BRAKES the Cubs
THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. * C-5 Cards Conquer Blair Nine Grabs TUBSPAT, MAT 1. 1950 Colonials Seek * Southpaw Jinx Straight MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS . Bi-County By tha Third Aaaoeiated Press RUNS RATTED IN—Post Take Lead Lead and Jablon- To Long. AMERICAN akl. Cincinnati. 13: Pittsburgh, LEAGUE and Musial. St. Louis. 10; Ollllam and Continued From Pare C-l BATTING ibased on 25 mt haul—Wertz, Campanclla. Brooklyn, and Spencer. He replaced by Jackie Col- Cleveland. .447: Mantle. New York. New York. 9. was .415: Skowron. New York. .409: Olaon, . HITS—Long, Pittsburgh. 18: Dark. New Today lum after walking the leadoft ! Washington, 404: Pieraall. Boaton. York, and, Boyer. St. Louis. 16; Ash- Over GU With B-CCs Aid .387. burn. Philadelphia. 14: five piayera . I RUNS—Yost, tied with 13. hitter, Logan, in the ninth. Col- Washlnaton. 13: Bauer, Brooklyn. «: George Washington was shoot- 81-COUNTY LEAGUE STANDINGS 1 New York. 11. Mantle. New 10; ¦ DOUBLES—FurIIIo. Bell. L. W. L. York. Cincinnati; Dark. New York, and Long. lum, a lefthanded pitcher, gottW. point Trlando*. Baltimore: Wert*. Cleveland, Pittsburgh ing for its third straight base- Mont. BUir 2 0 High 11 and Berra. New York. 9. 5: Adcock. Milwaukee. 4. a * Northwestern 11 Bladensburg 1 21 TRlPLES—Landrtth. Chicago; Bruton, ball Mathews, lefthanded hitter, to Suitland 11 Beth.-Ch. Ch. I 2j RUNS BATTED IN—Mantle. New York. Milwaukee, and Walls. Pittsburgh. 2; victory over Georgetown in 1 15: Berra, New York. 14; Wert*. nine players led with 1. hit into a force play. The next t Cleveland.
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