107.7 W2&9Az Wnwc-Fm 102.5

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107.7 W2&9Az Wnwc-Fm 102.5 *104.7 W284AT KNWS-FM 101.9 ^ichland CenteP95.3 W237CO WNWC-FM 102.5 De Pen? *89.7 W209BM KAWZ 89,9 Ripon *92.1 K221DH WVCX 98.9 Green River k 92.1 KFRZ $681() Dcwnsville "107.7 W2&9AZ WNWC-FM 102.5 •101.7 W269BQ WEMI 91.9 97.9 K2WB 52 Eagle Rivet "107.1 W296AD WRVM 102.7 River Falls *96.1 WRHS-LP 6 Greybull k 100,3 KZMQ-FM $91 tU Eflu Claire *88 7 W204BP KAWZ 89.9 Rothschild *93.7 W229AP WRVM 102.7 Guernsey 104.1 KANT 49 -89,1 W206AH KEAR 106.9 Showano •97.1 W246AZ WYNW 92.9 Jackson •88.3 KN1L 39 *96.3 WHYS-LP 6 Sheboygan *94.9 W235AG WVCY-FM 107.7 •89.1 KURT 39 •102.7*101.9 WIEC-LPWRFP-LP 6 96.996.1 W245AKW241AG WXERWRGX 104.5 88.5 pc *90,3 KUWJ $43 •107.9 WLFK-LP $ 6 •98.9■ W255AC WPFF 90.5 Elkhom *101.7 W269BV WGTD91.1 •99.9 W260AP WLWR 91.7 k 93.3 KJAX $74 Ellison Bay •103.1 W2768C WRVM 102.7 102.7 W274BA WFON 107.1 rm 95.3 K2JH $73 t() Fond du Lac *95.1 W236AG WPFF 905 *103.3 6 p 96.9 KMTN $74 tM •101.7 W2S9AZ WEMI 91.9 Sherwood -88.7 W204BK KAWZ 899 (emmerer m 107.3 KAOX $52 Fort Alkinson 95.9 W240BS WBKY 959 Shorowood 104.9 W28SAH WJMR 98,3 Green Bay •88.7 W204AW KEAR 106.9 Sparta •101 7 W269BH WNWC-FM 102.5 .ander op 97.5 KDLY $27 t 97.3 W247AC WAUN92,7 Spoon er -101.5 W2S8AT KDNW 97.3 .aramie g *88.9 KAIW $21 101.9 W270AJ WOZ2 93.5 107 1 W296BF KMKL 90.3 pc *91.9 KUWR $75 *102.3 W272BC WRVM 102.7 Slevens Point ■ 94 3 W232BE WRVM 102.7 *103.5 W27aAU WNWC-FM 102.5 100.1■ W261AD WWIB 103.7 k 95.1 KCGY $73 *106.1 W291BG WORQ90.1 Sturgeon Bay 98.9 W255AQ WYKX 104.7 mi 96.7 KIMX 44 •93.9 W230AN KDNW 97.3 103.3 W277BP WAUN 92.7 98.7 KHIH 19 94.5 W233BA KDNW 97.3 WRVM 102.7 $66 ■98.7 W254BF WGMO 96 3 Superior *107.7"93.7 WGHF-LPW299BC o 102.9 KARS-FM •100.1 W261BI KTiS-FM 96.5 rhroo Latos *106.3 W292CG 5 WRVM 102.76 0 104.5 KRQU $50 Howards Grove "95.3 W237CE WRVM 102.7 Fomah *92,5 W223AT WFuWA 93.9 .ost Cabin k 99,1 KWYW $92 Hudson 95.7 W239AM KNXR 97,5 Formhowk *100.9 W265BF WRVM 102.7 .ovell 107.1 KROW 92 •96.7 W2448I KAWZ 89.9 •107.1 WLQI-LP 6 Janesville 106.5 W293BF WNNO 106.9 Jiroqua 106.3 W292AA WNWC-FM 102.5 ,yman o 104.7 KBNZ $92 Kewaunoo 93.1 W226AR WSRG 97.7 Watertovin ■ 96,9 W245AX WBKY 95 9 i4art>leton 96.7 54 La Crosse 92.3 K222AG KNXR 97.5 103.3 W277AC WSJY 107.3 Midwest o 107.9 KRVK $92 93.7 K229BH WWIB 103.7 /Vaupaca '100.9 W265AD WEMI 91.9 ^ills 105.5 KHAD 52 *97.9 W250AX KNWS-FM 101.9 *107.3 W297AK WEMi 91.9 *101,5 WLXS-LP 8 Waupun 104.3 W282AN WBKY 95 ,9 doorcrofl 93.5 