
Mary R. Dawson Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh

Paleogene of Eurasia

Dawson, M.R., 2003 - rodents of Eurasia - in: Reumer, J.W.F. & Wessels, W. (eds.) - DISTRIBUTION AND MIGRATION OF TERTIARY IN EURASIA. A VOLUME IN HONOUR OF HANS DE BRUIJN - DEINSEA 10: 97-126 [ISSN 0923-9308] Published 1 December 2003

Soon after their Asian origin in the Late , rodents began a morphological radiation and geographic expansion that extended across the entire Holarctic and at least northern Africa. Following this initial dispersal, a relatively high degree of endemism developed among rodents of both Europe and Asia. Only the family Ischyromyidae was shared by Europe and Asia, but the ischyromyid genera of the two areas were highly divergent. Eocene endemic development appears to have been complete among the glirids and theridomyids of Europe and the ctenodacty- loids of Asia. The evolution of Cylindrodontidae, Eomyidae, Zapodidae, and Cricetidae in Asian Eocene faunas occurred independently of contemporary faunal developments in Europe. Following the latest Eocene or early regression of the marine barrier between Europe and Asia, marked faunal changes occurred as a result both of the evolution of new rodent families (e.g., Aplodontidae, Castoridae, Sciuridae) that accompanied climatic changes of the later Eocene and of changes in rodent distribution across the Holarctic. Within Europe, the theridomorphs were at last negatively impacted, but the glirids appear not to have been adversely affected. In the Asian Oligocene, the ctenodactyloids continued to be a prominent part of rodent faunas, although they were diminished in morphologic diversity.

Correspondence: M.R. Dawson, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh PA 15213, USA

Keywords: Paleogene, Asia, Europe, rodents, distribution, dispersal, migration routes

INTRODUCTION Africa. Early in this history of expansion, The 33 million years of rodent evolution that which took place during a time of marked occurred during the Paleogene witnessed the global climatic warming, the rodents faced origin of the Rodentia from among the small competition for food sources from a variety Asian herbivores that are recognized as early of other herbivores that included non-rodent Glires, primitive mammals in many ways but Glires, multituberculates, primates, and pro- in which a set of anterior incisors became bably smaller artiodactyls. lengthened and expanded into relatively Even at the time of their first appearance in large, chisel-like teeth. In the rodents and lag- the fossil record, there was morphological omorphs, and presumably in the earlier differentiation within rodents, particularly in Glires, the enlarged teeth are dI2/2. The loss premolar structure and occlusal pattern of the of the canine tooth and of several premolars cheek teeth. By the late Early or early Middle results in a more-or-less pronounced diastema Eocene, evolutionary changes had occurred separating the incisors from the next tooth in also in the zygomasseteric structure the maxilla and mandible. Within a relatively (Hartenberger 1969, Dawson et al. 1990) and short time after their Asian origin in the Late the incisor enamel (Martin 1992). Although Paleocene, rodents expanded their range into rodents did experience some crises, such as North America, Europe, and at least northern their reduction in variety in the early Middle


Eocene of Europe (Hartenberger 1989), their this discussion. This framework will affect diversity continued to increase during the interpretations of the fossil record in nume- Paleogene. The climatic cooling of the later rous ways, and is especially interesting for Eocene and accompanying changes in vegeta- intervals that seem to correspond to critical tion, which may have been critical limiting biotic, climatic, and distributional events. A factors for some of their earlier herbivore good deal of attention has been given to competitors and which were probably factors events such as the Paleocene-Eocene bounda- in of some of the primitive rodent ry and its associated global warming, the families, did not hinder the remarkably adap- timing of the Grande Coupure, following the tive Rodentia as a whole and, indeed, the onset of global cooling, and enough closing Oligocene was a time of more phylogenetic of the marine Turgai Strait to promote rodent diversification and geographic expansion, distribution across Eurasia. The accurate now into South America. This led into the timing of these events is particularly vital. role in the Neogene of rodents as the most The temporal framework here utilized abundant and diverse mammals in existence. (Table 1) was established in the following Even within the geographically mobile manner: Paleogene rodents, there are instances of their (1) The foundation on which it stands is the strongly endemic development. In Asia this Paleogene time scale built from marine bios- can be seem most clearly in the array of cte- tratigraphy that has been correlated to the nodactyloids and in Europe of glirids and the- global polarity time scale and with the addi- ridomyids. The theridomyids did not flourish tion of radiometric calibration points after the influx of allochthonous rodents that (Berggren et al. 1995); to this information flowed into Europe early in the Oligocene, can be added the calibration of the following the Grande Coupure, whereas the Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum at about glirids became very successful. The Asian 55 Ma (Norris & Röhl 1999). endemic ctenodactyloids were reduced in (2) For Europe the usually accepted Paleo- morphological diversity in the Oligocene, gene reference levels (Schmidt- became increasingly restricted in distribution Kittler 1987) were followed. Under this sys- during the Neogene, and survive today only tem, European terrestrial mammal sites were in northern and eastern Africa. assigned to reference localities that are both named and sequentially numbered as referen- THE FRAMEWORK ce levels, MP1 to 30 for the Paleogene (MP1- There are at least three basic requirements for 5 were assigned without precise reference a review of this sort to have any validity, localities due to the inadequate earlier even short lasting. The first is to have a Paleocene record in Europe). The reference sound temporal framework within which to levels were, in turn, tied to boundaries of arrange the continental deposits from which marine stages. This system is especially the rodent fossil record mostly stems. The applicable to localities in western Europe. second is to have a solid taxonomic base on (3) The vast central, eastern and southern which to work. And the third is to build on Asian record is a weaker link in Paleogene some concept of the geographic and, if possi- terrestrial correlation. In most cases, biostra- ble, environmental constraints to the distribu- tigraphy provides the sole evidence for corre- tion of primarily terrestrial mammals at the lation. Carefully applied, this can be relative- time under consideration. Although intracon- ly accurate, but in a geographic area where tinental correlation of Paleogene terrestrial several groups of mammals originated, ‘first deposits of Eurasia must still be regarded as appearances’ and related biostratigraphic ‘work in progress’, it is essential here to arri- tools can be very misleading. Few localities ve at and adhere to a temporal framework for in the Paleogene of north-central and eastern

