As a caring school, committed to excellence in all areas of its service to the whole community, Rainey Endowed desires to educate its pupils to be Global Citizens of the 21st Century… RAINEY ENDOWED SCHOOL

Welcome to our Magazine It is a pleasure to welcome you to the latest edition of the Rainey Magazine; once again the school year has passed in a whirlwind of activity, both academic and extra-curricular!

2 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed School Staff

Board of Governors Academic Staff Chairman: Mrs B I Hunter Headmaster: Mr D M McCullough, BA, PGCE, NPQH Vice-Chairman: Mr D Henry Secretary: Mr J G Clayton Vice-Principal: Mr N McClements, BSc, PGCE, PQH

The Headmaster Assistant Principals: Mr I Francis, BA, PGCE Mr S J Andrews Miss C A McClelland, BA, MEd, PGCE Dr N Black Mr C T McDonnell, BA, PGCE, PQH Rev J Mr C Simpson, BSc, PGCE Mr A Donnelly (Parent Governor) Mrs R Ferson Mrs C Keatley Rev D Leach Mr P Lennox Mrs W McAlister (Teacher Governor) Dr A McKay Mrs O McKay Mrs S Overend (Parent Governor) Mr J C Palmer (Teacher Governor) Archdeacon T Scott Mr C G Walls

Teaching Staff *Miss A L Alexander, BA, PGCE Mrs M Hunter, BSc, PGCE *Miss M E Perkins, BTh, PGCE Miss E L Badger, BSc, PGCE Mrs R M Hutchinson, Dip Foundation, BA, Mrs J L Quigley, BSc, PGCE Mrs K G Beggs, BSc, PGCE, DASE PGCE Mr J G Robinson, MSci, PGCE Miss C L Bingham, BTh, MTh, MSc, PGCE Mrs K L Irwin, BSc, MSc, PGCE Mrs S J Service, BA, PGCE Mr M Boyd, BEd (Hons) Dr E E Kyle, BSc, PhD, PGCE Mrs C P Simpson, BA, PGCE Mr C Campbell, BEd (Hons) Mr D W G Laughlin, BSc, MSc, PGCE, PQH Mr S G Staples, BSc, PGCE Mrs S Crawford, BA, PGCE Mrs L Lubwama, BA, PGCE *Mrs L Stewart, BA, PGCE Mrs P Cooke, BA, PGCE Mrs W S R McAlister, BSc, PGCE Mrs N Thorogood, BMus, PGCE Miss E Darragh, BSc, PGCE Miss S McCracken, BA, PGCE Mrs M Watson, BA, PGCE Mrs J Doherty, BSc, PGCE Mrs D J McGurk, BA, PGCE Mrs C M Drennan, BEd, MPhil Miss N McKay, BA, PGCE Modern Language Assistants Mrs G Dunlop, BSc, PGCE *Miss C Murphy, BEd (Hons) Mrs L I Boyd Mrs F E Ferguson, BSc, PGCE Mr J C Palmer, MEng, PGCE Mrs D Kelly Mrs D Francis, BEd (Hons) Mrs S Parke, BSc, PGCE *temporary teaching staff Mrs L Glenn, BMus, PGCE, LTCL Mrs C E Patterson, BA, PGCE Mr R G Henderson, BSc, PGCE Dr L Peggs, BSc, PhD, PGCE

Senior Administrative Officer Classroom Assistants Groundsman Mrs J McClay, BA(Hons), PGDA, ACMA Mrs L Crooks Mr M Gallick Ms J Ferguson Headmaster’s Secretary Mrs R Frew BA, PGCE Technicians Mrs M A Henry Mrs V Goodwin Mrs K Acheson Mrs A McEldowney Mr R Donaldson, BSc Administrative Staff Mrs A McIvor Mrs J Espie Mr G Henry, BMus Mrs J McMullan, BA Mr M Fields, BSc Mrs D Young Mrs M Henry Caretaker/Maintenance Officers Mrs L Leslie Study Centre Supervisor Mr K Gilmour Mrs S Fullerton, BSc Mr K Drennan, BSc Mr D Jordan Mr J Frew, BSc, Dip RSA Canteen Supervisor Mrs J Wallace

3 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Headmaster’s Message

I would like to welcome you to the best even better’. They are testimony to to reach over 50 pupils in September. 2019-20 edition of our Rainey Endowed the hard work, pastoral care, leadership We continue to build on the good work School Magazine; the book with all the and dedicated support, highlighting created through the Abaana project in key events for our school. the strengths of the 3-way partnership. by ‘sponsoring a pupil’ with the Furthermore, as part of our School team from this academic year planning Before I begin, I would like to pay tribute Development Plan, we are committed to to go back in 2021. to everyone involved in helping to fight helping our pupils to become successful against the COVID-19 pandemic which learners. We aspire for our young people I would also like to confirm that I and has caused so much pain, upset and to become confident individuals and my family are moving to a new post in heartache, and continues to do so to so responsible citizens who are adaptable Geneva. During the next two years, many. We really are indebted to you all. to life and its challenges in Northern Mr McClements will be Acting Principal Ireland, the UK, Europe or further afield. and Mr McDonnell will be Acting Vice- I would like to thank all staff, parents Our pupils and diaspora are well- Principal and I have no doubt that the and pupils who really are a pleasure rounded, tolerant, respectful, resilient and Rainey will continue to flourish. to work with in our Rainey family. Miss proud of their roots. This is evidenced Bingham and her band of merry helpers, in wonderful detail throughout this In closing, I want to thank our Governors, The Magazine Production Team and Magazine, which reflects a caring school, staff, parents and pupils and I wish everyone who has contributed to, worked pastorally astute and where everyone is you all continued health, success and on, and helped bring the Magazine made to feel welcome. happiness. together deserve a special mention. The school’s building fabric continues to I know that you will enjoy the magazine. It would be remiss of me not to mention improve as we strive ‘to make the best our continued academic success; even better’. Our Rainey Street buildings, Take Care. number one in for GCSE, including our ICT and Reprographics top 4 in A Levels and top 50 in the UK. areas have been transformed. The Sports Mr D.M. McCullough | Headmaster 100% of pupils achieved 7A*-C grades Bid, which aims to enhance our tennis, including English and Mathematics. cricket, Pavilion and lack of astro-turf 84% of all grades were at A*-B and 61% provision are very close to getting the of all grades were passed A*/A. At A go-ahead. Plans for the refurbishment Level, 90% of pupils achieved 3+ A*-C of science laboratories, the library, foyer I would like to pay grades,82% of grades were A*/B and and reception projects will soon go out tribute to everyone 51% of all grades were A*/A. to tender, with approval awaiting the involved in helping outcome of the business cases for to fight against the We congratulate all our pupils and staff these projects. COVID-19 pandemic on these tremendous achievements. which has caused We are all truly proud of you. Please do On the international front, our so much pain, upset not think that we are obsessed by league Kindergarten in Hangzhou, China goes and heartache, and tables or rankings. Rainey is much more from strength to strength. Commencing continues to do so to than a results factory. However, these in October 2019 with 6 pupils, we now so many. We really are results reflect our ambition of ‘making the have 30 pupils with numbers expected indebted to you all.

4 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Editorial

Magazine Committee | Back Row (L-R): Miss C Bingham, Catherine Turkington, Sabrina Pickering, Ellen Henderson, Honor Graham Front Row (L-R): Lucy Stevenson, Kate Hamilton, Abban McCloy, Darcey Harkness, Maeve McHugh

Once again it is my pleasure to Acknowledgements get a chance to do it next year instead! welcome you to the latest edition of the The majority of this year’s magazine has To Mr John Dunlop, our designer, thank Rainey Magazine. I find myself writing been put together during the school you again for making the compilation this message in the uncertain and shutdown and, as such, has presented of the Rainey Magazine as painless unexpected times of a school shutdown, certain logistical challenges. However, and seamless as possible. It is a huge during the coronavirus pandemic. I am proud of how our staff and pupils undertaking and your professionalism An event which of none of have adapted and worked through this and dedication are greatly appreciated. us foresaw and a first in the Rainey’s to produce their articles and photos; 307-year history. This of course led to a many thanks to them for their efforts. Finally, to all the businesses who willingly curtailed programme of school events; Also to the Rainey Former Pupils’ support us with advertising every year, however, we felt it was important to Association, in particular Mrs Lorraine we have always appreciated your showcase the achievements and Crawford and Mrs Margaret Henry, who support and at this difficult time we activities which pupils had enjoyed always provide articles of interest, felt it very unfair to place any further throughout the first part of the school year thank you. financial strain upon you by asking for and which they will, of course, return to advertising. Your generosity helps make enjoy again. To the magazine committee, who our magazine possible. We thank you showed great enthusiasm and once more for your support in the past On behalf of the committee and organisation at our photo days and and look forward to it again in the future. myself, I hope you enjoy the 2020 looked forward to the challenge of Rainey Magazine. compiling advertising, perhaps we will Miss C Bingham

I find myself writing this message in the uncertain and unexpected times of a school shutdown, during the coronavirus pandemic. An event which of course none of us foresaw and a first in the Rainey’s 307-year history

5 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed News from the Staff Room

The Rainey Endowed School staff We welcomed two of our past pupils We are also bidding a fond farewell family have had a successful year to our learning support team, Mr Karl to a number of staff. Mr Jackson Frew working together to promote a positive Warner and Miss Rachel Cole, who have has retired from his role as Study Centre learning environment both on site and both proved to be valuable members Supervisor. Mrs Audrey Short has retired remotely in this unique academic of the staff team and both have had from her position as Science Technician year. We have had lots to celebrate; a positive impact on the students with after twelve years supporting the students new appointments, the birth of some whom they worked. Mr Edward Kyle and staff in the Chemistry Department. Dr children and indeed a number of staff also joined the learning support team Harriet Kane has retired from her teaching moving to new positions, progressing supporting some of the pupils at break position in the Chemistry Department. It is their careers. and time and we would like to take also with a heavy heart that Mrs Joanne this opportunity to wish them all well in the Doherty has resigned from her position as We welcomed a number of new next stage of their education. teacher of Physics and Head of Year 13 staff to the school in September 2019 due to family commitments. including Miss Emma Darragh in the We were joined by a number of Science Department, Miss Morgan Perkins student teachers this academic year, In the latter stages of the academic in the Religious Studies Department and Miss Maria Kelly in the Home Economics year Mr. Neil McClements was appointed Miss Alison Alexander in the Languages Department, Miss Sarah-Louise acting Principal for two years and Mr. Department. We also welcomed Mrs Dennis in the History Department, Miss Ciaran McDonnell has been appointed Julie Espie as a temporary member of Larissa Young in the Religious Studies as acting Vice Principal, also for a period the School Administration Team and Mrs Department, Miss Christina Fullerton in the of two years, while Mr McCullough takes Sharon Fullerton as a new English Department and Miss Jade Kelly up his new role in Geneva. Science technician. in the Languages Department. Mr Gareth Hall also joined the Physical Education Later in the academic year Dr Edwina Department on his University gap year. Kyle was appointed permanent teacher of Chemistry and later in the year to We have been able to celebrate a temporary Head of Year 13 - 14. Mrs number of births this academic year. Mrs Gemma Dunlop was appointed as Joanne Doherty gave birth to her third permanent teacher of Science and child, Conan, in July 2019. Miss Pamela Mrs Naomi Thorogood was appointed Irwin gave birth to her first daughter, permanent Head of Year 13 - 14. Mrs Savanna. Mr David Jordan and his wife Cara McCullough was appointed celebrated the birth of their second child, temporary Study Centre Supervisor, Mme Emily Alice on 28th November 2019 Berthelot joined us as temporary teacher and Mrs Izchel Boyd gave birth to Diego of Art and Sna Katherine Dartnell Orozco Julio Valentine Boyd on 14th February joined Modern Languages as Temporary 2020. Congratulations must also go to Language Assistant in Spanish. Mr Matthew Boyd and his new wife Miss Mariann Fülep from Hungary, who were married on 22nd March 2020.

6 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Staff Leaving

Mrs Audrey Short

Chemistry Technician (2007-2019)

Mrs Audrey Short, a former head girl (then Audrey Drennan) of Rainey Endowed School, has retired after 12 years of service in the Chemistry Department. Following Audrey’s distinguished school career, she went on to study Chemistry at Queen’s University, before pursuing a career in industrial management.

Audrey’s countless contributions to school life have engendered the most heartfelt admiration and respect of her colleagues past and present: Kathryn, Jimmy, Lee, Mary, Harriet, Caroline, Edwina, Gemma and the wider Science Department. Audrey’s tireless commitment and managerial skills ensured the smooth running of the Chemistry Department. However, even this was surpassed by the words of encouragement and emotional support she was able to pass on to the students, as well as the academic and practical advice due to her background in chemistry. What a blessing she has been to us all.

Away from the conical flasks and mole calculations, Audrey lent administrative support to Mrs Lubwama in History and Mrs Francis in her numerous and inspiring Community Group projects. Her contributions in these areas were highly valued by both ladies.

The quick-witted Audrey sings like Sandie Shaw, counsels like Sigmund Freud and organises like Margret Thatcher. We will miss her terribly but a great institution like ‘the Rainey’ will continue to thrive on the strong values upheld by our past and present students; values that Audrey embodies.

Dr Peggs and Dr Kyle

Artwork courtesy of Miss McCracken

7 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Staff Leaving

Dr Harriet Kane In 2009, following the retirement of the we failed to mention our in-joke

legendary Jimmy Glendinning, Harriet’s about H2O. Harriet disputes this, but it is a Chemistry Teacher 2005- 2019 dedication to RES was rewarded with well-known fact that she hails from North her appointment as a full-time chemistry Down. Harriet’s upmarket pronunciation Dr Harriet Kane has retired after 14 teacher. We never looked back. She of water was the comedy gift that just years of distinguished service in the was instrumental in the planning and kept giving. Chemistry Department. Harriet studied implementation of the complete at Queen’s University, Belfast culminating overhaul of the departmental resources. Harriet was a key figure in the running of in a PhD in chemistry and the unofficial, This was a significant undertaking and ICHTHUS, a perfect platform from which yet catchy, title: ’s Finest Assigner of Harriet did more than her share, without to share her faith. Harriet also supported Organic Molecular Nomenclature. complaint, producing work of the countless university applications, utilising highest quality. the expertise she gathered in her Harriet joined the Rainey in 2005 when daughters’ educational journeys. she was appointed to a job-share Harriet’s dedication and expertise were position by her fellow QUB Chemistry reflected in the respect and admiration Dr Harriet Kane, thank you for the alumni, Robert Robinson. It quickly of her students. Numerous examples wonderful years we worked together. became apparent that we had spring to mind, but our favourite was the The teamwork, laughter, support and struck aurum. Harriet demonstrated a A2 chemistry class who organised and friendship were ever-present and will prodigious work ethic, attention to detail purchased lab coats with Team Kane be forever cherished. and capacity to give freely of her time in emblazoned across the back. Brilliant! the support of her students’ education. We know Harriet would be disappointed if Dr Peggs and Mrs Short

8 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Staff Leaving

Joanne Doherty considerate to others. Joanne has never in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme had a cross word to say about anyone and was involved in this extracurricular Physics Teacher: 2009-2020 and approaches tasks with commitment activity from her very first year. She also Sixth Form Year Head 2016-2020 and enthusiasm. enjoyed travel and took part in DOE trips along with the PGL Y10 Spanish trip and a Joanne McLaughlin joined the Rainey Joanne met her current husband Paul year 12 Rugby trip to London. in September 2009 as a teacher of Doherty in her first year of teaching in the Physics and has been a member of Rainey. They very quickly became an Joanne also enjoyed working for CCEA the teaching staff for 11 years. She had item and were married on 21st April 2014 and began marking Physics Triple Award, attended St. Brigid´s College, Derry in Alvarado, Portugal. Joanne and her Double Award and then A level papers before obtaining both her BSc in Physics husband went on to have three children, in the summer months. When the new and PGCE from Queen’s University, Ethan born 5th July 2015, Emily born Life and Health Science course was Belfast. Joanne had already completed 25th August 2017 and Conan born created she applied for and became a a one-year temporary post as Physics 27th June 2019. Principal Examiner of this course in 2018. teacher in Thornhill College Girls School in Joanne still will continue with her extensive 2008 - 2009 before joining us at Joanne has had a very successful involvement with the examination teams the Rainey. career during her time at the Rainey after she leaves the Rainey family. and enjoyed taking part in many Joanne very quickly settled into her extracurricular activities. She successfully During the last year, Joanne and her new post and became an invaluable applied for Sixth Form Year Head whilst husband have been building a new member of the team and a great on maternity leave with baby Ethan. home in Donegal and as much as we friend to everyone in the department. She started in her role in September 2016 would love her to continue working with Joanne regularly provided support to and completed all her responsibilities us, it is just impractical for her to make students during lunch times and ran a to the very highest standard, including such a large commute to work each very successful L6th Practical Physics becoming a deputy designated teacher day. We will miss you so much Joanne club once a week. Joanne has always for child protection and UCAS referee. and wish you every success in your move been an extremely dedicated teacher She also assisted the examination officer to Donegal and your future career path. and the most organised person I know. as part of the examination team within She is always upbeat and extremely school. Joanne also enjoyed taking part KB

9 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Language Assistants

those who want to become a translator or a language teacher, as being able Hola! to speak more than one language can Hello, I am Izchel Boyd. I started at help develop other skills and broaden Rainey Endowed this January as Spanish your horizons. If you see me in the Language Assistant. I am a native hallways, say “Hola” and I certainly hope Spanish speaker, originally from Mexico, to see some of you in class next year. and love brought me to this country 9 years ago. Izchel Boyd

I am passionate about STEM, women empowerment and languages. I enjoy sharing a little bit about my country and its culture. I believe that learning languages can benefit everyone, not just

10 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Prefects

Prefects | Back Row (L-R): Connor Caffrey, Reuben McLean, Joe Dobbin, Nathan Quigley, Sebastian Hastings, Ben Lyttle, John McCaffrey 4th Row (L-R): Ross Speers, Mark Coyle, Marc Seffen, John Curry, Max McPherson, Mark Badger, Harry Evans 3rd Row (L-R): Jonathan McLean, Zoe Espley, Amy McLees, Joanna Kyle, Leah Houston, Sophie Herron, David Eagleson, Mr D M McCullough 2nd Row (L-R): Emma McCann, Mr C McDonnell, Naomi Drennan, Ellie Montgomery, Courtney Rowe, Fayth Hill-Nicholl, Alison Brown, Gina Bain, Jessica McKee, Maire O’Kane, Malaidh McPeake, Niamh Cudden, Megan Hughes, Rachel McMenemy Front Row (L-R): Hannah Galway, Laura Henderson, Dawn Francis, Molly Clifford, Aaron Caldwell, Piotr Gabrysiak, Joel Bell, Holly Brown

Rainey Endowed Heads of School

Heads of School | Back Row (L-R): Joel Bell (Deputy Head Boy), Aaron Caldwell (Head Boy), Piotr Gabrysiak (Deputy Head Boy) Front Row (L-R): Dawn Francis (Deputy Head Girl), Molly Clifford (Head Girl), Laura Henderson (Deputy Head Girl), Mr D M McCullough

11 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Salvete Welcome: used to address more than one person

Max Allen Daniel Fullerton Ewan McLaverty Faith Anderton Ellie-Mae Fullerton Bungay Abby McLean Attica Baay Fionn Gallagher Chloe McLean Dean Baras Emma Getty Jack McMullan Lauren Bates Aimee Gibson Evan McNally Jasmine Bolton Beth Gordon Odhran McNeill Erika Boone Connor Graffin Emmett McNulty Hannah Booth Isla Graham Cadhla McPeake Anthony Boyle Jonathan Graham Fionn McPeake Alexander Branagh Caitlin Gribbin Tomas McPeake Zak Brimley Ryan Griffin Gemma McSwiggan Hannah Brown Sarah Hatrick Rachael Michael Aaron Buck Aimee-Leigh Henry Brendan Mulgrew Elizabeth Cameron Lucia Henry Ross Murphy Ella Campbell Ciara Houston Jack Murphy-McDonald Thomas Campbell Jessica Junkin Joseph Murray Thomas Carson Erin Kelly Maja Nowak Emily Caskey Anna Kelso Matthew O’Connor Luke Caskey Brody Lamont Riordan O’Donnell Matthew Chambers Andrew Leach Eli Orr Kevin Cheung Sarah Leacock Olivia Overend Eva Clarke Ruby Linton Caleb Panoviciu Joel Clarke Sarah Linton Naomi Paul Katelyn Clarke James Lockett Charlie Rafferty Brianna Crilly Bartosz Maciaszek Adam Rainey Adam Cuddy Iker Martinez Huaman Jessica Ranchoux Adam Curtis Ruben McCammon Gloria Reid Grace Darragh Rowan McClay Lewis Ross Joel Deans Balin McCloy Natalie Rowe Felix Devlin Amelie McConnell Imogen Scott Kacey-Lee Donaldson Isabella McCracken Hollie Shiels Matthew Donnelly Jake McCreanor Robyn Shiels Grace Doyle Rowan McCullough Maciej Sobieraj Evie Duncan Rory McErlean James Sonner Thomas Eakin Una McGarvey Harry Spillane Jenna Ekin Phoebe McIvor Jude Stewart Ben Evans Megan McKay Sarah-Jane Sufferin Rebecca Evans Cayden McKenna Tomasz Wasik Hannah Field Michael McKenna Clare Wilson Anna Foster Pearse McKenna Olivia Young Tia Friel Eva McKinless Bianca Zeelie

12 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Class Photos Year 8

Year | 8 Calvin Back Row (L-R): Kevin Cheung, Ellie-Mae Fullerton-Bungay, Aaron Buck, Matthew Donnelly, Jessica Ranchoux 3rd Row (L-R): Gloria Reid, Eli Orr, Emily Caskey, Anthony Boyle, Daniel Fullerton, Lewis Ross, Mr M Boyd 2nd Row (L-R): Isabella McCracken, Amelie McConnell, Isla Graham, Aimee-Leigh Henry, Rowan McCullough, Anna Foster, Caitlin Gribbin Front Row (L-R): Felix Devlin, Bartek Maciaszek, Jenna Ekin, Emma Getty, Ruben McCammon, Ross Murphy

Year | 8 Madden Back Row (L-R): Megan McKay, Ruby Linton, Balin McCloy, Ciara Houston 3rd Row (L-R): Grace Darragh, Hollie Shiels, Pearse McKenna, Sarah-Jane Sufferin, Joe Murray, Cadhla McPeake 2nd Row (L-R): Thomas Eakin, Tomas McPeake, Sarah Linton, Chloe McLean, Olivia Young, Eliza Cameron, Charlie Rafferty, Mrs G Dunlop Front Row (L-R): Kacey-Lee Donaldson, Caleb Panoviciu, Ben Evans, Adam Cuddy, Ewan McLaverty, Evan McNally

13 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Class Photos Year 8

Year | 8 Parker Back Row (L-R): James Sonner, Luke Caskey, Jack McMullan, Rowan McClay, Natalie Rowe 3rd Row (L-R): Grace Baay, Tom Campbell, Rory McErlean, Michael McKenna, Zak Brimley, Katelyn Clarke 2nd Row (L-R): Erika Boone, Maia Nowak, Adam Curtis, Faith Anderton, Fionn Gallagher, Brianna Crilly, Hannah Field, Mrs L Stewart Front Row (L-R): Cayden McKenna, Jasmine Bolton, Beth Gordon, Anna Kelso, Bianca Zeelie, Tomasz Wasik

Year | 8 Salters Back Row (L-R): Aimee Gibson, Naomi Paul, Jessica Junkin, Evie Duncan, Adam Rainey 3rd Row (L-R): Jude Stewart, Maciej Butt, Olivia Overend, Joel Deans, Joel Clarke, Rebecca Evans, Max Allen 2nd Row (L-R): Miss N McKay, Lucia Henry, Rachael Michael, Brody Lamont, Jonathan Graham, Clare Wilson, Phoebe McIvor, Mrs S Service Front Row (L-R): Andrew Leach, Emmett McNulty, Sarah Leacock, Tia Friel, Brendan Mulgrew, Iker Martinez Huaman

14 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Class Photos Year 8

Year | 8 Walker Back Row (L-R): Imogen Scott, Fionn McPeake, Erin Kelly, Robyn Shiels, Grace Doyle 3rd Row (L-R): Mr S Staples, Connor Graffin, Matthew Chambers, Gemma McSwiggan, Jake McCreanor, Lauren Bates, Odhran McNeill 2nd Row (L-R): Eva Clarke, Ryan Griffin, Matthew O’Connor, Thomas Carson, Dean Baras, Hannah Booth, Jack Murphy-McDonald Front Row (L-R): Abby McLean, Riordan O’Donnell, Harry Spillane, James Lockett, Ella Campbell, Eva McKinless

15 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Class Photos Year 12 12 | Year Year Matthew Thom Stanley, Luke Jacob Bell, Regan, Louis Francis, Lewis Jordan Henry, Ben Brown, Adam Montgomery, Odhran Harney, Michael O’Neill, Eli Barclay, (L-R): Back Row Kirsten Paul McLaverty, Harry Taliesin Jamie Gordon, Currie, Samuel Ballantine, Bruce, Kerri Cathryn Sophie Stewart, Jack Fenton, Arrell, McGucken, Lee Callum Smyth, Sarah McGarvey, Abbie Morton, (L-R): 5th Row McConnell, Jake Jordan McCready, Lawrence, Rachel Thomson, Lucy Fullerton, Rosanna Eva Loughlin, James Campbell, Samuel Bruce, McGuckin, Tyler Alice Houston, Megan O’Connor, Anna Clements, (L-R): 4th Row Kerry Gordon Dawson McCammon, Molly Glendinning, Callum Murray, Conor Donnelly, Andrew Stewart, Brian McKenna, Eve Logue, Montgomery, Katelyn Aimee McClure, Neill, Katie McHugh, Katie Emer Donnelly, Joseph McMillen, Nathan Hutchinson, Joe McCloy, Grace Fullerton, Johanna Causby, (L-R): 3rd Row Michael Kelly Ella Shaw, Caleb Ross, Ben McCrystal, Jonnie Boyle, Oisin McCabe, Emily McIvor, Devlin, Lauren Alexa Hastings, Alanagh Gibson, Grace Moore, Sarah Goodwin, Wilson, Katherine Dylan Wilson, Amy McIlroy, Sarah McCaffrey, Emily McKeown, Cadhla McDonald, Spence-Gilmour, Reagan Matthew McCracken, Maya Marron, (L-R): 2nd Row Ellie Donaldson Erin Coyle, Amber Rogers, Molly Harris, Jessica McCord, Molly Lee, Anna Short, Molly Beattie, Matthew Evans, Caoimhe McGuckin, Brown, Lauren McGovern, Keisha Jenna Brown, Hannah Martin, Dr L Peggs, Mrs C Drennan, Mr R Henderson, Mrs P Cooke, Miss E Darragh, Mullan, Rachel Semple, Rebekah Eve McCullough, Mia Heaney, Nicola Gordon, Danette Harbinson, (L-R): Row Front Caitlin Bloomfield Nicole Dunlop, Aimee Copeland, Jenna Wilson,

16 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Class Photos Upper Sixth Year 14 | Year John McCaffrey Andrew Craig, Joe Dobbin, Jack McCann, Sebastian Hastings, Michael Brown, Connor Caffrey, (L-R): Back Row Ross Mark Coyle, Josh Workman, Max McPherson, Max Miller, Marc Seffen, Donnchad Meeke, Nathan Quigley, Conor Henry, McLean, Reuben Ben Lyttle, Jamie Clarke, Joseph McGonigle, Mark Badger, (L-R): 5th Row Fleming Abban Speers, Ross William Powles, Sharagh Murphy, Joanna Kyle, Destiny Maraj, Charlotte Fullerton, Sophie Herron, Houston, Leah Morton, Gary Kara Harry Joshua Johnston, Jonathan McLean, White, Evans, (L-R): 4th Row Adam Kyle McCloy, Jodie Murray, Rebecca Zoe Espley, Lynch, Laura Gilbert, Rebecca Christine Young, Jessica Curry, Claire Wilson, Sarah Kempton, Malaidh McPeake, Courtney Rowe, Maire O’Kane, Jessica McKee, Gina Bain, (L-R): 3rd Row Naomi Drennan Molly Brown, Ingrid Hunter, Hill-Nicholl, Fayth Hannah Porter, Sarah Kelso, Amy McLees, Curry, Rachel Ellie Montgomery, Hollie Mewha, Alison Brown, Grace Rainey, Niamh Cudden, Megan Hughes, Stockman, Luci Nicole Hastings, Niamh Porter-Payne, Sarah McKinley, Alice Clarke, Kerry Gordon, (L-R): 2nd Row Anna Hamilton McMenemy, Rachel Emma McCann, Taryn Whyte, Kathryn Mawhinney, Hannah Galway, Jasmine Watterson, Carla Stewart, Gordon, Gabrysiak, Piotr David Joel Bell, Mrs K Irwin, Aaron Caldwell, Mr D Laughlin, Mr C Campbell, Mr D M McCullough, Dr E Kyle, Mrs K Beggs, Molly Clifford, Dawn Francis, Henderson, Laura Holly Brown, Eve Wilson, (L-R): Row Front Eagleson Jade Heaney Ella Grant, Nicole Elliott, Not in photo: John Curry,

17 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Valete Farewell: used to address more than one person

Mark Badger Ella Grant Max McPherson Gina Bain Anna Hamilton Donnchad Meeke Joel Bell Nicole Hastings Hollie Mewha Alison Brown Sebastian Hastings Max Millar Holly Brown Jade Heaney Ellie Montgomery Michael Brown Laura Henderson Kara Morton Molly Brown Conor Henry Sharagh Murphy Connor Caffrey Sophie Herron Rebecca Murray Aaron Caldwell Fayth Hill-Nicholl Maire O’Kane Alice Clarke Leah Houston Hannah J Porter Jamie Clarke Megan Hughes Niamh Porter-Payne Molly Clifford Ingrid Hunter William Powles Mark Coyle Joshua Johnston Nathan Quigley Andrew Craig Sarah Kelso Grace Rainey Niamh Cudden Sarah Kempton Courtney Rowe Jessica Curry Adam Kyle Marc Seffen Jodie Curry Joanna Kyle Ross Speers John Curry Laura Lynch Carla Stewart Joe Dobbin Ben Lyttle Luci Stockman Naomi Drennan Destiny Maraj Jasmine Watterson David Eagleson Kathryn Mawhinney Gary White Nicole Elliott John McCaffrey Taryn Whyte Zoe Espley Emma McCann Claire Wilson Harry Evans Jack McCann Eve Wilson Ross Fleming Joseph McGonigle Josh Workman Dawn Francis Jessica McKee Christine Young Charlotte Fullerton Sarah McKinley Piotr Gabrysiak Jonathan McLean Hannah Galway Reuben McLean Rebecca Gilbert Amy McLees Kerry Gordon Rachel McMenemy Rachel Gordon Malaidh McPeake

18 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Success Magazine

19 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Headmaster’s Speech

Rainey Endowed Prize Distribution September 2019

Members of the Board, our Guest We want to maintain our heritage Administration Officer. Everyone shares Speaker, Ms Clodagh Dunlop, invited and continue to invest in facilities to pastoral and academic responsibilities, guests, parents, staff and our wonderful ensure that we have: has responsibility for a House, which is Rainey Endowed pupils; you are most co-ordinated by Mrs Quigley, two Year welcome to our annual Prize Distribution. Groups, and deals with key school areas Tonight, I would like to share with you such as administration, Special Needs where we are as a school; our pupils’ and Inclusion, Careers and Progression, successes for the past academic Teaching and Learning, Self-Evaluation, year and our aspirations for 201920. Child Protection, Health & Safety, Staff I want to thank all staff, our Board of Training and Development, Primary Governors, parents and brilliant pupils School Liaison and pupil achievements. in championing our ethos as a caring I thank Mrs Drennan and Miss Bingham for school, our commitment to excellence their work over the past two years on SLT, in the community, helping to develop the Assistant Principals, Subject Leaders, our pupils as global citizens in the Year Heads, Mrs Ferguson, classroom 21st Century. Rainey Endowed is a pupil-centred teachers and non-teaching staff, we school. Our School Development and work as a team to ensure that the This year we welcome Mrs Gemma Improvement Plan is centred around appropriate strategies are actioned. Dunlop and Miss Emma Darragh to the the words: Successful; Confident and We work in conjunction with our parents to Science Department and Miss Perkins Responsible – you can see what we want improve your child’s chances of success, to the Religious Studies Department. for our pupils on the main screen. Our improving confidence and developing We extend our best wishes to Dr Kane, learning and teaching is at an all-time responsibility. We welcome Mrs Beggs Mrs Wharry and Mrs Li and thank them high, the emphasis being on learning. and Mr Palmer to their two-year for their invaluable time at the Rainey. As parents, you can have confidence secondment to SLT and we are eager At Rainey, we continue to invest on our that all our lessons are very good, or to see how their work in using media to infrastructure to improve the physical better, enabling our sons and daughters improve ICT, digital Teaching & Learning environment for our staff and pupils. to acquire key skills and knowledge which at Rainey. Substantial investment and improvement they then apply, helping them develop has taken place on Rainey Street, with and improve further. Best practice is two old buildings being demolished; shared across departments and learning CP1, CP2, CP3 and a new Reprographics areas, at whole school assemblies suite being installed. Furthermore, Room and in staff training sessions. Our staff 9 has been refurbished, as have the and governors are very supportive and corridor areas. A new Stationery Store involved in all that we are attempting and staff toilets have also been put in to do, there is no Union action, as is the place at a cost of £700K, paid for by DE. case in many other schools. We work Disability improvement works are now together, not always getting it right, but at going according to plan, with approval the very least, we give it our best go. for a new Library, Foyer/Reception area, Paramount to our success is the three- Science block, improved Canteen and way partnership, with the main objective drainage works are well advanced, and being the development of the pupil as all being well, contractors will be on site a well-rounded citizen. The success of for the summer term 2020. our students is central to the vision for the future direction of the school, evidenced in the strategic approach to redefining leadership roles, which has fused The Senior Leadership Team is in its academic and pastoral responsibilities; third year and comprises myself, our young people are empowered to Mr McClements (Vice-Principal) and develop further as responsible citizens. four Assistant Principals, Mr Francis, Miss McClelland, Mr McDonnell, As I alluded to earlier, the Houses - Parker, Mr Simpson and Mrs McClay, our Senior Walker, Calvin and Salters are in their

20 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Headmaster’s Speech

second year and have been both Rachel McBride motivating, rewarding and challenging. Ella McCaffrey We intend to reward participation, Rachel McClure encourage resilience, collaboration Adam McCrum and enable everyone to feel that we Gary McErlean are working together. Just as is in the Sara McKeown real world it is important to understand Martin McNulty you can’t win everything, but by Eimear Nugent actually taking part, trying your best Sara Semple and contributing to your school and Emily Ussher community, which are important traits of The next slide shows Rainey’s Hannah Wilson the Rainey Community, in essence, it is performance over the past five years Megan Wilson character building, developing resilience. in comparison to the Northern Ireland average – some 15% above it. The Can we show our appreciation? Rainey is in red and NI average is in blue. Our AS results, continue to go from Rightly so, we are proud of our pupils, our strength to strength and were the best staff and congratulate and thank them that our learners have ever achieved. on all their hard work. I would now like to read out the pupil achievements. Can I 7 pupils achieved four grade ask you to applaud at the end of all the A passes: pupils’ names? Alison Brown Molly Clifford 3 pupils achieved three A* grades: Jade Heaney Ellie Beattie Conor Henry Erin Henry Sarah Kempton Emma Payne Sarah McKinley Before we talk about our exam success, William Powles I would very much like to highlight 19 pupils achieved three A*/A grades: that every pupil at Rainey is important Alana Atkinson 12 pupils achieved three A grades: to us and just because they are not Calum Bolton Aaron Caldwell here tonight, doesn’t mean that we Rachel Caulfield David Eagleson or they should not be proud of their Daniel Clarke Hannah Galway achievements. We want our pupils to Megan Clarke Rebecca Gilbert be well-rounded citizens who always try Jonathan Drennan Laura Henderson their best and if a C grade is achieved, James Ferguson Leah Houston brilliant, as long as each and every one Daniel Fulton Megan Hughes gives of their best, then we hold our Lucy Gilmour Emma McCann heads high. I didn’t achieve A* or A in David Gregg Rachel McMenemy every subject that I studied, so, it would Laura Gregg Kara Morton be hypocritical of me to insist on this Nicole Kerr Ross Speers otherwise. However, we do want pupils Michael McFarland Eve Wilson who are motivated, willing to learn, are Zac McMenemy proud of their school and who have the Christopher O’Neill A further 22 pupils achieved two following qualities above all. Rainey is Bethany Scott A grades: not obsessed with results, but it would be Kirstin Thom Michael Brown wrong for me as the Head, to say that Katie-Rose Thompson Connor Caffrey they are not a major factor. Put simply, Courtney Weir Andrew Craig they are. Our A Level grades are super, Jodie Currie our best ever. This year 52% of all passes A further 20 pupils achieved two John Curry were at A*/A, and that we remain firmly A grades: Naomi Drennan at the top of Northern Ireland schools but Lauren Bleaks Zoe Espley also UK state schools, a truly remarkable Bronagh Boyle Ella Grant achievement for our school, our Bethany Clarke Kerry Gordon pupils, families, the town and the wider Alexandra Harkness Rachel Gordon Magherafelt area. Jessica Henderson Ingrid Hunter Naomi Kelso-Mason Adam Kyle Rebecca Leigh Joanna Kyle Catriona Marshall Destiny Maraj

21 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Headmaster’s Speech

Kathryn Mawhinney A*/A grade and the final slide shows the Sixteen pupils attained 7A*/A Grades Max McPherson percentage of all examinations passed Reuben Bell Sharagh Murphy at a standard of A*-C grade, including Tara Bergeron Maire O’Kane English and Maths, a figure which means Ryan Brown Hannah J Porter we are Number 1 in Northern Ireland. Bethany Caskey Nathan Quigley Sam Clarke Gary White One pupil attained 11A*/A Grades Alex Crawford Claire Wilson Zuzanna Gabrysiak Thomas Currie Ellen Dempsey Again, can we please show our Five pupils attained 10A* Grades Nathan Fulton appreciation? I would also like to say a Lara Bell Rachel Junkin huge well done to all the pupils who are Zara Glendinning Lucy Payne not here tonight, but who did their best Honor Graham Sabrina Pickering and excelled exceeding personal goals Darcey Harkness Morgan-Nicole Purvis and we wish them continued success. Catherine Turkington Lucy Stevenson Ben Taylor Fourteen pupils attained Hannah Woolsey 10A*/A Grades Katie Booth Ten pupils attained 6A*/A Grades Mollie Campbell Jane Bell Evie Doherty Susanna Brown Sarah Evans Ethan Coey Kate Hamilton Matthew Cowan Mark Kissick Matthew Dripps Alana McCann Laura Hall Maeve McHugh Gareth Kirkwood Joanne O’Hagan David Miller Stephen Phillips Aoife Mulgrew Katie Scott Joshua Overend Lesley Shiels Holly Weir Can we show our appreciation to these Nicole Wilson pupils as well?

