tamp 352.07 »57 1968 ANNUAL REPORTS

and Inventory of Polls and Ratable Property


for the year ending December 31, 1968


for the year ending June 30, 1968

Please bring this copy of town reports to

Town Meeting and School Meeting University of TlewHampshire library ANNUAL REPORTS

of the




for the year ended

December 31, 1968

Adams Printinc. Corp

I KMi'i y ion. Mass. Nrt



List of Town Officers Town Warrant for Current Year 6 Abstract of Business Transacted Town Meeting, March 1968 10 Budget 19

Summary Inventory of Valuation 2 1 Appropriations and Taxes 2 2 Comparison of Appropriations & Expenditures 24

F inane ial Report 2 6 Town Auditor's Report 3 Schedule of Town Property 3

Report of Town Clerk 3 1

Report of Overseer of Publ ic Welfare 3 1 Report of Tax Col lector 3 2 Report of Town Treasurer 3 9 Report of Selectmen 42 Report of Highway Agent 4 9 Report of Pol ice Department 5 4 Report of History Committee 5 5

Report of F ire Department 5 5 Report of Fire Warden 5 6 Report of Trustees of Trust Funds 5 7 Summary of Trust Funds 6 4 Report of Libraries 6 6 Report of School District 7 Vital Statistics 98

Report of Rindge Bicentennial 1 04 Report of Rindge Public Beach Committee 110

Tax and Valuation On Colored Paper Digitized by the Internet Archive

in 2013

http://archive.org/details/annualreportofto1968rind .



James F . Al ten TOWN CLERK AND TREASURER Roland C. Goddard SELECTMEN AND ASSESSORS Harold E. Savage Charles W. Nichols William H. Stoddard TAX COLLECTOR Florence E. Stebbins


Florence E . Stebbins


May F . Thrasher AUDITORS Walter A. Cleveland Ralph L. Hoyt, Jr.

FIRE WARDENS Richard A. Ford Ralph L. Hoyt, Jr.

Walter J . Young




John B . Crosby Jr CONSTABLES

Ernest L. Goodall, Chief Leslie G. Coffin, Jr. Donald A. Donaway LIBRARY TRUSTEES Elizabeth S. Pangborn Margaret S. Brummer Edwin B. Klein Mildred T. Semonite Verne L. Patenaude John M. Phillips TRUSTEES OF THE TRUST FUNDS Roland C. Goddard, Jr. James F. Allen Russell E. White


Jomes F . Allen .


To the inhabitants of the Town of Rindge, in the County of Cheshire, State of New Hampshire, qualified to vote in Town affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Rindge Memorial School Auditorium in Rindge Center in said Town of Rindge on Tuesday, the eleventh day of March next, at nine of the clock in the forenoon, to act upon the following subjects:

To choose all necessary Town Officers and School District Officers for the year ensuing

Polls will remain open until six of the clock in the afternoon.

The business meeting will be called to order at seven of the clock in the afternoon to act upon the following subjects:

ARTICLE 1 : To hear and act upon the reports of the Selectmen and Town Treasurer, Town Clerk, Overseer of Public Welfare, and reports of all agents, Committees and Officers heretofore chosen and act in any way relating thereto.

ARTICLE 2 : To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray Town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriations of the same.

ARTICLE 3: To see if the Voters will authorize the Selectmen and Town Treasurer to borrow money in anticipation of the collection of taxes for the current year, and to issue in the name of the Town negotiable notes therefor, said notes to be repaid during the current year from taxes collected within the current year.

ARTICLE 4: To see what method the Town will adopt to collect taxes.

ARTICLE 5 : To see what action the Town wishes to take regarding overdrafts and unexpended balances.

ARTICLE 6: To see if the Town will vote to increase the following fees, or take any action relating thereto

Sunday Permits From $1 to $5 License to Sell Pistols and Revolvers From $2 to $1

ARTICLE 7: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of $2 ,0 00 to be added to the Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of replacing a Highway Department truck.

ARTICLE 8 : To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of $1 ,000 to be added to the Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of replacing a Fire Depart- ment truck .


ARTICLE 9 : To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen and Fire Wards

of the Town to purchase a new fire truck, said truck to have tank, 1 00 gal . per minute pump, hose and equipment ready to fight fire, said truck and equipment to meet Fire Underwriters' approval and to raise and appropriate a sum not to exceed $35 ,0 00 - $5 ,00 to be taken from the Trust Fund set up for this purpose and $3,000 appropriated this year, and that the Selectmen be authorized to issue term notes in the sum of $3 ,0 00 each for the balance, one of said notes to be redeemed each year for the next nine years, or take any other action relating thereto.

ARTICLE 10: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500 for test drilling on potential dump sites to establish a land-fill operation for dumping as required by statute, or take any other action relating thereto.

ARTICLE 1 1 : To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of $3,300 for the purchase of a Swenson Sander for use by the Highway Department, or take any other action relating thereto.

ARTICLE 12: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5 ,00 for the purpose of widening and improving that portion of the Mountain Road leading down to a new parking area at Franklin Pierce College, or take any other action relating thereto.

ARTICLE 1 3 : To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of $4 ,000 for crushing gravel to be used on new construction, or take any other action relating thereto

ARTICLE 14: To see if the Town will vote to remove snow from the entrance to all private driveways that have been filled in as a result of widening the road by plows.

ARTICLE 15: To see if the Town will vote to close that section of road, approxi-

mately 1 feet in length, which connects Hampshire Road to Beaver Dam Road subject to gates and bars, or take any other action relating thereto.

ARTICLE 16: To see if the Town will vote to accept as a Class V road the existing private surfaced road beginning from the Wellington Road opposite the Danforth RoaJ to an existing culvert, a distance of approximately 450 feet, or take any other action relating thereto, (by petition)

ARTICLE 17: To see if the Town will vote to accept as a Class V road that part of the Whippie Road, so called, from the portion already blacktopped to Perry Comer and then continuing along North Road, so called, to the outskirts of East Rindge Vil- lage, and to raise and appropriate a sum of money sufficient to rebuild this section of road to conform with Class V road standards, or take any other action relating thereto, (by petition)

ARTICLE 18: To see if the Town will vote to instruct the Moderator to appoint a committee of not less than three nor more than five persons, two of whom shall be Lake Monomonock residents, one to be a Selectman, and the balance to be interested and qualified residents to look into the situation regarding the dams at the foot of Lake Monomonock and the current low water level of the Lake and take such action as is necessary to protect the property value interests and welfare of the property owners around and adjacent to the Lake and the Town of Rindge generally, and to 8 ANNUAL REPORT

raise and appropriate the sum of $5 00 to meet the expenses of the Committee which shall report results of their efforts at the next Annual Town Meeting.

ARTICLE 1 9 : To see if the Town will vote to empower the Selectmen to secure, by deposit of not over $1 ,000 to be raised through taxes, any beach property that might become available, the purchase of which shall be voted upon at the next Annual Town Meeting, or take any other action relating thereto.

ARTICLE 20 : To see if the Town will vote to appoint a committee of seven members to investigate the feasibility of establishing a Town water supply for the three villages, the sum of $1 00 to be raised and appropriated for expenses of this com- mittee, this committee to report not iater than the next Annual Town Meeting, or take any other action relating thereto, (by petition)

ARTICLE 2 1 : To see if the Town will vote to pay the members of the Board of Ad- justment an hourly fee for their services on the same basis as other Town officials, or take any other action relating thereto.

ARTICLE 22 : To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $40 .5 to install a street light at the junction of the Wellington Road and Swan Point Road, so called, or take any other action relating thereto.

ARTICLE 2 3: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $40 .5 to install a street light in frontof the residence of Donald W. Smith on the Woodbound Road, or take any other action relating thereto, (by petition)

ARTICLE 24 : To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2 80 .50 to install seven street lights on the Middle Winchendon Road beginning at the residence of George Hill to, and including, the residence of John Hall, or take any other action relating thereto.

ARTICLE 25 : To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5 to continue work on the Town History, or take any other action relating thereto.

ARTICLE 26: To see if the Town will vote to designate officially the West Rindge Common as the "Mary Lee Ware Park" or take any other action relating thereto, (by petition)

ARTICLE 27: To see if the Town will accept the sum of $3,1 00 already donated for Building and Renovation Fund, and to see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,1 00 to renovate and improve the Ingalls Memorial Library and to authorize the Library Trustees to accept and expend any additional funds donated for this purpose, or take any other action relating thereto.

ARTICLE 28: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2 80 to support the services of the Community Metal Health Clinic of the Monadnock Family and Mental Health Service, said services operating under the provisions of the Community Mental Health Services Act or New Hampshire, with State grant-in-aid. This act requires local support to qualify for continued State grant-in-aid. Local request for financial support is based on a .30 per capita formula, (by petition) ANNUAL REPORT

ARTICLE 29 : To see if the Town will vote to rename Whippies Road to its more commonly known name of "Perry Road" or take any action relating thereto, (by petition)

ARTICLE 30 : To see if the Town will vote to rename Cambridge Road to its more commonly known name of "Old New Ipswich Road" or take any action relating there' to. (by petition)

ARTICLE 3 1 : To take up any matters that may properly come before this meeting.

Given under our hands and seal, this seventeenth day of February, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and sixty-nine.

Harold E . Savage

Charles W . Nichols William H. Stoddard

Selectmen of Rindge, New Hampshire

A true copy of Warrant—Attest:

Harold E . Savage

Charles W . Nichols William H. Stoddard



Town Clerk Roland C. Goddard Town Treasurer Roland C. Goddard Selectman for 3 Years William H. Stoddard Highway Agent John B. Crosby, Jr. Tax Collector Florence E. Stebbins Overseer of Public Welfare Florence E. Stebbins Library Trustees for 3 Years Edwin B. Klein Mildred T. Semonite

Library Trustee for 2 Years Margaret S . Brummer Trustee of Trust Funds for 3 Years Roland C. Goddard, Jr. Constables Leslie G. Coffin, Jr. Ernest L. Goodall Donald A. Donaway

Auditors Walter A . Cleveland Ralph L. Hoyt, Jr.

The following Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Rindge were all voted in the affirmative by ballot.



Amended to read: For the purpose of this Ordinance, the Town of Rindge is divided into two districts as shown on the official zoning map filed with the Town Clerk and

dated March 14,1 961 ; (1 ) Recreational District, (2) Residential -Agricultural- Business District.


Amended to read: Residential -Agricultural -Business District.


Amended to read: (A) The Board of Adjustment may permit in a Residential -Agri - cultural -Business District a business or an industrial or commercial use subject to the approval thereof by the Board after a public hearing.

ARTICLE VII Enforcement

Amended to read: (B) The Board of Selectmen shall issue any and all building and

sign permits requested when such is in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. A reasonable charge for such permits may be made by the Board of Selectmen. All such permits shall be valid for a period not exceeding two years. ANNUALREPORT I 1


Amended to read:

B. Frontage and Yard Requirements

- I . Frontage Every dwelling shall have a minimum lot frontage of 100 feet as defined in Article XIII, Section E.


Amended to read:

A . Uses Permitted

1 . It shall be mainly a district of farms and residences and such businesses or industrial or commercial uses as are approved by the Board of adjustment as provided in Article VIM, Section A.

B. Frontage and Yard Requirements

- 1 . Frontage Every dwelling shall have a minimum lot frontage of 1 00 feet as defined in Article XIII, Section E.



Amended to read:

E. Frontage means the length of the lot bordering on the public right of way or on any body of water


General Provisions

Amended to read:

D. 2 . All sewage disposal systems located within 1 ,000 feet of any body of

water shall be in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 1 49 -E of the N.H. Revised Statutes Annotated relating to sewage disposal systems near shore lines and the rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto by the N.H. Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission.

Selectmen introduced a Resolution in honor of the Moderator, James F . Allen, who has served the Town as such for twenty years. A standing ovation in his honor was unanimous .

Voted to take up Article 2 Hi 12 ANNUAL REPORT

ARTICLE 2 . To hear and act upon the reports of the Selectmen and Town Treasurer, Town Clerk, Overseer of Public Welfare and reports of all agents, Committees and Officers heretofore chosen and act in any way relating thereto.

Article 2 . The reports of the Dump Committee, Conservation Commission and Bicentennial Committee were accepted and are printed below.


No meetings of the committee as a whole were held due to the fact when attempts were made to hold a meeting, one or more of the members were un- able to attend or not available. However, individual members made progress in investigating what was needed in the way of requirements by the State Board of Health, and the Division of Forestry. Also, two members of this committee along with Dr. Allen, our Representative, attended a "Sanitary Landfill" con- ference held in Bow, N.H.

It is the thought that when a new dump is established it should be a "Landfill" dump, for in a short time open dumps and burning of refuse will be prohibited due to the fact of air and water pollution.

If the Selectmen would follow the suggestions of the U. S. Department of Agri-

culture, given them over a year ago, on control of vermin, and if the dump

were policed year round as it is in the summer, the residents of the neighbor- hood around the dump would not be faced with the problems which the dump now

gives them. Also, it would provide the Town with a suitable area for dumping until a more appropriate site can be found.

I ask that this committee be continued for the purpose for which it was estab- lished to consider a more suitable location and methods of disposal of rubbish and garbage for the Town of Rindge.

Ralph L. Hoyt, Jr. Chairman


The Rindge Conservation Commission is in the process of reorganization and needs more support from residents interested in conservation and in preserving the woodlands and wetlands of the Town in a natural state. The Commission plans to send all landowners a questionnaire to learn of any land that might be available for Town Conservation use.

David C. Stewart for the Conservation Commission . .


The Rindge Bicentennial is in full program now. The Founder's Day Service and Reception was well attended and appreciated. The Hampshire County School's Winterfest was an ambitious program well carried out and a credit to

the Town and to Hampshire Country School . Mrs. Edith French and her com- mittee had a most successful program with the Durham Reelers last Saturday night

About 1 2 people are actively working for the Bicentennial including more than 4 members of the Brothers of the Brush —who are quite evident. We urge your support and assistance on committee work, attendance at the events

and your help in publicizing the program to your friends. This is a Banner Year for Rindge

James F . Al len

David C . Stewart Co-Chairmen

ARTICLE 1 . To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray Town charges for the ensuing year and made appropriations of the same.

Article 1 . It was voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $123,086.83 to defray Town charges for the ensuing year, appropriations to be as follows:

Town Officers' Salaries 5 ,000 .00 Town Officers' Expenses 3 ,000 .00

Election and Registration Expenses 1 ,000 .00

Town Hall Expenses 1 ,800 .00

Employees' Retirement & Social Security 2 ,1 00 .00 Police Department 7 ,200 .00 Fire Department 5 ,000 .00

Blister Rust Control 1 75 .00 Insurance 3 ,300 .00 Damages and Legal Expenses 200 .00 Health Department 50 .00 Vital Statistics 25 .00 Town Dump 2 ,500 .00 - Town Maintenance Summer 1 7 ,000 .00 Town Maintenance - Winter 30 ,000 .00 - Town Maintenance Oil & Solvay 1 2 ,000 .00 Street Lighting 2 ,800 .00 General Expenses of Highway Department 100 .00

Town RoaJ Aid 1 ,41 8 .83 public Welfare 3 ,500 .00 Libr 3 ,050 .00 Memorial Day 300 .00

Porks anJ Playgrounds 1 ,500 .00

Cemet* ' 800 .00 Regional Association 562 .00

Interest on Temporary Lck; 1 ,100 .00 .


Interest on Long-Term Notes $ 5 6.00 Christmas Tree Lighting 5 .00

County Taxes 1 7,500 .00 Total $123,086.83

ARTICLE 3 . To see if the voters will authorize the Selectmen and Town Treasurer to borrow money in anticipation of the collection of taxes for the current year, and to issue in the name of the Town negotiable notes therefor, said notes to be repaid during the current year from taxes collected within the current year.

Article 3 . It was voted to authorize the Selectmen and Town Treasurer to borrow money in anticipation of the collection of taxes for the current year, and to issue in the name of the Town negotiable notes therefor, said notes to be repaid during the current year from taxes collected within the current year.

ARTICLE 4 . To see what method the Town will adopt to collect taxes.

Article 4 . It was voted that the Town allow a discount of 2% on property

taxes if paid within ten days of presentation of bill or 1% if paid within thirty

days and that no discount be allowed after December 1 st

ARTICLE 5 . To see what action the Town wishes to take regarding overdrafts and unexpended balances.

Article 5 . It was voted that the unexpended balances be used to reduce the overdrafts and that the following appropriations be retained for the purpose that they were established.

Kimball Road $ 1 ,878 .60 Road Signs 40 2.25

Lay out Lots-New Cemetery 1 ,200.00

Bicentennial Committee 1 ,981 .50 History Committee 5 5 6 .32 Culvert Posts 5 00 .00 Bathing Beach 2,1 98 .8 5

And to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,4 9 6 .2 5 as a deficiency approp- riation.

ARTICLE 6 . To see if the Town will vote ro adopt the following schedule of fees:

Building Permits $ 2 .0

Sign Permits 1 .0

Sunday Permits 1 .00 Dance Permits 5.00 License to Sell Pistols and Revolvers 2.00 Peddler License 2.00

Article 6 . It was voted that the Town adopt the schedule of fees as presented

in Article 6 . .


ARTICLE 7 . To see if the Town will vote to accept a portion of the Clinton Martin property which is currently used as a public way and is described as follows:

A certain tract of land situated in Rindge Center bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a granite post at the intersection of Route "z02 and Goddard Road, said point being the northerly point of land of the Grantor; thence running in a southerly direction along said Route *202 approximately 48 feet to a stake; thence turning and running easterly along an old wall approximately 2 6 feet to a stake at the road line of Goddard Road; thence turning and run- ning northwesterly along said Goddard Road approximately 5 3 feet to the place of beginning, said tract being triangular in shape. The Town of Rindge

to pay all expenses in conjunction with the above transaction.

Article 7 . It was voted that the Town accept the land of Clinton Martin as

described in Article 7 of the warrant.

ARTICLE 8 . To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of $1 ,0 00 to be added to the Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of replacing a Fire Department truck.

Article 8 . It was voted that the Town raise and appropriate the sum of $1 ,000 to be added to the Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of replacing a Fire Department truck.

ARTICLE 9 . To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of $1 ,000 for the purpose of repairs and maintenance of the Meeting House building or take any other action relating thereto.

Article 9 . It was voted that the Town raise and appropriate the sum of $1 ,00 for the purpose of repairs and maintenance of the Meeting House

building .

ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of

$1 ,1 00 for the purchase of a combination Sander and Salter for use by the High- way Department, or take any other action relating thereto.

Article 10. It was voted that the Town raise a sum of $800 for the purchase of a combination Sander and Salter for the use of the Highway Department.

ARTICLE 1 1 . To see if the Town will vote to re-open the East Rindge Dump or take any other action relating thereto.

Article 1 1 . A motion to open the East RinJge Dump was maJe . A motion to postpone indefinitely this article was made and voted in the affirmative.

ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1 78 .08 to install seven new streetlights, or take any other action relating thereto 16 ANNUAL REPORT

Article 12. It was voted that this article be amended to read;

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $284 .00 to install seven new street lights, or take any other action relating thereto.

It was voted that the Town raise and appropriate the sum of $2 84 .00 to in- stall seven new street lights.

ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100 for use of the Conservation Commission, or take any other action relating thereto.

Article 13. It was voted that the Town raise and appropriate the sum of $100 for the use of the Conservation Commission.

ARTICLE 14. To see what action the Town wishes to take regarding increase in the salaries of the Tax Collector and Town Clerk and Town Treasurer.

Article 14. It was voted that the Town increase the salaries of the Tax

Collector to $1 ,000; the Town Clerk to $5 00; and Town Treasurer to $5 00 .

ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to take by eminent domain certain land now owned by Cathedral of the Pines Trust adjacent to the public bathing beach project, or take any other action relating thereto.

Article 15. A motion was made and seconded that the Town authorize the Board of Selectmen to take by eminent domain certain land now owned by the Cathedral of the Pines Trust adjacent to the Public Bathing Beach on Grassy Pond, said land to be used in conjunction with said present Public

Bathing Beach project. A motion to indefinitely postpone Article 1 5 was

made and passed by a standing vote. (Yes 1 02 - No 5).

Mr. David Stewart presented a resolution that a Committee of five be appointed by the Moderator to study the problem of locating a Town Beach

and that the present Beach on Grassy Pond be maintained in its present state of development; also a motion to accept the $1 ,000 offered by Cathedral of the Pines Trust was made. The resolution as amended was passed by a majority vote. The Committee appointed by the Moderator consists of: Dana L. Knight, Hazel B. Allen, Edward C. Brummer, Redvers G. White and Bruce Herron.

ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8 ,000 to defray the expenses of the Bicentennial celebration of the Town of Rindge, or take any other action relating thereto.

Article 16. It was voted that the Town raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000 to defray the expenses of the Bicentennial celebration of the Town of Rindge.

The following resolution was presented by Mr. John Weidner, a member of the "Brothers of the Brush" and was passed by a majority vote: .


To see if the Town will vote to establish the following ordinance to be effective during the Bicentennial period: All adult male members of the Town

shall be obliged to grow some sort of facial adornment, be it a beard, mustache, Van Dyke, or respective mark of tonsorial splenaor. Those complying with this ordinance shall be eligible to join the "Brothers of the Brush of the Town and participate in their contest after paying the established entry fee. Those electing to remain clean shaven shall be required to obtain a One Dollar $1 .00) shaving permit from the Chairman of said 'Brothers of the Brush" which will be required to be carried on the person of the purchaser at all times. Failure to comply with this ordinance shall be punishable by a term in the stocks, not to exceed two hours in length.

Adopted uncniimously

ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to accept as a part of the Class V system

that section of old Route *1 1 9 near the residence occupied by Ralph H. Pangborn *1 to the junction of the new Route 1 9 near Clarke residence, and to abandon that section of the Old County Road, so called, from a point in front of the Knotts residence to Route '119, or take any other action relating thereto.

Article 17. It was voted that the Town accept as part of the Class V system

that section of the old Route '1 1 9 near the residence occupied by Ralph H.

Pangborn to the junction of the new Route '1 1 9 near the Clarke residence,

and abandon that section of the Old County Road, so called, from a point in front of the Knotts residence to Route *1 19.

ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate c sum not exceeding $2 9 ,000 to purchase a Loader for the Highway Department, $4 ,000 of which is to be raised and appropriated this year and the Selectmen be authorized to secure term notes in the sum of $5 ,0 00 each for the balance and one of said notes to be redeemed each year for the next 5 years, or act in any other way relating thereto

Article 18. A motion by Mr. Charles Nichols to raise $29 ,000 to purchase a loader for the Highway Department was withdrawn after some debate on the floor and Mr. Harold Savage made the following substitute motion. Moved to

raise and appropriate a sum not to » » S32 ,000 to purchase a new loader

for the Highway Department, $7 ,0 00 of which is to be raiseJ and appropri- ated this year and the Selectmen be authorized to secure term notes in the sum of $5 ,0 each for the balance and one of said notes be redeemed each year for the next 5 years. The vote on this motion was by ballot as folic

Yes, 115 - No, 7 .

ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to pay half of the cost of a Blue Crov Blue Shield Group Insurance Program, the other half being paid by the permon employees of the Highway Department, or take any other o< afing thereto.

Articl' A motion that the fawn pa, half of the Blue Cross-Blue Shi<

C€ Program, the or • employees of the jhway Deportment, was omenJed, rhot the Town pay the full omount of the Blue Crow-Blue Shield Gro' rone* Program for the permanent employees of the Highway Depafrrnr- e omen aised by a majority v 18 ANNUAL REPORT

ARTICLE 20 . To see if the Town will vote to adopt the provisions of Chapter 4 1 , Sections 2-1 6-26, Revised Statutes Annotated as amended, whereby at the next Annual Town Meeting the Town will choose by ballot a Tax Collector, Town Clerk and Town Treasurer for a three year term, or take any other action relating thereto.

Article 20 . It was voted that the Town adopt the provisions of Chapter 4 1 ,

Sections 2-1 6-26 , Revised Statutes Annotated as amended, whereby at the next Annual Town Meeting the Town will choose by ballot a Tax Collector, Town Clerk, and Town Treasurer for a three year term.

ARTICLE 2 1 . To take up any matters that may properly come before this meeting.

