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Moscow TV Presents Interviews With Wishing Repatriation MOSCOW - Apparently easing migration to some extent, trying to discourage the continued have al 10 stepped 1" their departure of Soviet Jews, Moscow publlclty against Zlonlsm and televl1ion presented lntemew1 against conditions of life In last week with 18 who had gone to Israel. There are no olflclal THE O N LY ENGLISH JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I AND SOUTHEA ST MASS. Israel and now wanted to return. figures on the number of Scmet The program - filmed In Jews who have declared their Vienna, where the 18 were Intention to emigrate, but VOLUME LV, NUMBER 50 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1972 15c PER COPY 16 PAGES waiting repatriation - stressed estimates nm as high as 100,000, what the former Soviet or about 5 per cent of the more cltlzens described as negative than two mllllon Jews. U.S. To Sell Planes To Israel aspects of life In Israel. Those who appeared on It also showed one of them, a television asserted that Soviet middle-aged man from Riga, the work experience and diplomas Dayan Expresses Hope · Latvian capital, saying that he were not properly h011orecl In had gone to Israel "out of Israel and that ltnmlgrants from convlctlon" after the Arab­ the Soviet Union often were For Peace Negotiations Israell war of • forced to take Jobs below their "I decided that my place was capabllltles. WASI-IINGTON Dllfe,,.,. end a six-month strain between In Israel," he said, but he added Many complained that Mlnlatler Moshe Dayan of Israel the two ~rnments during that on arrival he had fo1md what Immigrants qulcldy accumulated expresaed hope this week that which Washington withheld any he termed a "hatred for Russler debts on arrival In Israel becauae Iarael and Egypt would sbort11, commitments on arms In an Jews" and a life Inferior to the they found It dlfflcul t to repay begin "118rlous negotiations' effort to apply in--uure on Israel one he had In Riga, where he · advances given to them by the toWard at least an Interim Middle to adopt a more conciliatory stand towards negotiations with owned a home and a car, authorities to help them get Eastftn peace agreement. The 40-mlnute program settled. "Iarael wants peace and Is the Arabs. prepared now to discuss and seemed designed to warn Soviet A teen-ager, who was aeelc1ng Last week, after a great deal appllcants for emigration to think repatriation together with negotla11e It," he said u he emerged from a 90-mlnute of negotiation about the role the twice before they abandoned their his parents, spoke IDlfavorably United States would play as lives In the Soviet Union for an about the lsraell school aystem. mNting with Secretary of State William P. Rogers at the State mediator In the talks, Israel 1mcerta1n future In Israel. On being pl aced according to age &nnOIDlced her wllllngness to The Interviews were In the eighth grade, he fo1md the Department. "I hope beth parties will be willing to compromise begin Indirect negotiations with broadcast at a time when the scholastic level equivalent to that Egypt on reopening the Suez Soviet authorities apparently of ftfth grade In the Soviet Union, while they are negotiatlng." RUTH KAMINSKA-TURKOW Canal; closed since the 1967 were granting exit visas to Jews he said. Mr. Dayan also confirmed that lsrul had received satisfactory Arab-Israeli war. The at a rate of about 2,000 a month, A I m o s t everyone on the Administration has yet to seek Last year about 14,000 Jews went program complained about long Noted Polish Actress assurances from the United States about a continuing supply Egypt's agreement to Join the from the Soviet Union to Israel, working hours In Israel, which talks. It was awaiting the return the largest contingent of they put at 10, 12 or even !

2 THE RHODE ISLAND HE~LD, FRIDAY1 FEBJ{UAR.Y 11, 1972 Herald ads get results. For news of Israel, Jewtsh Denmark's Larsen, comm u n I ties- throughout the Friend Of Israel, TAISEI GARDEN world, local organizations and '---O_RG_AN__ l_~_AJ_IO_N_N_EW_S ___,jf society, read the Herald. Dies At Age Of 74 JAPANESE n.. __ __..,...... HOLLAND TO SPEAK "Israel and the Palestlnian Major General Leonard s. Arabs." The program Is jointly COPENHAGEN - Israel's FOOD !'.-..... ~ Holland, Adjutant General of the sponsored by the URI 1-Wlel oldest friend In the Danish Rhode Island National Guard, will Chapter and the Jewish Parliament, Axel Larsen, died at COCKTAILS speak on "Rhode Island NaUooal Community Relations Council. 74, leaving a gap In the ranks of ~1 Guard and What It Means to You" left-wing parliamentarians sup­ AUTHENTIC JAPANESE STYL at the meeting of the Ladles porting Israel's position In the SOME DISHES PIEPAIED Association of the Jewish Home IN SET DANCE Middle East. Mr, Larsen, who AT YODI TAILE for the Aged on Wednesday, The In Set, the Jewish represented the Social Folk February 16, at 1 p.m. at the Community Center's yow,g adult Party, always bacll:ed Israel and JAPANESE STYLE TEAIOOII Home. orpnlzatlon for single men and the Jewish people, especially (RESERVATIONS NEEDED) Mrs. Leonard Y. Goldman Is women aged 21 to 35, will conduct Danish Jews. Its Leap Year oance at tbe 1611-1 MINERAL SPIING AVE. program chairman. Prececl1nc the During World War U he was a ACIIE aoNUalins Center on Saturday, February 13, member of the Danish 1111- NOITN PIOV. 353-9119 meeting, Mrs. Ira Nulman, IYCONTI hospltallty chairman, and her at 8 p,m. dersn,und. Caught by the Nazis Music by the Peter Gaines and deemed to be CLOSED MONDAYS 1'24 Ba-AVL, WUWKI 461-Mll committee will serve too Important refreshments. Trio will be featured and there ldlled, be was sent to Neugamme will be refreshments and a concentration camp, where he BETH DAYID SERVIC&'! hospltauty com mlttee. stayed until war's end !n 1945. 0(~ Roz Goldberg will speak on "Soviet Jewry - Who Says L _-_ • '111ere Are No Miracles '!11ese l fJ'L'DLlUUJU.ll4 :.i •. _ I WORLD WIDE TRAVEL SERVICE Days" at Friday night services at For all your Temple Beth David-Anshel Kovno ,______,_ on February 11. Mrs. Goldberr, a graduate of MRS, REBECCA CUSHING Mr. Uder was a member of Travel Needs ~rat 11enlces for Mrs. the dty's former Common In lhe Sillmor• Holef Lobby tbe University of Iowa, summa cum laude, Is very active In Rebecca (Bomes) Cushing of 965 Council. In 1952, he was Jewish activities In the Broad Street, who died SUnday appointed city solicitor by Mayor community. . after an Ulness of four years, Edward C, Pierce. He had Two members of the women's were held Monday at the unsuccessflllly nm for counclllor organization will be honored for Sugarman Memorial Chapel. In 1934. their outstanding work on behalf Burial was In Uncoln Park He • was a member of the of the temple. Cantor Charles Cemetery. Bristol County and Massachusetts Ross will conduct the religious She was born In Russia and Bar Associations. He was a past services. had been , resident of Providence president of B'nal B'rltlo and a flh- loo.fft.l .NW - .... lw• ...._ for 65 years. She had been an

BAR MITZVAH David Scott Byer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Byer, will become Bar Mltzvah on Saturday, February 12, at services at 11:15 a.m. at Temple Sinai.

FIRS!' CHILD BORN Mr. and Mrs. · Robert Am«;ndolara of Youngstown, Ohio, !!2!!ll MONTMARTRE CASTAWAYS snnoimce the birth of their first CNATlAU child and son, Jason Paul, on AlGIERS PLA YIOY l'LAZA February 4. AMERICANA RITZ PLAZA COLONIAL INN Maternal grandparents are ULMORAL ROYAL IISCA YNE DESERT INN Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Sandman URCHONA SlVllll DUNES of Hlllslde Avenue, Pawtucket. CADILLAC SANSOUCI HAWAIIAN ISLE Paternal grandparents are Mr. CASAILANCA SAXONY MARCO POLO and Mrs. Joseph Amendolara of DEAUVILU SHERRY fRONTlNAC NEWPORT Youngstown. DO~LllACH STlRllNG SAHARA Maternal great-grandparent, Mrs. Ronald Guarnieri DORAL COUNTRY ClUI SHERATON llACH are Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. fONTAINIUAU MOTHS SINGAPORE Kinney of Brool

4 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD1 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1972 Herald BUbstrfbers comprise an active buying market. For Reliable excellent results, 8'hertise In the Venetian Blind Co. Herald. Call 724-0200. S~ES & SERVICE MURRAY Rj)SENIAUM Aluminum Wondows and Doors Venetian Blindt 1ZEKE ROSS) Repaired and Cleaned Antique jewelry 1366 Broad Street 5 1 EMPIRE STREET FltEE PICK.UP AND Dl11VEIY /CAESAA MISCH SLOG.) HO 1-2889 331-1891

45th Year Serving the Community GOLDEN RING CAMP CO-ED of the Workmen's Cirde- 8 w eeks '675 7-15 Indian Head Lake, P'embroke, Mass. 4 weeks '350 ALL INCLUSIVl AC TI VIT Y • FUN • CULT URE: Arts & Crofts, Sooting, Compc,oft, Current Affairs, Dra ma, Fishing, Folk Da ncing, Horseback Riding, Nature lore, Sports, Swimming, Water Skiing a nd Yi ddish Cult ure . ACCREDITED MEMBER OF AMERICAN CAMPING ASSOCIATION Send for Brochure : 1762 Beacon St., B,ookline, Mass. 02146 (617) 566-6252

C'QHff.) l!{attiln W~Na°Ji_R. Al l T eam and I nd1v1clu iil Lantl S purts Baseball, &LIVE WITH &CTIVITT Basketball , Archery , Goll, R,f le, y , T cnrns Clm FIi BOYS & GllS 6-15 ics. Outstanding 1nd 1111 cl u.il skills Instruc tion. Gian t 4 1' x 100' Fi11 erecl Po o l and 329 Acre MRS . MARY C. WEIS, school director at the Green Acre, CountryDay School in North Providence, con­ CAM PER WAITERS Lake. Water Skiing, Scuba, 80.:111119, Canoeing. gratulatft MRS. Sandra R. HaHn of Pawtucket, who ha1 been appointed head of the elementary depart­ BOYS AGE 15-l 6 Theater A rts. Arts & Craft s, Nature, Pi oneering. ment of the school which includft grade levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 . The school, which has the state's largest Overn i1es and Canoe Tnps. Horseback R1dmg . nunery and kindergarten enrollment, has rece ntly expanded ill elementary department and features in­ Charles M. Brawdy All Collegt! iJn d Graduat e Level Counselors Plus novations such as team teaching, individualized in1trvction, ultra.modern, non-graded, open walled cla11· Director A Spec1;Jlly Sta fl o f E xpcrt t nstruc tors. room1, a1 well a1 a wburban ,etting, a comple te hot lunch program and bu1 tran1portation to and from 205 M o hawk Or. 11 citift and towns. Mn. Hazen received Fter Bachelor of Education deg,.. from the Univenity of Miami, W. Hartford, Conn. ACA Accredited Camp Member. Modern Cabins. Kosher . c-1 Gobles, Florido, and has taught for four years al the Edmund W. Flynn School in Providence. She 203 233-1673 REQUEST BROCHUR E ha, alao done graduate work at the Univenity of Rhade laland, Rhade laland College and Salve Regipa College. Mn. HaHn, the w ife of Irwin M. Hazen, is the mQther of four children, and the daughter of Mr . and Mn. Irving Rosen of Pawtucke t. Fred Kelman Photo UN YNr, 1'72 JCC Plans Programs ORGANIZATION Rabbi Yosif Moriah CAMP YOUNG JUDAEA On Counselling NEWS Honored In Israel L•k• laboMlc, Awohent, Hew HeMpaloire - 1 H- "-'­ A three-session s eries of BRO'Il-lERHOOD DINNER Among the 20 dtizens honored ld•I C.mpi111 for loys end Girl1 9-15 Sunday night College Counse ltng Dr . Jo se p h K auffman, on December 16 In Jerusalem for Over SO l1roell Cuhurel end A-ricen° Recreni-.1 Acthrltlea Programs will be conducted by pre s ident of Rhode Island their services to the dty waa the Jewis h Community Center College, will be the main opeaker Rabbi Yoslf Shmuel Moriah, who 8 WEEK SEASON OR TWO 4-WEEK PERIODS startlng Sunday, Febr uary 20, at at the 26th annual Brotherhood resided In Prcmdence from J952 Accredited Ce111p: AwoericH C.rapl111 Aaoc. 7:30 p.m. Dtnner to be held In Cranston on ta 1962. Mayor Teddy Kollek Coll or S.nd fo, loochuNI end A,.llcotiOII to: Charles H. DOebler , for mer Sunday, 1'9bruary 27. presented the award, "Worthy of admission officer and director of Dr. Kauffman has served as Jerusalem" at the Belt Ha' am. Charle, I. Rotmen, Ed .D. C.