Twelve pupils attained 9A*/A Grades At this point of the evening, I would now like to introduce our Head Boy, Aaron Daniel Barfoot Caldwell, and Head Girl, Molly Clifford Leah Clements Weir who will give you an insight into their Kara Gilmour and the pupil experience at the Rainey Ellen Henderson Endowed School. Shannon Houston Adam Huey Aaron Caldwell: Kathryn McClure Mrs Hunter, Headmaster, Ms Dunlop, Amy McKeown Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening. Marc Scott On the 2nd of September 2013, when Ellie Stewart I started my first day at ‘The Rainey’ I Thomas Toner could never have imagined standing Charlotte Wilson here on Prize Night, six years later. The Rainey has given me the opportunities Seven pupils attained 8A*/A Grades to develop over that time. It has taken Peter Campbell hard work and long hours but here I am Sarah Carlisle (hopefully!) starting my final year of school. Naomi McBride The Rainey gives the opportunity to all its Continuing the rich vein of success, Zach McCahon pupils to excel both inside and outside the we now move to GCSE grades where Peter McGinley classroom as demonstrated here tonight. the Rainey is in red and the NI and UK Ella McMenemy I would like to add my Congratulations to averages in blue and yellow respectively. Ellen O’Kane all the pupils who have performed so well Our results here were excellent. 29% of in their exams this year. It has also been all passes were at A* grade shown on a successful year outside the classroom the slide. The next slide shows 62% at and we have seen pupils excelling in

22 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Headmaster’s Speech

many disciplines over the last successes. Ben Taylor won a bronze pupils. I have also enjoyed being part school year. medal place in the Northern Ireland of Lego League and Young Enterprise, Judo Championships. Heidi Hutchinson where I have learned the importance of A highlight for me was the 1stXV’s represented Northern Ireland in the teamwork and patience. I am extremely successful run in the Danske Bank national semi-final dance inspirations grateful to the teachers and the Rainey Schools’ Cup. We started the season and in cycling Katie Neill, Travis Harkness staff for all their guidance and support. well with only three defeats in the and Darcy Harkness had many fantastic In closing, before I hand over to Molly, I opening ten games. During that spell, results at National Level. You can find out would like to, on behalf of all the pupils, we won the Arthur Topping Memorial more about these and other successes say thank you to the teachers and all the Cup. The excitement amongst the in the Rainey Magazine. staff who give their time generously to players, coaches and supporters was help and support pupils in so many ways. palpable when the squad reached the It is important to acknowledge the Finally, as I embark on my final year quarterfinals for the first time in several achievements of so many pupils, and onto whatever journey lies beyond years but our dreams of reaching the however, it is also important to Rainey life, I hope that I can carry with semis at Kingspan were dashed by a acknowledge the success of all those me the values that I believe the Rainey very strong Wallace side. So the bragging pupils who simply did their best and has imparted to me…. compassion, rights to being a Rainey Schools’ Cup achieved the best they could. In my courage, hope, integrity, justice, winner remain with Mr Campbell for at six years at the Rainey, I have learned resilience, responsibility and respect. least another year! that success is about more than Thank you for listening. individual wins, titles or results, it is about It was a successful season for a young working together as the Rainey family Molly Clifford: 2nd XV winning many games and to overcome challenges and achieve Good Evening everyone. gaining huge confidence during the collectively and individually the best that year. The Medallion progressed to the we can. As Mr McCullough would say, “To Six years ago I arrived at Rainey from Plate final and were narrowly defeated by make the best, even better.” Saint Patrick’s Glen, in Maghera. It is a Grosvenor. The Under 16s were the only very small country school and I was the silverware winning team, sharing the 3rd The Rainey has wonderful academic and only one from my school to come here. XV Plate with Sullivan following a closely sporting achievements, however, rewards The Rainey, by comparison, was massive contested final. The junior teams showed have come from other fields too! Literally, and very scary but what helped me their potential too. The U12s retained the fields on Anna Doole’s farm, where through the first couple of weeks was the the Arnold Shield and the U13 and U14 prize calves, given to last year’s APB opportunity to be involved with extra- teams put in many strong performances. Angus Youth Competition winners, have curricular activities. They helped me to This year, special congratulations go to been happily grazing all summer. I have make friends with people who had similar Bryn Davies, Sebastian Hastings and Jake “herd” (no pun intended) that this year’s interests. They helped to show me and McConnell who were selected for Ulster team consisting of Samuel Bruce, James teach me many essential life skills such Under 19s, 18s and 17s respectively. Campbell, Jake McConnell and Andrew as respect, responsibility and resilience. Stewart, impressively, reached the semi- These are words which are literally and It is the commitment shown by players, finals of the competition, but they found metaphorically written on the walls of coaches, and staff and, of course, the “steaks” were very high. Although the Rainey. parents that make me proud to be the final eluded them, the team should involved in Rainey Rugby. Speaking of be commended for their work in the I am a very proud member of the commitment, I cannot fail to mention important ‘field’ of mental health in the school’s Community Group. In the Rainey what could perhaps be described as farming community, which was the focus we look beyond the red brick walls senior rugby’s best performance of all, of their project. towards the community to help brighten when we sang “Rainey’s Call” at the and support the lives of others that need Spring Concert. Funnily enough, Mr There are many other clubs on offer it. I was excited to be involved with two Campbell was spotted exiting dominoes here at Rainey such as Rainey Rocketry, of the many different activities of the with a large stack of 28 pizzas the Lego League, Eco Club, Chess Club, Community Group. Every Wednesday I following week. I’m not sure if there is any Languages Club, Ichthus, Community walk to AgeWell, a charity that keeps in correlation there! Group, Young Enterprise, Choir and touch with elderly and vulnerable people Orchestra, and Junior Quiz League to with a daily phone call. I sit and chat Moving on to other sports, cross-country name but a few. I think it is safe to say to the people at the other end of the also had its fair share of successes. there is definitely something for everyone! phone. What started off as a long list of The mini girls’ team put in an impressive For me, Rugby has played a huge part in phone numbers and names became effort to become North Eastern Board my school life and the friendships I have “Freddie” and “Sheila”. I started to Champions. In swimming, many of made. My time at the Rainey has been know their names, situations and most the swimmers have achieved PBs. all the more memorable through sharing importantly that Maggie down the There have been many individual the experience with my friends and fellow streets sister’s uncle’s husband won

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at bingo on Thursday. I found myself Christmas Carol Service and the Spring build the new Rainey Primary School. suddenly connected and attached to a Concert. These concerts require huge Our Pupils were amazed to see the complete stranger. commitment. Staff and pupils give conditions the children were being taught up their lunchtimes, evenings and in. For everyone here, we take for granted I was also given an opportunity to free periods just to ensure they put on that we are all in uniform and everyone volunteer to visit Milesian manor, which is spectacular performances. From the here has a seat and shoes on. For the a local care home for older people. By barbershop choir to the string group there Ugandan pupils it’s different; they have going on site with the residents we were is something for all instruments, abilities no uniform, no shoes to walk to school involved in everything from nail painting and ages. Proof of this happened this in and they are taught under trees in to story-telling. It is when I sat with Martha year for the spring concert. weather varying from 28° to pouring rain. (not her real name) to listen to her talk, for Our Rugby team were called to the This is simply because they don’t have a twenty minutes about her sore hip, that I stage and their inner Divas were released single classroom. We as pupils wanted to realised that she had no one else to talk when they sang ‘Rainey’s Call’! This is go out and be part of the change that to, she was lonely and just needed to tell what makes these nights truly magical! Abanna offers. The team was excited to someone about her pain. I know from And is fully appreciated even by me, the learn about Ugandan culture and loved my own family that many older people musical misfortunate! meeting the kids. Simple things make a are waiting and maybe even depending huge impact there. Our students on a phone call or a visit. The work of the And now to Hockey, my favourite thing brought glitter and the little girls’ faces lit Community Group brings us into contact in the world! Mrs Service will be proud of up. In Uganda when a woman is married with the community and the community me tonight as the first phrase I learnt in she is sprinkled with glitter. So when the into contact with the school. This work her French class was ”je joue au hockey girls saw the glitter all they wanted to do helps prevent loneliness and isolation six fois par semaine”. I’m going to tell you was to be covered in it. Moments like this for the older people we work with and a secret. When I came to the Rainey I really hit home with the pupils. What we rewards us with a sense of belonging in thought I was going to play ice hockey. take for granted they struggle to find, but our community. I believed Meadowbank floor would lift they get on with life and appreciate all and turn into an ice hockey pitch and that is done for them. Pupils from here Recently, the school also set up its first if you apply logic, that explains why realised quickly our input can have a ‘Autism and Friends’ Club. Its first year was Meadowbank is always so cold. huge impact on them. focused on helping to make the school community more aware of what it was like Now, I could ramble on about how Another major Rainey project is the to be living with autism. Rainey is a school individually amazing each team is but new kindergarten that is open in China. which embraces the skills and talents of all instead I’ll give you the facts: The school has recently opened and students. Pupils with autism and their friends its first class is being taught this year. come along and take part in activities and U15 All Ireland Champions, Junior Cup Hopefully in years to come this means games. The safe environment this club Runners Up and winners of the Derry and we can give the opportunities to our provides allows the pupils and teachers to Antrim League pupils and theirs for exchange programs. become closer but also help teach social The ability to open up these schools will skills. The most important part of this club 1st XI Semi-finalists in the Super League provide so many pupils with the Rainey is the ability to play with your friends and and Skills Cup and Winners of the Derry experience building respect resilience have fun between classes and provide a and Antrim League and responsibility in people around social outlet. the world. 2nd XI semi-finalists of the McDowell Cup Music is a key part of this school’s life. and winners of the Derry and I would like to take the opportunity to We have a wide variety of musical tastes Antrim League personally thank every single teacher, to cater for from Traditional Group to pupil and staff member who takes time classical quartets. Now I can’t speak from 3rd XI quarter-finalists of the Gibson Cup to be part of any club. Every single club experience as I went to one Junior Choir in the school is important to those who practice and was amazed to realise I A total of 18 girls are representing attend. By being part of our clubs we get could sing all the right notes, but not in their school in Ulster and Irish to enjoy a different aspect of school life. the order that Miss Bingham wanted! development programs, squads Rainey is about growing and developing She did, however, say that if I worked and teams. An amazing achievement - students, not only academically but really hard she would let me play again proving the hard work dedication as people. the triangle! of staff and pupils alike. Thank you for listening and good night Every year our Music Department put This year our Abaana charity trip took 26 on amazing performances for the pupils to Uganda. There they started to

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Headmaster: example of this. We are also working Mrs Hunter this concludes my report for Thank you Aaron and Molly. Where do we with Abaana, a Christian charity which the academic year 2018-19. Ladies and go from here you might ask? means child, as part of our international Gentlemen, take care, thanks for listening outlook and on giving back, part of and enjoy the rest of the evening. As Head, I, the SLT, the Board of Hugh Rainey’s vision. RES and Henry Governors, and all our staff will work Bros staff and approximately 30 pupils together with you, our parents and our and members are going to Uganda pupils, to develop our learning and to start work on a school for those that teaching and the pupils’ skills and talents don’t have the privilege of getting as independent learners. This cannot be an education. We are also working in achieved without the superb pastoral founding a Rainey Endowed international care; we really do mean when we say school in China. that we want to get the best for and from everyone. We cannot rest on our laurels as we continue to break down barriers to learning; emotional, social, literacy, numeracy or behavioural. We aim and need our students to be more in tune with their areas of strength, their areas to develop, and get our pupils to act on these and take on more responsibility to become more independent. Parents and pupils must work together with their tutor and teachers to create personal targets. However, and I always say this, we are We are what we repeatedly do. neither perfect, nor arrogant, but I do Excellence, then, is not an act, know that at Rainey, we go that bit further but a habit. to try and ensure that all are supported, and challenged. Rainey Endowed School is for everyone, regardless of creed, colour or religion. All faiths and none are welcomed and valued as part of the Rainey family.

However, if pupils can’t abide by these simple values, and parents aren’t prepared to support this, then this isn’t the right school for you. Rainey is an excellent school, and has many accolades, but it is much more than that; we are a family, focussing on the whole child, the individual, the bigger picture. We know In order to do so, we are developing our our pupils and parents, and take pride pupil and staff leadership programmes, in doing so. We know our strengths and building upon the opportunities that areas for development. Our three-way already exist through lunchtime and partnership of parents and staff, with after school clubs – examples of this our pupils at the centre of our focus is include recognition of service to school key. I am now in my 8th year as Head community, not just sporting success but and how I appreciate the enormous with pupils working on becoming global support from all staff, parents, pupils and leaders and on the ‘Eco Schools Award’, governors. We all require mutual respect, pupils working in Kilronan, Charis and the a whole-school effort and a community Foodbank. Our house system, where approach as we embark on the next senior pupils and staff mentor younger stage of development to ‘make the best pupils in a pastoral and in an academic even better’ and as Aristotle said, “We are capacity, and where we encourage what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, competition and participation is a super is not an act, but a habit.”

25 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Prize Winners 2019

Guest of Honour Ms Clodagh Dunlop

Rainey Endowed School 1990 - 1997 Ambassador for NI Chest, Heart & Stroke and Advocate for Stroke Association Prize Distribution 2019 Programme

1. Chair’s Opening Remarks: Mrs I Hunter

2. Headmaster’s Report: Mr D M McCullough (including Reports by Head Girl, Molly Clifford and Head Boy, Aaron Caldwell)

3. Musical Item: Still Hurting from The Last Five Days, Brown Leah Clements (Voice), Naomi McBride (Flute), Kathryn McClure (Piano) La Parisienne (No. 3 from Jazz Suite), Norris Joanna Kyle (Flute)

4. Presentation of Prizes: Ms Clodagh Dunlop

5. Musical Item: Irish Traditional Selection Joel Bell (Fiddle), Lara Bell (Concertina)

6. Introduction of Guest of Honour: Mrs I Hunter

7. Guest of Honour’s Speech: Ms Clodagh Dunlop

8. Vote of Thanks: Mr D M McCullough

9. Supper in the Dining Hall to which all Guests are cordially invited.

Year Prizes

Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Christopher Bates Alex Bruce Hannah Bolton Caryn Causby Emma Caskey Daisy Campbell Ciara Cooke Abbie Hessin Beth Cunningham Megan-Rose Creighton Amy Leach Jonathan Dripps Olivia Currie Rebecca Linton Jane Hutchinson Anna Donnelly Robyn McClung Jonathan Kelso Amy Fleming Georgina McGuckin Ella-Rae McConnell Heidi Hutchinson Catherine McMullan Molly McErlean Connie Johnston Aoife Quinn Alena McKeown Shannon McClelland Charlie Ross* Lucia Ross* Bethany-Grace Rainey Sophia Simpson Keitija Storastite Kate Spillane* Ben Stewart Rachael Zeelie

* Best Academic Results in the Year

26 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Prize Winners 2019

Year 11 Year 12 Academic Excellence - Subject Prizes Academic Excellence - Subject Prizes

Samuel Ballantine Technology & Design Daniel Barfoot Business Studies Molly Beattie Art & Design, & Nutrition, Lara Bell Music Health & Social Care Leah Clements Double Award Science Jonnie Boyle Digital Technology Evie Doherty Food & Nutrition Jenna Brown Geography Zara Glendinning Art & Design, Chemistry, French, Lauren Brown Mathematics Geography Samuel Bruce Construction and the Built Environment Honor Graham Biology, English Language, Johanna Causby Biology, Chemistry, English Language, English Literature, Further Mathematics, French, Music, Physics Mathematics, Physics Kerry Graham Learning for Life & Work Jonah Laughlin Learning for Life & Work Eva Loughlin Business Studies Darcey Harkness Physical Education Keisha McGovern Double Award Science, History Ellen Henderson Health & Social Care, Religious Studies Katelyn Montgomery Religious Studies (Short Course) Adam Huey Construction and the Built Environment Abbie Morton Religious Studies Rachel Junkin History Amber Rogers Further Mathematics Mark Kissick Technology & Design Ella Shaw English Literature Zach McCahon Digital Technology Cameron Smyth Physical Education Stephen Phillips Spanish Katherine Wilson Spanish Catherine Turkington Religious Studies (Short Course)

Year 12 Academic Merit Awards Katie Booth Maeve McHugh Mollie Campbell Amy McKeown Peter Campbell Ella McMenemy Sarah Carlisle Joanne O’Hagan Sarah Evans Ellen O’Kane Zuzanna Gabrysiak Katie Scott Kara Gilmour Marc Scott Kate Hamilton Lesley Shiels Shannon Houston Ellie Stewart Naomi McBride Thomas Toner Alana McCann Holly Weir Kathryn McClure Charlotte Wilson Peter McGinley Nicole Wilson

Year 13 Academic Excellence - Subject Prizes Alison Brown Chemistry Ingrid Hunter Environmental Technology Andrew Craig Government & Politics Sarah Kelso Geography Jodie Curry English Literature Sarah Kempton History, Mathematics, Physics, Dawn Francis Sports Science Religious Studies Charlotte Fullerton Health & Social Care Emma McCann French, Spanish Hannah Galway Biology Reuben McLean Technology & Design Rebecca Gilbert Digital Technology Kara Morton Nutrition & Food Science Nicole Hastings Moving Image Arts Hannah Porter Life & Health Science Leah Houston Applied Business Gary White Business Studies, Engineering Megan Hughes Art & Design

27 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Prize Winners 2019

Year 13 Academic Merit Awards Michael Brown Joanna Kyle Aaron Caldwell Destiny Maraj Molly Clifford Kathryn Mawhinney John Curry Sarah McKinley David Eagleson Rachel McMenemy Zoe Espley Max McPherson Kerry Gordon Sharagh Murphy Rachel Gordon Maire O’Kane Ella Grant William Powles Jade Heaney Ross Speers Laura Henderson Claire Wilson Conor Henry Eve Wilson

Year 14 Academic Excellence - Subject Prizes Bethany Clarke Moving Image Arts Catriona Marshall Applied Business, Daniel Clarke Mathematics Environmental Technology, Jonathan Drennan Business Studies Life & Health Science James Ferguson Technology & Design Rachel McBride Music Daniel Fulton Engineering Rachel McClure Health & Social Care David Gregg Chemistry, Physics Adam McCrum Government & Politics Laura Gregg Biology Eimear Nugent Digital Technology Jessica Henderson Religious Studies Emma Payne Art & Design, English Literature, History Erin Henry French, Spanish, Geography Karl Warner Sports Science Nikki Hessin Nutrition & Food Science

Academic Merit Awards Alana Atkinson Gary McErlean Ellie Beattie Michael McFarland Calum Bolton Zac McMenemy Bronagh Boyle Martin McNulty Rachel Caulfield Christopher O’Neill Megan Clarke Betty Scott Lucy Gilmour Sara Semple Alexandra Harkness Kirstin Thom Naomi Kelso Mason Katie-Rose Thompson Nicole Kerr Emily Ussher Rebecca Leigh Courtney Weir Ella McCaffrey Hannah Wilson

28 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Prize Winners 2019

Special Awards

W R Todd Memorial Cup for Rugby Duff Cup Bryn Davies (Captain of 1st XV 2018/2019) Rachel Junkin (for GCSE History) Robert J Glover Memorial Cup for Rugby Columbanus Award Jake McConnell (Captain of Medallion XV 2018/2019) Erin Henry (for Modern Languages, Year 14) Robert Paul Memorial Cup for Hockey S M Neill Cup Ellie Montgomery & Bethany Scott (Captain of 1st XI 2018/2019) Zara Glendinning (for GCSE Geography) Pat Walls Cup for Hockey Magherafelt Market Trustees’ Cup Gabriella Scott (Captain of U14 XI 2018/2019) Honor Graham (for best overall GCSE results) R E Tughan Cup Dr A E Gwilliam Memorial Cup Lucia Ross (for best academic results in Year 10) Sarah Kempton (for Mathematics, Year 13) Chada Memorial Cup McKay Cup Honor Graham (for GCSE Further Mathematics) Jonathan Drennan (for Business Studies, Year 14) Leyden Cup Mae Gibson Memorial Cup Holly Weir (for Senior Public Speaking) Emma Payne (for Art & Design, Year 14) Glen McLernon Memorial Cup W H Long Memorial Prizes Kate Spillane (for best academic results in Year 8) Sarah Kempton (Best Year 13 Pupil in Arts) Alison Brown (Best Year 13 Pupil in Sciences) Gordon Henry Cup (sponsored by Henry Brothers Ltd) Adam Huey (for GCSE Construction) Wilfred M Brennen Memorial Prize Lydia Eakin (for best Year 14 pupil proceeding to further McBrien Cup Art related studies) Honor Graham (for GCSE Biology) Miss R A Carson Memorial Prize Jill Hyndman Memorial Trophy Emma Payne (for English Literature, Year 14) Erin Hastings (for Key Stage 3 Art & Design) Bank of Ireland Student of the Year Awards P L Maini Memorial Cup James Ferguson, Erin Henry Zara Glendinning (for Outstanding Achievement) Salters’ Anniversary Cup W S Hegan Cup Jessica Henderson (for contribution to the school community) Stephen Phillips (for GCSE Modern Languages) The Rainey Scholarship Meta Bell Cup David Gregg (for best Year 14 pupil proceeding to degree Romeo Jiang (for Contribution to Junior Extra-Curricular Music) studies in a Science related subject) Mrs S Margaret Boal Memorial Cup The Governors’ Scholarship Honor Graham (for GCSE Physics) Ellie Beattie (for best Year 14 pupil proceeding to degree studies in an Arts/Humanities related subject) R A Boggs Memorial Cup Ellen Henderson (for GCSE Religious Studies) The Glasgow Scholarship Alana Atkinson (for best Year 14 pupil proceeding to degree T A Hyndman Memorial Cup studies in Medicine) Evie Doherty (for GCSE Food & Nutrition) The Magherafelt Market Trustees’ Scholarships Ritchie Memorial Cup Erin Henry, Emma Payne (for best overall A Level results) Lara Bell (for GCSE Music) Doherty Memorial Cup Honor Graham (for GCSE English Literature)

T S Fazackerley Memorial Prizes Prizes presented by the Rainey Former Pupils’ Association Deputy Head Girls Dawn Francis, Laura Henderson Head Girl Molly Clifford Deputy Head Boys Joel Bell, Piotr Gabrysiak Head Boy Aaron Caldwell

29 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Destinations Year 14

Queen’s University Belfast King’s College London Alana Atkinson, Rowan Bain (U6 2018), Ben Barfoot, Sara Semple Ellen Beattie, Calum Bolton, Morgan Campbell, Ross Caskey, Karen Craig, Callum Donnelly, Jonathan Drennan, Liverpool Hope University James Ferguson, Rachel Ferguson (U6 2017), David Gregg, Hannah M Porter Laura Gregg, Katie Hawe, Erin Henry, Nikki Hessin, Nicole Kerr, Aaron Lennox, Rachel McClure, Shea McElhone, Liverpool John Moores University Michael McFarland, Eimear Nugent, Christopher O’Neill, Jessica Toner Emma Payne, Abbie Speers (U6 2018), Courtney Weir, Megan Wilson, Stefan Woods University of Liverpool Tim Campbell, Joanna Gorman, Adam McCrum Ulster University Ben Aspell, Daniel Ballantine, Louise Barnes, Loughborough University Jamie Beggs (U6 2018), Bronagh Boyle, Rory Bradley, Bryn Davies, Sara McKeown Jemima Brown, Rachel Caulfield, Bethany Clarke, Matthew Cullen, David Dripps, Lydia Eakin, Lucy Gilmour, University of Manchester Alexander Greer-Sayer, Bryan Hall, Victoria Larkin, Zac McMenemy, Katie-Rose Thompson Aidan Macdonald, Rachel McBride, Gary McErlean, Hannah McKernan, Martin McNulty, Adam Muldoon, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Grace Owens, Emma Scott, Amy Wilson Gregory Conway

University of Aberdeen University of Northumbria at Newcastle Alexandra Harkness Courtney Overend

Belfast Metropolitan College North West Regional College Tami Andrews, Lauren Bleaks, Jack Bresland, Peter McLean, Emily Ussher Stephen Maxwell Nottingham Trent University City University London Erin Anderson Rebecca Leigh South West College College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise Hannah Murray Adele Farmer, Daniel Fulton, Sarah Mawhinney University of St Andrews University of Dundee Daniel Clarke Sophie Bergeron University of South Wales Edgehill University Kyle Scott Andrew Campbell Stranmillis University College University of Glasgow Jessica Henderson, Hannah Wilson Naomi Kelso-Mason, Ella McCaffrey, Kirstin Thom Gap Year Harper Adams University Julie Anne Beatty, Megan Clarke, Rachel Cole, Matthew Dunlop, Thomas Hughes, Catriona Marshall Bethany Scott, Harry Turkington, Karl Warner

University of Huddersfield Apprenticeship Kristin McClure Ciaran Doyle, Timothy Montgomery

30 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Rainey Graduates 2019/20

Queen’s University, Belfast Niamh Aitken MSc in Marketing Distinction Alexandra Bell BMus 2-1 Sarah Bolton BA French and Spanish 2-1 Ellen Boyd MSc Educational Leadership Commendation David Bradley Bachelor of Laws 2-1 Calum Burns MEng Chemical Engineering 1st Robyn Chambers BSc Human Biology 2-1 Jemila Dawood BEng Mechanical Engineering 2-1 Ava Deery BA French 1st Aisling Donnelly MSc in Psychological Science Distinction Jonathan Douglas BSc Information Technology incl Prof Exp 2-1 Shea Glasgow Bachelor of Laws (M/M) Law and Politics 2-1 Daryl Griffin MSc in Molecular Pathology of Cancer Distinction Neal Hastings BSc Biological Sciences 1st Charlene Junkin Doctor of Philosophy Pass Mark Kavanagh BSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2-1 Stephen Kelso MEng Mechanical Engineering 2-1 Ciara Mains BSc Psychology 1st Sam McCalmont MEng Chemical Engineering 1st Adam McClenaghan BSc Computer Science incl Prof Exp 1st Aymen McGonigle MEng Mechanical Engineering 2-2 Anne McGrogan MSci Chemistry with a Year in Industry 1st Niamh McGuckin BSc Human Biology 1st Alison McLean Bachelor of Dental Surgery Distinction in at least one subject Andrew Morrow Bachelor of Theology 2-1 Richard Murray BSc Biomedical Science 2-1 Nicole Patterson BA French and Spanish 2-1 Shane Patton Master of Laws in International Business Law Commendation Oscar Pescott BSc in Music Technology and Sonic Arts 2-2 Hannah (Ferguson) Porter BA French and Spanish 2-1 Mark Savage MSci Medicinal Chemistry 2-1 Andrew Scott Master of Pharmacy 2-1 Sara-Louise Smyth Masters of Public Health in Global Health Commendation Hollie Thornton-Byrne Master of Pharmacy 1st Louise Winder MSc Food Science and Food Security w Prof Studies 1st Heidi Wilson BSc in Music Technology and Sonic Arts 1st

St Marys University College, Belfast Claire Shields BEd 2-1

University of Hull (Leeds College of Music) Tracey Jones MMus (Creative Musician) Merit

Ulster University Rachel Stewart MSc Geographic Information Systems Distinction OSNI course prize for best Masters’ project

31 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Prize Winners Photos

The Platform Party | Back Row (L-R): Molly Clifford, Head Girl; Mr D M McCullough, Headmaster; Aaron Caldwell, Head Boy Front Row (L-R): Ms Clodagh Dunlop, Ambassador for NI Chest, Heart & Stroke and Advocate for Stroke Association; Mrs I Hunter, Chair of the Board of Governors

Head Boy & Head Girl | Prizes presented by the Rainey Former Pupils’ Association to Head Girl, Molly Clifford and Head Boy, Aaron Caldwell

32 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Prize Winners Photos

T S Fazackerley Memorial Prizes | TS Fazackerley Memorial Prizes were presented to Deputy Head Boys and Girls (L-R): Joel Bell, Dawn Francis, Laura Henderson and Piotr Gabrysiak

The Magherafelt Market Trustees’ Scholarships | The Magherafelt Market Trustees’ Scholarships for best overall A Level Results were presented to (L-R): Emma Payne & Erin Henry. Pictured with Ms Dunlop, Guest of Honour; Mr D M McCullough, Headmaster, and Mrs Hunter, Chair of the Board of Governors

33 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Prize Winners Photos

U6th Scholarships | (L-R): Alana Atkinson, The Glasgow Scholarship for best Year 14 pupil proceeding to degree studies in Medicine; Ellie Beattie, The Governors’ Scholarship for best Year 14 pupil proceeding to degree studies in an Arts/Humanities related subject; David Gregg, The Rainey Scholarship for best Year 14 pupil proceeding to degree studies in a Science related subject. Pictured with Mr D M McCullough, Headmaster, Ms Clodagh Dunlop, Guest of Honour and Mrs I Hunter, Chair of the Board of Governors

Upper Sixth Special Prizewinners | Back Row (L-R): Emma Payne, Miss R A Carson Memorial Prize (for English Literature, Year 14) and Mae Gibson Memorial Cup (for Art & Design, Year 14); Erin Henry, Columbanus Award (for Modern Languages, Year 14); Jessica Henderson, Salters’ Anniversary Cup (for contribution to the school community), Mr D M McCullough, Headmaster; Lydia Eakin, Wilfred M Brennen Memorial Prize (for best Year 14 pupil proceeding to further Art related studies); Bethany Scott, Robert Paul Memorial Cup for Hockey (awarded with Ellie Montgomery) Front Row (L-R): Ms Clodagh Dunlop, Guest of Honour and Mrs I Hunter Chairperson of the Board of Governors

34 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Prize Winners Photos

Bank of Ireland Student of the Year | Bank of Ireland Student of the Year Awards (for outstanding contribution to the overall life of the school) were awarded to James Ferguson & Erin Henry. Pictured with Mr D M McCullough, Headmaster, Ms Clodagh Dunlop, Guest of Honour and Mrs I Hunter, Chair of the Board of Governors

GCSE Special Prizes | Back Row (L-R): Adam Huey, Gordon Henry Cup (sponsored by Henry Brothers Ltd – for GCSE Construction); Ellen Henderson, R A Boggs Memorial Cup (Religious Studies); Stephen Phillips, W S Hegan Cup (Modern Languages) Front Row (L-R): Evie Doherty, T A Hyndman Memorial Cup (Home Economics); Zara Glendinning, S M Neill Cup (Geography) and P L Maini Memorial Cup (for Outstanding Achievement), Honor Graham; Lara Bell, Ritchie Memorial Cup (Music)

35 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Prize Winners Photos

Special Congratulations | A Special Congratulations goes to Honor Graham who was awarded the Chada Memorial Cup (Additional Mathematics), McBrien Cup (Biology), Mrs S Margaret Boal Memorial Cup (Physics), Doherty Memorial Cup (English Literature) and Magherafelt Market Trustees’ Cup (Best GCSE Results). Well done, Honor!

