The Oxford Democrat: Vol. 47, No. 35

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The Oxford Democrat: Vol. 47, No. 35 with I wm the calico dr«w and the meal-stains on A CHINBHE CONVDIHCI MAM. An of the That Dream ·( Can· ndfcnoa, driving through my my inteilifont correspondent where the from Dublin Freeman's Journal wm Bed Swamp, maple-trees hands. prophesied Oh, the yuan» love mreet, dear, For way· that arc dark and tricks that name were all with there wax the of abundant harvests in I hut ilicHtn ol ours, which it took Us aglow However, nothing for it bnt to garnering OfOtforbîIcmotrat cwiuly are vain, the heathen Chinee in peculiar," thnuhee summon* no Ireiimd thiw frotu to Novem- \\ lien we could not keep oui' I cet, ilccu, crimson hlo—omii, and the and otwy the ; I went ap to the year July IS •aye the Kansas City Timet, and a caw; in Krtun (Utiiriiii; through the flown»; robins called to one another with 11 ate-like hon*i». A sort of blur seemed to eorao bo- ber. ιιηΊ il t'ie proplnvj shall be justl- KS Λ point reoently shows a little aharp trick ITKLISIIKD KVKKV TU 11 Wiien an J cny romance· notée.. fore ai I entered the ticd by the great event there should Ik? Y, Iiojim my eyes sitting-room, which "John "«Yen with the mont HT as rtvn places no of IrUh reiief fun-is next Were ih ct in spring, Well, I managed splendidly. I knew and heard my mother : need year, saying intelligent of confidence men. The celes- OKI). II. WATKIN8, And cares ν» ere old lolk»' tuticiui, where I was to when I started. I "Colonel this is eldest and no such demand us Mr. I'arnell lia» going Hay, n»y daughter, tial who played the laet trick for pecuniary tdllor and And joy the soli·! thing, of russets to the man made—that a gift of $l,t>U<',000 be •old the six barrels Kate." is who the just nil vision· Meet, prutit Hop Sing, occupies potii. 01 youth's dcivr, the for four dollars taken from tlie Irish church fund tor who kept Park Hotel And then tho blur cleared sway, sud I tion of of a eetablish- ;Γ#γ>ιι»—|μ·ι· Wnr. Ol ull ILS polden dow'is, proprietor washing of The late and that was more than Leeman him· knew the man I had twice Keen that the relief the suffering apiece, before ment on Fourth street il'i had as a cus- I «M «tr tt* m *i|van«-*». » itodixli.<n ol dft\ rt» 0>i, the yrunj{ love wn> l*-*t, dear* rains, f0l.0wingtje.0n4 drought, « Il I witlua «ι* atoam». « ■elf tired traveler, whom I had so heavy h· nunl». |a diee.n ol outal anticipated. day—the palo, tomer about a week ego a young man from u lw l'liut <luiuly .lf'uri on ·ί t.»ent* fl*e nti will 44 Be careful don't have caused potatoi s to «row with ΙΓ rot i.a.d till th<- Mil of ιι»<· you get robbed, now," abandoned in the middle of the his Went, but who tnvtr. recklessly Kentuoky.on way stopped the cereals which have two <Ι«!)«ι· wiil lie h*r.««·, love is as watched me the rapidity, ap- >r»r Oh, the oM s*wt, dear, the man, he pat Bed at the Hotel for u few Swamp. Metropolitan above are a rich and October '· of ! hcM chill Jny-i, bills into my little leather portmonnaie. Colonel I peared çrounû Kul »-·· of I—I beg yonr pardon, Hat," Tho customer, in for his'v^rliaiiie. ·· days. calling tho artificial When wc trm 1 with (altering foot, tlav » " Robbed !" said with a heavy green hue, grasses lkual mmctt. I, laugh. Why, cried out, impulsively. "I thought 70a washing, «-as so indiscreet as to lcare hie The set υ and silent Ways. " are making satisfactory progrr-ee. and »Mt »u« 1Kb of ptrt OM wwt »!.<*> who should rob me ? were a thief." within the reach of some K«« h »u! wrrk, £> coat* When .