•p Y0tr"1 J•NN, R-,. admissions at Brown Univer s ity, chairman of t he Heyen President Zalman Shazar Mn. Syt,,le -e, _...... , Director, Co111, You•t J-4... an author and a consultant on Foundation's Committee on 1lie attended the ceremony. aI Klftpl,ury Stl'Nt 1 JI JodtNII StrNt college admiss ions, wi ll be the Student 1n Higher Education, and Welinloy, MeaechuNttt 02111 Mowte., MossechllNttl 021St Rabbi Moriah was born 1n the Tel.: 617-2J7-t410 Tel., 617-U2-6H2 series• di s cussion leader. has 1-n a consultant to the ad City of Jerusalem and helped Admission to the program series Bun,au of External Research, to found one of the suburbs af the will be open to ten.,-acers and U.S. Department of State, to the new dry, Kerem Avraham. parents. ~ice of Economic ~ r tunity, During the 30• and 40s he was The nrst s ession will deal and u a member of the National active In charity work In A SUMMER IN ISRAEL with, "What Every Parent Should Advisory Counc11 of the Peace Jerusalem, and In the War of for high school and college youth Know Ab o ut C o llege Corps. He also serves as vice Independence was delegated to Admissions." It will provide chalrman of the Rhode Island drculate from shelter to shelter A variety ol programs are available this summer for travel, lnformatlon on what colleges have Comcll of Community Services to buoy the spirits of the to offer and with some of the sludy and kibbutz living in Israel. and Is on the board of dlrectors townsfolk. problems of college l1v1ng on of the Urban Coalition of Rhode During die time Rabbi Moriah today's campuses. Island. Dr. Kauffman was the In FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS was Providence he first Uved The subject on February 27 first dlrector of training for the . on Goddard Street where he was ISRAEL SUMMER HAPPENING ISRAEL SUMMER INSTITUTE will be "So You've Decided to Go Peace Corpe. associated with die Sons of Jacob ADVENTURE IN KIBBUTZ SUMMER IN KIBBUTZ to College. What Next?" This w111 1be Brotherhood Dinner is Synagogue. ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIG IN ISRAEL SUMMER SCIENCE SEMINAR deal with the expectations of held annually to honor local SUMMER CAMP AND INSTITUTE INSTITUTES IN FOLK DANCING Later He and his wife moved and YOUTH ULPAN STUDY GROUPS AND ART students colleges. award winner s In the Brotherhood to Dudley Street where he BAR-BAT MITZVAH PILGRIMAGE UNIVERSITY STUDY GROUPS The f1nal session, on March 5, essay and poster contests as well conducted a synagogue In his (HEBREW, BIBLE, HISTORY , ETC .) will discuss "Is College 1n Your as the recipient of the annual home whlcb wu attended by many Future?" and w111 deal with the Brotherhood Award. 'Ibl.s award worshippers. He was respected 1n Fully_, p,09,am, for 10th, 11th and Si• and twl.tve month She n.+t lo'am types of colleges available, as ls given to a Cranston resident Providence as a scholar of the 12th graden are al1,0 available . provrams. well as some of the alternatives who bu exempUfted brotherhood Talmud. to college for those who may not In his service to die community. Following the war, be either college oriented or Eve re tt Storer Is ticket Jerusalem's Chief Rabbi, Zvl college-capable. chairman for the dinner and Mrs. Pessach Prank, asked him to For Information Call or Write: Addltlonal Information on the Marla Fritz, of the Greater become Rabbi of Eln Karem, series may be obtained by calling Cranston Chamber of Commerce, which was then being repopulated Seymour Krieger, Coordinator for. Dr. Harold Organic, Coordinator for Robert Fain af the Center at 861- Is chairman of the commltte this with new Immigrants. Rabbi High School Programs College Programs 8800. year. Moriah gave all his efforts to Joint Israel Programs Committee Jain! Israel Programs Committee easing the absor,,tion prolems of VACATION PROGRAM bis flock of newcomers and 70 Orchard Avenue Box 1916, Brown University Announces Pledges The Jewish Community Center Providence, R.I. 02906 Providence, R.I. 02912 catering to their religious will conduct a three-day special requirements. Telephone: 331-0193 Telephone: 163-2661 Totaling s4s,OOO School Holiday vacation program Tr 1 n It y Square Repertory for elementary aged boys and Israeli Beth Din Issues Company has announced pledges girls from February· 22 through totaltng $45,000 by two major February 24, it was announced Unprecedented Decision today by Lola Schwartz, director banks to their Capital Fund TEL AVIV - 1be rabbinical Campaign, boosting the total to of children's activities. WHAT'S NEW? A special Gym Skill program Beth Din In Haifa recently Issued $770,000. will be held for boys and girls In a decision said to have no Thirty thousand dollars has precedent In Jewish been pledged by the IndustriaJ grades one to three on TUesday, February 22, and a bowltng party jurisprudence - that fatherhood · National Bank. through artlfldal Insemination Is MID-SEASON According to John Henderson, will be held for boys and girls In grades 4 to 6 on the same equivalent to natural fatherhood, the Campaign Steering Committee and Involves the same paternal chairman, the Old Stone afternoon. SALE A Movie Party will be held on obligations, Charitable Foundation pledge of The decision was handed down $15,000 was the first gift from a: Wednesday, February 23, with a full length color rum, "Mr. In the case of a man whose wife ON bank to ,be received In die gave birth to triplets - two campaign. Magoo In Sherwood Forest," and "Peter and the Wolf." This will girls and a boy after EQUIPMENT and CLOTHING be open for boys and girls from artificial Insemination with the GOSSEN$ TO VISIT kindergarten through grade 6. husband's own operm following SKIS• BOOTS• BINDING JERUSALEM - President A Swim •n• Gym Party will be years of childlessness, Soon Salvador Allende Gossens of held on Thursday, February 24, afterward, the husband sued her Chile has accepted an Invitation for boys and girls In the tlrst to for divorce, FRITZ BENZ SKI SHOP to visit Israel In 1972, It was sixth grades. 1be wife, now 28, agreed announced here. 1be Invitation All regular elementary school provided he paid for the was extended by President and class activities will be children's support, He refused on DIAMOND Hill ROAD, ROUTE 114 AT DIAMOND Hill Zalman Shazar. 1be visit wm suspended during the school grounds that he was not the legal SKI AREA, CUMBERLAND, R.I. 333-S606 have more than usual ·political vacation period. father . 1be Beth Din decided slgnlftcance Inasmuch as Allende --- - - otherwise, advising the man that ls an avowed Marxist who was For news of Israel , Jewish If he wanted a divorce he must OPEN WEEKDAYS: 1 to' p.m. elected ·to ·office with Communist comm unities throughout the pay for the children's upbringing. WEEKENDS: 10 a.m, to S p.m. and othe r leftist support. world, local organizations and Nonetheln s, he has frequently society, read the Herald. ·, .and BANK AMERICA RD • 'IAASTERCHARGE' expressed good will toward Israel for some of the best bargains In If you can't afford mink, give and Jews generally. the Greater Providence area. her the Herald. THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD1 FRIDAY1 FEBRUARY 11, 1972 5 Are your c:hl!dren a.way from Claims Rabbis In Israel Undermine home? Keep them up to date with Authority of Torah, Halacha a Herald ,subscription. NEW YORK Rabbi and non-Jews by Halachlc WE SPECIALIZE Menachem Schneerson, the standards, and the housing of IN Lubmtcher Rebbe, has assaUed Jewish Immigrants from Soviet FRIED CLAM DINNERS reUgloua silnisters 1n the Israel Georgia who insist on Uvlng In gowrmnent who, he claimed, religious clans. JOHNNY'S wer., not exercising their Rabbi Sclmeerson did not mandate on behalf of the Orthodox mention anyone by name. But his CLAM SPA Jews who elected them. He criticism was obviously dlreeted charged "the three or four to the Cabinet ministers and Victory Highway, Rte. 102 leaders who claim to be acting on other officials of the National Glendole, R.I. behalf of 100,000 reUgtous Jews" Religious Party, a coalition • Steak • Chicken wltb "1mderm1ning. the authority partner In the Meir government. of the Torah and Hal a cha." · • Sandwiches He declared that If the law waa 1be Rebbe, who heads a not amended to the satisfaction of 568-2543 808 HOPE ST., PROV HaHidic Net with worldwide adherents, referred specfflcally the Orthodox, the religious ministers should resign. He said at a pubUc gathering to two he was appealing not to them "but i s s u e a which have agl tated rather to the 100,000 religious CAMEO BEAUTY SALONS Orthodox Jews 1n Israel and Jews who elected them,'' ENGAGED: Mr. and Mrs. Kurt abroad. 'Ibey are the Law of PERMANENT EYELASHES and FACIALS exclaiming: "How can these Weiler of 178 Tenth Street an­ Return, which according to the constituents stand by Indifferently nounce the engagement of their Done by PAT Orthodox does not as It now and watch those who represent daughter, Mi11 Linda Irma Weiler, stands distinguish between Jews them !'ndanger the existence of U to Jeffrey Frederick Cole of 3600 ELMGROVE WAYLAND million Jews?" • Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, lSS ELMGROVE AVE. SOOWAYLAND AVE. Moroccan Premier 'The Rebbe claimed that world Pennsylvania, son of Dr. and Mn. Jewry was In grave danger Alfred Cole of 3201 Fallstaff Road, 421-1975 274-44'6 Assures Jews Of because of "tbls I aw which Baltimore, Maryland. ANN MARTIN and JANE Inherently promotes assimilation, Miss Weiler, a graduate of Clo,. CAROLYN Equal Citizenship making It Impossible to sical High School, was graduated REGENCY distinguish between one who Is from Brown University, where she JEAN PARIS - Premier Karim Jewish and one who Is not." was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, llll 601ROADWAY Lamranl of Morocco assured that He claimed that religious and received both her Baccalau· SHARON 421-3516 country's Jewish community of Jews from Georgia were being reate and Master's degrees in 1oci• PAT ANN MARIE DOLORES their fUll and equal citizenship placed "In an environment where ology in June, 1971 . She is work­ and but failed to speclftcally the Shabbos Is desecrated and ing as a reHGrch anocioteo-at ANN WELLS, Praprieto·, repudiate an anti-Semitic other children are Immodestly Rhode Island Hospital. statement made by a member of dressed." As a result, he said. Mr. Cole is a graduate of City Parliament recently. Lamranl "the child of religious parents Is High School in Baltimore and was cabled the Jewish leadership that forced by these environmental graduated from Brown University, SALE Jews are considered to be fully lnfiuences and behavior to act In where he was a member of Phi responsible and privileged the same way." He accused the Beta Kappa, with a degree in hu­ citizens of Morocco and said that religious ministers - Dr. Yosef man biology. He is a student at his government adheres to the Burg, Dr. Michael Hazan! and Dr. the University of Pennsylvania Me­ policies laid down by former King Zerach Warhaftlg - of abetting dical School. Mohammed v and King Hassan m rhe difficulties of the Georgian An August, 1972, wedding is that "There shall be no Immigrants. planned. discrimination among Moroccan citizens whatever their religion." The cable was In response to Increase In Number Of Jewish Studies a wave of protests In Morocco and abroad after Hlllall Offered In American Universities Bouchahlm demanded In