36 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Prize Winners Photos

Special Prizewinners | (L-R): Jake McConnell, Robert Glover Memorial Cup for Rugby; Holly Weir, Leyden Cup for Senior Public Speaking; Romeo Jiang, Meta Bell Cup (for Contribution to Junior Extra-Curricular Music)

Special Prize Winners | (L-R): Kate Spillane, Glen McLernon Memorial Cup (for best academic results in Year 8); Alison Brown, W H Long Memorial Prize (best Year 13 pupil in Sciences); Erin Hastings , Jill Hyndman Memorial Trophy (for Key Stage 3 Art & Design); Sarah Kempton, W H Long Memorial Prize (best Year 13 pupil in Arts) and Dr A E Gwilliam Memorial Cup (for Mathematics, Year 13); Lucia Ross, R E Tughan Cup (for best academic results in Year 10)

37 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Prize Winners Photos

Year 8 Prize Winners | Back Row (L-R): Connie Johnston, Kate Spillane, Christopher Bates, Caryn Causby, Bethany-Grace Rainey Front Row (L-R): Amy Fleming, Megan-Rose Creighton, Olivia Currie, Heidi Hutchinson, Ciara Cooke, Anna Donnelly, Shannon McClelland

38 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed A2 Results

Pupils who achieved 2 A*/A Grades at A2 | Back Row (L-R): Sara McKeown, Alexandra Harkness, Eimear Nugent, Mr D M McCullough Middle Row (L-R): Jessica Henderson, Rachel McBride, Rachel McClure, Naomi Kelso-Mason, Sara Semple Front Row (L-R): Ella McCaffrey, Bethany Clarke, Hannah Wilson, Bronagh Boyle, Lauren Bleaks Not in photo: Rebecca Leigh, Catriona Marshall, Adam McCrum, Gary McErlean, Martin McNulty, Emily Ussher, Megan Wilson

Pupils who achieved 3 A*/A Grades at A2 | Back Row (L-R): Daniel Fulton, Calum Bolton, Jonathan Drennan, Daniel Clarke 3rd Row (L-R): David Gregg, James Ferguson, Zac McMenemy 2nd Row (L-R): Lucy Gilmour, Courtney Weir, Kirstin Thom, Nicole Kerr, Mr D M McCullough Front Row (L-R): Megan Clarke, Alana Atkinson, Laura Gregg, Bethany Scott, Rachel Caulfield Not In Photo: Michael McFarland, Christopher O’Neill, Katie-Rose Thompson

39 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed A2 Results

Pupils who achieved 3 A*s at A2 | 3 Pupils achieved 3 A*s at A2 Level, pictured with Mr D M McCullough (L-R): Erin Henry, Emma Payne and Ellie Beattie

40 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed AS Results

Pupils who achieved 2 A Grades at AS | Back Row (L-R): Andrew Craig, Nathan Quigley, Joanna Kyle Middle Row (L-R): Connor Caffrey, Destiny Maraj, Hannah J Porter, Zoe Espley, Max McPherson, Mr D M McCullough Front Row (L-R): Kerry Gordon, Kathryn Mawhinney, Naomi Drennan, Claire Wilson, Ingrid Hunter, Maire O’Kane, Jodie Currie Not in photo: Michael Brown, John Curry, Ella Grant, Rachel Gordon, Adam Kyle, Sharagh Murphy, Gary White

Pupils who achieved 3 A Grades at AS | Back Row (L-R): Kara Morton, Rebecca Gilbert, Hannah Galway, Leah Houston, Laura Henderson, Aaron Caldwell, Mr D M McCullough Front Row (L-R): David Eagleson, Eve Wilson, Megan Hughes, Emma McCann, Rachel McMenemy, Ross Speers

41 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed AS Results

Pupils who achieved 4 A Grades at AS | Back Row (L-R): Mr D M McCullough, Molly Clifford, Sarah Kempton, Jade Heaney Front Row (L-R): William Powles, Conor Henry, Alison Brown, Sarah McKinley

42 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed GCSE Results

Pupils who achieved 6 A*/A Grades at GCSE | Back Row (L-R): Gareth Kirkwood, Matthew Dripps, Ethan Coey Middle Row (L-R): Mr D M McCullough, Joshua Overend, Jane Bell Front Row (L-R): Laura Hall, Aoife Mulgrew, Susanna Brown Not in photo: Matthew Cowan, David Miller

Pupils who achieved 7 A*/A Grades at GCSE | Back Row (L-R): Ryan Brown, Nathan Fulton, Tara Bergeron, Reuben Bell, Sam Clarke, Mr D M McCullough Middle Row (L-R): Hannah Woolsey, Ella McMenemy, Lucy Payne, Sabrina Pickering, Ellen Dempsey, Thomas Currie Front Row (L-R): Ben Taylor, Bethany Caskey, Alex Crawford, Morgan-Nicole Purvis, Rachel Junkin, Lucy Stevenson

43 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed GCSE Results

Pupils who achieved 8 A*/A Grades at GCSE | Back Row (L-R): Mr D M McCullough, Marc Scott, Peter McGinley, Peter Campbell Front Row (L-R): Naomi McBride, Ellen O’Kane, Sarah Carlisle Not in photo: Zach McCahon, Ella McMenemy

Pupils who achieved 9 A*/A Grades at GCSE | Back Row (L-R): Ellen Henderson, Daniel Barfoot, Mr D M McCullough Middle Row (L-R): Shannon Houston, Kara Gilmour, Leah Clements, Kathryn McClure, Ellie Stewart Front Row (L-R): Adam Huey, Thomas Toner, Amy McKeown, Maeve McHugh, Charlotte Wilson Not in photo: Marc Scott

44 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed GCSE Results

Pupils who achieved 10 A*/A Grades at GCSE | Back Row (L-R): Stephen Phillips, Kate Hamilton, Mark Kissick, Holly Weir, Mr D M McCullough Middle Row (L-R): Mollie Campbell, Lesley Shiels, Joanne O’Hagan, Nicole Wilson, Alana McCann Front Row (L-R): Katie Booth, Zuzanna Gabrysiak (who achieved 11 A*/A grades), Darcey Harkness, Sarah Evans, Evie Doherty Not in photo: Katie Scott, Maeve McHugh

Pupils who achieved 10 A* Grades at GCSE | (L-R): Lara Bell, Catherine Turkington, Honor Graham, Zara Glendinning with Mr D M McCullough Not in photo: Darcey Harkness

45 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Top Candidates

Rainey’s Top Candidates in Northern Ireland! We are delighted to learn that in the 2019 summer GCSE and A-Level examinations Rainey Pupils not only achieved the highest possible grades but some also gained the highest individual marks in Northern Ireland.

This year we had an outstanding 12 CCEA Top Candidate placings with 6 students placing first in their subject overall. This is a record for Rainey Endowed and we are rightly extremely proud of their achievements. A huge well done to both the pupils, Teachers and Staff.

GCE Spanish Erin Henry 3rd

GCE Technology & Design James Ferguson 1st Daniel Ballantine 2nd

GCSE Art Zara Glendinning 1st

GCSE Health & Social Care Ellen Henderson 1st Lara Bell 2nd Leah Clements 3rd

GCSE Physics Honor Graham 3rd

GCSE Religious Studies (Short Course) Lara Bell 1st Honor Graham 1st Catherine Turkington 1st Nicole Wilson 2nd

46 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Top Candidates

Zara Glendinning placed 1st in NI in GCSE Art Erin Henry placed 3rd in NI in GCE Spanish

GCSE Health & Social Care Ellen Henderson placed 1st in NI while Lara Bell was 2nd and Leah Clements 3rd

GCSE Religious Studies (Short Course) Lara Bell, Honor Graham and Catherine Turkington were placed 1st in Northern Ireland while Nicole Wilson was 2nd (not in photo)

Honor Graham was placed 3rd in NI in GCSE Physics

GCE Technology & Design James Ferguson was placed 1st and Daniel Ballantine 2nd in Northern Ireland

47 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Former Pupils’ Success

Alexandra Harkness

Congratulations to Alexandra Harkness who was awarded a Northern Ireland Schools’ bursary from the University of Aberdeen. Alexandra is using this to continue her studies in Law. Well done, Alexandra!

Cathy Parke

Cathy Parke, a first year BSc (Hons) Degree Food Technology student, was presented with the Dale Farm Bursary by Joanne Allen. Cathy is a former student of Rainey Endowed School, Magherafelt. Cathy first completed a National Diploma in Food Technology and enjoyed CAFRE life so much decided to apply to progress onto the Honours Degree. Cathy is a keen baker and loves to travel and explore other countries and their .

Niamh means business

Former Rainey pupil Niamh Scullion (3rd left), has just returned from NYC, where she has had an unforgettable opportunity to learn about the US entrepreneurship culture. Niamh was Managing Director of a Young Enterprise company in school during Lower Sixth, leading a team that produced a School Year Book. A cohort of 6 young people was selected by Young Enterprise, through a business pitch competition for programme alumni. They had the chance to visit global companies and enjoyed private meetings with executives who spoke candidly about their careers. Highlights included visits to Bloomberg, Rémy Cointreau (Group photo with Ian McLernon, President and CEO Americas at Rémy Cointreau), JP Morgan and Twitter.

Highlights included visits to Bloomberg, Rémy Cointreau, JP Morgan and Twitter…

48 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Current Pupil Success

Amy Fleming

Well done to Amy Fleming in her Highland Dance competition held by Mourne Highland Dance Association in Bessbrook in November. She got placed 1st three times and 3rd four times. Great work, Amy!

Cooking up a storm!

Congratulations to Johnny and Gareth (Year 10) who were county winners in the Mount Charles Big School Cook Off and then triumphed in the grand final of the competition in March 2020. Johnny and Gareth were 1 of 7 finalists groups competing in the Big School Cook Off Final, having been shortlisted as finalists from 170 entries across Northern Ireland.

The boys did a superb job in preparing, and presenting their Piggy and Cod Salsa Dance dish for the panel of judges. We are extremely proud of the boys’ efforts and congratulate them on being awarded Big School Cook Off Winners 2020. Thanks to SuperValu NI, Big School Cook Off and Mount Charles, well done, boys!

Drumming Success

Congratulations to Kara Gilmour for her outstanding achievements in Drum Majoring for this year. Although Kara started late in the season, due to her GCSE exams, she achieved second place in her first competition this year which was the UK Championships in Lurgan Park. Kara is currently Juvenile Drum Major European Champion, Scottish Champion and All Ireland Champion.

At the beginning of September Kara also travelled to Avenches, Switzerland and performed as part of a display team at an international tattoo with massed pipes and drums for four shows, which was attended by over 18,000 people. Your school is so proud of your achievements Kara!

Although Kara started late in the season, due to her GCSE exams, she achieved second place in her first competition this year which was the UK Championships in Lurgan Park

49 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Current Pupil Success

Drumming up success

Lee and Adam Montgomery both became All-Ireland Solo Champions for the 2nd year in a row in Lusk on Saturday 21st September. Lee in the Junior B Snare Drumming and Adam in the U16 Tenor Drumming. Well done, boys!

Olivia Currie

Congratulations to Olivia Currie who won the gold medal at the ILGU Junior Medal National Final in November. Olivia played against the top 50 Irish Junior players in this event and had 45 points, a score which included four pars.

Olivia played against the top 50 Irish Junior players in this event…

50 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Current Pupil Success

Celebrations for Catherine after Soroptimist Success!

On Saturday 8th February, Catherine Turkington in Lower Sixth took part in the Northern Ireland Final of the Soroptimist Public Speaking Competition. Catherine qualified for the final after winning the Ballymoney and District heat back in November 2019.

In total, twelve competitors each representing the different clubs and areas of Northern Ireland took part in the final. Each finalist had to deliver a prepared speech of between four and six minutes on a topic from a choice of six possible titles. Also, each competitor had to deliver an extempore speech of between one and two minutes on a topic that they were given on the day.

Catherine delivered an engaging and heart-felt speech on the topic, “Overfed or underfed – a modern day issue!” In her speech she addressed the complex problem of how many people are overeating whilst in other countries people are struggling to put food on their tables. Her speech was particularly poignant as she shared with us her own personal experiences from her volunteer work in Fiji last Summer. The extempore topic this year was, “Is trolling a modern day The extempore topic this year was, “Is trolling a modern day phenomenon or has it always phenomenon or has it always been around?” This provided a wide range of responses and the competitors dealt with been around?” This provided this challenging part of the competition admirably. a wide range of responses and the competitors dealt with We are delighted to announce that Catherine was the runner up at the final. She was this challenging part of the presented with The Betty Hudson Memorial Cup, a gift and a bursary of £100. To come competition admirably. second in Northern Ireland is a fantastic achievement and the whole Rainey community is very proud of Catherine. Congratulations, Catherine on this brilliant achievement and for representing the school so well. Thank you for the tremendous amount of work that you and your family put into preparing for the competitions – all the hard work paid off! Thanks also to all the Soroptimists from Ballymoney and District who have been so supportive and to everyone involved in the organisation and running of the event.

The Soroptimist Public Speaking Competition truly helps to develop the speaking skills and the confidence of young people and all the Soroptimists are most encouraging and welcoming. Once again, well done, Catherine on your great success. We hope you continue with public speaking for many years to come!

Miss N McKay

51 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Trips Magazine

52 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Year 8 Trip to The Jungle

First of all, we arrived at the Jungle When we finished our we filled with so much excitement for what went out onto the field beside the activities were ahead of us. We all put our llamas and played ‘Inky Pinky Ponky lunch bags in a different room to keep Wonky’ and ‘duck, duck goose’ with our tasty snacks safe for later. Then the our mentors. real fun began! Next it was as if the movie had just It started off by all of us going outside and started after the advertisements! splitting up into our teams and starting our Everyone couldn’t wait to start the team building activities such as: a very more exciting and challenging competitive game of frisbee toss, mind games. The games were: archery, boggling puzzles, team building planks zorbing, fun zorbs, extremely and a very cold, wet, yet enjoyable, colourful paint balling, a furious game of sponge cast. All of the groups rodeo bull, climbing wall and llama worked exceptionally well together in trekking. It was an outstanding trip each team building game and a lot of and what made it even more us met and talked to new people. enjoyable was the mentors who helped and encouraged us through After all those activities we worked up the tasks. quite an appetite so we went to the second floor of the building and ate The whole day was a great success our lunch. There were comfy sofas and and an outstanding trip overall. We picnic tables to sit at. Year 8 got the would advise anyone who wants to opportunity to sing happy birthday to Mrs go to definitely go for it. You won’t Service on her birthday. Thoughtful as regret any of it! they are, the mentors bought cupcakes and set up fairy lights. Aimee and Olivia | Year 8S

It was an outstanding trip and what made it even more enjoyable was the mentors who helped and encouraged us through the tasks

53 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Year 8 Trip to The Jungle

When we finished our lunches we went out onto the field beside the llamas and played ‘Inky Pinky Ponky Wonky’ and ‘duck, duck goose’ with our mentors

54 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Paris Trip 2019

Day 1 – After our early start from school from bottom to top. It was much busier king, Louis XIV, known to many people (1am) we arrived in France. A short than I expected and such an exciting as The Sun King. We also visited the coach trip from Beauvais airport and we place to be. We took lots of photos over impressive palace gardens with its were in central Paris and our first stop of Paris having taken the lift to the top floor. enormous lake. Our evening was our trip, the Arc de Triomphe. We weren’t Next, we visited Les Invalides, which is a at the Hard Rock Cafe and was just here to see this amazing monument; group of buildings containing museums absolutely delicious! we were also to walk to the top to take and monuments remembering the in our first view over Paris. At the bottom military history of France. In the late Day 4 – This I think was everyone’s again we saw the eternal flame and the afternoon we went on the bateaux favourite day – Disney day! This amazing grave of the unknown soldier. Sadly, we Parisian river cruise which was a great day was spent going on rides, eating later gazed at the Notre Dame which way to relax before dinner at Pizza Hut! sweets and meeting Disney characters. had almost been destroyed by fire a few We got to go to both parks, Disney weeks prior. We later visited the Pantheon Day 3 – In the morning we went to see land and Disney studios. We had the and saw its amazing pendulum the story of Paris, a short movie summing opportunity to buy some Disney items suspended from the roof. An exhausting up the history of Paris and its most and then watched the parades full of first day over we went to our hostel where famous landmarks. This mini theatre was Disney characters and floats, before we had our dinner before joining our right beside the Lindt shop so we just heading to Planet Hollywood to have roommates for a well-earned rest! had to take a look and sample some our evening meal (which was also of the chocolate. Then it was back on delicious) sadly ending our day in Day 2 – After getting ready and an the coach to visit The Palace Disney. Although all the days in Paris were amazing we headed off to of Versailles, a magnificent amazing, Disneyland Paris was definitely see the Eiffel Tower. This tower is 324m tall palace built by the famous the best!

The trip was incredible, thank you to all the teachers for organising and going on the trip. J’adore Paris!

55 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Paris Trip 2019

Day 5 – The fifth and final day in Paris was brilliant. We visited the Montparnasse Tower and at the top we could see all of Paris for the last time on our trip. We also managed to fit in a visit to the Louvre to see all the paintings and, of course, one very special painting, the Mona Lisa and her mysterious smile. After lunch we went to see the Sacré-Coeur Cathedral in Montmartre. Many of us had caricatures done by the world-famous street artists outside the Cathedral. We also went to some tourist shops to buy some last minute presents!

If anyone is considering going on this trip I would say go for it because it was an amazing experience. I made new friends and saw things I might never have ever seen. The trip was incredible, thank you to all the teachers for organising and going on the trip. J’adore Paris!

Amy Brown | Year 9

56 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed PGL Mimosa 2019

At the crack of dawn on the 15th of June 2019, 44 excited pupils and 5 just as excited (but slightly sleep deprived) teachers arrived at Belfast International Airport to catch a flight to Birmingham and of course someone was late, Mrs. Quigley was getting her breakfast! After a lot of hassle through the airport we all made it safely onto the flight and we were on our way to Birmingham.

Once we arrived safely in Birmingham, from the canteen we then ventured to was a late night activity; however, we collected our bags and made our Mimosa Beach to play some beach and Mr. Henderson would need to put in way out of the airport to where we met water games. In the afternoon, we sailed some more practice! our bus, that would be driving us all the on Fun Boats which true to their name way to France. We got on the bus and were so much fun. Hattie took us back On Monday, we split into two groups and started the shorter of the two journeys to the beach in the evening to play sailed on different boats, Catamarans down to Dover where we would be ‘Wacky Races.’ The game came ended and Fevas, on a course known as ‘Cat getting the ferry across to France. up in a tie breaker, so Ella-Rae and Fever.’ Later we took the bus ride to Cap Harry confronted each other in a ‘Moo d’Agde to go snorkelling. After getting We arrived at the port and endured a off’; they pretended to be cows in an used to the breathing, we explored the short 2-hour boat ride across to France attempt to make each other laugh. beautiful coral. We returned to Cap where most of us explored the boat or just d’Agde that evening and shopped sat down and relaxed. When we arrived We awoke the next morning with a along the pier. We ordered ice creams in Calais, we boarded our bus, but this challenge. If we could round off our in French and enjoyed the sunset behind time for the longer journey, 20 hours! numbers in less than 30 seconds, we the Ferris wheel. The next day, we took got to pour water over Hattie’s head! part in Archery and Problem Solving, After a long, tiring bus journey with very Of course, we succeeded, which meant the latter including mind games which little sleep we arrived at Valras Plage, a bucket of water thrown over her! had most of us thoroughly baffled. France. We got off the bus, where we For that mornings activities we stayed After lunch we sailed the superfast Pico were greeted by our lovely PGL leader at the campsite, playing Uno, doing boats at Mimosa beach. In the evening, named Hattie. We were guided to our archery and solving some problem we played a game of ‘Splash’ which village where we had a little time to games. After dinner we all made our including a series of random tasks in settle in before we headed for breakfast, way to the disco where we had the an effort to prevent a water balloon which was very much needed for us opportunity to mix with other schools from bursting after being thrown off the all! Refuelled with a delicious breakfast from England and Scotland. Table tennis impossibly high climbing tower.

Later we took the bus ride to Cap d’Agde to go snorkelling. After getting used to the breathing, we explored the beautiful coral.

57 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed PGL Mimosa 2019

Wednesday brought yet another array The next afternoon, we had the activity canteen and piled onto the bus, slightly of out-of-camp activities, this time at of cliff jumping. Once we arrived at the more sunburned than the last time Vendres Port. The instructors tested our destination, we were given our instructions we made the journey. Hattie came creativity with raft building and our from our PGL leaders. While the girls were back (even though this was her day balance with Stand Up Paddle boarding. busy jumping off the highest rocks, the off) bidding us farewell and a few tears Later, we completed a terrifying but boys got to enjoy time messing about in were shed by both pupils and mentors. hilarious sensory trail, during which the lake. That night as a treat, we got to 24 hours later we landed in Northern Mr Simpson found it amusing to soak enjoy a McDonalds for dinner and we Ireland, and this brought a sad close unsuspecting pupils with a hose. We stopped at the supermarket on the way to one of the best weeks of my life. visited an enormous shopping centre home to pick up supplies for our journey Thank you to the fantastic staff at PGL called the Polygone in the evening and the next day. Mimosa and our terrific teachers, who spent an hour or two browsing through were super cool; although at least one the 110 shops. Sadly, we had to say an official goodbye of our teachers seriously needs to update to our wonderful groupie, Hattie, who had their summer wardrobes! On Thursday, we spent the day at been a terrific mentor for our week at Aqualand, a waterpark with various Mimosa, filling every spare moment with On behalf of all 44 pupils, I would like to attractions such as a wave pool, lazy some of the most competitive games say a huge thank you to Mr. Simpson, river and numerous slides. However, the of Uno I have ever played. Our last day Mr. Henderson, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Quigley, highlight of the day was a game of the was by no means the worst as we hit the Mrs. McMullan and all the PGL staff for real life version of ‘The Cube’. This involved waves for a trip on the Boat. making this trip one we will never forget challenges such as throwing a ball into a and for being able to put up with us all! tub across the room and remembering Whilst on the beach, we played the high the order of coloured cones. On Friday, intensity game, Trenches. After lunch, Lucia Ross & Imogen Miller | we sailed in the large but fast boats we scaled the tower in an afternoon called Catamarans, which was a of climbing and abseiling. We packed completely exhilarating experience! up our stuff, ate our last meal from the

Thank you to the fantastic staff at PGL Mimosa and our terrific teachers, who were super cool…

58 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed 6th Form go Rome-ing again

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 It was a very early start which saw 40 6th We had to be up very early and away The teachers kindly gave us a wee lie in form pupils and 4 teachers gather at the from the hotel at 8am to walk to the today because they knew we had a full Rainey for their 5 day “Roman holiday”. Colosseum. Again we had to queue with day ahead. A very busy day saw the art our guide Rachel who then took us into pupils in heaven, or more accurately, After our flight from Dublin airport it was the Colosseum. It does look impressive the Vatican museum to see the amazing straight into central Rome to visit St Peter’s from the outside but its scale only really Sistine Chapel and Raphael rooms. Basilica. It was very warm and there were becomes clear when you go inside. long queues for security, a sign of how Even more excitingly for the geographers popular the holy sites are. When we got Rachel told us some of its history while we there was a gallery of maps! Our art inside we had the chance to tour round all stood and imagined we were starring students loved the opportunity to gaze in our own time, taking in the amazing art, in our own film version of Gladiator. After at the amazing renaissance works of as well as Michelangelo’s dome. the Colosseum we headed across to the art and learn more about the artists Roman Forum which was the religious and who painted them. Later we were After our visit to the Basilica we enjoyed economic centre of Ancient Rome. It is very fortunate to visit the necropolis sandwiches from one of the street a very confusing site so it was good to excavations under St Peter’s Basilica vendors before heading to our hotel for have a guide to explain everything to us. and learn why archaeologists think this the next few nights. The Meininger (fondly We had lunch in the Jewish quarter which is the site of the Apostle Peter’s tomb. known to us as the minger) proved in fact has some amazing restaurants. We had to have special paperwork to be a nice hotel with well designed to allow us to go into the levels below rooms for tour groups and a nice foyer After lunch we went to visit the ‘Altar to St Peter’s which allowed us to see the area and where we meet and the Fatherland’ or as it is known locally pagan cemetery where we learned discuss our plans for the days ahead. ‘the wedding cake’, a huge monument about the different pagan burial to the reunification of Italy. It has many methods and society approaches to After unpacking we headed down into different galleries to visit but we were more religion. This was really valuable to the central Rome to visit the Time elevator, interested in the glass lifts up to the roof. RS students for their early church history a film about the history of Rome where The views were amazing and we were module. We were very fortunate to be the seats moved with the show and a able to see right from the Colosseum some of the 250 people allowed to few surprises were thrown in as well! It was across the city to St Peter’s. visit this site each day compared to the then time for dinner so we headed for 30,000 who visit the Vatican! We finished the restaurants around the amazing After our visit we headed down the the evening with a final visit to the Trevi Trevi Fountain and had our first Corso and enjoyed the famous Roman Fountain and Spanish Steps for more experience of the famous Italian shopping before a quick visit to the ice cream! Gelato! It was then time to head back Pantheon, once a pagan temple and to the hotel and a well earned rest! now a Christian church. Miss Bingham and Miss McCracken had warned us there would be a lot of walking on this trip but some of us hadn’t really believed them! We hit 30,000 steps today, which helped with all the pizza, and gelato!

First was our visit to the amazing city of Pompeii. Here our guide took us through the streets of the Roman town which was completely preserved by the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79

59 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed 6th Form go Rome-ing again

Day 4 Day 5 We were both excited and sad to be It was our last day in Italy but we still had leaving Rome this morning. Sad to be lots to see and do! First was our visit to leaving such an amazing city but excited the amazing city of Pompeii. Here our to be doing as the ancient Romans did guide took us through the streets of the and heading south to the sun of the Bay Roman town which was completely of Naples! We drove south and went preserved by the eruption of Vesuvius in straight to the Vesuvius National Park, AD79. We started at the amphitheatre, here we tackled the hike to the top of while it was nowhere near the size of Mount Vesuvius. A task that excited the colosseum, it was interesting to see Mr McDonnell and Mr McClements more even smaller towns had these facilities for than others in the group it has to be said! local entertainment. We also were able to see the public baths, the forum and, We had a brilliant guide who told us more sadly, the famous plaster casts of all about the previous eruptions of the victims of the eruption. After lunch Vesuvius and its potential to erupt again. we headed into Naples to the famous After this we headed to our hotel and archaeological museum where a lot of after dinner took the Circumvesuviana the finds from Pompeii are kept. train into Sorrento for some last shopping and ice cream. Finally, after a stop at a local shopping centre for , it was time to head to the airport and then home. Thanks to Miss Bingham, Miss McCracken, Mr McClements and Mr McDonnell, we all had a great time!

60 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Abaana Trip to Uganda

We arrived at the airport just 30 minutes After getting lunch we then prepared Abaana before we had to be ready to board to go out shopping for snacks in the plane which resulted in scrambling preparation for the long bus journey Foundation around the airport lounge grabbing as ahead of ourselves the next day at the much food and snacks as we could fit shopping centre near the guesthouse Team Trip to into our hand luggage before we set out with everyone spending thousands of at 6:10pm for a gruelling 13 hour long Ugandan shillings, the equivalent of a flight to the capital of Ethiopia. few pounds back home. When arriving Uganda back to the guesthouse we were then Ben Aspell and Erin Anderson given a lesson in the iteso language by In July 2019 the first Rainey Abaana one of the Abaana staff, teaching us the team headed out to Uganda to begin basics of one of the many languages Day 2 spoken in Uganda and the traditional work on the new Rainey Primary School. Our second day began with most of handshakes along with it. After having This is their diary… us asleep on a flight en route to Addis dinner, we then set out on getting ready Ababa. Shortly after midnight, we got to go the next morning by packing and our second meal. When we arrived at Day 1 having all of the donated Abaana items Addis Ababa airport, we were met with The day had finally come for us to make in separate suitcases which took a large hectic crowds. After a rush to our next our journey across the globe to Uganda. amount of time and commitment from flight, we were finally on the final leg of Before we could reach our destination certain members of the group. we would have to endure over 20 hours our journey. Upon landing at Entebbe, we were welcomed by Susan and of traveling. So with our huge bags Ben Barfoot and Rory Bradley loaded onto the bus and our families Sarah who brought us to the Abaana waving goodbye we departed from the guesthouse. When leaving the airport front of the Rainey at 1pm to catch our we were given our first insight into life in flight from Dublin to Addis Ababa. Uganda. We were able to look out the windows of the bus and see how people in Uganda go about their normal routines with people walking alongside When arriving back to the the main roads outside Entebbe along guesthouse we were then with a free for all driving experience. given a lesson in the iteso language by one of the After arriving at the Abaana guesthouse Abaana staff, teaching us we were given a very friendly greeting the basics of one of the from the staff working there as well as many languages spoken in a cake, which went down well with Uganda and the traditional everyone. Before cutting the cake handshakes along with it. we were introduced to the Ugandan tradition of having everyone cut the cake at the one time. These people who held the knife when cutting the cake were also introduced to the tradition that the people who cut the cake must also hand out the cake.

61 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Abaana Trip to Uganda

We got to enjoy some African music and everyone including us got up to dance spontaneously…

Day 3 which sparked a dance off between Primary to start our first day of teaching A VIP reception awaited us as we pulled them and the parents of the pupils. and building. The children were split into up in our buses at the Rainey Primary After our welcome was complete, we four groups of 80, each group were School; only instead of a red carpet we got a run down on how to lay bricks while given different activities to do had a dusty brown field and instead of a musical ensemble motivated us and with biology and the different body parts. a face full of flashing cameras we had a where Davy showed his authority over all This included making stick fish and many sea of smiling faces of the local children of us with his superior building skills that games of head, shoulders, knees and and residents waving and chanting. put us all to shame. After we had the toes. The group were put through their chance to play with the children and paces with games of duck, duck goose We sat down for the presentation under bond as they taught us some of their and the children were even taught the shade of a mango tree and enjoyed language and tried to understand the hokey kokey and the macarena. a spectacular African welcome from our rather broad Northern Irish accents. The building was tough in the heat with the children who performed songs By the end we didn’t want to leave the group mixing the cement and laying and danced for us. We had speeches but had to return to the hotel for a well down the foundations for our from the important members of the needed shower and some dinner. new partnered school in Africa. community who made us feel right Today was such an eye opening day at home and made us realise how which really made us appreciate what Megan Clarke and Bryn Davis important our trip here actually is. We we have. got to enjoy some African music and everyone including us got up to dance Day 4 spontaneously. After such amazing Today we started off early at 8 o’clock performances from the residents we having different Ugandan with then had to perform Rainey’s Call and breakfast, starting off the day with an I’ll Tell Me Ma, which had some fabulous omelette, and . By 8:30 line dancing from some of our pupils we were all at the bus heading for Rainey

62 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Abaana Trip to Uganda

Day 5 Tomorrow our teachers and builders their African cup of nations matches to We started off the day again with a lovely will be swapping roles for a change of come and play us. The volleyball was breakfast of homemade scenery which I’m sure the builders will also highly contested and very enjoyable and boiled eggs. Yet again the builders appreciate after 2 hard days grafting. with the Rainey team just narrowly losing. working on the new Rainey Primary School site continued to keep up their Callum Donnelly and Jonny Drennan Overall another very entertaining day with astounding pace, despite the blistering everyone left encouraged by everything heat that glared down on them the they’ve learnt and seen today, excited for whole day. They successfully managed Day 6 the next day ahead. to get the height of the walls up to and Today was different as we visited a few past mid-window height. Despite minor of the pupils’ homes and families which Harry Evans and Daniel Fulton sun burns and very tired bodies from the allowed students and teachers to visit previous day of building, Rainey’s team the families of kids which they sponsor. Day 7 Allowing us to ask many questions of builders met everyone’s expectations We started the day by going to ‘The about their lifestyle and living conditions. and more for the short time period that Redeemed of the Lord Evangelistic This gave us a detailed insight into their we have been here. Church, Malukhu’. This morning service daily lives and allowed us to experience was a stark contrast to those back their different ways of living. We gained Yet again, our team of teachers were home as we were met with dancing knowledge of their diets and cooking kept busy in the existing “Rainey Primary and singing praises to God. The worship methods, this left us feeling humbled School” with a large range of school and congregation members were very and grateful for what we take for granted pupils ranging from P1s to P6s. Today’s welcoming and radiated the joy of the every day. Facilities such as water, main subject was Geography. The tasks Lord in their exciting and lively service. ranged from teaching the kids about the showers and toilets were very basic and a lot less hygienic than many of us names of jobs, teaching them animal Then we travelled to the Western Style are used to. sounds which were then incorporated Mbale Resort Hotel where we had a into the song “Old MacDonald had a piece of home with chips and grilled After we returned we enjoyed another farm.” The kids then thoroughly enjoyed sandwiches for lunch. Followed by fun delicious lunch provided to us by the making and decorating animal masks in the swimming pool by the team Kumi Hotel. We then embarked on a which they clung to for the rest of the members. We all enjoyed a more much anticipated game of football day. A small amount of Irish dancing was relaxed day after a busy week of building for the boys and volleyball for the girls. even thrown into the mix. and teaching, and now are refreshed for The highly contested football match was a week ahead. unfortunately lost 2-1 in the Ugandans’ favour who decided to take a break from Laura Gregg and Nikki Hessin

63 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Abaana Trip to Uganda

Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Today we arrived at Rainey Primary Today was our last day in the Kumi Hotel This morning was an early start for the School Morukakise for the last time. – our last day of potatoes for breakfast Rainey team with breakfast at 6:30am. During the day we took polaroids of (hopefully) and our last day with our We then ventured into the Murchison all 316 children and for many it was guides Patricia and Ronald, who headed Falls National Park for an early morning the first time seeing a photograph of back to see their families today before game drive where we spotted elephants, themselves. We also taught the children returning to the Abaana guesthouse to giraffes, buffalos, warthogs, antelope the Parable of the Lost Sheep with the aid greet a new team next week. While it and monkeys. We also saw Pumba and of some paper plates and cotton wool was upsetting to see them for the last Simba and yes they are friends in real to make sheep, and how to tell the time time, we are glad they get to go visit their life!! While the team were on the lookout with intense games of “What time is it families as they haven’t seen them since for lions hunting their prey, Mr McCullough Mr Wolf?” which the children had never the New Life Choir tour began in January. took this opportunity to catch up on played before. Our second group were some much needed sleep. building and finished the internal walls of We then spent a delightful seven and each classroom of the building which will a half hours on the bus travelling to the We continued our safari experience on be named after our team as the ‘Rainey Murchison National Park, the largest a boat trip down the Nile, where we got Foundation Team’. In the afternoon we national park in Uganda. After a brief to spot some hippos, crocodiles and the attended a leaving ceremony with the break in our stylish huts, we then got Murchison falls. We then finished off the children singing us a farewell song written back on the bus for another four hours, busy day relaxing at the lodge with a just for us. Emotions were running very although it didn’t feel like it as this was campfire after dinner accompanied by high for both the team, the children, a safari through the park where we saw some traditional African music. the parents and the staff, with many lions napping in a tree, a giraffe crossing in tears. We received a gift from the the road and a mother warthog scolding Courtney Overend and school of 5 hens (which Mr McClements her piglet for running headfirst into her. Zac McMenemy joyfully held). We then began to hand out shoes which were kindly donated There were also various species of by the Magherafelt community. Each antelope, herds upon herds of elephants, child was given a pair of shoes for giraffes, and wildebeests and to top it themselves and a pair for one of their all off a break beside the Hippo Pool at family members. Many of the team sunset. It was a phenomenal experience members also donated the shoes off which has left us ready for bed for an their feet today to those children who early start tomorrow for a sunrise had not received a pair of shoes. We left game drive. the children with very heavy hearts and wished we could have stayed forever. Ella McCaffrey

64 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Abaana Trip to Uganda

Day 11 Strathearn Primary School to have a look mingled with the children and created Today was our last day at the safari at what the Rainey Primary School that our own dance routines with them in lodges which brought relief to many of we were working on could look like in the which each team (which we named the Rainey pupils after showering with future. When we arrived we had a tour, families) performed these in front of lizards, sleeping next to the hippos and meeting the children and introducing everyone else. After having done this having dinner with the flies. We woke up ourselves to them. Where again we played a very competitive game of at 7:30. Apparently this is a lie in in Africa. Mr McClements was known as Mr Neil. football which ended up resulting in a 1-1 After breakfast at 8 we set off for the The classes then all came together in draw between the two teams. Some of guesthouse in Kampala. This was a 7 hour the one place where we, the Rainey the children showcased their amazing journey that was made feel much shorter 2019 Team, again performed Rainey’s talents to us on the football field as through card games, sleeping, movies Call and I’ll Tell Me Ma. The children well. It was then time to hand out t-shirts and food. Half way through the journey and the staff seemed to enjoy our and we heading back to the Abaana we stopped for lunch where we were performance. Guesthouse and enjoyed another lovely able to use the local shop and the public meal that the staff of the Guesthouse toilets, this was a hole in the ground. Then the children of the Primary School provided for us. We then concluded the performed a few songs for us and we night by reflecting on our time here in When we finally reached the guesthouse thought they were fantastic. After their Uganda, in which we had a humbling, we had lunch and for Callum Donelly’s performance we headed back to the enlightening and brilliant experience. birthday, the guesthouse provided yet Abaana Guesthouse where we had our another delicious cake. We then had the marvellous lunch. We then had a bit of Karl Warner rest of the day to chill, which involved chill out time up until 3:30, where we card games and a very intense game of then headed to the New Life Homes. charades that lasted all night. We arrived in the New Life Homes where we were introduced to all the children Day 12 and we got a tour around where This morning was quite relaxed as the they stayed. We then had a fantastic We then concluded the night team enjoyed a well-deserved lie in. performance where we were treated by reflecting on our time here That’s if you would call 8 o’clock a lie in. to a sing song and they showed us a in Uganda, in which we had We then enjoyed our lovely breakfast in few of their dance moves, which we a humbling, enlightening the Abaana guesthouse. We then left for were extremely impressed with. We then and brilliant experience.