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Table 1 The Paleogene time scale followed here for Europe, Asia have marine associations, few types of Asia and North America, with radiometric time (MA, millions sediment appropriate for radiometric study of years) and chronozones of the Global Polarity Time Scale (GPTS). Abbreviations: MP,reference levels; ALMA, Asian are available, and, so far, few magnetostrati- Land Mammal Age; NALMA, North American Land graphic studies have been completed. The Mammal Age. correlation attempted here is derived from the biostratigraphic discussions of Russell & Zhai (1987), Dashzeveg (1988), Tong et al. (1995), Meng et al. (1998), Emry et al. (1998), Meng & McKenna (1998), Ting (1998), Wang Y. et al. (1998), Marivaux et al. (1999); from the biostratigraphic and magne- tostratigraphic work of Benammi et al. (2001); and from the biostratigraphic, radio- metric, and magnetostratigraphic work of Höck et al. (1999). Nonetheless, major inter- vals remain problematic for correlation, espe- cially the - and the later Shandgolian-early Tabenbulukian. Until these times can be more precisely correlated on a worldwide basis, interpretations of the phylogenetic significance of rodents from these intervals must remain somewhat proble- matic. (4) The fossil record from North America has been consulted in cases where origin of a group of rodents might be traced in that con- tinent. It must not be forgotten, even in a dis- cussion of the rodents of Eurasia, that the North American fossil rodents were there in the Eocene, lurking on the edge of the Beringia, which was an operational land cor- ridor throughout the Paleogene, and in the North Atlantic terrestrial province (Dawson 2001), which appears to have been habitable at least until the end of the Early Eocene. The relatively well-established North American land mammal ages have been indicated in Table 1 (Prothero 1995, Woodburne & Swisher 1995, Beard & Dawson 1999).

Taxonomic framework The taxonomic foundation on which this review is based is the compilation by McKenna & Bell (1997) for genera and their ranges, although not for higher categories; questionable genera have been examined and included or rejected according to my judge- ment of their taxonomic validity, phylogene-



tic impact and/or stratigraphic accuracy. Paleogene (Marincovich & Gladenkov 1999). Attempts were also made to keep up with Within Eurasia, on the other hand, the Turgai new taxa and range changes from the end of Strait, an only incomplete marine barrier 1996 until the end of 2000. The importance during the Paleocene, restricted free inter- of sound systematic work to a review of this change of terrestrial between Asia sort cannot be overemphasized. It is also and Europe during most of the Eocene. This remembered that paleontological exploration barrier to interchange was gone, following continues to bring new discoveries that can marine regression, by the Late Eocene or be expected to have considerable impact on Early Oligocene (Map 2). Rodents of the Late interpretations of Paleocene rodent evolution. Paleocene through Late Oligocene (Map 3) This is particularly true of the Asian record. also witnessed strong environmental pertur- Forty years ago Eocene ctenodactyloids were bations, including the thermal maximum at not even recognized! What might the next the Paleocene-Eocene border, cooling that forty bring? affected mid- and high-latitudes in the later Paleogene paleogeography presents us with Eocene, and still further cooling, marked by a different Holarctic world. For a time in the transient Antarctic glaciation, at the Late Paleocene and beginning of the Eocene, Oligocene-Miocene border (Zachos et al. there must have been an uninterrupted North 2001). Atlantic terrestrial province between North America and Europe south of Scandinavia THE ORIGIN AND EARLY DIVERSI- (McKenna 1983, Knox 1998), although some FICATION OF RODENTS IN ASIA details of the position (Map 1) and timing of The Early to Middle Paleocene Wanghudun this connection are still not entirely clear. Formation in the Qianshan Basin of Anhui Beringia was a widely open habitat bridging Province, east central China, has yielded Asia and North America throughout the specimens that document an early radiation

Map 1 Early Eocene (53MA) continental positions; the Map 2 Early Oligocene (33MA) continental positions; arrows rodent record supports in interpretation of closer proximity indicate directions of rodent migrations.The rodent record of India to Asia at the time. Arrows indicate directions of suggests the proximity of India to Asia and more possibilities rodent migrations. (Sources for map construction: of island hopping in the northern Tethys. http://www.odsn.de/odsn/services/paleomap/paleomap.html (Hay et al. 1999), Heissig 1979b, Smith et al. 1994)


