TM The magazine of the H.O.G.® experience, incorporating Enthusiast® SPRING 2009 INSIDE H.O.G. NEWS UK News and events from H.O.G. UK PAGE 31 ›› HERE COME THE GIRLS!›› RIDING IN SPAIN, FRANCE, UK, EGYPT, SAUDI ARABIA AND MOROCCO›› 2009 EVENTS AND TOURING RIDES ›› HISTORY OF THE EVO›› PLUS, WIN A GIBSON GUITAR! MOTORCYCLES Escape everyday life... order NOW, limited number of new unregistered ‘08 models for immediate delivery Full range of ‘09 model demonstrators available to test ride NOW Visit the all new CHELTENHAM HARLEY-DAVIDISON, OXFORD HARLEY-DAVIDSON, Princess Elizabeth Way, Corner House, Wootton, Cheltenham GL51 7PA Oxford OX13 6BS Tel: 01242 240570 Tel: 01865 735121 WELCOME Welcome from H.O.G.® Europe HOG TALES IS PUBLISHED BY THE HARLEY OWNERS GROUP® WWW.MEMBERS.HOG.COM Hog Tales is edited and designed for H.O.G. Europe by Archant Dialogue, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich NR1 1RE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1603 664242 Zoë Francis Editorial director Nick Paul Art director Richard Berry Art editor Amy Nicholson Features editor Tom Smith Digital editor Katherine Berryman Web editor Bob Crawley Managing director For advertising enquiries, please contact Andy Grant (sales) on +44 (0) 1603 772554 (
[email protected]) or Kay Brown (production) on +44 (0) 1603 772522 Project manager Jeremy Pick Operations & Communications Manager, H.O.G. Europe, Middle East and Africa SEND US YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO:
[email protected] The European edition of Hog Tales features some content from the US edition.