65 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Visits Magazine

66 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed AS Biology Fieldtrip

On Tuesday 10th September, The final data to be collected was to 23 enthusiastic Lower Sixth Biologists measure the profile of limpets found headed to the rocky shore at Ramore on the shore. That data collected was Head, Portrush for the annual fieldtrip. later analysed and used as part of their internally assessed practical component This is an opportunity for the students to of the AS course. It was a very successful develop knowledge and skills of a range day, not least due to a combination of of qualitative and quantitative techniques excellent Rainey students and a used to investigate the distribution and sunny day! relative abundance of flora and fauna in this habitat. After a crash course in the identification and adaptations of local seaweeds, the students completed a belt transect of the shore, followed by measuring a range of abiotic factors. It was a very successful day, not least due to a combination of excellent Rainey students and a sunny day!

67 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Year 11 Trip to Tayto

Pupils were accompanied by water used in the production process. Year 11 Mrs McGurk, Mr Francis, Mrs Leslie Students had the opportunity to ask and Miss Murphy. On arrival we were further questions and of course, sample Business welcomed by the staff and of course, products which were very tasty! Mr Tayto himself! We were given a Studies Trip safety briefing and provided with very After a huge amount of tasting, the glamourous aprons and hairnets in students all received (several) packets order to adhere to strict health & safety of crisps to take home. The visit was to Tayto regulations. It was amazing to see informative and very enjoyable for On 7th & 9th of January the two Year how reliant the business is on its use of students and staff. We very much look 11 Business Studies classes travelled to technology as well as seeing the sheer forward to going again next year! Tandragee to visit the Tayto factory as scale of production in the plant. an educational visit based upon the Many thanks to Mr Francis for organising subject area of production. The aim of Tayto has the capacity to manufacture the visit! the visit was to investigate manufacturing 1 million packets of crisps each day! methods used by companies such It was also very encouraging to see how as Tayto. This helps the students to responsible their production is and how consolidate the information that has much they actually recycle, from the been taught in class. starch taken out of the potatoes to the

Tayto has the capacity to manufacture 1 million packets of crisps each day! It was also very encouraging to see how responsible their production is and how much they actually recycle…

68 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Students Visit Tobermore Concrete

and had the opportunity to see the syllabus, allowing the students to relate Business implementation of computer assisted theory in the classroom to a real life manufacturing to a wide range of enterprising business. The finance talk Studies processes. Throughout the tour, students was presented by Tobermore’s Assistant witnessed countless cost saving initiatives Accountant, Mr Matthew Donnelly, a Students Visit from the use of renewable energy to former Rainey Business Studies Student! their commitment to recycling. The The presentation also gave an insight into plant recycles all water used in their Tobermore’s growth in the mainland Tobermore manufacturing process and any waste UK market with the benefits and products are also recycled into their eco- challenges this presents. The Human Concrete products. All new initiatives not only allow Resource Department discussed how the business to minimise costs but allows the growth of social media has had a big Lower Sixth students attended their them to make products with excellent impact on their methods of recruitment. annual visit to Tobermore Concrete on carbon footprint ratings. The tour finished The Marketing department presentation 1st October 2019. The visit commenced with a walk around their paving centre to ended with Daniel Barfoot winning a with a health & safety talk where the see the merchandising of products and signed ball, after hearing students were warned about the the impact of their new branding. about the benefits of this sponsorship and potential risks and hazards around the Finally, the students attended a very Tobermore’s recent re-branding. plant and then provided with their high-vis detailed presentation in relation to all the jackets and personal audio devices. functional areas in the business. Thank you so much to Tobermore for again providing a most informative, Pupils had the opportunity to view the The presentation was ideally tailored interesting and enjoyable visit! recent development of Tobermore’s to incorporate most aspects of the AS new multimillion pound HESS plant

69 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed A2 Digital Technology Pupils

A2 Digital Technology pupils visit the Terrace Hotel

In preparation for their A2 coursework, the Year 14 Digital Technology students visited The Terrace Hotel in September, to get an insight into the daily tasks performed in the business relating to their reservations system. Special thanks goes to Paddy McCloy for giving up his time to answer our questions.

Rainey Endowed Digital Technology Students

Digital Technology students enter the Den!

The year 11 Digital Technology students were fortunate to attend a Dragons Den event at W5 in association with Rapid7 and STEM. They were required to design an app that would help combat climate change, competing against several others schools, followed by some free time to explore W5.

70 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Heaney Tour & HomePlace Visit

In October, Lower Sixth English Literature the ‘homeplace’, in Bellaghy. Following students added to their knowledge of the tour, students enjoyed a visit to biographical details on Seamus Heaney the Heaney HomePlace Exhibition for their AS Poetry module, with a tour of Centre in Bellaghy. The group even Heaney country, led by accredited local had the privilege of meeting some of tour guide, Eugene Kielt. Seamus Heaney’s family members at Home Place. A most enjoyable and We are indebited to Seamus Heaney’s educational tour and visit. brother, Hugh, for kindly granting us special access to the Heaney farm, C Drennan

Rainey Endowed French Immersion Day

On 16th October, 38 year 12 pupils travelled to Queen’s University Belfast to take part in a French immersion day as part of the Language Ambassador Programme. Pupils got a flavour of what studying languages would be like at university and were given a tour of the campus in French. This was a really enjoyable day and we would like to thank the staff and students at Queen’s for hosting us and showing us the benefits of language learning.

71 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Cookery School Trip

Year 12 Food and Nutrition pupils enjoyed a great day at Forestside Cookery School, Belfast. Jeffers taught the pupils a range of skills needed for their GCSE practical, massive thanks to all at the Cookery School for a very informative and enjoyable day!

Rainey Endowed ‘Feed Your Mind’ @ Loughry

in the college facilities: including Year 10 Home sausage production, chocolate production and cheese processing. Economics They also had the opportunity to see the process of developing new products, ‘Feed Your the importance of food packaging in the and labelling. The event allowed the pupils to hear Mind’ @ and learn about the vast array of careers in the industry and how courses at Loughry Loughry could provide them with future opportunities in the food industry. Year 10 pupils who had selected to study Food and Nutrition for GCSE attended the Many thanks to Liz Simpson and her team annual ‘Feed Your Mind’ event at Loughry at Loughry for a very informative day College, Cookstown. Pupils were taken which we all greatly enjoyed. through several practical demonstrations

72 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed History Lectures

In November, year 13 AS History pupils had the opportunity to visit Queen’s University for a series of lectures relating to their AS studies. It was a very informative visit and interesting to get an insight into university style lecturing.

Rainey Endowed Year 10 Church Visits

Year 10 undertook their annual church standard of behaviour of all our pupils was also really interesting to compare the visits on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday was impeccable and they listened very differences in church design and worship. 10th October this year. 10A and 10C intently to the presentations from the We would really like to thank Fr Branigan, visited Magherafelt Chapel and ministers of the different churches. The Pastor McDermott, Archdeacon Scott Magherafelt Baptist while 10B and 10D pupils really enjoyed seeing the places and Rev. Leach for giving up their time! visited St Swithin’s Church of Ireland and they have been learning about in class Union Road Presbyterian. As usual, the and asking the ministers extra questions. It

73 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Events Magazine

74 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Abaana New Life Choir Visit

In June 2019 the Rainey was delighted mean task but Mr McCullough did a songs and tell their testimonies. What to host the Abaana New Life choir for sterling job! It was not long before the a joy to watch the children sing and a two-day visit. This was the Rainey’s children & their chaperones departed dance with typically African enthusiasm first association with the Abaana choir with their host families for a good in their brightly-coloured and patterned but the choir’s second tour of the UK night’s sleep! costumes. It was particularly special & Ireland. to see our 2019 Abaana team on the On Friday, after breakfast at the staff stage with the children and we were The New Life Choir is a group of 20 homes, the choir met up again at the delighted to joined by Scott Baxter, children who are beneficiaries of Sports Hall and were joined by Mrs founder & CEO of Abaana, who Abaana’s projects across Uganda. Hunter, Mrs Stewart & the Year 8 House addressed the audience at the end of They represent their local communities Captains for fun lessons, singing & the evening. by singing their way around the UK & games. During lunch the sun was shining Ireland, acting as ambassadors for their so the children enjoyed impromptu Abaana’s aim is to raise awareness of friends & families still living in poverty. games of football and ‘Duck Duck Third world poverty, fund sponsors for Goose’ with the Rainey pupils on the children to attend school and rescue On Thursday 6th June the choir, along pitches. I don’t think any of the Year 11’s more children from a life on the streets. with their chaperones & representatives wanted to return to class at the bell! Rainey is so thankful to the 400+ family from Abaana, arrived at the Rainey & friends who came along and Sports Hall where the following night they In the afternoon we visited Milesian supported Abaana through their would perform in a concert. They were Manor Lifestyle Care Home where the presence, buying merchandise and greeted by an excited band of Rainey choir treated the residents to a few signing up for child sponsorship. staff who would be their hosts for the songs Uganda-style before enjoying Your support is changing lives. two-day tour. a movie & popcorn in the Milesian After the initial welcome & introductions, Manor in-house cinema. What a treat! It was 20 very tired children and the choir, their entourage and the By mid-afternoon all the children (and chaperones who gathered at Maud’s host staff families made our way to their chaperones!) were ready for a nap the next morning. Thanks to Anita and Mrs Hutchinson’s house for a barbeque before preparations & rehearsal for the her staff at Maud’s for treating us all to & bouncy castle fun and games. concert that evening. ice cream. The final performance for the Thankfully the worst of the rain shower choir was a singalong in McAtamney’s was over and we enjoyed an evening In the evening it was our turn to be Butchers to thank them for generously of hectic fun! Supervising 20+ excited treated as we watched the choir providing the meat for our barbeque. children around a bouncy castle is no perform Ugandan & English gospel Then it was a tearful farewell.

75 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Abaana New Life Choir Visit

I am delighted to report that all the children returned safely to Uganda, were reunited with their families and returned to their education at one of the Abaana schools. Their legacy was to secure over 500 more child sponsorships as a result of their five-month tour.

All the staff hosts agree that two days was too short. In such a short time the children made a huge impact on us and our families. Their smiles, their warmth, their energy and their gratitude, despite having so little, touched and challenged us in equal measure. To say that we are looking forward to the New Life choir returning in June 2021 would be an understatement! All being well, there will be 20 new children & chaperones returning but be assured, they will bring the same warmth and enthusiasm and they will be greeted with even more joy & excitement! Roll on June 2021.

Mrs D Francis

What a joy to watch the children sing and dance with typically African enthusiasm in their brightly-coloured and patterned costumes. It was particularly special to see our 2019 Abaana team on the stage with the children and we were delighted to joined by Scott Baxter, founder & CEO of Abaana, who addressed the audience at the end of the evening.

76 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed European Day Modern Languages

talented Year 11 language learners European Day taught P6 pupils from Spires Integrated a beginner’s French lesson while there was of Modern tasty in the canteen at lunchtime, as well as Salsa dancing and Languages tortilla chips in the Drama pod.

At the end of September, we celebrated Also not forgetting Mr Staples beginners’ the European Day of Languages in style! German session which was quite literally Year 8 shared what speaking a foreign bursting at the seams with enthusiastic language means to them and Year language learners! Vive les langues! 14 linguists recited the Lord’s Prayer in ¡Viva los idiomas! Wir lieben Deutsch! French and Spanish in assembly. Some Until next year!

77 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed National Poetry Day

‘And I shall

have some National Poetry Day 2019 was celebrated in a very special way at lunchtime in Rainey on October 3rd with our friends from Milesian Manor joining our Year 14 English Literature peace there, students in reciting W.B Yeats’ poem, ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’.

The event was part of the nationwide Poetry Together initiative, which aims for peace comes to unite young and old through the joy of poetry (and tea!). This event was the culmination of a series of visits over the preceding weeks by our Sixth Form English Literature pupils and their dropping slow’ teachers, Miss McClelland and Mrs Drennan, to Milesian Manor. During WB Yeats the visits, residents and pupils enjoyed sharing afternoon tea, stories and poetry together. There was plenty of fun and entertainment as we all rose to the challenge of preparing a recitation of ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’. Former Rainey pupil, Lula McIntyre impressed us all by being able to recite ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’ even before we began; clearly her education at Rainey had stood her in good stead.

78 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed National Poetry Day

On the day, residents and staff from sharing their haiku on the theme of ‘Truth’. of the Moon’ poetry anthology, signed Milesian Manor arrived at Rainey Certificates were presented and Mr Fields by Gyles Brandreth. The anthology Endowed School to join some Sixth Form was on hand to record all on video. We of the nation’s favourite poems and English Literature pupils and their teachers were delighted to feature on the official certificate were awarded to our school for our Poetry Together Tea Party. Rainey social media for National Poetry Day. in acknowledgement of the English was particularly delighted that past pupil, Department’s participation in the Poetry Lula McIntyre, was one of those able to Rainey is indebted to Seaneen and Together tea party and poetry recitation come to celebrate a very special link her team at Milesian Manor for their part with our poetry partners at Milesian between Rainey and Milesian Manor. in helping us make National Poetry Day Manor, in celebration of National Poetry We were pleased that one of Lula’s 2019 a memorable and Day. A beautiful anthology to remind daughters, also a Rainey past pupil, was enjoyable event. us of the ‘light’ that shone in all our lives able to be with us too. Following lunch, through Poetry Together. the packed Drama pod was resounding A Level English Literature pupils were with the lilting lines of young and old the proud to receive the Poetry Mrs C Drennan reciting the ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’ and Together Certificate of Participation and the Poetry Haiku Competition winners accompanying ‘Dancing by the Light

A Level English Literature pupils were the proud to receive the Poetry Together Certificate of Participation and accompanying ‘Dancing by the Light of the Moon’ poetry anthology, signed by Gyles Brandreth.

79 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed French Ambassadors

On Thursday 3 October, Mrs Stewart’s Thanks very much to Rebekah and Year 12 French class had their second Emma for coming in to help. visit from the French ambassadors of Queen’s University, Belfast.

The ambassadors are French students at Queen’s who are working with our Year 12 pupils to help with certain elements of the GCSE French course and promoting further study of French. In this session, the ambassadors were working on translation, which is a key skill used at GCSE. The pupils really enjoyed the interactive session and feel that their translation skills are improving.

Rainey Endowed Hosting a French Play

On Friday 11 October Rainey hosted thoroughly enjoyable play starring two a French play by Onatti for all the French actors with cameo appearances year 10 pupils in the Magherafelt Area by some Year 10 pupils. We even got a Learning Partnership, which was made mention on the Onatti website. possible through the Shared Education Programme. Pupils watched a play in Merci @Onatti French called ‘Les Garçons’. This was a

80 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Holocaust Education Event

On 15th October, year 11 RS and This event was made possible through History pupils had the very special Shared Education funding. opportunity to hear a testimony from Holocaust Survivor, Eva Clarke BEM. The event was kindly hosted by our friends in Magherafelt High School and organised by the Holocaust Educational Trust. Her family story, which reflected the true horrors and tragedy of the Holocaust, left a profound impact on us all and served as a reminder of the consequences of intolerance and prejudicial hatred, which should never happen again.

81 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Rainey’s Got Talent

On Thursday 24th October 2019, the hard to believe! When the videos and Dreamers.” Her older sister Katherine Rainey showed everyone just how photos were taken they all slowly started played the guitar and sang as a backing much talent our school really has! appearing around the school and singer. The next act of the night was Heidi With a wide variety of wonderful acts everything became real. Tickets were who performed a modern dance solo. displaying the talent from year 8 to sold for the night and in a matter of days Mia took to the stage and performed 12, our school really has it all! they were sold out. “Schindler’s List” on her violin.

As posters appeared around the The night came around quicker than Next was the double act of Eunan and school a buzz of excitement filled the anyone had imagined it would. The Ryan who performed their own take on corridors. The sign-up sheets quickly Johnston Hall was full with no empty “You are the reason”. Following Eunan filled up and auditions were held soon seats. We all sat waiting for the show to and Ryan was Gloria Reid who sang after. The auditions were held by Mrs start as we heard the loud chattering “My Favourite Things” from “The Sound Thorogood, Mrs Glenn and Mrs Service from the hall. The stage was getting of Music.” “HOLLO” (aka Lucia, Charlie who had the difficult decisions of who to set up. Our very own “Ant & Dec” role and Lewis) performed their own spin on choose for the final show. After the tense was easily filled by Mr Simpson & Mr “That Golden Rule” by “Biffy Clyro.” Then flurry of heated auditions, the final 11 McDonnell! The judges on the night were Megan McKay sang “A Million Dreams” contestants were chosen; Clare Wilson, our lovely Mrs Cooke, Maths genius Mr from “The Greatest Showman.” Rachel Heidi Hutchison, Mia White, Eunan and Henderson and past pupil turned into a Mullan took to the stage and performed Ryan, Gloria Reid, HOLLO, Megan McKay, country star, Ben Curry! a contemporary dance solo which Rachel Mullan, Emma Caskey, Super she choreographed herself, to a song Troopers and me! The real work quickly As the curtain rose, I kicked off the called “Paralysed”. Next up was Emma began. We had lots of preparation show with a county classic- “Black hills Caskey who sang “I Dreamed a Dream” including meetings with our very own of Dakota” from the movie “Calamity from “Les Miserables.” Finally, “Super mentors, sound checks and perfecting Jane.” It was performed with me Troopers” performed a tribute to the of our performances. During our dress singing and playing my guitar. This was iconic band ABBA. There was so much rehearsal we went out for our very own followed by my very close friend Clare, talent displayed on the night, it was truly “personal photoshoot!” It was all too who performed a piece called “Army unbelievable!

82 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Rainey’s Got Talent

After each act the judges gave encouraging feedback but it wasn’t up to judges to decide as the audience were asked to vote for their favourite act during the interval. During the interval there was ice-cream, popcorn, drinks and snacks for sale but behind the scenes there was so much excitement as the teachers prepared for their dance number. We all got ice-cream as we listened to music and got ready for the results. The teachers dance number was a great hit and all the secret rehearsals really paid off! Silence filled the room as the acts all returned onto the stage to take their places. We all stood nervously as Mr McDonnell and Mr Simpson held the results in an envelope. In third place…EMMA CASKEY! Huge cheers filled the room. In second place… HOLLO! More cheering followed. In first place, the winner of “Rainey’s got Talent”, 2019 is… PHOEBE MCIVOR!

The audience were all cheering for everyone who was involved! There wasn’t much time to actually process what had happened and I still can’t even believe it. The stage was quickly set up for one last performance of the night; Ben Curry even joined in.

Rainey’s Got Talent has been one of the best moments of my first year at the Rainey. Everyone involved - teachers, pupils, judges and all of the backstage crew were such a big part of bringing it all together! The school has proven once again… RAINEY REALLY HAS GOT TALENT!

Phoebe McIvor | Year 8

83 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Rainey’s Got Talent

Silence filled the room as the acts all returned onto the stage to take their places. We all stood nervously as Mr McDonnell and Mr Simpson held the results in an envelope…

84 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Paired Reading Initiative

On 21st October two students, Maeve McHugh and Sarah Carlisle, along with Mrs McMullan, attended a Paired Reading Workshop facilitated by Learn Spark as a part of the Mid Ulster Community Planning Schools Together Initiative.

The workshop was held in the Bridewell, Magherafelt and saw the five local secondary schools coming together to learn about paired reading. Paired reading is when pupils (known as mentors) work with other pupils to help them improve their reading and understanding of what is being read. The aim is to increase a pupil’s interest and ability to read for enjoyment and to gain better access to their subjects across the curriculum, improving their outcomes.

Rainey Endowed Wellbeing Ambassadors

In October, 16 young people enthusiastically gathered to take part in a Wellbeing Ambassadors Workshop provided by Worth it, Wellbeing and Resilience. This is an evidence-based training session for young people equipping them to be Wellbeing Ambassadors within their setting. By training young people to be leaders amongst their peers, this workshop supports the prevention of mental health problems by developing wellbeing within their setting.

The Wellbeing Ambassadors were trained in a variety of approaches and strategies they can use to develop and lead peer support projects to reduce stigma, improve access, develop positive coping and reduce stress. The students planned how they would deliver this positive mental health education to support other students and have planned several assemblies, a lunchtime club and 1-1 coaching sessions. By training young people to be leaders Many thanks to Kim Carr for facilitating amongst their peers, this workshop supports this session and for all her, help, support the prevention of mental health problems by and enthusiasm. developing wellbeing within their setting.

85 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Community Group

programme which makes daily calls to Community elderly vulnerable people in their homes Group at to check on their welfare. The girls received certificates to mark their Council contribution to Agewell and they also got appreciation to see the Council Chamber. event

In October, members of Rainey Community Group joined Agewell Staff & volunteers at a special appreciation reception at Magherafelt Council Offices. Chair of the Council, Councillor Martin Kearney hosted the reception and praised all the volunteers who work with Agewell in Mid-Ulster. The Rainey pupils are involved with the Good Morning

Rainey Endowed Amazing Brains Programme:

Helping Students Maximise Potential

Year 8 ‘Blast Off’

On 21st November, Year 8 pupils participated in an Amazing Brains workshop to support them in developing confidence in study skills, time management and memory strategies, as they adjust to life at the Rainey. The workshops were part of our whole school aim of helping pupils to develop more effective revision and study strategies, as part of our focus on ‘Learning to Learn’. Pupils engaged fully in the variety of activities throughout the session and were very positive in their evaluations of the workshop.

86 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed International Mole Day

The majority of students from Year 11 taste of the entries. There certainly are upwards will have endured the mysteries some exceptionally talented bakers of chemistry mole calculations. The amongst our ranks. A mass turnout in C1 concept of the mole (which makes at lunchtime was hosted by Dr Kyle, Mrs counting easier for chemists, particularly Dunlop and Mrs Short and esteemed when talking about atoms or molecules), visitors from the English Department is based on Avogadro’s number 6.02 utilised their extensive cake tasting x 1023 which defines the number of expertise to support the judging! particles in one mole of a substance. From October 1991, Mole Day has Special mention goes to our U6th entries been celebrated annually on October who demonstrated a fierce competitive 23rd, starting at 6.02am and ending at spirit, notably Dawn, Seb, Joel and 6.02pm to encourage young students to Molly with the overall and deserving develop an interest in Chemistry. winner being Holly Brown (14B). All money raised was used to support the Abaana Charity. To mark the occasion, Dr Kyle and Mrs Dunlop together with 6th form In the spirit of International Mole Day, Chemistry students organised a Mole- Holly, Catherine and Darcey, who were themed Bake Off. We were amazed by on the Rome trip at the time, had a the number, variety, presentation and stowaway with them…

Rainey Endowed Lord Eames Visit

On 22nd November, the RE Department was delighted to welcome Lord Eames to a synoptic conference with A level students. Lord Eames visited us last year and was happy to return to spend more time with our students who are preparing for their A level synoptic paper. They are required to gain an awareness of modern religious issues and spent 2 hours grilling Lord Eames on a range of issues including church and state, the recent Abortion and Same Sex marriage laws in Northern Ireland, women in ministry and importance of the role of churches in reconciliation. It was wonderful for our students to have a chance to hear from such a distinguished speaker who has a wide range of experience in these areas.

The staff and pupils would like to thank Lord Eames for giving up his time, his willingness to be “grilled” and the openness of his answers!

87 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Soroptimist Success for Rainey!

On Thursday 21st November 2019, Honor schools took part on the Thursday night. Congratulations also to the two Graham and Catherine Turkington took All twenty four pupils deserve great credit pupils from St Mary’s Grammar School part in the annual Soroptimist Public for being able to stand and deliver such who were placed second and third. Speaking Regional Competition for interesting and varied speeches. It was And of course congratulations to all Ballymoney and District Area. This is a an enriching and thought-provoking the competitors who took part – it is a competition organised annually for girls night for everyone in the audience who brilliant achievement to be able to speak in year 12 and year 13. The aims of the had the chance to listen to such well- effectively and in an engaging manner competition include: “encouraging girls prepared speeches on a wide range of in front of a crowd of people. One of the to play a more prominent part in public topical issues. Soroptimist members said in true Strictly life” and “encouraging girls to develop style that you were all “FAAABUUULOUS” the skills to speak effectively and to Well done to Honor and Catherine who and we say that you all should “KEEEEEP articulate with clarity.” prepared diligently for the competition. PUBLIC SPEAKING!” They put a tremendous amount of work The competition requires students to in - researching their topic, collating Honor and Catherine proved that hard deliver a speech of between four and notes, drafting and re-drafting their work, practice and self-belief can lead six minutes in length on a topic they speeches. These girls also gave up to success and there is no doubt that have previously chosen from a list of six many lunch times to edit their speeches, our two Rainey girls were fabulous on the possible titles. Honor and Catherine both time their speeches and rehearse their competition night. Thanks also to their chose the topic, “Overfed or underfed-a delivery. The whole Rainey community is parents who helped them prepare and modern day issue!” Even though both very proud of Honor and Catherine! supported them throughout. girls chose the same topic, they each had their own unique stories and ideas. We are also delighted to announce that Miss N McKay Both girls delivered fantastic speeches on Catherine Turkington was placed first on the night and were a credit to our school. the night and she went on to represent Ballymoney and District at the Northern This year there was a huge turnout Ireland Final on Saturday 8th February and twenty-four pupils from six different 2020 in Hillsborough, County Down.

The aims of the competition include: “encouraging girls to play a more prominent part in public life” and “encouraging girls to develop the skills to speak effectively and to articulate with clarity.”

88 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Multi-Sports Event

On Tuesday 26th November the Rainey Endowed A2 Sports Science class were delighted to host their ‘Multi-Sports’ Active Leisure Event. We were excited to have 6 local primary schools with us (Spires Integrated, Moneymore, Woods, Lissan, Derrychrin and Castledawson) and enjoyed the company of their P.5 classes.

Despite being a bit wet the children were not put off taking part in a variety of activities such as orienteering, football, athletics events, mental challenges and an obstacle course to finish.

A big well done and thank you to everyone who took part and congratulations to the winning orange team and also to Lara and Samuel who finished as the overall top boy and girl!

Rainey Endowed New House Captains

New House Captains were elected in November for both year 8 and 9. The Year 8 House Captains were elected after a speech day. Each House had many keen candidates who gave wonderful, uplifting speeches about how they would be a great leader for their class. The pupils then got to vote one boy and one girl to represent them as Captains for each House.

The successful candidates: Calvin: Aimee–Leigh Henry & Ruben McCammon Parker: Grace Baay & Luke Caskey Salters: Phoebe McIvor & Emmet McNulty Walker: Imogen Scott & James Lockett Madden: Ciara Houston & Adam Cuddy

Our Year 9 House Captains were also elected: Calvin: Grace O’Kane & Dean Savage Parker: Heidi Hutchinson & Eunan Doyle Salters: Eva Francis & George Stone Walker: Molly Wilkinson & Paul Stan

89 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Christmas Charity

The Rainey community has once again responded with enormous generosity to the annual shoebox appeal with 68 gift wrapped shoeboxes brought into the school and donated to Samaritan’s Purse. To pupils, parents and staff who wrapped, bought and gave donations to make this possible, you brought a lot of joy to a child’s life at Christmas.

Thank you!

Rainey Endowed Tag Rugby Event

On Tuesday 3rd December, the Rainey A-Level Sports Science class hosted their ‘Tag-Rugby’ Event. It was great to have the attendance of 6 local Primary Schools; Moneymore Primary, Spires Integrated Primary, Derrychrin Primary, Knockloughrim Primary, St Mary’s (Bellaghy) Primary and Woods Primary. Each school brought along 18 eager pupils to take part in our event. With the weather staying dry a great day of rugby matches was held. This included a skills session to try and improve the pupils’ rugby skills. Congratulations goes to Spires Girls who won the girls Tag-Rugby Competition and to Derrychrin Boys who won the boys Tag-Rugby Competition.

Thanks also goes to Wayne Kelly (YDO for Rainey Old Boys Rugby Club) who took the time to come and watch some of the matches and also presented the awards.

90 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed English Lecturers visit Rainey

The English Department was pleased to welcome lecturers from University of Ulster, Coleraine to deliver workshops in December to our English Literature students on their AS exam modules.

The sessions, which proved engaging and useful, were enjoyed by both students and teachers. Our thanks to Professor Jan Jedrzejewski for generously offering the workshop facility and also to Dr James Ward and Dr Frank Ferguson for visiting. The English Department looks forward to building on this link in the future.

Rainey Endowed Amazing Brains Programme:

Helping Students Maximise Potential

Year 11 ‘Drive for Results’

Our Year 11 Amazing Brains ‘Drive for Results’ was a most useful and interesting workshop. Pupils engaged in a wide variety of activities, all of which very effectively supported our school focus on ‘Learning to Learn’. Memory strategies, time management techniques and practical guidance on creating effective revision notes all provided timely support for imminent mock examinations. Well done to our Year 11 pupils who worked hard and participated fully in all aspects of the programme – you were ‘amazing’!

Mrs C Drennan

91 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Rainey Open Nights

Rainey Endowed were delighted to welcome over 800 people across the two open evenings in January. Pupils were able to enjoy a variety of activities from meeting the different animals in Biology, trying out different Rugby and Hockey skills in PE to guessing some religious characters’ identities in RE and solving a murder mystery in History! The Headmaster and staff would like to say ‘thank you’ to all primary pupils and parents who came to visit the school and especially to all the Rainey pupils for helping to make the evenings such a success!

92 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Rainey Open Nights

93 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Rainey Open Nights

94 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed A2 Gel Electrophoresis Demo

On Tuesday 4th February, Lucienne The students were able to use a PCR meet the requirements of their McCallum, a Rep from the laboratory machine, use restriction enzymes and A2 Biology specification, but in supplier, Timstar, came into school to probes as well as making and then preparation for some of the university provide a demonstration to our Upper loading gels before adding them to courses they have applied to next Sixth Biologists of some of the tools and the electrophoresis tank to ‘run’. This was year. Many thanks must go to Lucienne techniques used within the fast evolving an excellent opportunity for our students and Timstar, as well as Kathryn for area of Gene Technology. to get hands on experience, not only to coordinating the day.

95 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed World Book Day 2020

World Book Day was filled with a multitude Your postcard designs were beautiful. DEAR periods of different activities to encourage Thank you to all who took part and to In celebration of World Book Day, everyone’s enjoyment of reading. our English student teachers who rose Rainey Endowed staff and pupils to the tough challenge of selecting thoroughly enjoyed the relaxation of ‘A Book That Means The our winners. three blissful DEAR (Drop Everything World To Me’ And Read) periods. 8P posed for a Congratulations to our winners of the Year ‘Share a Story’ photograph to show off the lovely range 8 World Book Day competition, ‘A Book As part of our World Book Day of novels they enjoyed reading during That Means The World To Me’. Well done celebrations, Year 8 enjoyed the Share the DEAR periods. to Faith Anderton in first place, Brianna a Story activity, having their teachers read Crilly in second place, Katelyn Clarke to them for ten minutes each lesson on Thanks to everyone involved for in third place and Grace Baay, Bianca the day. participating so enthusiastically in our Zeelie and Chloe McLean for highly literacy events. commended entries.

96 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed World Book Day 2020

‘First and Last’ on World Book Day 2020 Well done to all our contestants in Rainey’s special book-themed version of First and Last, comedian Jason Manford’s popular game show that puts contestants through a succession of entertaining rounds, with one golden rule – players must not come first or last in any game. The ones who do will be eliminated. It is all about being average. Our eleven contestants were ‘game’ for whatever was involved, even when that meant donning ear defenders and placing cardboard boxes on their heads. Congratulations to our winner, Eunan Doyle, who proved our most average participant on the day. Thanks to our Year 10 Harry Potter helpers and special thanks to our Year 13 Literature students for helping us in the middle of their mock examinations. Books First and Last!

97 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed RSC Schools’ Analyst Competition

Rainey chemistry students place 2nd in Royal Society of Chemistry Schools’ Analyst Competition

On Saturday 7th March, a team of three Year 13 Chemistry pupils travelled to Stranmillis University College, Belfast, to take part in the Royal Society of Chemistry Schools’ Analyst Competition. The competition highlighted the importance of analytical chemistry in the food, pharmaceutical and environmental industries. The pupils, Tara Bergeron, Zach McCahon and Catherine Turkington were tasked with completing three experiments which tested their practical skills, as well as their The pupils rose to the understanding of chemical analysis. challenge, carried out the experiments to the required The pupils rose to the challenge, carried level of accuracy and out the experiments to the required level precision and placed 2nd of accuracy and precision and placed against 13 other top grammar 2nd against 13 other top grammar schools schools. The pupils won a book voucher to support the teaching of chemistry and it was a fantastic achievement for the team.

