Bogk Thanksgiving Hhf Day

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Bogk Thanksgiving Hhf Day Lm A tnt MM te « Irwy * « • < U jtniftifjV , K. J • LEADERETTE Oil Painting Brings First Prize for Results H«n* Weingartnnr A Lyndhurst artist, H a'n s Weingartner, woo flrstprile fo r o ils in thr- lOthe an n u al N e w J e r ­ sey State Exhibition being held at Montclair Art Museum. The allow ia spoaaored by the Montclair Art Association and New Jersey Chapter. American Artist Profesatonal League. Mr. Weingartner will reeteve the Agnes O. M opes a w a rd of The awards will be prsaented at 4 p-m. Sunday. Nov. XI. th a closing day af the show. At the same time announcement will be made of ihe winner of the pop­ ularity contest, baaed on votes of visitors te the In the sculpture exhibit, S. & Boughton, of Teaneck, waa first with his head, ‘ Pugilist". He wiU receive the Painters awl Scul­ ptors Society of New Jersey a w a rd aI *30. ------ Tim e others from this vicin­ ity received honorable mention from the Montclair Art Museum: Havilah Hawkins, son of Joseph W. Hawkins, 44 Garfield avenue, Koeemawr. tor Ma scupturad head, “Slave"; Kobert JUad of Arlington, for his oil paining, •^fhe Brownstone", and John E. Bradley, of Bloomfield, for hfc water color, "Compositk* JT. “The Museum is ciptn WWMiyt with the exception oI M ondays, (ra m 10 a.m . to 5 p m * s n d S u n ­ days from 1 to f:S0 p.m. It will be-closedBogk Thanksgiving HHf Day. S e v i n O T d k Graduate ■ tl-J » tl.. XJ --- Kiwanianc H««r nwinvrivi v VTVSHRl Opposing V5*W Af A f>nllt^4lnnI » w * l V Wa j h T lw irlM t S*t*ion Movi* C WMWY Commissioner Horace R. Bogle lashed out st Mayor Carmine pavlno. Sr, for teUing the Ki­ wanis Club two weeks ago the tke ttltsae va* m P.m. ( l IW.., Creek township's financial position fhaaa aaate M nh under |4ew aew m »<ab lh> , He addressed the aama body at ago aad aeeae deel M»*~ aad ('mm it at Path.. their luncheon meeting at Jo f.«d k» Ph.tip *.*.!(, inaij fcn jo's Restaurant, the second of ‘ad Ihe UM W.»4 tkivs w 6si> the five commtasioners-acbadulsd la addre* the club- i Comm Issioner Bogle. Who waa aay foi ao years prior to the «Uctions last May. charged May Pr Savino’s remarks ware M t the truth and asserted Lyndhurst is "Too Busy” Savino rt* t m * tt»**r4ST »*« •»» • ItfUf to Hickory Dock PTA n - u u - U I pI w w iw I J .w i iw ™ d V MWl!?*OaalSve-ICIadei former Lyndhurat youth who aim, gee Uvea In LaJolU. California ideas and Lyndhurst High School remem uach as O bers Charley very well He waa La Jolla, from that msptuuen aad mar- j Here e roe ried another geaiealr Ha»- rsfU ui s ;e Authority Has Nof M m in the community to help PlwW I V flU IO I olicy on Service Units maintain health, and observation « ^ ^ ________ in the hospital wards, to lean* T** hickory Peek . r T * * * * what the hoepital ia. and how School at 611 Tm it opento. Durini th. mtir. »- *“> year education * program, their dition, Mias Elsakai Blair wffl ate SSL! ^rX i^^irieoce *** to if . t M m i * p K are ewehted” Blair is a graduate of MHjft- Older nurse, at the ho^fUl vania State College . ^ are attuned when they see how The other members of the staff carefully these students sre be- include Mrs. Dorothy Dc massy, ing prepared before being given qualified teacher whs haa beea an opportunity to actually work with the nursing school fot the on the wards. “In my student past two years, and Mrs. Aaea days, we enterod in September, Pago, K. H. toy Christmas we. were on night The school mSlmfM Mgn duty,** i several of them com- standards and the Children are mented. However, they all agree given every opportunity to pit* that H U to the advantage of pare them for their later school the student nurse and the patient life. The basic need for the |M - to prepare the student carefully school child is social adjustment before giving, her clinical *xper-1 which is usually acquired thru ience. | nursey school experience. BEAUTIFUL = TAILORED SUITS FAMOUS NAME BRANDS LONDON PARK HYDE PARK ROYALTON from Shop here in town and get the same merchandise at savings of more than 2ft%. MILLER CLEANERS-TAILORS . 