Article 2 1 . The following resolutions were made and passed by a majority

vote: (1 ) That the Highway Department be authorized to continue to plow each individual driveway at a cost of $2 at no expense to the Town: (2) That the accounting of private work by the Highway Department be kept in a

separate accounts in accordance with the Auditors' report dated December 31 , 1966.

The evening meeting closed at 1 1 :1 5 P.M. and the balloting results were announ- ced at 3 :30 A.M., March 13, 1 968 , at which time the meeting adjourned.

Given under our hands and seal this tenth day of February, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and sixty-eight.

A true copy of Warrant-Attest:


Selectmen of Rindge, N.H. ANNUAL REPORT 19 BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF RINDGE, N.H. Estimates of Revenue anJ Expenditures for the Ensuing

Year January I t 19 6 9 to December 3 1, 19 6 9 Compared with Estimated and Actual Revenue, Appropriations and Expenditures of the Previous Year-

January 1 , 19 6 8 to December 31, 19 6 8


Estimate^ Actual Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Prev.Yr. Prev.Yr. Ensuing Yr

1 968 1968 1 969

From State:

Interest and Dividends Tax S7,500 .00 $8,181 .08 $8,1 00 .00 Railroad Tax 35 .00 Savings Bank Tax 600 .00 610.76 600.00 Meals and Rooms Tax 2,333.36 2,300.00 Reimbursement a/c State Forest Lands 500 .00 363 .83 360 .00

For Fighting Forest Fires 200 .00 1 72 .92 1 70 .00

From Local Sources Except Taxes:

Dog Licenses 7 50 .0 604 .00 600 .00 Business Licenses, Permits and Filing Fees 90 .00 226 .00 200 .00 lateral Received on Taxes and Deposits 700 .00 785 .96 750.00 Income from Trust Funds 7 ,4 38 .2 4 7,438 .24 7,245 .08 Income of Departm<

Highway Department 2,500.00 3,447 .1 6 3,000 .00 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 15,500.00 6,685 .74 6,500 .00

Local Taxes Other Than Poroperty Taxes

- ' Poll Taxes Regular $2 890 .00 1 ,032 .00 1 ,030 .00

National Bank Stock Taxes 1 78 .00 178.00 178.00

Yield Taxes ) 75 .00 331 .19 200 .00



Appropria- Actual Estimated tions Expenditures Expenditures Prv.Yr. Prev.Yr. Ensuing Yr 1968 1968 1969 General Government: Town Officers' Salaries $5,000.00 4,404.67 $5,000.00 Town Officers' Expenses 3,000.00 2,756.74 3,000.00

Election & Registration Expense 1 ,000.00 935.90 350.00

Town Hall Expenses 1 ,800.00 2,046.58 2,000.00 Employees' Retirement & S.S. 2,100.00 2,132.14 2,200.00

Protection of Persons, Property: Police Department 7,200.00 8,103.81 10,000.00 Fire Department 5,000.00 4,532.07 5,000.00 Blister Rust Control 175.00 175.00 175.00 Insurance 3,300.00 4,021 .86 4,000.00

Damages & Legal Expenses 200.00 1 17.06 200.00

Health: Health Department 50.00 153.23 200.00 Vital Statistics 25.00 20.50 25.00

Town Dump 2,500.00 1 ,731 .67 2,500.00

Highways and Bridges:

Town Maintenance-Summer 1 7,000 .00 17,298.17 20,000.00 Town Maintenance- Winter 30,000 .00 29,694.52 31 ,000.00 Town Maintenance-Oil & Solvayl2,000 .00 12,020.69 15,000.00 Street Lighting 2 ,800 .00 3,083.67 3,200.00

General Expenses of H'way Dept 1 00 .00 52.40 100.00

Town Road Aid 1,418.83 1 ,418.83 1 ,423.33

Library : 3,050.00 3,050.00 3,975.00

Public Welfare: 3,500.00 2,800.00 3,000.00

Patriotic Purposes :Memoria I Day 300 .00 358.96 350.00

Recreation: Parks & Paygrounds 1 ,5 00 .00 1 ,422.71 1 ,500.00

Public Service Enterprises :

Cemeteries 800.00 1 ,708.20 800.00 Regional Association 562.00 562.00 645.00


On Temporary Loans 1 ,100.00 1 ,510.90 1 ,600.00

On Long-Term Notes 56.00 1 ,056.00 Payment on Principal (bonds) 5,000.00 Christmas Tree Lighting 50.00 63.18 50.00 County Taxes 17,500.00 20,365.99 21 ,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $123,086.83 $126,541.45 $144,349.33 ANNUAL REPORT 21 SUMMARY INVENTORY OF VALUATION


Description of Property Valuation

LonJ 2,430 ,350 Buildings 7,71 ,31 6

Factory Buildings 1 8 ,500

Factory Machinery 3 ,1 00 Electric Plants 586 ,447

Mature Wood and Timber 1 ,000 Trailers and MobileHomes (36) 73 ,200 Stock in Trade of Merchants 67 ,250 Stock in Trade of Manufacturers 3 ,000 Boats and Launches (6 8) 19 ,225

Dairy Cows (2 1 ) 2 ,1 00

Other Cattle (31 ) 3 ,1 00

Poultry (1 ,300) 350

Gasoline Pumps and Tanks 1 9 ,600 Road Building & Construction Machinery 24 ,085

Total Valuation Before Exemptions Allowed $1 0,961 .623


Neatstock $ 3 ,1 00 Poultry 350 School Dining Rm., Dormitory & Kitchen Exemptions 564,307 Total E/emptions Allowed: 567,757

Net Valuation on which Tax Rate is computed: $1 ,393 ,866


New England Power Company S 270,760 Public Service Co. of New Hampshire 31 5,687 TOTAL 586,447

Number of Inventories Distributed in 1 968 ,040 Number of Inventories Returned in 19 6 8: 694

This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.


Selectmen of RinJge 22 ANNUAL REPORT


Appropriation s Amount

Town Officers ' Salaries $ 5 ,0 00 .0 Town Office Administrative Expenses 3 ,0 .0 .00 Election and Registration Expenses 1 /000 Town Hall and Buildings Maintenance 1 ,8 .0 Social Security and Retirement Contributions 2 ,1 00 .00 Police Department 7,2 00 .0 Fire Department 5,000.00

Blister Rust 1 75 .0 Insurance 3,300 .00 Damages and Legal Expenses 2 00 .0 Health Department 5 .00 Vital Statistics 2 5 .0 Dumps 2,5 00.0 Town Maintenance: Summer $17,0 00 Winter 30,000 Oil & Solvay 12,000 59 ,000 .00 Street Lighting 2 ,800 .00

General Expenses of Highway Department 1 00 .00

Town Road Aid 1 ,41 8 .83 Libraries 3 ,500 .00 Public Relief 3 ,050 .00 Memorial Day 300 .00

Parks and Playgrounds 1 ,500 .00 Cemeteries 800 .00 Advertising and Regional Association 562 .00

Interest on Temporary Loans 1 ,1 00 .00 Interest on Long-Term Notes 56 .00 Christmas Tree Lighting 50 .00 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS: New Street Lighting 284 .00

Meeting House Repairs 1 ,000 .00

Conservation Committee 1 00 .00 Bicentennial Committee 8 ,000 .00 Salter and Sander-Highway Department 800 .00

Capital Reserve-Fire Dept. Truck 1 ,000 .00 New Loader-Highway Department 32 ,000 .00 Deficiency Appropriation 3 ,496 .25

Total Town Appropriation SIS 1 52,267.52 ,267 08

Less: Estimated Revenues and Credits

Interest and Dividends Tax $ 8,181.08 Railroad Tax 3 5 .0 Savings Bank Tax 610.76 Meals and Rooms Tax 2,335 .00

Reimbursement a/c State Lands 61 1 .3 5 ANNUAL REPORT 23

Reimbursement a/c Forest Fires $ 200.00 Revenue from Yield Tax Sources 276 .0 interest Received on Taxes and Deposits 700 .0 Business Licenses, Permits and Filing Fees 90 .00 Dog Licenses 750 .00 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 15,5 00.00 Rent. of Town Property and Equipment 2 ,5 00 .0 Income from Trust Funds 7 ,4 3 8 .2 4 National Bank Stock Taxes 178.00

Poll Taxes at $2 - number 643 1 ,286 .00 Other Revenue: Head Tax Commission 250.00 Loader Note Authorization 25 ,000 .00

Total Revenues and Credits - $ 65,941 .4 3

Net Town Appropriations 86,325.65 Net School Appropriations 2 8,829 .57 County Tax Assessment 2 0,365 .9 9

Total of Town, School and County $315,521 .21 Add: War Service Tax Credits 5,100.00 Add: Overlay 6,785 .57

Property Taxes to be Raised $327 ,406 .78

Taxes to be Committed to Collector

Gross Property Taxes $32 7,406.78 War Credits - 5,100 .00 Net Property Taxes $322 ,306 .78

1 968 Poll Taxes at $2 .00 1 ,286.00

National Bank Stock Taxes 1 78 .00

Total Taxes to be Committed $32 3 ,770 .78

Tax Rate approved by State Tax Commission

(per one hundred do I lars valuation) $3.15 —


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For the Year ended December 31 , 1968


Cash $110,131.29

Capital Reserve Funds; Fire Department Truck 5 ,000 .00

Accounts Due from State: Bounties 9 .50

Other Bills Due Town: Trustees of Trust Funds (Elec. Light income) 7,245 .08

Unredemmed Taxes: (from tax sale on account of) Levy of 1967 254.84 Levy of 1966 230.86 Previous Years 7.09

Uncollected Taxes: Levy of 1968 33,992.44

State Head Taxes - Levy of 1 968 645.00 TOTAL ASSETS $157,516.10

Excess of liabilities over assets (net debt) 1 ,06 1 .85 $167,577.95

Net Debt - December 31 , 1 967 3,496 .25

Net Debt- December 31 , 1 968 10,061 .85 Increase of Debt $13,558.10


Accounts Owed by the Town: Unexpended Balances of Special Appropriations: Meeting House Repairs 708 .62

Bathing Beach 2 ,1 70 .85

Kimball Road 1 ,81 2 .35 History Committee 96.82 Conservation Commission 100.00

Lay Out Lots - New Cemetery 1 ,2 00.00

Due to State:

State Head Taxes - 1 9 6 8 (Uncollected $645) (Collected -not remitted $1 50) 795 .00 Yield Tax-Bond and Debt Retirement - (Col I ected not remitted ($55.20) 55.20

- Due to School District: Balance of School Tax 1 28 ,829 .57 ANNUAL REPORT 27

Rindge Federal Tax Fund 91 8.79

State and Town Joint Highway Construction Accounts: Unexpended Balance in Town Treasury 890 .75

Capital Reserve Funds: (offsets similar Asset account) 5,000 .00

Long Term Notes Outstanding: Hough Loader-5 notes maturing 1969,1970,1971,

1 972, 1 973 25,000.00



Current Revenue: From Local Taxes:

Property Taxes - 1 9 6 8 $284,017 .1 7

Poll Taxes - 1 968 1 ,032 .00 National Bank Stock Taxes-1 96 8 178 .00

Yield Taxes - 1 968 331.19

State Head Taxes $5 - 1 968 3,090.00 Total Current Year's Taxes collected and remitted $288,648 .36

Property & Yield Taxes-Previous years 29,281 .22 - Poll Taxes Previous Years 1 86.00

State Head Taxes (§ $5 - Previous Years 540 .00 Interest received on Taxes 785 .96 Penalties on State Head Taxes 57.50 Tax Sales redeemed 678 .93

From State: For Class V Highway maintenance 890 .75 Interest & Dividends Tax 8,181 .08 Savings Bank Tax 61 .76

Fighting Forest Fores 1 72 .92

Reimbursement for Land 61 1 .35 Reimbursement - Loss of Taxes

State Forest Lands (2 years) 91 1 .02 Reimbursement ac T.R.A. Advances 4,01 5 .94 Bounties 24 .50 Meals and Rooms Ta/ 2,333.36

From Local Sources, Except To- Dog Licenses 604 .00 Business Licenses, permits & filing fees 226 .00 Income from Trust Funds 8,346 .44 Income from Deportment', 6,560 .1 6 or Vehicle Permits 6,685 .74 Total Current Revenue Receif $370,351 .99 :

28 ANNUAL REPORT Receipts Other than Current Revenue: Temporary Loans in anticipation of taxes: 75,000.00 Long term notes during year 25,000.00

Insurance Adjustments 1 11 .90

Gift from the Meeting School 1 ,500.00 Sale of Town Property 267.50 $101 ,879.40

Total Receipts from All Sources $472,231 .39

Cash on Hand January 1 , 1968 72,957.87

GRAND TOTAL $545,189.26


Current Maintenance Expenses: General Government: Town Officers Salaries $4,195.95 Town Officers' Expenses 2,735.10 Election & Registration Expenses 921 .59 Town Hall Expenses 2,023.68

Protection of Persons and Property: Police Department 7,890.88 Fire Department 4,532 .07 Blister Rust Control 175 .00 Damage by dogs 78 .00 Insurance 4,021 .86 Bounties 9.50


Vital Statistics 1 9.60 Health Department 152.24 Town Dump 1 ,731 .67

Highways and Bridg es Town Road Aid 1 ,41 8.83 Town Maintenance-Summer 17,298.1 7 Town Maintenance-Winter 29,694.52 Town Maintenance-Oil & Solvay 12,020.69 Street Lighting 3,083.67 General Expenses of Highway Dept 52.40

Library: 3,050.00

Public Welfare: 2,800.00

Patriotic Purposes : Memorial Day 358.96

Recreation: Parks and Playgrounds 1 ,422 .71 ANNUAL REPORT 29

Public Service Enterprises: Cemeteries 1 ,708 .20

Unclassified: International Revenue Service 450.00 Damages and Legal Expenses 39.06 Regional Association 562 .00 Taxes Bought by Town 86 .96 Discounts, Abatements & Refunds 487 .07 Employees' Retirement & Social Security 2,1 32 .14 Total Current Maintenance Expenses $105,152 .52

Interest: Paid on Temporary Loans in anticipation of

taxes 1 ,51 .90

Total Interest Payments 1 ,51 0.90

Special Appropriations & Miscellaneous Expenditures: Cash Advances 4,565 .53 Christmas Tree Lighting 63.1 8 Meeting House Repairs 291 .38 Bicentennial Committee 8,600.00 History Committee 439.52 Bathing Beach 28.00 Kimball Road 66 .25 Street Signs 500 .57 Culvert Posts 499 .65 Loader 28,995 .00 Salter and Sander 795 .00 Total Outlay Payments $44,844 .08

Indebtedness: Payaments on Temporary Loans in anticipation of taxes 75,000.00

Payment to Capital Reserve Fund 1 ,000.00 Total Indebtedness Payments $76,000 .00

Payments to Other Governmental Divisions: State Head Taxes paid State Treas. 3,353.50 Payments to State A/C Yield Tax Debt Ret 6.03 Taxes paiJ to County 20,365 .99

Payments to School District 1 83,824 .95 Total Payments to other Governmental Divisions $207,550 .47

Total Payments for all purposes $435,057 .97 Cash on Han J, December 3 1, 19 68 110,131 .29

GRAND TOTAL $545,189.26 .


We have examined the accounts, records and investments of the Town of Rindge, for the year 1968. Our examinations were made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly included such tests as we considered necessary

In our opinion the accompanying statements present fairly the revenue and expenditures for the year 19 68 and the stated value of the Trust Funds as of

December 31 , 1 968

S/Walter A. Cleveland S/Ralph L. Hoyt, Jr.



Town Hall, Land and Buildings $ 25 ,000

Town Hall, Furniture and Equipment 2 ,00

Library, Land and Building 30,000

Library, Furniture and Equipment 1 5 ,000

Police Department, Equipment 1 ,5

Fire Department, Land and Building 1 5 ,000

Fire Department, Equipment 20,000

Highway Department, Land and Buildings 3,500

Highway Department, Equipment 40,000

Highway Department, Materials and Supplies 5 00

Parks, Commons and Playgrounds 5 ,0

School, Land and Buildings 125,000

School , Equipment 20 ,000



For the Year ended December 3 1 , 19 68

RECEIPTS: L>og Licenses:

22 Females (5 $5 .00 $ 1 1 .00

69 Spayed Females (§ $2 .00 1 38 .00

1 03 Males @ $2 .00 206 .00

1 Male Pro Rata 1 .00 2 Kennels of 25 dogs 50 .00 3 Kennels of 5 dogs 36 .00 63 Penalties (S $1 .00 63 .00 $ 604.00

Nomination Fees 1 6 .00 4 Histories of Rindge 40.00

Automobile Permits for 1 967 $ 394.55

Automobile Permits for 1 968 16,131 .91

Automobile Permits for 1 969 159.28

1 6,685 .74 Cemetery Lots sold 120.00 $17,465.74

Paid to Town Treasurer Si 7 ,4 65 .7 4

Respectfully submitted,

Roland C. Goddard, Town Clerk


January 1 , 19 68 to December 3 1, 19 68

TOWN - Payments

Old Age Assistance S 2,184.80 Local Assistance 5 68 .7 7 $ 2,753.57 Cash on Hand December 3 1, 196 8 S 3,165 .23


Order drawn on Selectmen $2,800.00

Reimbursement 2 1 1 .00

Cash on Hand January 1 , 19 68 1 54 .23 $3,165 .23 32 ANNUAL REPORT REPORT OF TAX COLLECTOR Property, Poll and Yield Taxes

Levy of 1 968

DR. Taxes Committed to Collector:

Property Taxes $3 22 ,504. 39

Poll Taxes 1 ,286.00

National Bank Stock Taxes 1 78 .00

Total Warrant $ 32 3,968.39

Yield Taxes 331.19

Added Taxes:

Property Taxes 1 ,1 05 .65 Poll Taxes 16.00

1 ,121 .65 Interest Collected 19.44

TOTAL DEBITS $325 ,440 .67


Remittances to Treasurer:

Property Taxes $284,017.21

Poll Taxes 1 ,032 .00 National Bank Stock Taxes 178.00 Yield Taxes 331 .19

Interest Collected 1 9 .44 $285,577.84

Discount Allowed 4,267.14


Property Taxes 1 ,559.25 Poll Taxes 44 .00

1 ,603.25

Uncollected Taxes - as per Collector's List:

Property Taxes 3 3,766.44 Poll Taxes 226.00 33,992.44


Levy of 19 67


Uncollected Taxes - as of January 1 , 1 968 :

Property Taxes $29 ,592. 26

Poll Taxes 1 94 .00 $29,786.26

Interest Collected During Fiscal Year

E nded December 3 1,1 9~68 766.52

Added Taxes:

Poll Taxes 26 .00

TOTAL DEBITS $ 30,578.78


Remittances to Treasurer During Fiscal Year en Jed December 3 1, 19 68

Property Taxes $2 9,2 8 1 .2 2

Poll Taxes 1 86 .00 Interest Collected During Year 7 66 .5 2 30,233.74

Abatements MaJe During Year:

Property Taxes 3 1 1 .0 4 Poll Taxes 34 .00

TOTAL CREDIT", $ 30,578.78


Property Taxes $ 603 .1 8 literesf & Co 7 5.75 $678.93 34 ANNUALREPORT STATE HEAD TAX

Levy of 1 968


State Head Taxes Committed to Collector;

Original Warrant $ 3,780.00 Added Taxes 45.00

Total Commitment $3,825.00

Penalties Collected 9 .00

TOTAL DEBITS $ 3,8 34.00

CR. Remittances to Treasurer:

Head Taxes $ 3,090.00 Penalties 9.00 3,099.00

Abatements 90.00

Uncollected Head Taxes - as per Collector's List 645.00

TOTAL CREDITS $3 ,834 .00

Levy of 1 967


Uncollected Taxes-as of January 1 , 196 8 545.00

Added Taxes During 1968 85 .00

Penalties Collected During 1 968 48.50

TOTAL DEBITS $ 678 .50 CR.

Remittances to Treasurer During 1968:

Head Taxes 540.00 Penalties 48.50 588.50 Abatements During 1968 90.00

TOTAL CREDITS $ 678 .5 ......



Allen, William T., Jr. S 7 .00 Hale, Frank A . S 7 .00 Hale, Martha L. 7 .00 Baker, Kenneth R 7 .00 Hindmarsh, Robert G. 7 .00

Baker, Rachel L. 7 .00 Hindmarsh , Thera F . 7 .00 Belanger, Frederick 5 00 Hoyt, James A 7 .00 Belanger, Pauline 7 .00 Hoyt, Mary L. 7 .00 Belt, Mildred 7 .00

Bezio, Edward D. 7 .00 Johnson, Jasper T . 5 00 Blair, Elaine M 7 .00 Johnson, Alfredo A. 7 .00

Blair, Everett C . , Jr. 7 .00 Jones, Paul A 7 .00

Blair, Carol A . 7 .00 Jones, Myrtle P 7 .00 Blake, Richard 7 .00 Blake, Gloria 7 .00 Kalliainen, Calvin 7 .00

Blouin, Roland E . 7 .00 Kalliainen, Edna Alice 7 .00

Blouin, Margaret A. 7 .00 Kansanen , Jyry J . 7 .00

Briggs, Glenn A . 7 .00 Kim, Suk-Won 7 .00 Briggs, Joanne 7 .00 Knight, Dana L. 7 .00

Burns, Richard L. 7 .00 Knight , Bernice E . 7 .00

Burns, Helen A 7 .00 Knotts, Edward J . 7 .00

, . . 7 Buzzel 1 Eva M 7 .00 Knotts, Margaret E .00

Knotts, Edward J . , Jr 7 .00 Carne/, Ruth M 5 .00 Kozlowski, Joseph M. 7 .00 Carpenter, Dwight 7 .00 Carpenter, Duane 7 .00 Lauder, Charles A 7 .00 Champney, Elizabeth 7 .00 Lauder, Ethel Marie 7 .00 Champney, Herbert J. 5 .00 Lawrence, Dwight 7 .00 Champney, Helen M. 7 .00 Cloutier, Coleen M. 7 .00 Marcott, Alfred E. 7 .00 Connolly, Ej'.ard 7 .00 Marcott, Hazel E. 7 .00

nb , Judith L . 7 .00 Mattson, Alvina E. 7 .00 Michaud, Jeffrey 5 .00 Donforth, Marshall S. 5 .00 Michaud, Raymond 7 .00 Danforth, June M. 7 .00 Moisan, Edmund J. 7 .00

Davis, William H. 7 .00 Moisan, Priscil la J . 7 .00 Davis, Hope u. 7 .00 Motuzas, Joseph D. 5 .00 Dickey, Leroy 7 .00

It ey , Mary A . 7 .00 Needham, DaviJA. 7 .00

Dykens, Lloyd G . 5 .00 Needham, Linda 7 .00 Dykens, Helen 7 .00 Nickerson, Vernon 7 .00

Eorle, Douglas 7 .00 O'Connor, Peter W. 7 .00 Eorle, May 7 .00 Olson, Doniel P. 7 .00

Emmons, Wayne E . 7 .00 Patterson, Ron 7 .00 R .00 Patterson, Reno 7 .00

Fisk , M 7 .00 Pelky, Or 7 .00 Pelky, An: 7 .00 Garland, George W. 5 .00 Pelky, Franklin D. 7 .00 Garland, Helen R. 7 .00 PinarJ, Victor M. 5 .00 Pinard, Anno M. 7 .00 36 ANNUAL REPORT Pyhala, Henry $ 7.0 Welch, Ethel F. $ 7.00 Pyhala, Karen H. 7.00 Wheeler, Roland R. 7.00 Reenstierna, Jon G. 7.00 Wheeler, Barbara 7.00 Rivard, Henry E. 5 .00 Whitaker, Newell V. Rivard, Virginia W. 7.00 Whitaker, Patricia A. 7.00 Roy, Homer S. 7.00 White, Maureen E. 7.00 Roy, Janet E. 7.00 Whitney, Robert F. 7.00 Royce, Charles B. 5.00 Whitney, Natalie 7.00 Rozes, Harry M. 7.00 Whitney, Kenneth 7.00 Wiggin, Maxine L. 7.00 Stauffeneker, Vernon F 7.00 Wilder, William H. 7.00 Stratton, Richard C. 7.00 Wilder, William H., Jr. 5.00 Sullivan, Leo F. 7.00 Wilder, Sherman 7.00 Svens, Barbara 7.00 Wilder, Cynthia 7.00 Williams, Robert 7.00 Taylor, Oliver J. 7.00 Wittenberg, William 7.00 Taylor, Carlene S. 7.00 Witty, Donald M. 7.00 Tetreault, Paul 7.00 Witty, Ha K. 7.00 Trety, Arthur W. 7.00 Young, Walter J. 7.00 Wattendorf, George F. 7.00 Young, Isabel le E. 7.00 Webster, Floyd N., Jr. 7.00 Webster, Theresa 7.00 Welch, David K. 5.00