WASHINGTON - There has finance the course for one year. 127 WAYLAND AVENUE Parliament the ftrtng of all been a substantial Increase In L'ie The Jewish community of San Jewish civil servants because number of J ewlsh studies courses Diego contributed the salary of a BUILDING SOLD they were allegedly Zionists and offered at American colleges and Hebrew Instructor. Last year a 1 ( MOVING OUT) could ••corrupt'' the universities aver the last two two-year course In Hebrew was I administration of the country. years because of the effort of Incorporated Into the classics UPTO50%OFF I Premier Lamranl made no students, faculty members, department. reference to Bouchahlm's demand J ewlsh organizations and A petition calling for "Hebrew ENTIRE STOCK OF BATH ACCESSORIES nor did he refute his views. community groups, according to a for credit" helped produce the recent study. fl r s t such course at the AND GIFT ITEMS Canadian Writer The study, by Dr. Alfred University of Dllnols Chicago ALL SALES FINAL J ospe, national director of the Circle. Becauge of the favorable Apologizes To Jews B'rial B'rtth HIiiei Foundations, response there, new courses In BANKAMERICARD MASTERCHARGE reported that more than 185 Biblical literature, Talmud and MONTREAL - Rene colleges and universities across Jewish culture were added this PLEASE REDEEM Levesque, leader of the the country offer credit courses year. ALL CREDIT SLIPS & GIFT CERT IFICA TES separatist Part! Quebecois, has In Jewish studies. At Trinity College In Hartford apologized publlcly for having Sometimes tbls has Involved a two courses In Judalca were recently defended the Soviet struggle, At San Diego State recently Introduced, largely Ulllon against charges of anti­ College efforts to establish a through the Initiative of the Semitism. course In Hebrew were campus Hillel organization. A Leftsque, who writes a dally repeatedly turned down by the course In conversational Hebrew column 1n the French-language school because the administration and a course In Talmud are Journal De Montreal, had written felt , It was not among the currently offered. during Soviet Premier Alexei priorities for state financial aid. A credit course In Kosygin's vls!t to Canada last Dr. Donald Pollack, assistant was recently Introduced at Case­ November 17 tbat "Jews are professor of psychology, who Western Reserve University In slandering the Soviet Ulllon If helped lead the fight for Hebrew Cleveland. The course Is financed they dare compare the situation at San Diego, said the first step by a grant from the Farband of Jews 1n the Soviet Ulllon with was to demonstrate a desire for Labor Zionist Organization. that 1mder the nazls." Judaic studies by establishing a Schools of the City University In his column several days class In Hebrew at the of New York have offered courses WINTER CLEARANCE ago tltled1 "Star of David - An experimental college for no In Jewish phUosophy, history and Apology.' the Quebec leader academic credit In 1969. Hebrew for many years, within said, "The Jewish question In the Twenty-five students enrolled the respective disciplines. In USSR exists and Is welding In the class , taught by an Israeli response to petitions from dangerously together ancient student. A year I ater the college students and faculty members, prejudices to the most explosive agreed to offer Hebrew for credit Independent Jewish studies complications of today." If the Jewish community would departments were set up In September, 1971, at Brooklyn and SALE City Colleges. At Brooklyn there are 51 COATS • DRESSES • COSTUMES For INFORMATIVE NEWS of the students majoring In Jewish studies and hundreds more an, taking courses In the department. Jewish Community . A course slated for the spring semester on the Nazi Holocaust TO already has a preregistration of UP½ 140 students, according to Prof. Read The R. I. Jewish Herald Samu e I Abrahamsen,' acting MAIL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW 1 chairman of the new department. OFF In this study Dr. Jospe says 2 The R. I. Jewish Herald that a variety of factors have • MAILING Aoo•••• P'LANT AND OFFICE contributed to tbls development. 6063 Herald Way, off Webster St. Among them, he cited the Impact ProYidence, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. of the Nazi Holocaust, and the "Increased self-awareness and Formerly with TOPAL CARLSON Please enter my one-year subscription to the R. I. self-assertion Inspired by the Jewish Herald. state of Israel and fortlfled by the at the same 'location Six- Day War." "While the current push may 334 WESTMINSTER MALL 4th f/o;r NAME ...... - - ·· ·•· · · · · - · - - ·· have al so been 'Inspired' by the pre s s ure for black-studies phone 421·1033 ADDRESS ... . - . programs." Or. Jospe added, "the validity of these efforts ls CITY ...... STATE self-evident." NOAlTEUT/ONS Dr. Pollack of San Diego State ,.ICI!: $6.00 Pl• YI.U · 10% DISCOUNT If PAID IN 10 DAYS said that many non-Jews ' who OUTSIDI OF NIW INGIAND'7,50 PH YIAR were dating Jews· were taking courses In Judlalc studies, ---:,__..______==:...=;.:.------=~=-===,,:;;~====~-!!!!!ii-======-===-=------


Jewlth-=5 ,,_ ...... C-,-y MAIUNGADOIHS:le•606l, ~ • .1. 0H04T~724-0200 ,U.Nf: Me,naWWoy, ..tfW .... NrSt ., '8wt., I.I. 01:161 " By BERYL SEGAL OfffCE: 141 T•unl-. Aw., Int "'9vWence, I.I. CIUA ZUCKIIIUG...... _... If you eam $4,000 a year you acc:ordlng to this report, every even greater Is the plight of are poor, acc:ordlng to the sixth person ls either on the another group of people. These Sec.etMIO.»,-.topP.w •t"-Wenu, lhecM W.rMI deftnltion of the United States border of or below the poverty are the very pious Jews who, =.:.-::::-,:;~;..tlM..::zJ!:.u~~=·==-_=..a-~:= government standards for line. because of their religious beliefs, -MryNlwriH"9. po,erty. These poor were for the most cannot'Work anywhere. They must And one million American part neglected by our own family obeerve the Sabbath and the Jews are In this category, bellne assistance organizations and by Holidays. It Is against their It or not. A half of such Jews are the gClftrnment agencies. The conviction to engage In certain far below the standard for reason was very simple: they dld types of work. And, strange as It J)Oftrty. It Is estimated that a not make themselves known to may seem, they consider It a FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1972 quarter of a mllllon live on these agencies, and those who dld stigma to apply for welfare and to $3.000 a year, and there are apply were Ignored. Jews are receive money for which they dld = some who make no more than supposed to be am uent. Cases not work. We who come from the $2,500 a year. Most of the Jewish were reported In New York of Old Country under stand this poor llw In New York. But the Jewish poor being chased out of attitude very well. In every little !\\ poor are found In nery the public relief office•. They are town In Russia and Poland there community, Including Providence. for the Blacks and Puerto Ricans were families who .. came down" Who are these poor? only. from their previous station and At the conference on Jewish would not confide their situation Disputes Some Statements At the convention of the to anyone. Were It not for the pclftI'ty held recently It WU American Jewish Committee held reported that 40 percent of tradltlon of Matan Beseser, the In New York last month. Mr. Bert Secrecy of s...,portlng the Poor, In Report On Education elderly Jews lift In a state of Gold, executive vice president of J)Oftrty. These are poeple who that was observed among Jews, As chairman of the School, opposed !ta formation on the organization, stated th at the these people would rather starve are forced to retire at the age of Jewish community In Amerlca Educational Committee of the the all•d ground that those who 65 and can ftnd no other than beg. Providence Hebrew Day School were Interested In an academy labored under the false In Providence we have with us employment. TIiey either were Impression that Jews were all from 1967 to 1971, I wish to "should go to New York." not fortunate enough to save the poor, accordlng to Mr. Paul commend Or. Jacob Neusner on b) Governor Ucht, who was well otf ftnanclally. While we give E. Segal, executive director of during their active years, or generow,Jy to various fund • , Mr. his dlscerning, knowledgeable and the President of the Jewish their savings were depleted the Jewish Family & Oilldren's complimentary analysis of the Federation of R.I. early In I 968, Gold continued, we have Ignored Service. They must be guided and through Ulness In the famUy. the needy In our own mld•t. He Report of the American gave his "blessing" to the plans But the elderly are not alone advised to apply for what Is Association of Jewish Education, to form the academy. called for a renewal of aid to our rightful I y theirs. Here too, to be classified as poor. At the poor. regarding the Providence Hebrew c) The Educational Committee same conference of the Jewlsh according to Mr. Segal, they must Day School and the New England of the school considered the Federations and Welfare Funds, Gus Taylor, a• sl s tant be helped to overcome the Idea of Academy of Torah. I am gratified formation of the Academy at held In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, president of the International being ashamed of public by his statements "how -ral meetings In the Sprlng of It was revealed that there are Ladles' Garm~nt Workers' Union assistance. In addltlon to other remarkable and devoted are the 1968. people between the ages of 20 and spoke of three groups of Jews problems that the Pamlly Service teachers . . . how well run Is the d) the Board of Directors, 30 whose earning cspadty ls Jess who are on the poverty line: comes face to face with In the school, the children are well after giving dua notice of Its tl,an $4,000 a year. I. The small storekeeper, day-by-day work with the poor taught, the school ls well meeting and the agenda thereof, Thia news of the extent of man and wife business managers, and ma! adjusted ls the added task organized, and the teaching well held a meeting on May 8, 1968, poverty among Jews was a very who are leaving their shops for of erasing the stigma associated selected." However, a few of Dr. with 26 of Its members attending shattering reTelatlon to fear of their safety. They get In the mind of many elderly with Neusner' s conclusions are based (It was one of the better attended community leaders. tired of being robbed and mugged regard to public assistance. on allegations In the said report, meetings). Alter a lively debate Jews are comfortable, was the repeatedly. We plan to examine the the valldlty of which even Or. and discussion, the 26 members belief among Jews and non-Jews 2. The Jewish school teacher functions of the Jewish Family & Neusner questions, and I wish voted to form the Academy. alike. who must leave the system for Children's Service. This agency hereby to refute by a statement of There are about six mllllon the same reason. No white ls almost forgotten In the facts: THE REPORT ALLEGES: "The Jews In the United States, and teacher, and particularly If the Providence. We are reluctant to objectlffs of the Academy are not teacher Is Jewish, can work In admit to ourselves that there are In accord with the th1nklng of the certain neighborhoods. The people with problems who cannot THE REPORT OP THE AAJE parents.