WALKERBURN & DISTRICT COMMUNITY COUNCIL Draft Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 20th June, 2018. Present: Dr S. Henderson (Chairman), Mrs L. Thornton (Secretary), Ms. E. Guy, Miss M. McIntosh MBE, Mrs I. Ogilvie-Wilson, Mr. G. Thornton, Mr I. McVean, Mr P. Waller, Ex Officio: Cllr. S. Bell, Cllr. R. Tatler

1. Chairman’s Introduction. Following on from the AGM, held prior to this meeting, the Chairman again welcomed all present, especially new Community Councillor, Ms Emma Guy. He again thanked Miss McIntosh for being of such excellent service to Walkerburn as Vice-Chairman and hoped that she would find work on the ‘back benches’ a little less arduous! Similarly, he also thanked Irene Ogilvie-Wilson for her useful contributions over a number of years and was grateful to her for accepting a request to stand as a co-opted member, especially regarding her expertise regarding health matters.

2. Apologies and Notices. Apologies for absence received from Ms M. Daykin, Cllr. S. Haslam, and P.C. Burnside

3. Open Questions. None.

5. Police Report. PC Burnside sent a short report, covering the preceding month. Although there were no major local incidents reported to the Police, he again stressed that residents should be aware that Bogus Workmen are still operating locally. He also repeated recent warnings and advice regarding Dog Control, Fraudulent Telephone Calls, Personal Safety and Home Security. Members of the public are reminded to remain vigilant and contact Police by ‘phone on 101 if they have any suspicions regarding person(s) or vehicles. Please e-mail any feedback to: -christopher.burnside@.pnn.police.uk

6. Approval of the Amended Draft Minutes of April Meeting. Acceptance of these minutes was proposed by Mr P. Waller, and seconded by Mr I. McVean and passed by members.

7. Matters Arising from the May Minutes. a). Beltane Studio: Beltane Studio repointing and full protection of the War Memorial now completed. b). Pathway Extension: G. Thornton arranging July Meeting with Richard Howard (Clovenfords CC), Walkerburn Development Trust, Councillor Bell and Graeme Johnstone (Senior Engineer -SBC) c). Planning matters Stakeholder Meeting at SBC : Attended by G. Thornton. Minutes to be circulated before July WDCC meeting. d) Area Partnership AGM: Ms Daykin attended. Councillor Tatler reported that this was another useful meeting. Minutes will be circulated before July WDCC meeting.. e) ‘No Cold Calling Area’: to be put to Walkerburn in the Autumn to seek resident’s views before deciding what further action should be taken. f). A72 ‘Fatal Accident’ meeting: Chairman attended and discussed the case for significant improvements to the dangerous bends on the A72 to the East of Walkerburn. Not a very satisfactory outcome as such matters have been ruled as outside of WDCC remit. Matter will, however, be pursued by Councillors via Legal Department. The Community Council will be notified of any further developments. g). SBCCN AGM: Attended by Secretary and G. Thornton. Another informative meeting, especially with regard to sources of grants. Minutes to be circulated to members before July WDCC meeting. h). Universal Credit scheme: is now being implemented and a discussion was had on the necessity to keep local residents informed of what was happening. Secretary has been in communication with SBC and

1 Booklets etc will be available and distributed by her in the near future. A report will also appear in ‘Burning Issues’.