Baird, Raymond S 30.16 Bibeau, Inc., Brooke 220.50 Carpenter, David C, Jr. 50.40 Christian, Ronald & Janet 233.50 Cloutier, Richard & Coleen 346.50 Danforth, Marshall S. 677.25 Day, Minor 75 .60 Eleftheriou, William & Harriet 724.50 Ford, Richard 182.70 Haarala, Walter A. 409.50 Howe, Roland B. & Irma M. 280.75 Hoyt, Douglas M. & Sandra 175.93 Hoyt, James A. 126.00 Hughgill, Raymond & Gloria 252.00 Jamsa, Fred 204.75

Jones, Paul A. 1 ,225 .35 Jussila, Arne R. 267.75 Karvonen, Edwin & Linda 157.35 Knight, Robert & Gail 129.37 Knotts, Edward & Margaret 470.93 Lauder, Charles & Ethel M. 299.25 LeBlanc, Joseph & Grace L. 504.00 Marcott, Alfred & Hazel 330.75 ANNUAL REPORT 37

Marjonen, Pekka & Laina S 3 3 0.75

Motuzas, Joseph F . 2 3 3.50

North Riding, Inc. 1 ,008 .00 O'Connor, Charles & Jacqueline 31 5 .00 Pelkey, Oris & Annie 220.50 Rice, John B. 2,021 .99

Rice, Barbara P. 1 ,1 46 .60

Schmitt, George 3 1 .5 Speckman, Donald E. 1,134.00 Stauffeneker, Vernon & Katherine 3 3 0.75

Stoddard, William H & Margaret 1 1 .0

Tenney, David & Linda 1 83 .5

Thrasher, Perry B. 1 49 .6 3

Thrasher, Alice M. 1 49 .63 Webster, Floyd N,Jr & Theresa 34 .65

Weidner, John & Miriam W. 5 ,59 1 .25 Wheeler, Roland & Barbara 47 .25

Whitney, Harry S. 1 79 .66

Wilkinson, Arthur & Katherine 57 1 .73 Witty, Donald M. & lla 378 .00


Adams, Carl R. & Anne $ 4 7 .2 5

Adams, Marion 3 1 5 .00 Ames, Bliss C. & Phyllis 200.00

Appleby, Frank L. 1 2 .60 Archambault, Roland & Gloria 3.15 Avedisian, Alice 47.25 Avedisian, Harry & Lolia 252 .00 Bernard, Joseph & Dorina 4 7 .2 5 Boyce, Charles & Anne 126.00 Broadhead, Burt & Micheline 220.50

Carey, Paul I. & Alice 94 .50 Caldwell, Harvey 25 .20 Carlson, S. William & Bruce 78.75

Carpenter, DaviJC., Sr . 330.75

Caserio, Peter J & Marion 1 37 .50

Craig, Ray A. estate 1 8 .90

Cudmore, John B. 3 1 .5 Drolshogen, Roger & Claire 4 7 .2 5

Uurgin, Chester & Elizabeth 1 1 3 .4 Emmons, Wayne 126.00 Fairburn, Charles & Elizabeth 110.25 Fenn, Mar/ R. 6 30 .00 rence, Harold J. 56 .70 Frederick, Martha M. 245.70 French, & Marion 97.65 Collet, Joseph Alfred & Dor 5 8 .2 8 'ia, RaymonJ & Lorraine 283.50 Gill, H & Eleanor .20 Gould, Harold, Jr. 200.00 38 ANN UAL REPORT

Green, Richard L. & Betty $ 02 6 .0 Hanks, Alfred E. & Rose M. 25 .2 Hanley, Francis L. & Nesta 94 .5 Hansen, Morris O. & Priscilla 204 .75 Haskell, Frederick A. and Foye, John L. 252.00 Hautenan, Henry 8 8.20 Heftye, William P. 327.60

Hennessey, William & Kathryn 1 1 .2 5

Jensen, Edward W. & Helen 1 26 .00

Johnston , Anna C . Estate 2 8 9.80

Kei I ig, Margaret 740.25 Lahti men, Martin O 173.10 Monomonac Lake Shores Inc 75 6 .00

Moore, Harvey B. 1 8 .9

Moroney, Leo J . & Olive S. 252 .00

Mulcahy, Frances M. 1 1 2 .5 Napolitano, Vincent & Carole 302 .40

O'Neil, Hubert F . estate 17 3.25

Palazzolo, Paul J. & Ann 1 1 .2 5 Palermo, Grace 12 6.20 Pattison, Natalie B. 44 .5 Pope, George B. & Vivian 2 45 .7 Porter, Leonard & Shirley 9 .45

Ricard, Arthur A. Estate 1 8 .9

Rose, Fred J. & Ruth B. 1 57 .50 Salvato, Joseph & Mary 8 8 .2 Shaw, Clifford A. & Mary J. 28 9 .8 Sirois, Walter G. & Alice L. 204.75

Smith, Edward L. & Mary J. 1 5 .7 5 Smith, Ellen R. 125 .00

Sul I ivan , Anthony C . 5 0.00

Szocik, Alfred C. & Joan C. 1 73 .2 5 Teixeira, Pearl L. 47.25 Tonazuch, Anthony J. & Roseanne and Wells, Richard & Rosemary 4 .9 7 Vigeant, Robert C. & Joan M. 2 8 3.50 Walker, Vernon E. 7 .8 8 Welch, Alphonse J. Estate 378 .0 White, Gordon & Elizabeth A.J. 78 .75

Whitney , Carl eton E . 2 7 0.90 Willey, Kenneth E. 220 .50 Wozmak, Virginia S. 5 04 .0

Wozmak, Dr. C. Francis 1 1 .0 3 Zitzow, Ada et al 31 5 .00 ANNUALREPORT 39 REPORT OF THE TOWN TREASURER For the Year ended December 3 1, 19 68

Cash on Hand, January 1 , 1 968 $ 72 ,957 .87


State Treasurer:

Forest Fires $ 1 72 .92 Porcupine Bounties 24 .5

Reimbursement for Land 6 1 1 .35 Maintenance of Class V Highways 890 .75 - Reimbursement T .R.A . Advance 4,015.94 Reimbursement - Loss of Taxes:

State & Federal Forest Land 1 9 67 547.19

State & Federal Forest Land 1 968 363 .83 Interest and DiviJend Tax 8,181.08

Savings Bank Tax 6 1 .76

Reimbursement for Head Tax expense 1 9 .9 5 Unexpended balance, White Pine Blister Rust .5 Rooms and Meals Tax 2,333.36

1 7,772 .1 3 Selectmen:

Building Permits S 1 1 2 .00 Firearms Permits 32 .00 Sale of Firearms Permit 2 .0

Peddler's Permits 1 9 .00 Junk License 2 5.00 Business and Sign Permits 20 .00 Town Report - Sold 2 .5

Tax Sale - Roger Burt 1 25 .00 337 .50

Tax Col lector:

19 67 Poll Taxes $ 1 86 .00 19 67 Property Taxes 29 ,281 .22 196 7 Interest on Taxes 766 .52 196 7 Head Taxes 540 .00

1 967 Head Tax Penalties 48 .50

19 68 Poll Taxes 1 ,032 .00 19 68 Property Taxes 284, 017.17

1 9 68 Interest on Taxes 1 9 .44

1 9 68 Head Taxes 3 ,090 .00

1 968 Head Tax Penalties 9 .00

1 968 Yield Taxes 331 .19 Taxes Redeemed 678 .93

National Bank Stock Tax 1 78 .00 320 J 77 .97 Town CI'

Nomination Feel s 16.00 9-i Automobile Permits for 1 96 7 3

Automobile Permits for I 968 1 6 ,1 31 .91

Automobile Permits for I 969 1 59 .28 40 ANNUAL REPORT

4 Histories of Rindge 40.00 Dog Licenses 604.00 Cemetery Lots sold 120.00 $17,465.74 Trustees of Trust Funds:

Interest onElectric Light Fund 7,438.24 Cemetery Funds; Hillside 633.00 Old Cemetery 251 .75 Robbins Cemetery 23.45 8,346.44 Highway Department: Driveway Fees 2,045 .00

Additional Assessment 1 ,125.00 Gas Tax Refunds 804.93

Labor and Material:

Rindge Bicentennial 89.88 Lundgren Account 40.68 Kermit Winship 3.00 Roc co Pasquale 6.00 Henry Belletete 15.00 Woodbound Inn, Inc. 50.00 Donald Winship 6.00 Walter Somero 10.00 Rindge School District 41 .60 DeCelleand Letoumeau 15 .00 $ 4,252.09 Monadnock National Bank: Loan on Hough Loader $25,000.00 Temporary Loans 75,000.00 $100,000.00

The Meeting School; in lieu of Taxes 1 ,5 00 .00 Rindge Bicentennial;Reimbursement for Police 4 04 .0 First Cong'l Church & Society;Oil & Expense 2 29 .45 First Cong'l Church & Society;lnsurance costs 676 .3 8

William D. Tribble, Account collected 1 5 .0 Grange Mutual Insurance Co - Claim 25 .4 8 National Grange Insurance Co-Claim 12.72 Letoumeau Insurance Agency-Dividend 111 .90 Rindge Muster Team;Reimbursement for Telephone calls 2 7 .45 Auto Parts Sales Co- refund 24 .6 8 Craig Hoyt-Reimbursement for Fire Equipment 27.36 Danny R. Ford Reimbursement for Fire Equipment 73 .2 3

Richard Ford-Reimbursement for Fire Department 1 2 .9 6

John Walsh - Reimbursement for Tax refund 1 .5 8 Roland C. Goddard, Jr. Fire bill 27 .5 Roland C. Goddard, Sr-Reimbursement-overpayment 30.00 Dana Knight - Payment of previous account 87 .65 Mildred Dunn - Cemetery Work 3 .0 Paul Jones - Hay cut on Cemetery Land 2 .00 John B. Crosby, Jr. - Highway Account closing 5 69 .1 8 $ 3,879.52 ANNUAL REPORT 41

Total Receipts and Cash on Hand $545,189.26


Orders drawn by the Selectmen $435 ,057 .97 Cash in Treasury, December 3 1,1 968 110,131.29 $545,1 89 .26

Statement of Bonded Debt, December 3 1, 1 9 6 €

Hough Loader Bonds issued May 2 , 196 8

Annual Maturities of outstanding Bonds:

$5,000 .00 due May 2, 1 969

$5,000 .00 due May 2, 1 970

$5,000 .00 due May 2, 197 1

$5,000 .00 due May 2, 1 972

$5,000 .00 due May 2, 1 973

Rate of Interest 4%

Respectfully submitted,

Roland C. Goddard Town Treasurer 42 ANNUAL REPORT REPORT OF SELECTMEN

Detailed Statement of Payment's

TOWN OFFICERS' SALARIES: Harold E. Savage, Selectman $ 404.00 Charles W. Nichols, Selectman 175.50 William H. Stoddard, Selectman 341 .25

Walter A. Cleveland, Auditor 1 20 .00 Ralph L. Hoyt, Jr., Auditor 120.00

Roland C. Goddard, Town ClerkAreasurer 1 ,879 .80

Florence E. Stebbins, Tax Collector 1 ,229.12 and overseer of Public Welfare

Russell E. White, Trustee of Trust Funds 1 35 .0 $ 4,404.67


Harold E. Savage, Selectman $ 42 .45 Charles W. Nichols, Selectman 22.00 William H. Stoddard, Selectman 66.06 Walter A. Cleveland, Auditor 4.96

Roland C. Goddard, Town Clerk/Treasurer 8 6 .8 1 Florence E. Stebbins, Tax Collector and Overseer of Public Welfare 6 6 .9 4

Adams Printing Corp., annual reports 1 ,1 44 .0 Branham Publishing Co., ref. book 9 .4 D. Reed Chaplin, Register 138.12 Chase's Inc., supplies 69.28 Homestead Press, printed forms 40 .2 Ralph L. Hoyt, Jr., Postmaster 196.60 Monadnock Ledger, notices 39 .92 Monadnock National Bank, box rent 5 .0 N.H. City & Town Clerk's Assoc, dues 6 .0 N.H. Municipal Assoc, dues 54.36 N.H. State Tax Collectors Assoc, dues 5 .0 N.H. State Treasurer, boat tax & books 47 .0 2 Phyllis J. Parker, Register, list .80 Barbara P. Rice, bookkeeper 491 .75 Sim's Press, printed material 97 .9 Trustees of Trust Funds, book 3 .7 Wheeler & Clark, supplies 41 .5 5 Winchendon Courier, notices 7 6.92 $ 2,756.74 ANNUALREPORT 43

E LECTIONS AND REGISTRATIONS: Hazel B. Allen, Ballot Inspector S 5.25 James F. Allen, Moderator 64.97

Evelyn G . Anderson, Bal lot Insp & suppl ies 3 3.24 GunnarR. Anderson, Ballot Inspector 4 3.50 Elsie M. Chase, Supervisor Check List 67 .00 Anna M. Goddard, Ballot Inspector 5 .25 Carrie S. Gray, Supervisor Check List 80 .72 Walter D. Hood, Ballot Inspector 64.17 Phyllis T. Hoyt, Ballot Inspector 58 .94

Ralph L. Hoyt, Jr., Ballot Inspector 1 7 .78 Joseph O. L'Etoile & Son, voting booths 238 .00 Percy L. Quimby, services 28.00 Sim's Press, printed ballots 48 .25

May F . Thrasher, Supervisor Check List 1 16.70 Oscar O. Thrasher, Ballot Inspector 36.44

Russell E. White, Asst . Moderator 27.69 935 .90

TOWN HALL: Marshall S. Danforth Co, fuel & ins. $ 929.64 DeCelle & Letourneau, repairs 6.00 Richard Dykstra, plumbing 38 .20 First Congregational Church, adjustment 29 .40

Roland C. Goddard, Jr., care of clock 1 00 .00 Konsta Penttila, services 520.40 Public Service Co. of N.H., current 301 .42 Oscar O. Thrasher, services & supplies 67 .52 Arthur Whitcomb, frozen water pipes 54.00 S 2,046.58


Ernest L. Goodall , Chief $2,557 .25 Leslie G. Coffin, Jr., constable 2,1 97 .73

Donald A. Donaway, Constable 1 ,348.52 Arnold A. Donaway, Special Police 374 .83 Baron H. Winders, Special Police 501 .42

James A. Hoyt, Special Police 1 3.01 Richard T. Rice, Special Police 20.05 James F. Allen-Court complaints 54 .00 Raymond Desmarais - Court complaints 31 .50 Central Equipment Co., supplies 70.71 Chase's Inc., supplies 228 .85

Berger Uniform Co., supplies 1 79 .40

C & S Two-Way Radio Co., suppl i'-*. 1 .35 Kemtronics Radio Supply, supplies 2 .50 Keene Two-Way Radio, rep<; 356.50 Del Chemical Cof| pplies 78.1 7

Keene News & AJv . Co., printed forms 1 5 .20 G.H. TildenCo., supplies 43.82

J . .7 ;rr« n , dog pole 20.00 S 8,103.81 44 ANNUAL REPORT

FIRE DEPARTMENT ; Auto Part Sales Co., supplies 231 06 Belletete's Inc., supplies 5 30 Earl E. Brodmerkle, painting 437 .00 Marshall S. Danforth Co., heater ins 28 50 Richard E. Dykstra, Jr., supplies 24 88 Farrar Co., repairs 189 ,40 Fire Chief, magazine 10 ,00 N. R. Fogg & Son, fuel oil and gas 588 ,27 Richard E. Ford, supplies 26 ,38 Freddie's Jenney Service, supplies 64 95 Harris Oil Co., supplies 28 ,5 3

Ralph L. Hoyt, Jr., permits 1 1 ,75 Keene Electric & Plumbing Supply, supplies 40 ,70 Keene Two-Way Radio, repairs 236 ,70 Robert E. Knight, service & supplies 25 ,00 G. L. Merriam Co., nitrogen 42 .00

Madden 's Marina, gasoline 10 ,36 National Fire Protection Assoc, dues 20 .00 New England Telephone 292 .72 New Hampshire State Traasurer, Supplies 131 .81 Ralph H. Pangbom, services/supplies 43 74 Public Service Co. of N.H. 248 .09 Rindge Fire Company - payroll 480 .00 Rindge Fire Company - fires 535 .50 Sanel Auto Parts, supplies 27 .36 Sim's Press, printed forms 27 .65 Southwestern N.H. Mutual Aid 24 .00 Upper Valley Fire Eqpt., supplies 51 .39

$ 3,883.04


3/20 Training Meeting 45.50

4/3 Serenity Hill, W. Rindge 1 1 .50 4/3 Earle Residence 89.53 4/6 R. C. Goddard, Jr. 27.50 4/8 Wood Avenue 21 .50

4/9-14 Dump 1 38.75

4/1 1 Lake Sunshine Road 16.00 4/1 2 Thomas Road 41 .50 4/12 A. Knight, Jr. 41 .50 4/13 L. Letoumeau 24.50 4/1 3 Fire Patrol 21 .80 4/18-20 Dump 85.50 5/26 Pool Pond 16.95 5/27 Dump 12.00 7/1 1 Wellington Road 5.00 7/1 4 LaChance 3 3.50 6/30 Ralph Hoyt -permits 16.50 649.03 4,532 .07 ANNUAL REPORT 45


N . H . State Treasurer 175 .00


Edith S. Fitzgerald $1 ,090.86 Letourneau Insurance Agency 2,736.69 John B. Crosby Jr., blue cross ITTTTT $ 4,021 .86


Charles W. Nichols, preparing deeds 39 .06 Laura Sullivan, dog damage 78.00

1 1 7.06

BOUNTIES: Danny Ford 2 .50

Clarence French 1 .50 R. Haskell 3 .00

Robert Jones 1 .00

H. O'Neil 1 .50 9.50

HEALTH DEPARTMENT: W. E. Aubuchon Co., supplies 8 .45 Chase's Inc., supplies 77 .27 Bruce Herron, Health Officer 60 .01 Clara Seymour, Health Officer 7 .50

1 53 .23

VITAL STATISTICS: RolanJ C. Goddard 20.50


John B . Crosby, Jr., orders $ 1 ,731 .67

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT : John B. Crosby, Jr., Agent:

Summer SI 7,298 .1 7 .'/inter 29,694 .52

Oil & Solvay 1 2,020.69

T.R.A. Appropriation 1 ,41 8 .83 $60,432 .2


N.H. State Treasurer, K poit* 52 .40


Public Service Co. of N.H. S 3,083.67 46 ANNUAL REPORT LIBRARY:

Ingalls Memorial Library $ 3,050.00


Florence E. Stebbins 2,800.00

MEMORIAL DAY : Conant High School, band 125.00 Eagle Flagg Co., flags 24.06

Rindge I .G .A. , refreshments (2 years) 84.90 Rev. Paul Simpson, chaplain 15.00

Winchendon Flower Shop, wreaths & Plants 1 10.00 358.96

PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS: John B. Crosby, Jr., orders 918.71 Richard T. Rice, cutting trees 504.00

1 ,422.71

CEMETERIES : John B. Crosby, Jr., orders: Old Cemetery 511 .10 Hillside Cemetery 1,173.65 Myron A. Tenney, Robbins Road Cemetery 2 3 .45

1 ,708.20


Monadnock Region Association 562.00


Florence E. Stebbins, Tax Collector 86.96

ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS : John Alario 3 .00 Harold J. & Arthur J. Brasiey 25 .20

Helen R. Burt 1 .26 First Congregational Church 35 .79 Emile Fredey 94 .50 Philip F. M. Gilley, Jr. 63 .00 Ano J. & Edward Hill 37 .80 Helen L. Kelley and Joseph B. Keenan 63 .00 Edgar L. Madden 63 .00 Francis J. Martin 28 .80 Robert Powley 71 .72 487.07 ANNUAL REPORT RINDGE FEDERAL TAX FUND: N.H. State Div. of Welfare, administrative cost S 4.75 Rindge Federal Tax Fund 2,127.39 $ 2,132.14

CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING : Public Service Co of N.H. current & lamps 31 .31 Twin State Electrical Supply ,suppl ies 31 .87

S 63 .1 8


Monadnock National Bonk S 1 ,51 0.90



Levy 1 96 7 703.00 Levy 1968 2,650.50 $ 3,353.50

2% BOND AND DEBT RETIREMENT TAX: N.H. State Treasurer 6.03


County of Cheshire $20,365 .99


Florence E. Stebbins, Treasurer SI 03,824 .95 Balance 1967-1968 BuvJget 80,000.00 $183,824.95



John B. Crosby, Jr . -Highway Oep\ 500.00


John B. Crosby, Jr., or Jen $ 4,065.53



Capitol Reserve FunJ-Fire Truck 1 ,000.00 48 ANNUAL REPORT


Leslie H. Dyer, Sr., painting & repairs $ 250 .00 Fred J. Tacy, paint 41 .38 $ 291.38


John B. Crosby, Jr., orders 200.57 Ralph H. Pangborn, pipe 300.00 $ 500.57


Donel Supply Company $ 499.65


Clara Seymour 100.00 Roland C. Goddard, Treasurer 8,500.00 $ 8,600.00


R. C. Hazelton Company $ 28,995 .00


Ski I craft Corporation 795.00


Walt's Signs 28.00


John B. Crosby, Jr., orders 66.25


II liana Geneological Pub Co., book 4.00

N.H. Profiles, magazines 1 .50 Ruby E. Rice, Services 454.00 $ 459.50

GRAND TOTAL $435,560.34 .



