly cover our route. A truck load plume in her hair and carried a | A icception waa held at the i# honor wore green taffeta! was made up before the route FRESH CRISP* SPINACH K>. Sc of yellow roaea. BRUSSEL SPROUTS kx» V t velvet with a corsage of white SIRLO IN STEAK roses and the bridegroom's moth FANCY GREEN BEANS Ib IS« er wore Oqua satin with a cor­ ' T r s m i r , P R I M K n T S sage of pink roaea. ROSEBUD BEETS bjft. Sc After a tour through Canada 6 9 ? tho couple will live at Cherry Point, N. C. where Mr. Leet Is SWEET POTATOES 3 Ib*. Ite stationed with the. Marine Corps. I Inure I III. All Snlisl M e.I Both are graduates of Lyndhurst ESCAROLE Ib. Sc High School. m Hoi ivn B O T T O M H o i M l PASCAL CELERY bun. Ite TUP.SIRl.OIN


ArsMst'i TeMlerls.d Kkuk Half Smk’d Hams > ■ ’ i- Applesauce . . . ---- 2 for 29c rB»|Nti*riR* ii(M I4N (7 Sweet Cider •/? gal 39c gal. 69c Chickens 3 5 c Diamond Walnuts ... Ib. 45c (M E A N a f U t n u ll HT jUI MALT Cranberry S a u c e can I Sc Mi taoarn »*at » Lotas Pork 4 5 9 Garden P eas...... can 19c

Five edits bays CheckMsster checking PiiN f T r*l<" A aar Libby’s Pumpkin 2 cans 23c Maryland Tomatoes 2 cans 25c aceont sernA a l Ratherford NATIONAL Chickens 3 7 ? CampbaJT* Paans 2 cans 25c

MEAN n r > thad pagrtaf U k by cheak an a Apricot Nactar ... 2 cam 21c F r e s h H a m s 5 5 9 Carolina Rica Ib. 18c 2 lbs. 35c SHIES'5 ' fuwittt m w i Pineapple Juice 46 oi can 39c r t l k i l f l OIL BURNER Legs Lamb 6 5 c Sweet Potatoes 18 oi. can 20c { 2 1 7 . 8 0 LOIN VEAL CHOPS a t %»8U*I Hyda Park Ais't. Ib. pkg. 45c iOMPtimv awti LOIN PORK CHOPS 6 9 f k i i t t i k t I FRESH OX TAiLS 7 . Saltines ... 16 oi. pkg. 27c. 1HONEV COMB TRIPE TWUU— W lMilSW I h a— Cnwg RINSO giant 55c Ige. 27c a t u r s LfiUS MILK 4 9 ? i l l f t A K I S • i t i l l r 9 * r > t t i l l Veal J * e I Iff* Ilk ren KEULER I t f i n u m NATIONAL BANK l i e l«K ENGINEERING r a s a am * A n n A n m v n , U t m m n w C O M fA N Y % EGERT s MARKET Oil t mny t - Fml Oil ; av* d X h i i - -Ml. FACE FOUR


** Jingle Bells” . ‘•The Mistle­ toe Kiss”. . Art Mooney.. .M. G. M... Speaking of music (or Christinas, whet more nature! combination could-you find than one pairing Art Mooney and anid Frack, Mae * Roeg, Hazel “Jingle Bells”? The rollicking old ' Franklin, Harris Legg, Bill Cam* number is perfect material for a toron, Marilyn Ruth Take, Joycn once over lightly in Art’s banjo and Joanne Scotvold Bitty Scha- band style!-A standard in itself., mw and Narena and Norris. the song gets a performance from « In a Viennese Garden” wil); 4i»_ «■------k a n J a_ J /*kAiv iKftl me wiooney ou>a ana L non uiii introduce Monica Moran as the is going to set a standard for prima ballerina and present years to come. Art puts heaps Charles Davidson. Hugh Hend* of banjo and lots of rousing vo­ Hckson will do a rapid-fire soW cal romping by the Choir into jat jumps and spins in “Down 1 the arrangement, nfcaning that Ttaas Way,” and last, but not It’c lots of fun for the- listener. Ibast, the famous Follietes, the The flip is also a banjo daffy reco rd ... “Christmastime” precision chorus line of the ice I ditty, one of last year’s Christ- Santa Clause Is Gaming To prill perform their exciting pin- |mas toppers. ‘T he Mistletoe Town” .Blue Baron.. .M. G. M. hrheel spin garbed as Indian j Kisf" Art's version of it can Eckstine. Mooney, Garland, Maidens in the colorful finale. j make it tops all over again unless Rose, and now another toy-natch Totem Ceremonial Dance. > we miss our guess. By the way. MGMer. Blue Baron, in a Christ­ watch that familiar Mooney ac mas platter cut ta the itiimniiniM * Mr. and Mrs. Norman Couch c6rdian on - this one. mighty of your turntable. Blue’s contrib­ and family of Seventh street; pleasant!.. “Oh Come, All Ye ution to this yellow and black •pent the week-end with rela­ Faithful" . “Oh Holy Night" Christmas collection consists ol tives at Barnagat Billy Eckstine M G. M ... one new and on familiar fnne, It’s our humble ofttnion that this both tailored to the Barron style. is one of the most exciting “Yuore All I Want Tor Christmas records^ ever made, Christmas" . “If E v e r j r d a y and definately one of thc fin­ Would Be Christmas**.. Johnny est recording so far waxed by Desmond.. M. G/ M Two Billy .Eckstine. Billy’s interpreta­ great sides I know you will bn tions of these two songs, two of happy to own. NOW thc best loved in all Christmas Than • Fri. !»•». MMI C ary A n a mut-ic, are reverent, sincere and Thar*. Ev«. Kri. C a n tin a m Grant Sheridan vocally rich. He wisely keeps hi* Starting rt 2:09 P. M. vocals restrained and lyrical, ad "Thievet Highway" "I WAS A MALE mirably enhancing the devotional Richard ('.ante • Valentine C on ear quality of “Oh Come AU Ye Prr«rnir:S5 The Ice Follies of IMS will bring the full variety of the “ABBOTT ft COSTELLO world’s best skating to Martiaon LA UREL LocalYouths FRANGI PANE'S MUSIC SCHOOL MEETS KILLER" FRIDAY MATINEE COM with Bori* Karloff Also — CA V lfTO R JOHN JEAN Prf*raei Thursday at ?:tg 19:15 On Program Friday at 3:M 7:W 10:30 SUN. MON. TUB!. NOV. ia»trurtora uf practical — profeasional — radio and leleviidon arli-l- Saturday N ^Tl2 RICHARD WIDMARK — LINDA DARNELL Ceutinaoua— Starting al 1:00 (For Musicians PIANO - VOU* • ACCORDION - CL'ITAR • HARMONY "SLATTERY’S HURRICANE" RIG 1 FEATURE SHOW ARRANGING A lso n TRENTON — Three hundred "Tli* Trua Glory" Instrument* Buugbt, Sold and Rented Gregory Pact in "GREAT SINNER' fhd sixty .boys and girls from Starring Goa. Dwight Eieenbower fW ented at 2:00 0:00 10:05 NeWJefsev high schols will pro-. Cull RU. 4-0544 Studio 314 Ridge Rd., Lyndhurol "Burma Victory" hiSPffi?'rlosing event of thc 95th *- (Opp. Hit* Theatre) I Starring O aeral Mounthatten ■mualUfconvcntioii ol the New1 , Le«aon» in yoer bouie, ar in aur «ound>proof studio I Presented at 1:00 5:00 9:10 A rsey HSucational Association in J. I *lso "WHEN LOVE CALLS' A l i i n t f f i l v ' 1ILXI Sunday. Nov. r "Smart PatitlCi"— R . al W h y p.m. They will make i MONOAT TUU TOAT A) the All-State High School Or- j Starring-Thr Teen-Ager* ftestia and Chorus, and will ap- ■Pre-ented at 3:15 7^20 11:30 N O MATINEES g a r in concert in the ballroom I Evaning Parformancat a CodMkntion Hail, SK R\ i m jt TheJMwll! be ynder the baton 9 t Peter J. Wilhousky as guest! C hints* ■ M ON DA T n a g n U D A Y Anductoi. Mr Wilhousky is as- I Jsta n w n ireo to r of m usic for thfc i EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE PRICES ■cw Work City schools and 1 cxm iim u i ».-ts r a — i m p j il &otal aide to Arthur Toscanini ' To Tha Stabla' ■ r. -WUhdtt'kyvwas himsdlf borh O pn |1 a. m. . 12 |k a AcktHa 3Sc ta* 'mel. —■— Ckil - V i l n i l h . C m Mh BuisU^bwill play. nunihcis b.v Elyar Knox - Vera Ann Borg "MY FRIEND IRMA" neethnJtn and Schubert, some h ft a • \a wltk DEAN MAMIN * JESSY LEWIS odern orchestral compositions, "Tliiavw HSghway” ul the Finlandia of Sibelius. Af A lao r> e « k j i w i .« a -IULICT .SILVERWARE" Education Association, led by Vi Made hy the World's Largert SH ■et JjJnson of Elizabeth As «er*aikh*. Yon will he prvad to fiw iati'n -w ith heV in th e p'O jecf ; ’ » » » ’ C , ( i ) •w a (hi* beautiful aet of ailrea were Max Peker. New Bruns­ pjs. «• a r s ware aold only in the bettor de. tm m parUneat atorea at high prieea. 20 TURKEYS 20 wick: I.arold G. Vokt, Elizabeth; w t o b v H proves that iiort Gi«e>A-Way A Beautiful nuth Vincent. Westfield; J KREE TELEVISION IHaaer Knife for your Rogulai 10 Tuasdsy Nrts 10 Wadnatday Nite W ' JaqflwW. A tlnntic C ity; Ed t- jQ , the pen is “mightier ■ und Schill..-Verona; Mahlon A. m otxH i t u coomsT or Perk. Bound Biook; Anthony P than the nword” , and New Jeney ind»»- jtiKrai£aVesfieUl; Emily G. Wild- LOUD SPEAKKRS EVERGREEN MARKETS been “mighty” lheni»elve» in KXTSA! T~v a a b u n g t o n R Ne\rark. Janet M Grimier i s e e - a i m B c r . s in nA K n Avnnm . i i j. Wcstfiafci, and C. Scrippa Bet the development of today's wonder-working JULIET SU.VEBVAI LK'.kY PSKSor [lAK’al studenfc in th e AU r. fountain pelt.' la te High School O rch estra o! !M?) are Janet Burbank. Cello- It’s nol surprising that our great Mate should ‘nd C«sy>y< Trumpet; Anthonv antarDoris Ludwig. S ued than di<< lo nuifce N'mc J tr tty great. ie rep o rts foi; the summed */co - - - to piaaaa everyone tonths of July and August, j The September showed~ B l l HELCO STIK KIX.S DIRECT FROM THE o a s t ta tb l o i 2 5 .uiuMiit n feu? FACTORY FOR FACTORY PRICES AND cooess r than occurred during'August nd sum m onses issued fo: SAVE MORE TASK FORCE' notor V e h icji* Violations a» g a in s f , 265 in the previous SPECIAL SALE EVERY SATURDAY nnnthtlln addition, thc^y 17 per- aa t a p — 15 Dmier ons irwred as a result of auto- [Slightly Imprrhct) lubile^accidents In Sept- are J p:s than wer^ hurt in 3W col ONLY M r PAIR Jw ns4luring Autfusk W jt I Iaa la a Csalaaarr . ” FailJre to keep the proper dis ptncc between cars was still the main cause of accidents*’accoHf- jkg to the latest County palicf HELCO Hosiery Co » l«»rUs Ki^holaei William aL


p a c k rm «

Auto Sofoty CitW Inrtollod

JO H N ’S Auto Sofoty ftlw

KUmYQUAfcll'M ( M r m «A> M W. !"• BV. w m

USttlM .TIHN H ORI5T BOOKKEEPING - TAXES "tm illM I ia flxwn" M«mh«n H f T P u n i*M

J. LOUIS LEMPE*T W i Hnwl SWwl N r«*rk. fc 1. # li.WKST OOl’fttN K V I AVKNty M il. J - O M I

wm/■ftMBiac iflliC fiiipvilli Tcppin iHiHfis f iPPiftc Walfcrf T m m b 5e Priie Of F«ra Ctteip 14a come* received ty them, thei* average earnings. d»*trrminH b y - I far 17c dividing their total net iwotiw MiryM Tb^ww o f tm5.H8fi.onn by the population, were $1,432 per capita la* yaarj competing favorably with thc j Hersey Syrip 2 for 21b KBBRty Ki«t Pm * 11b Grapefrnit Jiie e 48 b i. 21b rTIMfl A ff^tfaDwi TIDE OXYDOL ~ r 9 MTU A r u m '* ; I7« ■ . 27c Wlttesop Apples 5H»* 25« IWI DUZ IVORY FLAKES California Oronges2 do1 45c 27c 27c PAM*V

