[email protected] SECTION 1 – PUBLICATIONS 2007–2010 2007 Angiò, Francesca. ‘Epigr. 10 Austin-Bastianini (P.Mil.Vogl. VIII 309, col.II 7-16).’ ZPE 160, 2007, 50. Angiò, Francesca. ‘Il nuovo Posidippo 2006.’ SEP 4, 2007, 41-66. Bing, Peter. The Scroll and the Marble. Studies in Reading and Reception in Hellenistic Poetry. Ann Arbor: Uni- versity of Michigan Press, 2007. 352 pp. Bremen, Riet van. ‘The entire house is full of crowns: Hellenistic agônes and the commemoration of victory.’ In: Simon Hornblower & Kathryn Morgan (edd.). Pindar’s Poetry, Patrons, and Festivals: From Archaic Greece to the Roman Empire. Oxford: OUP, 2007, 345-75. De Stefani, Claudio. CW 100, 2007, 316-18. Di Nino, Margherita Maria. ‘Posidippo e l’ekdosis omerica.’ ARF 9, 2007, 83-8. Durbec, Yannick. ‘Trois notes de philologie. Philitas de Cos (fr. 10 Pow.), La Lesbou ktisis, Apollonios de Rhodes (?) (fr. 12 Pow.), Posidippe (Epigr. 21 AB).’ ZPE 160, 2007, 33-6. Faraone, Christopher A. ‘Notes on Four Inscribed Magical Gemstones.’ ZPE 160, 2007, 158-9. Ferrari, Franco. ‘Posidippo, il papiro di Milano e l’enigma del soros.’ In: Jaakko Frösén, Tiina Purola & Erja Salmenkivi (edd.). Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology. Helsinki, 1-7 August, 2004. Volume 1. Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 2007 (Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 122.1), 331-40. Gärtner, Thomas. ‘Elysische Schau oder unterirdische Grabwohnung? Ein neuer Rekonstruktionsversuch zu Poseidipp (?) epigr. 52 = col. VIII 25-30.’ ZPE 163, 2007, 37-9. Gronewald, Michael. ‘Bemerkungen zu Poseidippos.’ ZPE 161, 2007, 32-4.