Extensions of Remarks E1681 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

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Extensions of Remarks E1681 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS September 12, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1681 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PERSONAL EXPLANATION tion to the Board of Directors of the National complishment, I congratulate the South Lake Association of Federal Credit Unions. He is Charles All Stars, led by coaches Randall Von HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL currently the President and CEO of American Rosenburg and Ben Corman, and Manager OF NEW YORK Airlines Federal Credit Union, located in the Josh Corman. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES heart of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. I ask my colleagues that this team’s full ros- John has been an advocate for federal cred- ter be included in the CONGRESSIONAL Tuesday, September 12, 2006 it unions for over 15 years, both at the State RECORD. They are Ben Drouilhet, Matt Gallier, Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I would like to and local levels. He has previously served on Tanner Hebert, Zack Cart, Taylor Butler, offer a personal explanation of the reason I the Filene Institute Advisory Council, the Fed- Gavin Cecchini, Timothy Cutrera, Hunter Ford, missed Rollcall vote No. 433 on Thursday, eral Reserve’s Thrift Institutions Advisory Paul Beglis, Nick Zaunbrecher, Tre Goodly, September 7, 2006. This bill concerns H.R. Council and Fannie Mae’s National Advisory Jordan Karam, Gabe Von Rosenberg, and 503, the ‘‘American Horse Slaughter Preven- Council. In addition, John currently serves on Zack Lacombe. tion Act’’. I was hosting a crime forum (‘‘Crime the Aspen Institute’s Advisory Board for the f in the Cities: America’s Mayors Fight Back’’) ‘‘Initiative on Financial Security,’’ and on as part of the 36th Annual Congressional NAFCU’s Legislative Committee. PAYING TRIBUTE TO SETH JONES Black Caucus Legislative Conference. Under John’s guidance, the American Air- I would have voted in favor of the bill lines Federal Credit Union has continued to HON. THOMAS G. TANCREDO (‘‘aye’’). grow, serving over 200,000 employees of the OF COLORADO f air transportation industry in 40 States. During IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his time of leadership, John has worked hard THE OLD SCOTLAND CHURCH OF to ensure that the Credit Union continues to Tuesday, September 12, 2006 CHRIST reflect its original principles: promoting thrift, Mr. TANCREDO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today cooperative ownership, and encouraging vol- to pay tribute to one of my constituents, Mr. HON. SAM GRAVES unteer leadership within each community. Seth Jones of Lone Tree, Colorado. Mr. Jones OF MISSOURI I know John will continue to serve his indus- has been accepted to the People to People IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES try with dedication and leadership. Again, I World Leadership Forum here in our Nation’s Tuesday, September 12, 2006 wish John good luck in his new position as a Capitol. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the People to People program founded by Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause member of the National Association of Federal President Eisenhower in 1956. to recognize the Old Scotland Church of Christ Credit Unions Board of Directors. Mr. Jones has displayed academic excel- near Jameson, Missouri. This church will be f lence, community involvement, and leadership celebrating their sesquicentennial anniversary HONORING THE SOUTH LAKE potential. All students chosen for the program of service to the community on August 26th CHARLES ALL STAR LITTLE have been identified and nominated by edu- and 27th. Over these past 150 years, this LEAGUE BASEBALL TEAM cators. church has been there to meet all the needs Mr. Speaker, I would like to join in paying of its congregation. As a staple of the community for all these HON. CHARLES W. BOUSTANY, JR. tribute to Seth Jones, and wish him the best years, the church has gone through growth OF LOUISIANA in all his future endeavors. and expansion with the Jameson community it IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f serves. From humble beginnings, this church Tuesday, September 12, 2006 HONORING JACK AND DONNA MOR- has been a stabilizing force for this commu- Mr. BOUSTANY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today GAN OF NAPA COUNTY, CALI- nity. Constructed on the corner of a three fam- to recognize and congratulate the South Lake FORNIA ily plot, this congregation has been built on the Charles All Stars, who recently competed in involvement of the members. The Old Scotland Church of Christ carries the 60th Little League World Series in Wil- HON. MIKE THOMPSON on the tradition of