IVORY SNOW DREFT Swert PoMoti • •2 ,bi 15° rAMrv 24c 2?* V Green Cue w f a T t •• 5* CAMAY SOAP IVORY SOAP Pre-PedtegedMeeH 4U* J for 21c Ro* S lor 2Sc ) - Chuck Pol Road ib. 7 * CAMAY SOAP IVORY SOAP «• If*. 2 for 27c • K l M ( I M Bo* H e Smoked How» lb. S3« SPIC B SPAN PERSONAL IVORY VS lb. 2 * 21c l l w I7« Grade A Bacon OUR MEATS AJti C O M P liT il TRIMMEO ANO REAL VALUES! P I 6 SOAP CR1SCO Open Friday Evening Til 9 P.M n 1 Ib. 12c S Nm, B7c U»a Ample Parking Ar TA* 1950

S f e d c a r d

m r i o T H S

" 7 ' ' (■ ; / '"** ia T H E L E A D S S THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19*9

URST EXTENDED TO W HIP % H.^5. Grid Slate Fist Fight at End Mars Gam# Lyndhurst? litlrrttifiH

And Hard Fonglit All Periods bkkiaU M N aa after •*Fert Lee at Haabreuck Helffcta l oop Formed B O W LIN G 1 am. frw n a G ro u p IV li O n a* IL Aafce* afcaat N tMa SCORES xBogota at Pair Lam . t r m . Which WaS'Rough, Exciting For Schools ' SATURDAY ... 'M l at 2 p.m. Dursema on a reverse fumbled at lh hia ir* year, 1M7, The Board of Bducation an­ •■aekeaaack at RMfeOeld Park, but Ramsey’s Bill De Martine rtf Lyndhurst Rec League * ».m. I jalhm st wan tha tth ^ a N lt hdsg ana gaaaa nounced today through School covered for one yard gain Tem Trustee Caesar J. Guidetti, the ‘Tenaly at CBSaUa Park. I p.m . Ramsey, R ta lC ir tkdr piin threw an incomplete pass of Ra regularly ashedofed saasan and tying Sdmrsen hr a peat- formation of two basketball *Ca|jewood at Batkertenl, 1 The game played at LynJhuM and Durant back to kick received leagues in the township. ‘ T he p.m . before a af M N resulted il bad pass from center for a 20 TMa jraar L |*JM 0 * M i i B.-PX. a m with ita games are expected to be played ••Wood-RJJge at Claster, 2 p.m. yard loss with Lyndhurst taking ■ gH O g. » jNfcjM jWktawaarf- W l m M n M ; * ’S . . . RAII . . . ItAMSt Y AND RIOT th e at the high school gym every xxPaterson EasUifle at Garfield, o v er on R am sey's 26. M onaco on ey; always say tht measure of success to some extent is ob­ stra ig h t Monday and lliursday evenings. 2 p.m. a reverse made four yards and Lyadharat la nattd aa th* atw g aat Qfn y B laaa* ia Ih* vious when everyone wants to beat your brains out and that can Hawlborae at Bergenfield, I * aa* to aaaat M a waaM ke p i li i aa *ea*l ahaa** aI With the cooperation of other any way you want. Ramsey came to town last Saturday for Trosza four more at center and p.m . ra moved to the two yard th c G ra a p TV h n t hoard members, along with Jack m U k m big, rangy club that turned out to be in fine physical condi- East Rutherford at Lodi, X p.m. Boechen and Walter Rowe. Gui­ tiBtf, pluye.l pretty good ball except that they didn’t have the for­ line only to have Monaco caught in tha one whare Korth went RIDGEWOOD at LYNDHURST. league kdaow with Fair Laws. in the act of clipping to put the Wrestling Match detti has been able to make, up mula for stopping Cnot Manisera and Willie Monaco and that, my 2 p.m. iver on a second try. Paul a six-team junior circuit with dqtr brethren, was the difference in the score—-27 to 7. The seven With two weeks ef, the high ball back on the 34. Manisera Stout’s kick waa good and the Metuehe.t at Nerth Arlington, t school football then threw two incomplete passes the same amount of teame in a came in a rather peculiar inamfer but then the whole contest was p.m . score read lT -h 4 — - sr- * what could be teimed peculiar. Ramsey was on the receiving end there are two with one just dropping off the Adamo came back to the SS with' Feaures Gals SUNDAY AU teams are to be uniformed Of several good breaks, including the recovery of two fumbles when in Berg* fingertips. of-Skippy Haenggi. De Jaeger’s kieh*off and a Ram* La Salle M. A. (N. Y.) at Queen Three Ramsey pitch outs with competent basketball offi­ ffjfry were forced to punt on fourth down after being unable to Lyndhurst ie y o ft side on the play waa re­ A wresling card that should of P eace l3.v* ln which Ed Korth, the Ramsey fullback was able Chet Mtseski, Prank Reilly and Jersey, hnt the great speed and point, two minutes remained tm n an. tal go fffr a few yards. .* Hawk Rowe. Ray Mathews, 1 The game was what could be called a rough Contest, much Manisera fighting spirit af the laeals gave Two Templin passes went in play in the game. Pmr 46 min­ Celia Blevins, who defeated chairman of the town sports them a comfortable I n i In coast. complete, Korth hit center, for utes the teams played clean, har/1 Ellen Olsen the other night, will oft the roughness being unnecessary, particularly in the final quar- committee for the Civic League Lyndhurat scored twice hi tha no gain and after a fourth down football but the next play marred meet up with Shirley Stremple, tef, when, ahead 27 to 0, Kanialnstructed his squad to run on the has also donated his Services in Is On Top chapter when WUUe pass went to the ground, both the ball game. As Manisera ran pretty Joplin, Missouri lassit, In outside or pass in order to give only one tackier a shot at the organizing and conducting the b jl carrier. Despite this precaution, on one of the final plays of n a left side reverse teams were off side giving the back to pass he was able to get a one fall to a finish match in the game. MamaerS had gone back to pass and had. actually'thrown In Scoring 52 yards tn pay dirt aafi Rams anotheV chance. DeMartine the ;sas away but two Ramsay the first half of a double feature th^ ball when he was tackled. Being roughed finally up aroused his Connie Maniaera scooted tiyaida on an end around play made l^ players. Bob Previdi snd Charley and Argintena Rocca, who brok- An sll important meeting wilf around right end and with Jim­ yards and a first down on the 10 be held ton^ht at 7 p.m. at the dander and for the first time we have ever seen the Coot show Conrad (Coot) Manisera of the Alrdorf started to rough up Man­ el! attendance records in beat- my Nasare adding ea* paint hy Korth made a yard at center, utto sign of disturbance, he started swinging and with good reason. Bears finished his Bergen Pas­ isera. After taking a good half ing Gene Stanlee at the Armory I Lincoln School to formulate placement, the first pertod Nagel was stopped for no gain Ha had all eady passed the ball When a couple of Ramsey players saic interscholastic league season dozen punches by Previdi while recently, will take on Hardy plans for opening nifht, Dec. 5. and two passes went incomplete tackled him and proceeded to give him a leg twisting treatment Saturday by scoring two touch­ 13 to * . Alsdorf held him, Manisera couIS Kruakamp, former Ohio State Any team desirous oi entering M idw ay in Lyndhurst then began their 91 football star. This but ia also the leagues are asked to attend that set him tiff. It tok only a few •second for both benches and downs to total 54 points for the take no more. We have given the Ramsey Rams y a rd d riv e in 14 p lay s w ith papr of the stands to get out to the scene of action which was four loop contests. Fair Lawn’s Manisera every nick name pos­ arheduled for one fan to a tin- tonight's meeting, nine yard line only to aee the Florie scoring the third touch­ cUlrbed rapidly by the fast moving Lyndhurst firemen and police­ Charlie Motta, with one game to sible but the “Coot”\ let go with ith . great ‘ Eight Chips nf Geld" prove down. Nazare’s extra point boot man assigned to cover the grounds. Luckily, there were no per­ go, is second with 35. Jim Nazare a barrage of rights and lefts LaVerne Baxter, North Carol their worth hy tahing peeeemtou made the score 20 to 0. sonal injuries, according to a quick survey following the contest. also of Lyndhurst, set a new similar to Jake La Motto *nd ina wildman. who suffered a at that point. Fourteen plays saw JCorth again took Nazare’s kick j John Nicol and Don Divine played superb ball on the defen­ league conversion record , by only for quick action by Coach stiff fine at the hands of Com Tennis Association sive side of the ledger and the latter, getting in on the offense Lyndhurst cover the 91 yards to off on the 15 and ran to the 30 Kania* and a follow up by police missioner Abe J. Greene for kicking 23 in four games rack up their third tonehJown. Templin hack to pass was smear: fo i ope o t the few times this season, made a couple of circus grabs, The Bergen County race seems and firemen averted a riot. Al* rough tatics against the Black Will Show Film Maniaera carried tour times in ed fo r a 12 yard loss as the first one for a touchdown that waj called back. Even though reporteoiy to be all Manisera. The Golden though the officials took the easy Panther, several weeks ago, will the drive, gaining 1. 22. 21 and half ended. slower than some of the other lads, Divine still tah catch a pass F lash has 17 touchdow ns for 102 way out by calling a double \ y back for s 30*minute tussle It will le free movies at the 11 yards before an npaot stam ash Third Pariad Council room of the Municipal better than the average end and also knows what to do after get­ po in ts an d tw o gam es left on *his penalty and ejected Previdi and with Barney Pemard and in •Manisera from the game. We be­ Building Friday at 8 p. m. Thi ting'the ball. As far as the rest of the line, it is hard to single out 9-game schedule. Ramsey’r Bill De Jager kicked other bouts, Chic Garibaldi will Florie the “Alhie Booth" af ths Lyndhurst Tennis Association an|r one. Nazare, Mizzi, Dorando, Servideo, Carini and Borreson Lyndhurst's Jim Nazare leads off jo start the third period with lieve it was the fault of the of­ meet Kola Kwariani and Karol Bears repiaceJ Manisera and five will show films. Tennis Wizards work together in a remarkable fashion and Borreson has a knack the county in conversions with Trezza bringing the ball back ficials, especially the referee lor Kowalski will oppose Jack La later saw him going over and i hots of the Davis Cup mat­ of;getting down under a punt faster than anyone we’ve seen in 33, which in alL probability is a 42 yards to the Rams’ 43 Trezza the fracas to take place. First, from the one yard line via right ches of several years back. A quite a while. In over 40 per cent of Lyndhurst’s punts, big John new refiprd. Hackensack's Wesser hit center for three and Mani the referee was sucked out of The Lake Hiawatha Lions Club end on fourth down. cordial invitation is extended to hag madg the tackle or at least stopped the ball carrier almost in h as 22 in one less game. sera zipped 40 yards off right position on. the pass whereas he Milk Fund, of which Willie Gil any one interested in the sport his tracks. The kicking of Messrs. Adamo and Nazate continue to The second play of the thir l tackle for the touchdown. Nazare w as a good 15 y a rd s dow nfield 1 zenberk, co-promoter of the show to attend the meeting. gfVP ttiff”fans-much to talk about and the sterling defensive ta?