DAWSON: Paleogene rodents of Eurasia

of the mammalian order Anagalida, and the 1998) faunas of China and the Bumban fauna first appearance of their close relatives, of Mongolia (Dashzeveg 1990a,b, Dashzeveg Heomys and Mimotona (Li 1977), two genera et al. 1998). From these occurrences, the that provide the earliest known information Wutu rodent fauna of Shandong Province on the origin of the Rodentia and the Lago- includes two species of Ischyromyidae, one morpha respectively. This differentiation into of Alagomyidae (Fig. 1), and one ctenodacty- two highly successful mammalian lineages loid questionably of the family Yuomyidae appears to have occurred prior to the radia- (Tong & Dawson 1995). Only Cocomyidae tion of the non-rodent, non-lagomorph Glires (Fig. 2) have been reported from the that is characteristic of the Late Paleocene Hengdong fauna. Four genera of ctenodacty- and Early Eocene of Asia (Dashzeveg & loids (Family Cocomyidae) have been repor- Russell 1988, Dashzeveg et al. 1998). ted from the Bumban fauna as well as one The Late Paleocene (Gashatan) Bayan Ulan alagomyid and the peculiar Ivanantonia, the fauna of Inner Mongolia provides the next affinities of which are presumed to be with record of a rodent, or rodent relative, from the Rodentia on the basis of the Hunter Asia. This is Tribosphenomys, a relatively Schreger bands in the portio interna of the well-represented genus that has been regard- two layered incisor enamel (Hartenberger et ed as a sister group of the Rodentia, or as a al. 1997). Ivanantonia is, however, peculiarly rodent of the family Alagomyidae (Meng & derived for a rodent and may be an enigmatic Wyss 1994, Meng et al. 1994). The slightly non-rodent member of the Glires. younger first appearances of rodents (sensu A high degree of endemism has been noted stricto) in Asia are in three faunas that repre- among Chinese Paleogene mammals (Wang sent the latest Paleocene or earliest Eocene Y. et al. 1998), among which the rodents (Beard 1998) in Asia. These are the Wutu appear to be no exception. During the (Tong & Wang 1998) and Hengdong (Ting Paleocene and Early Eocene two climatic zones were present in China, a semiarid to arid subtropical zone in central and south China and a more humid zone in eastern China (Tong & Wang 1998). Of the three Early Eocene localities in central and eastern Asia that have produced rodents, only the Wutu locality is in the eastern zone and it is a highly carbonaceous deposit indicative of a warm, moist environment. It is probably no coincidence that the oldest known, Clark- forkian, rodents of North America occur at two localities, Bear Creek in Montana and Big Multi in Wyoming, that also are characte- rized by highly carbonaceous deposits, indi- cative of similarly warm, moist environments (Dawson & Beard 1996). The earliest recorded rodents from the Indian subcontinent are a few teeth of ischyromyid Map 3 Later Oligocene (30MA) continental positions; arrows and ctenodactyloid rodents from the Early (? indicate direction of rodent migrations. earliest) Eocene at Barbora Banda, Pakistan (de Bruijn et al. 1982, Leinders et al. 1999). From an Early Eocene diversity of four families, Ischyromyidae, Alagomyidae,


Table 2 Temporal ranges of Asian Paleogene rodent genera by Asian Land Mammal Age. G, Gashatan; B, ; A, Arshantan; I, ; S, Sharamurunian; E, Ergilian; Sh, Shandgolian; T,Tabenbulukian. ? indicates that age is not precisely known; > indicates that range extends into the Miocene.

Cocomyidae, and Yuomyidae (Fig. 3), the among Asian rodents, whether northern or Asian record quickly became dominated by southern, but they did persist through the end the ctenodactyloid rodents (Table 2), which of the Eocene, usually as relatively derived apparently diversified markedly at the generic members of the rodent faunas (Dawson 1968, level. The alagomyids have not been reported Qi 1987, Wang B. et al. 1998, Dawson & from Asia after the Early Eocene. Ischyro- Wang 2001). myids never had a position of prominence

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OUT OF ASIA: THE FIRST RODENT the abundant microparamyines of western RANGE EXTENSIONS Europe are here interpreted as a colonization Although the first faunal expansions for from across the North Atlantic terrestrial pro- rodents out of Asia took place well before the vince. Although paramyines are known from end of the Paleocene, it was not ctenodacty- all across the Holarctic in the Early Eocene, loids that moved. Rather, it was ischyromyids their presence in the Arctic Eocene also adds and alagomyids that had migrated into North some support to the concept of a North America by the Early Clarkforkian (Dawson American origin for Early Eocene European & Beard 1996). A rodent radiation began, and ischyromyids (Dawson 2001). Although rela- by the Early Wasatchian four rodent genera, tionships between the European ailuravines of which two were endemic, were present in and the Asian Alagomyidae have been sugge- North America (Ivy 1990). There is no sted (Hartenberger 1995, 1998), this cannot Cernaysian occurrence of rodents in Europe, be supported on any available morphological where their record begins in the Early evidence, and ailuravines are here considered Eocene, MP7 (Table 3), with ailuravine, to be a distinct, European endemic subfamily pseudoparamyine, microparamyine and of Ischyromyidae (Michaux 1968, Wood ?paramyine ischyromyids all represented 1976). (Escarguel 1999), suggesting an interval of earlier rodent presence in the post-Cernay- LATER EOCENE RODENT sian, pre-Sparnacian interval. Corbarimys, a EVOLUTION IN ASIA very primitive rodent from the Silveirinha Ischyromyids were a persistent, though never locality in Spain, may represent another line dominant, element of later Eocene Asian of rodent development but is still of uncertain rodent faunas.The oldest of these is Asiomys affinities; the genus and its possible Middle from the Middle Eocene Arshanto fauna of Eocene relative Zamoramys may be allied Inner Mongolia (Qi 1987). Eoischyromys is a with the theridomyids (Vianey-Liaud et al. Late or latest Middle Eocene rodent recogni- 1994, Escarguel 1999). zed from one jaw collected in the Chang- Although the marine Turgai Strait created a xindian Formation of northern China and one considerable faunal barrier in the Eocene, from upper red beds (?Shara Murun Forma- especially between northern parts of Asia and tion) of Inner Mongolia (Wang et al. 1998). Europe, the question still arises of the origin Hulgana, a relatively derived ischyromyid, is of the European rodents (Fig. 4), whether known by several upper and lower jaws from they stem directly from Asia or indirectly via the Late Eocene Ulan Gochu Formation of North America (Escarguel 1999). This Nei Mongol (Dawson 1968). A few other question has also been raised in regard to occurrences from the Middle and Late other members of the Early Eocene European Eocene (Li 1963, Dawson 1964, Shevyreva fauna (Godinot 1996). At least for the 1984, Tong, 1997), mostly of isolated teeth, rodents, some fossil evidence supports the are the only additional ischyromyids from the interpretation of a dispersal route into Europe Asian Eocene, outside of several taxa from via North America. The first indication in the Middle Eocene fissure fillings of southern favor of this route comes from the North Jiangsu Province, China (Dawson & Wang American origin for the microparamyines, 2001). which are absent in the known Asian record. Following their appearance as an already Microparamyines are an important part of the diverse group of rodents in the Bumbanian, rodent fauna in Early Eocene deposits of the the ctenodactyloids continued to be the char- High Arctic, an area that was part of the acteristic, and endemic, Asian rodents of the North Atlantic province bridging the gap Middle and Late Eocene. Their endemic between North America and Europe. Thus, radiation presumably involved differentiation