27 107.7 W299AC KQYB 98.3 A/ausau *90.3 W212BB WPCS 89.5 Newcastle jc *90.5 KUWN $12 Ladysmrth ■92 7 W224BL KTIS-FM 98.5 j( "93.3 WNRB-LP 6 r 99.5 KRKI $73 Lake Geneva '103.3 W277BM WGTD91.1 94 3 K232BE WWIB 103.7 Lancaster *98,5 W253AV WJTYSa.l 99.1 W256AG WMZK 104.1 Orchard Valley g *90.3 KWYC $41 Ladysmrth *93.5 W228BQ KDNW 97.3 •100.7 W264AP WRVM 102.7 ^ine Bluffs o 105.3 KREO $25 Land O'Lakijs' '106.3 W292CG WRVM 102.7 102.9 W275AC WOFM 94.7 ^inedale pc *90.9 KUWX $18 Madison *89.3 W207AW WMWK88.1 Wausaukee *92 1 W221BN WLCJ-LP 92.5 ok 101,1 KPIN $30 *90.9 W215AQ WHHI91.3 Alauloma 107.3 W297AH WRVM 102.7 97.1 6 AffHlewatar •101.1■ W266AQ WNWC-FM 102.5 ^owell pc *90.1 KUWP $34 g •99.1■ 6(7) Wisconsin DeUs 92.9 W225AS WBKY 95.9 op 104.1 KCGL $89 '101.9 W270AU WJWD90.3 •105.3 W287AV WNWC-FM 102.5 ^awlins k 92,7 KIQ2 $23 '103.3 W277AE WFEN 88.3 Wisconsin RapWs*983 W252BQWNWC-FM 102.5 107.9 W300BM WSUM 91.7 Rjverlon r *88,1 KCWC $47 Manrlowoc ■ *90.9 W215BF KAWZ 69.9 Wyoming Map pp. 82-63 im 93.1 KTRZ $69 tOU •93.3 W227BO WLWR 91.7 op 93,9 KTAK $64 *95.5 W238BC WEMI 91.9 ^fton pc *91.3 KUWA $ 5 Rock River 95,9 KVAN 28 ■100.7 W264BE WRVM 102.7 k 98.7 KRSV-fM $ 8 g *104.1 6 Mbin op 107.3 KKAW $39 Rock Springs pc *90.5 KUWZ $79 Marinotle -91.3 W217AA WNMU 90.1 Buffalo pc *90.5 KBL/W S 5 r 95.1 KYCS $84 9 *92.5 WLCJ-LP 6 k 92,9 KLGT $52 k 96.5 KQSW $84 Marshfleld *107.7*91.5 K218BKWLWR-LP WRVM 102.76 Bums 0 101.9 KIGN $52 op 99.7 KSIT $86 94.3 W232AR WWIB 103.7 ^aspef *89.1 KLWC $47 Saratoga 99.3 KTGA 14 *100.3 W262AX WCLQ 89.5 ? Shendan *88.1 KPRQ 28 *102.3 W272BI WJTYSa.l *90.3 KCSP-FM *911() g *88.9 K0HR 8 *105.9 W290AZ WNWC-FM 102.5 pc *91.3 KUVVC $35 Mausfon *92.7 W224eM WNWC-FM 102.5 0 94.5 KMLD $86 t() g *89.3 KWCF 31 McFarland 91.1 W216BL KVCX 101.5 pc *91.3 KSUW $27 Mauslon '100.5■ W263AY KNWS-FM 101.9 k 95.5 KWYY $90 t0 k 93.7 KYTi $76 Medford •88.1 W201CX WRVM 102.7 rm %.7 KMGW $52 op 94.9 KZWY 5 76 *96.3 W242BB KDNW 97.3 rm 102.5 KH0C $87 *102.5 W273BK WRVM 102.7 k 103.7 KQLT $90 Story sr 98.3 KZZS $47 Menomonle •90.1 W211AY KAWZ 89.9 Sundance pc *91.5 KUWD $33 ■105.3 6 r 104 7 KTRS-FM $71 k 103,1 KYDT $72 9 *101.7 WRJF-LP $ Q OP 106.9 KASS $87 Superior 106.5 72 Mercer "88.7 W204BY WRVM 102.7 Cheyenne 9 *88.1 KWYH $15 Tfrayne 105.9 KTYN 39 Merrill *88.1 W201CW WRVM 102.7 9 *88 9 KLCQ $ 5 fhenriopolis pc *91.3 KUWT $13 *91.5"99.7 W259ARW218CC WYNWWCLQ 92.989 5 93.7 24 k 101.7 KDNO $72 100.9 WDYO-LP 6 nn 97.9 KQLF $68 t0 Milwaukee 9 ■101.3 W267AJ WKKV 100.7 99.9 KKPL $52 Fonington k 98.3 KERM $38 tM Mioocqua *89.1 W206BK WRVM 102.7 Pr West Laramie g *89.9 KRM 61 *103.9 W280DT WCWL-LP 103.5 k 100.7 KOLZ $57 A/srren Air Force Baseop 92.9 KM0R S52 tX Monroe 90.1 W211AU WVCX 98.9 103.9 52 Wheatland im 101.7 K2EW Mosinee *102.3■ W272BT WRVM 102.7 0 104.9 KRRR $24 $14 tO Mukwonago 6 b 106.3 KLEN $28 /Voriand r 96.1 KKLX $47 Neonah g "92.995.1 WFAQ-LP 6 WYOMING TRANSLATORS, BOOSTERS, Neilksville •91.9W220DR■ WJTY88.1 Dhugwater 9 *90.9 KLVW $77 Nekoosa '101.1 W266BA WNWC-FM 102.5 99.5 KCUG 26 LOW POWER FM STATIONS N«v London *97.3 W247AS WLWR 91.7 :ody rm 97.9 KTAG <Uplna 96.5 K243AZ KMTN 96.9 Omro ■100.7 W264BK WCLQ 89.5 $91 t0 104.7 K284BI KCHQ 102.1 *101.5 W268BC WRVM 102.7 Diamond/iile 105.3 KDV/Y 72 ^flon *104.9 K285DF KBYl 100.5 Oshkosh •88.5 W203AV WRVM 102.7 Douglas pc *91.7 KDUW $15 Vlinglon •106.3 K2g2FI KAWZ 89.9 95.7W239AD WPFF 90.5 92 5 KBOG 72 Big Piney •94.7 K234BI KCSP-FM 90.3 ■ 6 k 99.3 KK7Y-FM $22 ■97.3K247AN KCSP-FM 90.3 Park Falls *101,9•95.1 W236ASWOCT-LP WRVM 102.7 Bonduranl "105.1 K286AY KCSP-FM 90.3 *97.1 W246AY WCLQ 89.5 100.9 KTED 52 Buffalo *91.9 K220DK KEMC 91.7 *97.9 W250AV KTIS-FM 98.5 Etfiete ef *89.5 KWRR $88 92 9 KLGT-1 360 h.v 102.3 W272AM WJJH 96.7 Evans ton kr '88.1 KCWW 21 93.7 KYTF-1 250 h.v Peshligo "92.1 W221BM WLCJ-LP 92.5 94.9 KZWY-1 250 h,v 101.9 W270BC WAUN 92.7 98.3 52 g '99.5 KSLW-LP 6 Phelps *103 9 W280AF WRVM 102.7 : r 106.1 KBMG $92 •101 7K269DE KCSP-FM 90.3 Phillips 102.9 W275A1 WCQM98.3 ort Bridger 99.1 KNYN 66 Das per *89 7 K209CS WPCS 89 5 PlQtteville •96,3 W237BG KNWS-FM 101.9 m 103,9 KGNT $92 tM ■90.7 K214DI KLOV 89 3 *104.9 W2850S WNWC-FM 102.5 c ■91.7 K219CA KEAR 106,9 Ptymoulh 1079 W300AT Slllette j *88.9 KYPR 18 *92.7 K224CY KCSP-FM 90.3 Port WashinHlon*S9.7 W25aAO WXER 104.5 9 *89.7 KAXG 12 101.7 K269AM KOLZ 100 7 WORQ 90.1 PC *90.9 KUWG $17 *105.7 K289AT KUWC 91.3 Prairie du Chlen•102,5 *89.5 W2T3AT W20aAX WRVMKTLW 102.7 88.9 *107.5 K298AS KDUW 91.7 Red Cliff ek *92.3 WRZC-LP g *91 9 KLWD $72 Dheyenne •88,5 K203DT KAWZ 69 9 Reedsborg •96.3 W237CJ WNWC-FM* 102.56 r 96.9 KAML-FM $56 *69 7 K209ER KLOV 89.3 Rhinelander *89.9 W210BP WRVM 102.7 k 100.7 KGV/y $6210 ■94.7 K234AH KCSP-FM 90 3 ■90.5 W2138M WCLQ 89,5 op 103,9 KXXL $48 •100.1 K261DM KTAD89 9 •96.7 W244BU WCWL-LP 103.5 •103.3 K277BC KCSP-FM 90.3 *98 ,7 W254AX WYNW 92.9 3lendo r 100.1 KYOO $52 Dody *68.5 K203AH KEMC 91.7 Rice Lake qt'■ 101.7 WWJP-LP 6 3lenrock 98.3 KGRK 5 •89.3 K207BC KUWR 91.9 190 www.americanradiohistory.com.
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