- again made the kick good and from the scene and he choulft is a member. wUl participate in have remained in position to call tics of Willie Monaco and Yogi Trezza are two of the biggest rea­ for the aftemaon a the Golden Bears were in- front, a share of the receipts. The film is one of the many Lodi Eleven went 49 yards off right taehle for “roughing the passer" penalty. sons why the opposition has scored but 13 points against the 27 to 0. services of the Wilson Sporting After play was resumed. Trez Bears up to now. 17th TD of the year. Dursema took the kick-off on Hoods Company of New York We recommend four officials rather than three for the two Scores Over Feaalti *s hurt the Golden th e 11 and ran to th e 25. Nagel za was charged with illegal use Lyndhurst Ball Carriers City to tennis clubs and schools of the hands snd penalized 15 remaining games. Ridgewood this week and Past Rutherford on Bears an several more searing m ade 11 yards off right tackle, C arry Y arda Ave. ‘Tennis Wizards” shows Don Thanksgiving Day, not that the games should be over-officiated, but asoiena in the thir J and Korth hit center for six, Dur- yards back to the 25 The laat T rassa IS 57 438 Bttdee ond FIN worth Vines, two Ridgewood fourth period* play of the game mw De Martine of the too players of all times, tension is high, and our club .has u winning streak of seven games. made a yard, Nagel sliced M aniaera 10 181 181 intercept Flories poes at midfield. Ridgewood succumbed to a now hot Lodi club by a narrow margin Lunacy became the aeeenrt right tackle for five yards and a M onaco 3 51 n.e** in an exciting exhibition match. last week and promise to give us plenty of trouble. Kania will Break Maroon Winning club to score on Lyndhurat this fir! t down on their own 48. Korth A dam o 4 25 825 The local tennis association is have a hard time keeping his boys in the nght mental attitude with Streak 19-7; Bear's - season in the final smarter of w ent 1 1 yards for another first Ed Zak and hia line to be com­ " u id a 1 8 9 ft nlannipg a tenni* clinic to be a streak like that riding. We noted that both Bergenfield and Col- play whan they regained poo donfn on the Bear's 41; Illegal mended ... Holding Ramaey to 46 » lo rie 4 ' 4 0.0 sponsored by the Denartment of lirigswoud iMf the ranks of the undefeated over Ihe week-end. Next Opponent* sesoioa on tholr own IS. A Shari of the hands by Ramsey put yards rushing the reason . . Ram D el Fino 2 4 0 0 Paraks and Public Playerounds. paaa pirheJ up six yards and a M ay Im* Chat- bttgaboin overconfidence, had a little to do with both th e 1 b all back to R am aey’s 44. sey first team to operate the T R odgers 1 0 Oft Members of the tennis club will Lodi, scoring a single touch­ long shaoi pished np SS yarda to defeats—who can tell . . . down in each of the first two T*npHn~ was spilled for a two " “T o ta l' 8.31 help youngsters and adults to and a pass, complete, den Bears.. .A group o t late teen leam proper stroking and ten­ periods and settling for another agers giving Lyndhurst a baft BOWLING MATCH STARTS THIS ------r«npJin to Dursema was com­ Mr Adolph Siering of S2 Dela nis technique. The clinic wm-adcl in the second llhlf, picked up its In yard agaiast l|a<- name by opposing teams we play Somewhate of a novel bowling match starts this coining Sun­ fourth straight victory Saturday pleted for no gain. After Korth ^eld ' nveaue. Lyndhurst arrived greater impetus to the sport day night al the Lyndhurst Recreation Center. It ia a four-way haiat pat the tall aa the tt. A tossed a long incomplete aerial. ... More quick action which Pa­ which has been, rspidly growing aftern o o n by a 19-7 score an d t o n trolmen Rich “Murf” Coughlin her#* M onday from F u ro p e o n a •deal that will have as participants. Babe Sudeil^, Santo Minardi. Durant punted to Manisera on in popularity since the high stopped a five-game win skein Aaaaaa pat th* tan aa KLM plane. Mr. Siering had Willie Regan anti Jay Eckert for a pot of 12.001 to the winner. the 20 who came back to the 34. showed st last week’s game wiU school all-weather courts were compiled by Ridgewood, who tut down the rowdyism.. .Cough­ been abroad for nine weeks, trav Each bolder will be responsible to ante up $501} a* his share of Trezza hit center for nine completed and open to town meet the Lyndhurat powerhouse tiaaa *> fa n lin grsbbed two local trouble ling in England, Holland and the purse which w-iR—go to the one that knocks the most pins on Saturdayp ^yards then wlas stopped at the G erm any. play. • down at the end of the four-week rur\. At a drawing last Monday aajr a lln.- of scrimmage for no gain. shooters seated . L io tha R a m a e y ’ Lodi tallied in the first quarter Uae. Thr aaraa* etark m w Ma night, the alleys lineup as follows: Sunday, Nov. 13, Lyndhurst Ad;imo on a quarter back sneak isection. ..Johnny Borreson still on the last play. The Rams put M Korth |. ** hia right tackle Rec., an<8 on successive Sunday’s at Eclipse Rpc, Feibel’s and went six yards for a first down playing 1““ outstanding despite had on a drive of 34 yards with Art (•r Ihe taaehJawa. hapd . Scouts still showing up at Lodi Academy. Tltc four contestants are well knqwn to Lyndhurst on th e R am s' 49. I Nasta doing most-of the running. Lyndhurst games.. A report BERGEN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY fans and will roll ten games at each of the four bowling estab- r ta y W f Way *»iaaal Ramsey was then offside. The victors 'moved the ball to comes forth that the stands Sat­ (Sd'TH BERCEVS ONLY ACENOft lishmeftta* or a total of fort/ games at the end of th* four week Thr pame cot underwav with Flvrie last two yards on a lateral Ridgewood's seven yard marker urday for the Ridgewood ggma .period. All except Sudeek roll in the major Inter Club League. Jimmy Na/are kicking off to Al | fr»mi Adamo and a pass. Florie where Doucen passed over the will be loaded with talent seek­ Invite* yoL *o register now lor many tall Minardi with Eclipse, Eckert with Lehne1* Whi* Kids and Regan Lamorcaux on the 13-and he wa j ^ Adamo was good for eight middle to Charmtski deep in the i ers. . We have heard quite a few with Pasqum Motors. Sudeck is currently managing Lou Fei end zone for the score. Carmen h it h ard o n t h e ' 15. -L nroaivaux. V;n ds and a first dow n on th« was stopped al right tackle for ‘ 39 Adamo again pulled the Q?#- high - school public- address an- Secretarial and Clerical Openings in bel’s Teaneck Academy. Brindisi's placement was good b u t h av e House League at Rec »how ing improvement - 33 games ovei no Rain. Korth made two yard.-, snr.tk for 14 yerds and a first I nouneers this Now Jersey and New York for the extri point. at left tackle. Hal Durant back* dc»v n on the 25 Florie made five I keard af tgto Rt BUI Da Coa- 200 last Friday—only seven bowlers i*ver 180 average mark and In the second period Lodi once to ki« k from his end position yanls at right tackle 1 ut "Jack-1 *•* ™ m * Musa, farmer OPEN FRIDAYS TO 1 :U — SA Tl1 RIM YU Tn N.MIN not one team up to the 900 average yet. Baron's Drugs 1003 game again put on a long ground drive faked an d th re w a n ftheomplet>> Jro„ Del Fino was spilled for a Lyndhuist grade school coach sat still high for the league and Pasquin Motors’ 28o.l kicked I sjx yard • loss. « Florie . then■ con itMon Rnmaav'aRamaey’s aidsside "iw’’scouting’ utliM " fhr last week pacing team series. Johnny Carricg’s 265 is high indi­ pay dirt. Nngta accounted for _ ------S alary t a p ar H e a r poorlv, the baR gonf out of 'netted to Donne Divine for a 26 Ridgewood where he is now aa vidual game and Jay Eckert's 657 set is high series. Ang Simone thia sctore as he bucked over bounds on the Ramsev 38 vard touchdown but there wasj sistant coaeh... Manisera’s injur has iaken over individual average lead in Junior League with frpm the. one. Brindisi booted | 9 Sylvan Street — Rivoli Theatre Bldg. Manisera made six around jo«.v Dorando charged with a sd wrist in his self defense haul 183.4 mark. Helen Wasco is consistent bowler. §he had gimes of wide with his placement try ^4 ri*»ht end. Trerza hl^center for | personal foul nullifying the .. .Monaco’s leg looks bai 141-141-141 in Thursday Night Mixed Foursome League. Rec al­ Lodi score its final .touchdown Rutherford 12 and a first down on the 20. As UCOi e and putting the ball hack Doc Alonzo to have him In s h a p e leys are made for left-handers, according to Emil Kastner. roll­ when Carmen DeStefano, who Monaco was moving on a revers*1 I on the 44. Florie fading to throw for Saturday.. .Junior ViVa r ta it y ing in Kopper’s League He shot 736 series with high game\of played a great line game for the Nick Nazare was guilty of flip jwus smeared for a nine yard loss continues undefeated, ^untied and 277? His Electricians are on top. Idle Hour No. 1 currently lead­ Ram». intercepted a pass on the unacored upon with 21 to 8 Elec- h ing ladies’ Monday Night League for first time. Vic’s Cleaners pint* and Lyndhurst was penal ; as the third period *ndqd. * Maroon 35 and lugged the ball to ize'd bavk (o the 38 Trezza hit > Fourth riiried tion Day victory over Ramaey ] shot high series in Junior League, a 2733 last week. th e 11. Ridgew ood su ffered a 5- six more vards at centei. Mam Adafho kicked to Nagel .on the second stringen Bohhy Guida ]] yard penalty and Charnitski scored twice and Stave Formica H Jo-Jo's Tavern, inc. sera went five around right end j 15 t,u| was tackled back on the then plowed off right tackle for WHIRLPOOL: and a par*. Manisera to Johnny j ten as the alert Bear end drove once in struggle... Jim Nazare § the score. Brindisi again failed ' Eighth grade footballers l**at -Newark Academy 25-0 with Franz was pNd for ten tut an him back. has made 22 conversions good *49 RIDCE SOAO. LYNDHURST, N J. Chris Gervasi getting two touchdowns. The 180-pounder begins to make the extra point incomplete pass rave Rarasev K irth off right tackle for four 42 atte m p ts in h i s t v arsity to look like good material Mike and John Fisher, a couple of Ridgewood scored with only • ___ possession on the 17 „ ; i vmds. a Ramsey off-side put the ootition. * ’ others doing well under Frankie Ruggiero Mike Bt|scemi, a two minutes left to play to gain lalira emj Amtmitmn Cmtime Lamorcaux on a m *h <"'* Wa<-1 t»all back on th e Lvndhurst (17) Haanay (Tl spmey consolation. Moving from little smfiul at this stage, reported to be doing even better than .topped' for na gain. Korth anil ,|lp ha tut. penalised l.K—. D ivine ...... D* Martiau his dad. Tony, did about the same time -And Tony was good------their own 16 on a series, of plays, l am orcaux n u d e to u r a fk v e at , lt,ht yIlr Seote by parioda. CANTEEN BAB l to1 DDurtfsma u rd was completed DE MASSI MOTOR CAU CO. i initial TD J. Narare'i kick wa< for no gain. DuraqA kicked t« Lyndhum U T t e-tt | "SPEEDY" •ood giving Lvndhut>t a 7 to 0 Florie on the Lyndhnrat 40 yaA^ R a m ae y 0 t • »• J lead. hnc who ran back to the Rains Subatitutioaa. Lyndhurat Tlr- Korth ‘took Nazare** kick-off 46 -rath, Qibbona. Rod gars. Neglia. A ll BESTAIIABT |«HVUDOv4(T IH '^ lO O O % «o I NOTicap ANOMitfCsl on the 15 and ran jo the 35 I>< I Fino was again spUled on r Da Boaia. Adamo. Matthewa. c m STIHAW SttM M WvittD AT jKorth made seven yards, at k>ft revet se for 7 yards. Florie mad* ardo, Servido, Florie. Guida. DeV 149 RIDGE ROAD l.YNDHl RST. N. J. NBNT MONOAV tackle Lamoreaux was hit hard 11 v.irds off left tacklc. Del Fine Fino, Kirchdoerfer, Oalnga, Ger (Carm r Sm m d Arr*m»] 0E MASSI by Johnny Borreson for a two puked up 3 yards on s reverse minaro, Haenggi, Olaqulnto, MOTORS vard lors and Templm fading to and a first down resulted wher Frana aad Mayer. H e i You Tried Our Excellent Cusine? oass waa smeared tar a ten yard | Adan o connected to Dal Fino fo« Ramaey. Duraena. Loathe, Cat •arty. P Stout, liaurk. M iller, lijps Durant's kich was token by 12 yards lo the ST Adamo urar THE CANtKEN k (aat kroaua« a Wy»a«i ia tbia Momsera ’an the 28 and ran back stopped^ for no gain off let* Aladprl aad VUtaraa*. to th e 48 -trH ' Nd8a4 fag Its ChnJ aa4 if a l ir in m Trezza hit render for three. “i>h«*rtla^'lo Adamo for five yards O k . Msnisers got four al ri^rt tackle IVbyigg the game put the baU Point alter touchdnra. A and Trezza made four an a re ; ba. k to the 87 Bobby Guida hit rare (ll Ramaey P. stout. O fltr ia la verse ft* a first doom on the! center for a nine yard gain am* S e a f o o d Ramsey 43. Manisera then burst ‘Jimmy Rodgers wm stopped tor a speed bubble hy go mg 42 yards no cam on the U where Ramse> MS' D e ^siMQTnp CAa rn.iNc. to tav dirt. took over. Lyndhurat (IT) Broiled Lobsters A Real Specialty Karth again tooh Naraw’s Korth threw an incomplete 11 F lrat &-ALE Sk R viC h kick on the 12 and came out to aertal then connected to Dursema 316 Varda, Nat Buaiitag B^TTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY thc 33 as the first period ended fm- five yards and agin to De- T*. . Yarda. Net W>aak^ l m - • /<•'.’ himI aattat* ta tto |* m hia attackers like a swordsman u n to tk * m M plaintiff lh# am t Wtth an span hand he knocked 117.711 t a w ith la w fu l U l t n M l U -t» Irw. th* itth day f t I S f t X S m down the anna of three Ramaejr- 1*0 until th* MUM K» tS S l M ites who tried to |>t at M a. Tbe ■U,u«h*d Hint »!».. « * • I l t 3 a t III ■ IIKHIM o f Ihr ■*«•»•- or u n i t whole thing began ao faat, tt And fur CM*. >"U Vr* h*r *v tsum < * « * • t a fca m M .J ih, (41'iHltn tn rrtM III H* Ml hurst team to understand what 1.4 <-«unt «f r.