•• militant Blacks are tsking over cope with them; that there are ALLEGES: "No conservative or THE PACTS: Over 30 Providence CO.UNITY the schools. family entanglements which ·must reform Jew ls on the faculty, and families, from all backgrounds, 3. The small manufacturer be straightened out by the sklllful conservative and reform Rabbis sent their children to the CALENDAR who cannot withstand the hands of a social worker. have no entry to the educational Academy - need we prove their A SHVICI Of THI competition of the larger firms. We wlll ftnd out what the planning of the school. In fact commlunent more strongly? PamUy Service Is, and why a JEWISHFmllATION The cost of labor and materlals they are not welcome." prohibitive to his small scale J e w I sh PamUy Service ls THE PACTS: There are presently Of IHODE ISlAND are THE REPORT ALLEGES: "The ..... the production. necessary. at least three conservative Academy should be patterned congregants on the facul_ty of the R.I. JEWISH ..IAID These three groups, plus the ••• after the Yeshln of Flatbush." plight of the elderly, have (Mr. Segal' s opinions are his own school. At various times, the For Uotl ... Call 421-4111 THE PACTS: Here la what the attracted the attention of and not necessarily those of this Rabbi of Temple Beth El, and the Principal of the Yeshiva of community organizations. But newspaper.) Rabbi of Temple Beth Torah bave Flathush, Rabbi s. Uchteger, SUNDAY, fBIUAIY 13, 1972 been on the Educational said In his report of May I 970, 9:00 a.m. Committee. The Rabbi of Temple after a survey made of the Temple leth Torah Men's Club, S.rvicft Your Emanu-El has attended two­ Academy with two other and •.c11datt .dlirds of the meetings of the Prlnclpals: 9:30 a .m. l!ducatlonal Committee ~d has "The creation of the High Cone,egafion Jeshuat Jwffl, Newport, 'ljjj;en In regular consultation with School ls an Important I andmark Board MNting Money's : the principal of the school. Any In the annals of Jewish Education 7:CC p.m. ·· .'.Rabbi In Rhode Island has always Congregatton Mishkon Tfiloh, Talmwd In Providence. The advantages Clou ',\l,hn 1111d certainly now ls for the Community are legion. Worth X,itetcome on the Educational 8:00 p.m. The High School teachers are Jewish Community Center, lActu,a '/committee, -If he but shows a excellent. The well-rounded ly Sylm Porter ,i.mlnlmal Interest. Seriff program ls stimulating. The MONDAY, FEUUAIY 14, 1972 .. ~-:-.· -- Community should be 10:30 a.m. 'i:'· nm REPORT ALLEGES: "The complimented for Its foresight In Crime Insurance for Small Businessmen 1 parents have no perceptible Wonwn'• Auodation, Miriam Hospital, establishing and ~rtlng this loard Me.tine I mp a c t In determining the If you are a small either burglary coverage or theft Important Institution. • 12:30 p.m. . educational policies of the DA V1D HASSENPELD businessman In a high crime risk coverage. ·Burglary coverage school." Cranston Chapter of Hadassah, Regular Chairman Emeritus Meetin9 area In city or suburb and you pays off on visible signs of entry, THE PACTS: There are many Educational Committee PTovidMC:e Chapter of Haclauoh, Regu­ are desperately esger for crime while theft Insurance pays for p a re n ts on the Educational Providence Hebrew Day School lar Mffting insurance at "affordable rates_.' armed robbery. _ Committee and the Board of New England Academy of Torah 1:00 p.m. I have good news for you. "Before the change, you had Directors , and they have meed Inc. Pawtucket-Central falls Haclauah, As of Janusry I, 1972, It has to buy the whole package," their opinions countless times at Regular Me.tin, become much easier and also according to an analysis made for meetings and In conferences with Sees Soviet Jews Redwood Lodge #35, AF&AM, Regular cheaper for you to obtain Federal me by the American Mutual the Principal. Meeting crime Insurance coverage. This Insurance Alliance, the 50-year­ Deportment of Rhode ltlancl Jewish War ls now a program which you In Search Of Identity Veterans, Regular MNting old trade association of about 100 THE REPORT ALLEGES: "The should Investigate at once. It well major mutUal property-liability LONDON - Dr. Lavoslav 1:15 p.m. may be that you are not even Bureau of Jewish Education Dvo,ah Dayan Ch,1b, Pioneer Women, Insurers. "This ch~ alone can enjoys no access to the pl annlng Kadelburg, cbairman of the ...ula, Meeting aw are that , Pederal crime i:ut .the businessman s premium and execution of policy." Federation of Jewish TUESDAY, FHaUARY 15, 1972 Insurance up to a maximum of In half and there's no doubt that THE PACTS: The Principal of the Communities of Yugoslavia, said $15,000 exists. It came lntn being one reason sales of Federal here that there ·was a quest for 1:00 p.m. school has been In frequent Ladles A.. ociation, hovidence Hebrew only last August under a program crime policies have been I agglng communication with Dr. Sovtv Jewish Identity among Soviet Day School, l ..ular MHting of the Depai:tment of Housing and has been their high cost." who has visited the school many Jews of all ages. South Providence Hefflw FrM loan Aa- ·Urban Development. The (2) The provisions requiring times. Of course, the · latter Dr. Kadelburg visited the • Mdation, lloarcl MHtlng objectlve of the program was to you to use protective devices - cannot and should not have a veto Soviet Union to attend the funeral WEDNESDAY, fEBIUAIY 16, 1972 make crime Insurance available ranging from window grates to power over school policy. of the late chief rabbi of Moscow, 10:00 a.m. at tolerable rates In states where central and local alarm systems Yehuda Leib Levin who died Sisterhoocl Temple Emanu•EI, Study It was especially hard to come - have been liberalized. "This THE REPORT ALLEGES: "1be November 17. G'°"p by: Connecticut, Dllnols, means your store wlll be easier Academy was sprung on the He presented his account of 1:00 p.m. Maryl and, Massachusetts, to qualify for buglary community without consultation the funeral and his lmpresslona Ladles Association, Jewish Home for the Missouri, New York, Ohio, Insurance," says the · AMIA. wl!h parents, the Federation, the of Jewish life In the USSR at a Agocl, l ..ular Mfftlng PeMaylvanla, Rhode Island and "Another reason sales of crime Bureau or even the Educstional meetlnc of the European 1:00 p.m. the District of Columbia. policies have been slow so far Committee of the Day School." Executive of the World Jewish Sisterhood Con9N9DtMln Mlshkon Tflloh, And even If you hav,, been has been the very stiff THE PACTS: concress. -NI-M"9 aware of the p~am, It ls highly requirements necessary to a) The President of the "One comes across third THUISOAY, NIIUAIY 17, 1972 probable you don t know about the qusllfy for coverage." Providence Hebrew Day School rreneratlon Soviet Jews who bad 1:00 p.m. 1972 liberalizations. Here are (3) The dollar dedUctlble consulted twice with Or. Sovtv never had any direct Jewish Bureau of Jewish lducatlon, Adult Edu­ four: amounts for smaller losses have cation s.nn prior to the formation of the New education and are yet anxious to (I) If you are the owner of a been substantially reduced - by preaene their Jewish Identity.'' 1:15 p.m. small business (gas station, England Academy of Torah. ~­ SltterheN Temple hth Am, loarcl about 50 per cent - and the Sovlv, having had an unf01mded Dr. Kadelburg 1ald. "Soviet liquor store, jewelry stnre, maximum deductible amount for fear that the Academy may be Jews, young and old, speak openly restaurant, clothing stnre, beauty competltlft with the Hebrew High of aliyah." -HllllltlllllllnHIIIIIIMIIIIMHIIIIIIIINI-·· shop, etc.), you can now buy (Continued on page 16) ·-~~- - - --~------======"'-'"·'='·""-"'5"""'"""',..,,""""""""'™"""="""=· =--"'-""·"'--:-:.:-::-===:cc.:-:.=:.... -.·-·- ...

THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1972 7 ... - .. -...... MAY NEED REPLOODD-«; flooding of the Lake would re­ establish an ecological balance, GALILEE - Azarla Allon, a prewnt the oxidation of peat naturalist, said that the Hula deposits and reduce the flow ot Valley mry have to be re-flooded excess minerals southwards, BRIDGE to save the Sea cl Galttee. 'The according to the Jerusalem Post. 'S KOSHER JU LI E DELICATESSEN By Robert E. Starr ~ . - . . . . ~ . ~ . . 731 HOPE STREET 621-9396 So often I have compared for that was the worst way to play Br Id g e with everyday llfe, the hand. Better technlque, but BUSINESSMAN'S SPECIAL Today's hand Is another that goes not the best would be to strip the along with that for It concerns a hand by playing the three high HOT SANDWICH ON RYE s 1 2 particular card, Consider It as a Hearts and then attack the SIDE OF POT ATO SALAD- COFFEE s special kind of an object with the Diamonds, This could be a {NO SUBSTITUTIONS) • saying being that If It Is In a certain winner If West became de fl n It e place, one of the careless and played his 2 on the NO CHARGE FOR SECOND CUP OF COFFEE WITH LUNCH opponent's hands, being an first lead for now all you would ------Im movable object It will still be have to do would be to cover It THIS WEEK'S SUPER SPECIAL!! there later for It cannot move with the 5 and let East win with over to the other hand. What I am anything. But now what could East ENGAGED: M~. Norman KatI of trying to say Is that If a return? Another Diamond would 33 Magaz.ine Street, Cranston, on· KOSHER $ 89 f!nessable card, such as a King, be right back Into the Ace-Queen nounce1 the engagement of her ts In the desired hand for the while now that the hand was daughter, Miu Joyce E. Katz, to ROMANIA PASTROMI LB . finesse to be successful, It will stripped any other lead would Charles N. Silverman, son of Mr. l. st!ll be there later. The timing of provide a sluff and ruff situation. and Mrs. Samuel I. Silverman of KOSHER this play might make all the But that wouldn't work If West Post ltoad, East Greenwich. Min difference. played any other higher Diamond, Katz is the daughter of the late LIAl'I-RARE North For now If you played low Norman Kah. 10 6 2 Min KatI is a graduate of ROAST BEEF LB~2.89 .K normally he would have to win the .KJ trick. Playing low now would still Cranston High School East. Mr. Sil- tA Q 5 J be all right for East would still verman was graduated from l'il- +a 5 4 GOLDEN (LATKAS) REG . 75 West Ea,t have to overtake with his 10 and grim High School and Dean Junior •a 1 •9 3 . he would again be end-played but College. He attends the Unive

I ~~ .------.1 I 861 -8887 I I I I I I I I antonio' :1 coi/feu.'l., inc. I I I

I! 83~!:r;,:;:"' If j