8. May to June 2018 Correspondence List - (All emails already circulated to members) 1. Email from Communities and Marketing Department, SBC attaching a briefing note on the headstone safety inspection programme provided to the Elected Members of Council dated Friday 25 May 2018. Also attached was a copy of a press release to be issued to local media. Further information: SBC Neighbourhood Services online, or via 0300 100 1800. 2. Email from Adam Drummond, Senior Communications and Marketing Officer (in reply to an email from myself requesting copies of the Universal Credit Guide). He informed me that the copy I had was a draft and in the process of being amended and that I would receive copies once it was finalized. (I have since been informed that I will receive copies of the guides, posters etc shortly.) 3. Email from Louise McGeoch, Democratic Services Team Leader, SBC regarding a Democracy Matters conversation, which will identify new legal rights for communities which would place them at the heart of decision-making. The Democracy Matters conversation is a joint venture between the Scottish Government, COSLA and the community sector and will run over the next six months. You can get involved by answering the questions contained in the document Democracy Matters - Your Community. Your Ideas. Your Future: http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2018/05/6780. 4. Email from John Ogilvie, Planning Manager, Forest Enterprise Scotland, Dumfries & Borders Forest District, inviting a representative from our organisation, to a combined Forestry Panel Meeting and Tweed Valley Forest Park Land Management Plan (TVFP LMP) Scoping on Thursday 21st June 2018 at from 9.30am to 3.30pm in Cardrona Village Hall. The focus is on the Tweed Valley. (Mr and Mrs Thornton will attend.) 5. Email from Scottish Water informing us that their country-wide consultation, Shaping the Future, has hit the half-way mark, with three months now completed. Tens of thousands of people are set to connect direct with the consultation at a series of high profile summer events to help to determine priorities over the next 25 years. The six-month consultation draws to a close on August 31st. Further information on Shaping the Future can be found at www.yourwater.scot along with the chance to watch the videos and take part in the survey. www.scottishwater.co.uk 6. Email from Clare Malster, Strategic Community Engagement Officer, Communities and Partnerships Team regarding Digital Exclusion, part of SBC’s Digital Transformation Programme. They will advise on what is available to people who want to learn how to use the internet or want to develop the skill they already have and if we would benefit from some support from SBC. Tel: 01835 826626 (direct line), E- Mail: [email protected] www.scotborders.gov.uk 7. Email from Eppie Sprung, Director, Here For Growth, She is a third sector business growth consultant in Dumfries and Galloway and is hoping to branch out into the Borders. Services include Community Engagement, Independent Evaluation, Project and Event Management, Sustainability Bid Development and Fund-finding. Also information about the CARES Fund (https://www.localenergy.scot/funding/enablement-grant/). CARES have an enablement fund, with grants of up to £25,000, that is available to communities with community benefit funds. 8. Police Report from P C Burnside. 9. Email circulated by Louise McGeoch for Morag Walker, Executive Officer, The Bridge, [email protected] confirming that the Information Commissioner’s Office are keen to hold two GDPR Workshop Sessions in Scottish Borders in |July. Our local one would be in . A representative from our organisation has been invited to attend. 10. Email from Jenni Craig, Service Director – Customer & Communities, SBC regarding Area Partnerships. Concerns have been expressed by the Scottish Borders Community Councils’ Network about the format and structure of the meetings and, whilst a planned review of the Area Partnerships is not due until mid-2019, she is keen to get some initial feedback from community councillors. She is inviting community council to submit a response to a questionnaire. (I have asked Mary Daykin to complete the questionnaire, as she is our representative.) 11. Email from Duncan Morrison, Flood and Coastal Management Team Leader, Asset Management, Commercial Services, SBC with six attachments informing us that SEPA , along with other responsible

2 authorities under the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009, have now begun planning for the 2nd Flood Risk Management (FRM) Planning Cycle 2022 – 2028. From 1 May until 31 July, a public consultation on Potentially Vulnerable Areas (PVAs) will be available on the SEPA’s website here: https://consultation.sepa.org.uk/evidence-and-flooding/pvas2018.

9. Planning and Notices. There were three Planning requests forward to the Community Council for observation: a) Site Adjacent 9 Caberston Avenue – erection of dwelling house with garage and artist studio. Comments- High Cottages residents have raised concerns regarding heavy vehicles accessing the site. Chairman attended a meeting and suggested that residents submit these concerns to Planning Dept. Councillor Bell agreed that the best way to proceed in order to mitigate these problems was for residents to meet with Roads Department re traffic concerns and access/egress to A72 Road. He also advised that Access problems can be difficult to pursue and will speak to Ian Aikman regarding this meeting. Community Council agreed that they had no site objections but were similarly concerned about contractors’ vehicles causing problems. b) Extensions to Dwelling House at 12 Park Avenue – Members raised no objections to this application and had not heard of any concerns raised by neighbours. They were satisfied to leave the decision to SBC Planning. c) Proposed erection of 2 dwelling houses on vacant site adjoining 18 Park Avenue – members were aware that there had been plans to build on this site some years previously and that there had been no objections at that time. They were not aware of any current objections and were satisfied to leave the decision to SBC Planning.