t o o k o f tho Ro€oedl CHEVROLET ADViUKE-DESWN TRUCKS

NOW THI LEADER PRSSS ' f Y ; s h o e s f o j i It Prepared fo Print For You l i t t l e q ^ f T \ p e o p le f f : \ WEDDING & ENGAGEMENT


Fatter CHEVROLET Flntr *■

f i n f l r A m# P r o f i f f t CRISCO 1 32c t m ipt WHh Tetd Mato Rtdwchiug Iwyt Tw A f t i l l ~ 87c Specially Priced for Thi* Week-End Only! Buy Horn ami 3mm! Sunsweet Prune Juice 23c GREEN GIANT PEAS Cam pbell's Pork & Beans ’tT 11c * « ig h m g -g iv in g ■ r i9c m ore m eat for your Presto Cake Flour S i 35c m o n e y ! ^ HEINZ Fancy Filberts X 35c Peels, Citron 10c BAKED BEANS Brazil Nuts * X 3 3 c Diced Pineapple " t l T 20c 2 IT 29c Walnuts S r * ’ k * 4 5 c Fancy Currants 16c Mixed Nuts dk fi, 45c Legs of Lamb Sun Maid Raisins 17c <,-Z !fg ! Pepts. faoturp reodv.i HEINZ Peanuts n"m” ta~ ^ ~ 31c Pumpkin ESJ 2 tT 23c KETCHUP Cider 39c tT 69c I S 24c Mince Meat 15c Stuffed Olives 23c None-Such ^ 19c Cranberry Sauce 2 HT 29c Q. T. Popping Corn “ “ ^ 18c Cranberry Sauce“ 2 ‘lT27c FROSTINGS Cherries ** S . 27c Apple S a u ce d 2 t r 27c 2 X 27c MU WAXTEX ZIPPY AEROWAX R o u n d (No f t Lo»n Lamb SWIFT'S g s Wax Paper Liquid Starch Self-Polishing Chops Beef Sweet Breads Meats for Baby r 23c 2? 25c tT 45c 2 t r 35c Heart's Delight GRACO M&M Chocolate Clapps t T Apricot Nectar NAPKINS Covered Candy Food 1 0 t T 93c Order Your Now! ’r 10c t r 16c V 17c £ 2 k 6 ^ 83c M. Acme's Lancaster brand turkey are unsurpassed for superb •N o o c Codfish Cakes S f 22c Jr Food 6 S : B 3 c quality and flavor-the pick ot the notion's finest. Guaran­ teed too quality, Grade A-yourtg, plump, soft meated, deli­ GOLD SEAL Gortons Codfish 15c Heinz Spaghetti 2 ’t T 29c cious.. Order yours today! MACARONI Cider ““V JL 21c White Vinegar 18c £ 14c Macaroon Mix "“ tJL — 39c Heinz Pickles ""VirtL 29c Brownie Mixm. — 39c Heinz Soup SSL? 2 I T 33c GOLb SEAL Choc Morsels """L.*, 19c Heinz Soup £ £ £ .2 t T 33c r Uncle Ben's Rice S T S 17c Marcel Hankies 2 St. 17c Baby Food SSL 10 t r 93c Ideal Plums1 -21c g 19c U. S. No. 1 -Ib. $1 .4 9 Dial Deodorant PARSONS P o t a t o e s _ MAINE HTfcog I Delsons Soap AMMONIA DISH CLOTHS Best for winter keeping. Sound, mealy, marvelous flavor. Buy the 49-lb. bag

AlNNlMd tO U **» S* 27c of it 'Z 39c Pine Soap-*0 •i. 10c Geo. Inn " t t . 37c U a m L ~ J vo*ki soap ncnncy «< mu 4 — 28c Sunshine Hydrox JT £ 2 3c Kirkman Flakes 27c Chocolate Puffs "Ste. 24c f lc n c HOME Gran Soap 28c Graham Crackers T X 28c A c m m BAKtO GOO05 3 Little Kittens Borax Soap nMMMr* 3 ■*- 20c ^Newtons2-TSk DAIRY Cat Food Glendale Club Kirkman Cleanser 2 15c Spaghetti Sauce tT 16c w m 3 XI 23c Kirkman Powder 21c Rice 15c £29c CHEESE '• PARD w w i v i Cherry-rilled Bum ft 25c Jls. 25c ^ 79c Dog Food Red Cheek Nestle Speed-Up I Iced Raisin Bread ‘•"C. 20c r Superb flavor. Slices, melts, spreads Fruit Stallen r t l T 39c - 3 ~ 25c Apple Juice. Eveready Liquid Starch J Velveeta Cheese £ 3 39c a 19c Cocoa *2 28c Hunt Club , - Ke * 27c 1 Domestic Swiss Cheese Cocoanut Bar Coke t*T 39c Pan Rolls Dog Food Muenster Cheese Climalene HUM Bowlene ' 1 American Loaf Cheese ** Supreme White Bread 14c 5 ^ . 6 5 c S w m J m » Vi Price Sale Toilet Sow! Cleaner 8 Mild Colored Cheese Strowgheort >.*»!■ 21c 2 ST 42c t : 19c | Aged Cheddar Cheese S A V £ > Dog Food Good Luck 'SSL, 3 ^ 27c Sw ift's H ousehold Cleanser :r tic

Orange Juice 2 t l 49c 5 v French'Fries *SL5r 23c m [Birdseye Com 'iZ 23c 35c Birdseye Peos ^ 27c n^EmS&mCSmm'

Lyndhurst - Free Parting Lot W ' 4^""' ‘ *L.',C - ’ ‘

THUHSPAT. WPVlMMJt W. IW PAGE NINE Patrol Boys S iv * Magistrate Hr* Gavwl WHean tim w jr .»* t n


H A H O S O M t

L ilt N o d q t during lunch M n lhe fifth period Of­ 4JT» fice Practice Claae held ■ birthday party ia the cafeteria in celebration a t the birthdays of four im n h m ia the class. Thoae honored were Coajie Romaao, Frank Cueci, .HUSKY Pat Thomaa aad Eupbmia Virginio. Girl*' baalMtball officially waa under way laat night. Captains of the faeahiqaB aad sophomore team* ace Alice Makowski. Ella Finger, Jo GtafMH, Ana Gaadieakl. Gloria CJiiappa, Cecilia BfWy, Virginia Tm alanc aad Thereaa Pacentc. Junior aad Seaior teams are headed hy Marie Nuccra. Barbara Kora, Diane KisJBtcr, Lorraine Cutkow- ►ki. Joan Korpnbki, Shirley Bagla, Joyce Lehmbeck aad praMaai o f viettitlty aw le a h o n Anita- Richard. Congratulations ta Amy Eck, Lorraine Agrcata, Jaaet Jitngr, Sandra Bulk and Barbara Krro who were accepted uk member* of the Girls’ Leaders Aides. Senior* are busy rehearsing their play. A temporary eran Churrh augasenled hy away former members who cast has been chosen. have since moved from Lyadhurst overflowed the edifice Suaday afternoon at.a jubilee service commemorating the 22ad anniversary af tha building and dedication of a new regulate their pare by Ihe time r on am ona at de- pipe organ. I visibility sad inrreseed The Rev. Henry Kopecken. pas- ber un one floor and m ales « k sailad md M iia H fc lee o l S t. Luke's Lutheran large meetina room below the Ihurch, Eliaabeth, who preached chamber with sn outside ent M y ifyfe. Mo ifcslglt « M e Ihr dedicatory acraton u i • d rum "Praise God with Stringed In- Follow ms thr wrvie* , aortal struments and Orsaaa" ss his hour wss held with refreshments I mt aa4 aI • laefy text. In the church serial hall Currently on display at the State Museum. Trenton, is a tlie Rev. Mr. Koepchen liken — ------special exhibition, “Parkways ad an organ with Hs many pipes M aru and Freeways ot New Jersey''. lot different rises and tones with "O d jin Visit* BRISi. YOl R BOY* IN T o BE Jointly Arts Committee of the I church in whtah he said there Affair ol CaU Mana F|TTKD, TOU! | j r t US MEASURE State Musuem. lt will be open to h ream fw all kinds af people M.iv E Rod»„ n , u i the putlic through Dec. Sth. YOU AND THE LITTLE r U i d t l WITII *H R HR\NM Ck FOOT DEV l«E>

speaker wa* Mm Mary Grahn o l Tenafly Atvesnpenying M I s • Rodaers were Mn. Frank Burde af Union City, mil a member of the local court. Mm Patricia Orady,.present Iran* resent of Court Lyndhurst. and Mra So. Clearance Sale ptuo Rtaaika. Lynd hunt Nov. S lo Nov. 30 graphically how conservation of lo Florida- O a m a a and refresh ANY »ET O f M J f (DYERS IN T ill *Ti»RI natural scenic areas is sa intec- meats were features. Rti.l URI Y I f t o II t i mi HlH MNN Pit k tK T YtH R OWN PATTERN


RED ENsEMBIE FOR A li. PI RPm E* MAD»: Tu Delicatessen m it Voir deii»r%tio*» *t very *p»M\i WHCUR UF TD W .i OFF RCL.LUR PRlt I e kSJ RIDCE ROAD LYNDHURST RUth. 21*75 50% Off Refuler Price On The Following Items: * Bears, Wines and Liquors « RT AIN* O f VIJ MXD* m i n IM T1 Rl LEATHER TOP I AMP TARIES O f AU. klV |H Frosted Foods IMPORTED ER.I R f I.AMF * §NAW Fhii * Vsfol sblo* - Maat • Fruits ALL • WIN V U M « MUR I HEM* t ea « 11 *»»»» u rn - M Nvri set* M IH H < > h « * HI tl HI PRIME*

