Congressional Record-Sen Ate
18 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. }fARcH -15, Second Lieut. Guy H .. Wyman, Eleventh Cavalry, to be first M.ESSAGE FR-OM THE PRESIDENT. lieutenant from March 10; 1913, yice First Lieut. John P. Has son~ Sixth Cavalry, promoted. A message in writing from the PreSid~t of the United .States was communicated to the Senate by · l\Ir. · Latta, one of his CORPS OF ENGINEERS. secretaries. Capt. 'Michael J. McDonough, Corps of Engineers, to be major STATEMENT OF APPROP~IA.TIONS . from February 27, 1913, vice Maj. Chester Jiarding, promoted. Mr. WARREN. Mr. President, I rise to ask unanimous con First Lieut. Harold S. Hetrick, Corps of Engineers, to be sent to print certain matter in the RECORD. I may say in ex captain from February 27, 1913, vice Capt. Michael J. Mc planation that it is usual for the Committees on Appropriations Donough, promoted. of the House and Senate to .submit on the last day of the sessjon First Lieut. William A. Johnson, Corps of Engineers, to be a statement giving a history of the appropriation bills und the captain from February 28, 1913, vice Capt. Edward M. Adams, sum total of the appropriations, also the estimates from the retired from active service February 27, 1913. departments and the amounts at the various stages ·Of progress APPOINTM.ENTS IN THE ARMY. of the bills-amounts of the bills as brought into the House and MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS. voted upon there, and as they came to the Senate, and so forth. The stress of business near the close of the last session of the To be fi1·st lieutenants with rank from Ma.1·ch.
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