98 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Music Magazine

99 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Music Report 2019-2020

The Music Department has had There have been many highlights for out Johnston Hall, reflected the hard a most wonderful year, even the Department in this academic year work and dedication of our students who though much of our academic which has been cut short. Our second attend our extra-curricular activities on year has been overshadowed Rainey’s Got Talent competition took a weekly basis. A huge ‘Well done’ to all place in October and showcased some who were involved, both on and by COVID-19. We started off of our many talented pupils. off stage! the year with our GCSE and A Level students having In particular, many of our junior students All these events reflect the hard work achieved a super set of results. took part and it is a delight to see our and dedication of all our students who We extend our best wishes to younger students perform on stage. attend rehearsals on a weekly basis at those who have gone on One thing is certain, there is no shortage lunch time, after school and even, on to University. of talent in our school! Congratulations occasions, in the morning, before the must go to all our students who had the official school day starts! Thanks must This year, a number of students have courage to audition – it really isn’t easy! go to each student and members of opted to study Music at University level. Finally, well done to our winner, Year 8 teaching, peripatetic and non-teaching The extra-curricular life of the Music student Pheobe McIvor who wowed the staff who make these events such a Department continues to thrive. The wide audience with her performance of huge success. variety of extra-curricular activities on offer “The Black Hills of Dakota” and HOLLO include Junior, Senior, Senior Girls and who came a close second. We look The Music Department continues to Chamber Choirs, Orchestra, String Group, forward to hearing more from all those facilitate tuition for students in singing, Flute Choir, Irish Traditional Group and who took part. lower and upper strings, piano, guitar Barbershop. As a Department, we are and woodwind and brass. This year, we always keen to welcome new members Our Annual Carol Service, which is a said goodbye to Mrs Christie, our singing to our ensembles and invite students to favourite event of many, took place tutor and congratulate her and her create new ensembles. This year, a Junior again in the Sports Complex. This was a husband on the birth of Martha Joy. String Group was established for pupils fantastic success with a huge number We welcomed (briefly!) Dr Diana in Years 8 and 9 and these students of pupils involved in a very memorable Culbertson as her replacement and look performed at our Open Evenings as evening of festive music and song. One forward to working with her again on our well as the Carol Service and Evening of the highlights of many was the joint return to school. of Music. A Junior Traditional Group was piece, “Is He Worthy”, performed by all also established with a number of keen choirs, which rounded off the evening. As a Department, we would thank traditional and folk players meeting A small number of pupils went carol you, parents and friends of the Music together on a weekly basis to share singing to Milesian Manor at the end of Department for your continued support. melodies and play together. These junior the Winter Term. These pupils entertained pupils gave their first performance at the the residents with readings and carols Mrs L Glenn | Subject Leader (Music) Evening of Music and were well received and an enjoyable time was had by all. by the audience! The Evening of Music, held in a packed

100 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Music Examination Results

Grade 2 Grade 6 Jessica Finlay Voice Romeo Jiang Clarinet Joel Lennox Clarinet Mia White Violin Carson McClay E Flat Horn Heidi White Violin Kevin Cheung Piano Johanna Causby Flute

Grade 3 Grade 7 Amy Fleming Clarinet Joanna Kyle Flute Leah Henry Violin Courtney Overend Voice Ella Rae McConnell Flute Ella Rae McElhatton Flute Grade 8 Anna McCavana Violin Rachel McBride Violin Pheobe McIvor Piano Leah Clements Voice Ellen Henderson Voice Grade 4 Katherine Wilson Piano Sam Lennox Flute Jordan McCready Flute Naomi McLean Voice Ella Rae McConnell Voice Emma McKay Violin

Grade 5 Anna Clements Flute Elisabeth Ranchoux Violin Reuben Ranchoux Violin Anna Short Voice Olivia Stewart Voice Orlaith McHugh Voice

101 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Junior Choir Junior Choir | Rhiannon Wilson-Morrow Carson McClay, Amy Brown, Darcey McCready, McClay, Rowan Bethany Mawhinney, (L-R): Back Row Jemma Johnston Caryn Causby, Megan McKay, Abbie Caskey, Ciara Houston, Jessica Finlay, Naomi Paul, Evie Duncan, Emma Caskey, Amy Leach, (L-R): 4th Row Sophia Morrissey, Henry, Leah Rihanna Hamilton, Jessica Ranchoux, Anna Lockett, Natalie Rowe, Olivia Overend, Eunan Doyle, Anna Donnelly, Orlaith McHugh, Ellie Cheung, Sophie Shaw, Amy Gordon, (L-R): 3rd Row Molly Wilkinson Bethany Thompson, Miss C Bingham Zaina Tyler, Gloria Reid, Maia Nowak, Chloe McLean, Zoe Fleming, Sarah Hatrick, Henry, Katie Amy Fleming, Pattison, Lucy Grace Darragh, Clare Wilson, Eliza Cameron, Mrs N Thorogood, (L-R): 2nd Row Anna Kelso Henry, Lucia Ciara Cooke, Amelie McConnell, Murphy, Ross Ross, Lewis Olivia Young, Anna Foster, Phoebe McIvor, Beth Gordon, (L-R): Row Front

102 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Senior Choir Senior Choir | Sean Drain, Sam Clarke, Daniel Barfoot, Mark Kissick, Alex McLean, Matthew Dripps, Aaron Caldwell, (L-R): Back Row Bell Lara Holly Weir, Ian Lennox, Gareth Kirkwood, Bergeron, Tara Speers, Ross John Curry, Michael Brown, John McCaffery, Catherine Bell, Ellen Henderson, Zach McCahon, Sabrina Pickering, (L-R): 6th Row Callum McCullough Marc Scott, Thomas Ewing, Harry Mark Badger, Joshua Overend, Jiang, Evans, Romeo (L-R): 5th Row Clements, Leah Anna Eakin, Ella McElhatton, Eva Loughlin, Henderson, Laura Kirsten Paul, Sarah Carlisle, Fullerton, Rosanna Houston, Leah Jordan McCready, Irvine, Lucy Sara Henderson, Jodie Curry, (L-R): 4th Row Stevenson Lucy Anna Hamilton, Caitlin Thompson, Wilson, Katherine Emily McKeown, Ella Shaw, Johanna Causby, Grace Moore, Anna Short, Molly Lee, Ross, Lucia Sarah Evans, Ella McMenemy, Emma McKay, (L-R): 3rd Row Rebekah Alice Clarke, Sarah McKinley, Olivia Stewart, Beth Cunningham, Kirsty Stevenson, Kathryn McClure, Hannah Galway, Ellen O’Kane, Elisabeth Ranchoux, Spence-Gilmour, Regan Mrs N Thorogood, (L-R): 2nd Row Mrs L Glenn Alex Crawford, Semple, Molly McErlean Caitlyn McVeigh, Mia White, Wilkinson, Katie Ellie Donaldson, Amber Rodgers, Daisy Campbell, Jane Hutchinson, Eve Wilson, Danette Harbinson, (L-R): Row Front

103 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Chamber Choir Chamber Choir | Fullerton Rosanna Catherine Bell, Michael Brown, Daniel Barfoot, John Curry, Ellen Henderson, Holly Weir, (L-R): Back Row Kathryn McClure Anna Short, Anna Hamilton, Beth Cunningham, Ella McElhatton, Henderson, Laura Houston, Leah Clements, Leah Wilson, Katherine Johanna Causby, Emily McKeown, (L-R): Middle Row Daisy Campbell Semple, Rebekah Elisabeth Ranchoux, Sarah McKinley, Alex Crawford, Alice Clarke, Hannah Galway, (L-R): Row Front

104 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Barbershop | Barbershop Johanna Causby Michael Brown, Daniel Barfoot, Clements, Leah (L-R): Back Row Alex Crawford Wilson, Katherine John Curry, Anna Short, Semple, Rebekah (L-R): Row Front

105 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Orchestra Orchestra | Irvine. Lucy Thomson, Lucy Fullerton, Rosanna Ranchoux, Reuben Charlotte Fullerton, Ben Chambers, Kirsten Paul, Sara Henderson, Ella McElhatton, (L-R): Back Row Anna Hamilton Rhianna Woulahan, Johanna Causby, Malaidh McPeake, Henderson, Laura Houston, Leah Carson McClay, Sarah Kelso, Jiang, Romeo Emma McKay, (L-R): 3rd Row Mia White Wilkinson, Tom Elisabeth Ranchoux, Molly Lee, Bethany Mawhinney, Wilson, Katherine Hannah Galway, McClung, Robyn Jack Finn, Grace Baay, (L-R): 2nd Row Anna Kelso. Heidi White, Ryan Bruce, Semple, Rebekah Eunan Doyle, Jessica Ranchoux, Ross, Lewis Molly McErlean, Beth Gordon, (L-R): Row Front

106 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Traditional Group Traditional Group | Traditional McConnell Jake John Curry, Joel Bell, Charlotte Fullerton, Adam Montgomery, McGinley, Peter (L-R): Back Row Malaidh McPeake Ella McElhatton, Thomson, Lucy Fullerton, Rosanna Irvine, Lucy Sarah Kelso, Bell, Lara Eva Loughlin, (L-R): 3rd Row Eliza Cameron Cadhla McPeake, Wilkinson, Katie McKenna, Pearse Jordan McCready, Anna Hamilton, Megan McKay, Grace Baay, Mr C McDonnell, (L-R): 2nd Row Michael Rachael Ross, Lewis Brianna Crilly, Rhianna Woulahan, Clare Wilson, McPeake, Tomas Pheobe McIvor, (L-R): Row Front

107 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed String Group String Group | Wilson Katherine Jiang, Romeo Bethany Mawhinney, Rhianna Woulahan, Anna Hamilton, (L-R): Back Row Emma McKay Charlotte Fullerton, Sarah Kelso, Malaidh McPeake, (L-R): Middle Row Semple Rebekah Elisabeth Ranchoux, Heidi White, Anna Short, Mia White, (L-R): Row Front

108 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Junior String Group Junior String Group | Evie Duncan Bethany Mawhinney, Darcey McCready, Wilkinson, Tom Asha McCloy, (L-R): Back Row Ellie Cheung Cheung, Kevin Olivia Overend, Jessica Ranchoux, Ryan Bruce, Grace Baay, (L-R): Middle Row Anna Kelso Anna Foster, Adam Cuddy, Heidi White, Clare Wilson, (L-R): Row Front

109 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Flute Choir Flute Choir | Thomson Lucy Ella McElhatton, Anna Clements, Oliver Logan, Kirsten Paul, McConnell, Ella-Rae (L-R): Back Row Molly Lee Naomi McBride, Houston, Leah Johanna Causby, Beth Gordon, (L-R): Row Front

110 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Carol Service Programme

Orchestra Christmas Comes Again…In About Three Minutes Traditional arr. Weston

First Lesson Christ’s Birth and Kingdom are foretold by Isaiah Isaiah 9: 2-7

Carol Once in Royal David’s City (Verse 1 - Solo – Phoebe McIvor)

Kirsten Paul Extract from ‘To This End Was He Born’ Anderson

Leah Clements & Sylphinia’s Aria Barab (Only A Miracle) Ellen Henderson

Junior String Group Believe Ballard/Silvestri arr.Story

Second Lesson The Angel Gabriel salutes the blessed Virgin Mary Luke 1: 26-33 & 38

Junior Choir When I Think Upon Christmas King arr. Thorogood SparkleJollyTwinkleJingley Beguelin / Sklar arr. Beck

Third Lesson St Luke tells of Christ’s Birth Luke 2: 1-7

Senior Girls Joy to the World! Watts /Handel arr. Pinkzebra

Carol O Little Town of Bethlehem

String Group Sleigh Bells Jingling Moss

Fourth Lesson The Shepherds go to the Manger Luke 2: 8-16

Chamber Choir When Love Was Born Schultz arr. Thorogood The Twelve Days After Christmas Silver

Carol Away in a Manger

Fifth Lesson The Wise Men are led by the star to Jesus St Matthew 2: 1-11

Flute Choir March and Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy Tchaikovsky from The Nutcracker Suite arr. Morriss

Year 10 Group Such An Amazing Thing Johnston

Carol Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Senior Choir Starlight! (Shining on the baby) Albright / Althouse Come, and see the baby! Gray arr. Sorenson

Sixth Lesson St John reveals the Great Mystery of the Incarnation St John 1: 1-14

Barbershop That’s Christmas to Me Olusola / Hoying arr. Snyder

Carol O Come All Ye Faithful

Joint Choirs Is He Worthy? Peterson / Shive

Bible Readings First Lesson: Andrew Leach 8S Second Lesson: Sophia Young 9W Third Lesson: Callum Moore 10D Fourth Lesson: Sophie Stewart 12D Fifth Lesson: Aaron Caldwell (Head Boy) Sixth Lesson: Molly Clifford (Head Girl)

Accompanists: Hannah Galway (Orchestra) Matthew Chambers (Junior String Group)

111 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Carol Service Programme

112 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Carol Service Programme

113 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed An Evening of Music…

Welcome to ‘An Evening of Music’ This evening has been arranged to give the many talented pupils in the school a chance to perform music they have been learning in extra-curricular groups and with their tutors who come in each week. We hope by the end of the concert you will have enjoyed listening to a variety of music styles performed by a wide range of age groups. Please sit back and enjoy the concert!

Orchestra I’m a Believer Diamond arr. Wasson The Pink Panther Mancini arr. Lopez

Year 10 group Flee Fly Flo Folk Song The School Song Composed by Year 10 Students C McMullan, O McHugh, C Tang and A Hessin

Junior String Group Canon in D Pachelbel arr. Caponegro

Barbershop The Longest Time Joel, Arr. Shaw

Flute Choir Tritsch Tratsch Polka Strauss II; arr. Orriss

Chamber Choir Hushaby Mountain Sherman; arr. Beck Yellow Submarine Lennon / McCartney; Arr. Brymer

Katie Henry In His Eyes from Jekyll & Hyde Bricusse/Wildhorn

Katherine Wilson Remote Xianggelila Zhang

Year 8 Traditional Musicians Bygone Days Traditional Kerry Polka Traditional

Junior Choir I See the Light Menkin arr. Huff Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho Trad. arr. Desjardins

Luke Caskey Balmoral Traditional Shoals of Herring Traditional Scotland the Brave Traditional


Hollo We Will Rock You Queen Song 2 Blur

Amy Fleming The Incredible Shrinking Clarinet Lawrence & Beth Gordon

Senior Girls Medley from Hairspray! Shaiman / Wittman arr. Machuff

Oliver Logan Home Away From Home Coulter

Pheobe McIvor Wouldn’t It Be Loverly Loewe

Alex Crawford The Girl in 14G Tesori/Scanlan

String Group Palladio Jenkins

Johanna Causby This Little Light of Mine Loes arr. Hayes & Katherine Wilson

Senior Choir Medley from Les Miserables Schoenberg / Boublil / Natel / Kretzmer arr. Lokjeski

Traditional Group Sonny’s Mazurka / Shoe the Donkey Traditional Planxty Dermot Grogan Many’s the Thing I Saw / Donal Blue Dennis Murphy’s / Road to Lisdonvarna / Brosna

114 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed An Evening of Music…

115 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed An Evening of Music…

116 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Clubs Magazine

117 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Agriculture Club

The Agriculture Club had another benefits to farming and the environment Unfortunately, like so much of the rest of highly successful year. Each week of retaining traditional British and Irish society, our programme was cut short in approximately 30/40 pupils attended farm animals. mid-March as the coronavirus pandemic from Years 8-14, where they listened to a took hold. We look forward to all meeting variety of speakers from the agricultural One of the highlights of the year was again next year in Agriculture Club. We sector and watched various farming the annual visit to RUAS Winter Fair would like to thank all speakers who gave DVD’s and online clips (Grassmen being in December, 50 students had the freely of their time to support us during a favourite). opportunity to see practical agricultural the past academic year. developments including robotic milking, The programme commenced in explore careers in agriculture, dairy cattle Mr D Lauglin October with a visit from David Linton genetics and farm innovations. from Barenbrug Seeds. David is a Another highlight was completion frequent visitor and outlined the of the ABP Angus Youth Challenge. importance to Northern Ireland After 2 years Anna, Kelly, Ross and Gary agriculture of grass growth and were able to benefit financially from ongoing research. Later in the term Zita the calf rearing programme. A special McNaugher (President of the Young mention goes to Kelly who received an Farmers Clubs of Ulster), and native of ‘Outstanding Individual Achievement Moneymore, outlined the opportunities Award’, the judges commented that for young people in agriculture. She also “over the past 2 years Kelly proved herself outlined the role of women in all sectors to be a fitting ambassador for young of agriculture. We also had a visit from women in agriculture.” Well done to Kelly Arthur Callaghan (ABP Blade Coordinator) on this brilliant achievement! who explained his role within ABP and his involvement in the ABP Angus As a team there were many other Youth Challenge. benefits from participating in the competition, including presentation skills, Our focus in the second term was making contacts within the agri-food career opportunities in agriculture and industry, taking a disciplined financial land use. We were fortunate to have approach to farming and making friends visits from Liz Simpson (CAFRE), Paula with the pupils from the other competing Smyth (Lantra) and Basil Bayne (Harper groups. The Rainey ABP team would like Adams University). They explained the to sincerely thank everyone at ABP and diverse courses and careers available Northern Irish Angus Producer Group for within farming, agriculture and food this unique opportunity. Congratulations technology. Brian Hunter (Rare Breeds to the boys from St Louis Grammar, Survival Trust) revisited us, making the Ballymena who were awarded the long trek from Dromara; he outlined the overall prize.

118 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed ABP

The Rainey ABP Finalist pupils attended a media presentation day at Cool FM Academy on 5th September, where they learnt about presentation skills and pitched their presentation to a group of media experts. This was a very beneficial experience that will help as they prepare for their final pitch.

Many thanks to the Cool FM team and Angus Producer Group for their support.

Rainey Endowed Animal Club

Animal club meets every morning in B1 The pupils are able to take the animals from 8.20am to 8.50am. We have two home during the holidays and we are guinea pigs called Cocoa and Cookie, especially grateful to parents and pupils a snake called Conrad, a gecko (Fudge) for looking after Norman, Conrad, Fudge, and a bearded dragon lizard called Cocoa and Cookie during the period of Norman. Sadly, our little guinea pig, school closure this year. If you’ve never Humbug, passed away just held a snake or stroked a lizard, why before Christmas. not call in to B1 some morning soon. We would love to see you! The pupils enjoy helping to feed the animals and to keep their homes clean A special thanks must go to Kathryn for and tidy. We have to be especially her dedication towards the welfare of all vigilant with Conrad as he is a bit of an our animals and helping to facilitate the escape artist!! Norman has a bath once animal club! a week to help keep his skin in good condition and we regularly brush the guinea pigs and clip their nails. All the animals enjoy being handled and are very well behaved. Each year 9 class has the chance to look at them up close when they are studying the science topic of classification.

…we are especially grateful to parents and pupils for looking after Norman, Conrad, Fudge, Cocoa and Cookie during the period of school closure this year

119 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Autism and Friends

Autism and Friends is a club for anyone on the Autism Spectrum and their friends.

It is a safe, calm space where the pupils can have lunch together, build Lego, play board games, computer games or take part in supervised sports activities in the sports hall. It takes place each Tuesday at lunchtime (12.55pm) in the Sports Hall classroom. The club has grown in numbers in the two years it has been active and is very popular with pupils in Years 8-10. The club promotes inclusion and diversity among the pupils and helps develop social skills in a safe and caring environment. At the end of term 2019 we had our first ever Autism Friendly Specific day trip where the pupils visited the jet centre and participated in team games (bowling), watched an Autism Friendly movie and finished off with independent ordering and lunch at McDonalds. It was a brilliant day out for everyone with a lot of social skills practice incorporated. We hope the club will continue to grow.

Mrs A McEldowney Mr C Simpson Club Facilitators

Rainey Endowed Chess Club

The Chess Club continued to meet on Monday Lunchtimes in B2 for pupils of all playing abilities. We were joined by some enthusiastic Year 8 pupils and they continued to be regular attendees throughout the year. There would be, on average, over 20 pupils, and on some occasions, we had to turn pupils away as we did not have enough boards or chess pieces to accommodate them all. Some of the lunchtime games were quite casual affairs and were finished within 10 minutes or so. However, some more strategic games risked running into period 5 if it was not for staff intervention! We plan to invest in a couple of chess clocks, following a request from one of our more experienced players, for next year.

120 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Rainey Community Group

Community Group | Back Row (L-R): Ryan Brown, Dylan Bresland, Matthew Brown, Mark Kissick, Joe Dobbin, Jack McCann, Reuben Bell, Daniel Barfoot, Sam Clarke, Connor Caffrey 6th Row (L-R): Laura Lynch, Jodie Curry, Holly Weir, Tara Bergeron, Charlotte Fullerton, John McCaffrey, Andrew Craig, Matthew Dripps, Alex McLean, Joel Bell, Tom Allingham, Conor Henry, Ellen Henderson, Kelly Stewart, Sabrina Pickering, Zoe Espley 5th Row (L-R): Catherine Turkington, Sophie Herron, Chloe Curtis, Jane Bell, Katie Stewart, Joseph McGonigle, John Curry, Mark Coyle, Josh Workman, Max McPherson, Rebecca Murray, Honor Graham, Ellie Stewart, Rebecca Gilbert, Sarah Carlisle 4th Row (L-R): Ellen Dempsey, Ella McMenemy, Anna Doole, Leah Houston, Marc Scott, Ethan Coey, Peter McGinley, Jamie Cotton, Gareth Kirkwood, Rhys McKeown, Eoin McGarvey, Ian Lennox, Stephen Phillips, Laura Henderson, Alexandra McKinlay, Diane Marshall, Zara Glendinning 3rd Row (L-R): Callum McCullough, Katie Booth, Laura Hall, Rhianna Woulahan, Rachel Gordon, Gina Bain, Leah Clements, Sarah Kelso, Sharagh Murphy, Shea Conway, Joshua Overend, Abban McCloy, David Miller, Claire Wilson, Sarah Kempton, Luci Stockman, Grace Rainey, Alison Brown, Lara Bell, Molly Clifford, Adam Huey 2nd Row (L-R): Miss C Bingham, Ellen O’Kane, Charlotte Wilson, Niamh Porter-Payne, Kathryn McClure, Ellie Montgomery, Naomi Drennan, Sarah Evans, Courtney Rowe, Jessica McKee, Charlotte Beggs, Darcey Harkness, Ella Grant, Fayth Hill-Nicholl, Malaidh McPeake, Kathryn Mawhinney, Jasmine Watterson, Anna Hamilton, Carla Stewart, Tarryn Whyte, Mrs D Francis Front Row (L-R): Holly Brown, Eve Wilson, Alex Crawford, Evie Doherty, Bethany Caskey, Morgan-Nicole Purvis, Mollie Campbell, Megan Hughes, Hannah Galway, Dawn Francis, Jessica O’Neill, Emma McCann, Amy McKeown, Maeve McHugh, Lucy Stevenson, Alice Clarke, Zuzanna Gabrysiak, Kerry Gordon

food collections with Hope Magherafelt, got involved in ‘messy play’ & jumping Rainey our pupils have once again shown their clay! We are so grateful to Mary Margaret willingness to care for others. Love, the President of FACTS, for training Community our pupils and giving us an insight into Each year has brought new challenges working with autistic children. Group Report for our Group. This year we found ways to help & support two new links. In October, I would like to thank all our Community The 2019/20 school year was the we met with Mildred Jones, the Branch Group members. Their commitment and busiest yet for the Community Group. Library Manager at the Bridewell, to enthusiasm makes me very proud and This was due to us expanding our reach see how we could develop activities without their contribution the Community to include two new Community links. with primary age children using the Group would simply not exist. Thank you We now have links with: Library facilities. This has been a learning to all our community links for working with experience for us and we have had to us and putting trust in us and a special Milesian Manor Lifestyle Home adapt as we discovered what worked thanks to our sponsor, Colin Francis Cars, Friends of Charis Charity Shop and what didn’t work. The coding club for their continued financial support. Kilronan Special School and Lego club proved to be successful Agewell Mid-Ulster with children engaging with the planned The repercussions of the coronavirus Hope Magherafelt (Foodbank) activities each Wednesday. However, pandemic will have implications for the Magherafelt Library establishing reading clubs proved more work of the Community Group next year. FACTS Charity difficult and despite our best efforts these However, we will continue to function and have yet to properly get off the ground. find ways to fulfil our mission statement, 112 Sixth Form pupils voluntarily gave their time, both inside and outside We were delighted this year to formally ‘…a voluntary group devoted to school, to one of these links. Whether it begin an association with FACTS. FACTS serving our community by reaching was visiting residents at Milesian Manor, is a local charity which provides support out to others in our area. We aim to making phone calls to elderly residents to families with autism. One of the ways acknowledge our social responsibility to with Agewell, engaging with pupils in FACTS achieves this is by running birthday other sectors of society through active classes at Kilronan, playing with children parties every other month for autistic care and respect.’ at autism-friendly birthday parties with children. A group of our Community FACTS, cataloguing books at Charis Group members loved being a part of Mrs D Francis Charity Shop, running Lego & Coding these parties and found it surprisingly clubs at Magherafelt library or organising easy to discover their ‘inner child’ as they

121 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Creative Writing Club

Well done to all those who attended Creative Writing Club this year and Hunter or Prey produced poems for National Poetry Day on the theme of truth, as well as For many hours, my hunt was submitting entries for the 100-word Mini accompanied by the sounds of shrieking Saga Competition. trees. It was just as the crimson sky was swallowed by the black abyss, that their We were delighted to hear that tongue did begin to show change. Their Christopher Bates had his 100-word story talk through branches-a-creaking and selected for publication in the Young leaves-a-rustling was replaced with a Writers Anthology. Congratulations, Chris! language that even I could understand. Creative Writing Club continued remotely Meticulously, I grabbed onto the hilt of my with some pupils submitting entries for the only source of protection, allowing the Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award 2020 metal to glisten in the pale moonlight. My and the Young Writers Spine Chillers 2020 walking pace began to transform from Creative Writing competitions. a leisurely stroll into a rapid sprint with the sudden realisation that I was no longer Enjoy reading Chris’s 100 Word Story, the hunter. I was the prey. ‘Hunter or Prey’. By Chris Bates

Rainey Endowed Digital Leaders

The Digital Leaders programme at RES focuses on using technology kindly, respectfully, creatively and responsibly. A fundamental aim of the programme is the safer use of the internet and a number of weeks were set aside to train our students. This included making the students aware of the school policies in place as well as completing the Duke of York iDEA awards. Students were then able to utilise the knowledge and training acquired to arrange events and activities on E-Safety for the whole school. Another key achievement, this year, saw the Digital Leaders take on roles as audio-visual engineers helping Mr Donaldson with assembly set up.

If you are interested in becoming a Digital Leader in September 2020, and are in Year 9 or above, please speak to Mrs Parke. Digital Leaders | Back Row (L-R): Sophie Herron, Marc Seffen, David Eagleson, Aiobh Larkin Middle Row (L-R): Mrs S Parke, Ryan Bruce, Tom Wilkinson, Ronan Diamond, Rhys Caskey Front Row (L-R): Heidi White, Molly Wilkinson, Isaac Cahoon, Mia O’Hagan, Kaitlyn Henry

122 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme | Bronze Back Row (L-R): Lewis Francis, Odhran Harney, Samuel Ballantine, Sophie Stewart, Matthew Thom, Jacob Bell, Ben Brown 5th Row (L-R): Dawson McCammon, Lee McGucken, Jack Fenton, Taliesin McLaverty, Harry Currie, Oisin McCabe 4th Row (L-R): Ben McCrystal, Rachel Lawrence, Kirstin Paul, Sarah McGarvey, Abbie Morton, Lucy Thomson, Caleb Ross, Jonny Boyle 3rd Row (L-R): Caoimhe McGuckin, Emily McIvor, Lauren Devlin, Alice Houston, Eve Logue, Katie McHugh, Emer Donnelly. 2nd Row (L-R): Mr M Boyd, Matthew McCracken, Katherine Wilson, Keisha McGovern, Katie Neill, Grace Fullerton, Ella Shaw, Grace Moore, Sarah Goodwin, Molly Lee, Emily McKeown Front Row (L-R): Nicola Gordon, Maia Heaney, Rebekah Semple, Amber Rodgers, Maya Marron, Jenna Brown, Eve McCullough, Nicole Dunlop

123 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Eco Club

Eco Club | Back Row (L-R): Kevin Cheung, Ciara Brown, Aoibh Larkin, Rebecca Linton, Sophia Martin, Eli Barclay, Lauren Hurrell, Michael Kelly, Chloe Nash, Julia Zoledziewska, Fionn McPeake 3rd Row (L-R): Olivia Overend, Emily Caskey, Abby McGurk, Katie Wilkinson, Jessica Ranchoux, Maddie Mawhinney, Sophia Morrisey, Mia O’Hagan 2nd Row (L-R): Amelie McConnell, Kaitlin Henry, Saskia Hastings, Molly Wilkinson, Olivia Currie, Poppy Hastings, Sarah Hatrick, Heidi White, Maia Nowak, Ciara Cooke, Mrs M Hunter Front Row (L-R): Bosco Devlin, Isabella McCracken, Eva Francis, Bianca Zeelie, Anna Foster, Sophia Young, Caitlin Gribbin, Christian Ross

Rainey Endowed’s Eco Club has been pitches. Some pupils even came busy working on 3 new focus areas for into school extra early to help out with 2020; Energy, Healthy Living and Litter. the breakfast club. The most exciting This also included running a competition project of all this year was the Christmas for Key Stage 3 pupils to create a new Fundraiser in which pupils designed Eco Code for the school. reindeer kisses and these were sold and distributed anonymously throughout the Eco Club members have followed a school to spread some festive cheer programme since September involving and raise vital funds for the Eco Club. them giving up lunchtimes once per In total the reindeer kisses raised over week to attend meetings, craft workshops £100 for the Eco Club. Well done to all or to do Eco duties involving anything the members this year and thank you from check-ups on classrooms to for all of your hard work. ensure lights etc. are switched off to carrying out litter monitoring on the Mrs M Hunter

Pictured are the winners of the new Eco Code design, Ciara Brown, Ciara Cooke and Aoibh Larkin

124 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code was a new club running this year under the organisation of 6th form IT students who wanted to encourage girls to consider careers in IT. Objectives of different weeks included producing a marshmallow tower that would hold a book for 10 seconds. We found that sometimes things don’t work out as we plan but just like with coding, perseverance and determination will always pay off and …our challenge was after several attempts, our challenge was accomplished! Demolition was accomplished! Demolition was fast as fast as we got to eat the treats we got to eat the treats at the end! Who at the end! Who knew problem knew problem solving could be so yum?! solving could be so yum?!

Rainey Endowed H.E. Club

KS 3 Seasonal Year 10 Food Cookery Club Skills Club

Lunch time seasonal cookery Year 10 pupils were afforded the experiences are offered to pupils in opportunity to attend the after school Years 8-10. Attendees are provided the Food Skills Club. The pupils gained opportunity to learn to cook with seasonal experience in making dishes not covered ingredients, enjoying all things sweet in in the KS 3 curriculum, this extra-curricular the sessions with lots of mess, fun and opportunity enhances their practical pure indulgence! skills and knowledge for GCSE Food and Nutrition. More importantly the pupils had fun in the kitchen when not time bound by the timetable. We wish them well as they continue to develop their GCSE practical skills.

125 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Rainey House Competitions

The re-launched Rainey House System This year’s successful House Captains Competitions have involved Haiku had its 2018/19 winner for Year 8: Walker were: Poetry, Geography Orienteering, Home on 1125pts. Mr Staples was delighted his Economics board games, ICT Comic form class scooped the prize! They were Year 8: Strips, Cross-Country and Castle building rewarded with a movie afternoon and Calvin Aimee–Leigh Henry in Years 8&9. Unfortunately, due to thoroughly enjoyed the experience. & Ruben McCammon COVID-19 the House competitions had Parker Grace Baay & Luke Caskey to be put on hold. The points that had In September there were 5 Year 8 classes Salters Phoebe McIvor been accumulated this year will be so there was the introduction of a new & Emmet McNulty added onto next school year totals. House. It was named Madden after the Walker Imogen Scott Calvin currently have a small lead over wonderful Miss Dorothy Madden who & James Lockett Walker, with Salters, Parker and Madden was a former teacher, Vice-Principal & Madden Ciara Houston & Adam Cuddy all within reaching distance. We are Senior Mistress of the Rainey Endowed looking forward to a new House year School. Dorothy gave a lifetime of service Year 9: and, when it is safe enough, we will run and dedication to the school and will be our House events again. Calvin Grace O’Kane & Dean Savage fondly remembered by both past pupils Parker Heidi Hutchinson & Eunan Doyle and staff. Thank you to all the staff that created Salters Eva Francis & George Stone the competitions and encouraged the Walker Molly Wilkinson & Paul Stan healthy competition inside and outside of their classrooms. Well done to the pupils who all contribute to these competitions and get to show their many talents.

126 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Rainey House Competitions

Competitions have involved Haiku Poetry, Geography Orienteering, Home Economics board games, ICT Comic Strips, Cross-Country and Castle building in Years 8&9

127 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Ichthus

Ichthus Committee | Back Row (L-R): Ellen Henderson, Mark Kissick, Holly Weir, Mark Badger Middle Row (L-R): Leah Clements, Leah Houston, Laura Henderson, Ellie Stewart, Mrs N Thorogood Front Row (L-R): Holly Brown, Sarah McKinley, Kathryn McClure, Hannah Galway, Alice Clarke

Ichthus is our Scripture Union group for To conclude our Shine event this year we years 11-14; we meet every Friday at organised a quiz as a form of outreach lunch or after school before heading into for our school. the weekend. The Ichthus committee consists of both lower and upper sixth We had a monthly prayer breakfast, This year we had a number pupils; alongside the teachers we where we met before school, had of different organisations and arranged the program for the year. breakfast together and spent time in guest speakers such as local prayer before starting the school day. ministers, Logos ministry, Crown This year we had a number of different On behalf of all the committee, we Jesus ministry and Shine to organisations and guest speakers such would like to thank all the teachers name a few. as local ministers, Logos ministry, Crown involved with Ichthus throughout the Jesus ministry and Shine to name a few. year. A special mention must go to We also had some of our teachers Mrs Thorogood for all her time and speak throughout the year; Mrs Francis dedication ensuring that we were spoke on living out your faith and Mrs organised each week. Dunlop and Miss Darragh answered questions on Science and the Bible. Without a doubt, the Upper 6ths will miss We had a Praise and Pudding session Ichthus next year. after half term, which was well received by everyone. The Ichthus Committee

128 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Junior Scripture Union

It has been another great year at Junior SU is an excellent opportunity to meet At the time of writing this article we have SU, meeting every Friday lunchtime in together with friends and learn more not met together for several weeks, but H1. During term 1 we had a range of about Jesus, while encouraging others please remember that in uncertain and guest speakers from the local community in our school community. It was also unknown times we have a God who is in and in term 2 we held joint meetings great to have some of the Junior SU control of all. “Be still and Know that I am with Ichthus in the drama pod. We are members attend the Ichthus prayer God.” Psalm 46:10 extremely grateful to those individuals breakfast on a Friday morning. who came along to share with us at SU this year: Pastor John McDermott, Pastor We want to take the opportunity to wish Alan Dundas, David Bingham, Gemma all those Year 10 pupils moving on to Maxwell, Asialink, Logos Ministries, Crown Ichthus every blessing, thank you for your Jesus Ministries, Shine and Made for More dedication to Junior SU. You will all be NI. Each of the speakers challenged us missed next year but we know that you in different ways including growing as a will be invaluable to Icththus. young Christian, mission across various countries and praying effectively.

“Be still and Know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

129 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Lego League

W5 welcomed 140 pupils from theme as ‘City Shaper’, the Rainey Team As well as that the Team had to test schools across Northern Ireland to was challenged to think like scientists and program an autonomous robot the twelfth annual Northern Ireland and engineers, whilst exploring our using LEGO® MINDSTORMS® to solve FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge on built environment. The Team focused a set of missions in a Robot Game Wednesday 4 December. on our own school building exploring environment and be interviewed as a the possibility of reusing our old gym group on their Team working skills. The FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) is as a modern study space. The Team, a global science and technology consisting of year 8 pupils, Charlie, This proved again to be an invaluable challenge for teams of students, to Maciej, Evan, Caleb, Connor, Ryan, experience and we thank W5 for hosting encourage an interest in real world issues Fionn, Balin and Ella, created virtual another fabulous event. and develop key skills that are crucial models of the proposed new space and for their future careers. With this year’s presented it to a panel of judges.