All M M * N aurs i c ru s» I o * t

Pah Cake* u n n i o q u a n t u m


t — M lif e w s i hold » I « . H f a * ly dhrit Ptco ftort H i Volley Troo* A*o. «WM T M LEADER THURSDAY, NOTHOMCR IO, IH * ing God. Annual Turkey Dinner The Annual Turkey Dinner and Fall Sale will be held at S t Matthew’s next Thursday even­ ing. N o v em b er 17. T h is an n u al Joseph A. Schumacher Mrs. Maxwell R. W right a t 327 Fair is sponsored by •‘the Ladies’ wnfiw rvitrsv Uvtngstea avenue, apoka on Pa- Aid. The Young Peoffle will as- Joseph A. Schumacher ail 4&1 plant were made for tha phrfct- kiatan at a m arta* of the Wo- slst in serving, and will also have faat avenue, Lyndhurst, died last Fortner GOP Boss mas hmchsas -aad -psrty t* ba The Northeastern Poultry Pro­ man's Sodcty of Christian Ser­ a Candy booth. from a heart attack at his held op D aniher fr Luncheon ducers Council, with “ vice a t the Methodist Church Dinner reservations may be He was an electrician. Mn. IN w petbrs, fonnsi will be ssrvsd at U o'clock. Ev­ of members from 13 bfcld last week st the church. made by phoning Rutherford 2- in New. York 51 years ago state assemblywoman and mem­ ery member is uffrad ta ba arss- sembled at the 1 She M d of tile early history of 2134 or Rutherford 2-5299-M. Schun>acher later lived in ber of the North Jersey District e n t convention at Harriah—g. Pa, Water Supply Cpiftmisckm, died India with ito teotraphical pos iy City and for the last 25 Mrs, Sidney Walker llm m n i ■KART R. C. CHURCH b lin of 129 S tu y v e sa n t Ave., REID MEMORIAL UNITED u n an im o u sly p s— ti a Friday at the f i f k View Nurs­ itlen sad then of recent happen- r. B cn tri Moore, Pastor Lyndhurst, . ' in Lyndhurst. that cancer dressing win be PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH commending The G ra ing Hofne in ,lhomfiald. aie jjJPJthere leading to the estab- M onday. N ovem ber 14. 8:00 He leaves his wife, Mrs. Lou' made on Nov. IT at tKe hoiw ot *es at 0:30, 7:30. 8:3d. 9:30 Stuyvesant M r Valley rR Pacific Tea Compi lived in RUthi^brd until 1N6 of Pakistan In 10:30, •nd 11:30 a.m. P. M. Meeting of Uroup VI of tt Thomas Schumacher, and Mrs. W rifht Mrs. It C Lintner Rev. DoaaM t r " major contribatie* U ___ „ when she sutfned severe injuries parta; s present sons. James, William and will head s (roup to attend the the W. S. C S. with Mrs. E. Th. M^MteMer «ress of the poultry h■ffc-fay in a fall in froht of her home at there. Jr, at home. interconfei Roycraft, Jay.AVe., Lyndhurst. Through n m t f ------_ worship service 'W ednesday, N ovem ber 16. 1:30 •ST. MICHAEL'S R. C. RUtherford 2-3150 m poultry tnan^Q The funeral was held from the Until her retirement in 1037, P. M. Meeting of Group II of CHURCH breeding efficiency, Collins Memorial, 253 Stuyvesant Mrs. Peters wai one of the fore­ th e W. S. C. S . with Mrs Muir l». Ladislaus J. Wilczewski S u n d ay , Nov. 13. B ible stu d y now accounta for —- lull, at avenue. A lequiem mass was of­ most women in political and civ­ E . Gouvernur Ave., Rutherford. classes for all ages begin at 9:40 P asto r the nation's agricultural *-i m fered in Sacred Heart R. C. ic circles in the state. She ser­ 8:00 P. M. Meeting of Group V _ i Road and Pafe Avenue a.m. Morning worship is at 11. NEPPCO is the Mraast poultn Churcsh Burial was in H oly ved in the Assembly from 1029 S u n d a y m a s s e s a t 8. 9. 10:30 o f the W. S- C. S. w ith M rs. S. Young People meet at 7 p.m. and efg producing group-ia the Cemetery. Jersey City. Township «f Lyndhurst to 1933. and then a four year Walker, 396 Forest Ave., Lynd- a n d 11:30 a m ‘'How the Worlds Were Fram­ country, with ■ term on the Water Commission. h u ts t. H o lid a y s a t 5:30, 7. 8. a n d 10 ed” is the vesper message during Maine to Virginia. While in the Assembly, Mrs. Tuesday, November 15 . 5:30 to Evening Fellowship at p.nC ~ a m . 8 Leaders aad authorities in the Peters served as chairman of the Collector's. Notico of Solo of Rool Estato 8:00 P. M . Dinner will be served W ednesday, Nov. 16. P ra y e r Mrs. Oscar Newstrom W eek days at 7:15 and 8 a.m . Poultry field, college profai Public Health Committee and by th e W. S . C . S . A Bazaar will meeting and Bible study is at 6 Itativ es member of the Appropriations For T#itt and OHwr Liam b e held with other organizations p.m . major poultry __ Mrs. Elizabeth A. Newstrom, 81, of 429 Second avenue, Lynd­ Committee. She also served on ST. n o MAS’ EPISCOPAL in the church taking part Tick­ T h u rsd ay . Nov. 17. T he Y outh Poultry experts ia the U. S. Da hurst. died last week at St Jo­ the joint conference committee CHURCH e ts a r e $1.25 and can be obtained Choir meets at 3:30 p.m. , partment of sephs Home for the Blind in of the Assembly, being the first i No*.ICl “ here*>y thal I, James J. Woods, Cal- Vhfeat and Stuyvesant Avenues from Mrs. M. V. Field, at Ru Friday, Nov. 18. Circus Night | cited A. Ik P.’a chicken oC To^ Jersey. City after six weeks ill. woman legislator to be appoint­ lector of Taxes of the Township of Lyndhurst. in the iw . Rowland F. Nye, Rector 2-7912 M. at our church. Fun for all the j morrow aa one of th* ness. She was the widow of Os­ ed to that committee. % fam ily. outstanding developments hi thr County of Bergen, pursuant to the authority of the car Newstrom and the mother N ov. 10 Rummage Sale in thp Rutherford Baptist Church We cordially invite you to our Mrs Peters also was the first statute in such case make and provided, will on industry’s history. It it a nation df the late Irene Herrick. p a rish hall: Auspices St. Mary1' Ratherfard, N. J- church. wide breeding program origi woman to serve on the Repub­ G uild. Born in Brooklyn, Mrs. New- lican State Committee and the nated and sponsored by the food lived th e re u n til 1912 first woman vice chairman of the THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1949 N ov 13. T h e 2 2nd S u n d a y a f­ 9:*5 A. M. Church Scrool. kl:00 chain to encourage development l y n d h u r s t she and her family moved Bergen Republican Committee. AT 2 O’CLOCK t e r Trinity. 7:30 a m. Holy C om ­ A. M. Morning Worship. Topic, of superior meat type chickens CE N TER to Lyndhurst. She served as president and sec­ m u n io n : 9:30 a.m. Morning P ra y ­ “The Greater Love.” 6:45 P. M. Thousands of poultry men have SS3 V alley B re a k A re n a c retary of the Board of Health in Ihe afternoon of that day at the office of the Col- e r an d Sermon: 4:00 p m. C onfir­ Young People’s Fellowship. 8:00 participated since the work he She leaves a sister, Mrs. Mary Rev. Ivan E. Perlman, effldatlag in Rutherford and was a former m atio n Instruction. P. M. Evening Worship. Topic, gan in 1046, producing improved Bon. and a niece. Mrs. Elizabeth lector of Taxes, Town Hall, in said taxing district, ex­ N ov. 14. 8 00 p.m - B usiness Three Manifestations of Power.” Stady: RUtherford 2-9532 Miller of Ridgefield Park, and vice president of the New Jer­ Res.: KEaray 2-6194-1 poultry meat for consumers, din­ pose for sale the several tracts and parcels of land here­ meeting of S t. Margaret's Guild Wednesday Evening, 8:00 P. M. ner tables. a nephew. William Fritsch of se y Federation of Women's Clubs. in th e p a r is h hall inafter specified or such part or parts thereof as may Study in the Book of Revelation. Friday, November 11th. Light The Northeastern Council is Providence. Rhode Island. Mrs. Peters was born in New Quaiterly Business Meeting. Candles at 4:26 P. M. Service will one of many organizations Services were hejd at the Col­ York and came to Rutherford in be sufficient to nuke the amounts chargeable against begin at 9 P. M. The Rev. Mr. individuals who have spoken up lins Memorial, 253 Stuyvesant 1900. S h e leaves a son, W illiam said lands respectively on the LYNDHURST METHODIST ST MATTHEW'S Perlman will preach on “Papers for A. A P. since anti trust ac­ avenue. The Rev. George F. H. Peters, Jr., of Rutherford, ana CHURCH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN tion calling for the dissolution Muller, pastor of St Mathew's a g ran d d au g h ter. S h e w as the- Stayvesant and Teatiae Aves. and Talk vs. Heart and Sinceri FIRST DAY OF JULY, 1949 CH U R CH ty .” of the Company was filed in mid Evangelical Lutheran Church of widow of William H. Peters. Rev. Robert C. Lintner. Pastor Valley Break aad Travers Plaee September. Producers, flciated. Burial was in Hacken­ and computed in the list on file in my office together 307 Taatioe Arsaae * The Ladies Auxiliary of the Lyndhurst Hebrew Center will and suppliers as well sack Cemetery, Hackensack. RUth. t-6026 R U th 2-2134* with interest on such amounts from 1948 due datrs to hold their Card Party tonight at groups, competitors in the gro July 1st, 1949 only. S u n d a y . N o v e m b e r 13. 9:45 S unday Nov. 13. 0:15 A. M. the American Legion Home, eery field and thousands of con Methodist Adults A. M. Sunday School for all ages. Suaday School. 10:30 A. M “The Webster avenue, Lyndhurst, a tj stm ,era 8,1 o v er th e c o u n try h a v e Erik H. Itakson The said lands will be struck off and sold tn such 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship Minister’s Joy In A Faithful 8:00 P. M. 'p ro tested the Government's Rally in Madison / T opic by the pastor "The Gener threat to break up A. Ik P. persons as will purchase the -same subject to redemp­ People. ’ We most heartily invite Erik H. Isakson, of 12 N o el The Young Adult Council of osity of God." 2:30 P. M. Rehear­ W E R T M I N g m t j ! } ? cor"Pl*‘r *«* of the NET you to hear this sermon and i drive. North Arlington, died af­ th e Newark Methodist Confer­ tion at the lowest rale of interest, but in no rase in ex- sal of the newly formed Junioi know that you too will rejoice PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH W herea***?^G^?UJTiI , te r a ,he a rt attack on Sunday. ence is-sponsoring a Young Ad­ C hoir. 7 00 P M. Meeting of the T n t P*f T f P<'r • nnum- The payment for same in the service of the Lord and Ridge Rd. and New Jeraey Are. , * Pacl,i(. Tc, Co«p™ j?"2£ He was born in Sweden 52 u lt R a lly in the Methodist Methodist Youth Fellowship. snail be nude before the conclusion of the sale or the your feilowmen. y^f rs ago and came to this coun­ Church at Madison., New Jersey. T T iu rsd a y , N o v e m b e r 10. 1:30 W ednesday E vening, Nov-. 23. Rev HowaiS ILFrleblT Pootnr i m*de * maior «»*»**»*«> to the t r y 29 yeais ago. settling first S a tu rd a y evening, Nov. 19 a t property will be resold. This sale is made in pursuance P. M Meeting pf the G roups Qf ■ "eward E. Frtebly, Pastor progress of the poultry industry 6 The Annual Thanksgiving Ser­ tn Blftomfietd. then in Philadel p.m. This* is the first such con th e W. S. C. S as follows. Group through its sponsorship of the of the provisions of Chapter 236, P. L. 1918, and sup­ vice will be held-at St. Mattews phia. He had lived in North Ar ference wide rally of Methodist I with Mrs. Wiight. at 327 Liv­ FIRST CHURCB OF CHRIST, Chicken-of- Tomorrow plement* and amendments thereto. Lutheran Church, Wednesday and Ungton seven months and had y o u n g a d u lts in the North Jer­ ingston Ave. Lyndhurst, Group evening. November 23, at 8:00 SC IEN TIST lived the previous three years “Whereas. The Great Atlantic sey area. Some 300 churches I I I w ith M rs ^ F H esco ck . 232 P. M. We have endeavoured to E. Plerrepont £ Lincoln Avenaes in Glenn Ridge. The following is a description of lands and the Webster Ave." Lyndhurat. and In Ratherfard, N. J. 6e PPaciflc Company has purehas comprise the Newark Methodiat arrange this service so that sll Mr Isakson was employed as a Conference, many of which have owners as contained in the list on file ip my offiee to­ Group IV with Mrs A II. Gam- 1 might take the time for Thank- Branch of th* Mother Chwroh. Tho ed n e a rly 100.000.000 w o rth of •'•rot Church of Christ Sciontiat, of typogiapher at the Lennen and organized young Bdult fellowship gether with the total amount due thereon as romputed Boston, Mato. our products annually, therefore. Sunday Servlet* at 11 A. M. “Be it resolved that the Nor­ Mitrhell Co.. of New York City. g ro u p s The purpose of this rally 11:000 A. M. Sunday Sehool theastern Poultry Council in an F ot mcrly hi? had been employed is to give young a d u lts fj-om W V d n film ' K v*nln* M«**t n s « ' * IS by the Cunco Press of Philadel th e s e a n •»'.tJ. fk .e t whl«h l»M|miinlrii of t'hrln- annual meeting assembled ex c h u rch es opportunity for JULY 1st, 1949, ONLY I'nn Hilrnui- h -nU ti* or** stv e n . tends its thanks to the A. & P. p hia fo r 25 y e a rs . acquaintance, fellowship and ex­ lt»H dtn* K ooin a l & Mm tio n Mt|u»ri> Tea Company and its staff for He leaves his wife. Mrs Irene change of ideas. «|K'« (tolly from" '* NAME BLOCK LOT their co-operation and service to Eri.son Lakson. a son. John^E.. Dr. Horry Taylor, pastor of TOTAL Thultdsy eeoQfns iron Berkeley Realty C o. 7 o 'c lo rk . the poultry industry.1* •t h—we. a stepson. George E. Calvary Methodist Church. East 1 pt. 17 »1»JI C.«nroy of Soath Pasadena, Col.; Orange, will be the speaker. Hfe S.*1ry A .Mln£.le Vedde ------„a — —0 432.53 three brothers. Edwin of Seattle subject is “What Young Adults Sfrances M. Nichols 1» 13 104.94 Ernest C. Kolenc i 3g 19 Polio Hits W a sh , and Karl and Ewald of Can Do." Other features of the A ndrea A M adeline P u rp u ra 140 204.58 7 Hadassah Maats S w eden, and two sisters. Miss program include gamfes. commu­ Thomas Byrd 137 1205 pt. 52 20.05 E lisab eth Isakson of Seattle' and nity singind and refreshments Mary Abate ]gg — ™9 ^ And Plans Safa ” w Rec ora M rs. E bba Gustafson of Sweden and worship. Jacob Elgart ]gg 43.53 11 41.46 oeep. ri fcMri F u n e ral Services at the Meayef Mr John Kbpf of Roselle Gaetano Scarpace 194 20 The regular monthly meeting Tomasino Dello Maggio 195 14.06 of the South Bei gen Chapter of In Btrg«n | and Lundquist. Funeral Home. | P a r k is president of the Young 2 1760 Hadassah was conducted by the i 100 Valley road. Montclair, were Adult Council and Mr. Edward Te an e o l peeple hoim tly and v a l al d l rtmat Dr. Rufus H. Little, super m conducted by Rev. F. W Wied Ransom of Parlin is chairman of president, Mrs. Harold Schwartz, tendent of Bergen Pine? Hospital, Any of the aforesaid parcels of land and real ea> hepartafenreea^' at the Center on Thursday eve­ man of St. John's Lutheran - the committee on arrangement:; after examining records that Church. Bloomfield Burial w a s for the rally. Approximately 35 late may be redeemed by payment to tbe collector, be­ ning, November 3rd. showed there had been no ned W . are — InlaM m our klch standard. throughout Mrs. Joseph Fromkin announ­ in Restland Memorial Park. East young adults comprise the Coun fore the sale of the amount due thereon, plus inter­ diagnoses junce October 27. tod*, . ; cil. * « . trying day. in order that you may be auurad ced that a rummage sale will be ■aid that he felt that “the peak est and advertising costs, in cash or certified check. held at 311 Valley Brook avenue, e l th e b M of the 1049 polio season was! Lyndhurst, from Monday, Nov. 7 Past" in Bergen County. Two! Dated at Town Hall. Lyndhurst, New Jersey, this through Saturday, Nov. 12th All children were admitted at the! 10th Day of November, 1949. rummage is to be brought there. COLLINS MEMORIAL county hospital for observation ’ 2.»3 Siu j > raeut Ave. Lyndhurtl Mrs. S. T. Hecht. youth actlv last w eek. Offiee hours: 9 AM .» 4 P.M., Saturday 9 to 12 M. ities chairman, state that Rab£* His surmise may mean the end ' William C. Collin* Herman Schwartz is forming of what is believed to he the n i n U f T O B youth groups to include all child­ B"tfcert»rd f-N highest incidence of poliony litis ( JAMES J. WOODS ren between the ages of 11 and in the county since tie !»!• epi- ‘ 19. Names of children in this cat­ t l demic. There have been a total Tax Collector egory are to be given to the Rab; of 143 cases, including three, ti. The activities will be social as transfers from . other hospitals well as cultural. and 15 deaths since January t. Tot. RUtherford 2-7272 Mis. William Kovelant. fund Only comparable year was in Car Radio* A Specialty RUth. 2-S64S-R thlsing co-ordinator* expained 1946 w hen th ere w ere 13B caes the chain luncheons and the a h d 1 1 d eaths fashion show which her com­ There are still 39 patients un­ John's Radio & Television mittee are considering. Both of der treatment at the hospital, these projects were passed. ranging from 20 months to « Mrs- Abraham Goldfarb ex­ TELE KINGS TELEVISION years Some of them first enter , plained the work of the General ed as long ago as August Of the 1®"—1*5 square inches ----- $319.95 NAZARE Assembly of the UN to date *0 who have been sent home 12Vi” —91 square inches $219.95 Mrs. Louis Lapp, program many still return for treatment I®” —61 square inches ----- $179.95 chairman, introduced Mrs. I D because of reridual weakness Orenstein. Mrs, Samuel Blum roe The county's first polio ease FREE INSTALLATION en. Mrr. Jay Berger and Mrs. came to the hospital in May and 309 Chase Ave. ( j O h n b o n a n n o ) Lyndhurst, N. J. Max Grosi-man of the Passaic Ha two caaes ware admitted in June dafeshah. Thev ladies presented MEMORIAL With the approach of mid-sum i the original skit “The New Wo­ mer, the incidence rone to n m '- man" which was written _ and July and then hit its peak in , produced by Mrs. I. D Orenstein, August and SeptemSe when This iomc**y portrays the rebirth there were 50 cases earh I •% • of a wnn-m who had no out month there were only ENJOY side ai t h .ties when she became I tients diagnosed as suffering from i 1 Interested and -concerned m ; polio. H O M E , I N C . i working-for worthwhile ideals, According to a frraph of psilx Home Ownership j The theme of the plaviet hi The inridence sine* IMI. tl* d a n x Jewish National Fund The skit seem, to be at its worst at four " WHY PAY •aM eery.agreeably received and year intervals Cares in IMI h. added* a pleased* homey touch to tailed 10*. aad in IS«3 no Year, RENT ! somethin-] that ?£d always seem­ 1 etweea the high points vatm ed imperftmel The portrayals in the JOa and Ma although U<-. 403 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST, N. J. were splendidly realistic and esclative SI*CEB featui ENOLESSLY down to earth. y ear th e re w ere and four -post pnllo" \aceuat C.leaner todit'i beet buy — iss CbrisUass . . . lor year* and year* lo coat. T h r Junior Women s C lu b will Mrs. John Caputo o f Henry A. Gurfal, Mfr. h o ld I heir baraar at 900a Vslley 237 Court avenue entertained *- Brook avenue on Nov lt and 1». a party for relative, aad fr^ K Mr, Richard Gll-eaon la chair- -Be Have m an. celebration of their 30th wed Goad Hnawi I i-.—* ding anniversary. 4-S-6-7 Room. -m t, r U )k Iw | M > JOH N L a t Lou!s Beauty Salon *• 2 F a a u l y a FUNERAL HOMES ASK TO SEE riow Look Parma noot Wavo 52 Rtdoa Road, Lyndhurst, N. J. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. THEM NOW RlMwrferd 2-0490 303 HARRISON AVE. . HARRISON. N. J. 449 - 431 Palisade Avanua, Jarsey CWy - M J50 Phone HI mholdt 2-3833 C. Savino Agency g * itSreH Sqoera 4-4S79 U t PA8K A TI NCI RUtherford R S SIDCE ROAD S U . M i n LYNDHURST derwart, haw keen hearing clvd H M i > |n u w ith ' ftuapuiui i rl nr

