Moscow TV Presents Interviews with Jews Wishing Repatriation
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r . 1 J .- 1-,, . - • -·· ·· " J 20 't I.::':;2LL ST • .;," -o"., rC .L /\ OC . 11 P C:0 '/ . 6 • P I • 0 ~90& Moscow TV Presents Interviews With Jews Wishing Repatriation MOSCOW - Apparently easing migration to some extent, trying to discourage the continued have al 10 stepped 1" their departure of Soviet Jews, Moscow publlclty against Zlonlsm and televl1ion presented lntemew1 against conditions of life In last week with 18 who had gone to Israel. There are no olflclal THE O N LY ENGLISH JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I AND SOUTHEA ST MASS. Israel and now wanted to return. figures on the number of Scmet The program - filmed In Jews who have declared their Vienna, where the 18 were Intention to emigrate, but VOLUME LV, NUMBER 50 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1972 15c PER COPY 16 PAGES waiting repatriation - stressed estimates nm as high as 100,000, what the former Soviet or about 5 per cent of the more cltlzens described as negative than two mllllon Jews. U.S. To Sell Planes To Israel aspects of life In Israel. Those who appeared on It also showed one of them, a television asserted that Soviet middle-aged man from Riga, the work experience and diplomas Dayan Expresses Hope · Latvian capital, saying that he were not properly h011orecl In had gone to Israel "out of Israel and that ltnmlgrants from convlctlon" after the Arab the Soviet Union often were For Peace Negotiations Israell war of • forced to take Jobs below their "I decided that my place was capabllltles. WASI-IINGTON Dllfe,,.,. end a six-month strain between In Israel," he said, but he added Many complained that Mlnlatler Moshe Dayan of Israel the two ~rnments during that on arrival he had fo1md what Immigrants qulcldy accumulated expresaed hope this week that which Washington withheld any he termed a "hatred for Russler debts on arrival In Israel becauae Iarael and Egypt would sbort11, commitments on arms In an Jews" and a life Inferior to the they found It dlfflcul t to repay begin "118rlous negotiations' effort to apply in--uure on Israel one he had In Riga, where he · advances given to them by the toWard at least an Interim Middle to adopt a more conciliatory stand towards negotiations with owned a home and a car, authorities to help them get Eastftn peace agreement. The 40-mlnute program settled. "Iarael wants peace and Is the Arabs. prepared now to discuss and seemed designed to warn Soviet A teen-ager, who was aeelc1ng Last week, after a great deal appllcants for emigration to think repatriation together with negotla11e It," he said u he emerged from a 90-mlnute of negotiation about the role the twice before they abandoned their his parents, spoke IDlfavorably United States would play as lives In the Soviet Union for an about the lsraell school aystem. mNting with Secretary of State William P. Rogers at the State mediator In the talks, Israel 1mcerta1n future In Israel. On being pl aced according to age &nnOIDlced her wllllngness to The Interviews were In the eighth grade, he fo1md the Department. "I hope beth parties will be willing to compromise begin Indirect negotiations with broadcast at a time when the scholastic level equivalent to that Egypt on reopening the Suez Soviet authorities apparently of ftfth grade In the Soviet Union, while they are negotiatlng." RUTH KAMINSKA-TURKOW Canal; closed since the 1967 were granting exit visas to Jews he said. Mr. Dayan also confirmed that lsrul had received satisfactory Arab-Israeli war. The at a rate of about 2,000 a month, A I m o s t everyone on the Administration has yet to seek Last year about 14,000 Jews went program complained about long Noted Polish Actress assurances from the United States about a continuing supply Egypt's agreement to Join the from the Soviet Union to Israel, working hours In Israel, which talks. It was awaiting the return the largest contingent of they put at 10, 12 or even !