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NLN Annual Report 1970 Item Type Annual Report Authors University of Maryland at Baltimore. School of Nursing Publication Date 1970 Keywords University of Maryland at Baltimore. School of Nursing-- Accreditation; National League for Nursing Download date 07/10/2021 14:40:12 Item License Link to Item l' - 3 f f'; +. ,j ~~, ~ . x ' ~ ~ i ~K~:. .: ~: f~( Y~'1`~"'~I''''~Y~' , ^~a'~ ~ 't PART I~ ~r~~ui.ii "HiHv ~uP~ii~ UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND SCHOOL QF NURSING FACULTY DATA FORMS CLARA L. ADAMS Instructor Responsibilities Teaches in Nursl ng 102 - Medical and Surgical Nursing I. Academic Adviser to 8 junior students. Date of A~Aointment: September ZS, 1969 Educational Pret~aration: Agricultural and Technical State University Nursing B.S.N. 1961 Greensboro, North Carolina Universfty of Minnesota Medical--Surgical M.S. 1969 Minneapolis, Minnesota Nursing Nursing ~erience: Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing Instructor June, 1969 - Presenfi Washington, D.C. U.S. army Medical Training Center Nurse Instructor 1965 - 1966 Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Chief Nurse 1966 - 1967 121 Evacuation Hospital, Korea Staff _Nurse 1963 - 1969 Walson Army Hospital Staff Nurse 19.62 - 1963 Fort Dix, New jersey Walson Army Hospital General Duty Nurse 1961 - 1962 Fort Dix, New Jersey Recent Professional Activities: Institute -Crime and juvenzle delinquency Workshop -Drug abuse - The role of the Nurse in ~um~n Relati~nG - n?:~jci~te~ as r.~k~. discussion leader Professional Meetings - Minnesota Nurses Association Convention Minnesota League for Nursing Convention Professional Orcranization Membership: American Nurses Association, Sigma Theta Tau .. CLARA L. ADAMS Page 2 Other: Planning and executing a physical fitness program Volunteer for United Farm Workers Organl.zing Commifitee ~, ALICE J. AKEHURST Assistant Professor Responsibilities: Teaches - Nursing 160 - Comprehensive Nursing Care Nursing 154 - Introduction to Administration of Nursing School of Nursing Committees: Library Nominating Student Health Date of Appointment: June 1, 1965 Educational Preparation: Lutheran Hospital School of Nursing R.N. 1943 - Baltimore, Maryland University of Maryland Nursing Education B,S. 1958 Baltimore, Maryland University of Maryland Administration in M.S. 1966 Baltimore, Maryland Nursing Nursing Experience: University of Maryland School of Nursing Assistant Professor 1968-Present Baltimore, Maryland University of Maryland School of Nursing Instructor 1965 - 1968 Baltimore, Maryland Lutheran Hospital Director of Nursing Service 1958. - 1964' Baltimore, Maryland Lutheran Hospital Assistant Director of Nursing Service 1956 - 1958 Baltimore, Maryland Lutheran Hospital Nursing Arts Instructor x.951 - 195 ~a itim ore, Maryland Lutheran Hospital Supervisor 1949 - 1951 Baltimore, Maryland Lutheran Hospital Baltimore, Maryland Head Nurse 1945 - 1949 ALICE j. AKEHURST Page 2 Nursing Experience (Continued): Lutheran Hospital General Staff Nurse 1943 (6 months' Baltimore, Maryland Recent Professional Activities: Workshops conducted by University of Maryland School of Nursing Maryland Nurses Association Annual Conventions - 1968 and 1969 Maryland Nurses Association District #2 Meetings - (Board) -every other month Professional Organization Membership: American Nurses Association - District #2 - 1st Vice President - Maryland Nurses Association National League for Nursing Sigma Theta. Tau - Pi Chapter Other• Community Police Action Council D OR OTHY S, ALLISON Instructor Responsibilities: Teaches - Nursing 156 - Community Health Nursing Nursing 153 - Community Health and Psychiatric Nursing (CORE) Nursing Op8 - Fundamentals of Nursing Academic adviser to freshmen and sophomore students School of Nursing Committees - WRAIN Center: Library Research Ad Hoc Social Date of Appointment: August 15, 1965 Educational PreAaration: St. Mary's Hospital Nursing Diploma 1948 Hoboken, New Jersey Incarnate Word College Nursing B.S. N. 1959 San Antonio, Texas Catholic University of America Public Health Nursing M.S. 1965 Washington, D.C. Plus 3post-masters credits Nursing Experience: University of Maryland - WRAIN Instructor-Army Health 19 65 - 19 69 Washington, D.C. U.S . Army - Germany Nurse 19 61 - 1963 U.S. Army - Ft. Bragg. North Carolina Nurse 1959 - 1961 U.S. Army - Ft. Sam Houston, Staff Nurse 1957 - 1959 Texas L~. S. i~rmy - Korea Staff Nurse 1955- 1957 Civilian Hospitals Various States Staff Nurse 1948 - 1954 DOROTHY S. ALLISON Page 2 Recent Professional Activities: APHA - Detroit, Michigan - 1968 National League for Nursing -New York - 1967 American Nurses Association Regional Conference - Philadelphia - 1967 Workshop - Mental Health Concepts (Resource person) - 1967 Workshop -Army Health Nursing - 1968 Professional Organization Membership: American Nurses Association National League for Nursing American Public Health Association Mental Health Association, A1e~ndria, Virginia KATHRYN J. AMM ON ' Instructor Responsibilities: Teaches - Nursing 106 - Nursing of Children Nursing 008 - Fundamentals of Nursing School of Nursing Committees: Research Faculty Welfare Date of Appointment: February 1, 1968 Educational Preparation: ST. FRAr~E~S S~r1- or rJuRS. I~u~S~n~ l~i~LOn~+~ i`iS`~ Cs2!'