John B. Crosby, Jr. - Foreman S2 ,660 .88 Octave Bernier 97 .88

Thomas Col I 584 .44 LtonaldA. Donaway 3 ,056 .62

FreJeric C . Dumaine, III 1 78 .1 3 Uanny R. Ford 569 .28

Andre P. Gagnon 1 ,083 .00

Craig Hoyt 1 3.50

Robert Knight 1 ,586.50 Ernest Norwood 17 .60 Konsta Penttila 474 .75

Harold E . Savage 48 .1 Walter B. Somero 86 .40 Owight Whitcomb 57 .20

Baron Winders 1 ,031 .20

$1 1 ,545.48

Service and Supplies

Henry J . Bel letete 397.75

Belletete's Inc . 1 0.38 Bergevin's 374 .41

Bibeaus Hardware Company 32 .1 1 Robert Blair 244.00 Bowker Hamblin Quirk, Inc. 683.75 Oliver Burgoyne 608 .50 Barbara Burt 04 .00 Howard O. Burt, Jr. 51 2 .00 The Chemical Corporation 4,024 .25 Christie and Thomson Inc. 28.74

John B . Crosby, Jr 1 ,048 .75

J . C . Croucher, Inc . 1 34 .34 Danforth Oil Company 102.76 DonolJ A. Donaway 92.20 Uonel Supply Company 63.23 Uyar Sales & Machinery Company 204.55


Evans Rodio, Inc . 9.95

Charles A . Folsom 2.50 George N. Fontaine 6.05 Freddic'i Jenny Service 12 .40 G & R Electric Motor Compony 24 .00

Harry F . Graves, Inc. 98.47 Hocklar Motor Sale* 4.20

' n Company 921 I

Harris Oil Compony 1 ,388

R . C . Hozelton Compony, Inc . 259.51

Paul J . Inferrero 152.00 50 ANNUAL REPORT Johnson Motor Parts, Inc. 3.29 Robert E. Knight 8.00 Joseph Kozlowski 568.00 Lowell Iron & Steel Company 28.84 Monadnock Ledger 2.95 Monadnock National Bank 6.39 New England Telephone 20.42 Palmer Spring Company 45.75 Public Service Company of New Hampshire 64.00 S & J Auto Parts, Inc. 85.75 Sanel Auto Parts of Keene, Inc. 35.17

Ski 1 craft Corporation 200.00

Walter B. Somero 1 ,440.00

Donald E. Speckman 1 ,232.00 Richard H. Stearns 68.00 United States Post Office 83.40 $18,149.04 Receipts: Driveway Fees $ 2,045.00

Additional Assessments 1 ,125 .00 Gas Tax Refund 304.85 $ 3,474.85



- John B. Crosby, Jr. Foreman $ 1 ,934.31

Donald A. Donaway 1 ,927.15 Danny R. Ford 585.70 Andre P. Gagnon 17.10 Roland C. Goddard 145.50 Robert Knight 90.00 Arnold Lafreniere 148 .00 Konsta Penttila 536.45 Walter B. Somero 44.00 Sherman Wilder 73.60 Baron Winders 1 ,681 .00 $7,182.81

Service & Supplies

Gunnar Anderson $ 355.50

Henry J . Bel I etete 4 36.50 Belletete's Inc. 5 7 .9 Bergevin's 7 89 .49 Bibeau's Hardware Company 40 .5 9 Bowker Hamblin Quirk, Inc. 20.10 Oliver Burgoyne 51 .0 Christie & Thomson, Inc. 55 .72 Cold River Hot Mix Corporation 191 .71 Alice H. Converse 12.50 C & S Two-Way Radio 4.00 ANNUALREPORT 51

John B. Crosby, Jr. 691 .4 J. C. Croucher, Inc. 579 .88 Donforth Oil Company 3 10.67

Donald A. Donaway 1 8 .4

Uonel Supply Company 1 ,317.87 Evans Radio, Inc. 28 .00 Charles A. Folsom 6 .0 George N. Fontaine 67 .5 9

Freddie's Jenny Service 1 .79 Harry F. Graves, Inc. 53 .27 Hackler Motor Sales 9 .00

Harris Oil Company 1 ,654 .49 R. C. Hazelton Company, Inc. 52 .20 Henry MacKenzie 7 2 .0 Monadnock Bank 6 .4 9

E. Murdock, Inc. 2 1 .00

New England Telephone 1 35 .2 Public Service Company of New Hampshire 45 .9 2 Walter B. Somero 2 ,904 .00

Richard H. Stearns 1 3 .00 S & J Auto Parts, Inc. 112.18 $10,115 .36 Receipts: Gas Tax Refund S 500 .08

Labor & Material 277 .1 6

S 111 .24



John B . Crosby, Jr . - Foreman $ 3 7 1.38 Donald A. Donaway 38 3 .6 3

Uanny Ford 1 94 .40 Arnold Laffreniere 99 .2 Komta Penttila 98 .60 Baron Winders 3 20 .00 $) ,467.5)

Service & Supplies

Henry Belletere S 4 89 .5 Bibeau's Hardware Company 5 .7 9 Oliver Burgoyne 354 .65 John B. Crosby, Jr. 30 .00 The Harri-. r n-.truction Company 302 .56 John J. Hudson, Inc. 7,1 Merrimack Farmers; Exchange Inc. 577 .7] 'Aurdock Company 300 .0 Walter B. Somero 995 .50 Richard H. Wilson 330 .00 52 ANNUAL REPORT

T. R. A.

John B. Crosby, Jr. - Foreman $ 1 ,1 64 .5 Donald A. Donaway 1 ,024 .8 8 Danny R. Ford 2 20.03 arnold Lafreniere 1 48 .68 Konsta Penttila 635 .44 Baron H. Winders 872.00 $4,065.53

Parks and Playgrounds

John B. Crosby, Jr. $ 36.63 Donald A. Donaway 38 .2 5 Danny R. Ford 429.60

Arnold Lafreniere 1 44.00

Konsra PentHIa 1 98 .9 Baron H. Winders 52 .00 $ 899.38


Belletete's Inc. $ 8 .72

Bibeau's Hardware Company 1 .6 1 $ 19.33

Hillside Cemetery


John B. Crosby, Jr. $ 35 .5 2 Donald A. Donaway 4 .5 Danny R. Ford 528 .80 Arnold Lafreniere 224.80

Konsra Penttila 1 79 .35 Baron H. Winders 59 .00 $1 ,031 .97


John B. Crosby, Jr. $ 9 .5 Belletete's Inc. 4 .01 Bibeau's Hardware Company 14.84 George Fontaine 2 8.29 Danny R. ForJ 5 .0

Keene Sand and Gravel Inc. 1 5 .00

Merrimack Farmers; Exchange Inc. 37 .2 1 Toy Town Lawn Mower Service 27 .8 3 $ 141 .68 . .

ANNUAL REPORT 53 Old Cemetery

Danny R. Ford $ 2 43 .20 Arnold Lafreniere 65 .6 Konsta Penttila 2 02 .30 $ 511.10



Thomas Coll S 27 .00

John B . Crosby, Jr 205 .78 L>onald A. Donaway 286 .00

Uanny R . ForJ 70 .40 Jasper Johnson 291 .20 Robert Knight 2 .00 Arnold Lafreniere 43 .20 Konsta Penttila 32 .30 Sherman Wilder 54 .40 Baron Winders 223 .63 $1 ,235 .91


Oliver Burgoyne $ 1 82 .00 Alice H. Converse 20 .00

Lowell Iron & Steel Company 1 4 1 .76 E. Murdock, Inc. 20 .00 Walter B. Somero 13 2.00 S 495 76


Henry Belletete 45 .00

Ltonald A. Donaway 1 1 .25

Baron H . V/inJers 10 .00 66 .25


John B . Crosby, Jr S 68 .82 Donald A. Donaway 69 .75 Baron M. Winder* 62 .00 $ 500 .57

N#w Hampshire - Hospital i. s 386 .08

Less Family Coverage Contribution* to Policyholders s 21 1 .72 s 174 .3o

Respectfully submitted,

S/John B. Crcnby, Jr. - Agent 54 ANNUAL REPORT


Common Complaints 1 ,053 Breaking and Entering 59 Larceny 28 Public Gatherings 169 Investigating Suspicious Persons 26 Assisting other Departments 56 Serving Summonses for other Departments 21 Missing Persons 19 Malicious Damage 22 Stolen Cars Recovered 2 Vandalism 31 Emergency Calls 30 Automobile Accidents 88

Arrests Made by the Department

Malicious Destruction of Property 1 Failing to Answer a Summons 2 Drunk 2

Larceny - 1 1 Juveniles Apprehended 1 1 Possession of Alcohol by a Minor 2

Arrests for Violation of Motor Vehicle Law

Operating to Endanger 3

Speeding 1 8 Yellow Line Violation 3 Stop Sign Violation 2 Operating Under the Influence 3

Failing to keep on the Right 1 Uninspected Motor Vehicle 2 Unlicensed Operator 2 Unregistered Motor Vehicle 6 Transporting Alcohol Beverages to a Minor 2

Operating after Revocation 1 Defective Equipment 3

Hit and Run 1 Operating Motor Vehicle making Unnecessary noise 2 Operating motorcycle without a Helmet 3

Following too Close 1

Failing to Yield Right of Way 1


Report for 1 9 68

This past year the History Committee worked in conjunction with Rindge Bi- centennial Committees, contrubiting information with pictures of historical interest. Members of the Committee served with others on the successful Open House Tour.

The Committee is continuing to have published in the newspapers articles of historical interest concerned with various sections of the Town.

At this time, the Committee wishes to express our appreciation to all who have researched and written these articles.

Respectfully submitted,


REPORT OF THE RINDGE FIRE DEPARTMENT For the Year enJed December 3 1,1 968

Record of Fire Calls 1968 1967

House Fires 4 2

Houses Lost 1

Business Building Chimney Fires 3 3

Mutual Aid Calls (out of Town) 1 3

Mutual Aid Calls (To help us) 1

Automobile Fires 4 2

Resusitator calls 3 1

False Alarms 4 1

Lightening Strike on fire 1

Fires in Gas Cans 2 Standby at the Station (Halloween) 2 2

hAon Days at Fire School 9 1 2


People cause fires. Our records show that the number of fires increase in an arec as the population increases and our state is growing tremendously. This means that we all must be aware of fire causes and do our best to prevent their occurrence.

When we are very young, the lighted match is an adventure, burnt fingers and a dropped match is another fire. A little older, we like to have a woodland cook- out, or go out by ourselves for a smoke but fire and forests get together and another statistic. We adults like to clean up in the spring, burn the old debris and the dead grass, result - escaped fires and much personal expense.

With new homes and summer cottages located in woodlands and with abandoned fields and forests crowding the backyard of our villages' streets, it is necessary for everyone is aware all through the fire season, which comes with the disappearance of the snow, of the need to be careful with outdoor fires and fire sources.

The following action will help:

I . To teach our children the danger of lighted matches.

2 . Never to discard lighted smoking material from a car or while walking through fields or woods.

3 . To safely dispose of rubbish preferably at the town dump. If you must burn -

a. You need a written permit from the town fire warden for all debris

burning except when the ground is covered with snow. Cooking fires in outdoor fireplaces or in charcoal brasiers in your own back-

yard is permitted on notification of the warden.

b. The Warden is forbidden by regulation to allow burning of house- hold rubbish on grass by householders between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.

c. Have equipment on hand to control the fire before you light the match

4 . Promptly report any fire out of control to your fire warden or fire department

Help to keep our town out of the fire occurrence column and save your tax dollars for useful purposes.

Forest fire record for 1 968 :

Number of Fires Woodland acres Burned

593 349

80 1 1 3

1 1 9-1/4 ANNUAL REPORT 52.

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In the Ingalls Memorial Library the circulation of books for the 1968 was the larg- est ever recorded. The number of patrons has increased and we have been glad to welcome many of the Town's newcomers.

Several highlights marked 1968 as a successful year. The Open House held on Bicentennial Day was a pleasant occasion. Many people enjoyed the opportunity to visit both the library and the museum. Mrs. George Wallace was the guest speaker and was most gracious and sincere in her remarks

Russell Stoddard was welcomed home from abroad at an exhibit of his work at the library, and at a later date Joseph Phelan, an art student from Keene showed a collection of his paintings. Both exhibits were well attended.

A gift from the federal government was received which consisted of 5 books with large print which will be very helpful to those finding ordinary print difficult to read.

Books were added to the Memorial Shelf in memory of Mr. Charles S. Pangborn. Mrs. James Perry presented the HISTORY OF MASON in memory of her mother, Mrs. Ellen Augusta (Worcester) Wilson.

The family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherwin has established the Sherwin Fund to which they contribute each year. From this fund many fine books have been added to both the adult and the children's collections.

Gifts of books, magazines, and money have been generously donated by patrons of the library. A projector and screen were given by the Friends of the Library, and it is hoped a film program may be planned in the near future.

I extend my thanks for the help and cooperation I have received from the Trustees, and from Miss Ella Connell, Mrs. Marshall Danforth, Mrs. George Semonite, and from my custodian, Mr. Walter Lovell.

Respectfully submitted, S/Carrie S. Gray, Librarian STATISTICS; Book Stock MAGAZINES:

On shelves Jan. 1 ,1 968 8,409 Bought from library funds 14 Added by purchase 151 Contributed by friends 19 Added by Gift 187 33 8,747 Books Borrowed: Lost or discarded 42 State Library 43 Total on Shelves Jan.l ,1 969 8,705 Bookmobile 746 799 Books Loaned Adult Juvenile

Non -Fiction 1 ,487 800

Fiction 2,766 1 ,980 4,253 2,780 7,033


Cash on HanJ January 1 , 19 68 S 2 ,1 94 .91


Town Appropriation and Note $3,050 .00 Trustees of Trust Funds 1,55 2 .46 Lost Books 5 .00

Purchases by Trustees & Others 1 29 .1 2 Kennedy Fund 299 .00 Upjohn Fund 50 .00 Anderson Fund 50 .00 Shervvin Fund 150 .00 Building Fund 25 .00** Bi-Centennial Fund 156 .95 5,467 .53

$7,662 , ,44 EXPENDITURES

Solar/ - Librarian SI ,955 .01 Assistant Librarian 49 .85 Custodian 478 .00 Fuel 472 .24

Electricity 1 41 .1

Telephone 1 40 .95 Services and Repairs 467 .45

Books 1,190 .1 6* Magazines 65 .00 Postage and Supplies 59 .90 Binding Books 33 .24 Rindge Fed. Tax Fund P/fc Taxes 189 .49 Friends of Library 332 .16'

Dues 1 2 .00 5,586 .55

Cosh on Hand January 969 $ 2,075 .89

:te Funds Held for Specific Purposes: Sherwin Fund Balance $ 93.73 Upjohn fund 50 .00 Deposit at State Library 374 .66

From figure of S I ,19 0.16, amount of cash on Jleposit at St iry

which amount is S3 7 4 .6 6 to be deducted, leaving a nei purchase of books

fof the year S8 1 5 . 5 . ^ Fund Balance of $2 5 .00 has been to Building Fund Ace

I riends of Library balance of S3 3 2 . 1 6 ho* b«" rod to occ< ip

by ; .


It is with pleasure that the Trustees report another successful year for the Library.

Circulation for the year was 7,033 volumes, a new high.

Our relationship with the Rindge Memorial School continues to be very satis- factory. The Trustees are indebted to former Principal, Mr. LaPalme and to the present Principal, Mr. Sullivan, for their wonderful cooperation in setting up schedules for all classes to come to the Library at least once every two weeks.

The Bicentennial celebration was a very outstanding event for the Library. The Physical appointments were put in apple-pie order. The walls of the Museums were painted by the girl scouts with Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. McChesney assisting and other parts of the Museum put in order. Curtain material for the Museum win- dows was donated by Mrs. Stewart and the curtains were made by Mrs. Winters Kendall and her daughters.

The Library Open House was very successful with our Librarian and Trustees stationed at strategic points, in costume. Punch and cookies were served and were well received by our visitors.

A building committee has been formed, headed by Mr. Bruce Herron who has done an outstanding job in this capacity. Hopefully, changes, additions and im- provements can be made to provide more usable space for library purposes. The funds are to be raised by volumtary contributions from townspeople and interested

friends. So far, the donations amount to $3 ,1 58 .00 . You will note that an article has been placed in the town warrant in order to permit the building com- mittee to continue their efforts to raise the necessary funds.

Miss Ella Connell has kindly consented to take over the necessary bookkeeping and keeping of the fiscal records. This voluntary help takes much time and effort for which the Trustees are very grateful

To Mrs. Gray, our librarian, goes our deep appreciation for her devotion and

excellent work in making this year so successful . Our thanks also to Mrs. June Danforth for her help and to Mr. Walter Lovell for his help and care of the building.

Respectfully submitted,

Mildred T. Semonite Verne L. Patenaude John M. Phillips Margaret S. Brummer Elizabeth S. Pangbom Edwin B. Klein ANNUAL REPORT 69


On June 2 1 , 196 8 the purchase of the long awaited 1 6 m/m sound projector was made for the library through the kind assistance of Mr. Verne Patenaude.

The annual Food Sale was held on July 1 2th, this year due to the Bicentennial festivities .

The Friends assisted at the Open House held on August 1 7th and again for the Russell Stoddard Art Exhibit.

In September, Mrs. Marjorie Alvord was elected chairman of the Friends and during her unexpectedly brief term she was able to have two reading sessions for the children and took charge of the candy sale held on the night of October 9th when there was -a showing of the Bicentennial films. Also, due to her very kind efforts, her grandfather, Mr. Harry Whitney, completed a bookcase of very fine craftsmanship which is now in the children's room.

A stereo has been ordered and delivery is anticipated in early spring.

For the wonderful cooperation of all the Friends we extend warm thanks.

Margaret S. Brummer Chairman 70 ANNUAL REPORT





For the Year Ending June 3 0, 1968 ANNUAL REPORT 71



B. No-School Signal

C . Calendar

D. Report of District Clerk

E. Warrant


A . Instructional Staff

B. School Program


A. Repairs

B. Insurance


A. Report of School Uistrict Treasurer

B. School Board's Financial Report and Budgets

C . State Tax Commission Report

D. Detail of E/penJitures

E. School Lunch Program

F . Balance Sheet


A . Tuition Pupils

B. Statistics

C . Census

L> . Enroll'-




A. Officers of the School District


J. Frank Allen


George E. Semonite

School Board

John L. Weidner, Chairman Term expires 1 969 Basil B. MacLeod, Jr. Term expires 1970 Peter A. Laine Term expires 1971


Florence E. Stebbins


Walter Cleveland Ralph Hoyt, Jr.

Superintendent of Schools

Raymond G . Edwards

Assistant Superintendent

Donald P. Carle

Teacher Consultant Frank A. Finley

Truant Officer

Ernest Goodall

School Nurse

Margaret Barnes, R. N.

School Physician Franklin W. Sterling, M. D. ANNUALREPORT 73


In case of emergency when it seems inadvisable to have schools in session

on any day, the No-School announcement will be given over radio stations WBZ,

WKNE, WKBK, and WFGM (Fitchburg) at the same time approximately.

Parents and pupils are urged to depend upon T.V. or radio for no-school announcements. Telephone operators are no longer able to assist in giving no- school information.


1 969

- April 1 8 Schools close Spring Vacation

April 2 8 Schools reopen

May 30 Schools closed - Memorial Day

time lost) - summer vacation June 1 1 Schools Close (unless

Sept. 4 Schools open

- Convention Oct. 1 Schools closeJ Teachers'

- Oct. 3 1 Schools closed Teachers' Workshop

Nov. 77 & 2 8 Schools closed - Thanksgiving Recess

Dec. 2 3 Schools close - Christmas Vacation


Jon. 5 Schools reopen

Feb. 2 Schools clcne - Winter Vocation

March 2 Schools reopen : .


Annual Meeting of the School District Rindge, N.H. March 8, 1968

The meeting was called to order by the Moderator at 7 :30 p.m. At the request of the Moderator, J. Frank Allen, the salute to the flag was led by Sal lie Rice and Larry Girouard.

The Warrant was read by Mr. John L. Weidner, Chairman of the School Board.

ARTICLE 1 : To determine and appoint the salaries of the school board and fix the compensation of any other officers or agents of the district.

- Moved I move that the salaries of the district officers for the ensuing year be as follows: Chairman of the school board, $15 .00; each other member, $1 00 .00; Treasurer, $1 00 .00; Clerk, $1 5 .00; Moderator,

$1 5 .00; Auditors, each $25 .00 .

The motion was passed by a voice vote.

ARTICLE 2 : To hear the reports of Agents, Auditors, Committees, or officers chosen and pass any vote relating thereto.

Moved - I move that the reports as printed be accepted and placed on file with the clerk.

The motion was passed by a voice vote.

ARTICLE 3 : To choose agents and committees in relation to any subjects embraced in this warrant

There was no action necessary on this article.

ARTICLE 4 To see what sum of money the district will vote to raise and appropriate for the establishment of a kindergarten, or take any action relating thereto.

- Moved I move that the school district raise and appropriate $7,000 .00 for the establishment of a kindergarten.

The motion was passed by a rising vote, 48 for, 10 against.

ARTICLE 5 : To see what sum of money the district will vote to raise and appropri- ate for the support of schools, for the payment of salaries of school district officials and agents and for the payment of statutory obligations of the district.

- Moved I move that the school district raise and appropriate $209 ,90 3 .9^ for the support of schools, for the payment of salaries for school district officials and agents and for the payment of the statutory obligations of the district.

Passed by voice vote. ANN UAL RE PORT 7 5

ARTICLE 6 : To see if the District will authorize the School Board to include a contingency fund item in the regular school district budge, and raise and appropriate the sum of $1 ,500 .00 for this purpose .

- Moved I move that the school board be authorized to include a contingency fund item in the regular school district budget and raise and appropriate the sum of $1 ,5 00 .00 for this purpose.

Passed by voice vote.

ARTICLE 7 : To see if the district will authorize the purchase of a new school bus authorizing transfer and appropriation for all funds from the Capital Reserve Fund as may be necessary, using the older of the two district-owned buses as part payment

- Moved I move that the school board be authorized to purchase a new school bus, authorizing transfer and appropriation of all funds from the Capital Reserve Fund as may be necessary, using the older of the two district-owned buses as part payment.

Passed by voice vote.

ARTICLE 8: To see if the district will vote to authorize the school board to make application for and to accept on behalf of the district, any or all grants or other funds for educational purposes which may now or hereafter be forthcoming from the United States Government or from the State of New Hampshire.

- Moved I move that the School Board be authorized to make application for and accept on behalf of the District, any or all grants or other funds for educational purposes which may now or hereafter be forthcoming from the United States Government or from the State of New Hampshire

Passed by voice vote

Given under our hands at said Rindge this 2 2nd day of February 1 968 .

John L. Spooner, Basil B. MacLeod, Jr., John L. Weidner. School Board

A standing vote of thanks was given Mr. Spooner for his services on the School Board.

The meeting was then adjourned to Tuesday, March 1 2 th at 9 a.m.

March 12, 1 968 At the adjourned meeting held at Rindge Memorial School the following were •lected:

Moderator J. Frank Allen Treasurer Florence Stebl Clerk George E. Seme*'

School Board Peter A. L Auditon Walter Cleveland ond Rolph Hoyt, Jr.

George E. Semonitr, Clerk .


To the Inhabitants of the School District in the town of Rindge qualified to vote in district affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Rindge Memorial School in said district on the 7th day of March, 1969 at 7 :30 o'clock in the afternoon to act upon the following:

I . To determine and appoint the salaries of the School Board and fix the compen- sation of any other officers or agents of the district.

2 . To hear the reports of Agents, Auditors, Committees, or agents of the district.

3 . To choose Agents and Committees in relation to any subjects embraced in this warrant

4 . To see what sum of money the district will vote to raise and appropriate for the support of schools, for the payment of salaries for school district officials and agents and for the payment of the statutory obligations of the District.

5 . To see if the district will authorize the School Board to include a contingency fund item in the regular district budget, and raise and appropriate the sum of $1 ,5 00 .00 for this purpose.

6 . To see if the district will vote to place the funds previously voted under Article 4 for replacement of a school bus in the Capital Reserve Fund.

Given under our hands at said Rindge this 2 1 st day of February, 19 69.

John L. Weidner srHOOl Basil B. MacLeod, Jr. BOARD Peter A. Laine


To the inhabitants of the school district in the town of Rindge qualified to vote in district affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Rindge Memorial School in said Town of

Rindge on Tuesday, the 1 1 th day of March next at nine of the clock in the fore- noon (Polls close at 6:00 p.m., unless otherwise voted to act upon the following:

I . To choose a Moderator for the coming year.

2 . To choose a Clerk for ensuing year.

3 . To choose a Member of the School Board for the ensuing three years.

4 . To choose a Treasurer for rhe ensuing year.

5 . To choose two Auditors for the ensuing year.

Given under our hands at said Rindge this 24th day of February, 19 69

John L. Weidner SCHOOL Basil B. MacLeod, Jr. BOARD Peter A. Laine ANNUAL REPORT 77


nstructional Staff as of December 31 , 1 96 8

Teacher Position Degree Exp

Sullivan, Gerald Prin . Grades K-6 B.S. 8 Grade 5

Branham, Anja Grade 6 B.S. 2

Hale, Martha Grade 2 2 yr. 16

Hogan, Sheila Grade 3 B.A. 1

Letourneau, Lorna Kindergarten B.E. 6

McCormack, Margaret Grade 4 B.E. 7

McKenney, Laura Grade 1 M.E. 27

Sands, Evelyn Grade 5 & Reading B.A. 12

Davieau, Robert Music B.S.

Pinkham, Frank Art B.A.

Sanders, Richard Music B.M. 5 78 ANNUAL REPORT


as Principal of the Rindge Memorial School in I hereby submit my first annual report the Town of Rindge.

The School building was in excellent condition with well polished floors and freshly painted walls for the opening of the school year 1 968-1 9 69 . This was accomp- lished through the fine efforts of Mr. Quimby.

The enrollment this year is 1 70 pupils which includes our new kindergarten.