COULD IT It IWOiUHDtWT 6 » O C t» S T rr.-.. liksiy. ■« K« h m m n c - “>**“ nmkMpsn Wpt-* b- r r li ** T T I r S L did iust uadsr SVt biOta. ■">— •™"h **


THS SMftOYKS? Tta. -~w t h s t m m m lolki proh*U» W W «

Isade Park, was withdrawn by MOM RUMltf o( IS years »l» Mrs. Smith when lfaehrilah I W e lc o m e promised he would stop annoy- PRODUCERS? W rt. tak.J Miff her. A violation of the unitary sl ihsif f * * 11’ “ " I ** A & P Competition code made by the Township Plumbinc Inspector Donald L. WKk^the farm*r»’ crop*. Wh*t m M *» *• BECAUSE Wilson affainat James Hilkcne. of jritii hi* higMy I—— “ * * * « •M Seventh street, for operating •limitvtvd M bis roim n* toiy***? • • a • Mbe t i i w l f , m m > k«n4rM li «*f without a license, was dismissed m ««* (M r Kwt aHb (Me TKA H W * ’ COMPMIN© CMAlWS WtAYllT ^ P with Hilkene paying $3 cost o t • • • • IW im l 44 f ia aat to art mt the >I— y fcariiai fin Um r«*«r»n V incent G iancarlo, of 124 L ake fcw a liwwl fOl *• aa* aara mHnImI Inw Meet* Mi till W lW f a l. N iM wl a r m rut mmi rM m en u r of court after being found guilty of allowing his dog to nm at large. He received a stiff warn­ ' o m i t 1 ing from the magistrate to stay out of his court. A charge of hunting during closed season made by Federal

The A nti-Trait Swt A gaaik

Tke A tlantic k P a c i f i c T m C a .

crackdown on youthful drivers of automobiles by revoking, the driver's license of Lawrence A.