Table 3 Temporal ranges of European Paleogene rodent genera by MP reference level, based in part on Hartenberger (1989). ? indicates that MP level is not precisely known; > indicates that range extends into the Miocene.


DAWSON: Paleogene rodents of Eurasia

Table 3 Temporal ranges of European Paleogene rodent genera by MP reference level, based in part on Hartenberger (1989). ? indicates that MP level is not precisely known; > indicates that range extends into the Miocene. (continued)

into several families although the content of The Middle Eocene chapattimyids appear these groups is not yet convincingly esta- to have been endemic to the Indian subconti- blished (Tong 1997, Wang 1997). The cteno- nent, though possibly derived from ctenodac- dactyloids suffered a major decrease in diver- tyloids of central Asia (Sahni & Khare 1973, sity at the end of the Sharamurunian, none Hartenberger 1982). Later affinities of the are reported from the Ergilian, and only rela- chapattimyids have been suggested to be with tively derived Ctenodactylidae are known the African phiomyids (Hussain et al. 1978, from the Oligocene of central Asia (Wang de Bruijn et al. 1982), with the baluchimyi- 1997). nes (Flynn et al. 1986), or still unclear (Wang



1997). The south Asian endemic baluchimyi- Although the Ergilian Zelomys (Wang & Li nes appear first in the Late Eocene Krabi 1990) has been referred to the Eomyidae Basin of Thailand (Marivaux et al. 2000), and because of some presumed dental similarities later in the Early Oligocene of Pakistan with the North American eomyid Namatomys (Flynn et al. 1986, Marivaux et al. 1999). (Korth 1994), the zygomasseteric structure of Phylogenetic position of the baluchimyines, Zelomys indicates that it is not an eomyid and which have a highly lophate occlusal pattern it may represent a new Asian endemic family. of the cheek teeth and multiserial incisor ena- Cricetids and zapodids both have Asian mel, is far from well established but may records back to the Irdinmanhan, a time when have been somewhere in the ctenodactyloid- the two families are morphologically very chapattimyid-phiomyid radiation of rodents similar and some cricetids still retain P4 that had a southern Asia-northern Africa dis- (Wang & Dawson 1994). The two families tribution in the Paleogene. probably share a common origin, but whether Four other rodent families, the Cylindro- this occurred in North America or Asia is still dontidae, Eomyidae, Cricetidae, and Zapo- not clear. Evidence for the former comes didae, also were present in the Asian Middle from North American occurrences of the late and Late Eocene. All of these families are Early Eocene Armintomys in which there is shared with North America in the Eocene.The evidence of some development of hystrico- Family Cylindrodontidae is an old family that morphy and the incisor enamel is transitional appears to be of North American origin, to uniserial (Dawson et al. 1990) and of the based on rodents now under study from the primitive zapodid Elymys from the early Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the Gulf Middle Eocene of Nevada (Emry & Korth Coastal Plain that may be the earliest repre- 1989). These genera predate the Asian zapo- sentatives of this family. A questionable dids, and may help to bridge the gap between cylindrodontid Dawsonomys is known from the North American sciuravids and the ear- the Wasatchian, and the primitive cylindrod- liest myomorphs. Whatever their place of ori- ontid Mysops is a common rodent in gin, early zapodids were more diverse in Asia Bridgerian faunas. The family persists in than in North America. One of the oldest North America through the Chadronian. The zapodids, known from numerous isolated Asian record commences with two genera teeth, is Primisminthus yuenus from the reported from the Irdinmanhan, Orientocylin- Irdinmanhan Hetaoyuan Formation of Henan drodon (Fig. 5) from China (Tong 1997) and Province, which ranges into the Sharamuru- Proardynomys from Mongolia (Dashzeveg & nian Zhaili Formation of Shanxi Province, Meng 1998). Beringia appears to have been a where it occurs with another zapodid, hospitable habitat for these rodents in the Banyusminthus (Tong 1997). A second later Eocene, shown by an Asian-North Irdinmanhan genus, Aksyiromys, is known by American sharing of the genera Ardynomys isolated teeth from the Kolpak Formation in (Ergilian and Chadronian) and Pseudocylin- eastern Kazakhstan (Emry et al. 1998). The drodon (Ergilian and Duchesnean- Ergilian Caijiachong fauna of Yunnan shows Chadronian). even greater diversity, with three genera, The Eomyidae are also shared by North Allosminthus, Heosminthus, and Sinosminthus, America and Asia, appearing in North of which Heosminthus may be related to America in the Middle Eocene (Uintan). The Banyusminthus on the one hand and oldest known Asian eomyid is the Ergilian Plesiosminthus on the other. Sinosminthus has Symplokeomys of Kazakhstan. This genus has been allied to Parasminthus (Wang 1985). highly derived dental characteristics for an eomyid, shown by complexities of cusps and lophs of its cheek teeth (Emry et al. 1997).