~n10 SS LA n1 D~ I~IE/32 . Duchesne College Nursing B.S, 1960 Omaha, Nebraska University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Pediatric Nursing M.S. 1967 -' Nursing Experience: University of Maryland - WRAIN Instructor Summer 1967 Washington, D.C. U.S. Army Hospital Head Nurse and.Supervisor 12/63 - 8j67 Ft. Riley, Ka nsa s U. S. Army Hospital Staff Nurse 12/61.- 11/63 Wuerzburg, Germany .DeWitt General Hospital Staff Nurse 10/60 - 11/61 Ft. Belvoir, Virginia Recent Professional Activities: Participant - American Nurses Association Convention 1968 (Clinical Sessions) Attended - MCH Workshop, Columbia University, 1969 Participant -Sigma Theta Tau Regional Conference (Theory Building in Nursing), 196 KATHRYN J. AMMON Page 2 Professional Organization Membership: American Nurses Associat9.on - district committee member National League for Nursing Sigma Theta Tau 1K.ADELAINE A. BARER Instructor Responsibilities: Teaches - Nursing 152 - Psychiatric Nursing Nursing 153 - Community Health and Psychiatric Nursing (CORE) Nursing 008 - Fundamentals of Nursing Academic adviser to freshmen and sophomores - California area. Faculty Development Committee Date of Appointment: December 1, 1967 Educational Preparation: Bronson Methodist Hospital Nursinq Diploma 1947 Kalamazoo, Michigan San FYancisco State College Nursing B.A. 1961 San FYancisco, California Wayne State University Psychiatric Nursing M;•S. N. 1967 Detroit, Michigan Nursinv Experience: University of Maryland - WRAIN Instructor 9/67 - Present Washington, D.C. U. S. Army Instructor, Head Nurse Staff Nurse 1958 - 1967 University of California San Francisco, California Assistant Head Nurse 1955 - 1958 1Vorthvtlle State Hospital Building Supervisor 1953 - 1955 Northville, Michigan Traverse City State Hospital Staff Nurse and Head Nurse 1951 - 1953 Traverse Citv: ~~.c~ig~n Kalamazoo State Hospital Kalamazoo, Michigan Instructor 1947 - 1951 MADELAINE A. BADER Page 2 Recent Professional Activities: National Training Lab - 2 week workshop in Basic Human Relations - University of Maine District of Columbia Student Nurses Association - Advisor Professional Orcranization Membership: American Nurses Association National League for Nursing Other• Lectures to Wheaton Rescue Squad, Re: Treatment of Patienfis (Understanding Human Behavior - Concept. of Anxiety) r , STANLEY R. BAG BEY Instructor ResAonsibilitie s i, Teaches - Nursing 102 - Medical and Surgical Nursing I Academic adviser to 8 junior students Date•of Appointment: March, 1969 Educational, Preparation: Mankato State College Psychiatric Nursing B,S. N, Mankato, Minneapolis University of Colorado Psychiatric Nursing M.S. Boulder, Colorado Nursing Experience: Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing Instructor March, 1969 - Present Washington, D.C. U.S. Army Staff and Head Nurse 6/65 - 3/69 University of South Dakota Vermillion, South Dakota Instructor 5/65 - 9f65 Sioux Valley Hospital Sioux Falls, South Dakota Instructor 6/63 - S/65 Recent Professional Activities: None Professional Organization Membership: American Nurses Association BARBARA E. BAGGS Assistant Pro#essor Responsibilities: Teaches. - Nursing 150 - Medical and Surgical Nursing II Nursing 189 - Seminar • Academic adviser for freshmen and sophomores School of Nursing Committees Research - assistant chairman Audio-Visual Date of AApointment: July 7, 1965 Educational Preparation: New York Hospital School of Nursing Nursing R.N. 1940. • New York, New York University of Massachusetts.. Social Science B.S. 1937 .Amherst, Massachusetts Columbia University Education M.A. 1947 New York, New York Plus 3post-masters credits Nursing Experience: University of Maryland - WRATN Assistant Professor July, 1968 - Present Washington, D.C. of - University Maryland WRAIN Instructor 11/65 - 7/68 Washington, D.C. U.S,A. Surgical Research Unit Ft. Sam Houston, Texas Head Nurse 12/63 - -11/65 U.S.A. Tropical Research Medical. Lab San Juan, Puerto Rico Chief Nurse 8/60 -11/63 Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Washington, D.C. Head Nurse and Supervisor 2/57 - 7/60 BARBARA E. BAGGS Page 2 Nursincr Experience~Continued): Hospitalized and on retirement because of Tbc 1952 -1956 U.S. Army Camp Kilmer and Supervisor and Instructor 1950 -- 1951 Germany State Mental Hospital Supervisor