For news of Israel, Jewish society, read the Herald. • .and - c o mm unltle s throughout the for some of the best bargains In world, local organizations and the Greater Providence area. --,-- Hello Again! SAMMARTIN O JOE ANDRE'S ) DIAMONDS- Half Price ORCHESTRA ) Music for that very special affair News of the Sports World by Warren Walden 1468 Elmwood Ave. Weddings Bar Mitzvahs - OPEN EVERY EVENING - J 831-373CJ Res. 944-729'11 ------. . r THE QUESTION? What could be Papers carried dally stories presented In the new Civic Arena concernlng the number of days and Convention Auditorium In and nights someone had stayed HARBOURS1DE Providence that would focus the atop a flagpole without coming eyes of the entire co1D1try an the dawn. Yes, It's a crazy stunt but LOBSTERMANIA new facility and extol Its It would command stories In the attractiveness as a meeting place papers and on the airwaves If GOOD FOOD -COCKTAILS for business gatherings , exhibits someone woul d do It up on top of and s1D1dry activities that call for the new arena - and - I LADI.ES' NIGHT a mos t modern s!L volunteer for the Job. I've done It EVERY WEDNESDAY ONLY ••• before." ANSWERS FROM: WARR E N WA LDEN, (Who • BUSINESS 2 DRINKS FOR PRICE OF 1 MR . CAESAR ROMANO ; he?): " How about same • PROFESSIONAL IN OUR TAFFRAIL LOUNGE MICHAEL BUTLER, a fourth gener­ druggist: "Why not bring one of billboards, placed In places • PERSONAL ation financier, active in inter­ the big National Beauty Contests where tourists would see them, national trade, a builder of hous­ to Providence. The eyes of the llstl~, In addition to 'The Ocean NEEDS... .. of Save Time & M o ney · AL TROMBETTI DUO ing developments for the very COID1try would be focused on the State, same the points of Interest easlly accesslble In "Stomp It" ORGAN DRUM COMBO wealthy and a member of the television sets and the new Civic FOR .PROMPT SERVICE CAL• & most exclus.ive social clubs, was Auditorium." Southern New Engl and from 421 : 1.064 -65 (WED .- FRI .-SAT.) the one who brought the revised MR. J OHN HOUSTO N, Providence; blllbaards that would edition of " Hair" to Broadway. research specialist: "Any part or tell about the rich historic 1ore In MAURICE C SMITH OPEN 7 DAYS -- UNTIL 1:00 A.M. When the tribal-love rock musical fringe of the Olympics woul d the territory; about same of the CO INC was presented in its original form attract wide attention. Maybe great people who had their origin WATER ST. VIA KING ST. off-Broadway by Joseph Papp. trials or semi-finals or such.' In Rhode Isl and. 'A Great Pl ace , , ()()R~A N C f ) 1 Mr. Butler had paid a visit and Ta Hal d A Convention!' PROVIDfr-..r E , R 1 UST GREENWICH 114-6363 MR. ELMER HEALY, printer : it had strvck home. "Cassius Cay (Mahammud Al l) Blllboards and signs woul d be After some negotiation with would attract nationwide Interest seen by tourists from all aver Papp, he signed La Mama director In a championship for the our great COID1try and they would Tom O' Horgan to redirect the heavyweight title. I under stand carry the message here, there show and began a search of au­ Manny Almeida wants ta promote and hither and yonl" And another Hockey Equipment thenticity in the uptown cast. one." thought: Are there pl ans for l n s ta 111 n g permanent bawltng Carried "'Hair" will be p,...nted at EARL P ETRI of Hamilton, Dario's Palace theater, formerly Montana, ftnandal lntrrests: lanes In the butldlng; bawling Year 'Round Loew's State theater, from Tues­ "Bring Blll y Graham In for one lanes that would bring In revenue day, Febrvary IS, through Sun­ of h ls na tlon al 1 y televised all year around and help In day, Febrvary 20. programs." defraying expense s? Oh well, aside from all that, It's a good thing to remember that "years AWARD Loses Battle To Be Listed don't mean age" - end - JACKETS CARRY ONI Jew JERRY HANRAHAN, retail As Israeli Rather Than business: "A basketball game TEL AVIV - A Jewish-born &.njamln Shall! of the Israeli between Providence College and atheist lost bis battle to be Navy and bis nan-Jewish wife to U SC would attract national HARVEY BENNETT recognized officially as Israeli have their children registered as interest on television.'' rather than Jewish by nationality. Jews by naUonallty, although GUS CORDEIRO, film editor Tbree High court Justices under rabbinic law they took the and publlc relations director far ruled In Jerusalem that the r eligion of the mother. St. Jude Hospital, founded by SPORTS petition could oot be granted The couple recently had a Danny Thomas: "A National Ten because It would create a scblsm third chlld. Apparently the 1970 Pin Bowllng Tournament would 1830 BROAD ST ., CRANSTON 781-8800 among the Jewtsb people. law wlll require the reglstraUon attract bowlers from a wide area The case was the mast authorities to decline ta regis ter and national Interest. Bowling "'Keep A Boy in Sport - And Out Of Court" Important episode In nearly two the baby as a Jew. Lanes could be built In the arena 62 CHAPEL STREET , HARRISVILll years In the complex running It was to challenge the 1970 and ta k en up aft er the STRAWBERRYFIELD RD., WILDE'S CORNERS, WARWICK tight over "Who ls a Jew?" that law that Dr. Georges Tamartn, a tournament.'' VETERANS RINK, PHENIX AVENUE, CRANSTON has been arising Intermittently self-acknowledged atheist, en­ ROBERT INGRAM, blueprint In business: " Originate one of the IANKAMHICAIO CRANSTON ICE BOWL, WARREN Mc11ter

HELLO FRIENDS: Floor covering on your mind? Lorge or small problems are Although Emigres Are Wanted given my personal attention. Phone or stop by and let's discuss it. There's fun in doing business in a friendly way -­ and -- I'm sure I can save you money too. Influx Causes Many Problems Phone day or night Thanks, JERUSALEM - When the El Finance, said that "never has place to live, they will need 521-2410 Murray Trinkle Al 747 landed at Lydda Airport sucb a mighty state confronted work - and this la far more here recently, It seemed to such a tiny nation with such a vexing. Most of the Soviet symbolize what the Israelis see threat - a threat which we Immigrants are middle class, as an exciting new stage In their receive with only the earnest often hlgbly educated. Manual 23-year modern history. The 330 hope that It will be realized." labor In the building or service passengers on that partlcul ar Actually, the financial side of Industries - In which Israel Is flight were Jews from the Soviet the challenge may be relatively desperately short - Is out of Union - a record number for easy to meet; wealthy Jews both the question for this group, but any one filght - arrlvtng to In Israel and abroad are the openings for pro~ulonals In start new lives In the Jewish responding to the needs that are lsraell society are llmlted. homeiand. so dramatically mdent. It Is the Lately, a few of the political GRAND OPENING- FEB. 14-19 As local chroniclers put It, physical, professional, social party organizers have sensed Israel has entered the era of and political problems that another, unexpected, problem. "The Great Russian appear to be so Imposing. At least It la a problem to the NEW LOCATION (same block - 3 doors down) Immigration." Crash program s were dominant Labor party which has Day after day, for many weeks lntrodueed this month to provide governed lsrael since 1948. past and with no sign of enough housing for the new h -.na that large numbers 1003 OAKLAWN AVE., CRANSTON dlmlnlsblng, other airliners arrivals, whose demands and of the politically senaltlw loaded with h1D1dreds of Soviet expectations are far higber than lmm1granta are rejeetlng the . Jews have touched down on were those of the Immigrants traditional appeals of the labor MORRIS KATZOFF, CARTOONIST lsraell soil. More than 13,000 from North Africa and the movement In Israel, this WIU BE HERE FROM 1 :00 O'CLOCK came here last year, or one-third Middle Eastern co1D1trlea a country's watered-down the total munher of Immigrants to decade or so ago. Whatever socialism, and are turning DRAWING FREE CARTOONS FOR THE KIDS Israel In all of 1971. The Influx al their splrirual and emotional !nstaad to two other polltlcal Soviet Jews In 1972 la expected to condition, many of the Soviet movements - the religious rise to at least 35,000, or half the Immigrants claim to hne parties (since many of the Soviet REFRESHMENTS- COFFEE AND ... total Inflow for the year. Years of enjoyed housing - apartments, lmm1grants take the Jewish COMPLETE LINE OF AMERICAN GREETING CARDS campaigning to "Let My People sometimes even vl!las - far Orthodox way of life far more VISIT OUR NEW BRIDAL ROOM Go" are bearing fruit. more spacious and welcomlng seriously than Israell public life Coe theory la that the Soviet than the cramped and jerry-built bu accepted) and, alternatively, Government has decided to Immigrant housing available In the hard-line Gaba! movement, MON. THRU SAT. 9: 30-S subjeet the lsraell economy and Israel. Newcomers have with its strong Israeli frequently staged sltdown nationalism and militancy. THUR. & FRI. EVES. TILL.8 society, already mder strain, to 944-8107 a new test, for the absorption strikes at LyddS Airport when Years of Zionist activism In process Is fraught with problems assigned to homes In new towns Russia, plus the old habits of for the lsraells. far from Jerusalem or Tel Avtv. protest and agitation, make tbls With a tinge of Irony, Plnhas opposition hard-line movement Saplr, the Israel! Minister of 1be Ministry of Housing has far more attractive to new RITA'S RESTAURANT announced that 13,000 new Sovfet arrivals than the dwellings will be provided this entrenched and cautious Labor 1139 PONTIAC AVE ., CRANSTON, R.I. year. Thia may just meet the party. Phone - 781-8710 demands of the new arrivals, but Successful recruiting efforts fl~·] wm do llttle to Improve the by these opposition political Serving OYererOWded conditions of the l people already here and hoping parties could have a significant Italian and American Foods (Continued from page 2) effect on 1he national party for better living. spectrUm by the elections of MRS. MAURICE SCHWARTZ Even before the current 1973, or so the political Welcome to Rita's, the newest "IN" place to enjoy o Funeral services for Mrs. Inflow materialized, the rallying organizers are beginning to Reba (Schwartz) Schwartz, 85, of cry of the so-called "Black suspect. wonderful dinner ol o modest price. Where the atmosphere is · 439 Archer Street, Fall River, Panthers" and other activists In the long run, these olwoys pleosont, ond our beer onct wines ore olwoys chilled. Massa.chusetts, who died for the urban poor In Israel was considerations pale before the February 5, after a long Ulness, to demand better housing and let epic fact of emancipation for Rito sez: "Every mon hos his own wife, only the ice mon hos were held Tuesday at the Fisher new Immigrants put up with Soviet Zionists, the enrichment Memorial Chapel In Fall River. hardship conditions for their of lsraell society with a his pick." Burial was In Temple Beth El first years. "Why should they treasured new source of Come see for yourself, the most pleosonl, . charming ond Cemetery In that city. move right Into the fiats we'w Immigration. The CO\Dltry Is far The widow of Maurice been waiting years for?" from overpopulated; whatever vivacious woman anywhere. Hove fun ond enjoy o laugh with Schwartz, she was born In Russia Panther leaden argued In their the dislocations Involved, It Is her, when she stands there ready lo toke your order, ond she on December 24, 1886, a daughter frequent confrontations with difficult to find any Israeli ready of the late Charles and Bessie Israeli officials. to argue that Immigration should hasn't given you o menu yet. She's full of life, ond olwoys Schwartz. She had lived In Fall Once the Russians have a be held down or discouraged. ready to explain to you how to enjoy the good things in life, River for more than 75 years. A member of Temple Beth El Israel Court Allows NJ. Woman To Take·Son (Good Food, Good Wine ond Good Cleon Living.) In Fall River, Mrs. Schwartz was a past president of the city's LONDON - A Riga Jew released by J ewtsh sources In the (Our Specialty: Fresh Veal Cutlets) Young Women's Hebrew named Boris Lansky Is expected Soviet Union, a detachment of Association and was the ftrst to be released from jail after police arrived at court shortly president of the Fall Rtwr serving a 10 day sentence for after noon and arrested all 22 SEE YOU SOON AT Jewish Community Center. "boollganlsm" In connecUon with demonstrators. Tiley were She was one of the two a demonstraUon by 22 Rip. Jews detained for elsht hours at the founders of the Temple Beth El outside the hJ&h court of the police staUon and were then Sunday School. Latlvian Soviet Republic on released without any eXJ)lanatlon, Mrs. Schwartz Is survived by Decemhr 25. except for I.ansky, who was two sons, Dr. Edward Schwartz of dramatizing their solidarity with subsequently sentenced. Fall River and Dr. Robert Jewish political prisoners on the For Your Convenience We Are Open From -- Schwartz of Providence; a Jewish poliUcal prisoners on the OPEN FREE UNIVERSITY 7 A.M.