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Table 4 Number of genera of Paleogene rodents in Europe (left) and Asia (right). Darker shading indicates number of genera belonging to families that are endemic to Asia or Europe. Arranged by MP reference levels for Europe. Abbreviations for Asian Land Mammal Ages: B, Bumbanian; A, Arshantan; I, Irdinmanhan; S, Sharamurunian; E, Ergilian; S, Shandgolian; T,Tabenbulukian.

THE EUROPEAN EOCENE RECORD the small and middle-sized Ischyromyidae at Endemism is the strongly documented char- that time to the development of the therido- acteristic of European rodent faunas after the myids. A more recent investigation Early Eocene (Hartenberger 1973). In a fairly (Escarguel 1999), however, derives the theri- restricted geographic area, bounded by the domyids from European Microparamyini, sea where the North Atlantic terrestrial pro- particularly Hartenbergeromys. The later vince formerly existed, and a well-developed Eocene record of theridomyids is one of Turgai marine barrier, the European later generic diversity and dominance, from only Eocene rodents developed in isolation. They the genus Protadelomys in MP13-14, to four even suffered a mini-diversity crisis early in additional genera in MP15 and 10 genera in the Middle Eocene after the extinction of MP20. small to medium-sized ischyromyids but One of the best-documented histories of prior to the initial radiation of the any rodent family is the lineage of the glirids Theridomyidae (Hartenberger 1993). The (Fig. 6), which have been shown to be deri- ischyromyids Ailuravus, Plesiarctomys, and ved before the Middle Eocene from European Masillamys persisted after the Early Eocene. microparamyines (Hartenberger 1971). The The endemic rodent family Theridomyidae oldest, Eogliravus wildi, occurs in MP10 of is known only from Europe from origin to western Europe (Daams 1999). The fossil extinction. The oldest known theridomyid, record of this family provides a strong exa- Protadelomys, is first recognized in MP13 mple of endemic development in rodents, for and MP14; this suggested to Hartenberger throughout the Eocene and most of the (1990) an allochthonous origin and migration Oligocene glirids were restricted to western into Europe at the Early-Middle Eocene Europe. boundary. He attributed local extinction of


BREAKING THROUGH THE BAR- 1994), when the family was evidently highly RIERS: EURASIA AFTER THE successful and showed no adverse effects fol- GRANDE COUPURE lowing immigration of the eomyids and cri- The major faunal changes in Europe identi- cetids. Their decline was a later Miocene fied as the Grande Coupure were pronounced event (Daams 1999), apparently not related to for rodents as well as for the ungulates on the Early Oligocene rodent incursions from which the concept was originally established Asia. (Stehlin 1909, Heissig 1979b), being marked On the Asian side, the ctenodactyloids especially by the first appearances in Europe remained Asian endemics during the Oligo- of rodent families Aplodontidae, Cricetidae, cene, with a diversity of seven genera, but all Eomyidae, Castoridae, Petauristidae, and in the family Ctenodactylidae (Fig. 8). Their Sciuridae. During the Oligocene Eurasia species diversity remained relatively constant became one enormous geographic province through the Oligocene in central Asia (Wang within which there are great environmental 1997). Baluchimyines are persistent in south- differences. Across Eurasia, rodent faunas go ern Asia (Flynn et al. 1986), and a recently from sharing one family (Ischyromyidae) and discovered diversity of ctenodactyloids is no genera in the late Eocene to sharing four present in Turkey (de Bruijn pers. comm. families (Aplodontidae, Castoridae, 2000). The endemic Tsaganomyidae, highly Eomyidae, and Cricetidae) and five genera in derived burrowing rodents of the central MP21 immediately after the Grande Coupure. Asian Oligocene, have provoked a great deal It is interesting, however, that endemism of speculation about their phylogenetic posi- remains important among Oligocene Eurasian tion (Burke, 1935, Wood 1980), but most pro- rodents. For example, in Europe the therido- bable is the interpretation of these rodents, myids continued through the Oligocene with- which are hystricognathous and have multise- out venturing into Asia, as did the glirids rial incisor enamel, as early Bathyergidae until the latest Oligocene into northwestern (Matthew & Granger 1923, Martin 1992), a China (Wu et al. 2000). The ctenodactyloids family otherwise known from Africa. The avoided Europe, although they reached west- Tachyoryctoididae were another short lasting ward into Turkey, and the tsaganomyids are Asian endemic family, first appearing in the known only from central Asia. late Oligocene (Bohlin 1946) but, although Eight theridomyid genera persisted in variously referred to the Rhizomyidae and Europe through the faunal perturbations mar- Spalacidae, of problematic phylogenetic ked by the Grande Coupure. During the affinities (Klein Hofmeijer & de Bruijn 1985, Oligocene, the family (Fig. 7) continued with Hugueney & Mein 1993). both originations and , but their Although some rodents are known from the generic diversity was reduced by the late Oligocene of the Arabian Peninsula, these Oligocene and no theridomyids persisted have significance for African rather than after the Oligocene. Although the western Eurasian faunal distributions. The Oligocene European late Eocene rodents are still varied rodents from Oman have clear African affini- at the generic level, their lack of morphologi- ties, as would be expected from the Paleo- cal diversity, having only the three families, gene geographic position of the area as part Ischyromyidae, Gliridae, and Theridomyidae, of Africa. Two faunal levels have produced, was one of the several factors contributing to in the lower level, the phiomyids Phiomys the success of immigrant rodents after the and Metaphiomys, added to which are ano- Grande Coupure (Hartenberger 1973, 1989). malurids and cricetids in the upper level The generic diversity of the European ende- (Thomas et al. 1999). mic glirids approximately doubled from the Of the rodent families that expanded into Eocene to the Oligocene (Hartenberger western Europe after the Grande Coupure, the