NORTH ARLINGTON (Between Albert St. and Jauncey Ave.) y | T H E LEADER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER M , 1M» ib u fe Abby Walsh Enters P.T.A. News Purdy Lashes at Socialism Navy for Nursing __ By £dna M. Christ HIGH SCHOOL fV i ™ i • m iV fo M Three, nurses on Passaic Gen­ Back to 8chool Night, Thurs­ poopfe cen atop thia tighten­ eral Hospital's nursing staff have d a y , November 3, beld by the the great majority o i A m eri- bannered march to Washington.. ing peoaoas or Md off tb e naaae y Fund Joined the Navy Nurse Corps and ans abhor sociaUsm, yet many of B ut it could come through creep­ H igh S c h o o l P.T.A. was a huge of state socialism. That is srhf. WAB A MARVELOUS e n * of *-•. have reported at St. Albans, L. I. success with Mr. E. O ls e n w el­ r them clamor loudly to r ev ery ing collectivism. for tettenrs, the A and P ia ap­ H rirr Kenny Foundation All graduates of the hospital's coming 300 parents. Each parent wheat The best In yean. •The piece of socialistic legislation ao ‘The • American worker today pealing to the public for aupport r u u m hingi its annual ap i school of nursing, they are: Miss r stalks stood otfer six feet high. long as Ra ia sugar-coated with w u provided with his child's must work two months out of of it* ease against tbe anti-trust R ealtor funds funds urgently 1 M arylou Tacke, 263 Sylvan street, Joshua never felt better In bis life a n American label,' Arthur R. schedule. Following the sched­ what had happened she’d never get each year to pay government laws. The men behind the corp­ if the fight a gainst the Rutherford. Miss A bby W a lsh , than the evening after supper ^ P u r d y told members o f th e T e a ­ oration realize the people are ule -each parent met and con­ ha stepped from tbe ftouam taxes, befoie he even star$« tb S ie e d polio is, to be continued 179 Valley Brook avenue, Lynd- ferred with the teacher. Mr. E a- neck Men’s Club last night at take home any earn ings. Despite its only hope, And so R h aa b e ­ * n d b r o a d e n ^ ' T his is an appeal I hurst, both in class of 1948, and walked' along tho edge of the field. mund Burke, Supervising Princi­ lustily. T b e sound ef his oi the Casa Mana. these heavy taxes, the govern­ come- the issue to be decided that each of us should give full ! Miss Norma Ossi, 189 Lakeview A hot dry wind Was blowing. Teaaor- pal of the Schools, spoke on th e row the harvest would begin. Be­ w as reassuring, bat R didn’t bring M r. Purdy, vice president o f ment debt keeps increasing and only by tbe American people, as end fail con: (deration. I avenue, Clifton, class of 1947. good condition of the building, results. T h e stalks hemmed him In t h e A R. Purdy Co., Inc., steel recently President Trum an has every crisis since the settle­ Th^ humanitai ian w ork of Misses Tacke and Walsh were fore another week had pa praising- the faculty and the gui­ would be rich. Rich enough to have Ilka a ju n g le fo re s t They offered distributors, Lyndhurst said that announced he would urge an in­ ment of our country. We n d ifcte W sanuution is not confined honored by the colleagues last dance department. Following the every comfort that the countryside aa aarceasa.. Tbe wind seemed to little by little many Americans crease in the inepme tax of next decide whether we will tear off fo aay on»- gi.-up <>f people or week with a farewell dinner at program refreshments were ser-i offered the next winter. No scrimp- a r e surrendering their liberty year. Inevitably the spending, this nooaa or docilely autmit tt> fo any particular . n of the : Gene Boyle’s, Clifton. ved in the cafeteria by Mrs. P. ing. Plenty to eat. New clothes for Suddenly. In a burst of a in exchange for state socialism tgxing wheel must slow down th e W & n s t r i k e s without re j Present at the dinner were Luberto and Mrs. Albrect, hos­ m form of “security sops." last ______to a*e svx. ace h i »-d oi Misses Gehevg Bedford, Eleanor sex. r pitality committee. H e m u st h a v e covered a handrail '•Under the collectivist trend,” far back as in the days o i th e extinguished.” sta tu s of v iotim . Grace, Mary Michelson. Mima yarda. Then h e stopped. N o aaaoa th e Attention! The Rummage Sale He wslked on a little ways, part­ he said, “we are being sold the Roman Empire, and aa it is do­ McKellar, Nellie Allman, Leaise l ilv w ak e ai cr ip p le d has been postpone^ until Nov­ ing the stalfts to form an avenue, in that It wasn’t getting him any ‘welfare state’. We are also being ing before our very eyes in Eng­ Fisher, Wanda Tecza, M arie Sul­ place. He thought of men going th*it nxjuir m o n th s, ember 17 ahd 18, at the Rogle thrilling to the rattle and rustle of pressed to accept the tremen­ land today. Mrs. Julius Schoppaul af ID livan, Ann Leonard, Ada Lou- mad from losing their sense ef MMtinw< year:, of tr e a tm e n t Building. It will be held from the wind among them, glorying in dously expensive compulsorv “About thirty years ago, the Livingston avenue recently en­ t h a t is werse and Nora Pedlow, Mrs direction. Foolish. Tomorow tbe e x p e m n t 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. the feel of them against his body. health insurance program, w h ^ noose of state socialism was tertained Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mary Maier, Mrs. Arvella Hull, harvest would begin. He’d hear tho Most of us hear of Polio out- He sighed deeply, contentedly, and is a polite phrase for political Muller of Clifton. FRANKLIN of machinery. But not When lightly dropped around the necks breaks and at times are deeply Mrs. Evelyn Scura, Mrs. Cecil turned bsck, circling^_®^liUle to On November 2. a regular ha didn’t return to the house. Ruth medicine. Cradle-to -grave social erned about those- whom it Ackerman. Mrs. Lorraine Kerr, come, out nearer tp tne house. meeting was held with the presi­ would become alarmed and organ* security is advocated strongly has already struck Mrs. Bertha Ladyscka, and Mrs. He wslked on snd on and pres­ dent, Mrs. Brill presiding. As ise the harvesters into a posse to and, with its installation in our COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU T h en w hen the w orst is Laura Anthony. ently he stopped. The edge of the guest speaker, Mrs Doris Ham­ scour the countryside. Why, he. way of life, individual respons­ over. we are pi one to more or field, he figured, must be over to CAUM AND WRAPPINGS ma gave a most interesting talk der around here for ibility and reliance will have died leas forget the left He turned in that direction, CENTER PIECES POR ALL OCCASIONS ‘Living Together Despite completely. but he didn't come to the edge of d a y s ! N o t so the Kepny Foundation Garfield Jo He ground his teeth. Dumbhead. Handicaps.” She also told of her • Elizabeth K«-nnv Institute in “A ll o f th e s e t h in g s d o n o t co m e education in the School for the Tomorrow would be blistering bot J e r s e y City Mt*dieal Center, one without cost, either. We thall be WONOCO YARNS Blind in Batavia, New York. The He'd have no water. He'd become e a n always f.nd mute evidence of Seek First made to pay a terrific price for first Grade class of Mrs. a raving maniac. . t h e ser»ousn«*s< of this disease. the privilege of losing our free­ Knitting Wonted Schliechting performed singing A terror seised him. He started 1 S lo w ly but ar«)y the victims dom. The totals run into Sport Y a r n ------Bergen Park games which are used in teach tens of billions of dollars and h o s p ita l i.**-d then are, through in one direction, then the same dis­ ing handicapped children. After will have to come from addition­ Fleece Baby Yarn c o n s ta n t attention of doctors anfl tance in another, then in another. Osmers Says the meeting refreshments were al taxation. Moat of us seem to K e n r. technicians, being return­ It didn't get him any place. Crochet Cottons — served by Mrs. F. L. Zimmerman e d to healthy, normal lives. Action Putt Bergen. The light was almost gone. He forget that governments do not - 6 for 25c and Mrs. L. Cook, hospitality Tatting Cottons L e t's kfep :n mmd this great iped the wind would go down produce wealth, they only spend Community in Lead c o m m itte e . w o r k when a neighbor volunteer with the sun. but It didn’t. It blew i t " i l ' - M2 VALLEY BhCJOK AVENUE LYNDHURST, N J. The Annual Harvest Table will s o lic ito r call< upon us for a c o n ­ The Board of Freeholders re­ harder. He tried jumping up, in Mr. Purdy said that excessive Telephone RUth. 2-34S9 be held Wednesday, November t r i b u t io n Our r‘ft will help to cently authorized the Bergen the hopes of seeing a light but he taxation of business must even­ INSTRUCTIONS FREE ^ 16, in Franklin School from 11:00 m a in ta in Kenny Institute in Jer­ County Park (Commission to take couldn’t get his head above the tually lead to#outright confisca­ A. M to 2:30 P. M. H°me made sey City, the treatment center over an 11 acre parcel of land ■talks. They were too high. Almost tion of inductry, utilities and cakes, pies, salads and other fo r this area. Ani it will help in Wallington where officials seven feet •*%. natural reaources and finally to foods will be available. Everyone He greaad his teeth. Dumb* tr a i n more graduate nurses and have agreed to give up the prop­ He sat down. Thenjie got to his the point where he can work, is cordially invited to attend this head. Tomorrow would be blis­ physical therapists to become erty for park purposes. knees and began breaking off how long, how little he will be List Your Property affair. Chairman of the Annual tering bot. He’d have no water. Kenny technicians as wel 1 as The action is similar to the He’d become a raving maniac. stalks. Might as well give in to the paid, and what can he eat. Harvest Table is Mrs. Anna thing. Might as well make the best support the many other medical, step taken in Garfield two weeks "Look at the attack now being FOR SALE Stelzenmuller. of it. He began making a bed of educational and clinical research ago and Frank C. Osmers, chair­ the flpld. Ahead and on both sides made against the A and P”. he JEFFERSON wheat stalks. Nothing else to do. He fu n c tio n ^ which are necessary in man of the park board, said he were gently moving wheat stalks, stated. “The government charges G et Action With th e constant fiijht against p o lio . There was a meeting of the hundreds of them, millions of them, lay down and thought of' Ruth. that the A and P chain stores hoped that other Bergen mun­ Good lord, she’d be worried to T h e measure in which w e r e ­ Jefferson School P.T.A. Execu­ all looking alike. He cocked his is a monopoly The vpry essence icipalities would follow the ex­ death! But what could he do? s o u n d mac determine the e f f e c ­ tive Board Wednesday, Novem­ head, listening, but the rush of of the term monoply : implies Aksel S. Sorensen ample in deeding suitable sites ber 2, to discuss the card party wind and the constant rustling Joshua's last waking thought waa tiv e n e s s with future o u tb r e a k s focJthe county park system. complete control by a single per­ which will be held Thursday. drowned out any familiar sounds of Jimmie and Ruth buying new REALTOR • 1NSVROR th is dread disease can be c o m ­ W allington's donation is a fou> son or corporation over any field November. 17, at 8:00 P. M. in that might come from the house clothes with the wheat money. He b a te d block strip between Paterson of endeavor to exclusion of any the school auditorium. Mrs dreamed of being acooped op b y a 227 STUYVESANT AVE. LYNDHURST The Sister Kenny Foundation avenue and First street on the . Ha grunted, changed his direc­ other person or corporation to Frank Hickey will act as chair­ binder, wrapped la a stack with TeL RUth. 2-2017 is completely independent from southerly end of Showhank Hill. tion, end started to walk again. do business, at a profit in thai woman for this affair. d o zen s a i others, left in th e s u n to orft>yiTattoos --uth as the Nation­ U is borough owned, and it may ATter 10 minutes he stopped. A sahie field. That is the charge Novel door prizes and table smile played about his lips. This al Fcundatw*n of Infantile Paraf- be increased to about 20 acres fry: hurled against the A and P and prizes are planned. Refresh­ w ss a hot one! Lost in hia awn When- Joshua opened his eyes H ysis fMa-ch of Dimer?. Com when Mayor Anthony Gajewski yet it is a proven fact that A and ments will be served by Mrs. wheat field I Then the thought van­ was daylight again. The sun was muni tv Chest Crippled Children and other Wellington officials P profits come from only 11 per Here's a goad substantial 1941 Pontiac Sedan. Norman Smith, hospitality chair­ ished. Suppose he had been walking already hot. He felt stiff and sore. Oreano»:i>«. etc So therefore-, complete negotiations with own- cent.of the business in its field in the opposite direction from the Then he heard the sound of t h e Sister K. r.ny Foundation d e - j ers of adjoining properties, w o m an . in the entire nation. The one rav One owner, guaranteed original mileage only 35,0#) Tickets may be obtained from house? Suppose he had been walk­ voices. Two men were Coming to­ pen d ^ only on what the peopte; Samuel Nelkin, former Wal- of hope lies in th6 amount of m e m b e rs b t the executive board. ing in circles? An annoyance ran ward him. He heard his name men­ miles. Years of good service ahead lor tllis compara­ f contribute | lington mayor, und Julius Roehrs tioned. They were looking for him. furor this case has drummed up. Mrs. Steven Chobanian, Mrs. through his mind. The wheat field Housewives and shoppers realize tively new motor. Easily good for another 100,000 Company, florists, have inform- was 1S00 acres in extent. It was as He got to his feet shouted, rten Norman Smith, Mrs. T. C. Ber- that if the government is success­ I ed W ellington official* they are flat as a . Its boundaries men came running up. Joshua took quist, Mrs Walter Becker. Mrs. ful in its case against the A and miles. Priced right. See it at BiN Lawrence willing to donate some property were Irregular. There w?re no two steps toward them and found Russel Ripp. Mrs. Richard Pet j for the park. About eight other landmarks at all to guide him. himself on the edge of the field. P they Will be hit in their pock- erson, Mrs. Norman Teffeau and COX’S SERVICE STATION private owners are presently He started to backtrack, but pre­ The house was only a stone's etbooks. They further fear that il Visiting Girl Mrs. Arthur Daikes. throw sway. it c a n h a p p e n t o t h e A- a n d P Corner of Ridge Road and Fern Avenue considering similar steps. sently he discovered that the wind R IV E R ROAD it can happen to many other bus­ Stuart D. Currier, executive di­ had forced the bent stalks back into He looked at the men and they At the recent Hallowe’en nar- rector of thc park commission, place. He wasn’t sure that he was at him. He grinned sheepishly. inesses. State socialism will not RUth. 2-2S65 Polio Victim ty of the River Road P.T.A., come suddenly to America; there put tip a big sign. ‘This is the on his own trail. “ I —I g u e ss 1 m u s ts lay_ do w n prizes were given to the follow­ will be no brown shirt or red site of a Bergen County Park in He stopped again, deliberating, and dropped off.” be said weakly. Police escort sirens will scream in g : Garfield" on the Fleischer Field all the way from the Holland Most original, James Farrell; section of the 90 acre Garfield Tunne! to the Sisier Kenny Med­ Prettiest, Ilona Lynch; Funniest. Paderewski Music To Magee Warns tract turned over to the board. ical Foundation today when a Terry McCartney; Sister and His staff took top soil sam­ Be Broadcast Today special visitor will be conveyed Brother parade, the Fleck child­ On Inspections ples and staked out Fleischer to sfe Doris Delmonico, 12 year re n . The beloved compositions of Field in River road, but actual TRENTON—Motor Vehicle Di old Lyndhurst polio victim There will be a Card Party work on grading, he said, must Paderewski will be featu red ^ Arlhur w s u ^ < - to d a y . Doris's visitor will be Bill and Chinese. Auction given by wait until funds are providefl the weekly polish program over Ic minc)ed m otorists that they will Lawrence, television star of the the River Road P.T.A. at Frank by the freeholders s ta tio n WSOU-FW at. 89.5 meg i n ot be noUfied by mail when Jto Arthur Godfrey and his Friends lin. School on November 10, at “The Garfield site," said Cur­ th is Thursday, Nov. 10, from j! present their cars for the second show and Doris’s favorite enter­ 8:00 P M. Prizes and refresh­ rier, "has a natural setting for 5 :05 p .m . inspection period now under way. tainment artist. ments will be given. Mrs. Wm. a p a r k .” The selections* to be played He advised them to consult the Doris was tn “critical" condi 1 Vallery, chairman and her com­ The public works committee will be taken form the Golden of the first inspection per­ tio n o n S e p te m b e r 18— “W e d id mittee express their hope that back and County Engineer Roscoe P Anniversary Album of the art iod ’ sticker whieh gives the not expect her to live." her fa­ the attendance will be high. ist^cdm positions.. The program nlonth when the vehicle is due j ther said when, anxious to try McClave recommended to the WASHINGTON board that the contract for pier is under the direction of Michael for re-inspection. anything, her father called Law­ Washington P.T.A. will hold repairs to the Monroe street Mierzynski, a student at Seton Vehicles that have not been j rence The singer agreed to visit their Bazaar and Silver Tea in bridge over the Passaic river be, Hall College where the statioh inspected during the month spec­ Doris, tu t engagements held him Washington School. November 10 tween Passaic and Garfield be is located. ified on the* back, of the stickel j up until now. from 1 P. M. to 3 P. M. At 3:15 FOR THE ANSWER TO given to the McColl Gunite and a re now delinquent, Mr. Magee IX>rts's father said that th e P W~S>f the same day they will Future programs will feature Groutinig Company. North Ar­ other Polish artists w a rn e d - promise of Lawrem-e to v is it h e r also hold their regular meeting such as the lington. for $9,480.65 P a s s a ic "aided in her recovery In th e with -Uk* to have « u a r - . , DRESS SHOP at VATH'S TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE J4I RMge Rd. (Rutk 2-4251) uS* Irtu ISideSH 76 KIP AVENUE, RUTHERFORD, N. J. M t? RUth. 2-9080-M IN Carry a C»as»M» U m C k tW ru m C u n tn a a U a a B.F.Goodrich r t« S T I N R U ii Bt K ■H J M J •fl* Bergen Firms Asked THE BARGAIN COUNTER "TffTfinrn ^ tTrcToTy ^ To Lki Narnes ------e < menu n e tlie m m caferly read ia Bergen Cousty. r S f f i h a . u n g Convince yonrself by baying than. Through them F M Oil - Kk w m FENCING rent, buy ar exchange; find the bargain (or which you J MACCHIA hare been worthing I d ip bt or write Tour H in t «* wAg--jrmmmm mm am *mmm\ lied advertisement* ta our offices: 255 R a n Roan, L tndhi’bst, or 124 Rjdck Ho**, N o n a A suncion, The telephone number* are RUtbessoss 2-8700 and KEasney 2-6051. Basey H TWgra* One insertion is seventy-five cents. Two insertions are one dollar and twenty-five centi. Three insertionsThe are one Leader dollar and fifty cents.

garage. worth 110 , bOO, only p m , Morin Arlington—U»v*ly 2 family 55 SUMMIT AVE. rKACTICALUY a new car for I7WS. 19 room*, only t years old. large Uiva m« ISOO and spend $IW on plot, BrndU washer. recreation this l»4l Pcntlat- that ha»n t cone rotn and btr, oil heat recently dec­ LYNDHURST, N. J. Sb.OOO miles and you've got it. Tele- orated. cd runint; condition. M75. CaJ Paasaiu. beautiful aht ^ room ' Insul­ ated bungalow, mtw oU beat. I car Kl'. 2-4114-M. garage, plot IM t U t a rare bar­ g a in a t 17,000.