40 YEARS CUSTOM TAILORS TO THE TRADE A PERFECT ITT ASSURED. TRY US NOW 306 VALLEY BROOK AVE. ' RU. 2-6151 LYNDHURST BERLIN ’S SALE ON WINTER WEIGHT UNDERWEAR AND PAJAMAS l^ait't Winterweight Union Suit* Mm i'i Extra Heavy Union Suit* — Man'* 25% W ool Union Suit* - Man'* 50% Wool Union Suits - A Mjan and JJis Jirst Cadillac! Man'* Tintad Short Sleeve Shirt* or M id-length Short* Man'* Betbriggan Shirt* or Drawer* 1.29 aa. Man'* Wintarwaight Shirt* or Drawers 1.49 aa. Man's 50% Wool Shirts or Drawer* 3.45 aa. Men's 100% Wool Shirt* or Drawer* 4.95 aa. Man'* Broadcloth Pajama* — Man'* Flannel Pajama* ■■■ Man'* X-Heevy Flannel Pajama* On slippery roads you want’ sure and even braking —- O e l d o m w ill you find a man in a happier state o f m in d . the feeling of gratitude that comes from being able wheels in balance, aligned than when he slides behind thc wheel of his first Cadillac. to surround him self, and all who ride with him, with every safeguard an automobile can provide. fur true steering—tires that It's a wonderful, wonderful feeling! ^ of course, there is thc soft, satisfying rush of grip the ground _____ v sw «i i y, l,ii * Sthittne lumftllisllntM iim cni lli or -Aa long-cncnsncoInm j-k.rl.liafl dream. the m iles—the easy, restful ride—the positive, effortless And, of course, that means a glorious sense of achieve­ tt will pay you well to bring handling—the sumptuous and com fortable surroundings* ment—with a deep sense of personal satisfaction. your Buick to us — let our le s , it’s a great th rill fbr a man when he goes for his And, then, there are the immediate pleasures that press m at ride at thc wheel of his first Cadillac. mechanics make the correct upon him . But% if t only tke beginning! ____ tests to thoroughly check the . the feeling of p rid e th at is inescapable when a man running gear you'll be rid­ comes into possession of something which is so uni­ Day after day, year after year, he w ill have that same versally and so deeply sdmTrtd . wonderful feeling as he rolls his Cadillac out into the ing tin th is w inter. street or highway. For the joy of Cadillac ownership is It Now Under f ie OweersJbtp aad . the feeling of confidence that comes from Cadillac’s deep and abiding. Most owners find that it never leaves. Better come in today — or great reputation fbr quality and soundness and long life . phone us and we will pick­ Wouldn’t you like to learn what it’s like to sit at the e feeling of elation that comes from the car’s wheel of a car that can mean so m m k to you? If so, up and deliver your Buick am azing responsiveness to throttle and brakes . come in to d ;y—for a ride that's a revelation. without charge. November Special FOR THE HNEST IN Brake* Relined $15.95 tin. Ind.* lii»«>r kr Mulng* FLOWERS CALL RUth. 2-1234 De MASSI MOTOR CAR CO.. Inc. 29* PARK AVENUE LYNDHURST. N. J. RUtfc. 2-0SM t h p b s d a t , novqfoEit ia, m * T H E LEADER PAGE T H R *» U'. MISS of Lynd. M * w « kanter - i f m m***• m m £S£T~ "* * •* < ? Ch*pHf r. DiMfa mi Rlnilr W w ftM enrrtadm y< t i - i To Wa ,... ,.. f i * ;-1 we nm ...fn _ tONtta... <•> MdttiOll to the M art Carmella Ngece and FbUowtaf | two-week trip to in four weeks, we wiU rover our ^ 1'! ! " The Waal ffeii* Cbnpfl* ^ M n Ruth Steole Mrs. V. Saturday in N« V. Mid CmmaArn. the entire route. -by -adding another _ tlv# Mr Undhohn explained Madasaah w dllZ S , iT j-V Mr* Roily Fenah and Mr* Fluk n - w I i T - 1 M—tor. li,T « " H O r^ld «.! M.s Uywdhurat Matthew Walenski of coup»e wlU live at m R aym ond truck We hopTthat all you hmd i, d»r;ng- the nest three years -Ro ' Plana have k in completeiit tm 441 Cheata* stie^ Keanty Mrs aareld Cnsell Jorsey O tj w iW as best man. i svamue, Nutley. people will save and continue to tory International will spend the wedding Saturday in Italy Herbert Om a leH . ptssldsat The Junior Hs.tsssah WlU pre Angelo Patti of Clif- | *n>«_bride ia employed by_Wtl juive your paper for us $730,000 ptmcipaily lo create Spirit Chui^h, New York of M l* Xsty, Now York. Mr. Ibrrie . _ _ James Viola of Wr wish to say thanks a mil belle*- understanding among the will conduct tbe bMSineaa porupn sent it* fourth annual donee on Joan Tbereae M artin, daughter at of the meeting after wbwh re- Kkn II It will bo bold at the La VMvhia of years in the •«<* lion folks, and to thank Joe Mar peoptea of different nation*.
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