DAWSON: Paleogene rodents of Eurasia

eomyids (Emry et al. 1997) and cricetids sion of the range of cricetids into eastern (Tong 1992, Wang & Dawson 1994) are Europe comes from the late Eocene known from older fossil records in Asia. The () of Romania, where Pseudo- appearance of in MP21 was conside- cricetodon and Atavocricetodon have been red by Fahlbusch (1973) to represent deriva- found (Baciu and Hartenberger 2001). A tion from the North American Adjidaumo, recent discovery of cricetids in the Early which is first reported from the Duchesnean. Oligocene of Pakistan adds to the intriguing This interpretation remains valid on the basis evidence for a more southerly fauna shared of the currently known Asian record. The between Asia and Europe. Of the two genera oldest known Asian eomyid is the Late represented there, Pseudocricetodon and Eocene Simplokeomys, which has a tooth pat- Atavocricetodon; the former is plesiomorp- tern that is much too derived to suggest hous compared to the first European Pseudo- affinities with Eomys. Later Oligocene cricetodontinae, which first occur in Europe European eomyids (Fig. 9) present a great in MP23; the Pakistan Atavocricetodon has diversity of dental (Fahlbusch 1970) and ske- some characters that are intermediate letal adaptations, including those shown by between those of the Asian Eucricetodon lep- Eomys quercyi, a glider of the late (MP28) taleos and the more derived European species Oligocene (Storch et al. 1996). Eomyids are of Atavocricetodon (Marivaux et al. 1999). often abundant in European Oligocene small The family (Fig. 10) continued to prosper in mammal faunas (Engesser 1999). its new European habitats, with three genera, Although Eomys experienced a species Eucricetodon, Pseudocricetodon, and level radiation during the earlier Oligocene, Melissiodon ranging into the Miocene other eomyid genera (including Pseudo- (Hartenberger 1989, Hugueney 1999). theridomys and Eomyodon (MP28) and Zapodids had a long and varied record in Rhodanomys (MP29)) are not known until Asia well before the arrival of the family in later in the epoch. Of these Pseudotheridomys Europe. Outside of considerable diversity in and Eomyodon are also known from probable the Asian Oligocene, interrelationships of late Oligocene deposits of Asia, showing a taxa are not clear, and indeed, some authori- pan-Eurasian distribution for at least some ties (McKenna & Bell, 1997) have synonymi- eomyid genera (Wang & Emry 1991). Time zed Parasminthus, Heosminthus, Sino- and place of origin for these genera is diffi- sminthus, Gobiosminthus, and Shanosminthus cult to establish due to uncertainties of corre- with Plesiosminthus. However, the North lation within Eurasia. Pseudotheridomys had American and Eurasian Plesiosminthus do a Holarctic Early Miocene distribution. share such characters as the grooved incisor, Rhodanomys appears to have replaced Eomys absent in Parasminthus. Plesiosminthus pro- in the later Oligocene faunas. Apeomys, first myarion , the first zapodid to appear in appearing in the latest Oligocene (MP30) of Europe, is from MP26, well after the Grande Europe, may have been autochthonously deri- Coupure. The genus appears in North ved from Pseudotheridomys (Engesser 1999). America (Engesser 1979, Korth 1994) and in At their first appearance in western Europe Asia (Höck et al. 1999) at approximately the (MP21) after the Grande Coupure cricetids same time. Plesiosminthus (Fig. 11) may are already diverse, being represented by have had a Beringian migration into North Eucricetodon, Paracricetodon, Pseudocrice- America on the one hand, and dispersal into todon, and Atavocricetodon. Of these genera, Europe via a northern migration route, which Eucricetodon has been reported from the late was only available in the later Oligocene Eocene and Oligocene of China, indicating a (Heissig 1979b), on the other. possible place of origin for this taxon. Two of the families newly arrived in Evidence for a pre-Grande Coupure expan- Europe after the Grande Coupure, Aplodon-