Included in our staff this year are six new members:

Mrs. Lorna Letoumeau Kindergarten Miss Sheila Hogan 3rd Grade Mrs. Anja Branham 5th & 6th Grade English, Social Studies and Science Mr. Robert Davieau Music - Tuesdays Mr. Frank Pinkham Art - Tuesdays & Thursdays Mr. Gerald A. Sullivan Principal - Math Grades 4, 5 and 6

Continuing Programs

There are several curriculum and evaluation study groups working throughout Super- visory Union Number 47 . The responsibility of these committees is to offer the best educational programs possible for the children of Rindge and Supervisory Union

Number 47 .

The teachers from Rindge participating are as follows:

Mrs. Sands Spalding Reading Committee Mrs. Hale Report Card Evaluation Committee Mr. Sullivan Mathematics Study Committee Miss Hogan Reading Study Committee

The sixth grade children experienced a productive week in the Outdoor-Conservation program at Boston University Sargent Camp last October. The students were accom- panied by Mrs. Branham and Miss Hogan.

An area in the building has been transformed into our new library room. This project was accomplished through the efforts of the complete staff. The pupils and staff are making very good use of this important facility.

In the area of reporting to parents, Mrs. McKenny held Parent -Teacher conferences with the parents of her first grade children. These conferences were scheduled at the close of the first marking period. The Parent -Teacher conference prove to be very satisfactory in that they helped to bring the parents and teachers toward a closer understanding of the child. We at the Rindge Memorial School want to extend an open invitation to all parents to come and visit with the teachers and myself during the school year. . .


For the past three years, area and Rindge children who have difficulty achieving and adjusting to the educational processes have had the opportunity to be referred to the Monadnock Children's Service Center in Keene.

With the clinic evaluation program and conferences held between the clinic staff and the school personnel it has been possible to place the children involved in bene- ficial programs. This type of service has been invaluable to some children in Rindge and others throughout Supervisory Union Number 4 7 .

The physical education program continues to be under the joint leadership and guidance of Mrs. Estabrook from Franklin Pierce College and your principal .

Each grade in the school has a forty minute physical education class per week. These classes are conducted by students from the College who have been selected by Mrs. Estabrook. The college student work directly under the guidance of Mrs. Estabrook.

The physical education program has been most successful and I would like to add that we receive this service at no cost to the district.

Field trips are an important part of the whole educational program of today. Our children have had the opportunity to visit places of interest and education val ue this /ear. Trips have been made to the Meadowood Fire Department in Troy anJ the Plymouth Plantation in Plymouth, . Other trips are scheduled for this spring.

The music and art programs have been expanded so that each grade has one lesson oer week in each area. This has been made possible by sharing music and art -teachers with the Jeffrey School District.

Those chilJren in grades 4-6 who wish to learn to play a musical instrument have opportunity through the instruction of Mr. Richard Sanders of Conant High School

New Programs

r he newest addition to the educational program in Rindge is the formation of a

:ergarten. This program has been most successful since its opening last September.

Ws . Lorna Letourneau was hired for this position and I feel is one of the reasons for he success of the class. There are 2 9 pupils having been divided into the two

esjioos. One is held in the morning and one in the afternoon with about 15 children o o session

Ih9 objectives of our kindergarten program are to help children adjust b»-' >mt iod school learn to get along with others, to develop a readiness for school and chool procedures, ond to express themselves effectively and creatively.

Physical P

he of of plont . planning wa* evident people Rindge can be proud I hool Good vhen the school wot first c jppeon that the time it not too for owoy vhen we will need to plon for additional space at the school

to take this oppor It my apprr to the School Boor


A. Repairs

Mr. Quimby performed the regular summer maintenance which consisted of:

1 . Refinishing the stage and gymnasium floors.

2 . Washing light fixtures.

3 . Washing windows - inside and outside.

4 . Dusting ceilings and walls.

5 . Stripping floors of wax, washing, waxing and buffing all floors

6 . General grounds upkeep

The hall walls, ceiling and pipes were painted.

The new library room was painted and cleaned.

B. Insurance

Fire Insurance and Extended Coverage on

Rindge Memorial School and Contents $2 07,000.00)

School Buses

Owners' and Tenants' Libility, including Teachers

Workmen's Compensation and Employers' Liability ANNUAL REPORT



Fiscal Year July 1 , 1 967 to June 30 , 1968


Cash on Hand July 1 , 1967 (Treasurer's Bank Balance) $ 5 ,7 2 9 .36

Received from Selectmen $ 1 74 ,624 .95

Received from State Treasurer State Funds 4 ,666 .78 Federal Funds 963 .26

Received from all other sources 469 .36

TOTAL RECEIPTS $1 80,724 .35

Total Amount Available for Fiscal Year (Bal a nee and Receipts) 1 8 6,453 .71

Less School Board Orders Paid 18 2,707.15

Balance on Hand June 30 ,1968 (Treasurer's Bank Balance) 3 ,746 .56

August, 1968 S/Florence E. Stebbins District Treasurer


This is to certify that we have examined the books, vouchers, bank statements and Other financial records of the treasurer of the school district of Rindge of which the obove is a true summary for the fiscal year ending June 30 , 19 68 and find them correct in all respects.

September 5 , 1 968 S/ Ralph Hoyt, Jr. S/ Walter A. Cleveland AUDITORS 82 ANNUAL REPORT


Concord, New Hampshire

Your report of appropriations voted and property taxes to be raised for the 1968- 69 school year has been approved on the following basis:


Revenues & Credits

Lhencombered Balance 1 ,029 .33

School Building Aid 2 ,040 .00

Intel lectual ly Retarded 180.00

Sweepstakes Revenue 1 ,460 .00

Rent 5 0.00

Withdrawal from Cap. Res. Funds 4 ,8 1 5 .06

Total Revenues and Credits 9 ,5 74 .39

Amounts to be raised by 1 964 Property Taxes 208, 829. 5 7


State Tax Commission


For the Year Ending June 30 , 1 968

110.1 Salaries of District Officials

School Board Salaries $ 350 .00 Moderator 45 .00 Clerk 45 .00 Treasurer 100.00 $ 540 .00

1 35 .0 Contracted Services

Co-op Study expenses S 536 .00 Auditors 50.00

School Census 1 00 .00 Checklist supervisors 33.75

Moderator 1 5 .00

Clerk 1 5 .00 749 .75

190.1 Supplies and Expenses

N.H. School Boards Ass'n aanual dues $ 75.00 Printing Ballots 37 .50 Postage 5 .00

Supervisory Union reimb., conference expenses 23.00 S 1 40.50


2 10.3 Teachers' Salaries

Classroom Teachers $44,265 .33 Substitutes 2,21 9 .00 $46,484 .33

2 15.0 Textbooks

American Book Company 83 .36 Ginn and Company 51 .65 Horcourt, Brace and World, Inc. 68 .54 D. C. Heath & Company 71 .45 Silver Burdett Company 30 .06

William Morrow Company 1 7 .95

Convention Purchases 1 .20 J. B. Lippincott Company 42 .85 Scott, Foresman and Company 84 .80 Bobbs-Merrill Company 4 .59 Equity Publishing Company 16 .75 473.20

2 20 .0 Library and Visual Aids National Geographic Society 6 75 Geographical Publications 37 .40 J. L. Hammctt Company 2 .70

Heorne Brothers 1 1 2 .50 84 ANNUAL REPORT

N.E. Mobile Book Fair $21 1 .02 Science Research Associates 5 6 .5 Convention Purchases 10.96 Scott, Foresman and Company 5 8 .25 Sing 'N Do 8.95 Rand McNal y Company 57.55 I Demco 32.61 $ 595.19

230.0 Teaching Supplies

Cardigan Sport Store $ 8 3 .60 Ginn and Company 14.56 J. L. Hammett Company 144.12 Charles E. Merrill Books 121.70 Milton Bradley Company 298 .1 7 Pioneer Office Equipment Company 64 .8

Rowe Pencil Company 2 .8 1 Reader's Digest Educational Service 5 5 .32

Science Research Associates 1 04 .40 Ellis Smith 42.63

Convention Purchases 1 3 .0

J. B. Li ppincott Company 2 0.03 Scott, Foresman and Company 25 5 .21 American Education Publications 9 .6 Bobbs-Merrill Company 2 3.45 3M Business Products Sales Inc 36 .00 Encyclopaedia Briticanna Publications 2 65 .84 Supervisory Union 47 reimbursements for tests 83.08 $ 1,737.32

2 35 .0 Contracted Services

Myrtie Kullgren, Testing $ 25.00 WENH -TV 71 .50 Sargent Camp 575 .00 $ 671.50

290.0 Other Instructional Expenses

Rindge Memorial School, petty cash expenses $ 37 .9 7

Reading Conference Expenses 42 .1 6 Parker Publishing Company 2 .85 Scott, Foresman and Company 4 .85 Convention Purchases 3.75 Natalie Whitney, Open House expenses 3.30 American Library Association 2.00

Forest Press 1 .0

Eastern Slopes Conference (1 966-67) 34. 00 Moore-Cottrell Subscription Agencies 51 .7 Post Office 3 6 .45 Psychological Corporation 32 .45 Supervisory Union 47, reimbursements 36.15 $ 315.63 ANNUAL REPORT ATTENUANCE SERVICES

310.0 Attendance Officer

Percy Quimby S 1 5 .00 S 1 5.00

400 .0 Health Services

Nurse's Salary 500 .00 Petty Cash Expenses .65

Dental Clinic 1 52 .50 School Physician 50 .00 Nurses' Travel 19 .20

Uyer LAugs 6 .60 $ 728.95

500.0 Transportation

Bus Salaries $3,237 .1 2

Bus Repairs 1 ,025 .1 5 Bus Supplies 2 ,61 6 .99

Bus Contract, RoJney Cochran 1 ,1 45 .00

Oliver Burgoyne, use of bus 1 08 .35 Harold Clukay, use of bus 60 .00 Percy Quimby, use of car 24.16 Bos Insurance 295 .00 Garage Rent 330.00 Licenses for drivers 30 .00 Monadnock Ledger, adv 8 .96 $8,880 .73 Refunds Rebate, State gas taxes 31 6 .45 Bus seat repair 20 .00 Jaffrey School District 30.00 366 .45 $8,5 14 .28


61 .0 Salaries

Custodian's salary 3,388 .70 3,388 .70

630 .0 Supplies

Belletete's Inc . 2 .39

Mt . KJIburn Paper Co 1 12 .50 Cities Service Oil Company 5 .85 Beckley-Cardy Compan, 3.10

J.I. Hoi comb Mfg . Compan y 750.45 B.A. Larson Compan/ 32 .45

W. E. Aubuchon Company 1 1 .52 Petty C<: nt«l 2.13 Centrol Paper Products Company 145 .18 86 ANNUAL REPORT Hillyard Sales Company $ 50.15 Milton Bradley Company 2 .0 Seamans Supply Company 32 .49 Associated Foods, Inc. 34.79 John R. Lyman Company 45 .00

State of New Hampshire 21 .00 $ 1 ,2 69 .00 Refund .62 .62 $1 ,268.38

6 35 .0 Contracted Service

Rubbish Removal $200.00

Elite Laundry, Inc. 1 0.90

Marshall S. Danforth Company 5 $ 2 1 5 .9

640.0 Fuel

N.R. Fogg & Son $1,820.00 $1,820.00

645 .0 Utilities

Marshall S. Danforth Company , Gas $ 1 36 .0

Public Service Company of N.H. 1 ,42 2 .06 New England Telephone 214.00

$ 1 ,772.06

690 .0 Other Operational Expenses

Custodians' Workshop expenses $ 27.10 Percy Qui mby, use of car 7.36 $ 34.46


710.0 Salaries

Custodian's Salary $1,129.00 $1,129.00

726 .0 Repairs to Equipment

Petty Cash expenses $ 6 .9 7 J. L. Hammett Company 74.25

Theodore H. Von Kamecke 1 2 .6 Richard Dykstra 41 4 .95 Hobart Sales 8.15 A. H. Rice Company 32 .5 5 Marshall S. Danorth Company 69. 76 $619. 23

766 .0 Repairs to Building

Montachusett Construction Company $1 ,244 .0 Belletete's Inc 2 3 .2 8 Richard Dykstra 653.06 Marshall S. Danforth Company 8 .00 ANNUAL REPORT 87

Petty Cash Expenses 2 .00 Boiler Inspection 2.00 The MacMillin Company 950.00 $2,882.34

790 .0 Other Maintenance Expenses

Cities Service Oil Company $ 1 .73 $ 1 .73


850 .0 Retirement and Social Security

N.H. Teachers' Retirement System $2,298 .98 N.H. Employees' Retirement System 206 .93

State Treasurer, Social Security 1 ,720 .97 N.H. Div. Welfare, OASI Administrative chgs 5.39 $4,232.27

85 5 .0 Insurance and Bonds

Treasurer's Bond $ 25.00

School Lunch Bond 1 .00 Workmen's Compensation 21 5 .01

Non-owned autos 1 3 .86 Liability Insurance 58.50

Fire and Extended Coverage 1 ,1 55 .00 Boiler Insurance 48 .00 $1 ,525 .37


975 .0 School Lunch

Federal Reimbursement paid to Lunch Pgrogram $963 .26

District subsidy 1 ,750 .00

Central Paper Products Company 1 03.40 Interstate Restaurant Equipment Co. 33.44 Associated Foods, Inc. 30.45

Advertisement 1 .70 $2,882 .25

1 1 90 .0 Community Services

Percy Ouimby, Bicentennial expenses $ 82.00 Special Program 8.00 $ 90.00


1265.0 Site

Town of Rindge, oiling schoolyard $ 500.00 Walt's Signs 80.00 $ 580.00 8 8 ANNUAL REPORT

1 267 .0 New Equipment

Nelson C. Faught Company $ 2 33.86 Sears, Roebuck and Company 5 .39 Lyons Band Instrument Company 40 .70 Belletete's Inc 9.5 2 Cardigan Sport Store 2 84 .75 Jarmak Company 90.90 Petty Cash Expenses -55 $710.67


1370.0 Principal

Peterborough Savings Bank $4 ,5 00 .00 Monadnock National Bank 2,000.00 $ 6,5 00 .00

1 371 .0 Interest

Peterborough Savings Bank $1 ,02 3 .75 Monadnock National Bank 120.00 $1 ,1 43 .75

1390.0 Debt Service

Concord National Bank, Bond & Coupon Svc $ 5. 00 $ 5.00


1477.0 Tuition (In-State)

Peterborough School District $3,286.08 Jeffrey School District 64,404 .68 Fitzwilliam School District 824 .00 $68,514.76

1 477 .3 Supervisory Union Budget

Supervisory Union #4 7 $7,674.00 $7,674.00

1 477 .5 Capital Reserve Trustees of Trust Funds, Town of Rindge $2 ,000 .00 $2 ,000 .00

1478.1 Tuition (out of State)

Town of Winchendon, Mass. $1 1 ,159 .04 $1 1 ,159 .04

1 479 .2 Transportation to Parents Transportation to Crotched Mt. $922.30$ 922.30


Financial Statement

July 1 , 1 967 to June 30, 1 968

- Beginning Balance July 1 , 1 967 $ 83.29

RECEIPTS Lunch Sales - ChilJren $4,262.82 Lunch Sales - Adults 337 .40

Reimbursement 1 ,087.06

District Appropriations 1 ,750.00



EXPENDITURES Fc^ol $4,513.55 Labor 2,995.18 All Other Expenditures 8.18


- BALANCE June 30, 1 968 $ 3.66


Fiscal Year enJed June 30 , 1968

r*i J j L I J I I A D I I IT I CC

CaTn on Hand June 30, 1 968 $3.66

. Accounts Owed .0 AccountsA Duen Reimbursement Jue Program 45.48 Other Accounts Payable 5 3.02

Total Assets 49 .1 4 Total Liabilities $53 .02 . ., ,.,... A t qq Excess of Assets of t/cess of Liabilities over Assets 3.88 ...... ~~ Liabi ities .00

Grand Total $5 3.02 Grand Total $53.02 90 ANNUAL REPORT



Cash on Hand June 30, 1967 Accounts Owed by General Fund 3,746.56 District 2,777.23

Capital Reserves: (Held by Capital Reserves Trustees) 4,815.06 (Offsets Similar Asset Account) 4,815.06


Surplus (Excess of Assets over Liabilities $ 969.33

GRAND TOTAL 8,561.62 GRANDTOTAL 8,561.62


I . Name of Building or Project for Rindge Rindge TOTAL which notes or bonds were issued Mem. Mem School Addition

2. Outstanding at Beginning of Year $6,0 00 $31,5 00 $37,500

3 . Issued during Year 4. Total (2 plus 3) 6,000 31,500 37,500

5 . Payments of Principal of Debt 2 ,000 4,500 6,500

6 . Notes of Bonds Outstanding at End of Year (4 minus 5) 4,000 27,000 31 ,000


This is to certify that the information cintained in this report was taken from

official records and is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and be-

lief. The accounts are kept in accordance with Section 2 4 of Chapter 7 1 of the Revised Statutes Annotated, and upon forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission

S/Raymond G. Edwards S/John L. Weidner Superintendent S/Basil B. MacLeod S/Peter A. Laine School Board ANNUAL REPORT 91 PARTV. CHILD ACCOUNTING

A. Tuition Pupils

The Rindge School District is responsible for tuition for 9 elementary, 47 junior high, and 76 secondary school pupils currently enrolled in schools as Follows:


Grade 4 : Mark Johnson

Grade 5 : Douglas Johnson


Grade 7: David Gilmore, Rhonda Goddard, Jeffrey Hoyt, Robert Paquin, Jan Pasquale, Sarah Rice, Deborah Roy, Clarence Weems, Bernard Aho, Ted Cluff, Larry Girouard, Lynne Girouard, Nancy Hannu, Roy Haskell, Paul Jones, Randall Kalliainen, Paul Knight, Billie Roush, Jane Snow, Joseph Taylor, Darlene Napolitano, Jill Greif.

Grade 8: Steven Blouin, Sylvia Burns, James Fenn, Susan Flagg, Patsy Hannu, Cheryl Lafortune, Alan Raymond, Susan Seppala, Michael Summers, Nancy Weems, Susan Betourney, Arnold Goddard, Wanda Gregory, David Martin, James Roush, David Seppala, Raymond Seppala, Chester Sullivan, John Witty, Loretta Young, Karel Wolterbeck, Diane LeBlanc.

Grade 9: Eugene Emery, Norman Bartlett, Alison Burt, Christine Champney, Keith Christian, Thomas Cook, Lisa Davis, Dean Eleftheriou, Jonathan Flagg, Brian Girouard, Dean Haskell, Michael Hodgman, Wendy Jones, Russell Kalliainen, Sandra Lefreniere, Michael Madden, Leslie MacNeil, Robert Motuzas, Shannon O'Connor, Linda Paquin, Darlene Pike, Leslie Raymond, Ann Seppala, Robert Seppala, Bert Young, Jacob Wolterbeck.

Grade 1 0: David Anderson, Richard Cleveland, Jonathan Davis, Larry Eleftheriou, Lewis Gregory, Grace Hannu, Duane Hood, Robert Jones, Paula Letourneau, DaviJ MacNeil, Paula Marceau, Philip Powley, Marilyn Seppala, Faith Young, Laurie Frizzle, Deborah Pasquale.

Grade 1 1 : Susan Burke, Daniel Gilmore, Laura Haskell, Lydia Johnson, Lynn Knight, Scott Knight, Arnold Lafreniere, Paul Marceau, Richard Royce, Gail Sellars, Michael Seppala, Diane Winship. 92 ANNUALREPORT

Grade 1 2: Deborah Anderson, Martha Brummer, Timothy Burt, Shannon Davis, Susan Dykstra, Jean Goddard, Karen Hannu, Steven Knight, Karen Madden, Pamela Pasquale, James Powley, Valarie Witty.


Special Class Colleen Christian


Grade 5 : Warren Wheeler

Grade 6 : Evelyn Wheeler


Grade 1 : Susan Boice, Pamela Boice, Christopher Stevenson, Brenda Tenney

Grade 2: David Stevenson, Devorah Tenny

Grade 6 : Lisa Stevenson

Grade 7: Loring Stevenson

Grade 8: Elaine Frency, Sheila Webster

Grade 9: Caro Herron, Henry LaFond, Herbert Wheeler

Grade 1 0: Jayne Floria, Steven French, Frank Wheeler

Grade 1 1 : Robert Floria

Grade 12: Brenda LaFond, Steven Webster, Florence Wheeler ANNUAL REPORT 93


Number of pupils registered during year 1 48

Number of days actually in session 1 80

Percent of attendance 94 .5

Average Attendance 1 32 .2

Average Membership 1 41 .3

Aggregate Attendance 2 3,788 .5

Average No. of days each pupil was in school 1 68 .3

Non-resident pupils (Tuition)

Pupils Transported at District Expense (Average)

Elementary 1 06 Junior High 46 High 66 218


Ages as of September 1 , 1968

Less than 1 year 20

1 16 2 29 3 29 4 22 5 29 6 29 7 18 8 29 9 28 10 29

1 1 32 12 27 13 26 14 26 15 20 16 26 17 20

Through 1 8 15

Total 471 94 ANNUAL REPORT


As of January 1 3, 1969


Grade 1 29 2 15 3 25 4 25 5 27 6 25


Kindergarten 29 175


A. Health

On May 9 , 1968, a pre-kindergarten clinic was held and 1 9 children were seen by the school nurse.

The following week, on May 16,1 968 , a preschool clinic was held and 1 8 pros- pective first graders were seen by the school nurse.

In June, 1 968, a Sabin Oral Polio Vaccine Clinic was held. Dr. Sterling administered vaccine to 1 34 preschool and school age children.

As in the past, the Rindge Memorial School health program expresses its appreci- ation to Dr. Sterling for his readiness to be of service in promoting and maintaining the health of the children of Rindge Memorial School . The school health program is designed to help you help your child, and to the extent that good health promotes a successful school experience, we enlist your cooperation in achieving that aim.

According to my knowledge, this report is correct and complete.

Margaret Barnes, R.N. School Nurse ANNUAL REPORT 95


Expenses Budget Budget 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 ADMINISTRATION

]]0.1 Sal. of Dist. Officers 540.00 480.00 480.00

135 .0 Audit & Census 749.75 1 ,900.00 450.00

190.0 Supplies & Exp. 140.50 135.00 1 35 .00


210.3 Teachers' Salaries 46,484.33 59,630.00 75,978.00 210.5 Secretarial Salaries

215.0 Textbooks 473.20 1 ,450.00 1 ,396.00

220.0 Library & Vis. Aids 595.19 900.00 1 ,334.00

230.0 Teaching Supplies 1 ,737.32 2,235 .00 2,185.00

235 .0 Contracted Services 671 .50 1 ,022 .00 1 ,888.00 290.0 Other Inst. Expenses 315 .63 689.00 829.00


310.0 Attendance Officer 15 .00 15.00 15.00


400.0 Health 728.95 835.00 935.00

500.0 Transportation 8,514.28 1 1 ,143.60 10,594.00


610.0 Salaries 3,388.70 3 ,835.00 4,1 16.00

630.0 Operation Sup & Exp. 1 ,268.38 1 ,300.00 700.00 635.0 Contracted Serv ices 215.90 200.00 200.00

640.0 Heat 1 ,820.00 1 ,900.00 1 ,900.00

645.0 Electricity 1 ,422.06 1 ,800.00 1 ,980.00 645.4 Telephone 214.00 275.00 275.00 690.0 Other Expenses 170.46 268.00 293.00


1710.0 Salaries 1 ,129.00 1 ,278.00 1 ,372.00 725.0 Replacement of Equipment 619.23 440.00 425 .00 726.0 Repairs to Equipment — 300.00 300.00 766.0 Repairs to Build 'ngs 2,882.34 671 .00 2,091 .00

790.0 Other Expenses 1 .73 50.00 50.00


35 0.0 Ret. & OASI 4,232.27 6,185.00 5,489.00

5355 .0 Insurance 1 ,525.37 1 ,591 .00 1 ,831 .00 fci ANNUAL REPORT GENERAL SUPPORT ITEMS

975 .0 School Lunch 2,882.00 2,503.00 2,775.00 1075.0 Athletics

1 190.1 Other Expenses 250.00 250.00


1 2 65 .0 Site Improvement 5 80.00

1 2 66 .0 Improvement to Bldgs.

