St-'- m FRIDAY, JULY 21, IM l PAOB FOURTEEN ATcrage Daily Net Press Run The Weather . For tlio Week Ended Foreeaat of C. 8. Weather Bniean party for 35 gueats. and Mrs. Bev­ June S, 1961 Zoners Will Hear Two Bridal Fetes erly DeSimone gave a party for LT “wo5S CO. Runny, hot, humid Uila- after- About Town family and friende. Greek Scout Leader at Day Camp 13,330 noon and Sunday, chance of eve­ Shea Bid Again For Miss Liimell Miss Linnell will bwonie the ICE m M T ning thnndershowera both days. The Prank J. Manaflald Marine — _ ^ bride of Paul Krebs on Saturday. Member of the Audit Fair, warm tonight. I.,qw tonight 51 BIS8EIX STREET Burena of OrenlatloB OS to 70. High Sunday near M. Corpi League Auxiliary will hold i The Zoning Board of Appeals By PATRICIA PL.YTT I Miss Patricia Linnell,-. daughter •Tuly 29, at 10 a.m. at the Church a cake sale Saturday at P:30 a m. Girl scouting .methods in the i of Mrs. Gertrude Linnell,' 80 Cot­ of the Assumption. Mr. Krebs Is Turn East From Mala St. Manchester— A City of Village Charm (ZBA) will hold its second public At State Theater at House and Hale's department ; hearing this month to review a United States are similar to those j tage St- recentiv was honored with the grandson of Mrs. Harold Burn­ Store, two bndal showers. Mrs. Lillian ham. Burnside Ave.. East Hart­ ; second request, within as many In her own country, a Greek scout­ (Cbuslfted Advertlalng on Page 10) ! months, from Atty. Francis C. Aceto was hostess at a garden ford. VOL. L X X X , NO. 248 (TEN PAGES— TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1961 PRICE FIVE CENTS Members of Concordia Evangeli­ I Shea, for permission to erect an ing observer has found, and Brown­ cal Lutheran Church will hold i office building at 3.11 E. Center ies everywhere respond equally^well their annual picnic Sunday at noon •1 st. to learning a new song. at Brae Marr Day Camp, upper f A similar request from .\tty. "My ship comes from China with P V Q S i d s i t t Premier Castro Bolton I,ake. A vc.sper sendee will , Shea was tabled following a pub- a catgo of tea, and plenty of pre- State News be held in the'evening. Members ; lie hearing on June 19 and later .<ients for you and for me. .." Miss wnll bring .folding chairs. ! denied by the ZBA on June 29. Eva Rentheroudaki taught Brown­ Ordinarily a second request, con- ies at Camp Merrie-Wood on Gard­ Major E. Walter Lamie of the i cerning the same use of property ner St. Wednesday. She found the Preparing U.S. Prepares Airlift Roundup Urges Salx'ation Army will deliver the girls enthusiastic and quick to | HOUSE k HALE I would have to wait si.x months iin- dally radio broadcasts over radio I der ZBA rules of pi-ocedure unless learn. Main Street, Manchester station WTXF next week.- Broad­ the applicant proves a substantial The commissioner of the Brownie Baby Abandoned cast Urnc is Sunday at “ :3.^ p.m.. 1 TV Speech change in the use of said prop- branch of Girl Scouts in Greece, O f20,000 from Cuba and daily. S.l-.second message.^ at ertv.. the Hellenic Girl Scouts .As.socia- In East Hartford iinspecifled times. fn this case. Ally. Shea has tiom Miss Penthero'.idaki is study­ ANNOUNCES Hyannis Port, Mass., July proved s substantial change, with ing' scouUng in this eouiitry Washington, July 22 (/P)— ■^united states broke off relations Miss Emily Kiasmann, treasurer new plans for relocation of the through sponsorship of the Juliette 22 {IP)— President Kennedy East Hartford, July 22 (A*) of the Ladies Aid Society of Zion The United States organiised with Cuba last January and those French-Tunis Truce building and parking areas. Low Fund for International Girl —A 2-week-old abandoned Evangelical Lutheran Church, will expects to have in his hands who since have obtained “waivers The ZBA denied the previous Scouts and Girl Guide."". a commercial airlift today to of visas." A waiver is simply a baby boy ia doing fine at East attend the ninth biennial conven­ request mainly hevaiise of the po- She irill i-emain in this area un­ by tomorrow the first draft tion of the '' Lutheran Women's of the vitally important ad­ give free flights from Havana ruling by the U. S. government Hartford Hospital, where be : sitirui of the building and parking til .4iig. 1. when she will leave to that an individual may enter with­ Missionary League Wednesday and dress he will deliver Tuesday to Miami to more than 20,000 is described as a bealtby, nor­ Thur.sday at Fhttsburgli. Pa She. , areas on parrels of land located attend the Edith -Maev Training out a visa. Since the break in dela­ ■ in the Residence Zone C .School for scout leadera in Cuban refugees. mal infant. Is second rice president of the dis­ on shoring up the national Whether Prime Minister Fidel tions, no Cuban has been able to Bourguiba Pleasantrille. N’.Y. She has al­ obtain a visa because there are no The child was found by Robert trict. and will repre.senl the Zion defense. Castro would permit the mass exo­ Sanders, 63, of 48 Mllwood Rd„ yes­ group. ready spent more than a month For the moment, though, Ken­ U. S. consuls in Cuba \ FVl Ladies !