tidae (Fig. 12) and Sciuridae (Fig. 13), are record, or by the more southerly route advo- known from older representatives in North cated by Heissig (1979b) for some other America but not in Asia. The Chadronian mammals? The present diversity of sciurids North American Prosciurus, an aplodontid, in southeastern Asia and Africa does not and Douglassia, a sciurid (Emry & Korth appear to have its roots in any known 1996), suggest that the origins for these fami- Paleogene fossil record. lies may be outside of Eurasia. The currently The flying squirrels, Petauristidae, are known record of the aplodontids documents a known in Europe from the Grande Coupure, good deal of Holarctic interchange. The with Oligopetes (Fig. 14) in MP21 and 22 oldest known European aplodontid, (Heissig 1979a). The genus has also been Plesispermophilus (MP21) also occurs in the reported from the Early Oligocene of late Oligocene of Asia. Ephemeromys, a Pakistan (Marivaux this volume). Interrela- European prosciurine (MP22), has been con- tionships among the flying squirrels united as sidered to indicate a European origin for the Petauristidae are inadequately understood (de Allomyinae, with later Oligocene (Arikareean) Bruijn 1999). migration into North America (Wang & The oldest known Castoridae are North Heissig 1984, Korth 1992, 1994). In the case American, with the Chadronian genus of Parallomys, the genus is first known from Agnotocastor, which is first known in Asia the late Oligocene of Europe, and later from from the Early Oligocene along with North America (Korth 1992). The prosciurine Propaleocastor. The beaver Steneofiber (Fig. Haplomys has late Oligocene records in Asia 15) is recorded in Europe after the Grande and North America. An Asian origin for the Coupure in MP21 (Hugueney 1975). Meniscomyinae is indicated by the late Agnotocastor and Propaleocastor persist Oligocene Promeniscomys (Wang 1986); this through the Oligocene in Asia, where beaver genus has a more brachydont dentition than diversity increases in the late Oligocene with others in the subfamily, which underwent a the first appearance of Asiacastor (Lytschev considerable later radiation in North America 1970, 1978). By the late Oligocene (Korth 1994). Palaeomys has joined Steneofiber in Europe. The Sciuridae are an interesting case. The The burrowing castoroid Rhizospalax is a North American Chadronian Douglassia, with European endemic, presumably locally deri- its primitive protrogomorphous zygomassetic ved (Hugueney & Mein 1993) and limited to structure, is more primitive as well as appa- the European late Oligocene (MP29-30). rently older than the post-Grand Coupure appearance of sciurids in Europe, PALEOGENE RODENTS: SURVIVAL Palaeosciurus in MP21 (Brunet & Vianey- OF THE FITTEST Liaud 1987). Later in the Oligocene, sciurids The Paleogene record of the Rodentia attests exhibited some diversity in Europe and North to a remarkable evolutionary adaptability that America but interrelationships across the led to a highly successful role in terrestrial Holarctic are unclear (de Bruijn 1999), in mammalian faunas. Shaped early in their part because of an inadequate Asian record of existence by the late Paleocene-Eocene ther- the family. The only sciurid reported from the mal maximum, stressed by cooling later in Asian Oligocene is based on two small teeth the Eocene, adapting to the pressures of faun- referred to Sciurus from the late Oligocene of al migrations, the rodents responded by a Taben-buluk, China (Bohlin 1946). Did the wide array of dental, musculo-skeletal, and sciurids migrate between North America and presumably behavioral and physiological Europe via a northern route, as suggested by adaptations that insured their survival. de Bruijn & Ünay (1989), crossing areas The early division of Asian rodents into the where there is no known Paleogene rodent ischyromyids and their kin on the one hand


DAWSON: Paleogene rodents of Eurasia

and the ctenodactyloids on the other had phy- REFERENCES logenetic results that can be traced past the Baciu, C. & Hartenberger, J.-L., 2001 - Un exemple de temporal limits of the Paleogene. Following corrélation marin-continental dans le Priabonien de their Asian origin, rodents quickly entered the Roumanie. Remarques sur la Grande Coupure - migratory mode, colonizing the Holarctic and Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Africa by the beginning of the Eocene, but Sciences de la Terre et des planètes 333: 441-446 also showing strong endemism in both Beard, K.C., 1998 - East of Eden: Asia as an important Europe and Asia (Table 4). During the center of taxonomic origination in mammalian evolu- Eocene the European endemic glirids and tion - in: Beard, K.C. & Dawson, M. R. (eds.) - Dawn theridomyids developed in geographic isola- of the Age of Mammals in Asia – pp. 5-39, Bulletin tion, whereas the Asian endemic ctenodacty- of Carnegie Museum of Natural History 34 loids shared their habitats with several inva- Beard, K.C. & Dawson, M.R., 1999 - Intercontinental ders that seemed to have come from Beringia dispersal of Holarctic land mammals near the and the American part of the Asian-American Paleocene/Eocene boundary: paleogeographic, paleo biotic province. Reduction in diversity of the climatic and biostratigraphic implications - Bulletin old endemic natives in Asia occurred prior to de le Société géologique de France 170 (5): 697-706 the faunal changes that took place in Europe Benammi, M., Chaimanee,Y., Jaeger, J.-J., Suteethorn, V. following the Grande Coupure. & Ducrocq, S., 2001- Eocene Krabi basin (southern Rodent migrations in the Oligocene inclu- Thailand): Paleontology and magnetostratigraphy - ded not only invasions into western Europe Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 113: from the east but also multidirectional move- 265-273 ments across the Holarctic. Routes appear to Berggren, W.A., Kent, D.V., Swisher III, C.C. & Aubry have been both southerly, as shown by the M.-P., 1995 - A revised Cenozoic geochronology and rodent records from Pakistan and Turkey, and chronostratigraphy - in: Berggren, W.A., Kent, D.V., northern, as implied by the lag in dispersal of Aubry, M.-P. & Hardenbol, J. (eds.) - Geochronology, the zapodids into Europe, the absence of sciu- time scales and global stratigraphic correlation – pp. rids in the earlier Oligocene of Asia, and fre- 129-212, SEPM Special Publication 54 quent crossings of Beringia between Eurasia Bohlin, B., 1946 - The fossil mammals from the Tertiary and America by other rodents. deposit of Taben-buluk, western Kansu. Part II: Simplididentata, Carnivora, Artiodactyla, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Perissodactyla, and Primates - Palaeontologia Sinica Both hearty and sincere thanks are extended C, 8b: 1-259 to my long time colleague Hans de Bruijn, Bruijn, H. de, 1999 - Superfamily Sciuroidea - in: who not only provided the stimulus to under- Rössner, G.E. & Heissig, K. (eds.) - Miocene land take this review but also collected significant mammals of Europe – pp. 271-280, Verlag Dr F. parts of the fossil record on which it is based. Pfeil, Munich He and Wilma Wessels were most helpful to Bruijn, H. de, Hussain, S.T. & Leinders, J.J.M., 1982 - me in preparing this paper. Jaap Luteyn pre- On some Early Eocene rodent remains from Barbara pared the figures; Mark A. Klingler did the Banda, Kohat, Pakistan, and the early history of the graphics. I have also very greatly appreciated order Rodentia - Proceedings of the Koninklijke my glirological associations over the years Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen B 85 (3): with my honored mentors Robert Wilson and 249-258 the late Albert Wood. Long live rodents and Bruijn, H. de & Ünay E., 1989 - Petauristinae their students! (Mammalia, Rodentia) from the Oligocene of Spain, Belgium, and Turkish Thrace - in: Black, C.C. & Dawson, M.R. (eds.) - Papers on fossil rodents in honor of Albert Elmer Wood – pp 139-145, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Science