letting people interact with liamsport, PA. OF CALIFORNIA the other members of their congregation, Even After winning the Louisiana State tour- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nament the team defeated Mississippi by a as the growth of the congregation made their Tuesday, September 12, 2006 facilities seem small, people would still flow score of 1–0 in the U.S. South West regional out into the adjacent cemetery, and the little tournament in Waco, TX, giving them a berth Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, children huddled around the speaker’s podium in the Little League World Series. This is the I rise today to recognize my good friends Jack just to attend and worship together. second year in a row that a team from South- and Donna Morgan on the day they are hon- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in west Louisiana has represented the U.S. ored as Grandparents of the Year by recognizing the Old Scotland Church of Christ. South West region as one of the top 8 teams ParentsCAN of Napa, Califomia. Their The services that they have provided over in the Nation, and top 16 in the world. thoughtful, steady commitment to their own these 150 years have been fundamental to the These 14 young men, along with their children, grandchildren, and the children of our growth of this community. Let us use the Old coaches and parents, served as ambassadors community is a model of how we all should Scotland Church of Christ as an example the of Louisiana as well as the United States. strive to be a positive influence in the lives of power of people caring and helping one an- Through competition and daily interactions youth. other can have. with teams from all over the United States and Jack and Donna’s reflections on raising their the world, the South Lake Charles All Stars own children and grandchildren attach the f represented Southwest Louisiana with dignity highest importance to personal care and affec- RECOGNIZING JOHN TIPPETS and sportsmanship both on and off the field. tion. As they put it, ‘‘Our goal was to always, Bill Castle, a volunteer host who served as no matter the circumstances, insure that they HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS a chaperone for the team said, ‘‘It took 30 felt loved.’’ But they have also undertaken the OF TEXAS minutes for me to suspect this was a special larger task of trying to educate their children in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES group of kids. They spent the rest of the week the history of their family through trips, and in- confirming that suspicion.’’ stilling civic pride during trips to Washington, Tuesday, September 12, 2006 This team embodies the ideals of Little DC. It has been a pleasure to welcome their Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to League Baseball—Character, Courage, and family back each time they visit the nation’s recognize Mr. John Tippets for his recent elec- Loyalty. For this reason, and their athletic ac- capitol. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:03 Sep 13, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12SE8.001 E12SEPT1 E1682 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 12, 2006 Mr. Speaker, Jack and Donna’s contribu- Mr. Greene was born on July 18, 1913, in competition from larger institutions like tions to the community of the Napa Valley ex- Charleston, SC. At a time when very few Afri- Chase. ‘‘He was perhaps the most critical factor in tend far beyond the boundaries of their own can Americans were going to college, Mr. preventing Carver from getting swept away’’ family. Young and old alike have benefited Greene graduated with a degree in business in the savings and loan crisis, said Deborah from Jack’s involvement as a trustee of the administration from Hampton University and C. Wright, Carver’s current president. He Napa Valley Opera House, and as Chairman did postgraduate work at New York University avoided the high-risk loans that got other of Friends of the Lincoln Theater he led the and the Wharton School of Banking and Fi- institutions into trouble, chiefly investing in drive to fund a stunning renovation of this nance. He also attained the rank of major in one- to four-family homes and in churches, great community theater. Donna has partici- the U.S. Army during his World War II service, and kept loans at a relatively low level com- pared with deposits, she said. pated in community organizations too numer- and was awarded an honorary doctorate from Mr. Greene retired as president in 1995 and ous to list, but of particular note is her work to St. John’s University. as chairman in 1997. end the scourge of gang activity through her Greene’s most noted contribution came He was also active in many other Harlem participation in drafting the Ten Year Master through the work he did as the president and institutions.
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