·coNGRESSIONAL RECORD. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS . FIRST SESSION. SENATE. l\fr. BURTON. Mr. SHERMAN is also present and ready to take the oath. MONDAY, April 7, 1913. The VICE PRESIDEl\TT. The Senator elect from Illinois will also present himself at the desk. The first session of the Sixty-third Congress commenced this Mr. GoFF and Mr. SHERMAN were escorted to the Vice Presi­ day at the Capitol, in the city of Washington, in pursuance of dent's desk by l\fr. CHILTON and l\lr. BURTON, respectively, and the proclamation of the President of the United States of the the oath prescribed by law having been administered to them 17th day of March, 1913. they took their sea ts in the Senate. The Vice President (THOMAS R. MARSHALL, of Indiana) took the chair and called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock noon. CALLING OF THE ROLL. PRAYEB. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll of the Senate. The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators following prayer : answered to their names : - Almighty God, we worship Thee, Thou who dwellest in in­ Ashurst Gore New lands Smit11, Ariz. effable light. creator and judge of all men. Thou art worthy Bacon Hitchcock Norris Smith, Ga_. to receive our adoration and praise. Thy name is glorious tn Bankhead Hollis O'Gorman Smith, Md. Borah Hughes Oliver Smith, S. C. an the earth. Bradley Jackson Overman Smoot ' We come unto Thee tO-day under a sense of a mighty respon­ Brady James Owen Sterling sibility and obligation. We look to Thee for Thy guidance Brandegee Johnson, Me. Page Stone Bristow Johnston, Ala. Perkins Sutherland and commit our ways unto Thee and pray that Thou wilt order Burton Jones Pittman Swanson our steps. If Thy presence go not with us, send us not up hence; Chamberlain Kenyon· Poindexter T homas but if Thou wilt guide Thy servants, we will find our place in Chilton Kern Ransdell Thompon Clapp La Follette Reed Thornton the order of a divine government whose lord is God. To this Clark, Wyo. L'lne llobinson Tillman end we submit ourselves to Thee in Jesus' name. Amen. Clarke, Ark. Lippitt Root Townse.nd Colt Lodge Saulsbury Vardaman THE PROCLAMATION. Culberson Mccumber hafr<>th Wal h • The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will read the proc­ Cummins McLean Sheppard Warren Fall Martin. Va. Sherman Williams lamation of the President of the United States convening Con­ Fletcher Martine, N. J. Shields Works gress in extraordinary session. Gallinger Myers Shively The Secretary (James M. Baker) read the proclamation .as Goff Nelson Simmons follows: Mr. TOWNSE~'D. The senior Senator from Michigan [Mr. BY THE PRESIDEN"T OF THE UNITED STATES-A PROCLAMATION. SMITH] is necessarily absent from the city. I desire this an­ Whereas public interests require that the Congress of the nouncement to stand for all roll calls which may take place United States should be convened in extra session at 12 o'clock to-day. noon on the 7th day of April, 1913, to receive such communica­ Mr. STERLING. I was requested to announce that my col­ tion as muy be made by the Executive: league [Mr. CRAWFORD] is unarnidably detained to-day and Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United will be present at the ses ion to-morrow. States of America, do hereby proclaim nnd declare that an Mr. JOHNSON of l\faine. I desire to announce that my col­ extraordinary occasion requires the Congress of the United league [l\fr. BURLEIGH] is absent because of sickness. I make States to convene in extra session at the Capitol in the city of this announcement for the day. Washington on the 7th day of April, 1913, at 12 o'clock noon, Mr. BURTON. I wish to state that my colleague [Mr. of which all persons who shall at that time be entitled to act as PoMEBENE] is detained by a belated train, but that he will be i\!embers thereof are hereby required to take notice. here at a very early date. GiT"en under my hand !llld the seal of the United States of The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-two Senators have an­ America the 17th day of March, in the year of our Lord nine­ swered to their names. A quorum of the Senate is present. 0 teen hundred and thirteen, and of the independence of the LIST OF SENATORS. United States the one hundred and thirty-seventh. The list of Senators by States is as follows: (SEAL] WOODROW WILSON. Alabama-John H. Bankhead and Joseph F. Johnston. By the President : Arizona--Henry F. Ashurst and Marcm; A. Smith. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, Arkansas-James P. Chuke and Joseph T. Robinson. Secretary of State. Oalifonzia--George C. Perkins and John D. Works. SR..""ITA'l'OllS FEOM ILLINOIS AND WES'I' VIRGINIA.. Colorado-John F. Shafroth and Charles S. Thomas. Mr. BURTON. Mr. President, I present the credentials of Oonnecticiit-Frank B. Brandegee and George P. :hlcLean. Ilon. LAWRENCE Y. SHERMAN, a Senator elect from Illinois, and Delaware-Henry A. du Pont and Will:ird Saulsbury. ask that tlley may be read. FZotida--Nathan P. Bryan and Duncan U. Fletcher. The VICE PRESIDENT. The credentials will be read by Georgia--Augustus 0. Bacon and Hoke Smith. the Secretary. Idaho-William E. Borah and James H. Brady. The credentials of LAWRENCE Y. SHERMAN, chosen by the Illinois-Lawrence Y. Sherman. Legislature of the State of Illinois a Senator from that State Indian(l;--John W. Kern and Benjamin F. Shively. for the unexpifed portion of the term ending March 3, 1915, Iowa-Albert B. Cummins and William S. Kenvon. were read and ordered to be filed. Kansas-Joseph L. Bristow and William H. Thompson. :Mr. CHILTON. Mr. President, the Senator elect from the Kcntuclcy-William 0. Bradley an:d Ollie 1\1. James. State of West Virginia [Mr. GOFF], whose credentials have been Louisiana-jo"eph E. Ransdell and John R. Thornton. presented and filed, is present and ready to take the oath of Maine-Edwin C. Burleigh and Cha rles F. Johnson. office as a Senator from that State. Maryland-William P. J ackson and John Walter Smith. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator6 elect from West Vir­ Massachusetts-Henry Cabot Lodge . nd John W. Weeks. ginia will present himself at the desk for that purpose. Michigan-William Alden Smith ancl Charles E. Townsend. 39 40 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN .A.'J1E., AP~IL 7, Minnesota-Moses E. Clapp and Knute Nelson. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Missouri sug­ Mississippi-John Sharp Williams and James K. Vardaman. gests the absence of a quorum. The Secretary will can the roll. Misso1tri-James A. Reed and William J. Stone. The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators Montana-Henry L. Myers and Thomas J. Walsh. answered to their names : Nebraslca-Gilbert M. Hitchcock and George W. Norris. Ashurst Gronna Newlands Smith, Ga. Nevada-Francis G. Newlands and Key Pittman. Bacon Hitchcock O'Gorman Sm.Ith. s. c. New Harnpshire-Jacob H. Gallinger and Henry F. Hollis. Bankhead Hollis Oliver Smoot Brad.Iey Jiughes Overman Sterling New Jersey-William Hughes and James E. Martine. Brady James Owen Stone New Mexico-Thomas B. Catron and Albert B. Fall. Brandegee Johnson. Me. Pa;i:e Sathc>rland New Yo-rlv--James Bristow Johnston, Ala. Perkins Swanson A1 O'Gorman and Elihu Root. Burton Jones Pittman Thomas North Car olina-Lee S. Overman and F. M . Simmons. Chamberlain Kenyon Ransdell Thompson North Dalcota-Asle J. Gronna and Porter J. Mccumber. Chilton Kern Reed Thornton Clapp La Follette Robinson Tillm:m Ohio-Theodore E. Burton and Atlee Pomerene. Clark, Wyo. Lane Root '.rownsend Oklahoma-Thomas P. Gore and Robert L. Owen. Colt 1 Lippitt Saulsbury Vardaman Oregon-George El Chamberlain and Harry Lane. Culberson Lodge Shafroth Walsh Cummins Mccumber Sheppard Warren Pennsylvania-George T. Oliver and Boies Penrose. Fall McLean Sherman Williams Rhode Island-Le Baron B. Colt and Henry F. Lippitt. Fletcher Martin. Va. Shields Works Sowth Carolina-Ellison D. Smith and Benjamin R. Tillman. Gallinger Martine, N . .T. Shively Go tr M:vers Simmons South Dalcota-Coe I. Crawford and Thomas Sterling. Gore Nelson Smith. Ariz. Tennessee-Luke Lea and John K. Shields. Mr. FLETOHER. I desire to announce that my colleague Texas-Charles A. Culberson and Morris Sheppard. [Mr. BRYAN] is necessarily absent on account of some public Dtah-Reed Smoot and George Sutherland. matters. I wish to have this announcement stand for the day. · Vermont-William P. Dillingham and Carroll S. Page. The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy-seven Senators have an­ Virginia-Thomas S. Martin and Claude A. Swanson. swered to the roll can. There is a quorum of the Senate presen~. Washington-Wesley L. Jones and Miles Poindexter. West Virginia-William E. Chilton and Nathan Goff. ORDER OF BUSINESS. Wisconsin-Robert l\I. La Follette ,and Isaac Stephenson. l\fr. OVERMAN. I moved that the Senate take a recess Wyoming-Clarence D. Clark and Francis E. Warren. until 2 o'clock, taking the position that we ought not to do NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. anything-as the President has called us in extraordinary ses­ Mr. BACON. I present a resolution for which I ask presel).t sion-until the President is communicated -with and we shall consideration and action by the Senate. · have a communication from him. I thought at the time that I 'l'he resolution (S. Res. 24) was read, considered by unanimous was following the usual custom, and I desire to read a short consent, and agreed to, as follows: extract from the RECORD of the Fifty-seventh Oongrcss, first Resolved, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives session: that a quorum of the Senate is assembled and that the Senate is ready ORPER OF BUSINESS.
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