130 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed In the Library…

Librarians | Back Row (L-R): Callum Moore, Carson McClay, Charlie Tang, Pádraig Gribbin, Lee McGucken, Conall Muldoon, Jack McMullan, Ronan Wilkinson Third Row (L-R): Peter Campbell, Andrew Lipscomb, Romeo Jiang, Joe McKeown, Lucia Ross, Rhianna Woulahan, Joshua O’Neill, David Eagleson, Bethany-Grace Rainey, Chloe Curtis Second Row (L-R): Kevin Cheung, Heidi White, Molly Wilkinson, Katie Wilkinson, Shéa Simpson, Jessica Ranchoux, Katelyn Clarke, Aimee-Leigh Henry, Lewis Ross Front Row (L-R): Caitlin Gribbin, Caleb Panoviciu, Rowan McCullough, Ciara Cooke, Bosco Devlin, Felix Devlin, Isabella McCracken

Library Repairs New librarian Goodbye and intake 2019 best wishes At the end of last year, the library was due some repairs and all the books had to be At the start of September, the annual This year sees the library saying goodbye removed from the shelves and relocated recruitment for librarians took place to two of our longest serving librarians, in the boardroom. This was no mean and once again we were swamped Jade Heaney and David Eagleson, both feat as the library has over 5000 books. with applications. As in previous years, in Year 14. Jade joined in Year 8 and Nevertheless, the librarians remained current librarians help to short list and then David followed in Year 9. Thank you both undaunted and boxed all the books interview prospective candidates. 20 new so much for all your dedication and ready for removal. This meant that the librarians were selected bringing the total support given to the library during your library could not be used for a part of last to 38, the biggest number of librarians time at the school. We would all like to year as work took place. At the end of the we have ever had. Librarians come take this opportunity to wish you all the summer a number of intrepid librarians from every year group which is a great best in your future studies and you always came into school, a day during their achievement. know you’ll be welcome back in the holidays, to move all the books back into library any time. the library. Once the boxes were back in the library they had to be unpacked and re-shelved. This took a number of months but finally the library was almost At the end of last year, the library was due some repairs back to normal! and all the books had to be removed from the shelves and relocated in the boardroom. This was no mean feat as the library has over 5000 books.

131 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Maths Challenge

Senior Mathematical Challenge | Back Row (L-R): Aaron Caldwell, Peter Campbell, Mark Kissick, Sam Clarke, Conor Henry 3rd Row (L-R): William Powles, Peter McGinley, John Curry, Tara Bergeron, Josh Workman, Zach McCahon, Ross Speers 2nd Row (L-R): Fayth Hill-Nicholl, Rebecca Gilbert, Lara Bell, Stephen Phillips, Marc Scott, Laura Henderson, Sarah Carlisle, Catherine Turkington, Mr D Laughlin Front Row (L-R): Zuzanna Gabrysiak, Hannah Galway, David Eagleson, Molly Clifford, Thomas Toner, Sarah Kempton, Sarah Evans

20% receiving Bronze certificates. This UK Senior year 31 pupils from the Rainey entered the competition, one of the largest ever Mathematical entries from the school. 17 pupils were Challenge awarded certificates as follows: 2019 Silver Sarah McKinley, Zach McCahon and On the 7th November 2019 Lower Stephen Phillips. and Upper Sixth pupils took part in the annual UK Senior Mathematical Challenge. The UK Senior Mathematics Bronze Challenge is a UK wide test consisting of 25 Multiple Choice questions which Laura Henderson, Rebecca Gilbert, must be completed within an hour and Aaron Caldwell, John Curry, William a half and without a calculator or other Powles, Josh Workman, Ross Speers, standard mathematical equipment. Conor Henry, Molly Clifford, Sarah Carlisle, An additional challenge is the use of Marc Scott, Mark Kissick, Sam Clarke, Tara negative marking to discourage pupils Bergeron and Catherine Turkington. from guessing answers. This year there were over 119000 entries from over 1700 Zach McCahon was also top in the schools across the UK. Certificates were school. awarded to the top scorers- the top 10% receiving Gold certificates, the next 10% Mr D Laughlin gaining Silver certificates and the next

132 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed School Council

School Council 2019 - 2020 | Back Row (L-R): Michael Kelly, Ronan Wilkinson, Joe McKeown Middle Row (L-R): Niall McSwiggan, Mrs L Stewart, Mark Coyle, Rossa Bell, Mr D M McCullough, Connor Graffin Front Row (L-R): Eva Francis, Eve McCullough, Laura Hall, Lucia Ross, Bianca Zeelie

This year saw Mrs Hunter pass over The School Council met along with leadership of The School Council to Mr McCullough, Mrs Hunter and Mrs Stewart and we thank her for all the Mrs Stewart and many important topics hard work which she has put in over the were discussed such as the new mobile last few years. The School Council started phone policy, non-uniform days and This year saw Mrs Hunter pass off the school year with an assembly school uniforms. We would like to thank over leadership of The School updating everyone on what had been our upper sixth members, Nicole Hastings Council to Mrs Stewart and we achieved last year including the addition and Mark Coyle, for all their hard work on thank her for all the hard work of water fountains around the school. the council over the last two years and which she has put in over the wish them all the best with whatever is in last few years. It was then time to welcome two store for them next year. new year 8 members to the council. Many great candidates put their names We are looking forward to regrouping forward and for a two-week period in in the new academic year and seeing October, the corridors were awash with what The School Council can achieve in campaign posters with many catchy 2020 / 2021. slogans. On the Friday before October half-term, year 8 pupils voted for their candidates and Bianca Zeelie (8P) and Connor Graffin (8W) were selected to represent year 8 on the council – congratulations!

133 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed 6th Form Committee

Sixth Form Committee | Back Row (L-R): Mark Coyle, John Curry, Sebastian Hastings, Joel Bell, Max McPherson, Jonathan McLean Middle Row (L-R): Megan Hughes, Ellie Montgomery, Leah Houston, Zoe Espley, Malaidh McPeake, Dawn Francis Front Row (L-R): Mr C McDonnell, Molly Clifford, Mrs N Thorogood, Aaron Caldwell, Mr C Campbell

The Sixth Form Committee have worked and they certainly showed off some of significance to both their year group hard this year to raise money for several excellent dance moves while rocking and also to the school community as charities through school fundraising around the Christmas tree in the middle a whole. This year they decided to split events. As well as organising the annual of the Johnston Hall. On the last day the donations between six charities: Sixth Form Formal, these pupils have of the winter term, pupils arrived at the Angel Eyes NI, Abaana, Cancer Fund worked hard to bring some fun activities Johnston Hall to enjoy a Christmas movie for Children, MacMillan Cancer Support, to pupils at various points in the school together as an end-of-term treat while Cystic Fibrosis Trust and AWARE. year. After introducing their chosen munching on some popcorn! charities to the school body through Our thanks as a school community go an assembly, these pupils were hard at In February, many pupils took the to these pupils who worked very hard work to think about exciting ideas to raise opportunity to send their last Rolo to that throughout the year to make all of this some money. special someone. Some pupils were happen. Well done and thank you! We even serenaded by our Sixth Form pupils hope that the skills you have developed Pupils enjoyed many non-uniform days as they received their Rolos. What an through this team work will stand you in and their small donations added up experience that was! good stead as you start the next chapter to some super totals for the chosen of your lives. charities. Some Year 8-11 pupils enjoyed The committee were passionate about the Christmas disco and Semi-Formal donating money to charities which are The Sixth Form Committee Team

In February, many pupils took the opportunity to send their last Rolo to that special someone. Some pupils were even serenaded by our Sixth Form pupils as they received their Rolos. What an experience that was!

134 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Wellbeing Ambassadors

Wellbeing Ambassadors | Back Row (L-R): Caleb Ross, Stephen Phillips, John Curry, Ben McCrystal, Ronan Wilkinson Middle Row (L-R): Thomas Toner, Johanna Causby, Sabrina Pickering, Chloe Curtis, Rebecca Murray, Nathan Hutchinson Front Row (L-R): Carenza Thompson, Mollie Beattie, Grace Fullerton, Rhianna Woulahan, Carla Stewart

Sixteen young people enthusiastically improve access, develop positive gathered to take part in a Wellbeing coping and reduce stress. The students Ambassadors Workshop provided by planned how they will deliver this positive Worth it, Wellbeing and Resilience. mental health education to support other This was an evidence-based training students and have already planned session for young people equipping several assemblies, a lunchtime club and them to be Wellbeing Ambassadors 1-1 coaching sessions. within the school. By training young people to be leaders amongst their The lunchtime club known as Downtime peers, this workshop supported the ran on a Wednesday in H1. This club prevention of mental health problems was open to all students and was by developing wellbeing within enthusiastically supported by the junior their setting. school. The Wellbeing Ambassadors organised activities and spent time The Wellbeing Ambassadors were trained getting know the students who attended. in a variety of approaches and strategies It is hoped that this club will continue next which they can use to develop and lead year alongside one to one sessions and peer support projects to reduce stigma, events for the senior school pupils. By training young people to be leaders amongst their peers, this workshop supported the prevention of mental health problems by developing wellbeing within their setting.

135 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Young Enterprise 2019

Young Enterprise 2019 | Back Row (L-R): Sarah Carlisle, Shannon Houston, Ellen Henderson, Sabrina Pickering, Catherine Turkington Middle Row (L-R): Mr I Francis, Darcey Harkness, Laura Hall, Poppy Kelly, Lesley Shiels, Charlotte Wilson Front Row (L-R): Morgan-Nicole Purvis, Amy McKeown, Kara Gilmour, Ella McMenemy, Ellen O’Kane

This year, a select band of Lower After a publicity campaign through how problems similar to those faced by Sixth pupils came together to form social media, the week for the sales to the young Enterprise team could a company. Young Enterprise is a UK take place arrived. The order forms that be solved. enterprise and education charity that were designed by the pupils were vital to motivates young people to become ensure customers got the correct colour, The company made a very good successful in a changing business size and personalisation on their sweat profit and all company members world by developing their work skills and pants. Over 100 sweat pants were sold were awarded an end of trading bonus, confidence. The company met on and orders then had to be checked as well as a dividend on their shares. Tuesday afternoons after school and and sent to the supplier via email. Young Enterprise is open to all Pupils on numerous lunch and break times to After dealing with a range of problems, in Lower Sixth and is an excellent way enable decisions to be made in time to including stock shortages, the pupils to develop the skills that universities meet our deadline for Christmas delivery. learnt the importance of communication and employers are looking for from and teamwork to solve real-life problems. prospective applicants. After a great deal of brainstorming and market research, both secondary Thanks, once again, to Mr Les Doherty, Mr I Francis and primary research amongst pupils Clearcircle Environmental NI Ltd, who in school, it was decided to produce acted as our volunteer Business Advisor. Rainey Sweat pants. A supplier was Pupils really appreciated his regular sourced in England and contacted for visits after school and he was always prices, break-even calculations made enthusiastic and encouraging to the and sample sizes were ordered in. team, providing insights and examples of Young Enterprise is open to all Pupils in Lower Sixth and is an excellent way to develop the skills that universities and employers are looking for from prospective applicants.

136 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Sport Magazine

137 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed 1st XI Hockey Report

Winners of the Derry & Antrim League, Ulster Schools’ Shield, Ulster Schools’ Super League

1ST XI Hockey Team | Back Row (L-R): Mrs C Burns, Rachel McMenemy, Molly Clifford, Hannah Porter, Alexandra McKinlay, Lucy Thomson, Gabi Scott, Charlotte Beggs, Aoife Doyle, Aimee McClure, Alexa Hastings, Sarah Goodwin, Jenna Brown, Mr M McCullough. Front Row (L-R): Hannah O’Neill, Jessica O’Neill, Ellie Stewart, Ellie Montgomery (Captain), Dawn Francis, (Vice-Captain), Honor Graham, Imogen Graham.

Yet again it has been a thoroughly to beat them 4-1 thanks to goals from Scott all stood up and displayed great enjoyable and successful season for the Aimee McClure, Ellie Stewart and Gabi individual skill and Dawn Francis, our goal 1st XI hockey team, together we faced Scott. A home match, resulting in a keeper, made 3 great saves so Armagh many highs and lows but are delighted 5-0 Superleague win against Glenlola, lost 3-2 on run ins. Yet another tough to have won the Ulster Superleague for ensured we secured a place in the home match followed against Belfast the first time, won the Derry and Antrim quarter final of the competition which Royal Academy where an all-round team League again and also won the Ulster would take place on our home turf. performance and another goal from Ellie Senior Shield. Our season started with a Stewart resulted in a 1- 0 win, continuing tough away match for our newly formed Plenty of preparation occurred in the our unbeaten run so far in the season. team against Methodist College, Belfast. week leading up to our quarter final Thankfully, we came away with a 2-2 against an incredibly skilful Royal School On November 1st an excited group of draw, a solid start to our season which Armagh. We expected a challenge senior hockey girls set off to Dublin where saw Rachel McMenemy and Charlotte and Armagh certainly provided this. we hoped to have fun, team bond and Beggs find the back of the net. A confident early goal from Alexa play some hockey. Mrs Burns arranged Hastings allowed us to take the lead for us to play against the renowned The following week we set to start both which was then widened by Gabi Scott’s Alexandra College where we won 1-0 our Superleague and Derry and Antrim goal which left Armagh’s keeper with followed by a 9-0 victory against Loretto League campaign with a superb 7-0 no hope. We went into our half time talk College, Dalkey. This match allowed away win against Coleraine Grammar. leading by two goals but were quickly players all over the pitch to try new skills This match allowed us to practice many reminded by Mrs Burns that the match and saw more goals from Charlotte of the skills we were hoping to implement was not yet won. A well taken penalty Beggs, Gabi Scott, Ellie Stewart and Ellie throughout the rest of the season. Ellie corner at the end of the third quarter Montgomery scoring a clinical stroke. Stewart stepped up to score the winning brought RSA back into the game. Despite goal against Dalriada the following week fighting hard for the last quarter Armagh Still on a high from our tour we travelled securing us a 1-0 home victory. In our managed to score with 10 minutes left, to Friends’ School, Lisburn where we yet third consecutive Superleague and Derry with confident defending all over the again played in poor weather conditions and Antrim match against Ballymena pitch we managed to bring the game to we were not used to, all credit for the Academy we had a tough game in run ins. Tensions were high but Charlotte goal has to go to Ellie Montgomery poor weather conditions but managed Beggs, Ellie Montgomery and Gabi who scored the only goal of the match.

138 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed 1st XI Hockey Report

This match was preparation for our they managed to score a goal. The girls teams started to get scrappy and panic. Superleague semi-final against Strathearn remained calm and passed the ball to The match ended at 0-0 and, therefore, at playball where we had a comfortable ensure they secured the 3-1 win. went to a penalty shootout. Dawn Francis 4-0 win. This was followed by another made some great saves along with comfortable 7-0 away win against Antrim Our first match of the New Year was away great skills from the goals scorers where Grammar, before playing Banbridge in to Foyle. This was a tough match as the it ended at 3-3. This resulted in sudden the Superleague final at Playball. Both weather presented us with a very cold, death. Unfortunately, a controversial nerves and excitement were felt by all windy and wet morning. However, the decision was made which meant we but we were confident with our game girls managed to push through this as did not score the run in. Omagh were up plan and stuck to it, having supporters Ellie Stewart opened the score line with and scored with great skill and won the only added to the atmosphere. Charlotte a superb goal. The team managed to match. This was a heart-breaking match Beggs suffered a bad injury to her knee in pass the ball very well and maintain the for the girls as they were now out of the the first half but was determined to play intensity throughout the match. Some Schools’ Cup which was a dream for on and ended up scoring the only goal positions were swapped at half time to most of the girls since they had started of the match, an amazing overall team really test the team. However, the girls playing hockey at the Rainey. The team performance resulted in us creating remained focused and provided a learnt a lot from the match and used it to some Rainey history winning the Ulster top-class performance with Ellie improve not only individually but also as Superleague for the first time. Montgomery scoring a hat trick making a team. the final score 4-0. After our Superleague victory against The girls were now in the Quarter Final of Banbridge the team had their spirits The next match for the 1st XI was a the Senior Shield against Lurgan College. high. All members were looking forward Derry and Antrim League match away The girls were very confident as they to the Ulster Schools’ Cup run and the against Cambridge House, with yet had already beaten them earlier in the remaining matches in the season as more miserable weather conditions. season but needed to have a motivated we knew we were capable of anything The team managed to have a good and determined mindset if they wanted we put our mind to. The next match warm up and started the match off with to do it again. Lurgan came out fighting the team faced was at home against great intensity. The weather did not stop as they were very aggressive and were Lurgan College. This was a tough match the team as they managed to pull off a putting in 100% effort. The Rainey girls mentally for the team as they had just fantastic 10-0 win, with both Gabi Scott fought back and managed to win 2-1 won the Superleague but needed to and Charlotte Beggs scoring a hat trick, with Charlotte Beggs and Gabi Scott remain calm and focused and not get Ellie Montgomery scoring two and both scoring the goals, resulting in the team too confident. Lurgan also had a lot to Aimee McClure and Hannah O’Neill proceeding to the Semi-Final! prove as they wanted to beat the scoring a goal. This was great preparation champions and so they came out for the upcoming Cup match against In preparation for the Semi-Final of the fighting. The match was very aggressive Omagh Academy and gave the girls Shield, the 1XI played two tour teams and well fought but thanks to a fantastic great confidence. over the half term holidays. The first team hat trick from Aimee McClure and goals that we faced was Crescent College from Gabi Scott and Alexa Hastings, With a long bus journey to Omagh who were a strong Munster team who Rainey managed to get the lead. Lurgan Academy the team headed to their were preparing for their Schools’ Cup kept fighting and remained determined 3rd Round match of the Ulster Schools’ final. Both teams went out confidently as they managed to score a goal past Cup. The girls were nervous but had and the match began with a high the Rainey defence. However, the Rainey a great warm up to start their match. intensity, but Crescent were quick to girls kept their heads up and managed The match started off with great intensity attack the circle. With some amazing to win the game 5-1. The next match as the passing and effort of the team saves, Dawn Francis kept the Rainey girls was away against Victoria College. The was at a very high level. Although, the in the game while Alexa Hastings, Ellie girls knew that this would be a tough Omagh defence were very solid and Stewart and Gabi Scott stepped up to match as they were always fast and kept the ball from entering the circle. score goals, making the final score 3-1. quick on the ball. All players remained Omagh were also very fast on the attack, Later that week, the Rainey girls were focused throughout the match and but luckily the defence and goalkeeper faced with another tough match against the defence was solid at the back. With Dawn Francis remained focused to keep Salerno College who were a skilled team superb goals from Gabi Scott and Ellie the ball out of the circle. Rainey had lots from Connacht who were up for a good Stewart the girls managed to get a 3-0 of chances but just couldn’t get the ball game of hockey. Luckily, the Rainey girls lead. With minutes to go, Victoria had in the goal, with great saves from the managed to pull through with top goal some great passing and speed to win a Omagh keeper. As time started to run scorer, Ellie Stewart scoring a fantastic hat short corner against the Rainey girls where out in the match without a score, both trick. These matches were great practice

139 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed 1st XI Hockey Report

for the team in preparation of their match where the team atmosphere was she puts into coaching hockey is upcoming semi-final of the Senior Shield. unbelievable. With a great goal from indescribable and I wish her all the best Alexa Hastings the Rainey girls had the in the future. The team would also like The Semi-Final was against a strong lead. Victoria fought back and scored to thank Mrs Quigley, Adam Henry, Kirsty Portadown side who were up for a battle. another goal to even the score line to McClarnon and Mrs Beggs for all their The Rainey girls knew this would be a 1-1. The Rainey girls kept fighting and help and dedication throughout the tough match, but managed to keep managed to get another goal from year. A massive thanks to Colin for his their heads in the game and put 100% Captain Ellie Montgomery and secured dedication and commitment and for effort in. With a strong defence, it was the 2-1 win. Winning the Senior Shield was umpiring the matches throughout the difficult to enter their circle, but luckily an unbelievable achievement for the year, which is not an easy job with some for Ellie Stewart’s skills, she displayed a team and a great ending to the players on our team. fantastic show of skill and managed to season. It was also a great last match put two past the keeper to make the for the leavers Ellie Montgomery, Dawn This has been a very enjoyable and final score 2-0. This resulted in the girls Francis, Molly Clifford, Hannah Porter and successful season of hockey as the progressing to the final! Rachel McMenemy. A match we will team won the Superleague for the first never forget!! time, won the Derry and Antrim League The final Derry and Antrim League and also won the Senior Shield. I wish match for the Rainey girls was against A massive thank you to all team the team the very best for next season. Limavady Grammar where a show members who dedicated not only I wish them the best of luck as I hope of individual and team talent was on a huge amount of time but also they achieve what they are capable of display. The girls managed to play as a commitment and dedication to the 1st and I am looking forward to continuing team but showcased their unique skills XI team, as without these aspects, we to support the girls and Rainey Hockey. as well. With Ellie Stewart scoring 4 goals, would not have been successful. It has School hockey provides you with some of Gabi Scott scoring 2 and Alexa Scoring been a pleasure being captain of this the best years of your life where you form a goal, the girls managed to bag a 7-0 team full of amazing girls who always friendships, create special memories and win. This was great preparation for their helped one another and ensured the experience unforgettable moments that final the following week. team was full of laughter. This team is you could only get from schoolgirl hockey full of top-class players whom I wish all and I am glad to have experienced Our final game of the season was also the best in their future careers. The 1st XI the past seven unforgettable years with the Ulster Schools’ Shield Final against would also not have been as successful Rainey Hockey. Victoria College, who we had beaten without the brilliant coaching from Mrs before earlier in the season. The team Burns. Mrs Burns has been there through Ellie Montgomery 1STXI Captain were aware of their dangerous players thick and thin for the team and always Dawn Francis Vice Captain and their potential as a team, but manages to provide positivity; win or lose! we were up for the challenge. With Mrs Burns has helped all the players on supporters encouraging us, the team and off the pitch, especially me in times had a high spirit and played an amazing of need. The time, effort and dedication

A massive thank you to all team members who dedicated not only a huge amount of time but also commitment and dedication to the 1st XI team, as without these aspects, we would not have been successful

140 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed 2nd XI Hockey Report

Winners of the Derry & Antrim League, Runners-Up McDowell Cup

2nd XI Hockey Team | Back Row (L-R): Katie Scott, Fayth Hill Nichol, Kirsten Paul, Lucy Thomson, Alexa Hastings, Imogen Millar. Middle Row (L-R): Mrs C Burns, Aoife Doyle, Georgina McGuckin, Grace Fullerton, Zara Glendinning, Kaitlyn Houston, Louise Porte, Kirsty Stevenson, Hannah O’Neill. Front Row (L-R): Orlaith McHugh, Jenna Brown, Laura Hall (Vice-Captain), Hannah Porter (Captain), Emma Thompson, Rachel McMenemy.

The 2019/2020 hockey season was an During the season we had the chance to win against a very strong side from BRA. important season for the 2ND XI. With play a range of teams from the South of The rest of the league included a 5-0 very few changes to the team from last Ireland. This included Alexandra College win against Cambridge House, 2-0 win season we were strong and experienced (3-3), Loreto Dalkey / Foxrock (1-1), when against Antrim Grammar, 3-1 win against in playing with each other, giving us an we were on our Hockey Tour in Dublin and and 1-0 win against advantage over other teams we would Crescent College (3-2 loss) who came to Limavady. Coleraine conceded our final face throughout the season. play us at Meadowbank. Each team we match making us the League winners for faced were very athletic and played fast another year. To start our season on a high we pace hockey, which we were not used obtained a 2-0 win against Friends’ to. However, as a team we were able to On 15th November the 2nd XI started our School, followed by a 1-1 draw against quickly adapt and adjust our game to McDowell Cup run. In the 2nd round we Methody. Through playing these hard ensure a competitive match between were met by a strong side from Regent teams at the start of the season we were us. Playing these teams allowed us to House. Going into this away match we able to see how strong we were and up our game so that when we came to knew that it was going to be difficult and how promising the duration of the season face more difficult teams throughout our that we would have to put everything was looking for us. Our main strength League and Cup, we would be able to into it to win. With a lightning straight was passing which was clear across the rise to the challenge. strike short corner from our top goal pitch ranging from our transfers across scorer, Alexa Hastings, we quickly made the back line by Lucy Thomson, Hannah The 2nd XI were clear winners of the the score 1-0, settling us into the game. Porter, Laura Hall and Kirsty Stevenson. Derry and Antrim League again this In the 2nd half of the match our new Moving the ball up and across the pitch year with 17 goals for, 2 goals against found defence line to include previous by our midfield Zara Glendinning, Katie and winning all matches. Our League CF Hannah Porter, Captain, in Centre Scott and Jenna Brown or our forwards started on 28th September with a 1-0 win Back along with Laura Hall, Vice-Captain, Hannah O’Neill, Alexa Hastings and against Dalriada and a 4-1 win against Lucy Thomson and Kirsty Stevenson held Rachel McMenemy being clinical in the Ballymena Academy the next week. tight against a lot of pressure from Regent circle. This gave us an advantage over Although there was a break in league including a number of short corners many teams that we faced throughout matches for us the team continued against us. However, a quick ball up the the rest of the season. going from strength to strength with a 5-0 pitch and an immense amount of skill win against Glenlola College and a 2-0 showed by Alexa Hastings allowed her

141 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed 2nd XI Hockey Report

to put her name on the score line again and nerves were incredibly high as this is Ballyclare defender’s shin, leading to a with a reverse goal. where we were put out of the cup in the short corner in the final few seconds of previous year. As a team we knew we the game. After passing the ball around Next, we faced Down High School in could make it further and into the final. the circle Orlaith McHugh finally got the the 3rd round of the Cup at home turf, This match was extremely challenging for goal we deserved leaving the score Meadowbank. We came out with a 2-0 us as a team and it took us a long time 2-1. We were then awarded our Ulster win. Going into this match we were not to get into it as we were unable to score silver medals and our placing of runners fully tuned in as we thought the team at any chance we got. up in the McDowell Cup, an amazing were not going to be difficult to beat. achievement to come second in Ulster. We quickly learnt that this mind-set was 100% effort was displayed from each Throughout this season the team has not the best to have as Down placed player ensuring that Banbridge were not risen from strength to strength and really immense pressure on us and we given the chance to beat us. Thankfully, came together as a unit. Each player were lucky that they didn’t get a goal. this dedication allowed us to keep the has played for each other as we We struggled to get goals this match, score board at 0-0 to take us to run ins. wanted to win as a team and not just for although eventually after a lot of passing Our run-in takers were Alexa Hastings, ourselves. All the team would like to and hard work from all players, Hannah Lucy Thomson, Orlaith McHugh, Hannah thank our coaches Kirsty McLarnon, O’Neill and Orlaith McHugh both found O’Neill and Kaitlyn Houston. The score Mrs Burns, Adam Henry, Mrs Beggs for the back of the net. This secured us the board was 1-0 to Banbridge when Lucy doing our first aid and Colin Barnes for win and allowed us to progress to the Thomson scored her run in making in umpiring our matches every Saturday. Quarter Final of the McDowell Cup. 1-1. After some very impressive saves It has been an absolute pleasure to On 5th February in the Quarter Final from Aoife Doyle the score was 2-1 to Captain the 2ND XI for the past two years of the Cup we met Sullivan Upper. Banbridge prior to Kaitlyn Houston taking and watching each team member We knew this team was going to be our last run in. When progressing towards develop into the skilful players they are difficult to beat and knew that we could the keeper Kaitlyn was pushed over by today. I hope the girls continue to strive not go in with a bad mind-set as anything her, leading to her obtaining a penalty and hopefully win the McDowell Cup in can change during the match. Each stroke for us. Alexa Hasting stepped up the near future. player on the pitch and the bench to the challenge and secured the draw was 100% clued in and ready to take of 2-2 in run ins, meaning it was now Hannah Porter | 2nd XI Captain on the task ahead. As a team it took sudden death. Banbridge went first and us until the 2nd quarter to properly get Aoife made another impressive save. into the swing of the match. During this Lucy Thomson was then chosen to take match, the team really came together the next run in for us knowing that if she and worked with each other to score scored, we would win the match and each goal. A goal which stands out to progress onto the final. Thankfully, Lucy each team member and myself is one secured the win for us without hesitation where we moved the ball from Kirsty and huge celebration was had by the The 2019/2020 hockey season Stevenson in LB, to Zara Glendinning whole team. LM, to Grace Fullerton in LF. The ball was was an important season for the then transferred into the circle to Rachel On the 9th March we were faced 2ND XI. With very few changes McMenemy on the left post. Here Rachel by Ballyclare High School in the Ulster to the team from last season we was not selfish and instead of shooting Schools’ McDowell Cup Final. We knew were strong and experienced in from there she dropped the ball back Ballyclare were going to be a strong playing with each other, giving to Alexa Hastings on the penalty spot side, but we did not realise how strong us an advantage over other who secured the ball in the net for us. they were until we began to play them. teams we would face throughout We came out of this match with a 5-1 We were placed under a lot of pressure the season win to obtain our spot in the semi-final. I from a few key players on the Ballyclare remember this match so fondly and as a team and we quickly knew that they team we always refer to this match when needed to be man-to-man marked. we come up against challenging teams. Although we tried our hardest to attack against Ballyclare their defence stayed With a lot of rescheduling our semi-final strong and their Goalkeeper made a of the McDowell Cup took place on 29th few good saves to keep us out of the February against Banbridge, straight after net. Being 2-0 down Hannah Porter the 1st XI Shield Semi-Final. We knew took a long corner and managed to that this match was going to be difficult get the ball into the circle and off a

142 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed 3rd XI Hockey Report

1ST3rd XI Hockey Team | Back Row (L-R): MrsErin CHastings, Burns, Rachael Catherine McMenemy, Turkington, SarahMolly Clifford,Carlisle, HannahKirsten Paul, Porter, Anna Alexandra White, Alena McKinlay, McKeown, Lucy Thomson, Alice Houston, Gabi Scott,Imogen Charlotte Millar Beggs, Aoife Doyle, AimeeMiddle McClure, Row (L-R): Alexa Beth Cunningham,Hastings, Sarah Ava Goodwin, MacDonald, Jenna Mary Brown, Payne, Mr M Alanagh McCullough. Gibson, Grace Fullerton, Katie Neill, Molly Lee, Olivia Stewart, Louise Boone Front Row (L-R): Nicola Gordon, Elena McCrum, Lucy Stevenson, Fayth Hill-Nicholl (Captain), Sophie Stewart, Louise Porte, Daisy Campbell Hannah O’Neill, Jessica O’Neill, Ellie Stewart, Ellie Montgomery (Captain), Dawn Francis, (Vice-Captain), Honor Graham, Imogen Graham.

Although the 3rd XI lost quite a few more girls, fighting until the end to achieve a We then battled it out until seconds experienced older players from last year, draw 0-0; this displays the work that each before the final whistle, where we then the new season meant welcoming new player has been putting in at training as conceded another goal. Ending the eager 4th years, displaying a promising we suffered a loss of 1-5 at the start of the match in 1-2 loss. amount of determination and talent, season to the same opposing team. which the team was going to need to Overall, the season was one with have on board for the incoming season The final match of the group stage was many ups and downs, but full of great to produce a winning team. away against Down High School, this memories. On behalf of the team was the decider of who would progress I would like to thank our coaches The season did not start how we would to the quarterfinals having to achieve a Mrs Burns and Kirsty McLarnon for helping have hoped with several of our first 4-0 win to go through on goal difference. us to develop new skills in every training friendly matches ending in losses or Unfortunately, after both teams exhibiting session, encouraging and guiding us draws such as a 1-1 draw against a great deal of passion and willpower, from the side-lines and overall being Dalriada and a devastating loss to the result we were wishing for was not there for us. Finally, I would like to thank Ballymena Academy of 0-4. This was accomplished and only attained 2-1 win; all the girls for their dedication and hard believed to be due to the lack of time the goal scorers were Erin Hasting and work throughout the season, especially we had spent playing together as a Grace Fullerton. From losing our group coming out to every weekly training team and the massive adjustment stage the girls were on a low, only to be session at Magherafelt High School the new seniors had to make to go up given a second chance and brought pitch, despite the grim weather! In my against much older players. Despite the in as a wildcard team in the quarter last year I cannot hide how much I negative start, each girl brought 110% final as the team with the next highest will miss the Rainey Hockey family and to training and with their sheer hard work goal difference. I am very grateful and honoured to and dedication, the matches displayed have captained this team for the last our true performance. In the quarter-final, despite a fighting few years, watching the girls grow and effort to the final whistle, we were unable develop. I wish all the girls every success Our 3RD XI Gibson Cup journey to progress to the semi-finals of the for next season and to keep up their began with a home match against Gibson Cup. An early goal from Belfast enthusiasm and hard work to accomplish Glenlola College, coming out with a well- Royal Academy unsettled the team, it greater heights in their Rainey senior deserved 2-0 win with goals coming from was not until 3rd quarter that we decided hockey career. Grace Fullerton and Katie Neill. Next was action needed to be taken. Changing the greatly anticipated match against the formation to increase the players Fayth Hill-Nicholl | 3rd XI Captain Methodist College in Meadowbank, up front was a risky strategy which paid I couldn’t have asked more from the off having a goal come from myself.