'$ room hema in section. Ex- XJt’CH. down flUsd. blue damask, i-el.c-bt c o n d itio n ; JS.WO. glrla’ bicycle, black aad Ivors, food Uirge utore for rent priced right. e n d it ion. reasonable. KB. 2-is*T-4. 111* 3 room apt. for rant to beautiful in the United State*. Mr 8t u - new home. Colored tiled fixturea. SO RUR refrigerator. porcelain. «■ hot watei- heat. business couple or celleat condition. new compreeaar bert Mid. “It errtainly will sup­ adulta. per month. a n d m o to r, I H . f c f . 1-31H*. H - t 4 plement lh* foreign u ln promo, RUtherford 2-tSS» CIRC V LATINO HEATER. burn* cant tion program of thr small bust or wood. WIU heat aix room* First 9*0 takea K away, ill IV •« SAVINO AGENCY Ava.. Lyndhurat. 11-10 SAM VENDOLA U I KIDGE BO AO LY N D B U R ST DOl’BLB BSD. bok spring. Innf ELECTRIC C O . spring mattreaa. t bureaus. aWe- KVtk. I-*Ut board. Offer. Me denlarn. Pbone Fri­ day afternoon or m nliw or ..n> time Saturday RU 1-2M0-J tt ROOFING. 81 DIN ll and gaaaral n 1VK KOOM HOl’MK Vacant. NSW- KANCY RANDWICHBB .. palm, deal direct wilh roofer. #av. ly painted ihtd deocrated. Vety FANCY aandwlcHea for all «wa«l w;i, up to Bt percent, alitu putntinc In Nan. »<‘rnm*. steam heat Taxes |7f. large had amall ordara. Kay Be hav 4«rlOf and exterior, reasonable rat*» v bargain at $7.00«. cH|| Mr* Har- **r. 34 William Bt. Keamy. KB. 2- call Ru‘th 2-4204. Ted Bernardo, 11 *oti, owner. 69 Eastern Way Ruth' 7111-M. 11-10 Kidu« Road, l.ytvrthum t rfo rd *-S9Z4 " 11-1* lEAla EJSTATK WAXTBI*—We have LAUNDRY WORK IX*NK nt hom e immediate buyer for a ht aao In Men s «h!rts 12 cent". Hmall irlri'a 12.000 • la ss. K nvlno A g e ic y . Ut- Ble<-tric Trains Repaired by K •• t» 1 ftreaa* s 16 centa up. ('urtalna atret- ■tidge lli«ad. Lyudhurnt. F u ll B»*‘>-k o f T ra in Acr e —«»r1.-s | William G. Hubert ed 40 cents pair. Work tailed for MlOLANO VORT «HO# and deliver.d. Call Ruth. S-S10&-R. 1-j Midland Ava., Kanmy 10-13 K B I-MH14 11-10 j CONTRACTOR * •0,\S't3t^T10.N 1- r cream aton Dl’NfAN-PHYFB drop leaf dintiiff BUILDER for eale. i23 Broad HtfUet, Oarl- room table. Reasonable Rt’ PLASTERING tadt. Rutheribrd 2-R20*. I«-U WM ______ll-IQ Crtltna Repairs A Specially Sl'NNY FRONT furnlnhed-.x**oin, n. xi Built In KtUW Cabtnsu h o t w a te r h a a t *r. c^ h - OT ia St. ArSfti! f a l l Rl*. 2- ISOS. ______10-3»- lB(*l m odel, (W hlt«> electrh? a e w in r ■ AR A U E >X»R R E N T machine. Rl’. 2-4*79-W after f pw KEarar I IIM W LARUE 8unny room, n* ar all b(»o ill Page Avenue. 11-10 and trains, Reterence*. Husiios petaun Catt RUth. I-JIM-W 10-1. WELL KVRNISHKD room to ren In layMd.iurxt. Keforcntes. One halt Mock from all buses. Phone Ht M I A l©-« 1-NFI'RN1KHKD, medium else rcom Convenis nt ntid i-omfortable for bnolns-ea p«-< pie. H eat, h ot water. ♦-Is- te ic , s u i'p t'v d . * iv m o ..,n ly . i>. 2-4.S3J. ll-l* BIANCHI 1 N*VTRNisHEI» front rocm *»% % U feet 3 w ndows . Huxin. m* woman BROTHERS l b»ne Friday aftemon or tv*nlo< or Vincent A. Frangipane any time riaturda;.. III. l-IUii-J Gsa^fsf Conlrmrurt PIANO TEACHER Permanent Asphalt 1.AR11K >rH N i*ti tas M ILBU M N ava. K -n fle m a n . **liso ------L V N D H U R S T Drive* ays 1T2 Tontine Ave.. :S7*-M . RU. 2-3865-M - General CsarM s Work IUM IMS a n d b a th , a ll Improvs-- yeither too Young 611 MARIN AVK. ms-ncs. f a l l R f t h . 2-«44.1 ll r Nor loo OU Bl^YH WANTKD. LYNDHI7RST. N. J. l.ARUK. nicely furulsli'-d room wit I Ave. I.mdbu(ai private lavatory Suits ble for buat- Rl!. 21171 T!.-*a man 1«2 bus paaa«a house Five mlnuts's tc New York buse> and Erie station. Kl' 2-3W2I-J. I1-? JAMES A. RYAN WELL Kl'RNIMWD. .omfortabie room with twin b.-ds in private home on Ridae Road lieleroiues r> RALPH GORDON aussttd Rl'. 2-37*8. II-It “ ‘"SCtf MCIC1.Y KI’SXISMKI' frnnt r<- " for gentleouan ‘ only. «all al *>< Kyndhuot Ave,. I.yndhurst. or <-«l’ RI T IItR F ttU i. N J. R t ' 2 332&-J. . - ______11-17 HELP WANTED T W O R«m*MSI S n 7 w a sh ro o m , w ith iient cc-ntrall> -i«M'Htt-d A pply C oin nx-rclal U«dur Ullh c ZZi llidce Rd Nolan Brothers Lyndhanst. If Mutic^l Instrument* PIANO HARMONY POfULAr m d CLASSIC VENETIAN • M P B O V IftlN O . . . C O M PO tlM U PIANO ACCOnOlON POPULAR IINOIMO BUNDS T e U d H ■ »

AIMRTMKNT for I adults. VICTOR FRANGIPANi rom». kit. h-nette. b*th. oil LIM ONI OIVBN AT VOW* prrfet t «onditlon Excellent lo HOMI OP MV STUOtO iWAismv. kttartM Re.nt IB per me nth Call C a i h U iM a r 4 44*44 l*»l-J ALLIN G h»'**!f|i I’omu »«•>--- - »;uth*-rford Owner r*cupt*»d venknt to all tranaportatlin. Vetpfiea Mind Co. r.«ma, :oi eaH he.-- «*•- BAOIO AMO T«L«VI»»ON RLtk 20M S-/ Adolts Only Vo pets. • esle sntnsn^e Mental l* 4 *'■ 1AW«» and TKUVIPW>S «rpn»™ : list betwa en hours of I ai vwe— . M ttW lb »-4tTJ-W waea ! p m and 1 pm tao VASHINGTON AVENITC. N V T U T N J. Pfcoer Nl’tley 3-70W


p l u m b in g u . s . PAIR SERVICE ARMY jfO P B B W m^om t4 i^ in m ernai n IH fri mil 1

ItUth. 247WK701. E ditor...... John Savino Business Manager Ein b t J. Du o ir t

Entered as second class matter April 7.1938, at the Poet Office at Rutherford, N. J.. m f a the Act of Mardi 3,1879 _ Snbeeription *2.00 Per Year Lyndhurat, N. J., November 10, 1949 The Wise Little Squirrel * An excited mother told us a heart* Except for five which he left behind. warming little tale. Wonderingly, the mother went outaide Fop Friday and Saturday It teems that she bought three pounds and examined the nuts left behind By. the Af black walnuts recently and left them on squirrel. Then, seiaed by ah idea, she broke W r open back porch. There were about open one of them. It was bad. All five $0 or 60 nuts in the paper bag. nuts discarded by the squirrel were bad. * One day soon afterward, her son look* In a few minntes, it. seems to us, the SI2E Mi oat on the .porch and then called his mother and her son had received a lesson mother. more powerful than any sermon could RVA MfST ! Together they watched a half-grown carry. squirrel burrowing in the bag. Finally he Here was a squirrel, without benefit drew a nut. He scraped some of the outer of Philosophy Courses Three and Four, or covering off with his sharp teeth, then Ane and Two, for that matter. He had Protecting Woolens parked up the nut in his mouth and ran never studied physics and biology. Who, to 'lhe squirrel, was Malthus? And what of P As mother and son watched, the squir* a man named Sprngler, who cried about 25c CERTIFIED Pel ran into a nearby field and buried the the decline of the West? Probably,* the ■ut Thr* hr n erd back to the porch. Bur- squirrel could not add one and one and WHITf rawing- into the bag again he drew forth if asked why a straight line is theN short­ fro m this years g am e e h ? As .for myself these days, if another nut. Following the same perform- Your bnef mention of those anyone wants to know, we’ve SHOE POUSH est distance between two points he- would names above: Mike. Chet and been out here in sunny? Cali­ foe*, he scraped off some of the outer have shrugged and scampered for tbe near- B ob. Lrmg me back about 20 fornia almost ten years now, covering, then ran off to bury the nut. est tree. v year* As I sit here sipping a been happily married, for about Time after time he did the same thing. glass of cool California wine, and 12 years, have two swell daught­ .The mother’s story reminded us of one IT'S A PLEASURE I’m being helped some in my, ers, got beat up a bit in 3 years Suddenly he realiaed he waa being of Stephen Vincent Binet’s famous poems. Dear Editor: reimmscine by a program on with the Army, but am doing yatcbcd.* The little animal Mood up on It was the poem about an insect swarm May I taka a few minutes ot a local radio station, called “A n fine and working for tha Medi­ 15c l i t hind legs, stared long aad deeply I at yoyr time to thank you for the Time Hits.*' * cal Division at the Regional Of­ which was devouring man-made cities and write up and pictures for the J u s t a little while ago, they fice of the Vets Administration fie pair who watehed. him, dropped down of a braggart who thought he would stop Girl Scout Drive for Yearly played three songs from 1823. in Los Angeles. (About 20 m iles CLEANING #n all four feet and resumed hia queat for the swarm at last. He built of steel and Funds. It was very fine. like -Lover Come Back to Me.” from home). Aie nuts. However, you have always “Sometimes Tm Happy.” etc. Sincerely, . FLUID then chortled that the insects were halted given fine copy and space to the W e ll to make a long story Ed R uzika f In a twinkling of an eye, the squirrel at once—until suddenly he beard the Girl 'Scouts in the past—I know short, my mind went fcack about 347 No. Encenitas Ave * al realiaed that he waa in no danger. steady dropping of steel fragments, chewed for I did the Public Relations 10 years to other football games MonrQVian, California And he finished off the entire ba^ of nuta. off by the insects. for eight years—with pleasure. played back of-tfec Town Hall by Looking forward to future suc­ another team. Remember .the old WHAT NOT CLUB cess of the Commercial Leader “Lyndhurst Athletics” of 1930 to CELEBRATES Washington 3rd Grad* and the play presented was en­ Neighbors, Beverly Buth, Barn­ and your generous co-operation 1934. T h at was a great bunch of titled “Thanksgiving at Grand­ ard Kohout, Rose Marie Natiello, to the Girl Scouts. guys, and some of the old gang The What Not Club celebrated 10c Holds Assembly Period mother's** Kenneth Poffenberger, Richartl CAROLINE K DIEL might remember and get a bang their 25th anniversary witfi a Penwarden, Victor Sczepanski, ' (Mre. Ulmont A Diel) ofct of the thoughts of those dinner and show in New York on sr.de of Washing- Those who took part in the * Ike third Edward Sparta, Gail Toscs. g am es w;th the Hackensack Fire Wednesday. In the group were School under the direction pf play included Grandmother, Hel­ COMBS ton M rs Harry Eamger, Mrs. George en Mentone; Father, Edward Ja­ The scene of the play waa the m e n . M ata wan A A., Hoboken Mrs. Gladys D. Gage presented Hi Johnny.—remember me” Sheary. Mrs. Louis Tampke, Mr* worski; Mother, Catherine Stroh- living room st Grandmother's, YMCA. Kearny Ramblers and ao assembly program at the Was just reading a piece in y o u r m an y o t l ^ j Alice Gurske, Mrs. William Mil­ school Wednesday. Nov. 9. ler; Children, Judith Bordlgan. and the time was Thanksgiving October 17th issue. which m y Day. tf you think this old letteg is ler, Mre. Theodore Rediker, Mre. Robert Manning took charge Gary Clarkson, Phylis Paluzzi, Mother up on good old Ten Eyck ...... Frank Moeller; Mre. Henry Bied- Patricia Plunkett, Richard Sza Edward Brehm was in charge avenue sent me. It was in your vvort" putting in print. John, you af the Moraing Excercises, Pat­ ermann with two guests, Mrs. ricia Plukett was the Announcer, bo, John Wolf; Cousine and of the curtain. Sports column called -Punts and « ° *hci*d a n d l,s®' if *<>“ Passes.” .hke and Id like it to serve as 8 William Himsel of Belleville and Mrs. Peter Leyh of Bloomfield. It was about Hamsey v s. L v n d ’ heU o Ul u * ' « * * " r‘'al 1 .0 0 hurst in th. good old days o l1 "W™ " * » e d football players. “Iron Mike". " C h e t," , Bob P a t ! <>n , h r -old original "A V of i n YEAST tison and many other b lu e a n d ' rmr% •*>* ~«rtirrever thev may gold all tima big names Then ' oc 1 m w l"t'r some of them were some good teams Sind *,**1 ■,' 11- 5“ h ■» Don and Ken Wil A IRON TABLETS games in those day, w h e n o ld ** al-mwy. Le* Waldeck. / A s m d k r Lyndhurst High School was just lrv ™ '° Cameron. John- on its long career and its hard nv Evr " a s George Leahy. Joe to believe that just about 20 " “ “ ‘ a. Bill Vallentine. Joe Cup FLYING HIGH years have pasaed since our kin i kowsfci. BiP Mondav. Bob Vivers. A nd ltsiti err 1 o th e rs pMea th r pro- ford." and we really took a she! . 1 ta r t t«"neml>ei 2 .0 0 lacking, something ..like M -0 , in Gond !;»ck nnd btrt regards to 1920 o r 1027 Quite a differen-. ;Se

■ '±- SUNDAY

; —