The Bon Accord Directory
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from National Library of Scotland Aberdeen City Council LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICES =-M^ THE Wm I'iJ 58f DIRECTORY. PRINTED FOR THE PROPRIETOR, BY GEO. CORNWALL. VICTORIA COURT, 54 CASTLE STREET, 54 And may be had of the Letter Carriers and at the Post Office, 1845. a U+--2 5. Q)ta. 22 /+8-)G 7 CONTENTS. Counting-house Calendar,, Section V. Stamp Duties, . „„ , Commercial Establishmknts. Mail and Stage Coaches,.*^ Banks— List of Carriers,, Aberdeen Banking Co.,,^, 38 Aberdeen Town & County Section I, Bank, ^, 38 Municipal Institutions. North of Scotland Banking Magistrates of Aberdeen, „, Company, „w,,~-.,~~~w. 39 Population of the City, ,™ Bank of Scotland, ^^. 40 The Guildry, „. British Linen Company,,^. 40 Incorporated Trades, ,^.», Commercial Bank of Scot- Police Establishment, ^^^, land, „«™~^, 41 Harbour,,^,,^^,^^,^,,, National Bank of Scotland, 42 City of Glasgow Bank, 42 Section II. Savings' Bank, ~~.„„~.„^. 42 Shipping Companies— Legal Department. Aberdeen Steam Naviga- Courts of Law,^.».^^„„ tion Company,,~~,„„,^. 43 Society of Advocates, Aberdeen, Leith, and Clyde Public Officers Shipping Company, ,,„^. 44 Messengers-at-Arm3, Aberdeen and Newcastle Sheriff Officers,. Steam Navigation Co., „ 44 Aberdeen and Newcastle- Section III. on-Tyne Traders,,^*,.™. 44 Ecclesiastical Department. Aberdeen and Newcastle, „ 45 Aberdeen and Dundee,^,„«, 45 Established Church, ^,,J1J . J .^ 21 Churchyard Dues,^^^^™,^^ 21 Foreign Consuls in Aberdeen, 45 Churchwarden's Dues,„~v~~. 22 Aberdeen Shipping, *»~~^. 46 Various Denominations,,,,^. 22 Principal Fairs in Scotland,.* 49 "Weekly Corn Markets in Scot- Section IV. Revenue Department. The Income Tax, *^,~~..^,„ 55 Post Office, Rates, &c.,.^,„~. 23 Alphabetical List of Streets, A List of Post Towns and Squares, Lanes, &c~~ 58 Sub-offices in Seotland,.w~.
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