143 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Hockey Gallery

144 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Hockey Gallery

145 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed U14 A XI Hockey Report

Winners, Derry & Antrim League Semi-Finalists, Ulster Junior Plate

Goal Scorers Goals Georgina McGuckin 18 U14A Hockey Team | Orlaith McHugh 8 Back Row (L-R): Evie Duncan, Demi-Lee Dallas, Abbie Hessin, Zara-Lilia Murdoch, Catherine McMullan, Kaitlyn Houston 4 Georgina McGuckin, Grace O’Kane Middle Row (L-R): Leah Henry, Kate Spillane, Amy Leach, Kaitlyn Houston, Imogen Scott, Erin McCoy, Jemma Johnston, Olivia Currie 2 Mrs J Quigley Saskia Hastings 2 Front Row (L-R): Saskia Hastings, Olivia Currie, Orlaith McHugh (Captain), Emma Thompson (Vice-Captain), Lola Henderson Erin McCoy 2 Kate Spillane 2 Amy Leach 1 Played Win Draw Lost Goals For Goals Against

Total 39 U14 A 23 15 3 5 39 9

Our U14A hockey team has had a great could not be broken after numerous the keeper’s pads by Erin McCoy followed year, improving lots as individual players attacks from us, the score remained 0-0. by a great goal from Georgina to beat a and as a team. We have won 15 games, Next came a re-match against Friends’ fantastic GK making the score 2-1. drew 3 and lost 5. We have become the which was a thrilling match end to end Derry and Antrim League winners for the but, unfortunately, it was our opponents The start of the new year saw us beating second year in a row and we became who made the break through to make Foyle College 5-0, with Georgina 2, Ulster Junior Plate semi-finalists. it 1-0. The following Saturday we played Kaitlyn, Orlaith and Amy Leach getting Strathearn and fell to another 1-0 defeat on target for another league win. Quickly The season began with matches after a poor performance. followed by a 6-0 victory over Cambridge against Friends’ and Coleraine, both House with Georgina McGuckin getting 4, very competitive, ending in 0-0 draws. We knew it was a tough match for this along with Kaitlyn and Orlaith. The league Next we played our toughest opponent team, the Ulster Junior Cup match against campaign was looking strong. Next saw from last year, who was our biggest Methody, who had beaten us in the the first round of the Ulster Schools’ Plate defeat, so we knew we had to perform. cup final the previous year, early in the with a comfortable victory over Larne We lost the match 1-0 but really saw an season. It was a very fast paced match Grammar 4-0, Georgina 2, Saskia and excellent performance from the squad with both sides playing very well. Rainey Erin. An exciting, tough match against showing the potential was there to made lots of chances but sadly, couldn’t Dungannon Royal came next with Rainey achieve great things. make it over the line, meaning at full getting the 1-0 win for a deserved, time it went to run-ins. The run-in takers hardworking victory. Another very tough Next came a super performance with were Orlaith McHugh, Kaitlyn Houston, match for the U14’s was facing Limavady goals from Orlaith McHugh and Saskia Emma Thompson, Georgina McGuckin in the Derry and Antrim League. With Hastings to win a league game away to and Olivia Currie. The match finished at plenty of practice before the game, we Dalraida in Ballymoney. Following that 3-2 to Methody in sudden death run-ins were very ready to play a good match. win we took on Ballymena Academy with and the goal scorers were Kaitlyn Houston A great goal for Georgina McGuckin gave one of our best team performances of and Olivia Currie. We couldn’t believe it; us the advantage and we played to the the year winning 4-0! Georgina McGuckin we were out but our team left everything final whistle saving opposing short corners grabbing 2, Orlaith and Kaitlyn Houston they had on the pitch. After the early cup and counter attacks. This was a game for on the team sheet. Next up was Glenlola exit we played Victoria College, Belfast us to be very proud of away from home. Collegiate, which was an early start and a winning 1-0 with Georgina McGuckin very tough game, the team was dropping scoring. Following that, just before the Rainey were on a roll and produced like flies due to sickness and injuries but Christmas break, we played Sullivan Upper another excellent performance beating Kate Spillane managed to get that final on a very cold winter’s day. An exciting Strathearn 1-0, who had previously beaten touch for her first U14 goal. Armagh Royal match with Sullivan scoring early on saw a us this season. The next round of the was the next opponent and their defence fightback from Rainey. A PC conversion off plate saw another 4-0 victory against

146 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed U14 A XI Hockey Report

Clounagh JHS with Georgina 2 and Rainey went on to the Ulster semi-finals but Orlaith 2. Omagh Academy came next sadly lost 2-0 to Coleraine Grammar, we Squad: Orlaith McHugh Captain, with a 2-0 win with Olivia and Georgina had just run out of steam for our last game Emma Thompson Vice-Captain, on the scoresheet. Nearing the end of of the year. This was a great achievement Kaitlyn Houston, Evie Duncan, the hockey season, our team played for this team to get so far and we are all Imogen Scott, Demi-Lee Dallas, Wallace High School in the quarter so happy with how far we have come in Jemma Johnston, Abbie Hessin, finals of the Ulster Junior Plate. Wallace this final year of junior hockey. A big thank Lola Henderson, Catherine McMullan, secured a goal very early on, but Rainey you must go to our coaches, parents, Erin McCoy, Grace O’Kane, stayed composed and kept fighting and family, friends and supporters throughout Saskia Hastings, Amy Leach, Georgina McGuckin scored a brilliant the year with some not missing a match! Georgina McGuckin, Kate Spillane, goal to level the score. At half time we We look forward to next season and can’t Leah Henry, Olivia Currie, discussed what we needed to focus wait to get back on the pitch again soon. Zara-Lilia Murdoch on and what our end goal was to keep us with the right mindset. Wallace kept Orlaith McHugh | Captain U14 A playing strongly but late in the game Orlaith McHugh scored a goal giving Rainey the win.

The season began with matches against Friends’ and Coleraine, both very competitive, ending in 0-0 draws. Next we played our toughest opponent from last year, who was our biggest defeat, so we knew we had to perform. We lost the match 1-0 but really saw an excellent performance from the squad showing the potential was there to achieve great things…

147 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed U14B XI Hockey Report

1STU14B XI Hockey Hockey Team Team | | Back Row (L-R): MrsDemi-Lee C Burns, Dallas, Rachael Rebecca McMenemy, Linton, SophiaMolly Clifford, Martin, Hannah Amy Brown, Porter, Lauren Alexandra Hurrell, McKinlay, Ciara Donnelly Lucy Thomson, Gabi Scott, Charlotte Beggs, Aoife Doyle, AimeeMiddle McClure, Row (L-R): Alexa Mrs J Hastings,Quigley, ZaraSarah Browne, Goodwin, Abbie Jenna Caskey, Brown, Mia Mr Lynch, M McCullough. Mollie Booth, Anna Lockett, Emma Caskey Front Row (L-R): Amy Gordon, Jemma Johnston, Emily McErlean (Vice-Captain), Lois Weir (Captain), Maddie Mawhinney, Katie Henry Hannah O’Neill, Jessica O’Neill, Ellie Stewart, Ellie Montgomery (Captain), Dawn Francis, (Vice-Captain), Honor Graham, Imogen Graham.

U14B hockey has been a great This was a tough match but we knew what another goal leaving it a tie, but in the last opportunity this past year to develop new we needed to work on and that’s what we few minutes Victoria were able to secure skills and friendships. The whole team did. Our following match was a success; another goal. performed very well and did their best it was an away game against Glenlola in everything. Although we didn’t get to Collegiate. We had been training hard The next match was a home match play as many matches as we would and improving since our previous match against Sullivan but it had to be cancelled have liked, mostly due to poor weather and we were able to come out with a last minute due to weather conditions. conditions, the matches we were able 2-0 win with goals from Jemma Johnston The next week we were supposed to to play were great fun and the team and Ciara Donnelly. The team worked play Foyle College but it too had to performed very well. hard and preformed excellently and were be cancelled. Again, due to weather determined to keep up the good work. conditions, the pitches were flooded Our first match was a home match The next match was planned against and we were unable to play against against Methody College, Belfast. Royal School Armagh at home but had Cambridge House the following week. Unfortunately we were beaten 1-0, this to be cancelled due to poor weather Our next match was another home game was a close and tough match but we conditions, making the pitch unplayable. against Royal School Dungannon but it used it to our advantage to see what Yet again, our next away match against too had to be cancelled as the pitches we needed to work on and improve. had to be were frozen. Our second match was another home cancelled also due to weather conditions. game against Coleraine Grammar Our next match was against Limavady School, unfortunately we were closely After half term and two cancelled Grammar but unfortunately both their U14 beaten again by 1-0. After our second matches we were ready to play again and U13 B teams pulled out. Since neither close loss we were more determined and but again our match against Friends’ U13’s or us had played a game for quite ready to train hard for our next match. was cancelled due to a flooded pitch. a long time it was decided that we would Our ninth match of the season against play against each other. We managed Our next match was our first away match Lurgan College also had to be cancelled. to win 4-2 with 3 excellent goals from against Dalriada School. We had a brilliant After four cancelled matches in a row Mollie Booth and the other from Ciara match and came out with a 4-0 win, we were determined to come back and Donnelly. This was a tough game as we with 2 goals from Jemma Johnston, 1 secure a win against Victoria College, only had three subs and so everyone from Demi-Lee Dallas and our final goal Belfast. Unfortunately we weren’t able was extremely tired, in spite of that we all from Ciara Donnelly. The whole team to do this and lost 2-1 with an excellent worked very hard and were able to get played very well and were determined to goal from Ciara Donnelly. This was a four amazing goals and secure a win. This work hard and win many more. The next close game and we played very well. was a good match and the U13s played match was another home match against After a 1-0 half time to Victoria College very well also. Ballymena Academy, sadly we lost 4-0. we came back and were able to score

148 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed U14B XI Hockey Report

Our following match was against and Methodist College both had to be coaches for their dedication to make this Strathearn and unfortunately, we lost 4-0, cancelled as well, meaning that our season so enjoyable and our parents for although I wasn’t there everyone said that previous was our final match and we their continued support throughout it was a tough game and that the girls finished on a high. the year. played well; it just wasn’t our day. Our next match was another home game against Overall, we had a great season, every Lois Weir | Captain U14 B Omagh Academy. After a tough loss the girl trained hard and played excellently previous week we were determined and and should be very proud of themselves. Squad: Lois Weir Captain, Emily McErlean played very well and were able to beat Although we didn’t play as many matches Vice Captain, Abbie Caskey, Omagh with a 1-0 win with a great goal as we would have liked, due to a total Emma Caskey, Amy Brown, Amy Gordon, from Abbie Caskey. This game was well of 10 being cancelled, the matches we Anna Lockett, Ciara Donnelly, Katie Henry, played as we were 0-0 at half time but were able to play were always great fun Lauren Hurrell, Maddie Mawhinney, we came back strongly and were able and were very successful. On behalf of Mia Lynch, Mollie Booth, Sophia Martin, to score our winning goal. Our final two the team, I’d like to thank our opponents Zara Browne matches against Wallace High School for great games and most importantly our

Although we didn’t get to play as many matches as we would have liked, mostly due to poor weather conditions, the matches we were able to play were great fun and the team performed very well

149 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed U13 A XI Hockey Report

Runners-up, Derry & Antrim League

Goal Scorers Goals Sarah Porter 12 Saskia Hastings 9 Imogen Scott 7 Grace O’Kane 6 U13A Hockey Team | Erin McCoy 5 Back Row (L-R): Erin McCoy, Evie Duncan, Emma Quigley, Grace O’Kane, Alyssa Frew, Imogen Scott Middle Row (L-R): Mrs J Quigley, Heidi Hutchinson, Laura McLees, Kate Spillane (Vice-Captain), Poppy Hastings, Zaina Tyler 5 Zaina Tyler, Isla Graham Olivia Currie 4 Front Row (L-R): Saskia Hastings, Anna McCavana, Olivia Currie (Captain), Sarah Porter, Lola Henderson Isla Graham 4 Kate Spillane 3 Alyssa Frew 2 Played Win Draw Lost Goals For Goals Against

Total 57 U13 A 20 15 2 3 57 7

During this season the U13A hockey team team talk and shook off our bus legs we We then played Cambridge House have thoroughly enjoyed playing hockey fought back and ended the match with a in the league with a 3-0 victory with a together. We have had a great season 2-1 victory, with Zaina and Sarah scoring! Sarah Porter double and Imogen Scott with 15 wins that have encouraged us to It was an exciting match. In the next scoring. Our winning streak continued enhance our skills and we really worked game we were against Ballymena when we won against Dungannon Royal well together as a team throughout Academy at home, where we tried our 4-0, Erin McCoy, Grace O’Kane, Saskia this year. best and played some good hockey but Hastings and Imogen Scott scoring. We sadly didn’t come out on top with our only then played an exciting game against To start the year off we had a draw against 2-0 loss of the season but one that we Limavady Grammar where we showed Friends’, which pleased us but it made would bounce back from. our fast paced skills to our best and won us more determined to win the next time 6-0 with a Saskia Hastings hat trick, Isla around. We had our first goal from Saskia Our next fixture was against Glenlola, Graham, Grace O’Kane and Imogen Hastings in our first 11-a-side match with where we recovered from Ballymena and Scott. Our next fixture was against a great finish, so we were very pleased. came out on top with a pleasing win of Strathearn when, in the first half, they broke Our next match was against Methody 2-0, goals from Grace O’Kane a great PC, against the run of play and scored a goal where we worked better as a team and and Sarah Porter, showing some magic which was annoying but after our team came out with a 1-0 victory with a goal with reverse back to the goal finish. The talk we recovered and finished with a from Olivia Currie. The following week next week we were away to BRA where score of 4-1, Sarah Porter, Imogen Scott, we played Coleraine. We had a tough we played well but could not seem to Grace O’Kane and Kate Spillane. Next first half but after a team talk we realised put the ball in the goal!! Just one of those we played Omagh where we worked we had to work together as a team, days but came out with a score of 0-0. as a team, developing our skills and we worked hard and a rewarding 4-0 The next match was against Friends’ and finished 4-0, Kate Spillane, Saskia Hastings, victory with goals from Sarah Porter, Saskia with the whole team wanting to beat Isla Graham and Olivia Currie. We then Hastings, Erin McCoy and Alyssa Frew. them this round. We went into the game played a strong Wallace side and finished Followed by a match away to Lurgan with our spirits high and came out with a 2-0, Saskia Hastings and Erin McCoy coming out on top with a win of 4-0 with 3-0 win, Sarah scoring twice and Olivia being clinical in the D. Then to finish off Zaina Tyler, Grace O’Kane, Imogen Scott scoring. Next match we were against the season we played Antrim Grammar and Sarah Porter scoring! Foyle, which was after our Christmas and overall scored 10 goals!! Sarah Porter break. We were prepared and excited 2, Zaina Tyler 2, Erin McCoy 2, Alyssa Bright and early to our next match, against to get started again and showed our Frew, Saskia Hastings, Grace O’Kane and Dalriada away. In the first half we did not determination in our match and won 5-0, Imogen Scott produced some amazing play our best and Dalriada scored taking with Isla Graham getting 2, Imogen Scott, finishes! the score to 1-0 but once we had our Sarah Porter and Zaina Tyler scoring.

150 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed U13A XI Hockey Report

I think this season has been a great learning experience and has encouraged Squad: Olivia Currie Captain, everyone to play their best, learn new skills Kate Spillane Vice-Captain, Erin McCoy, and grow as a team. We could not have Grace O’Kane, Imogen Scott, done this without the help of Mrs Quigley, Saskia Hastings, Sarah Porter, Zaina Tyler, Mrs Henry and all the parents & supporters Laura McLees, Alyssa Frew, Emma Quigley, who come to watch our games Anna McCavana, Evie Duncan, regardless of the weather. We hope we will Heidi Hutchinson, Isla Graham, develop as a team and have a great U14 Poppy Hastings, Lola Henderson year next season.

The whole team has come through highs and lows together and we are all looking forward to the next season already!

Olivia Currie | Captain U13A

We have had a great season with 15 wins that have encouraged us to enhance our skills and we really worked well together as a team throughout this year

151 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed U13B XI Hockey Report

1STU13B XI Hockey Hockey Team Team | | Back Row (L-R): MrsAnna C McCavana,Burns, Rachael Ella McMenemy, McIvor, Laura Molly McLees, Clifford, Bethany Hannah Mawhinney, Porter, Alexandra Abi Scott, McKinlay, Ciara Brown, Lucy JessicaThomson, Finlay, Gabi Alyssa Scott, Frew, Charlotte Hannah Beggs, Brown Aoife Doyle, AimeeMiddle McClure, Row (L-R): Alexa Mrs J Hastings,Quigley, MeganSarah Goodwin, Creighton, Jenna Una McGarvey,Brown, Mr M Chloe McCullough. Grant, Abby McGurk, Rihanna Hamilton, Anna Donnelly, Sophia Morrissey, Zaina Tyler Front Row (L-R): Eva Francis, Heidi White, Sophie Shaw (Vice-Captain), Bethany Thompson (Captain) Amy Fleming, Sarah Hatrick, Shannon McClelland Hannah O’Neill, Jessica O’Neill, Ellie Stewart, Ellie Montgomery (Captain), Dawn Francis, (Vice-Captain), Honor Graham, Imogen Graham.

It has been a very excitable year for the Royal Academy, Coleraine Grammar Under 13B team. We won our fair share and Glenlola Collegiate, but at least they Squad: Bethany Thompson Captain, of matches and when we lost, it just weren’t losses! As I said before it made us Sophie Shaw Vice-Captain, made us even more determined and all the more determined. My team mates Hannah Brown, Eva Francis, hardworking for the next time. We had are great, if I did something wrong or they Anna McCavana, Ella McIvor, a huge squad of players who always see an opportunity, they would call over Jessica Finlay, Una McGarvey, Amy gave their best from Eva Francis in nets, the pitch in support to me and I find it Fleming, Anna Donnelly, Chloe Grant, to the many forwards hoping to get on very helpful when they do that, because Ciara Brown, Heidi White, Laura McLees, the scoresheet. it helps improve my skills. Sophie Shaw Megan Creighton, Sarah Hatrick, was an awesome vice-captain, and we Shannon McClelland, Sophia Morrissey, Our first match of the season was against worked well together. I couldn’t individually Abby McGurk, Zaina Tyler, Methodist College, Belfast. We made talk about the whole squad as there are Rihanna Hamilton a great team, because at the end of so many great performances from tackles the match the score was 1-0 to us with and saves made, to skills and tricks on Ella McIvor getting the goal, we had display but everyone has improved so won! After that we all had a lot more much from U12’s! confidence in ourselves and each other. Later on in the season, we played against I remember at the start of every match, Dalriada, it was our fourth match and when everyone is in their positions, waiting this is when I scored my first goal for my for the whistle, all the adrenaline just rushes team in a match. I was so happy that through everyone’s body, and we can’t day because in the end we won 4-0! wait for it to start. Even through all the rain, A big thank you must go to our Anna McCavana grabbed 2 crackers cold, or whatever was thrown at us we coaches, parents & supporters and Alyssa Frew added another. It was our stuck together as a team and we are who cheered us on throughout best match ever! Another win came over proud of this season, even if we didn’t win the year (regardless of the Strathearn in Belfast with a 1-0 win and everything, it’s the taking part that counts. weather), we cannot wait for the another Alyssa goal. next season to begin A big thank you must go to our coaches, I think being captain really helped boost parents & supporters who cheered us on my confidence levels and it helped me throughout the year (regardless of the make new friends. Luckily, we lost very weather), we cannot wait for the next few, like against Victoria College in Belfast, season to begin. we lost 1-0, and we tied 0-0 quite a few times, against Omagh Academy, Belfast Bethany Thompson | Captain U13B

152 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed U12 A XI Hockey Report

Winners, Derry & Antrim Year 8 Tournament

Goal Scorers Goals Imogen Scott 10 Caitlin Gribbin 7 Isla Graham 6 U12A Hockey Team | Evie Duncan 4 Back Row (L-R): Mrs J Quigley, Caitlin Gribbin, Robyn Shiels, Ciara Houston, Grace Doyle, Emily Caskey, Jenna Eiken Erin Kelly 2 Front Row (L-R): Isla Graham, Imogen Scott (Co-Captain), Evie Duncan (Co-Captain), Lucia Henry. Not in photo: Abby McLean, Eliza Cameron Total 29

In year 8, we have all thoroughly U12A’s next hockey match was the Derry This hockey season has been great and enjoyed playing hockey, but most of and Antrim Tournament held at Limavady we are really looking forward to next all, improving our skills and making Grammar on the 28th February. We had a year, meeting the new year 8’s and new friends. There have been a lot of tough start against Ballymena Academy encouraging them too! Thank you to our memories made throughout the year who we drew 0-0 with. Following this coaches and parents for all your help and a lot of laughs too. On Saturday we then went on to play Dalriada, and support. mornings, we had the opportunity to go to Cambridge House, Limavady Grammar training at Magherafelt High School and and Foyle, who we all won against; with Imogen Scott & Evie Duncan towards the end of the season, training at some great goals from Caitlin Gribbin, Co-Captains U12A Meadowbank Sports Arena after school. Isla Graham, Imogen Scott and Evie U12A’s first hockey match of the season Duncan. After this we played Coleraine, Squad: Evie Duncan Co-Captain, was an away match against Cambridge who we also drew with. We were all Imogen Scott Co-Captain, Isla Graham, House on 31st January. It was a anxious to go and see who had won Erin Kelly, Caitlin Gribbin, Eliza Cameron, straightforward start to the season with an the tournament but to our surprise it was Abby McLean, Jenna Eiken, 11-0 win. With terrific goals from Imogen us! We were all so proud of how well we Ciara Houston, Grace Doyle, Lucia Henry, Scott 6, Isla Graham 2, Evie Duncan, Erin had played even though some matches Robyn Shiels, Emily Caskey Kelly and Caitlin Gribbin. Emily Caskey also were very though. Later we got given the showed superb saves in her first time in medals and a shield, we were bursting goals. Everyone played really well that day with pride! and was happy with the win. We finished off the season with our first On the 7th February we played Coleraine 11-a-side match away against Antrim Grammar at Meadowbank Sports Arena. Grammar. Once we settled and found It was a very tough match, and everyone our positions we quickly took the lead had to try very hard. We pulled through with 2 smashing goals from Erin Kelly and There have been a lot of with a 7-1 win with quick, skilful goals from Imogen Scott. We then went on to score memories made throughout the Isla Graham 2, Caitlin Gribbin 3, Imogen another phenomenal third goal from a year and a lot of laughs too. On Scott and Evie Duncan. Coleraine was a short corner when the ball was sent to the Saturday mornings, we had the very strong team and tested our skills top of the D by Imogen Scott and then opportunity to go to training at and teamwork. banged in by Evie Duncan. Magherafelt High School and towards the end of the season, training at Meadowbank Sports Arena after school

153 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed U12 B XI Hockey Report

Goal Scorers Goals Olivia Overend 3 Emily Caskey 2 Robyn Shiels 2 Jenna Eiken 1 U12BCD Hockey Teams | Beth Gordon 1 Back Row (L-R): Grace Doyle, Ellie-Mae Fullerton-Bungay, Megan McKay, Naomi Paul, Sarah-Jane Sufferin, Robyn Shiels, Anna Foster 1 Katelyn Clarke, Sarah Linton Middle Row (L-R): Mrs J Quigley, Bianca Zeelie, Olivia Overend, Eva Clarke, Amelie McConnell, Lauren Bates, Naomi Paul 1 Chloe McLean, Claire Wilson, Aimee-Leigh Henry, Hannah Booth, Abby McLean Biance Zeelie 1 Front Row (L-R): Hannah Fields, Beth Gordon, Erica Boone, Anna Foster, Jenna Eiken, Lucia Henry, Ella Campbell, Isabella McCracken Total 12

RES Hockey is so much fun. You get Next matches came against Coleraine to make new friends who are now Grammar so we knew they were going teammates, learn new skills and, of to be tough. The Blue team had another course, win some matches. We had victory with Emily Caskey grabbing 2 practice on a Monday after school and a making it 2-0. The Oranges drew 0-0, after RES Hockey is so much fun. Saturday morning. a tough game and the Pinks drew 1-1, You get to make new friends with Naomi Paul clinching the goal for us. who are now teammates, learn The matches were brilliant and we got to new skills and, of course, win travel to our first ones against Cambridge Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 some matches… House at Ballymena Showgrounds. The outbreak, we were unable to get more Blue team won 4-0, thanks to wonderful matches this season but we cannot wait goals from Robyn Shiels 2, Jenna Eiken to get back on the pitch again soon to and Beth Gordon. Unfortunately, Orange play a full 11-a-side. Thank you to all our team lost 2-0 with two counterattacks coaches and parents who took us for ending up going in. The Pink team won training, supported and encouraged us at 5-0 with a hat trick hero Olivia Young 3, matches. We can’t wait until next season Bianca Zeelie and Anna Foster getting on so for now it’s practice, practice, practice the score sheet. in our gardens!

154 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Hockey Honours 2019/20

Ulster U15 Hockey Talent Development Programme | Back Row (L-R): Kaitlyn Houston, Aoife Doyle, Gabi Scott Front Row (L-R): Olivia Currie, Kirsty Stevenson, Orlaith McHugh, Imogen Millar, Georgina McGuckin

Hockey Representative Honours 2019/2020

Irish U18 Team Charlotte Beggs

Irish U16 Team Aoife Doyle, Gabi Scott

Ulster U18 Team Charlotte Beggs, Ellie Stewart, Honor Graham, Jessica O’Neill, Imogen Graham

Ulster U16 Team Aoife Doyle, Gabi Scott, Orlaith McHugh, Hannah O’Neill Irish Hockey Representatives | (L-R): Gabi Scott, Charlotte Beggs, Aoife Doyle U15 Ulster Talent Development Squad Kaitlyn Houston, Aoife Doyle, Gabi Scott, Olivia Currie, Kirsty Stevenson, Orlaith McHugh, Imogen Millar, Georgina McGuckin

Ulster Hockey Representatives | BACK ROW (L-R): Imogen Graham, Honor Graham, Ellie Stewart, Gabi Scott, Aoife Doyle FRONT ROW (L-R): Charlotte Beggs, Hannah O’Neill, Dawn Francis, Jessica O’Neill

155 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Rugby Club Report 2020

We have enjoyed another season of talent and experience to develop the and training to their coaches. Once they continued improvement both on and off Senior Squad. The seniors benefitted are able to maintain consistency with the rugby field. Every team and individual significantly from the variety of specialist skill and fitness, many of them will make sets targets at the beginning of the season coaching on offer. Unfortunately, due to a an impression on the Senior Squad and in most cases these goals were met. drop in numbers, we were unable to field next season. Generally, I am delighted to report that an U16/3rd XV this season. rugby at Rainey continues to press ahead The 1st XV had a frustrating season. with a strategy that will not only get more Many thanks also to Simon Andrews for From July the many players worked boys enjoying and participating in the the amount of time and effort he gives to hard on their skills and conditioning. sport, but will also bring more successes. the management and administration of This committed and dedicated approach many of the off-field responsibilities. got the team off to a successful start, with There are more boys representing the The junior teams had another really good the team getting to the final of a pre- Rainey each week than ever before, with season, clocking up many victories. The season tournament at Grosvenor. This was the Under 12s fielding an ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ U12 squad made excellent progress extremely important this season because team. The Under 13s have a large squad, throughout the season, with over 30 the new cup format meant that the first fielding ‘A’ and ‘B’ teams whenever they players regularly attending training twice cup group game would be played in can and the U14s and Medallion give a week. The progress was demonstrated October. Therefore, early season was many players the opportunity to play. in the quality of rugby they played and now more important than ever before. All players and teams in the school the high percentage of games they won. Early season success included impressive are regularly performing to a very high The contact time with Mr Henderson, and victories over Regent House and Dalriada. standard. The coaches are challenging our young group of coaches, certainly the players to push the boundaries benefitted the team as their level of skill During this spell they won the ‘Arthur regarding the standard of rugby that they grew. The U13 team have many talented Topping Memorial Cup’. The strength of play. The commitment of the players, players and produced excellent rugby the squad was being really tested with coaches and helpers is now starting to and displayed real potential on many a number of key short and long term reap rewards - all teams have improved occasions. They have a large squad injuries. The first group cup game was greatly and that is largely thanks to the which is encouraging and on a number against Dromore HS and although the structure that is in place. of occasions fielded a ‘B’ team. The U14 game was won, the lack of a bonus point team is slightly disadvantaged because would prove to be costly later on. In the Some coaching changes were made this they have a relatively small squad second group game, they were defeated season. Karl Warner and Gareth Hall were but they are talented group of players. away from home by a strong Friends selected to coach the U13 squads and School team. The group was wrapped they brought top quality coaching and They are quick learners and very up with an away win in Limavady. Again, enthusiasm. Fintan Quinn, Neal Hastings competitive; their coaches helped them no bonus point was gained, so the team and Anton Lupari used their extensive develop a game plan which worked finished runners-up in their group. With knowledge and experience to develop for them. They have the personnel and only 4 of the 6 best runner-up progressing the U14s. Aaron Doherty and Conor ability to have a really good Medallion to the Schools’ Cup, we missed out and Fitzsimons took charge of the Medallion year in 2020/21. The Medallion by their therefore had to settle for a place in the and also used their excellent coaching own admission had a topsy turvy season. Schools’ Bowl. In the first round they put and understanding of the game to During some games they put in many in an excellent display to defeat Omagh improve the players. Declan McErlean quality performances, however, on other Academy 14-12. However, in the Quarter- also made a valuable contribution with occasion they didn’t turn up. They have Final, they never really got going and lost the junior teams, helping whenever an excellent level of maturity and will to a game they should have won. This was he could. improve. Unfortunately, throughout the a disappointing end to a season which at season they picked up a lot of key injuries times had promised so much more. An eager team of U12 coaches which affected morale and momentum. A revitalized 2nd XV played extremely well (Adam Currie, Mark Mulholland, Andrew throughout the year, winning many games Brown and Andrew Nevin), enhanced They reached the last 16 of the Danske and gaining confidence from week to Mr Henderson’s midweek work by Bank Medallion Shield defeating Bangor week. They lost to RBAI in the Quarter-Final delivering a quality Saturday morning Academy, after a replay, with an excellent of the Danske Bank 2nd XV Cup. Many coaching programme. performance. However, in terrible players from the 2nd XV got game time conditions they exited in the next round for the 1st XV which should serve them Collectively these coaches made a to Bangor GS. In the Medallion Plate they well next season. valuable contribution to a very displayed how good they can be, losing successful season for all squads. narrowly to a fancied Coleraine GS. The U12s had a successful trip to Ravenhill. Mr Campbell, Mr Simpson, Mr Henderson, This squad contains some excellent rugby This was an enjoyable trip for both Mr McCalmont, Timmy Andrews and players, who worked hard throughout the coaches and boys. Tommy O’Hagan pooled their coaching season and responded well in games

156 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Rugby Club Report 2020

Congratulations are due to Sebastian Finally, many thanks to the coaching To conclude I would like to thank the Hastings who represented Ulster Schools’ staff comprising Mr C Simpson, members of the Rainey Rugby U18s in the Inter-Provincial Series. Mr S McCalmont, Mr T O’Hagan, Mr R Fundraising Committee and all who Congratulations to Jake McConnell and Henderson, Mr A Doherty, Mr C Fitzsimons, help in the ‘Ruck Shack’ on a Saturday Ben Brown who are in the Ulster Schools’ Mr S Andrews, Mr T Andrews, Mr F Quinn, Mr morning. The money raised pays for the U17 squad. N Hastings, Mr A Lupari, Mr D McErlean, Mr attendance of first aid at every home K Warner, Mr G Hall, Mr A Brown, game, as well as many other items Special thanks are due to our main Mr A Currie, Mr A Nevin, Mr M Mulholland required throughout the season. sponsors – P Keenan Road Surfacing and Mr S Andrews for their hard work and whose support over the years is much commitment throughout the season. Mr C Campbell appreciated. Thanks also to our other sponsors Quinns Coach Hire, Craemill Mr S McCalmont continued to pass Veterinary Clinic, Off the Diamond, on his expert knowledge and expertise Canterbury, Tennants Bituman, McQuillans as strength and conditioning coach. Companies, AH Fuels, Bob and Bert’s, Stuart gives a lot of free time to the Cunningham Covers and McAlisters development of rugby within Rainey. Brothers Builders. Your financial contribution He has attended a number of courses so has been a great help and in the current that he is delivering the correct information financial climate much appreciated. to the players. Rainey Rugby is much We hope to count on your support again indebted to Stuart for his time, knowledge in the future. and understanding.

We have enjoyed another season of continued improvement both on and off the rugby field. Every team and individual sets targets at the beginning of the season and in most cases these goals were met…

157 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Rugby Gallery 2020

158 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Rugby Gallery 2020

159 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed 1st XV Rugby Report 2020

Captain: Joel Bell

Vice-Captains: Sebastian Hastings Ross Speers

Played 18 Won 7 Lost 11 Drew 0 For 323 Against 354 1st XV Rugby Squad | Back Row (L-R): J Mawhinney, M Brown, R Bell, R Brown, A Montgomery, M Walshe, L Montgomery Third Row (L-R): J McConnell, B Lyttle, T Allingham, S Clarke, M Gibson, S Drain Second Row (L-R): D Barfoot, J Johnston, M Seffen, M Thom, A Caldwell, C Henry, M Millar, A McCloy, C Nugent Front Row (L-R): Mr C Simpson, Mr M McCullough, R Speers, J Bell (c), S Hastings, M Scott, Mr R Henderson

Rainey ES 1st XV Season at a glance:

v Regent House won 48-0 v Ballymena Academy lost 5-7 Scorers – B Brown (2), M Seffen, J McConnell, A McCloy, M Millar, Scorers – M Walshe Penalty Try, D Barfoot 4P & 1C v Omagh Academy lost 22-10 v Dalriada won 14-7 Scorers – S Hastings, B Brown Scorers – M Millar, M Seffen, D Barfoot 2C v Limavady GS (Cup) won 5-15 v Foyle College won 57-0 Scorers – S Drain, B Brown, R Speers 1P & 1C Scorers – J Bell (2), S Hastings (2), A McCloy, M Scott, M Seffen, S Drain, L Regan, J Johnston 6C v Coleraine GS won 26-7 Scorers – M Seffen, J Bell, R Bell, S Drain, R Speers 2C, M Thom 1C v Portadown College lost 21-38 Scorers – J Mawhinney, R Speers, Penalty Try, D Barfoot 2C v Omagh Academy lost 7-14 Scorers – S Hastings, R Speers C v Enniskillen RGS lost 48-0 v Dromore HS (Cup) won 22-10 v Ballyclare HS lost 0-29 Scorers – S Drain, D Barfoot, M Scott, R Speers 1P & 2C v Grosvenor GS lost 5-31 v Cambridge House lost 34-21 Scorers – L Regan Scorers – D Barfoot, S Hastings, R Speers T &3C v Omagh Academy (Bowl) won 14-12 v RS Dungannon lost 29-40 Scorers – S Hastings, A McCloy, R Speers 2C

v Friends’ School (Cup) lost 31-17 v Banbridge Academy lost 19-12 Scorers – M Brown, M Seffen, D Barfoot, M Thom 1C Scorers – J Johnston, S Hastings, R Speers C

160 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 1st XV Rugby Report 2020

The Banbridge Academy game There are a number of people who I rugby in many ways, within the school. unfortunately proved to be the final game would like to pay tribute to and thank for Thank you also to all our referees. To all who of the season. Ironically this game was like their hard work and effort throughout the sponsored the team this season I extend a mirror image of the season, with both very season. First of all, I would like to thank all a huge gratitude, especially those at – good and disappointing rugby on display. the players who represented the Rainey P Keenan Road Surfacing whose support After a season that provided many highs E S Senior Teams this season. For the boys over the years is much appreciated. but also a few lows it was a disappointing who will return to school, I look forward to a Thanks also to our other sponsors Quinns way to end. But when you look back, key successful season in 2020-21. I encourage Coach Hire, Craemill Veterinary Clinic, injuries at crucial times proved decisive. you to make the most of the opportunities Off the Diamond, Canterbury, Tennents This resulted in a lot of enforced positional that are offered to you within Rainey Rugby Bituman, McQuillan Companies, AH Fuel changes. I don’t think there was one game and hope that you will give rugby your Oils, Bob And Bert’s, Cunningham Covers during the season were we could honestly best shot and think ‘big’ next season. and McAlister Brothers Contractors for say our strongest team was on the pitch. A dedicated commitment to pre-season their support. Your financial contribution However, on reflection although it has been is vital for this. has been a great help and in the current a season with a few setbacks, it has still had financial climate, much appreciated. many positives, making it a rewarding 1st To the boys who are leaving Rainey, We hope to count on your support again in XV season. particularly the Upper 6th, I wish you well the future. in the future and encourage you all to There are a number of highlights from the continue in your rugby careers. I would also The support from parents, family and friends season: like to thank you for the contribution that each week is also very much appreciated • Sebastian Hastings was selected for the each of you has made to Rainey Rugby by all at Rainey Rugby and is invaluable Ulster Schools’ U18 team. over the past number of years. Thanks must to the boys. We look forward to many new • Jake McConnell and Ben Brown are on also go to all who helped with coaching, faces on the touchline next year. the Ulster Schools’ U17 Squad. in particular, to Mr C Simpson who displays • There were also some very satisfying the ultimate enthusiasm and commitment victories, especially the wins over for Rainey Rugby. Mr Simpson is one of Dalriada, Coleraine GS and Omagh the most knowledgeable and visionary Academy (at the third attempt) in the coaches in the country and we really Schools’ Bowl. don’t know how lucky we are to have • The work on the training pitch was his expertise. I would also like to thank encouraging, which should set Mr Richard Henderson and Mr Stuart the squad up well for next season. McCalmont for all their help with the senior • Some of the team tries that were rugby squad. Mr Henderson brought a lot Hopefully it also let scored. Although the finishers are listed of expertise to the backline in particular. everybody within above many of the tries scored As the season progressed the backs were Rainey Rugby involved lots of different players beginning to display the understanding realise what can and would not be out of place in the that he had passed on. The time these be achieved with professional game. gentlemen put into Rainey Rugby this ‘hard work’ and • The positive and improved attitude of a season was remarkable, especially the time ‘dedication’, and will very successful 2nd XV they commit in preparation which no one inspire everyone for • An enjoyable and successful tour sees. They are experts in their fields and we next season… to Portugal. were very lucky to have them. Thanks also to Mr T Andrews and Mr T O’Hagan, who Hopefully it also let everybody within Rainey are both young coaches with an awful lot Rugby realise what can be achieved with to offer. The progress they made this year ‘hard work’ and ‘dedication’, and will inspire with the 2nd XV was very encouraging. everyone for next season. Also to Mr McCullough for his support of

161 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed 2nd XV Rugby Squad 2020

2nd XV Rugby Squad | Back Row (L-R): A Manzoor, C Smyth, L Martin, L Regan, H Currie Middle Row (L-R): J McCloy, M Badger, M Cowan, C Donnelly, C Nugent, J McConnell, B McCrystal, Mr C Campbell Front Row (L-R): C Henry, M Dripps, S Clarke, S Drain (c), A Montgomery, J Bell, O Harney

162 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Medallion XV Rugby Report

Medallion Rugby Squad | Back Row (L-R): Ethan Hobbs, Johnathan Kelso, Christopher Quigley Middle Row (L-R): Zac Armstrong, Adam Sossick, Jack McCavana, Jayden Sheils, Shea McMurray, Cillian Gribbin, Nathan Overend Front Row (L-R): Mikki Kelly, Sam Hutchinson, Matthew Booth, Billy Allen, Johnathan Bates, Tom Henry

After a pleasing U14 season and then well the upcoming game against Ballyclare Unfortunately, we lost in the next round attended summer training sessions, the High would set the tone for our 3rd round of to a strong Bangor Grammar side and whole squad was eager to perform in the the Shield. On the day the conditions were proceeded into the Plate competition. Medallion year. very bad with strong winds and torrential Our opponents were Coleraine, a rain. We knew we had to outplay them notoriously capable team. For Rainey, Unfortunately, the season began very early on to knock their confidence, to take it was a memorable game where we slowly, it seemed for the whole squad, to the upper hand and exploit their physical did ourselves proud! We kept them be a real step up from the previous year pack. Thankfully, we played our best from scoreless in the first half and it was only the and it took most players a while to adapt. the first whistle and didn’t give them any difference of a conversion which cost us We also started with a few injuries and extra room to play with their backs. After the win! Even though we lost, it ended our didn’t have the start we were hoping for, a lot of hard work in the corner for the season on a high, as we knew we had all with an away defeat to Regent. forwards, after successfully sucking their given our best in that game! team in, the ball was put out wide in the Our real form started to show around last play and we scored underneath the I would like to thank Aaron and Connor, on Christmas but we knew if we wanted a posts leaving the final score 10-7 to Rainey. behalf of the squad, for all their time and proper go at contending in the Shield, we effort and for bringing us on as a team. I would have to up our game to another Our next game was the 3rd round of the would also like to thank all of our families level. Our first win of the season was away Shield against Bangor Academy away. for their support at all of our games. Finally, to Friends’ School, we started this game We started off very strongly scoring from a mention and thankyou to the younger with a full squad and were fed up with the kick off, however, this was probably players who really contributed to our team always being beaten! Everyone showed to our detriment, as the whole squad this season. great heart and stepped their game up became complacent, lost concentration to break our losing streak! We won 40-0 and let a very determined Bangor team Jack Keatley with a strong home crowd against us. claw their way back to a final score of We kept up the good form with big score 20-20. We all knew that our performance wins against Limavady and Omagh but didn’t match our real ability, the replay unfortunately, at this point in the season, was scheduled and we were determined we lost a few players to long term injuries. to win! The final score line for that Meanwhile the remaining squad put in game, 33-3 to Rainey, was a much truer some hard yards in training, knowing that reflection of our team.

