(Iowa City, Iowa), 2008-05-07
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THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 INSIDE Art museum head quits Parrott also said he couldn’t Provost Lola Lopes said in a Neither university officials nor Howard Collinson comment about whether statement. Previously, White Collinson was asked to resign. has been the UI Museum of give a reason for his abrupt resignation. According to the agree- Art’s curator of painting and ment, Collinson will receive sculpture. She has a juris By Kurtis Hiatt Collinson, who served for son for Collinson’s seemingly four months’ salary, benefits, doctorate and a Ph.D. in art THE DAILY IOWAN more than eight years in the abrupt departure, and UI retirement contributions, history. position, announced his resig- spokesman Steve Parrott and accrued vacation, total- A man who answered the Director of the UI Museum nation Monday, though he said officials cannot com- ing $71,398.15. telephone at Collinson’s Lee Collinson Toole continues of Art Howard Collinson has signed a separation agreement ment any further outside of The interim director for Street residence said, “I don’t former director really have anything to say. of the UI hitting tear voluntarily resigned, a sepa- with university officials May 2. that agreement, which was the museum will be Pamela Museum of Art Thanks so much.” Iowa’s Justin Toole ration agreement obtained The separation agreement obtained under Iowa’s Free- White, the director of UI Pen- extended his hitting Tuesday shows. documents don’t cite any rea- dom of Information Act. tacrest Museums, interim SEE RESIGNATION, 3A streak to 21 games in a 13-5 Hawkeye win. Sports, 1B Obama wins N.C.; The high Indiana too close Getting their goats to call Barack Obama and Hillary cost of Rodham Clinton continued dueling Tuesday night, Goat farmers cite a rising number of immigrants in Midwest although Obama says he’s closer to the nomination. as a main factor in the growing demand for goat meat. Nation, 2A OWI Mason to lead UI law experts disagree (future) leaders UI President Sally Mason on actual OWI costs but will teach a class of selected students on leadership. agree that long-lasting Campus, 5A consequences are dire. UI prof testifies in By Carla Keppler Washington THE DAILY IOWAN UI law Associate Professor Katie For students, May signifies graduation Porter told a congressional and the beginning of a stress-free summer, panel about certain practices but for communities across the nation, it that hurt subprime also means a spike in drunk-driving tickets borrowers. Campus, 5A and sky-high financial and personal expenses for lawbreakers. Houghton, UI law student Hawkeyes look Lanny Zieman’s OWI costs personal curiosity Lanny Zieman’s true ahead in the practical costs of an OWI Iowa looks to improve on a side of law and his • Fine 2008 spring season that internship at UI • Civil penalties ended short of a postseason Student Legal • Increased car berth. Sports, 1B Services led him insurance premiums to an investiga- • Possible loss of Trials of the heart tion last month employment looking into the • Jail time Beth Skogen/The Daily Iowan A History of Bad Ideas overall cost of an • Negative effect on relives UI playwright Greg Iowa City resident Myron Smalley stands by his meat goats Wednesday. Smalley is a member of the Iowa Meat Goat OWI — operating personal reputation Machlin’s real-life relation- Association, which comprises approximately 120 farms. while intoxicated ship woes tonight as part of — arrest. Costs of an OWI the Iowa New Play Festival. By Brian Stewart His researched dependent upon Arts & Culture, 7A THE DAILY IOWAN delved into the • Amount of alcohol criminal, adminis- or drugs in person’s An increasing number of Iowans trative, and per- system dailyiowan.com are turning their backs on the com- sonal price tags • Cost of property mon beef patties or grilled chicken attached to the damage breasts in favor of a different protein For photos, videos, audio, blogs, fine. • Whether personal — goat meat. and more, check us out online Though many injury resulted “[The goat-meat industry] has at: dailyiowan.com components play • Eligibility for grown tremendously,” Storm Lake into the amount deferred judgment Daily updates goat farmer Brian Sievers said. each individual • Prior record “When I started, people thought I must pay, Zieman Now check back at was a little strange, and now there estimated financial dailyiowan.com during are getting to be quite a few people costs between $2,500 and $5,000 but noted the day for the latest news who are starting to eat goat meat. If And he’s not alone. “Five years ago, I’d been hearing additional sanctions in terms of career and on the UI and Iowa City. they try it, I