10. Reports by Members. a) Mr Waller spoke about the fact that the grass in Peebles Road had been only partially cut. It was explained that the uncut section was left as a nature strip and also because cutting the steep section posed a safety problem. b) Mrs Thornton mentioned that Ms Daykin had asked her to mention the forthcoming problems that cutting back of late night bus services would cause. Councillor Bell explained that 2 late night bus services from Galashiels to Clovenfords which are funded by Border Rail ‘Blue Pint’ were being cancelled and that efforts were being made to get this restored and to maintain a service as far as Peebles in order to serve Walkerburn and as well. Members were unanimously opposed to the cuts. Secretary will liaise with Councillors to send a joint letter to Tim Stevenson at SBC. c) In answer to a query by a member, Miss McIntosh was able to say that the ‘Sunnybrae Lodge’ had indeed been sold and that roof repairs were in progress. She also mentioned that there was a notice in the St Ronan’s Health Centre concerning an ongoing problem of people failing to keep appointments at Health Centres and Hospitals. It was agreed that this notice should be included in July ‘Burning Issues’ d) Dr Henderson drew attention to the perennial problem of speeding along the A72. The advice given, in the absence of available Police resources, was for witnesses to take a note of vehicle registration numbers and report the incident to the Police via e-mail, Crime Stoppers (tel: 101), etc. He also reported that he had received complaints about vegetation along High Cottages not being cut back by residents and asked that they ensure that nothing overhangs this narrow road. Councillor Bell pointed out that anyone who is affected by such things can report them to SBC, who will investigate and can issue an ‘Anti-Social Order’..

11. Reports by SBC Councillors. a) Councillor Bell pointed out that the back road between Ashiestiel Bridge and Walkerburn had now been re-surfaced and was a big improvement. The potholes along the section from Walkerburn to Traquair Bridge had also been repaired. He said that the White Lines marking crew were busy in Tweeddale this week. He informed members that the ‘No Parking’ notice at the foot of the ladder in Peebles Road was on the list of things to be re-painted.

3 He again mentioned the Flooding Survey being carried out in this area and asked members to ensure that Walkerburn would not be overlooked. Secretary will write to Duncan Morison to point out our local concerns Finally, he informed members that an Housing Strategy team would be carrying out surveys in Walkerburn on 30th June regarding housing outcomes for younger people. A target of 400 face-to-face surveys in the region has been planned. b) Councillor Tatler reminded community councillors that the next Area Partnership Meeting will be held on 5th September at Eddleston Village Hall. The topic for discussion will be ‘Our Place’ – to raise issues about the ‘quality of life’ in Tweeddale. He stated that the previous three meetings had been well attended and that a draft of priorities that have come to the fore will be circulated. He pointed out that the next ‘Localities Fund’ bid will be announced shortly. Lessons learned from the last round will help improve the effectiveness of this new issue He drew attention to a consultation request issued by Jenny Craig which Ms Daykin has agreed to attend. He also pointed out that the Peebles parking survey closes at the end of June. He asked members to be aware that there is now a Community Action Team to combat Anti-Social behaviour in this area. This comprises a sergeant and six constables and can be directed to specific areas of concern, at the request of Councillors. Members of the public are asked to use the ‘101’ telephone line regarding this. The team is currently being pro-active regarding bike thefts.

12. Any Other Business. Following on from the AGM, members formally re-elected Dr Henderson as Chairman for a further one year. Mrs Thornton agreed to remain as Secretary. Mrs Ogilvie-Wilson was elected as a co-opted member for one year.

13. Date of the Next WDCC Meeting. The next meeting will be at 7.00pm on Wednesday 18th July.

14. Chairman’s Closing Remarks. Chairman thanked everyone who attended.