Our real form started to show around Christmas but we knew if we wanted a proper go at contending in the Shield, we would have to up our game to another level…

163 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed U14 XV Rugby Report 2020

U14 Rugby Squad | Back Row (L-R): Nathan Overend, Curtis Neill, Rossa Bell, Brian Martin, Seth McKeown, Jude O’Neill Middle Row (L-R): Mr F Quinn, Rory Wilson, Zac Downey, Glenn Caldwell, Charlie Mawhinney, Frazer Clarke, Gabriel Lappin, James Cappell, Steffan Lloyd-Evans Front Row (L-R): Johnny Regan, Isaac Nelson, Charlie Ross, Billy Allen (Captain), Ronan McGuckin, Gareth Linton, Peter Craig

The U14 team had a very successful were soon 10 points down as Enniskillen of Leinster’s top schools. In a fierce season with a record of played 18, won came out firing. Heads did not drop as opening period, neither team gave 14, lost 4, with 452 points for and 266 our team spirit started to shine through an inch as ferocious defences were points against. Besides results there were and two tries of our own put us 12- on top in a thrilling contest. The Rainey also a number of other successes, with 10 ahead and we dominated possession team were playing with tremendous player numbers grown, new positions in the 2nd half for a great comeback win. heart knocking back their opponents but learnt and a great style of play by Ballymena looked dangerous out wide coaches Quinn, Hastings & Lupari. Foyle, Clounagh, Dromore and Limavady with ball in hand. Turning around at were all comfortably beaten in this run a rare 0-0 the 2nd half kicked off After getting back to school we by an average of 37 points for only 12 in a similar way. With space at a premium couldn’t wait to get the season started, against as the team played some great Ballymena moved their most dangerous however, things didn’t go to plan as early running rugby. After half term the run runner from the centre to the wing and season rustiness saw us lose 14-27 against was to come to an end as, in terrible were rewarded when he broke through BRA. However, signs were encouraging conditions, the weather went against us to outpace the defence and score and with “2 try Overend” enjoying his in a loss to Dungannon. Unable to play a converted try under the posts. As in new position in the centre we got our our fast-expansive game with the weather other games Rainey did not lose heart first win the following week against suiting the heavier Dungannon team the and continued to battle ferociously but Regent, although it took a fantastic last team battled hard and were drawing time was ticking away. However, when gasp team try, finished off by Nelson to 14-14 as the game entered its final few a Rainey clearing kick was allowed to get the 24-19 win. With training going minutes. However, the wrong option bounce Bell outjumped the opposition well and our game plan developing we was taken when a kickable penalty was to reclaim and outpace the defence then went on a 7-game winning streak. turned down. Dungannon relieved the to the large home support’s delight. This included notable victories over pressure and built downfield to get a When the difficult conversion from Dalriada and Enniskillen, both of whom converted try with the last play to win wide out was narrowly missed it looked had beaten us in close encounters the and end our run. Disappointed by the like it would be Ballymena’s day. previous season. Indeed, Dalriada had defeat the team took the lessons forward Rainey though had other ideas and beaten us both home and away so it as Ballymena Academy, recognised after claiming the restart we built the was pleasing to get a 17-7 win which as one of the top teams in Ulster at this phases downfield and with pressure was actually even more comfortable age group, were visitors next. Having mounting, Ballymena discipline than the score line suggested as Rainey not played them the previous year, the cracked and a penalty was awarded. dominated territory. Enniskillen had Rainey team were keen to test The same mistake as Dungannon was been a physical match the previous themselves and try to bounce back not to be repeated as the posts were year so the team knew this would be a but knew it would be extremely tough pointed to. Despite being a difficult hard game. However, despite our good as Ballymena were in top form having kick, Cappell was not to be denied preparations we conceded early and just defeated Clongowes Wood – one this time as he hit a tremendous strike

164 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed U14 XV Rugby Report 2020

straight through with what was to be the It has been a great season and I last kick of the game for a famous 8-7 win. want to thank the team and also the This had been a fantastic performance by U13s who played up for all their hard Rainey, demonstrating the potential and work. A special thank you to our heart this team have. coaches Finty, Neal and Anton and also the supporting Mr McErlean for all A comfortable win then followed their coaching, time and commitment to against Omagh before the next big us this year. It has been great to see how test of travelling to face a very good much we developed and we are all Coleraine, again a team we hadn’t really looking forward to Medallion and beaten previously. With confidence Cup rugby next year to see what we can now high Rainey put in another great achieve! performance to win comfortably 34- 15 with six tries in a display of team rugby. Billy Allen With the Medallion Shield now approaching and a number of the team involved this presented the opportunity The U14 team had a very successful season to bring in some U13s and try new with a record of played 18, won 14, lost 4, with combinations. Despite the changes, 452 points for and 266 points against. Besides excellent victories were recorded over results there were also a number of other Sullivan and Limavady but reversals successes, with player numbers grown, new followed against Campbell and Ballyclare. positions learnt and a great style of play by coaches Quinn, Hastings & Lupari Pleasingly however we did the double over Dalriada with a returning Allen getting 2 tries in a win 10-7 win. Following the Medallion Shield campaign, a combined U14/Medallion team claimed victory over Carrickfergus in what was to be the last fixture as COVID-19 brought the season to a premature end.

165 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed U13 XV Rugby Report 2020

U13 Rugby Squad | Back Row (L-R): T Wilkinson, O O’Kane, O Downey, S Walls, C Bates, P McIvor, G Stone, H Shanker, J Lennox, L Goldridge, B Bell 3rd Row (L-R): Mr K Warner, J Lennox, A McGuckin, B Kerr, Y Baba, O Clarke, A Lipscomb, R Ballantine, R Nugent, Mr G Hall 2nd Row (L-R): A Elliot, J Dawson, P McNulty, E Elliot, S Steele, J Johnston, E McGuckin, J Stewart, P Kearney Front Row (L-R): R White, R Donald, C McConville (Vice Captain), E McKay (Captain), H Keatley (Vice Captain), R Huey, H Boyle

We got off to a rocky start losing heavily to defence was just not up to scratch and Our next match after Campbell was a very organised BRA side. Although it was Coleraine rucked us off the ball almost against Dalriada - earlier in the season we a tough loss it helped us realise the areas every time. This match was a learning had beaten Dalriada quite well but I think of play we would have to focus on so curve as it showed all of us just how this earlier win gave us the impression we could improve on our weaknesses. important defence is when you’re playing that this would be quite an easy game. We trained hard the next week and it a physically strong team like Coleraine. showed. Our next game was against When we got back after Christmas we In the first half it took many of us by surprise Regent House and we ended up beating won the next couple of matches with a by just how tough they were. Just like the them 25-20 in a tight game. I believe it good margin. Coleraine game they rucked us off the was our determination which gave us the ball almost every time. Although we did extra boost that we needed to seal When it came to our match against fight back hard with some great tackles the victory. Campbell we knew it would be hard, and a brilliant try by Patrick, we’d just got but we also knew that we were going to into the game too late. On a different The next game that really challenged us give our absolute best. We wanted to day, in different circumstances, I think we was against a skilled Ballymena Academy make a point that although we were a could have won that game but we just side in mid-November. We knew it was much smaller school that did not mean didn’t have the right attitude at the start going to be a big game so in the week that we would be an easy win for them. and it ended up costing us. It was a 10-5 leading up to the match we were We started off very well and I think we win to them. focused and trained our socks off and it shocked them because within the first paid off. Although the game was a battle, five minutes we were leading 12-0. We On behalf of the whole U13 team I would with both sides showing great knowledge were mostly dominating the match but like to thank everyone who came to of the game, we scored twice - the first with a controversial refereeing decision support us at our games and a huge one was a wonder try by Charlie, and Campbell scored their first try and for a thank you to our incredible coaches, the second a show of pure power and few seconds we took our foot of the gas Mr Warner and Mr Hall, who helped all of strength by Chris. For the rest of the game which was all they needed to take us off us improve as players. Thank you so much we fought to hold off their powerful attack, guard and score an easy try. We tried to for helping us get to where we are now. the final score saw us very tightly win 15-14 come back and score again but by this I would especially like to thank Mr Warner in the end. It was a hard fought battle but point Campbell realised that they were who gave up his free time to organise all in all it was a very enjoyable game going to have to give their 110% and many extra training and gym sessions where we learned a lot of skills which they were determined not to let us score. during the holidays and whenever any would see us win our next run of games. We tried hard right to the last whistle, but of us needed extra help. Thank you so the game had just gotten away from us in much and we wish you all the best for Our last game before Christmas was the second half. In the end it was 19-12 to Loughborough. against Coleraine Grammar - by this point Campbell and, although we lost, this was we had a brilliant 13 game winning streak a great game for our confidence and Ewan McKay and I think this may have made us slightly it helped us realise that we could come complacent. We did try hard but our close against even the biggest of teams.

166 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed U12 XV Rugby Squad 2020

U12 Rugby Squad | Back Row (L-R): Joe Murray, Maciej Sobieraj, Joel Deans, Rowan McClay, Aaron Buck, Pearse McKenna, Fionn McPeake 3rd Row (L-R): Mr R Henderson, Eli Orr, Jude Stewart, Max Allen, Zak Brimley, Joel Clarke, Tom Campbell, Connor Graffin, Emmett McNulty 2nd Row (L-R): Brody Lamont, Iker Martinez Huaman, Matthew Chambers, Brendan Mulgrew, Daniel Fullerton, Lewis Ross, Johnny Graham, Rowan McCullough, Ewan McLaverty Front Row (L-R): James Lockett, Ben Evans, Thomas Eakin, Luke Cassidy, Reuben McCammon, Andrew Leach, Evan Allen

167 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Ulster Sports Hall Athletics

UK Sports Hall Athletics | (L-R): Krzysztof Sokol, Henry Shanker, Christopher Bates, Luke Caskey

Ulster Sports Hall Athletics | Back Row (L-R): Joel Deans, Nathan Overend, Curtis Neill, Rossa Bell, Christopher Bates, Henry Shanker, Owen O’Kane, Luke Caskey Middle Row (L-R): Orlaith McHugh, Amy Leach, Georgina McGuckin, Krzysztof Sokol, Brody Lamont, Andrew Lipscomb, Aaron McGuckin, Demi-Lee Dallas, Kaitlyn Houston, Jemma Johnston, Erin McCoy, Mrs J Quigley Front Row (L-R): Heidi Hutchinson, Joel Clarke, Anna McCavana, Kate Spillane, Ewan McKay, Poppy Hastings

Congratulations to all the Rainey pupils Further to this, four Rainey boys who won Thank you to the school staff including who competed in the Ulster Sports Hall gold and Henry Shanker, qualified to placement student Gareth Hall and Athletics in Meadowbank Sports Arena compete at the UK Sports Hall Athletics Mr Geoff Burns for his time and effort put in January. We had a large number of Championships in Sheffield as part of the into the running of these competitions. pupils qualify for the finals day, winning Ulster U13 Boys team. numerous medals within the group. A massive achievement for the boys but Five pupils took Ulster golds: Christopher unfortunately due to COVID-19 the trip was Bates, Krzysztof Sokol, Joel Deans, Luke cancelled. Hopefully in the future, these Caskey & Kate Spillane. RES athletes will get more opportunities like this one. Well done, everyone!

168 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Cross Country Report 2019/20

Junior Cross-country (Years 8-10) | Back Row (L-R): Joel Deans, Luke Caskey, Rossa Bell, Curtis Neill, Tom Wilkinson, Krzysztof Sokol 4th Row (L-R): Patrick McNulty, Erin McCoy, Kaitlyn Houston, Ruby Linton, Demi-Lee Dallas, Ciara Brown, Jonathan Johnston, Mr S Staples 3rd Row (L-R): Daniel Fullerton, Ewan McKay, Olivia Currie, Amy Leach, Jemma Johnston, Leah Henry, Orlaith McHugh, Saskia Hastings, Brendan Mulgrew 2nd Row (L-R): Caitlin Gribbin, Jenna Ekin, Poppy Hastings, Anna McCavana, Gemma McSwiggan, Isla Graham, Lucia Henry Front Row (L-R): Ryan White, Rowan McCullough, Brody Lamont, Thomas Eakin

A groundswell of flourishing talent meant There were some excellent individual performance in a very competitive field. that the 2019/20 season has been one of performances, with Poppy Hastings Nevertheless, they secured two individual the most successful in recent times for finishing 2nd in the year 9 race, Krzysztof Ulster qualifications, including Poppy the Rainey! Sokol finishing third for the year 9 boys Hastings (7th) and Erin McCoy (15th). and Curtis Neill finishing second in year 10. The Minor Boys (Year 9) also had a great At the NEBSSA cross-country Overall the Rainey School finished a close Districts race, with another superb display championships at Sixmilewater park in second place out of fifteen competitive by Krzystzof Sokol to finish second and Ballyclare, the Rainey runners did very schools – an excellent achievement and Tom Wilkinson (13th), both of whom were well. In an excellent display of team well done to all the runners. individual Ulster qualifiers. cross-country running, the year 9 girls successfully defended their title as NEBSSA Congratulations to the Mini Girls and The USSAA Ulster Secondary Schools’ champions for 2019. Not to be outdone, Mini Boys (Year 8) cross-country teams Cross–country Championship was the year 10 girls’ team improved on who competed in the USSAA District C held at the City of Belfast Playing Fields, last year’s performance of third position Championships in the Finn Valley Centre, Mallusk. It was a bright, dry but very cold to land on the podium as NEBSSA Stranorlar in Donegal. Both teams put on day and wet underfoot – all runners champions also! The Year 8 girls’ team a great performance and each finished had to keep well–warmed up before narrowly missed the top spot to achieve third place overall to receive bronze racing. Nevertheless, all our athletes second place and silver medals. medals and qualify for the Ulster event in competed with great spirit, spurred on Mallusk. These results were aided by some by the BBC covering the event by live The boys’ teams weren’t far behind, with very strong individual running, including stream. Two teams raced for the Rainey the year 8 boys’ team finishing in 5th a second place finish by Luke Caskey – Mini Girls and Mini Boys (Year 8), along place overall, the year 9 boys almost for the Mini Boys and two top ten finishes with individual qualifiers Poppy Hastings, making the podium, finishing in fourth, by the Mini Girls – Caitlin Gribben (4th) Krzysztof Sokol and Tom Wilkinson and the year 10 boys finished in fifth and Ruby Linton (8th). Commiserations (Year 9). place too. This augurs well for next season to the Minor Girls (Year 9), who just missed for the boys. out on qualifying, in spite of an excellent

169 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Cross Country Report 2019/20

Some strong individual performances a field of almost 150 competitors. She I hope the Rainey racers all enjoyed the from the day included: Caitlin Gribbin - first has shown a mature attitude and real season and well done again!! home for the Mini Girls, finishing well up the dedication to the sport and her training field in 39th place. Luke Caskey finished to be able to represent the school at this I’ll leave you with a quotation from one of 30th for the Mini Boys. Krzysztof finished level. Well done! our Year 10 athletes, which for me sums 25th and Tom finished 57th in Ulster in their up the competitive spirit and which I feel is age category. Thanks must be expressed finally to the worth considering: staff who helped out this year, including Congratulations to Poppy Hastings, who Mrs Stewart for her commitment to the ‘Whatever position I am in the race, that’s finished 15th in the Minor Girls’ race and weekly club meets, along with Miss what I’ll finish – I’ll not be overtaken.” earned herself a chance to compete Murphy, for whose indomitable energy in the Irish Schools Cross-country at races I shall always be grateful. Thanks Mr S Staples Championship, in Santry, Dublin. Poppy also to Mr Gareth Hall and Mrs Kathryn had a great day and finished 42nd in Acheson for their help at race events.

Whatever position I am in the race, that’s what I’ll finish – I’ll not be overtaken

170 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Year 8 Cross-country Teams

Year 8 Boys’ Cross-country Team | Back Row (L-R): Rowan McCullough, Joel Deans, Daniel Fullerton, Brendan Mulgrew, Mr S Staples Front Row (L-R): Brody Lamont, Luke Caskey, Thomas Eakin Boys

Year 8 Girls’ Cross-country Team | Back Row (L-R): Lucia Henry, Ruby Linton, Isla Graham, Mr S Staples Front Row (L-R): Jenna Ekin, Caitlin Gribbin, Gemma McSwiggan Girls

171 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Year 9 Girls’ Cross-country Team

Year 9 Girls’ Cross-country Team | (2019 NEBSSA Champions) Back Row (L-R): Saskia Hastings, Erin McCoy, Olivia Currie, Mr S Staples Front Row (L-R): Anna McCavana, Poppy Hastings, Ciara Brown

172 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Year 10 Girls’ Cross-country Team

Year 10 Girls’ Cross-country Team | (2019 NEBSSA Champions) Back Row (L-R): Jemma Johnston, Demi-Lee Dallas, Amy Leach, Mr S Staples Front Row (L-R): Orlaith McHugh, Kaitlyn Houston, Leah Henry

173 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Cross-country Gallery

174 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Cross-country Gallery

175 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Dancing Towards Success!

Congratulations to our first Rainey Endowed Dance Team who competed at the Northern Ireland Creative Dance Team | Movement & Aerobic (L-R): Heidi Hutchinson, Morgan-Nicole Purvis, Lucia Ross, Kimberly Livingston Championships at (Not In Photo: Rachel Mullan, Chloe Grant) the Lagan Valley LeisurePlex

Congratulations to our first Rainey Endowed Dance Team who competed at the Northern Ireland Creative Movement & Aerobic Championships at the Lagan Valley LeisurePlex in Lisburn.

We had 6 girls competing with great success: Heidi Hutchinson - Junior Creative Movement Solo Kimberly Livingstone & Chloe Grant - Junior Creative Movement Pair Lucia Ross - Intermediate Creative Movement Solo, Intermediate Dance Solo, Senior Creative Movement Trio - 2nd place Rachel Mullan - Intermediate Creative Movement Solo, Intermediate Dance Solo - 3rd place, Senior Creative - 2nd place, Senior Creative Movement Trio - 2nd place, Senior Creative Movement Pair - 2nd place Morgan-Nicole Purvis - Senior Creative Movement Dance Solo, Senior Dance Solo - 2nd place, Senior Creative - 2nd place, Senior Creative Movement Trio, Senior Creative Movement Pair - 2nd place

A massive thanks goes to the Dance Companies; Caroline Creggan, Ballymena Dance Academy & GCD who spend the time helping to perfect the routines and to the parents who transported and supervised the girls on the day. Well done, girls, keep dancing!

176 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Equestrian Report 2019/20

Show Jumping Team | Back Row (L-R): Anna McCavana, Keitija Storastite, Erin McCoy Front Row (L-R): Victoria Thompson, Adam Sossick (Co-Captain), Grace Moore (Co-Captain)

Although the season was cut short by the The show jumping season then got Victoria Thompson also has been Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, it was a underway at the Meadows Equestrian working hard to keep her horses in the successful year for the school equestrian Centre with the TRI inter-schools league. rosettes. She has been competing up team competing in the Show-Jumping, Adam Sossick secured multiple clear to SJI Grand Prix level on her fabulous Dressage and Eventing disciplines. rounds in the metre class throughout the horse, Armani Velvet, and also with her The first result of the year was Grace league. He also went on to compete in six-year-old horse, Golden Age, up to Moore and her horse, Dolly, who were the very competitive 1.10m final and 1.10m level. Victoria was working towards 10th at the Eventing Ireland secured 8th place on his homebred competing at the RDS qualifiers in April, National Championships. young horse, Loughview Diamond Cora. however, these were postponed due to He has since gone on to complete his the pandemic. SJI Level 1 and 2 Bar training, as well as picking up 4th in the youth category of Another talented rider in our team, Erin the ISH Young Breeders Championship. McCoy, has shown of her dedication and talents by being selected as part of the Northern Ireland Youth Dressage Team, as well as numerous other placings in national dressage competitions on her pony, Lottie.

Anna McCavana, also had a fantastic year on her pony, Simba, securing top results for the school dressage with two 2nds and a 4th. What an amazing achievement!

None of this would have been possible without the help and support of parents, event organisers and of course, Mrs Quigley. So, from the entire team we say a big thankyou to you all.

Adam Sossick | year 11

Team: Adam Sossick (co-Captain), Grace Moore (co-Captain), Keitija Storastite, Victoria Thompson, Erin McCoy, Anna McCavana & Ella Grant

177 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Girls Football Super Festival Day

The Rainey U15 team performed really well winning three out of their four matches just missing the play off stages. Goal Scorers: Aimee McClure 4, Johanna Cosby 2, Gabi Scott 2, Sarah Goodwin and Alexa Hastings. Well done, girls!

The Rainey U13 team met some tough opponents losing in the first two matches but performed really well in the next games with two draws in a strongly contested group! Well done girls, day topped off with getting faces painted and meeting the rabbit!

Girls Northern Ireland Football Representative, Sarah Porter |

178 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Girls Football U13

U13 Girls Football | Back Row (L-R): Mrs J Quigley, Kate Spillane, Zara-Lilia Murdoch, Emma Quigley, Catherine McMullan Front Row (L-R): Olivia Currie, Kaitlyn Houston (Captain), Sarah Porter, Emma Thompson, Orlaith McHugh

179 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Girls Football U15

U15 Girls Football | Back Row (L-R): Gabi Scott, Imogen Millar, Sophie Stewart, Lucy Thomson, Alexa Hastings Front Row (L-R): Johanna Causby, Aimee McClure (Captain), Grace Fullerton, Sarah Goodwin, Kirsty Stevenson

180 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Golf Team

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 our golfers The boys’ event, where we would have didn’t get the opportunity to attend the had both a Junior Cup team of Brendan Irish Schools Championship – Ulster at Mulgrew, Ben Evans and Tom Wilkinson Greenacres Golf Club on the 27th March. and two Senior Cup teams of Ryan and Our Junior Cup trio of Poppy Hastings, Lola Matthew Brown, Sebastian Hastings and Henderson and Olivia Currie will hopefully Harry Currie, has also been cancelled as it get to represent the school with the first girls’ was due to be in the Summer term. team in the future.

Girls Junior Golf Team | (L-R): Lola Henderson, Olivia Currie, Poppy Hastings

181 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Rainey Swimming Team Success

Swimming Team | Back Row (L-R): Ciara Brown, Ella Shaw, Louis Regan, Tara Bergeron, Luke Caskey, Mia Silutina Front Row (L-R): Poppy Hastings, Jack Finn, Krzysztof Sokol, Ryan Griffin, Brendan Mulgrew, Andrew Lipscomb, Ronan Diamond, Sophie Shaw

The Rainey Swim Team this year had an O’Sullivan from Scoil Eoin Ballincollig. exciting year ahead with the new influx The school is very proud of Ryan holding Team: Ronan Diamond, Tara Bergeron, of Year 8 swimmers. Up first was the Swim the first RES double All-Ireland Andrew Lipscombe, Sophie Shaw, Ulster Schools’ Cup & Championships Swimming titles. Ella Shaw, Poppy Hastings, Jack Finn, at Bangor Aurora and Leisure Complex. Ciara Brown, Mia Silutina, Brendan Many swimmers achieved PB’s, we had Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 all the Mulgrew, Krzysztof Sokol, Louis Regan, 2 relay teams and it was a wonderful other competitions were cancelled this Luke Caskey & Ryan Griffin experience, especially for the Year 8’s season. A huge thank you must go to on their first RES school team outing. the local Swimming Clubs, Cookstown Ryan Griffin achieved 2 gold medals and Mid-Ulster, for their coaching, training gaining Ulster titles in 50m Fly & and support of these pupils. Not to forget 100m IM. He qualified to go to the Irish the parents who transport, coach and finals where he hoped to defend his support their children on their sporting current titles which he had won in Primary journeys. I am sure all the swimmers can’t 7. Ryan also made the finals in the 12-14 wait to get back in the water when it’s section coming 7th in 100m Back & 9th in safe for everyone and hopefully we will 200m IM. Tara Bergeron came 9th overall appreciate the pool a little more when in the 100m Back 15-19 section. we return.

Ryan travelled to the National Aquatic Centre in Dublin to compete in the Irish Minor Swimming Championships in February. He managed to win double All- Ireland Titles! Ryan picked up his first gold in the 100m IM being chased home by Donnacha McCarty from School Naomh Aine and Ben Bickerstaffe from Wallace HS. His second gold came in the 50m Fly, beating Ben Bickerstaffe and Jack Double Irish Swimming Champion, Ryan Griffin |

182 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Former Pupils’ Magazine

183 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Former Pupils’ Association

President: Mr Colin McCrea

Deputy President: Mr Gary Burns

Honorary President: Mr Mark McCullough

Vice- Presidents: Mrs M Dempsey Mrs P Johnston Mr R Ditty Mr W Mc Keown Mrs K Garvin Mr J Andrews Mrs M C Hamilton Miss W McFarland Mrs N Kirkpatrick Mr G Stewart Mrs E S Mc Clure Mr R E Tughan Mr S Chada Mr G Crawford Mrs S Lamont

Honorary Secretary: Mrs Lorraine Crawford

Assistant Secretary: Mrs Suzanne Hardy

Honorary Treasurer: Mr John Andrews

Committee: Mr J Andrews Mr S K Chada Mr G Burns Mr G A Crawford Mr D Cunningham Mr W J A Dawson Mrs R Dallas Mrs M Hamilton Mrs S Hardy Mr W McKeown Mrs M Henry Mrs S McMenemy Mrs N Kirkpatrick Mr C McCrea Mrs S Lamont Mr G Stewart Mrs L McGlaughlin Mr J Andrews (jr) Mr M Mc Kay Mrs M Suiter

184 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Secretary’s Report: 19-20

Annual Gala Dinner

Following the success of previous dinners at Dunadry Hotel, Antrim the Committee returned to the venue for the Annual Gala Dinner on 23rd November 2019. Almost 150 former pupils and their guests attended the event with the President hosting a pre-dinner drinks reception.

The special Guest Speaker was Heather Monteverde, Head of Services, Macmillan Cancer Support. A former Head Girl of the school she spoke about her career path from growing up on a farm near Desertmartin, her training as a nurse before undertaking oncology training at Belvoir Park Hospital, to her current role. Her compassion and dedication to her chosen career was evident from listening to her speak and it was not surprising to learn that she had been awarded the accolade of being one of the 70 most influential nurses in the history of the NHS.

A prize draw took place with excellent prizes which had been very kindly donated. These included a Tayto Tour Family Pass; a voucher from Crawfords, Maghera; food hampers donated by Genesis Crafty; tickets for Ulster Rugby, donated by Burns and Co; a crate of wine, donated by John and Brigid Andrews and a weekend for two, donated by Dunadry Hotel.

The evening concluded with dancing, the music being provided by The Brokers, which was very well received and much appreciated.

185 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Secretary’s Report: 19-20


The Annual General Meeting of the Rainey Former Pupils’ Association was held in the Staffroom of the school on 7th November 2019.

Treasurer’s Report: The Financial statement was presented by the Treasurer, Mr John Andrews, for the year ending 31st May 2019, recording a healthy balance. The account had been audited and certified by John Barfoot, F.C.A.A. Certified Chartered Accountant, and was adopted.

Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report for 2018-2019 having been previously circulated by Mrs Lorraine Crawford, was adopted. Election of Officers: The election of Office bearers for 2019/20 was conducted by Mr George Crawford which resulted as follows: Mr Colin McCrea was elected President with Mr Gary Burns being elected to the role of Deputy President. Mr John Andrews was elected as Honorary Treasurer and Mrs Lorraine Crawford was re- elected to the position of Honorary Secretary. Mrs Suzanne Hardy was also re-elected as Assistant Secretary.

Database: Work on the compilation of a comprehensive database of former pupils is nearing completion. When we are satisfied that all dates are correct then each individual year in the spreadsheet will be distributed to nominated data collectors to make contact with their school year contemporaries to collect up to date contact details to populate the finished database.

RFPA 2020 Gala Ball: The 2020 Gala Ball is scheduled to take place, COVID permitting, in the Dunadry Hotel and Spa, Antrim on Saturday 10th October 2020. Former pupils are encouraged to come along and avail of the fantastic opportunity to meet up with old friends. Further Thanks

On behalf of the President of the Former Pupils’ Association, I would like to thank Mr Mark Mc Cullough and the Board of Governors for the use of the school premises for our meetings. Grateful thanks also to Mrs Margaret Henry and the school’s administrative staff for their valued support throughout the past year. Further thanks to Margaret Henry for compiling the births and marriages section of the magazine.

This concludes the Secretary’s Report for the year 2019-20.

Lorraine Crawford | Honorary Secretary

186 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Births, Marriages & Deaths



28 January Byrne to Laura (McNally) and Darragh a son (Henry John)


27 August Byrne to Laura (McNally) and Darragh a son (Hugh Andrew)


2 August Rodgers to Ciara (McNally) and Chris a daughter (Clara Maeve)


10 January Byrne to Laura (McNally) and Darragh a son (John William)

24 August Hyndman to Neil and Abigail a daughter (Maisie)


27 July Rodgers to Ciara (McNally) and Chris a son (Conor Liam)

23 December Stewart to Jan (Caldwell) and Peter a daughter (Annie May)


7 April Suiter to Paul and Emma a daughter (Elizabeth Catherine)



28 December Laura McNally to Darragh Byrne in Castle Durrow, Co Laois


28 March Ciara McNally to Chris Rodgers in Magherafelt


28 March Rachel McNally to George Graham in Castledawson

187 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Births, Marriages & Deaths



16 March Maeve McNally to Hamish Richmond in Corracrin, Co Monaghan

28 June Ellen Fields to Philip Johnston in Moneymore

31 July Hannah Ferguson to James Porter in Magherafelt

2 August Catherine Hunter to Jonathan Brooks in Moneymore

9 August Andrew Crooks to Gillian Brooks in Woodschapel

10 August Rachel Quinn to John Bawden in Maghera


8 June Rebecca Finlay to Paddy Smyth in Belfast

8 June Helen Dawson to Stephen Shanks in Magherafelt

8 June Michael Dawson to Alison McLean in Magherafelt

13 June John Henry to Martha Glass in Jordanstown

188 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Births, Marriages & Deaths


Mervyn J G Hawe Entered School 4 September 1961 From Drumrainey Died 29 June 2019 Aged 69 years

Lula L McIntyre (née McCulloch) Entered School 2 September 1940 From Queen Street, Magherafelt Died 31 December 2019 Aged 93 years

Brian H Ballantine Entered School 1 September 1982 From Main Street, Tobermore Died 19 February 2020 Aged 49 years

Anna Elizabeth McNicholl (née Fulton) Entered School 30 January 1961 From Aughrim Died 3 June 2020 Aged 69 years

Francis Gerard Toner Entered School 1 September 1976 From Castledawson Road, Magherafelt Died 4 June 2020 Aged 55 years

Former Members of Staff

Mr C E T Flanagan (Headmaster 1993-2002) Died on 24 January 2020

189 Rainey Endowed | Magazine 2020 Rainey Endowed Magazine


Contact details: 79 Rainey Street, Magherafelt BT45 5DB

028 7963 2478

[email protected]