*laii vi.siting the Diablo Valley Council. dus was ndt known Immediately in terday when he returned to hla car nedy cast aside official care and Washington. Most of the Cubans holding after half an hour's shopping. Members of the Young Demo­ Girl Scouts of .America, in Cal­ settled Into the easy, comfortable waivers, the State Department an­ Asks T alk ifornia, and plans to visit Wash- The State Department an­ The child was in a cardboard box cratic Club of Manchester will at­ Carnival of Fun 20% OFF! ways of a Cape Cod weekend. nounced last night that the gov­ nouncement said, fall into two ingtrai. D.C.. and New York City on the front seat. Police were un­ tend a family picinic at the home ON THE Aides said the President's sched­ ernment had "arranged to defray groups — relatives of Cubans al able to find any clue to his identity. of Robert P Coleman and ^fiss before returning to Athens Aug ule for today was completely ready living in the United States Members of the VFW .\uxir.ary 28. the cost” of transportation for the On Bizerte Barbara Coleman, 18R Lydall St , will attend an annual outing Tues- blank so far as official appoint­ more than 20,000 Cuban citizens and students under 21 who wish Founded In 1932 ments were concerned. to continue their education here Ctrl, 14, Droumed Sunday at 4 p m. Members are ask­ ! day. beginning at fii.io p.m with who are cleared to come to this United Nations, N.Y., July ed to bring lunch and swim suits. : a cookoul at the VF'^V Post Home The Hellenic Girl Scout As.soci- Kennedy did count on a cruise on country. The over-all coet was es State Department press officer Terryvilie, July 22 tJP)—Shortly 'on Manrhe.'ter Creon. atioii was founded in 1932. Miss j ENTIRE STOCK OF I^antucljet Sound on the 52-foot tlmated at around $350,000. Lincoln White said the extraordi­ after her Red Cross swimming lea- 25 (/P)— The United States and I Theme of the outing will be Pentheroudaki .said. Although it family yacht, the Marlin. The The plan was worked out with nary flight program with govern­ son, Anne Drop, 14, Terryvilie, Britain today formally pro­ drowned yesterday in five feet of ; ''CaiTUval of Fun." and members wa.s not paltereimi after the U. S. I forecaster promised pleasant Pan American Airways with some ment financing was decided upon posed that the U.N. Security 'will take part in games, a kitchen Girl Scouts program, the organiza- ! weather. special flights to start today from as a humanitarian action to reunite water at Lake Winfield. Police said .sorial, and a community sing. tion IS about the same. | But the week ahead will be a Miami. The full schedule of 10 families and to rfiake' it possible for no one noticed Anne waa in trou­ Council call for an immediate , There will be no biusiness meeting. "We have many similar things.' | heavy one. It includes a radlo-TV flights daily, each trip bringing young people to study in this ble, although there were 200 bath­ cease-fire in the French-Tuni- she said, “but the way we interpret I nationally advertised address Tuesday night outlining country. ers and five life guards nearby. 2 Chairman of the event is Mr.s. in a little more than 100 persons, sian fighting. .Mary K l/cduc. a.ssislcd hv Mrs. them is different. " I the dimensions of the Soviet men­ is due to start tomorrow, the State ■U.S. authorities said that all .Mi.ss Pentheroudaki says she Is ace to Berlin and other world trou­ Lnui.se Parsons, ^^:s,s Helen Gustaf- Department said. citizens leaving Cuba require exit Boy, 14, Drowned United Nations, N.Y., July -son Mrs. George Ecabert. Mr.s. especially interested in the day ble spots and the military measures A Pan Am spokesman in Miami perimLs; 'no one here could say Sharon, July 22 (iP) — (Jeorge Raymond Hagenow, Pre.sident Mr.s.
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