--nrtli lias kwt itd pocket-book lying look «lory. 11 I said the landlord. the pastures beautiful; indeed, V>tl»e*—S tor cent. additional. Oh, don't know," The burst of that f<Alowed from of the celestials attached to the *{>«•1*1 And heov'ti h*s lost ils bli'O, laughter sharp-eyed the "whole face of the «Utile» 44 and country mofctTK nuira.». There's always trainpe burglars inmate of the room scat- while he walked a few \ud liit·'» a sober •Tory effectually concern, away steps. the story. around. a that don't upon the husbandman." Should Jii.oi S.itK'i' JO Ιά·ι! kï-utr, ï <» They're crop belong tered all embarrassment. The CANTERBURY SHAKERS' And cure κ comrade true. pocket-book mysteriously disappeared, m on Will·. Γ-ΛΟ to season of the weather be normally warm next month, any particular year." That was adventure And Colonel and after some time for it the S 1)11er·, 1 ^ s no loi ;er cheat, my searching lÎUWitlIM' Though Ik»i« dear, it at a cereal may be looked Ail»l» vrator»" an«l Ε senator·' Notice», I :*i LIFE-INVIGORATING Αs I turned did not notice heavy produce -t 1 »>t away—I has since n.t thut un- offered reward. im- t.'· An ! di«Ki! have their sway. Hay loug forgiven stranger $20 Hop Sing tMi,Ki>ii«nrri NtHnrt, to me for in the diftricta. What is moet the but it camo back afterward, fai-t is A the old iovt ;< sweet, dear, time, kind desertinc. of him. lu ilii* mediately the book and pocketed st w iU T»rm» laite with Ι.<«·1 l**rt->»»*.»n·! SARSAPARILLA. Oh, produced needed in Ireland to o4m.'.. r*M·· as do eorne back, like a radden du-h now, according ••l.vrrtl*^ut«'i'>· inmiIibucU any Tbul tltc aut .ι» 1 iv' and confidential, mind «"sro tho money. for th-»e« (tien „»·!ι quite private this is the '· ef h of tiaic. al»o. occtip«t»K across the dark shield of memory—a man correspondent, development Purifier. Kt«t· lljrptr't natar· to be married noon, and I oui K'""K u >(h The book contained valuable papers, and >i» «pac·. Tlif and a wfco was on the looked hard of dairy industries, greater glirtru 'or ailrcrtUiar I" th·· IHMOCRAT. mid Miltl lounging steps him to to the effects of a South- as the customer was in a to leave the Nf) Kriiirtly r'orida, try hurry over to the ta·* be ma«îr mt tbe lu.lowing wrll r*t*Mi«hevi C*Ur, amount ot land given culti- LatnfiTr. alma. ern Tlut is ulL course it. : oliiuate en his health. he took the wisest to regniu 'iHkn·· city, ration of culinary vegetables. tiro. I* K-'Vrli Λ Co It Sprui » IL York; I ·« and I colored a and to Serç u·.·· 1 ÛIÎ. 'tt A« |.ure ι.— ·ι·1. better. little, thought mjwlf, Isn't ir I He returned and unfolded the scheme to *« o-k : J H Κ. the tin.lrt κί(Μ<Ι lui(ili| C< enough l>.a«h» Λ Il l'nlt·»»» \»w Y 41 Wo» the Ι<·\ ·· Ι ϋΛ\ t·ι the* me the next time he Ratra.41 Cul Κ « Ne» York. S. M. l'ettrnclll w BUTTS Sll \KKR >AKS.\PAIilM. \ Κ Wall, he will know Chief Bpeers, who at once sent an officer to S» Park Ko». S«w York. T. C K«tu. A« divt a* ilttt-s, uUd <1*11er, Thi> careworn ami overworked lln l com- .ν (ο. ΓΓ in our i>rartic». aiul having i-x-.urn .! ihr lor MM em," and then forgot all aboat it ; for of business to demand a restora- I -îo®. Mix.; ν M CMMatill A<l»!<tatoM., W ;»·· The love ιτ.ο ο to Ιιιο. <·'··' eAflK* Hop's place il wout l « I ;uu THK name fort and strength in Mall liitlers. il· tu· a<t"U Si mn!% !-y «h.fh !· prepjro·!, eerlull) to mafe-h. I ■!'·· ΙΚκΐ l.ï<4 X had mother*· black bomlwvziue tion of the money. The almond-eyed fol- li oa *ί·« v M Λ»ο» A ">«n. I'Lilxtrliihia, rwi'mrrnd it lo thr a-tli· rlicaix » «< tii •icivratitttve mo r..<i»mutiiiy Α» pirn· to some dinner • « > K. and LiTs bat and The other afternoon the lower of Confucius saw the and A A »»„ Uvi. »k-a. Il» ; Nilr·, • >· spring buy. took, implement·, point pave A settles hi fore lie air- I an J β»' *ΙΤι··«ιρ·.·« ttf .Ml thi· |>Γι·|».1γ»Ιι<·Β· WH.« Iif«· I fc >ped to litre; ino>«|nito always • lirin ht > Ci -too. Μα**. ohina to and tbe doctor's fixtures, and whatever aba the that the man presents h!» Iilll. ..f Sam|>*H<U in ilw mi ν·ι It* h *' 1 γ<·ι»<ητι A· 'larV ii iv w|.| Ι»,·|..·«· ιηβ select, prescri|>tion appurtenance· □p money, complaining *ο ■ΓΜ'ΚΙλΚΙΜ r-l «ι·τ. ''tietf l*it.(t in avion ιη·«'t »! sj Is the lit oui <·»ι<κηρ five. (or Leeman to fill out at the to the game of wen in who took tho book was another druggist's belongs croquet, pot Chinaman, W11MKS Auksts \V1\1r.1». I'or ret' !'T exila η tho c»!v »î!i» a Uar !».«·! " p.'wlie. ci·, nf re«t Mi> »«l<v ihr am»trt i'f VrgrtaMi» Ksu·ι··Ι itia it was on seven when 1 a lawn that well to turned on up Woodwaitl avenue, who hail west to with coun- 1 ·· » •n pat·**», lb· amoui ilw~.
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