1 2 67 .0 New Equipment 710.67 1,175.00 1,402.00


1370.0 Principal 6,500.00 6,500 .00 6,500.00

1371 .0 Interest 1 ,143.75 958 .00 772 .00 1390.0 Debt Service Exp 5.00 10 .00 —


1477.1 Tuition 68,514.76 81 ,380 .00 1 13,072.00 1477.3 Supervisory Union Exp 7,674.00 4,930 .36 5,887.00 1477.5 Capital Reserve 2,000.00 — —

1478.1 Tuition-Another State 1 1 ,159.04 10,350 .00 1 1 ,880.00

1479.2 Transportation 922 .30 1 ,320 .00 1 ,932.00


Net Expenditures 182,036.86 2 09,90 3.96 261 ,71 1 .00 Plus Refunds 670.29 Gross Expenditures 182,707.15 Cash on Hand June 30 3,746.56 Grand Total Net Expenditures $186,453.71 ANNUAL REPORT 97 NCOME

UNENCUMBERED BALANCE 5,729.36 15,000.00

Revenue fromState Sources:

Sweepstakes 2,200.36 1 ,375.00 1 ,400.00

School Building Aid 2,040.00 1 ,950.00 1 ,950.00 Driver Education Intellectually Retarded 127.69 180.00

Revenue from Federal Sources:

NDEA-Title III 250.00 NDEA-TITLE V Vocational Education

PL 89-IO-Title I School Lunch & Special Milk 963.26

Local Revenue Except Taxes: Net Insurance Recovery 24.80 Tuition Trust Fund Income Rent 70.00 50.00 50.00 Other Revenue from Local Sources 3.00 Bond or Note Issues Withdrawals fromCap Res Funds

Total Revenues & Credits 5,429.11 3,805.00 18,400.00

District Assessment Raised by Taxes 174,624.95 206,098.96 243,311 .00

Total Appropriations 1 85,7 8 3 .42 2 09,903 .96 261 ,71 1 .00

Total 186,453.71 209,903.96 261,711.00 > >



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Payrolls and Materials - W/E 6/22/68 - 1 1/2/68

LABOR: Town Paid (& reimbursed) $ 2,580.30

EQUIPMENT: Grader - Somero $ 2 ,354 .6 Dozer - White 68 3 .5 5 Shovel - Belletete 45 .0 MacKenzie 45.00

Trucks - O . Burgoyne 5 8 0.50 R. Jones 792 .35 O. Bernier 29 8 .9

R. Vaillancourt 1 66 .5 C. Baird 8 .6 R.Martin 489.30

S. Sanders 1 98 .00 H. MacKenzie 14 8.50

Town of Marlow 1 76 .4 $6,059.20 6,059.20


Aluminum Pipe 127.34 Asphalt 1,733.18 Gravel: Converse 9 9.00

Harris 178.1 1 $2,947.63 2,947.63



Administration: Receipts: Town Appropriation $ 8 ,600 .00 Donation from Mr. George Wallace 500 ,00 $ 9 ,100 .00 Expenses: Secretary of State - Register Title $ 10.00 G.H. Tilden-Account Book 3.30 Monadnock National Bank-Check Book 3.70 Idea Consultants-Badges 35 .00 Sim's Press Inc. - Printing 68.30

Paul Foley Display Company 1 ,800.00 Idea Consultants-Badges for Guests 27.79 Motyka Printing Co - Fosters 35 .00 Keene Industrial Paper - Letterheads 8.85

Sim's Press Inc. - Invitations 1 3.00 Barbara Bliss-Typing Names on Badges 6.00 David Stewart - Photos & Stamps 16.00 The Winchendon Courier-Advertising 7.20 Transcript Printing Co-Advertising 12.00 Barbara Rice-Reception Expenses 60.95 Edwin B. Klein-Expenses 6.96 Charles Lauder-Lighting Common 223,85 Russell E. White-Photos 75 .00 Police Duty-Rindge Police $ 404 .00 Jaffrey Police 4 8 .00 Fitzwilliam Police 28 .00 480.00 Monadnock Ledger-Advertising 36.00 Winchendon Courier-Advertising 34.20 Highway Department -Set up & Clean-up 89.88 Bertha Todd-General Advertising Expenses 3.36

Roland C. Goddard-Expenses 1 .00 Ingalls Memorial Library-Expenses 156.95 Monadnock Regional Assoc. - Advertising 100.00 Sim's Press Inc. - Posters 57.20 Margaret Stoddard-lnvitations & Postage 22 .80 Keene Advertising Specialties 47.40 3 ,441 .69

$6,,158 , ,31 SUNDAY SERVICES


Gertrude E. Ward-Collections $ 153.35

Expenses: Elite Laundry 40.00 Crane's Pastry Shop 16.50 Center Store-Supplies 4.61 Florence E. Stebbins-Supplies 3.27 Anna Marcia Goddard-Supplies 4.50 ANN UAL REPORT 105

George I. Bliss-Speaker's Transportation 69.16 Rodney Woodman - Flowers 7 .5 Sim's Press Inc. - Founders' Day Programs 86 .2 5 Rev. Edwin Godden-Cathedral Service 25 .00 Rev. George Jaques-Congregational Service 35 .0

Rev. James F. Quinn-Catholic Service 1 5 .00

Frederick Millar-Organist 1 .00

Gertrude E. Ward - Expenses 3 1 .33 348 .1 2

Net Cost $ 195.77


Durham Reelers-Net Receipts $ 1 1 1 .5 6 Mrs. David Stewart -Refreshments net 7 .2 2

Net Receipts $ 1 1 8 .78


Mrs. Clara Seymour-Collection $ 45 .00


Mrs. Clara Seymour - Collection $ 33.08


Letourneau Insurance Agency-Rain Ins. $ 1 32 .5 Atlas Display Co - Fireworks 5 00 .00 Atlas Display Co-Extra Insurance Coverage 30 .00 662.50 $ 662.50 $ 629.42


Mrs. Charlotte Crosby - Collection $ 64 .75


Belletete's Inc-Lumber for Bandstand $ 1 00 .00 Public Service -Lights for Common 9 .30 Gordon Bissell Post 4 Band 175 .00 284.30 Net Cost $ 219.55


Mrs. Charlotte Crosby-Receipts from Square Dance $ 2 83 .5 9

Expenses :

Idea Consultants-Buttons $ 1 02 .5 5

Lawrence Miller -Orchestra 1 50 .00 252 .55 Net Gain " $ 31 .04 1 06 ANNUAL REPORT HOUSE TOUR

Mrs . George Abbey - Receipts $ 680.90


Sim's Press - Printing & 126.60 David Stewart - Signs 7.50 Winchendon Courier-Advertising 18.90 153.00 Net Gain $ 427.90


Mrs. Louise MacNeil -Receipts $5,966.49 Bicentennial Belles 369.44 $6,335.93

Expenses: Doucette Enterprises $ 96.95 Idea Consultants 730.00

Keene Advertising Specialties 1 ,322.90 Graf Brothers - Express 9.38 Roger Kimball 18.96 Sim's Press Inc. 48.00 V.H. Blackington Co., Inc. 2,817.89 Mai com C. Hendy 5.50 5,049.58 Net Gain $ 786.35


Receipts: Ralph L. Hoyt, Jr-Barbecue tickets sold $ 671 .75

Expenses: Caouette'sCatering Service $445.50 Tickets 18.00 Rindge Muster Team 75.00 N & R Trophy Company 201 .80 Letoumeau Insurance Agency-Rain Insurance 106.30 Keene Muster Team-1 st prize 50.00 Meadowood Muster Team-2 nd Prize 50.00 Monadnock Ledger 24.00 Fitchburg Sentinel 10.08 Keene Publishing Company 28.00 Transcript Printing Company 24.00

Sim's Press Inc 27.00 1 ,059 .68 Net Cost $ 367 .93 ANNUAL REPORT 107 BICENTENNIAL BOOK

Receipts :

Leo Maclnnis-Donations-Sponsors & Friends $ 1 ,630.00 Leo Maclnnis - Sale of Books 35 .00 June Danforth - Sale of Books 120.75

Lorna Letoumeau - Sale of Books 1 .5 $1 ,787.25

Expenses: Keene Industrial Paper Co Inc $ 31 .10 Ralph L. Hoyt, Jr. -Postmaster-Stamps 79.66 Russell E. White-Photo Work 125.00

Sim's Press Inc - Prnting 1 ,450.00 1 ,685.76 Net Gain $ 101 .49


Stephen Knight - Receipts $ 283.75

Expenses: Rodney Woodman - Flowers 38.00 Walt's Signs - Show Cards 14.00 Stephen Knight-supplies 12.00 Stephen Knight-War Bond-Prize for Queen 18.75 Leo Daniel's Orchestra 300.00 Fitchburg Paper Bag Co-Decorations 20.08 402.8 3 Net Cost $ 119.08


Archie Letoumeau - Tickets sold $ 235.00 Peter Gordon - Tickets sold 177.25 Lorna Letoumeau - tickets sold 15.00 Louise MacNeil - Straw Hats & Garters sold 131 .00 Peter Gordon - Favors 120.35 Lorna Letoumeau - Favors 14.25 Walter Hood - Favors 10.00 Lorna Letoumeaw - Pictures sold 18.00 1 720.85 Expenses: Keene Advertising Specialties $775.00 Idea Consultants - Garters 202.90 Jean Howes Co., Inc. - Pewter 14.40

Leo Daniel 's Orchestra 300.00

Ella Cornel I -Refund on overpayment 8.50

Winchendon Flower & Gift Shop-corsage 5.15 1 ,305 .9 5 Net Cost $ 585.10 ANNUAL REPORT 1 08 PARADE

Receipts: Concession on Food $ 125 .00 Donations - Madeline Parrott 10 .00 Harris Construction Co. 25 .00 W. W. Cross Company 25 .00 Monadnock National Bank 100 .00 $ 285 .00 Expenses: Letourneau Insurance Agency-Rain Ins. $ 552.80 Carl DeSuze-M.C. 150.00 Silver Ranch 50.00 Jr. Amvets Drum & Bugle Corps 125.00 Bektah Oriental Band 100.00 Suburbanettes Drill Team 50.00 Thomas Aquinas C.Y.O. Band 600.00 Holyoke Coledonian Kiltie Band 250.00 Simplex Drum & Bugle Corps 150.00 Capt. James Burton Fife & Drum Corps 100.00 Gladiators Drum & Bugle Corps 100.00

Joanette's Inc. 1 35 .00 Royal Cadets Drum & Bugle Corps 150.00 Post 4 American Legion Band 200.00 Ashby Band 235 .00 Ashby German Band 135 .00 Jaffrey Hobo Band 125 .00

Post 1 American Legion Band 200.00 Tri Town Toilet Company 150.00 Dick Hand T.V. Coverage & Taxes 120.00 Fritz Wetherbee-Movies of Parade 98.00 Rodney Woodman - Flowers for the Queen 8.50 Belletete's Inc-Lumber for Reviewing Stand 135 .77

John Phillips - Expenses 1 3.47

Thomas Girouard - Expenses 1 3.71 George Hill - Expenses 3.00 Dana Knight - Expenses 2 3.50 Foley Display Co - Decorations 190.00 Prizes given as follows: Edward Stevens-Commercial Entry 100.00 Monadnock Water Ski Ass'n -Sport Entry 100.00 Bicentennial Belles-Organization entry 100.00 Hampshire Country School -School entry 100.00 4,563 .75 Net Cost $4,278. 75 ANNUAL REPORT 109 PAGEANT

jArs. Elizabeth Sampson - Collections ; 125.86

Ars. Florence Whippie 2.00

^rs. Delia Knight - Pageant Props 35.00 $ 162.86

. xpenses :

Snow Diamond Products -Paper for script 1 4 .2 5

Letoumeau Insurance Agency-Rain Insurance 1 32 .5

Bel letete's Inc-Lumber for Scenery / 78.55

Richard Ammon - Make-up supplies 1 7 .8 6 Hooker Howe Costumes Company 98 .5

Elite Laundry Inc. 1 .00

Waino Shell Station - Sheltox 1 2 .5 4 Richard T. Rice-Cutting Trees 3 .00 Aubuchon Ihc. - Paint 2 .40

Sim's Press Inc - Programs 1 24 .00 Paul Junes - Mowing 2 5 .0

Coil's T.V. Service - Sound and Lights 1 85 .00 Howard Chase - Tuning Pianos 2 3 .0 Mrs. Florence Whippie - Expenses 5.14

Public / Service Co - Electric Service 4 .85 736.59 Net Cost 573.73

FINAL BOOK tussel E. White 50.00

Total Receipts $ 20,726.84 Total Paymets 19,996.30

Balance in Treasury $ 730.54

Respectfully submitted,

S/Roland C. Goddard Town Treasurer . . -



We believe that in order to function properly, this Committee should have some knowledge of what has been done in previous years toward obtaining a public beach

The following is a brief resume of our findings.

In the Fall of 1 94 3 a group of citizens and Town officials petitioned the Monad- nock Region Association to help develop a plan for the Town's recreational needs.

In consequence, the State Planning & Development Commission submitted an 1 8 page report, part of which we quote as follows:

"Establish a system of scenic roads and trails for those who like to motor, ride horseback and hike or ski. An attractive marker indi- cating the type of route and a tour map would be excellent aids to this plan. Fire trails can be used for horseback riding and hiking.

Develop picnic spots on hilltops and on lake shores for the use of residents.

Develop one or two public bathing beaches for the use of residents, these to have simple but adequate facilities."

Our Committee can find no reference to any of these recommendations being consumated

In the 1948 Town Warrant, Article 1 2 , the Town was asked to vote on acquiring land on Monomonoc Lake for bathing privileges. It was voted to acquire at least

2 00 feet and $3 ,000 ., was appropriated for this purpose. No land was acquired and the next year, 1949, the $3 ,000 was returned to the general fund.

In the 195 4 Warrant, Article 1 5 , a committee of five was appointed to consider establishing a public bathing beach. This committee, with the approval of the Selectmen, starting filling the few feet between the road and shore on Pearly Lake with donated time and equipment. This project was abandoned when trespass action was taken to court.

In 1966, John Rice donated an area on Grassy Pond for a Town beach which the Town accepted and $1 ,000 was raised for development (Article 2 1).

In the 1967 Warrant, Article 24 , $3 ,000 was appropriated to provide for bathing facilities at the Grassy Pond site. Part of this amount was used for that purpose but it was found that additional land was needed for parking and bath- house facilities. Adjacent land was deemed adequate but the owners, Cathedral of the Pines, refused to sell for this purpose.

In the 1 9 68 Town Warrant, Article 1 5 , the Town was asked to vote on taking by eminent domain, the land owned by Cathedral of the Pines abutting the Grassy Pond beach. The article was indefinitely postponed and a committee of 5 appointe to study the matter of a Town beach ANNUAL REPORT JJJ

This Committee have taken field trips by car, jeep and boat to 2 6 sites; have cor- responded with and interviewed owners of shore property. No owners of desirable property are willing to sell at present for a public beach. Of these, two sites, Christ Church Camp on Lake Monomonoc and the Davol property on Pool Pond, are most desirable if negotiations could be made.

Another alternative is the further development of the present beach site on Grassy Pond by acquiring other adjacent land, at present available. As work has already been done in this area, we believe the cost to continue at this site would be less than to start proceedings at another site.

We recommend that a standing committee be appointed, to work with the Select- men, toward acquisition, development, maintenance and supervision of recreational facilities in this Town.


Bruce Herron, Chairman Hazel Allen, Secretary Dana Knight Redvers White

Minority Report

The Beach Committee appointed by the Moderator at the March 19 68 Town Meet- ing held many meetings, visited all known or suggested sites no matter how remote and the members talked with many people concerning the problem. Unfortunately, no possible site was discovered to be available, either by gift or the Town or at a reasonable cost.

In the opinion of the undersigned the Witty property on Grassy Pond at a cost to acquire and develop of $2 -$25 ,0 00 at least would be too great a burden at this time on the taxpayer, a poor location for future development, and its location would be the subject of further controversy as a future threat to the Cathedral of the Pines as demonstrated at the last Town Meeting.

The two best sites in Town as generally agreed are a small section of the Davol 9 property on Pool Pond and a section of the 1 ,30 foot 1 3 -acre Christ Church property on Lake Monomonoc, the owners of both properties refusing to consider an offer by the Town at present. These properties are the logical subject for future negotiation by the Town authorities.

Edward C . Brummer




1 968


NAME Description and Va ue in — • 9 o.2 X

1 Male Dog Aho, Bernard T. & Rose M Land 500 Buildings 450C 500C 1 15 7.50 Allen, Hazel B. Land 1500 30

Buildings 1 1 ooc 12500 393.75 # Allen, William T Sol Cottage 8 1 -Lots 1 -8 Blk EW LakeC Land 1000 Buildings 9000 10000 (Exempt $5 0) 265.00

1 5 Male Dogs - 5 Female Dogs Allen, William T. Mobile Homes & Trailers 2500 2500 78.75 Anderson, Gunnar R. Land 600 and Evelyn G. Buildings 8400 Road Bldg & Const Mchy 200 9200 289.80

1 Male Dog Anderson, Gunnar R. & Land 750 Evelyn C. and Horsman Cottage-Pool Pond 6250 7000 220.50 Priscilla Jane

Anderson, Mrs. Lillian M.So 1 Land 3000 Buildings 1000C 13000 (Exempt $5 0) 271 .30

Anderson, Peter J & Margare r Land 750 3 750 23.63 Anderson, Rachel L. Land 750 3-1/2 Building 1625C 17000 535.5

1 Male Dog Annala, Fred E. Sol & Helvi Land 700 Building 9500 10200 (Exempt $5 0) 271 .30

1 Male Dog Austin, G. Russell & Carol Land 750

Building 1 1250 12 000 378.00

1 Male Dog Bacon, Russell & Loyce B. Land 500 # Lot 2 8 1 Woodmere 50 Building 6500 7050 222.08 Baird, Raymond Land 750 2 Building 10750 11500 362.25 Baldwin, Charles L & Laura Land 800 3/4 Damon Land 500 Building 7200 3500 267.75 Ballantine, Benjamin D. Sol Land 4000 and Inez S. Building 1 1000 15 000 (Exempt $5 0) 422.50 Barrett, Ernest G. Land 1500 1

Buildings 1 1000 Stock In Trade 1600 4100 444.15 Bartlett, George E & Land 1000 Christine H. Cottage # 72 W Lake C 6000 7 000 220.50 Bartlett, Nelson D Jr. and Homestead 8800 Jacqueline P. Land 1200 1 0000 315.00 A

NAME Description and Value M o 2 X

1 Male Dog Batchelder, Miriam Land 1500 10 C.A. Todd land 400 40 Buildings 7000 8900 280.3! Beach, Foster M. & Edith M Land 4000 Buildings 9500 13500 425.2! Bennett, Richard H Cottage & Garage on 5500 Kimball Div Lots 32 200 Lot 17 1500 Lot 3 3 -A 200 Boats & Launches 1500 8900 280.3! Berger & Geanis, Inc. Old Forge Restaurant- Land 3000

Buildings 2 2000 2 5 000 787.5( Bernier, Richard J & Sylvia Land 500

Buildings 1 150C Boats & Launches 100 12100 381 .1! Betourney, Maurice A. Sol Land 750 and Lucienne L. Buildings 1025C 11000 (Exempt $5 0) 296. 5(

Bibeau, Inc., Brooke Winchester Land 1 200 Log Cabin 5800 7000 220. 5( Blair, Everett C. Sr Gordon Land 50 2 Land 400 4

Building 1 100 1550 48.83

Blouin, Roland E. & Margare \ Land 500 Buildings 7500 8000 252. 0C Bosley, Herbert A. Sol & Land 2000 Daisy B. Buildings 8000 10000 (Exempt $5 0) 265. 0C 2 Male Dogs-1 Female Dog Boudreau, Alfred R. Sol and Land 2000 3 Dorothy M. Leonard Jeweil Land 300 22 Taylor Lot 25 Buildings 12000 Boats & Launches 50 14 375 (Exempt $5 0) 402.81 Brummer, Edward C. Land (Sherwin Hill lot) 400 17 4 00 12.60 Burgoyne, Leonard G & Land 750 Priscilla M. Buildings 3750 4500 141 .75 Burns, William A. Sol and Land 200

Leona D. Buildings 1 300 1500 (Exempt $5 .0

1 Male Dog Burt, Howard O. & Helen R Letourneau Land 1500 1500 47.25

1 Male Dog

Burt, Howard O. Lots 5 & 1 4 W Lake C 30

Lot 20, Blk L, WLC 20 50 1 .58 Burt, Howard O Jr Sol Land 1000

1 /2 Farrar Land 800

1 /2 Jail house Land 1 Buildings 9000 10810

j (Fypmpt $^0) ?90. 1) 3 U X < 2£ 1— Burt, Roger P. Sol & Land 2000 50 Barbara E. Amyott Land 200 Buildings 1050C 12700 (Exempt $5 0) 350.05

1 Male Dog Burton, Carl E. & Isabel L Homestead & Shop 14000 Land 1500 Stock inTrade 1400 16900 532.35

1 Male Dog Butler, Exzelia L. Land 2500 Feldman Lot 120 Buildings 8500 11 120 350.28 Buzzell, Eva M. Land 500 Buildings 7500 8000 252.00 Call William H. Sol & Mary Land 1500 Buildings 7000 8500 (Exempt $5 0) 217.75

1 Male Dog

Campbell , Dorothy E. Land 250

1 /2 James Land 50

1 /2 Cleaves Land 400 Building 3650 4350 137.03 Campbell, Major Jean Sol Land-Lot 4 Kimball Div 1500 1500 47.25 Carney, Ruth M. Sol Land 500 5/16 33x37 Water & Aquaduct 25 Building 9000 9525 300.04 Caron, J. L. Robert Sol Land 500 Building 8000 8500 (Exempt $5 0) 217.75

1 Male Dog Carpenter, David C. Jr Sol Land 400 Building 600 Road BIdg & Constr Mchy 600 1600 50.40

1 Male Dog Cathedral of the Pines Trust Land 4000 "Sunny Acres" Homestead 16000 Cathedral House -land 12000 Building 20000 Hilltop House BIdg. 18000 Administration BIdg & Garage 14000 Garages 3000 N.A. Hale Land 1500 Coates Land 900 Tenney Land 3500

Camp 1201 ) Island 4000 Buildings 6000 Lot 31-R LaChance Div 300 104400 (Exempt $5 0,000) 171 3.60 Champney, Ernest C. Land 500 6

Building 4700 5200 1 63.80

1 Male Dog NAME Description and Value M a> X

Building 1 100 Merchant land 500 Building 5000 Groton Land 100 3-1/2 1640C (Exempt $5 0) 466. 6(

1 Male Dog - 1 Female Dog Cherico, Anthony & Frances Mobile Home 1500 1500 47.25 Christian, Ronald D. Sol & Land 500 2 Janet L. Homestead 8500 9000 (Exempt $5 0) 233. 5( 2 Male Dogs Clarke, Albert T. Sr & Land 2500 Margaret M. Homestead "Sunning Hill" 1700C 19500 614. 21 Clarke, Margaret M. Gordon Land 450 4-1/2 450 14.18

Cleaves, Marcia E Land 1500 1 Homestead 1250C Hastings Land 1000 20 Jewell Land 200 2 15200 478. 8( Cleaves, Walter E. & Land 750 4

Madeline M. Homestead 1075C 1 1500 362.2!

