Admiral St. Louis Globc-Demucrat: The Increage of 14,000,000 In the pop- Maine Baptist Convention. Aumoii Grange (JHttl* Show Mildred S, l*t, Annie B, 2d, Aral, 3d, STATE ANI> OENEKAE. Free liaptiat Convention. need be at no to defend his ulation of the Uuited States will be mid Fair. Kubie, 4tli, Ke*-1 Croix, 5tli. Thia prov pewey pains The annual convention of the At Baptists ed to be one of the beat race* that wa* the annual convention of Free Manila It makes no exploit In Bay. shown by the census and but 4,000,000 of Maine was held at last The Ventur Yarmouth, Alison Grange held its first cattle ever trolled on the track Of the live o, the third and last of Baptists of Maine held at Dover, last whether he sunk the of this number Is due to difference Spanish immigration. week, and was attended. the heat* that were no liorae had the that were week, largely show and fair on park, North Anson, trotted, big freight steamship* officers for the ensuing year were or induced their commanders to The rate won three a* it American birth appears to be Officers were elected as follows : heat*, and wa* then built at ships Friday of last week. There were up- Philadelphia for the Oceanic elected as f< low? Hon. A. dark race wa* « President, them. The victory was com- takiug care of itself. the declared it then scuttle President, Rev. Nathaniel Butler, D. wards of 100• head of a steamship was launched V. cattle, good atood, Auuie li. winning lir»t money; company Sept, I'urlnton, Bowdoiri; vice president, and historic. D. of Colby. !;• v. V h. plete of horses and colls and a be*t time. 2:27^ 2fith, at Cramp's ship Freer. W. 2d The Herald hag recently Vice Rev. I. B. Mower of showing quite yard. Falmouth; President, vice. Deacon. Deo, B. Files, l^-wiston; a South Berwick. smattering of Blieep, poultry, etc, weie 2.50 Cl.ASS— Pt 11811 $100. A regular session of Good completed thorough canvass of Templars Jl vice, Mr- Julia A. t hatio. Fast Justice Haskell was third in rank on Hello Wilkes, 1 1 1 situation and declares the Corresponding Secretary, Rev. A. T. euteied for examination. The fair was will he held at Oct. 10th and -sorry; clerk. Bev. A. h political Watchmark, 2 2 4 Gardiner, Cox, Limerick; bench and his death causes Dunn, D. D. of Waterville. the supreme result to be decidedly in favor held in a large tent on the ground*. tieue F., 3 4 2 11th. All prominent railroads in Maine corresponding secretary, Bcv H. C. order of in the Recording Secretary, Rev. H. S. Bur- Whitten Wilkes, 4 3 3 Whitcomb. the seniority membership of the election of and Much credit is due the management for will sell tickets for one fare the round Bangor; treasurer. Deacon McKinley Roose- rage, D. D. of Portland. Nero, 5 5 dr Deo. H. Brown. to be as follows : Wiswell, chief justice, the effort forth them in Time: 2.38, 2.33 234’.2 Auburn; auditor, A. K. velt. The figures given as indicated Treasurer, H. M. Mallng of Portland. pul by making trip. The session will be held at Oak- i'. Know Hon. 2.30 tl.AHS—Pi it*. 4. J.ew'iston; executive board. Whitehouse, the show success. $ ICO. Emery, Strout, Savage, this canvass are electo- Trustees, Rev. W. P. Chipmau, D. D. and fair a land No. block I'rof. A. W. strongly by 258 Annie H., 2 2 2 1 1 lodge, 300, Davenport Anthony, ifor Hiram Govern r Powers has of Damariscotta. Rev. B. Port- Fogler, Powers. Green, The are the Aral, 3 112 2 Know! ton, Mr-. Fva W. ral votes for 168 for Bryan following preference giv- The last of 2,220 men were Portland; McKinley, Rev. H. W. D. D. of Liver- Mildred H., 1 3 3 4 3 September bad an unusually number of land, Tilden, en committee: Bryant. Pittsfield. large with 21 in doubt. The States in by the Keel placed more Falls. Croix, 4 4 4 3 4 employed cleaning the streets of Gal- Among tbe resolutions to during his term of Ruble, 5 5 5 5 dr pa«-ed were justices appoint the doubful column are The election of the officers of the Catti-e. veston of , 3; Indi- Bap- Time : 2.28 ir,, 227 2.2!>, debris and disposing of dead the followlog ; as His !$, 2273,, 2271s. office governor. appointments tist Educational resulted as <•--■. ana, 15, and 3. The States society best oxen, Koy T bodies from the It* That the Montana, pair Danforth, 1st; The were wreckage Thirty-one wi-approve action the whole court with the ona follows: judges W, R. Brown of of tin- embrace that went for ii Hilton, 2d. Pitis|)-)d a-