-10 P.M. Mon.-Sat. 12 A.M.-9 P.M. SUNDAYS brother, Samuel Schwartz of first anniversary of the ATHENS, Ga. - A B'nal Irvington, New Jersey: two Leningrad hljack trial. The B'rith Hillel Fo1Dtdatlon has sisters, Mrs. Benjamin Hammer demonstration was peaceful. The opened a tree University at the SEA FOOD EVERY DAY of East Orange, New Jersey, and participants arrived at noon and University. of. Georgia. Hebrew, Mrs. Nathaniel Tirk of St. said they would remain until 5 Jewish cooking and "Sociology of STEAK• CHOPS• STUFFED SHRIMP• ETC. Petersburg, Florida; and three p.m. when the court adjourned. American Jewry" comprised t~ grandchildren. Accordins to t. report curriculum. THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDA Y1 FEBRUARY 11, 1972 11 More people attend the event Herald office, 724...0200 or 724- Eight Wine Bottles that Is adverdsed. Call the 0202. Grow To Hundreds XEROX COPIES NEW YORK - Dr. Martin !Jllltable for warm weather. Dr. 4c EACH - NO MINIMUM Katz llves on the 10th floor, but Katz enjoys many Inexpensive ITEK PHOTO OFFSET ,PRINTING he never takes the elevator to get wines, Including Gallo'• Hearty PRICES to his cellar, according to a N.Y. Burgundy. But there Is no Hearty 100- '2.50 S00- '4.95 Times article by Frank J. Prial. Burgundy In hie collection. Por That's because It's right In his t b-_at m at t e r , there Is no 200-•3.30 1M-•s.oo apartment on East 81 st Street. Beaujolais, either. Dr. Katz Is a wine lover and his JO-ART COPY SERVICE cellar - his wine cellar, that Is "I never stock It," he said. "If I'm In the mood, I buy a callf!. 102 WATERMAN ST., PROV. OPEN 1-7 DAILY 9-2 SAT. - really Is mot a cellar at all. CORNER OF THAYER ST. ABOVE UNIVERSITY DRUG It's an ordinary Closet In what Why lay down aomethlng that won't l11¥ove?" was once a maid's room Just off Pick-Up And Delivery Servi<• Availalile - 421-5160 the Katz's kitchen. Like many llf!rlous wine As more and more New drlnlcers, Martin Katz came to Yorkers become wine drlnlcers, his hobby through ~ Interest In then wine buyers, storage for the good food. In fact, be does most stuff becomes a problem. Not at of the cooking for his family and ftrst, of course: the department for tlwolr frequent dinner parties. "· ii stores do a brisk business In TO OFFEI COURSE: labbi llchard "1 started cooking u a kid In A. Marker, associate chaplain at those llttle table-cop racks that the Bronx,'' he said, "and really hold six or a dozen bottles. Brown University and associate di­ got Into It when 1 WH a medical Later It's simple enough to rector of Hillel at Brown and Provi­ student at N.Y.U. My wife was stack a callf! or two In the hall dence colleps, will offer a course closet along with the galoshes. working as a dental technician, at Temple Emanu-S on " Woman But sooner or later, city and our hours were so mixed i., and Judaism" startint Wed ..... that 1 had to cook for myllfllf or day, F.brvary 16. This is the -­ CAU dwellers-turned-wine fans start ond course in the WonMn's Study 331-8086 626 RESERVOIR AVENUE talking about more space - like starve." Now, as he drives downtown to Group Mries being conducted by CRANSTON expectant parents. the Temple Sisterhood on Wednes­ SAM AND 111:INAID GREEN Dr. Katz, a cardiologist, Beth Israel Hospital at First Avenue and Seventeenth Street, day mornint• from 9:45 to 11:30 started about 15 years ago with a a .m. shelf In a credenza In his living Dr. Katz plans that night's dinner room. often stopping to order or pick i., labbi Marker will discuu gen­ N UNDER NEW "How proud we were of those the raw materials at the special eral and implied attitud.. in such eight bottles," he recalled the shops he has cultivated over the. traditional institutions 01 marriage other day. years. divorce, birth control oncl status in : MANAGEMENT! Then, when wine became what the meetings on F.brvary 16, Dr. Katz, who eats only one March 1 and March I . he calls ... disease." he mHI a day to preserve his own expanded Into the back closet, " Jewish Women as Role Mo­ waistline, unreservedly dels" will be his subject on March TIFFANY'S RESTAURANT which now holds about -tOO recommends gourmet food and 15, and he will discuH contempo­ BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEONS bottles, on racks made by a good wine to his cardiac patients. patient. A constantly running air­ rary developmenh on March 22. DAYTIME DELIGHTS: Sper. Katz estimates that he has about 2,000 bottles at any given ======The Democratic' Candidates OPEN MON. • THURS. 11 A.M.-1 A.M. time. FRI. NITE TIU. 2 A.M. SAT. NITE TIU. J A.M. Uke most wine !oven who Up In Massachusetts, ex­ they are the last thing a serious SUNDA Y5 S P.M.-MIDNIGHT can support their habit, Dr. Katz Sena tor Eugene McCarthy candidate tries to capitalize on. Is constantly buying. Once, with announced his candidacy for the McCarthy's candidacy will some frlends, he bought out a nomlnadon for President of the probably not dim any ardor In the bankrupt wholesaler. Dr. Katz's United States as a Democrat. Muslde camp. But McCarthy will The Rhode Island wife, Barbara, said: "I hate to let Everything Eugene McCarthy hurt Senator McGovern'• him out alone when we're In does Is surprising, even though_ chances. ·Europe."· some of the things he does are McGovern has proved a Many of the cases of wine In obvious. That ls because Eugene capable organl7.er. He bu BuJineJj !J.nJ/ilule storage are not yet ready to McCartby Is a mystic, the first­ fl n an c e d and furthered his drink. Everything In the 10th successful mystic In American c a n d I d a c y through organizing YEAR -ROUND ENROLLMENT floor cellar Is - with one politics. thousands of small givers. But he qualification. "I won't touch a How serious! y should does not excite his constituency. ClASSES PROGRAMS uvus bottle until It's rested six Democrats regard his candidacy? He can give different answers, ...."". 1:31-1 Z:31 S,-cial Very seriously. My bet Is that h•NIC• 1:•t, 1 Cerlifint, months,'' Dr. Katz said, ,.to let but In the giving of them he 1;,i_. (1 I 1 Toan) .,,_... all the sediment settle"." Eugene McCarthy will come to rarely 9eems visionary, though ~- His Clollf!t, the other day, held the convention with 200 delegates. Indeed he may be. McCarthy, AREAS OF CONCENTRATION Mystic though he Is, McCarthy some select company Indeed. Joking about the need for an Clerk Typist - Secretarial - Bookkeeping a nd Accovri,,ng Included were: Chateau Montrollf!, makes shrewd appraisals. Many ambassador to the Pentagon, let - Receetionist - legal Office Skills - ~d,col Oti,cc 1 9 S 5: Cb ate aux Mouton thought him quixotic In '68 when alone one to the Vatican, alwaya Slu lls - Accountir,g Office Skills a nd Ot~rs. Rothschild, L'Angelus, Meney and he challenged Lyndon Johnson In seem • visionary which, of Beychevllle, 1961: Chateaux the early primaries. But he had course, ls the proper attribute of COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Las comb e and Pontet-Canet, assessed the constituency the mystic. ACCtllTIK 1141SIIESS DlllSI 11511($$ IIATIIDIATICS 1 9 5 9 , and from the great correctly. Lastly, the reason everyone Fu~ of Fundame ntals of h•nd o~ntoh of He left the , Senate In '70 Boo kkeep ing Susineu English Susioe-i.i. Mothemolics Burgundy vineyards of Vosne must take McCarthy seriously Is Fundomentols of Businen ,._pplied 8v!.inen Romanee, Les Rlcbebourge, Les because he was pretty sure he that he wants to be President. Accounting Corrh po nde nce M othemotio Malconsorts, Les Suchots and could not beat Hubert Humphrey. He Is not out to prove a point, Fvndomento ls of .M.othemotin of Poyfoll Acccv.-.l •'"'Q o nd f iflonce LaGrande Rue, In various years Probably there were other to force the Democrats further to Account ing and from various shippers. reasons, but I suspect that Is the the left, to demand Immediate Applied 1bere are some of Dr. chief one. withdrawal from Vietnam In their Accounling C on s tan t In Frank's Relsllngs Slnce then, he has made his platform, although be may think HSINESS tfflCE IIACNINES HD lfflCE l'I.ICTICl from New York State and even a living teaching, wrldng and, . these goals are desirable. Importantly, lecturing at Fundameutols of Busineu O ffice Machines - Filing Tro ining - Ot1"ce 1745 Madeira, which Its owner He Is out to win the Typing - Office Machine .Training - 0icta lior. Mochine- Tro;n,~,9 - hastens to describe as "strictly a campuses around the country. He nomination and then win the Me dical & Legal Office Training. true cur Io s lty." More Important, pulls a crowd, which Is not election. He thinks he can do a SNORTNUI THCN SNGRlNAllt \STEIIOTTl't:) though not In the apartment of every lecturer; certainly not better Job than the present Fun~o nd Fundamentoh o f Touch Sho,tho nd cellar, are several caees of port true of me and another dozen I Incumbent. RcYiew Shorthand Touch Sho:tho 1•d Mo~te•y could name. Amen to that. Shorthand Mastery Applied To 1•C._ 5f'o•1h,:,r,d bottled In the birth years of the Applied Shorthand Katz's two daughters, Debbie, 13 'The young proved the core of Medical & l egal Dicta tion and Nancy, 7. "rll five It to them his strength In '68. He has every RECEIVES GRANT reason to expect they will rally to I.!.!'.!!!!! at their weddings,' their father Funda menta ls of Typewriting -- T)'pt> ..., 1•t,--9 •.' c ~1e , ) said. him again. 'They like what Eugene NEW YORK - Dr. Max Applied Typewriting - Med ico! & legal h-pe,~,.1,n9 There are also ..futures,'' McCarthy has to say. He Is Gruenwald, president of the Leo orders for 1969's, '70's and urbane, witty and professorial. Baeck Jnsdtute, announced the limite d Enrollme nt - M oderate Tuition and Poyme.nt Pion - '7l's, which won't begin arriving He may not be charismadc, but Institute was awarded a $15,000 Co-Educational. Individual Counseling here for several years, and still then none of his opponents, grant by the Charles E, Merrill AMPLE FREE PARKING en route, a shipment of some 20 Including Richard Nixon, are. Trust to suppo~ the· further cases that spent most of the His candidacy will be as development of the Instltute's ALL INSTRUCTION INDIVIDUAL• NO GROU P CLA SSES longshoremen s strike sitting on vigorous as, say, Senator library. Four years ago the Trust the piers of l')ordeaux. Jackson's. McCartby raised gave $10,000 for the same 1be turnover In the Katz between $9 and $11 million . In purpose and thereby helped the cellar Is fairly rapid because 1968 and he can ral se It again Institute to catalog Its books and 212 COTT AGl STRHT aside from their own through Howard Stein of the archival collections, thus co1urumptSon, they enjoy giving Dreyf\ls Fund and Martin Peretz providing their Ullf! by scholars PAWTUCKET of Harvard. and students throughout the large dinner parties. "SlxtNn RK0IH ISLAND wine drinkers at table can -A month of campaigning put· country. 1be 40,000-volume consume a hell of a lot of wine,'' Senator Fred Harris $40,000 In library and Its 300 archival Dr. Katz said, shaking his head. debt, Raising money 11 crucial to collections as well as Its In the summer, the cellar a candidacy. If they could raise research work and publlcatlons 728-1570 the money, nery t>en,ocrat In the are dnoted to the study of Jewish .\NTHO NY A. SANTAN l[ l lO ~y Is permitted to dwindle or DIRE CTOR to .be raplaced with whitH more Senate would be a candidate. hi s tory In German-speaking Grass root sentiments exist but Europe during the last 200 years. 12 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1972 GROUP DISBANDS High School In Flushing, Q.