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116 DAWSON: Paleogene rodents of Eurasia

Figure 1 Family Alagomyidae: Alagomys oriensis,Wutu fauna, China, Bumbanian. 1: occlusal view of M1 overlying M2; 2: M3; 3: occlusal view of p4-m3; 4: lateral view of mandible (after Tong & Dawson 1995). Note: For consistency, all figures have the jaws and teeth positioned to show the upper right side and lower left side.


Figure 2 Family Cocomyidae: Cocomys lingchaensis, Hengdong fauna, China, Bumbanian. Occlusal views of above, P3-M3 and below, p4-m3 (after Li et al. 1989).

118 DAWSON: Paleogene rodents of Eurasia

Figure 3 Family Yuomyidae: Yuomys cavioides, Rencun fauna, China, Sharamurunian. Occlusal views above, maxilla with P3-M3 and below mandible with p4-m3 (after Li 1975).


Figure 4 Family Ischyromyidae: Pantrogna marandati, Prémontré, France, lower Eocene (MP10). Occlusal views of above, maxilla with M1-3; center, P4-M3; and below p4-m3 (after Escarguel 1999).


DAWSON: Paleogene rodents of Eurasia

Figure 5 Family Cylindrodontidae: Orientocylindrodon liguanqiaoensis, Shipigou fauna, China, Irdinmanhan. Occlusal view of P4-M2 (after Tong 1997).

Figure 6 Family Gliridae: Eogliravus hammeli, Bouxwiller, France, Middle Eocene (MP13). Occlusal views of above, P4-M3 and below, p4-m3 (after Hartenberger 1971).



Figure 7 Family Theridomyidae: Theridomys aquatilis, Ronzon , France, lower Oligocene (MP21). Occlusal views of above, P4-M3 and below, p4-m3 (after Vianey-Liaud 1972).

Figure 8 Family Ctenodactylidae: Tataromys plicidens, Hsanda Gol, Mongolia, lower Oligocene, Shandgolian. Occlusal views of above, P4-M3 and below, p4-m3 (after Wang 1997).


DAWSON: Paleogene rodents of Eurasia

Figure 9 Family Eomyidae: Eomys huerzeleri, Rances, Switzerland, upper Oligocene (MP29). Occlusal views of above, P4-M3 and below, p4-m3 (after Engesser 1999).

Figure 10 Family Cricetidae: Heterocricetodon hausi , Bumbach, Switzerland, Middle Oligocene (MP25). Occlusal views of above, M1-3 and below, m1-3 (after Engesser 1987).



Figure 11 Family Zapodidae: Plesiosminthus schaubi, Coderet, France, Upper Oligocene (MP30). Occlusal view of above, P4-M2 and below, m1-2 (after Engesser 1979).

Figure 12 Family Aplodontidae: Plesispermophilus ernii, Coderet, France, Upper Oligocene (MP30). Occlusal view of above, maxilla with P4-M2 and below, mandible with p4-m2 (after Viret & Casoli, 1961).


DAWSON: Paleogene rodents of Eurasia

Figure 13 Family Sciuridae: Palaeosciurus goti, Mas de Got, France, lower Oligocene (MP22). Occlusal view of above, p4, m1, m2 and below P3, P4-M3 (after Vianey-Liaud 1974).

Figure 14 Family Petauristidae: Oligopetes obtusus, Möhren 13, Germany, lower Oligocene (MP22). Occlusal view of left, m1or2 and right, M1or2 (after Heissig 1979a).



Figure 15 Family Castoridae: Steneofiber butselensis, Hoogbutsel-Hoeleden, Belgium, lower Oligocene (MP21). Occlusal view of above, P4-M3 and below, p4-m2 (after Hugueney 1975).