know they’ll like it.” Membership in the Iowa Meat about meat goats, so we decided to social life. Sievers, who has been farming his Goat Association tops 120 farms, diversify our operation and get into Zieman estimated that, with all costs Daily Iowan TV whole life, added goats to the picture including Iowa City native Myron meat goats,” he said. included, the average OWI would set some- To watch Daily Iowan TV, around 10 years ago. Smalley’s family operation. SEE FARMERS, 4A one from the Iowa City area back around go online at dailyiowan.com $4,000-$5,000. or tune into UITV. The SEE OWI COSTS, 3A 15-minute newscast is on Sunday through Thursday at 9:30 and 10:30 p.m., with reruns at 12:30 and 1:30 a.m. and 7:45 and 8:45 a.m. the following day. Learn about ‘real’ Iran, speaker urges Today’s webcast • Hawkeye baseball’s recent Fatemeh Keshavarz says an increased exchange slump of information between United States and WEATHER Iran would decrease negative sentiment. By Patrick Futtner “Laughter and smiling are so human … It is a THE DAILY IOWAN very humanizing process,” Keshavarz said. “When someone tells a joke, you cannot view In the eyes of Professor Fatemeh Keshavarz, them as fanatic.” we all must discover new ways in which to exam- Keshavarz was born and raised in Shiraz, Iran, ine the diversity of other cultures, especially Mostly cloudy, windy, and she is a published author and poet in both regarding her home country of Iran. Persian and English along with being the head of with a 70% chance In a speech on Monday titled “The Iran the of rain/T-storms. the department of Asian and Near Eastern lan- Smiles,” she said we cannot rely on an interpreta- guage and literature at Washington University © tion given to us through the media. Rather,we in St. Louis. She was also invited to speak at the 68 20 C 45 7 C need to question what is being discussed, what U.N. General Assembly in 2007. © isn’t discussed, and what should be discussed. Keshavarz said that Iran is not the country the INDEX In this “sound-bite mentality” in which infor- United States publicizes it as being. mation is quickly thrown to the public using Steve Lexa/The Daily Iowan President Bush and many administration offi- Fatemeh Keshavarz, a professor of Persian language and comparative Arts 7A Opinions 6A forceful language such as “danger,” people are not cials have said that Iran is a threat to world peace. Classifieds 4B Sports 1B able to experience, just absorb, she said. literature at Washington University, speaks to a crowd in the Pappajohn Crossword 6B But why “The Iran the Smiles?” SEE IRAN, 4A Business Building on Monday. 2A - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, May 7, 2008 News dailyiowan.com for more news The Daily Iowan UISG OKs priority 3 $ Volume 139 Issue 193 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: E-mail: [email protected] William Casey. .335-5788 Fax: 335-6297 Editor: UI Student Government brings year to a close. Jason Brummond. .335-6030 CORRECTIONS By Carla Keppler Services earlier this year. “We only have $9,000, and I given to support printing costs, Managing Editor: Call: 335-6030 THE DAILY IOWAN Funding decisions led three believe we deliberated fairly several senators gave the group Brittany Volk. .335-5855 student groups to appeal to and allocated generously,” he credit for attending the meeting Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro Editors: In its last meeting of the year UISG Tuesday night. said. “If we’re going to just and better explaining its needs. accuracy and fairness in the reporting Emileigh Barnes. .335-6063 of news. If a report is wrong or Dean Treftz. 335-6063 on Tuesday night, the UI Stu- The most contentious of them spend it because we have it, The UI Swing Dance Club dent Government approved the — the Delta Sigma Pi business misleading, a request for a correction or Danny Valentine . 335-6063 we’re going to be in trouble all requested advance funding for a clarification may be made. Opinions Editor: budget for priority-three organi- fraternity — requested addi- next year. I highly recommend zation funding. an event in the fall which PUBLISHING INFO Jonathan Gold. .. .335-5863 tional funding for a professional against it.” Sports Editor: Following a brief delay requires the early booking of The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360)is development event for UI stu- But after back-and-forth Charlie Kautz. .335-5848 because of failure to make quo- nationally and internationally published by Student Publications Inc., dents. debate from a divided senate, Arts Editors: rum, the group allocated known dance instructors. E131 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa Representative Michael UISG voted in favor of provid- Susan Elgin.