-ns. ever fired a rifle, he responded: NEW YORK - A Hebrew­ He worked for four months as "I have fired rifles at a 42d study group that . met In a a cashier and quit two weeks ago, Street penny arcade, but that's synagogue In Kovno has disbanded he said. about it." following what Its members Mr. Shllan said he dropped out about It." called governmental pressures, It al the Jewish Defense League was reported here. about a year ago "because I was very busy and didn't want to IT'S BACKf EAST SIDE participate." Asked If he had ly l'opular Demand UOYD TAILORS-CLEANERS Feb. 15 to Feb. 20 DRY CLEANING-PRESSING LAUNDRY PAL.ICE THUTRE LADIE5'-MEN'5 ALTERATIONS FIIIEILY FREE CA LL & DEL. 274-2936 LOEW'S STATE Ch1LO'$ DOWNTOWN PROV. SWEATER SPECIAL DRY-CLEAN-BLOCK 69 ' Pla ?t~?f;~ 832 HOPE ST. cmw EASTSIDE IOI OPEN OFFICE DAil y 10 tci 6 RESTAURANT TlOC(TS ALSO AT: Waterman It. at Red Bridge LADD'S MUSIC CTRS. • COCKTAILS • • G AR DEN CITY e WAl(EflHO • THAY ER ST . e WAMP . MALL Baked Stuffed Shrimp •AVUY PIANO ea<>TH AGENCY TRY SOMETHING NEW! • MUSIC IOX WOON. & NEWPORT BRANDIED PRllES 1 uts. Wtd . H11.us 11 8 30 P M One More Week Only! Sat Mat !,00 P M_ Sun M11 JOO P M. Tri11i1y Sq uare AT HEBREW UNIVERSITY: Or. Aaron C..rshkoff of Pawtucket, prof.. sor ~~~- ~gg stW S:Jf SB oo B~ of prosthetic dentistry at Boston University School of Graduate Den­ f11 11830 PM_ S11 11930 PM . Sun Repertory Co. DINING ROOM tistry, lectured at Hebrew Univenity in Jerus.alem, Israel, last March. ~ 7, JO 1 M ORCH S9 00 SB 00. MUZ Res. 35 1-424 2 ~ ;9 00. BAL SI 00. SI 00. S6 00. S5 00 OPEN 10:30 o.m. to 1 o.m. Rabbinical Student Cleared ~IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIUIIIIIIIUHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllmllBEN SUNDAY RHODE ISLAND PREMIERE FEB. 16th 10 to 1 Former JDL Activist BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN FOR GROUP SALES Charged With Shots PHONE RESERVATIONS INFORMATION ACCEPTED AND THEATRE NEW YORK - Handwriting ·'4th Street, In the Borough Parle PARTIES CALL and palm-prlng analysis led to section of Broolclyn. 421-1851 the arrest of a 17-year-old Mr. Jaroslowlcz was arrested former Jewish Defense League Oct. 22 two days after four shots activist and the clearing of a were ftred through the llth-!loor ~,' '~ ~ABBOTT'S rabblnical student In connection windows of the Soviet United L1.e. ~... t--·"l,. . ,.,/ with the firing of shots Into the Nations mission at 136 East 67th Soviet Mission here. Street. Four children were asleep Robert A. Morse, United In the room but no one was burr. v})c;;J_ r!PJ~/' States Attorney for the Eastern He was Indicted and released and '~ddt"''t·e~~I\ .·, ; on $25,000 JI" District, anno1D1ced that Gary hail on charges of GREYSTONE KENNEL Shllan of Ui-50 73d Terrace, making a false statement la r11 r H1~ QUALITY DOG SUPPLIES Kew Gardens Hills, Queens, huylng a .243-callber RemlngtOll would face charges that he lied semlaut0mat1c rifle from Charles CAREFULLY SELECTED about his Identity to buy the rifle Greenblatt Inc., 120 Main Streer, A.K.C. PUPPIES used In the Incident. Hempstead, L • I, LAIIGI AUCTION , Mr. Morse flied an affidavit In He was also accused of OFOU&UJY COATS, I ICOLL&n, SWIATIIIS a motion to dismiss an Indictment possessing a false Selective Service certificate bearing the ROAD on Identical charges RESERVOIR agalnat Isaac M. Jaroslowlcz, an name Henry Faulkner, which wa, OFF ROUTE 146, llNCOLN 18-year-old rabbinical student used In fllllng out the rifle­ 767-2211 who lives with his parents at 952 purchase form that must be flied with the Treasury Department...... Mr. Jaroslowlcz's arrest was based on an eyewitness Identification by a Greenblatt au ',()Ur fa\.ori1e charociers come 1o IMz salesman, Identified as Kenneth In 1he most dazzling production ewr. Aull. Agents of the Treasury ~ G> Department'• Alcohol, Tobacco PANAVISION" and Firearm• Division also said COLOR they had folDld In his possession an address book In which the Greenblatt shop was listed. The dismissal of charges against him was prompted by the arrest of young Shllan last Saturday night on a charge of bail Jumping as he and another youth attempted to board a jetliner bolDld for Israel from Kennedy International Airport. Mr. Shllan was to have been sentenced In Criminal CoUrt In Manhattan on Monday for disorderly conduct, arising from a J .D.L,-sponsored sit-In at the offices of the New York Board of Rabbis last spring. Mr. Morse explained that Mr. Shllan' s palm print and hand Come And Feast From writing matched those on the form used In the purchase of the The Horn Of Plenty rifle. He said that Government Different from the mo ment you cross the moot a nd enter our GROU suspldons had been aroused Dec. Restaurant of unusual bea uty and comfort. INFORMATION 7, when Mr. Jaroslowlcz "finally Fea st o n our Hors D'oeuvres served with genero us drinks in our agreed to submit his own unique turning lounge. Danci ng and listening music nig htly. 751-6000 S. SEATS '4-, 'S-, '6 Your dining pleasure begins with our bread girl\ serving our own 0,iW. .. (lhNlor 12 ,_,, TUIS., WID., THUR. 7:30 P.M. handwriting samples." garlic bread, corn fritters, Germon nut apple bread, banana nut, ' I.SO Off All Prkes for FRI., 4:30 P.M. AND 1:30 P.M. 1be government refused to Jewish Choloh a nd hot pecan roll s. SAT., 10:30 A.M.-2:30 P.M. AND 7:30 P.M. lffl., 7:30 P.M.-WN., 7:30 P.M. say how its suspicions had been Order our Baked Stuffed Shrimp (14 .95), Flaming Beef-a -Bob SUN., 1:30 AND 5:30 P.M. Thw., 7:30 P.M.-lri., 4:30 P.M. directed to Mr. Shllan. United ( 15 .95), Filet Mignon ( 15 .50) , Fisherman's Style lo bster ('6.95). or States Magistrate Max Schiffman any other supe rbly prepared dinners fro m 13 .65. Top off with fixed ball al $35,000 on the youth. ho me-mode pastries you can't resist. You'll enioy o night of dining ------that will be difficult to surpass anywhere. MAil ORDER BLANK - R.I. AUDITORIUM Mr. Shllan, who bears a 1111 No. Main St., Provid1n,1, R.I. resemblance to Mr. Jaroslowlcz, lodosN Is .., check I_., .,...,) lo,..:._._PI-• soocl __tickets ot _,_ _._ Is 6 feet 2 Inches tall and weigh• OPEN -- S P.M. to 1 A.M. dtiklr•'stickets•t' t.r,-t.r...... , ..._.,..,._at A.M. erP.M. 210 pounds. Mr. Shllan'• father, PleaH -;;;;le checltt1 payable to Provid•nce HocT.y Club, Inc. Sidney, Is a yeshiva SUNDAY - NOON to 1 A.M. NAME ...... admlnbtrator. 1be son, lnllllrvlewed at bis CLOSED MONDAYS STREET ...... home, said be quit Forest Hills LAKEVIEW PARK - Rout, 16, Mltldon,Mass. CITY ...... STATE ,...... ZIP ...... Night School laat month. Please enclose HII addrnsed stamped envelope. Afllllr being sraduated from PLEASE DIAL •••••• '17-473-7744 Yeshiva ntereth Moshe, 83-06 Toke Route 1~ to Route 16, fast on 16, Abingdon Road, Kew Gardens, through Uxbridge, to Lakeview Pork. Qmmls, he said he had atte11ded Torches light the way ·· Only 30 min . from Prov. Brooklyn Taclmlcal High School · for six month, and John Bowm THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD1 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1972 13 For Jewish Minority JACKSON SPEAKS night. This Included a week cl WA~TON - Senator speeches concerning the Middle Henry Jackson was the main East and Soviet Jewry In speaker of the Zionist Philadelphia, Memphis and Organization of America dinner Miami. Principal Problem In Syria Saturday night and at a Madison Is Restriction On Travel Square Garden rally on Monday DAMASCUS, Syria to a synagogue In Haret el Yabud now but there's no telling what JESSIE DIAMOND Leaders of Syria's Jewish the ancient J ewlsh quarter. He will happen If Israel attac:b minority hope that the new showed no sign of 1111easlness In Syria." HAMANTASHEN liberallzatlon of the Syrian the pre!1811Ce of offlctals from the Syrian rulers are adamant on regime will bring them greater Ministries of Foreign Affairs and this point: Jews cannot be allowed FOR PURIM freedom. Information, responding readily to emigrate. "Syria Is at war CALL 726-6102 Selim Totah, head of the to newsmen's questions In n-t with Israel,'' Abdallah Khan!, Jewish community In Damascw, French and Arabic. Deputy Foreign Minister, de­ says~ he has appealed to the He emphasized that "the most clared. '"We cannot let our Government to lift restrictions on friendly , even brotherly citizens go to swell the ranks of SHADES WHY NOT CALL travel by Jews Inside the country relations" existed between Jews the Israeli Army." ------and to release the Jews arrested and Arabs here but openly Mr. Khan! declared In an DRAPERIES for trying to leave Syria lllegally. acknowledged that there were Interview tha.t he believed that the While Syrian Jews are looking problems. current International campaign - S.He WILK to an Improvement In their "We have civil and religious against Syria was aimed at CARPETS situation, a widespread campaign liberty,'' Mr. Totah said, adding "preparing the atmosphere for an WINDOW FASHIONS, Inc. FOR INSURANCE has been under way abroad to "We want absolute liberty." Israeli attack against Syria." 1195 No. Main St., Prov. alert world opinion to their He said that the Jewish Several other high officials 1429 BROAD STREET plight, The Damascus regime has community leaders brought up the expressed the same opinion that OPEN MON. THRU SAT. TO 5 ,30 the focus on the Jewish Issue wu TUESDAY EVES Till 9 P.M . 461-9290 been accused of persecuting question of travel restrictions at GA 1-3955 Jews, particularly by the Israeli, a meeting with the President, Intended to stir ,., world hostf!lty French and United States press. Ueut. Gen. Hafez al-Assad, dur­ against Syria. "There Is much exaggeration ing celebrations for the first "There are more !ban 100,000 In the press preports of our anniversary of the regime - Syrian refugees from the Golan Male situation," Mr. Totah declared In General Assad seized power In heights, and 250,000 Palestinian COUNSELORS Female an Interview. He said that the November, 1970. refugees here, but the Western current campaign against Syria "President A11ad told us that press cares only for the fate of "Is a question of International all the laws not applied to other '4,000 Jews," an Information Athletic-General Interest." Asked about Syrian citizens wlll not be applied Ministry official said bitterly. allegations of oppression, he to us,•• Mr. Totah sald, Mr. Totah, however, exp! alned with or without experience. Co-ed said, "We don't know of any Interpreting this to mean that the publlctty given to Syrian Jews overnight comp in Rhode lslond Incidents of gravity." travel restrictions would be otherwise. "It's quite natural - Mr. Totah, an Import­ lifted. At present Jews must n- that there are no Jews left In exporter In his sixties, welcomed obtain travel permits to move Jordan, few In Iraq and Lebanon Marshall Gerstenblatt, Camp Director visitors to his modest office next from one district to another. - only In Syria Is there a 1be otfldal reaoon given for sizeable Jewish community,'' he this measure Is "the protection said, "We have weight, they think 151 Aurora Drive 737-6198 Warwick, R.I. of Jews from the deeply anti­ we're important." LADDERS Zionist population," Despite travel bans, the FOR HOME At the meeting with the Syrian Jewleh comm\allty la President, the community leadere shrinking steadily. lbere are now • urged him to grant clemency to 3,000 Jews In Damasc:us, 1,000 In offogJ~ COMMERCIAL USE the dozen Jews arrested recently Aleppo and 300 In El Qamlshllye, for having tried to leave the according to Mr. Totah. 09er country without passports. 