1 Male Dog Cleveland, Richard A. Sol Land 750

& Marion B. Homestead 1 175C Peter Jones Lot 450 90 12 950 (Exempt $5 0) 357.9: Cleveland, Walter A & Mary Land 750 Homestead 8750 9500 299. 2f Cloutier, Richard J. & Colle 2n Land 500

Homestead 1050C 1 1000 346.5C Coates, Wallace B. jr. Est Land 7000 155 Homestead 1800C

Nathan Hale Land 150 1 25 150 792. 2: Coffin, Leslie G Jr Sol & Land 600

Lucille M. Homestead 1 190C 12500 (Exempt $5 0) 343.75 Collins, Donald W. Land 1000 10 Homestead 9000 10 000 (Exempt $5 0) 265 .0C Connell, Frederick J. & Ella Land 700 Homestead 8300 9000 283. 5C

1 Male Dog Converse, Alice H Land 1000 6

Homestead 1 3000 Tottenham land 500 20 Converse Land 3500 150 1800C 567.00 Coolidge, Thomas J Sol Land 4000 # Cottage 1 35 & Bldg E Lake Ml 0500 14500 (Exempt $5 0) 406.75 Description and Value NAME ° 4> 15 X

Coppers, Eleanor S. Land 500C) "Buttonhook" & Garage 2900C Sherwin Land 150C 5 Homestead 1800C

Converse Land- 1 Male Dog 200 14 5370 1691.55 Cormier/ Raymond A. & Smith Land 750 Phyllis E. Homestead 9750

House Lot 500 1 1000 346.50 Costello, Harry J. Sol & Land 1500 Cuba J. Homestead 1650C 18000 (Exempt $5 0) 517.00

Courtemanche, Nelson A. Sc »l Land 500 and Leone Camp 1000 Unfinished Camp 500 2000 (Exempt $5 0) 13.00 Cowles, Ethel C. & Land 500 Whitney, Natalie C Homestead "Open Door" 7000 7500 236.25 Cramb, Donald W. & Judith Land 700 Homestead 6300 7000 220.50 Crosby, John B. Jr & Land 400 1

Charlotte R. Homestead 660 ) Allen Meadow 25 3

Bean & Snymonds Meadow 25 3 705( ) 222.08 Dahlgren, John L. Land 1500 37 Homestead 7000 8500 267.75 Dahlgren, Victor R. Land 500 Homestead 5000 5500 173.25

. Damon, Evelyn M. Land 500 3 Homestead 550' 3 6000 189.00 Damon Realty Co., Jonas Storage & Flowage Rights 10000 Woodland 7500 500 Sargent Land 5000 22500 708.75 Danforth, Marshall S. Sol Land 2000 Homestead 10000 Factory Buildings 4500 Factory Machinery 1500 Stock in Trade 2000 Gasoline Pumps & Tanks 1500 21500 677.25 2 Male Dogs Davis, Richard D. Sol Land 750 1 Homestead 7250 3000 252.00 Davis, William H & Hope E Land 1000 4 Homestead 7000 3000 252.00 2 Male Dogs Day, Lester W. Boats & Launches 150 150 4.73 Day, Minor Land 500 Homestead 1900 MOO 75.60 # DeRuosi, Sylvester & Lots 25-30 Incl 300 Maryann Cottage - Bck J W Lake C 3700 1000 126.00 Donaway, Joyce G Mobile Homes & Trailers 2400 Land 200 >600 81 .90

1 Male Dog JDonaway, Arnold A & Bette Land 500 Homestead 10500 1000 346.50 Description and Value M « NAME © _ v. o_2 X

1 Male Dog Dunchus, Eva B. Land 500 Homestead 7500 8000 252.00 Dwyer, Joseph R. Land 250

1 /2 Homestead 1750

1 /2 Camp 150 2150 67.73 Dwyer, Edna M. Lbnd 250

1 /2 Homestead 1750

1 /2 Camp 150 2150 67.73 Dykens, Lloyd G. Sol Camp - Damon Pond 1500 1500 (Exempt $5 0.00 Dykstra, Richard E. Jr. Sol Smith Land 1000 3 and Shirley A. Homestead & Shop 1400C Stock in Trade 500 Green Pasture 100C Unfinished House 3000 Lot #4 500 20000 (Exempt #5 0) 580.00

1 Male Dog Eleftheriou, William and Land 500 Harriet Homestead 5500 Land 1500 Cyprus Grove Restaurant 1550C 23000 724.50

1 Male Dog

Elsbree, Allen W. Sol & Ruth Land 1 000 1/4

Homestead 1 100C 12 000 (Exempt $5 0) 328 .00

Emery, Frank F . Sol & Ollie Land 200 Trailer 4300 4500 (Exempt $5 0) 91 .75 Esson, William R. & Zelda Land 5000 36 Homestead 4500C 50 000 1575 .00 Estabrook, Gordon D. Sol Land 4000 25 and Alma B Homestead 2000C 2400 (Exempt $5 0) 706.00

1 Male Dog Faery, Wayne W. & Jean L Trsiler 1500 Land 500 Garage 1000 3000 94.50 2 Female Dogs 3 Male Dogs Faulkner, Thomas B. Est. H. C . Smith land 4000 & Martha B. Sol Widow Homestead & Garage 14000 18 000 (Exempt $5 0) 517.00 Filback, Armas W Land 4000 Homestead and Garage 8500 12 500 393.75

1 Male Dog First Congregational Church Land 2500 and Society Buildings 47500 50000 (Exempt $5 0,0 00) R

NAME Description and Value a> 2£ Fish, George C. & Minnie E Land 500 Homestead 5500 Boats & Launches 150 6150 193.73 Fisk, James R & Marilyn M Lot 32 & 32 4300 Homestead Lake Monomonock 1250C 16800 529.20 2 Male Dogs FitzGerald, John B & Nolo Land 1500 C and Nancy A. Homeastead 1400C 15500 488.25

1 Male Dog Fitzgerald, Edith S. Est Land 4000 72 Homestead 1200( Hale Land 500 18 E.W. Hale land 1000 36 17500 551 .25 Flagg, Sidney R. & Dorothy Land 400 Homestead 4600 5000 15 7.50

1 Male Dog Floria, Robert F. Sol & Land 750 24 Juliette D. Homestead 3250 4000 (Exempt $5 0) 76.00

1 Male Dog Fogg, Newell R. & Annie E Land 5000

Apartment & Service Sta. 1 100C Garage 40 x 30 4000 Jewell Land bldgs 4000 Land 500 Homestead 8500 Garage 40x40 6000 Land 500 Roush Home 9500 59000 1858.50 Fogg, Willis C. Merchants Stock in Trade 5000 5000 157.50 Ford, Richard A. Land 500 Homestead 5200 Boats & Launches 100 5800 182.70 2 Male Dogs Franklin Pierce College Land 7000 1 15

Anderson Hall 1 3000 Barn 5040 (Rice) Carriage House 19800 Land 2500 3-1/2 Center (Dormitory 23940 College Union 34560

Crestview Dorm 1 59960 Edgewood 2 22156 Field House 86400 Granite 3 24000

Land 1 0060 215 Manor 75120

Monadnock Dorm 1 98720 Rindge Hall 28200

White House 1 3720 Jones Land 4800 25 Stannard Land 10000 127 1238976 (Exempt $564,307) 21 ,252.07 _

Description and Value M «> NAME © _ D.2 X

1 /2 Cottage WRS 365C

1 /2 Jones Land 5(

1 /2 Cleaves Land 400 4350 1 37.03 Fredey, Emile & Gwendolyn Lot 2 3 750 Cottage 1000C Lot 2 2 Lake M 750

Lot 1 2 Momononoc Terrace 4000c 15 800 497.70 French, Clarence P Land 750 25 Homestead 2750 Land 500 Unfinished Home 1350C 17500 551 .25 French, Hattie E. Land 800 135 Homestead (1/3) 2300 3100 97.65 French, Howard L. & Edith Land 2500 135 Homestead 9500 Smith Lot 100 10

John French Farm 2500 190 1470 )

Neat Stock 1 00 Exemption 459.70 French, William Est E. Leak Martin Lot 350 35 35C 1 1 .03 Frisk, Esther O. Land 500 Homestead 3000

D. A. Robbins Lot 140 14 3640 1 14.66 Fuller, Eugene A. Est & Enger L. Land 3000 16 Homestead 1700C 20000 630.00 Gagnon, Maurice R. Sol Land 600 3-1/2 and Barbara R. Sol Homestead & Kennel 5900 6500 Exempt $1 00) 104.75

Garland, George W. Sol & Land 600 1 -1/3 Helen E. Homestead 5900 Cutter Mill Land 300 2-1/2 Otis Norcross Land 300 20 A.M. Wood pasture 200 4-1/2

Poor Farm lot 1 630 1 63 8930 Exempt $5 231 .30 Gilmore, Lewis D. Jr. Sol Land 1500 17 and Mary G Homestead 1000C Roadside Frontage 2000 4 Stand 2500 Land 250

1 /2 Casey House 4250 205 00 645.75 Gilmore, Mary G Land 250

1 /2 Casey House 4250 4500 141 .75 Girouard, Thogos P. Sol & Land 750 Lucille A Homestead 1 1250 12 000 Exempt $50) 328.00

1 Male Dog Gleason, Thomas S S and Lot 7 Kimball Div 1500 Lorraine A Homestead 5500 7000 220.50

1 Male Dog Goddard, Roland C Land 2500 40 Homestead 6000

1 /2 Morgan Lot -Lake M 2000 10500 330.75 NAME Description and Value M __ • fl> l_ 0.2 X U a < 2£ i— Goddard, Roland C. Jr. Sol Land 700

and Lorraine E. Homestead 1 300(] 1 3700 (Exempt $5 0) 381 .55 Goodall, Ernest L. & Olivia Land 500 3/4

Homestead 1 100C 11500 362.25

1 Male Dog Gordon, Peter U. & Janet B Land 750 3/4 Homestead 8250 9000 283.50

1 Male Dog

Gove, Stanley W. Sol Land 500 1 Homestead 5500 6000

(Exempt $5 0) 1 39.00 Gray, Francis A. Sol Lot 6 Wellington Div 4000 Homestead 7300 11300 Exempt $5 0) 305.95

1 Male Dog

Gray, Howard A. & Grace Land 150 ) 40

Homestead 750 ) 9000 283.50

1 Male Dog Gray, Carrie S. Sol Widow Land 750 25 Homestead 8250 9000 **,, (Exempt $5 0) 233.50

Haarala, Walter A. Lots 1 &2 , 1 R & 2 R 4000 Homestead Beauvais Poaint 9000 13000 409.50 Hale, Martha R. Land 500 Homestead 7500 8000 252.00

Hammond, Raymond E. Sol Land 600 and Alice E. Homestead 8400

1 /2 s q. rd Allen Meadow 25 9025 (Exempt $5 0) 234.29 Hannu, Everett E. & Florence Land 700

Homestead 1 1300 12 000 378.00 Haskell, Andrew R. Land 1000 7 Cottage 7500 Schoolhouse Land 500 2 Hastings Land 900 3/4 Allen, Austin, Bean and Symonds Land 400 19 1030C 324.45 Haskel, Ray F. Sol Land 600 Homestead 6400 7000 (Exempt $5 0) 170.50

1 Male Dog Hayes, Eleanor H. Land 700 Homestead 7300 3000 252.00 Heikkinen, David R & Siri R Land 1000 3 Homestead 10000 1000 346.50

1 Male Dog Heine, Alfred & Kathryn F Land 3500 10 Homestead 17000 >0500 645.75 Herron, Bruce & Constance H Land 2000 Homestead 10500 2 500 393.75

1 Male Dog 10 *

NAME Description and Value M o Value u Total < Tax Hill, Eunice R. Land 500 Homestead 4300 4800 151 .20 Hill, George S. Land 500

Homestead 1 100C 11500 362.25

1 Male Dog Hill, Ira A. Land 500 Homestead 1050C 11000 346.50 Hill, Louis Land 3500 Restaurant 1750C 21000 661 .50 Hill, Wilfred P & Mary E. Land 500

Homestead 1 150C 12000 378.00 Hiltunen, Elias B. Sol Land 1000 Homestead & Garage Apt 1400C 15100 (Exempt $5 0) 425.65 Hindmarsh, Robert G. Land-Meade lot 270 27 27(| Hodgman, Frederick W. Sol Land 750 and Mary K Homestead 6750 7500 (Exempt $5 0) 186.25 Hood, Detroit G. Sol & Land 500 6 Anna M. Homestead 5000 5500 (Exempt $5 0) 123.25 Hood, Walter D. Sol and Land 500 Carole S. Homestead 6000 6500 (Exempt $5 0) 154.75 Howard, Fred F. & Gladys Land 500 Homestead 7000 7500 236.25 Howe, Roland B. & Irma M Land - Lot 30 Crowcroft Pd 1500 Log Cabin 9000 10500 330.75

1 Male Dog Hoyt, Douglas M & Sandar E Land 500

Homestead 1 1500 12 000 378.00 Hoyt, James A Land 500 Homestead 3500 4000 126.00 Hoyt, Ralph L Jr. Sol & Land 3000 Phyllis T. Homestead 16500 19 500 (Exempt $5 0) 564.25

1 Male Dog Hoyt, Raymond A & Helen L Land 500 Hometfead 8500

Damon Land 500 1 -1/2 9500 299.25 Hughgil, George C Land 7000 159 Homestead 7000 Raymond Pasture 300 27 Murdock Land 300 29 14 600 459.90 Hughgill, Raymond E and Land 500 Gloria M. Homestead 7500 8000 252.00 Hurme, Arnold E & Lempi E Land 1 000 2 Homestead 14000 Boats & Launches 150 15150 477.23 Hutchins, Francis G Land 500 Homestead 1500 2000 63.00 lives, Hillar & Kathleen A Land 3000 Cottage on Island pearly Lake 14500 17500 551 .25 1


NAME Description and Value 0) 0) U X < 2£ »— Impola, Henry R. Land 200 Homestead 2300 2500 78.75

Inferrera, Paul J Land 1000 1 Homestead Unf. garage 1000C 11000 346.50 Irish, Ronald F. & Linda C Land 500 Homestead 5200 5700 179.55

James, Gertrude H. Land 750 1 Homestead 7250 8000 252.00 Jamsa, Fred Land 2000 6 Homestead 4500 6500 204.75

1 Male Dog Jewell, Elwin C. Est. & Stearns Lot 50 15

Annie B. Est. Bean-Symonds Land 25 1 -1 /2 75 2 .36 Jewell, Annie B. Est Land 1000 Homestead 8000 9000 283.50 Johnson, Lillian R Land 1000 30

School house 4200C i 43 000 1354.50 Johnson, Daniel M. Sol & Land 2000 15 Jacqueline F. Liberty Jewell Place 1220C 14200 447.30

1 Male Dog - 1 Female Dog Johnson, Carl H & Agnes J Land 2500 237 Hautanen Farm 9000 Land 1000 Roadside Stand 6000 18 500 582.75

1 Male Dog Johnson, Jasper T. Sol and Land 1000 28 Alfreda A. Homestead 6200 7200 (Exempt $226.80) Jones, Paul A. Land 1900C 150 Homestead 1700C

3 1 Dairy Cows 3100 Fowle Lot 800 39900 (Exempt $1 000) 1225.35 Jussila, Arne R. Land 500 Homestead 8000 8500 267.75

Kalliainen, Calvin R. & Edn 3 Land 600 Homestead 1540C 16000 504.00 Kansanen, Jyry J. Land 4000 Ball urn Cottages 8500 12500 393.75 Karvonen, Edwin M & Linda Land 500 Homestead 1000C 10500 330.75 Kendall, Winters M. Sol & Land 1000 13 Alice J. Homestead 1000C 11000 346.50 Kimball, Bree Land 500

Homestead 1 350C 14000 441 .00 Kimball, Minnie E & George Land 4000 52 Metcalf Farm Homestead -land 500 Building 8300 Machinery 6800 19600 617.40 Kimball, George R. Charlie Hall mowing-bldg 200 200 6.30 King, Fay O & Josephine N Land 750 6 Homestead 4450

Clark Land 200 14 540i ) 170.10 12

NAME Description and Value M _ ® w* _r3 u X < 2£ 1— Kingsbury, Edward D. Sol Lot 2 7 -Emerson Pond 1500 and Alice E. Mobile Home 4000 5500 (Exempt $5 0) 123.25

1 5 Male Dogs Klein, Edwin B. Sol & Land -Wellington 1500 2

Katharine S. Homestead 1 350C 15 000 (Exempt $5 0) 422.50 Knight, Ainsworth Land 1000 4 Homestead 7500 Blake Land 800 13 1/2 Knight Hall 3200 12 500 393.75 Knight, Delia W. Sol Land 3500 45 Mobile Home 4000 7500 (Exempt $5 0) 186.25 Knight, Robert E. & Gail E Land 750

Homestead 1 325C 14000 441 .00

Knight, Isabel le A. Land 2000 1 Homestead 7000

Hastings Land 100 1 Lois Cleaves Land 100 1/4

Hazel Geddes Land 630 63 983i ) 309.65 Knight, Dana L & Bernice E Land 3000 64 Homestead 1000C Rice Land 600 23

land 1 000

Centre Store 1 300C 1/2 Knight Hall 3200

Stock in Trade 1000 31800 1 001 .70

1 Male Dog Knotts, Edward J and Land 1500 6

Margaret E. Homestead 1 330C Lord Land 150 14950 470.93 Koski, John L. Land 800 18 Aube Place 5400 Russell & Tague Place land 1000 128 Albert Smith Land 500 50 Burnap Pasture 1200 90 Willard Farm 400 23 Picard Plae 600 51

Government land 30 3 993i ) 312.80 Kruse, Taimi Land 500 Kaipainen Home & Garage 4500

Land 1 000 Kruse Home 5500 Land 7000 5 Camps -2 Male Dogs 2500 21000 661 .50 LaFond, Felix A &Edna C Land 500

Homestead 5500 6000 1 89.00 LaFond, Felix E & Doris L Land 300

Homestead 3200 3500 1 1 0.25 LaFond, Henry A & Eva B Land 750 Homestead 9250 10000 315.00 Kafreniere, Archie L Sol & Land 500 Katherine M. Homestead 6300 6800 (Fxempt $5 0) ? Male Dogs 1*4. ?0 13

NAME Description and Value _ ® o_2 2£

Lafreniere # Katherine M. & Bixby Lot 500 17 500 15.75 Ford/ Cynthia

Lafreniere, Lillian B. Land 500 1 Homestead 3500 Kemp Land 125 2 Cottage 350 10 447J> 140.96

1 Male Dog Laine, Peter A. Land 1200 Homestead 6300 7500 236.25

Dogs- 1 Male! Lambert/ Francis T. & Ruth Land 1000 4-1/2 Homestead 6000 7000 220.50 Landry, Gerald J. & Clara Land 500

Homestead and Shop 1 3500 Land 300 14 300 450.45

1 Male Dog LaRochelle, Ardis C. Land 250

Homestead 3550 3800 1 19.70

1 Male Dog Lauder, Charles A. and Land 1000 Ethel Marie Unfinished Homestead 8500 9500 299.25

1 Male Dog .eBlanc, Joseph D. Land 2000 9/10 Homestead 14000 160 00 504.00

1 Male Dog |e.eeman, Maymie L. Sol Land 750 1/4 and Sol Widow Homestead 10250 11000 Exempt $100 246.50 .eon, Florence M. Mobile Home 1800 1800 56.70 J hepicier, Raymond L. Sol Land 500 Homestead 5000 5500 (Exempt $5 0) 123.25 2 Male Dogs .etourneau, A. Wilfred Sol Land 2000 J and Lorna J. Homestead 8500 10500 (Exempt $5 0) 280.75

1 Male Dog

j etourneau, Leona P. Sol Lundgren Lot 300 Widow Land 1000 1-1/2 Homestead 12500 Fletcher Pasture 1500 100 North Road Land 200 1/2 15500 (Exempt $5 0) 438.25 ong, Marion, M. Est Land 1000 10 Homestead 6500 7500 236.25 14

NAME Description and Value a _ » Q) o_2 X U < 2£ 1—

Maclnnis, Leo F. & Marie L Stock in Trade 250 Land 1600 4

Homestead 1 1900 Land 250 1/2 Rand Cottage 4250 Jones & Hale land 500 2 Stratton -Sargent land 710 71 Buzzell-Smith land 520 52 Stickney Land 190 19 Todd Land 200 20 Todd land 70 7 J. B. Robbins land 100 10 Buzzell-Goddard land 200 4 Fuller land 220 22 Raymond Land 600 60 Bennett land 160 16 Harris Hale land 40 4 21760 685 .44 3 Female Dogs

1 Male Dog MacLeod, Basil B. Sr. & Land 500 Alice Homestead 8500 9000 283.50 MacLeod, Basil B. Jr. Sol Land 750

and Kay P. Homestead 1 1750 12 500 (Exempt $5 0) 343.75 MacNeil, James J & Louise Land 1500 13

Homestead 1 1500 Jones land 600 3 Apartment Building 99400 13000 3559.50 Madden, Edgar L. & Marion Land 750 1-1/2 Mobile Homes 3500 4250 133.88 Madden, Edgar J. Sol & Land 1000

Carolyn M. Homestead 1 1500 Stock in Trade 2500 Land 1000 Store 12500 Boat Storage Shed 12000 40000 Exempt $5 0) 1225.75

1 Female Marceau, Bernadette T. Lots 4-16-17 4500 Homestead 4500 ?000 2 8 3.50

Marcezu, Bernadette T. Hughgill land 3500 3500 1 10.25 Marceau, Paul A & Meremiah lot 35 LaChance Div 3500 Cottage 4000 7500 236.25

1 Male Dog Marcott, Alfred E & Hazel E Land 1500 Homestead 6500 Stock in Trade 2500 10500 330.75 Marjanen, Pekka T & Laina Land 500 Homestead 10000 10500 330.75 Martin, Clinton E. Sol and Land 750 Mildred C. Homestead 8250 ?000 E ( xempt $5 0) 233.50 Martin, Francis J Jr. Sol Mobile Home 1500 1500 47.25 .