<I To Speak At Center of warplanes. "We feel better now about what we have got from of Egypt's President, Anwar el Immigrants from any COIDltry, hours a day. The Soviet work day Sadat, from a visit to the Soviet The Soviet authorities, while Is about 8 hours. Contlnulng Its lecture series, your ~rnment," he said with a smile. Union, Yugoslavia, Libya, and "From Out of Their U ves,'' the Syria. Do Not Expect Improvement In Relations Jew!J;h Community Center will Although Mr. Dayan declined present the third · or Its rour to discuss details of the recently Mr. Dayan had l1mch at the speakers, the Polish actress, con cl u de d arms agreement, Pentagon with Defense Secretary singer, writer, Ruth Kamlnska Adm1nlstration sources reported Melvln R. Laird and Adm. Report Fra~ce Will Repay Turkow, on Sunday, February 13 over the weekend that the United Thomas H. Moorer, chairman o! at 8 p,m. Stallls had a~d to sell Israel the J olnt Chiefs of Staff. Mr, Israel For Mirage Planes Her subject will be " Inside a 42 P-4 Phantom Jet fighter Dayan Is In the United States on a Soviet Concentration Camp." bombers - the striking arm of private visit to help raise f1mds PARIS - France and Israel what she considered her proper Force d by the German the Israell Air Force - and 50 for the United J ewlsh Appeal. He were reported by rellable diplo ty. What was once a virtual al advance to nee Poland with her A- <1 Skyhawk close-support Jets Is expected to meet with small matic sources last week to be liance tunied to something ap family In 1939, Miss Turkow over the next two to three years. groups of Jewish leaders In near an agreement 1mder which proaching hostility as France arrived In Russia to find herself The agreement brought to an several cities. Israel would be reimbursed for took an Increasingly friendly atti quickly catapulted to fame and 50 Mirage fighter planes bought tude toward the Arab states. Such success. Her hµsband, Jazz In France but never delivered. a policy drew considerable nre musician Ady Rosner, was the Sadat Joins Soviet Union In Plea The agreement, expected to be within France. leader or a highly-regarded signed soon, would remove a ma orchestra, and with him, she For Resumption of Peace Efforts jor strain In French-lsraell rel a Premier Meir Says Israel mingled with the political and tlons. But the Israelis were re- artistic elite of wartime Russia. MOSCOW - Despite past special representative for the . ported to be somewhat pessimis Will Not Give Up Old City When, at the end of the war, Egyptian talk of war with Israel, Middle East, "should tic that any concrete advantages she and her husband wished to President Anwar el-Sadat joined Immediately resume" to them would be forthcoming. TEL AVIV - The Israeli return to Pola!!!!, they were with the Soviet Union last week In consultations with the Arabs and Israel will reportedly get back government Is prepared to Imprisoned on fabricated charges a new appeal for Immediate Israelis aimed at promoting a the $SO-million she paid for the declare that Israel would not give or espionage, forced to abandon resumption of United Nations polltlcal settlement Involving full Mirages plus 8 per cent Interest. up East Jerusalem even lf such a their young daughter, and diplomatic efforts to arrange a Israeli withdrawal from occupied stand were to be an obstacle to However, In agreeing last fall to separated. Physical and mental polltlcal settlement In the Middle Arab territory. peace, Premier Golda Meir told a give up Its claim to the planes af deprivation followed, Including East. No mention was made of the rally of high school students last ter four years of bitter lltlgatlon, solitary confinement and A Joint communique Issued American efforts to engage Israel week. She declared that no one after Mr. Sadat's two days of the Israeli Government had hoped concentration camps. She was and Egypt In close "proximity had the right to ask Israel to give urgent strategy talks with the for an Improvement in rel atlons flnally allowed to rejoin her talks" at a New York hotel to try 1mder which France would halt up a slngle street of Jerusalem. family In Poland. Kremlin leaders said that the two to agree on an Interim sol utlon to Israel alone defended the city what the lsraells considered to be s Ides had "considered reopen the ~z Canal. The Soviet hostile actions against their In during the Arab-Israell wars ln measures" In the field of Union and Egypt have been cool to terests. 1948 and 1967 while the world "further strengthening" Egyptian that approach recently. The French were 1mderstood stood by, she said, adding that It m 111 tar y capabilities against 11te communique expressed to hne kept the talks strictly on will now remain 'united as the Israel "and outlined a number of customary Soviet expressions of the Mirage issue. What took place capital of Israel. Mrs. Meir concrete steps In thls dlrectlon." support for Egypt and the Arab In talks at a technical level wu stressed, however, that Israel But there was no specific cause - but not for Mr. Sadat bargaining over money and the has no ambitions to administer pledge of new Soviet arms personally, as used to be tl,e case conditions for paying It. the city's Christian and Moslem shipments for Cairo - as there with his predecessor the late The only exception was an holy places. "we are satisfied was In October when Mr.