1be 20,000 let! the COlllltry between EXTEN;ION OR I :1 community had not had contacts 1948 and 1967. OPEN UNTIL 2 A.M. STEPLADDERS with the prisoners and does not To the outsider, the Jews of In wood, aluminum know how they have been treated, Damascus appear to be making Mon. thru Sat. or magnesium according to Mr. Totah, the best of their delicate "The President said he would situation. There Is no special ~ FIBERGLASS• take up the matter,'' Mr. Totah state of alert or police guard In Want A with lox and ? FLAGPOLES said. '"We hope they wlll be the Jewish quarter, where many IN ALL Sl2;ES released from one day to the Christians and Moslems, ln­ (WITH MAYBE A SLICE OF ONION?) next." c l udl n g Palestinians, live Combination 1be princtpal problem facing peaceflllly with the Jews, Jewish ~ LADDER CO. Syrian Jews, he said, Is the ban merchants watch strangers to the Corner Harris and on their travel abroad. One quarter with curiosity but without 119 WA TERMAN STREET Sims Aves. J ewlsh Intellectual who cannot be signs of fear. Identified said: '"We are like 1be Jewish community nms (CORNER BROOK STREET) hostages. Things are all right two schools In the quarter, with a total of 900 pupils. One Is 831-9242 ftnanced by the Alliance Israelite Unlverselle of Paris, and the nearby Ben Malmoun school Is RABBI NATHAN N_ ROSEN supported by Jews In the lJnlted States, who send $1,.fOO a month for the school and $2,200 more to Brown University and Providence Colleges Hillel Director, the community for such things as announces the following scheduled Hillel highlights the clinic, court, scholarships SHOP THE MODERN WAY• PERSONALIZED SERVICE and doweries. for Semester II "MEATS WITH YOUR APPROVAL" . 1be schools teach the regular ftlt. 6 PIOf. JOHN P. IHDEI: Religious Studies Dep't " Poverty ond Affluence: Government curriculmn as well Should We Sell What We Hove and Give to the Poor?" · as Hebrew, for prayers, Mr. IJ flANCIS A. NOWAID LI.I.: Worden Adult Correctional Institution (State Prison) ORIGINAL VIENNA PLETZEL 3 9c BOX. Totah said. '"We speak Arabic at "Should Prisoners Have lights: What Are the Limits?" home because we are Arabic 21 SUSAN DANfOITN: Marathon House Resident "I've Turned OH Drugs" citizens by the grace of God," V THOMAS P. WHITTEN: E.xecutiYe Director, Providence Human Relations Commission he ''Current Racial Problems and Attempted Solutions" said. SHOULDER PASTRAMI s2.89 LB. llerdi S JOSEPH &All.IN '31, Chairman, R.I. Parole Boord "Parole: How It Worb in lbere are 34 Jewish students Theory and PradKe" In Damascus University -13 12 DIAN JACQUll YN MATTfflD, Brown University " Women in Higher Education" studying medlctne, 9 pharmacy, .f It PIOf. JOHN WOIIMAN: Classics Dep 't "Did You Soy, A Commune?" TOMATO SARDINES1oz.~~~L 39c

( 14 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1972 who was trained ln the Uturgy but r.rZJ~l':mrmrml'J!';;!';;!';;!';;!';;~!';;!';;!';;!';;™~mml™ who would not be satisfied with New Extreme Right Wing Group merely chanting lt; one who would be concerned with disseminating Editor's Mailbox lt and enriching It and malclng lt Launched By Former Neo-Nazi part of our people's cultural !';;!';;!';;rmi:i!'Jrmu™™~~~™!';;tmtzi~ heritage. BONN - A new extreme NPD, and his successor, Martin Over these 25 years we hne right wing organtzatioo calling Mussgnug, who Is regarded as Cantors Assembly To Mark striven mightily to attain this Itself the New Right Party, was reladvely moderate by rightist goal. There no looger exists the launched in Munich recently by standards. once-a-month-hazzan or the Slegfrled Poehlmann, a lawyer Poehlmann, lcnown as an Its 25th Anniversary artistic interpreter who ·can who had headed the Bavarian extremist who decries the survhe Oil a synagogue circuit. chapter of the reputedly neo-Nazl parliamentary process, said the feeling of professionalism amoag Th ls year the Cantors Each hazzan of the Assembly Is Na ti on a I Democratic Party new party would worlc outside the these men. Very few of them Assembly will marlc lts 25th today totally Involved with and (NPD). Poehlmann brolce with the parliamentary framework. He shared their art with a colleague anniversary. It ls a meaningful concerned for the broad needs of NPD at the Bavarian chapter's stated at his first press milestone In terms of the life of and very few of them were his awn coogregation, In teaching, caucus after he delivered a conference as leader of the New concerned with the broader needs an organlzadon but even more , counseling and helping to enhance statement denouncing Adolf Von Right Party that Its efforts would meaningful in terms of what of congregations beyond the hours Jewish life wherever possible, Thadden, former chairman of the be directed against both the new acrually has been accomplished. devoted to Sabbath or holiday Over these 25 years we have and the traditional Left and Its The state of hazzanut before worship, or with the perperuation helped to establish the clergy This poor, benighted, Jew l~Iogy would be "anti-Marxist 1947, when the Assembly was of hazzanut. status of the hazzan In several would like the columnist to Socialism." founded, was ln the nature of a One of the princlpal reasoos land-mark cases in the courts of answer just two questioos. Whom The NPD falled to win a single personality cult, or of a private for which the Cantors ASl!lembly our country. We have raised would you equate Brezhnev with, seat in the Bundestag in West art. In those days everyone knew was founded was to malce of this standards for the profession and and do you suggest that we wait Germany's last general electloos the ten, 12 or 15 star hazzanlm persooal art a professloo of standards of musical taste In our until the ovens are built? and has since lost lts seats In the who went from synagogue to sacred service. 'The founders of congregations. We have carried Rabbi William G. Braude of various state legislatures. A synagogue thrilling congregations the Assembly believed that while on a program of continuing In­ Temple Beth El, in his Yorn ·recent Gallup poll showed that no with their beautiful there was continuing need for the service education and a program Klppur eermoo, Oct. 10, 1970, more than one percent of the Interpretations of the liturgy. II turgy to be Interpreted of publication which has produced scathingly equated present day German electorate supported or Each was an unique artist, with beautlfully and meaningfully there some 25 volumes of synagogue Russia with Tzarlst Russia, and sympathized with the NPD. When his own style and voice were broader needs in each music. Leonid Brezhnev with Tzar Muss gnu g took over party a characteristics but there was no congregation for personality Our proudest achlevement Is Nicholas the 2nd. No doubt the leadership from the retiring Von the Impetus we gave to the cohmmlst ls equally dejected and Thadden last fall he promised to establlshment of a school for the saddened by that comparlsoo, but change the party's extremist tralnlng of hazzanlm and In the no doubt Rabbi Braude, also, Is image. 'W~R~ continuing support the Assembly "naive, Ignorant, Irresponsible, • N Ila~ land S1111art• praYldes for !ta survival. Almost or all three." (I have a copy of Kuwait ewspapers from the beglnnlng of our DINNER SPECIALTIES existence we began to raise the ::rm~.) text of Rabbi Braude's Criticize Terrorists funds and to convlnce people that In closing, I would like to JERUSALEM - Newspaper, WEDNESDAY a school for hazzanlm was the remind the columnist of the In Kuwait, the oil-rich Persian only way in which we could substantial number of Jews - In Gulf state, broke a long silence guarantee the continuity of and outside of Germany, who, recently on the situation In Roast Prime Rib Of Beef s3 95 synagogue music in America. during the Holocaust, defended Jordan to defend the Hussein COMPLETE DINNER • and were apologists for Nazi regime and criticize the oerrorist FRIDAY The Cantors Institute was Germany and Hitler, and of those mavement and the revolutiooary born as a result of our efforts. Jews, lnfluential and otherwise, Arab states such as Iraq, Syria Baked Stuffed Jumbo Shrimp s Over 18 years slnce, over who, In the faca of the mounting and Egypt, which allegedly $300,000 has been raised by COMPLETE DINNER 2• 95 mdence of Nazi persecutlon and .,.iport lt. hazzantm in communties across murder of Jews, admonished n,,e newspapers urged Saudi the land. Twenty-five graduates Baked Filet Of Haddock Por. AND vEG. s thoee who dared cry out in Arabia and Egypt to re,nune the 1.45 are already full-fledged members pr-st, that "American-Jews efforts which they abandoned last of the Cantors Assembly. 'The are Oftr-reactlng." month to mediate between Jordan COMPLIMENTARY RELISH TRAY AND APPETIZERS Institute continues to grow in Never did I think I would live and the Palestlnlan guerrillas. BEER - WINE - COCKTAILS accomplishment and quality. through this same thing twice In Me an w h II e , A m m an radio This celebratioo Is as much my Ilfetlme. Intensified attacks on the the celebration of the American EDITH L. GOLDMAN terrorist• describing them as Jewish community as lt ls ours, Providence "crlmlnal ganp." for, In the long run, the Cantors Assembly would be meaningless BRIGHTEN lf lt could not have the 1 I understanding, cooperation and YOUR HOME OR OF.FICE help of Jews In congregatioos all ------WITH over the country. I I Members of the Cantors I Assembly In Rhode Island and In I I CUSTOM-MADE our area Include Cantors Norman Im~---··· DRAPERIES Gewlrtz of Temple Beth El; Karl I -·._.....,...... _,._..,...,...~ I FROM s. Kritz of Temple Beih Israel; Ivan E. Perlman of Temple I ~ I Emanu-El: Jrvlng Poll of Temple JACK'S FABRICS Beth Am and Charles Ross of : <.~ ,~ ~\'- c.. : •SLIPCOVERS Temple Beth Davld-Anshel 725 DEITER ST., CENTRAL FAUS Kovno. Cantor Israel Barzak of •c,'\\\- 1q(. \'· c,--'\~ ~\G~ 1 •BEDSPREADS Pall River, Massachusetts, and •UPHOLSTERING •DECORATING PROILEMS? Cantor Aaron Marcus are also I -..o"'~ ~\1 \\l~'\ I •WINDOW SHADES JUST CAU 725-2160 members. : t,O'>~\t: Cantor Kritz ls a past ,~~ ?q1. '-'· : NO OIUGATIOH president of the New England Region, and Cantor Perlman WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE I OPEN 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M . MON. THIW SAT. serves on the National Executive I Council, the Ethics and Israel OF KOSHER FROZEN FOODS JA 1-3888 I committees, Is ct.airman of the Busl ne s s Committee of the Journal of Synagogue Music and wlll serve as chairman of the ~------~ I 142 PaD>tuc~el Avenue Management Committee at the Rumford, Rhode Island 25th anniversary convention in 434-0800 April. Cantor !van E. Perlman '"Featuring the Finest in Temple Emanu-El Infant• and Children'• Providence Apparel" Equates Russia ALL YOUR AUTO SEP 11'9c1 With Germany ••• I won't expend much rhetoric In reply to the latest bit of pro­ Soviet propaganda to disgrace the Bow Can ·pages of the Rhode Island Herald. The January--21 Prlday to Friday column ls worthy of just one reply - disgustl We Help The writer tells of a poster he Savings saw, that read, "Wanted for the oppressioo of 3,000,000 Jews." You.rCa.r? up to 50% He describes the poster as having, "On top • • . a picture of Entire Winter Stock a Nazi soldier almlng hi~ rlfle at a Jewish chlld , • • below a i' portrait of Leonid Brezhnev of We can fix your car's tires, muffler, front the Soviet Union." He names the Now Jewish Defense League, with an end, brakes, steering, transmission, light­ Elmgrove Ave. address, (that of ing, or just about anything else. You may thru Mr. Charles Garber) as the distributors of the "wanted" call us experts ... bur don't forget to call us. Saturday poster, He admonishes, "The Jew ls h Defense League of Open Dnily Providence Is either, naive or RADIATOR & 9 :30 lo 5:30 ignorant, or irresponsible, or all BOSTON Tue,., Thur,. and three •.• to equate Russia with BODY WORl