NAME Description and Value in a> 0) 0.2 X

Sol and Esther 1 Mattson, Alvina E. Land 500 Homestead 8300 8800 277.20 Mayer, Albert D & Elizabeth Land 1500 16 Homestead 10500 12000 378.00 McKenney, James A & Laura Land 1500

Homestead & Garage 1 100C Lot 2 Monomonoc Terrace 800 13300 418.95 Meeting School Associates Ravndal House 1950C Inc. Land 500 Wolcott House 1200C Land 500

Flemming House 1 150C Land 500 Snell House 1750C Land 500 Evans House 1250C Land 500 Barn and Workshop 7300 Land 1000 Science Laboratory 800 2 Poultry Houses 200 Bartlett Cottage 4000 Land 500 Greenhouse 100 "The Shed" 500

_ Music Practice Room 200 Thomas Mowing 1000 91000 (Exempt $91 000 Melville, Samuel P & Alice Land 2000 19 Homestead 1600C 18000 567.00 Merchant, Alfred O & Land 300

Elizabeth M. Homestead 3500 3800 1 19.70 2 Male Dogs Michaud, Jeffrey Sol Homestead 1000 1000 (Exempt $5 0) Miller, Boris Lot 2 8 LaChance Div 4000 Unfinished Cottage 4500 Lot 2 8 -R Lanchace 300 8800 277.20 Miller, Edith K. Land 1000

Knight homestead 3400 4400 1 38.60 Morris, George L. Land 2000 14 Homestead 17000

1 300 Poultry $35 19350 (Exempt $35 0) 598.50

1 Male Dog Moisan, Edmund J & Land 500 Priscilla J. Homestead 6500 7000 220.50 Motuzas, Joseph F. Sol Lot 2 8 & back lot-Crowcroft 1750 Homestead 7250 9000 (Exempt $5 0) 233.50 . . R


NAME Description and Value _ ® 25 Musgrave, Mabel C. Land 1500

Homestead 1 850C 20000 630.00 Nichols, Charles R &Barbara Land-Wellingtin Fiv 2500 Homestead "Acorn Lodge 1 8000 Boats and Launches 100 10600 333.90 Nichols, Charles W. Sol anc Lot 34 LaChance Div 4000 Barbara M. Homestead 1000C Lots 33 Rand 34 600 Boats & Launches 150 14750

Exempt $5 ) 414.63 Niemi, Rose Cottage on Damon land 2000 2000 63.00 North Riding, Inc. Timbertop & Storage Flowage Rights -Land 1500C 750 Buildings 3000C 4 Trailers 3000 White House 1200C

Mi 1 1 house - 1 Male Dog 2200C 82000

(Exempt $5 0,00 0) 1 ,008.00 Nottingham, Eveline E. Land 2500

Walter Hale Place 1 100C 13500 425.25 O'Connor, Charles G. and Land 1500 3/4 Jacqueline B. Homestead 8500 10000 315 .00 Ohman, Carl O & Land 2500 15 Ragnhild, O. Homestead 5500 8000 252.00

1 Male Dog Olson, David E & Linda S. Land 500 Homestead 8000 Hoyt Land 500 9000 283.50 Olson, Joel T & Anne L, Land 500

Homestead 1 100C Barrett mowing 800 12300 387.45 Olson, Michael C. & Land 2000 Elaine S Homestead 21 00C Rice land-Rt 119 1500 24500 771 .75 O'Neil, William E. Sol and Land 600 Joan R. Homestead 9900 10500 (Exempt $5 0) 280.75

Pangborn, John F . Sol & Land 2000 12

Dorothy K. Homestead 1 300 Fowle-Hale land 1500 45 16500 (Exempt $5 0) 469.75

1 Male Dog Pasquale, Rocco R. Sol & Land 150 Joan B. Homestead ioooo 11500 (Exempt $5 0) 312.25 Patenaude, Verne L. Sol Land 4000 and Kathryn C Homestead i isoq 15500 (Exempt $5 0) 438.25 Patterson, George W. Trailer 4000 4000 126.00 2 Male Dogs 17

NAME Description and Value (A 4) X u a < 2£ t— Peabody, Lawrence Sol & Land 1000 Berta T. Homestead 1000C Cutter Orchard 500 5 Shop 2000

Garland Land 40( ) 13900 (Exempt $5 0) 387.85

1 Male Dog Pelkey, Oris & Annie Land 500 Homestead 6500 7000 220.50

Penttila, Konsta Land 1000 1 Homestead 9500 10500 330.75 Phillips, John M. & E Lake M land 4000 # Christine W. Cottage 1 5 2 1300C Lake Frontage (sharp) 500 Boats & Launches 50 17550 552.83 Phillips, Christine W E Lake M land 4000 # Cottage 1 5 1 1 100( Cygnet Cottage 4000 Townsand land 1000 15 Wellington land 450 20450 644.1 8 2 Female Dogs Pike, Wayne B. Sol land 250

1 /2 Homestead 2350 2600 (Exempt $5 31 .90

1 Male Dog Pineult, Paul L. Land 3500

Cottage and Garage 1 100C Lots 31 A and 32 200 14700 463.05

Poikonen, Alan 1 & Sally K Land 1000 Homestead 1050C 11500 362.25 Popple, Frank Est. Land 500 Spooner Lot and Camp 300 800 25.20 Popple, Ora M. Land 500 Homestead 6500 7000 504.00

Powley, Robert J & Doris N Land 1200 1 3 Homestead 1480C 16000 504.00 2 Male Dogs Preble, Donald A. Land 1200 41 Homestead 1480C 16000 504.00 Puhakka, Tauno O & Weino Land 1500 4 - Homestead 1400C 15500 488.25 Pyhala, Arthur E. W. Land 500 Homestead 9000 9500 299.25 Pyhala, Henry W. & Karen Land 500 Homestead 8000 8500 267.75

Pytko, Genevieve & Lots 1-6 incl . pool pond 2000 Anderson, Wanda Cottage 6500 8500 267.75 Quimby, Perce L. Sol Land 500 Homestead 4500 5200

(Exempt $5 0) 1 1 3.80 Ratte, Theodore F. & Homestead 7000 Gertrude V. Land 500 Trailer 50 7550 237.83 18

NAME Description and Value M _ • 0) o.2 X

1 Male Dog

Raymond, William J. Sr. ant 1 Land 5 0( 3

Mildred L. Homestead 550 3 Kemp Sprout land 200 15 6200 195.30

1 Male Dog Raymond, William J. Jr & Land 500 Amy M. Homestead 750C 8000 (Exempt $5 0) (Sol) 202.00

1 Male Dog Reenstierna, Jon G. and Land 500 Virginia M. Homestead 9500 10000 315.00 Rhuland, Florence M. Stevens Land 5000

Homestead 1 100C 16000 504.00

1 Male Dog Rice, Charles H. Jr. Sol ana Land 1500 10 Ruby E. Homestead "Topside" 1050C Wetmore land 600 20 Garage 500 Hill land 400 6 13500 (Exempt $5 0) 375.25 Rice, Harold H. Est & Ruth Land 3000 7 Homestead 2100C Underwood land 100 4 Farrar land 1000 80 25100 790.65 Rice, John B. (Sol) Land 500 3/4 Homestead (1/2) 8000 Flint land 1000 38 Fowle, Converse & Chase 1200C 40

O. P. Hunt land 14( ) 14 Bancroft land 15C 20 Winchester land 600 75 John F. Hale land 140 14 Jason S Perry land 2000 217 Adin Cummings land 250 25 Mayo land 150 3 McGregor land 70 7 Diamond Match land 600 8 Barrett land 120 12 Stearns & Teague land 480 22 Temple land 80 2 Eliza Woodward land 1200 120 Day and McConnell 28( 28 Stowe land 36( 36 L. F. Hale Farm 1040 25 Fowle Hill land 320 8

1 lot Emerson Pond 1000 1/2 P.O. Bldg-land 500 Building 7000 Coffin-Platts land 600 6

Government Land 1 170 1 17 Withington land 300 30 .


NAME Description and Value to a wQ> o_2 X u < 2£ 1— Rice, John B. (Continued) Hall & Stratton land 150C 150 Howe & Jewell land 900 90 Wood and Green lot 340 34

1/2 E. 1 Wellington land 250 Mill & Water Rights 1000

1 /2 Crow croft Dev & Storage & Flowage rights 1400C 1/2 Converseville & Bancroft & storage & flowage rights 6000

1 /2 White & Deeth land 150 30 Road Building Machinery 21 15C 64180 2021 .99 Rice, Barbara P. Sol Land 500 3/4 Homestead (1/2) 8000 Land 500 1/2 Post Office Building 7000 1/2 E.I.Wellington land 250

1 /2 Crowe roft Development & Storage & Flowage rights 1400C 1/2 Conversville & Bancroft & storage & Flowage rights 6000

1 /2 White & Deeth land 150 30 36400 1 146.60 Rice, Richard T. Sol and Land 1000 Evelyn Homestead 9000 Griswold land 860 86 Ramsdell & Converse 2750 16 13610 (Exempt $5 0) 378.72 Kennel Richmond, Perley F. Sol nad Land 750 Mary W Homestead 6750 7500 (Exempt $5 0) 186.25 Rivard, Henry E. Sol and Land 500 Virginia W. Homestead 8000 8500 267.75 Roy, Homer Land 500 Homestead 5000 5500 173.25 Royce, Ada E. Land 150

1 /2 Homestead 1500 1650 51 .98 Royce, Charles B. Sol land 150

1 /2 Homestead 1500

1 /2 Popple land 100 1750 (Exempt $5 0) 5 .13 St. Peter, Arthur & Blanche Land 500

Unfinished Homestead 3000 3500 1 10.25 St. Pierre, Arthur land 250

1 /2 Homestead 2350 2600 81 .90 St. Pierre, Francois X. Jr Land 500 sol and Clara V. homestead 4000 Island Hayru 300 Boats & Launches 900 5700 (Exempt $5 0) 129.55 Sampson, Elizabeth W. Land 3000 # Cottage 1 27 Lake M 4500 Land 3000 # Cottage 1 28 Lake M 4500 Bush Hill 650 7 15650 492.98 20 1

Description and Value to « NAME _ 3 0) o -*

Sargent, Edwin H. Est. Hale land 500 6 Todd Land 500 25 Fuller land 600 1 160( ) 50. 4C Savage, Harold E & Nellie Land 1500 Homestead 1750C 19000 5 98.5CJ Sears, Stacy O. Sol Land 2000 Homestead 1900C 21000

(Exempt $5 0) ( 61 1 .5(

1 Male Dog Schmitt, George Damon Land Camp 1000 1000 31 .50 Scholl, Warren A.K. Jr. Wellington Land ]500 50 Converse Camp 2800 4300 135.4* Sellers, Evell O. Sol & Land 600 1-1/2 Eileen E. Homestead 7900 8500 (Exempt $5 0) 217. 7! Semonite, George E and Land 1000

Mildred T. Homestead 1200C i 13000 409.5C 2 Male Dogs Seppala, Arnold R. & Eileen Land 500

Homestead 1250C - 13000 409. 5C Seppela, Arthur R & Sylvia Land 500 Homestead & Garage 9500 B. O. Hale place 1000 11000 346. 5C

Seppala, Edwin B. Sol & Mar i Land 600 Homestead and Garage 1040C 11000 (Exempt $5 0) 239.5C

1 Male Dog Seppala, Wallace G. Land 500 Homestead 9000 9500 299.25 Sesia, Philip J. and Land 600 Phyllis Homestead 1040C 11000 346.5C Seymour, Francis E. & Clara Land - Estabrook 250

Boats & Launches 100 350 1 1 .03 Seymour, Clara C. Land 750 Homestead 5450 Land 1500 Cottage-Pool Pond 6500 14200 447.30 Shaw, Charles N. Connelly land 2 000 Homestead 4500 6500 204.75

1 Male Dog Smith, Agnes M. Land 1500 Homestead 6500 Boats and Launches 50 8050 253.58 Smith, Donald J & Mary G Land 1000 1-1/2 Homestead 1700C Davis lot 400 31

Diamond Match lot 1 100 1 10 19500 614.25

1 Male Dog Smith, Dorothy N. Land 5000 35 Homestead 2150C 26500 834.75 Smith, David W. Sol & Gail Land 1500 Homestead 7000 8500 267.75

1 Male Dog 21

Description and Value w NAME ° 4) 15 X

Homestead 1 1000 12500 393.75 Snow, Helen E. Land 4000 Homestead 21500 Steeves land 1000 Lot on Lake M 1500 Rice lot 3000 Boats and Launches 500 31500 992.25

1 Female Dog

1 Male Dog Somero, William W. Sol Land 250 Homestead 4750 5000 (Exempt $5 0) 107.50 Speckman, Donald E. Sol Land 500 Homestead 30000 Norcross land 2500

Trailer 3000 36000 1 134.00

1 Male Dog Spooner, John L. Sol and Land 1000 Patricia E. Homestead 165 00 Lot at E Lake M 2000 19500 (Exempt $5 0) 564.25

1 Male Dog

Stackhouse, Elizabeth Land 800 1 Homestead 14200 15000 472 .50 Stannard, Raymond Est. Sol Land 750

1 /2 Homestead 5750 6500 204.75 Stannard, Dorothy Est. Land 750

1 /2 Homestead 5750 6500 204.75 Starrett, Edwin B & Evelyn Wellington Land 3000 Homestead 5800 8800 277.20

1 Male Dog Stauffeneker, Vernon F and Land 500 Katherine M. Homestead 1000C 10500 330.75 Stearns, Alice G. Sol Widow Land 600 Homestead 8900 9500 (Exempt $5 0) 249.25 Stearns, Jennie P. Land 100 Homestead 900 1000 31 .50 Stearns, Richard H. Land 5000 55 Homestead 175 00

Converse land 1 000 2 Symonds Land 30 3 Blake lot 1000 62 Frank Converse lot 100 10 Todd Hill Farm 4000 20

Road Bldg & Const. Mdmy 315 28945 91 1 .75 Stearns, Alice C. Sol Land 750 4-3/4

House on Rt 1 1 9 6750 Lot 2 2 -Lake M 3000 Cottage 2500

Lnts 1 9 & ?0 Laphnm Div 800 1380 434.70 .


Description and Value «> NAME _ o o_2 u X < 2£ 1— Stebbins, L. Louis and Land 100C

Florence E. Homestead 1 300C 14000 441 .00 Stevenson, Loring R. and Land 500C Pauline M. Homestead "Santa Maria" 1500( Boats and Launches 50 20050 631 .58 Stevens, Edward G. and Land 250 3 Marjorie B. Homestead 1250( Land 500 Old Country Auction Hall 4500 2000 630.00 Stevens, Edward G. and Land 400 Marjorie B. Stebbins House 7800 8200 258.30 Stewart, David C. Sol and Land 3000 Kathryn H. Homestead 1700C 20000 (Exempt $5 0) 580.00

1 Male Dog Stoddard, William H. and Land 500 Margaret E. Homestead 5300 5800 182.70

Stone, Valeda M. and Camp- Damon Pond 1 100 1 100 34.65 Thomas, Leo Sullivan, James A. Est and Land 4000

Asta F Homestead 28000 32000 1 008.00 Summers, Elizabeth V. 6 Lots-Woodmere 500 # Cottage 3 3 3000 3500 1 10.25 Tacy, Frederick J. Land 500 Homestead and Garage 6500 Cottage 500 7500 236.25 Taylor, Abby Land 800 3 Trailer & Garage 4000 4800 151 .20

1 Male Dog Taylor, Oliver J. Land 800

Homestead 1 1 700

Bradford Pasture 1 8C 18 12780 399.42 Taylor, Stanley R. Sol Land 500 Homestead 8500 9000 (Exempt $5 0) 233.50 Teague, Everett B. & Nellie Land 700 Homestead 10800 Lot 7 -Emerson Pond 300 11 800 371 .70

1 Male Dog Tenney, Myron A. & Aune E Land 900 42 Homestead 9100 10000 315 .00 Tenney, David & Linda Reservoir lot 500 Homestead 8500 9000 283.50

1 Male Dog Tenney, Rodney N. and Land 500 Patricia C. Homestead 8500 9000 283.50 Thrasher, Oscar P. & May F Land 500 1 Homestead 7500 8000 252 .00 Thrasher, Perry B. Land 750 25

1 /2 Homestead 4000

1 Dairy Cows 1 000 5750 (Exempt $1 000) 149.63 23

NAME Description and Value ID 0) o_2

Thrasher, Alice M. Land 750 25

1 /2 Homestead 4000 5750 (Exempt $1 000) 149.63

Thrasher, Leslie G. 1 Dair Cows 1000 1000 (Exempt $1 000) —

1 Male Dog Tibbetts, Hubert M. and Ware Land 2000 2000 63.00 Gunhild M. Todd, Alfred B. Land 4500 23 Homestead 9500 Stratton land 400 25

1 /3 Etta Todd place - land 330 Buildings 2000 16730 527.00 Todd, Cecil H. Land 330

1 /3 Etta Todd Place 2000 2330 73.40 Tower, David M. & Lynda Land 4000 Homestead 12000 16000 504.00 Towle, Philip A. & Virginia Land 800 Homestead 6200 7000 220.50

Trefry, Harold L. Sol & Agne s Lot 2 Emerson Pond 1500 Homestead 1800 Boats & Launches 50 3350 (Exempt $5 0) 55.53 Troup, Walter & Ruby R. Land 1200 7

Homestead 1 1300

Butterfield place-land 300 3 1280C ) 403.20 Troup, Ruby R. J & N.A. Hale land 1000 80

Fitzgerald land 1250 25 225( I 70.88 Wade, Sylvia Homestad-land 500 Buildings 15000 Champney land 75 Crosby farm 750 Charles Hale place 750 Smith Meadow & Taft land 150 Met calf meadow 300 SamJones meadow 225 Hale & Davidson land 60 Brodmerckle Camp 200 18010 567.32 Walsh, John F. Sol Land 5 000 Homestead & Candy Shop 22000

Stock in Trade 1000 2 800C i (Exempt $5 0) 832.00 Walsh, John David White land-Converse 500 500 15.75 Walsh, Lawrence & Ada R Land 2000

Homestead & Garage 1 1500 Lot Willington Div 1500 15000 472.50 Ward, Ralph B. Sol Land 600

1 /2 Homestead 8400 ?000 (Exempt $5 0) 233.50 Ward, Gertrude E. Land 600

1 /2 Homestead 8400 ?000 283.50 Work, Robert T. Sol Land 200 6-3/4 Camper 500 700 22.05 24

NAME Description and Value M 4) o _ u X < 2£ t—

Webster, Floyd N. Jr. and Land 300 2

Theresa Homestead 800 1 100 34.65

1 Male Dog Weidner, John & Miriam W. Land 3000 and Williams, Doris W. Homestead 10000 Land 500 House *1 7500 Land 500 House ^2 7500

Kimball Land 8500 1 00 Land 10500 7 Cottages 3 35 00 Land 1500

Saw Mill Apartment 94500 17750C ) 5591 .25 2 Male Dogs Wein, Dalton H. Sol and Land 700 Lorraine C. Homestad 8300 9000 2 Male Dogs (Exempt $5 0) 233.50 Welch, David K. Sol and Lots 149,150,153,154 Ethel F. 15 5 ,15 6 Woodmere 2000

Homestead 1 2000 14000 (Exempt $5 0) 391 .00

1 Male Dog Wellington, Augusta Est. Agustus Wellington land 3250 15

Jones land 1 900 Millsite 200 5350 168.53

Wellington, Meda Land 500 1 Homestead "Fairview" 900 1400 44 .10 Wellington, Paul Sol Land 500 Homestead 4500 Kimball Lot 740 37 Wellington, Hale & Converse lot 2500 8240 (Exempt $5 0) 209.56 West, Hope Haney Land 2000

Cottage '5 4 Woodmere 1 2000

Pt . of Sherwin Hill farm 2700 60 16700 526.45

West Rindge Baskets, Inc. Store & Shop-land 1 000 Factory buildings 14000

Factory machiner 1 600 Merchants Stock intrade 800 Mfrs. Stock in trade 500 Flowage Rights 200 18100 570.15

West Rindge Methodist Churc i Land 1 000 Building 26000 27000 (Religious Exemption $27,000) — Wheeler, Roland R. and Homestead on Damon land 150d 1500 47.25 Barbara Whippie, Florence I.G. Land 3000 121 Homestead 9000 12000 378.00 White, Davis L & Lyndsay A Land 4000 Homestead 14500 Boats & Launches 200 18700 589.05 . . .


NAME Description and Value M _ • tt> o.2 X u o < 2£ i—

White, Herbert L. Sol & Mar y Land 400 Homestead 5000 Lot 60 x 120 200 Flagg Land 50 5650 (Exempt $5 0) 127.98

1 Male Dog White, Ralph V. and Land 3500 Virginia F Homestead 10500 Smith Land 250 1 14250 448.88 White, Perry Inc. Stock in Trade 50000 50000 1575.00 White, Peregrine Sol Ramsdell -Converse land 1 000 20 North Pature 600

1 /2 Tredinock-land 5000 1 1 Building 25000 1/2 Glimmerglass -land 1000 100 Building 4000

1 /2 North mowing 100 8

1 /2 Marianna lot 150 15 36850 (Exempt $5 0) 2 Male-2 Female dogs 1 1 10.78 White, Redvers G Homestead 11500 Land 3000 60

1 /2 Farrar Land 800

1 /2 Jail House land 10 Allen Land 900 30

1 /2 Tredinock-land 5000 1 1 Buildings 2500

1/2 Glimmerglass-land 1 000 100 Buildings 4000

1 /2 North mowing 100 8

1 /2 Marianna Lot 150 15 Road Bldg Mch y 15120 44080 1 388.22

1 Male Dog

1 Female Dog White, Russell E. Land 750 Homestead 9250 Goddard land 200

1 /2 Morgan lot Lake M 2000 12200 384.30 Whitehead, Melvin F. Sol Land 800 and Pauline L. Homestead 8000 Boats & Launches 200 9000 (Exempt $5 0) 233.50

1 Male Dog Whitney, Carl C & Marion B Land 500 Homestead 5500 5000 189.00 Whitney, Harry S. Sr. Land 600 6 Homestead 5900 S500 204.75 Whitney, Richard N. Sol Land 250 1/2 and Sarah J Homestead 2750 3000 (Exempt $5 0) 44.50 Whitney, Robert F. Land 1000 Homestead 10000

1 /3 Undivided land 100 11100 349.65 .


NAME Description and Value _ • 0.2 2£

Wilder, Mary I. Land 500 Homestead 3500 4000 126.00 Wilkens, Kenneth R. Sol and Land 750 Patsy Homestead & Garage 73501 Coffin Mill privilage 400 8500 217.95 (Exempt $5 0) Wilkinson, Arthur W. and Land 2000 Katherine E. Homestead 12000 2 Shore lots 4000 Boats & Launches 150 18150 571 .73 Winders, Baron H & Sandra Land 500 Homestead 10700 11200 352.80

1 Male Dog Winship, Donald E. Land 500 2/3 Homestad 8000 1/2 of 2 sq. rods Allen meadow 25 8525 268.54 Winship, Kermit C. Sol Land 500 3/4 Homestead 5800 6300 (Exempt $5 0) 148.45 2 Male Dogs Witty, Donald M & lla K Land 2000 Homestead and 4 cabins 10000 12000 378.00

1 Male Dog

1 Female Dog Woodbound Inn, Inc. Land 20000 90 Woodbound Inn 45000 Lakewood Cottage 9000 Crestwood Cottage 17500 Beachwood Cottage 6500 Pinewood Cottage 7000 Driftwood Cottage 12000 7 000 3685.50 Young, Elisha, H. Sol and Land 500 Norma N Homestead 6000 6500 (Exempt $5 0) 154.75

1 Male Dog Young, Frank W. V. Land 3000 Homestead 9000 2000 378.00 Young, Dr. Leo A. Land 750 Homestead 1750 12500 (Exempt $5 0) 343.75 Young, Walter J & Isabelle Land 250 Homestead 4750

Young Land -Bldgs 100 1/2 5100 1 60.65 NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NON RESIDENT



1 968


NAME Description and Value a> o.2 X u o < 2£ »— Abbott, Celian H. Land E Lake M 200C 6 School Square Cottage 5700

Winchendon, Mass. 1 Boat 300 8000 252.00

Abel, Mrs. Robert Land 1 000 7 6 W. Cedar Street Crotto Place 10800 Boston, Mass. Dickenson Land 1000 5 Jesett Land 700 35 Streeter Lot 500 80 I400C 441 .00 Aborn, David R. & Harriet E Lot 34 W LakeC 2000 6 Spruce Street Cottage #5 9000 Milford, N.H. Cottage ^5 6 1500 Lot W 'Lake C 1500 Land 500 1 Ross Cottage *I7 Woodmere 9500 Boats & Launches 500 24500 771 .75 Adams, Carl R. & Anne C. Lot 30 -A Kimball Div. 1500 1500 47.25 324 Cape Road Mendon, Mass. Adams, Joseph Land 4000 26 St. Andrews Street Cottage E Lake M 12500 16500 519.75 Fitchburg, Mass. Adams, Joseph Jr. & Claire Land 500 101 Fitch Hill Road Cottage 5500 6000 189.00 Fitchburg, Mass. Adams, Mrs. Marion S. Lnnnd 1500 6 Bellevue Avenue Bancroft Place 8500 I000C 315.00 Cambridge, Mass. Adams, Thomas A. Camp-Pine Eden 1600 1600 50.40 4 Columbus Avenue Baldwinville, Mass. Aldrich, Frank H. John White land 500 30

Box 59 7 B.F. Danforth land 600 35 1 100 34.65 Allendale, S. Carolina Allen, Frank D. Lot Blk L-W Lake C 200 20C 6.30 9 Wheelock Street Keene, N.H. Amadio, Louis R. & Janet A Lots 22-23 Beavis Pt 4000 20 Crown Street Cottage 4000 8000 252.00 Leominster, Mass. Ames, Bliss C & Phyllis H Hunt Land 4000 Woodridge Road "Blue Echoes" Cottage 13000 I700C 535.50 Dover, Mass.

Anderson, Ernest Boats & Launches 50 50 1 .58 5 Highland Street Attleboro, Mass. Anderson, George R & Alina Lot # 3 Kimball Div 1500 69 Exeter Street Cottage 3000 4500 141 .75 Fitchburg, Mass.

Anderson, Lawrence W and Lot 1 Emersonian Park 1500 Dorothy M. Camp 3000 4500 141 .75 Groton School Groton, Mass. 28

NAME Description and Value M __ • © o_2 U X < 2£ 1- Annala, Ernest W & Helen E Lot 30 Kimball Div 800 800 25. 2( Nelson Street Troy, New Hampshire Annett Box Company Storage & Flowage Rights 4000 4000 126.0 Jeffrey, N.H. Appleby, Frank K. Hoyt Place-Route 202 -land 400 400 12.6C Brookline, N.H. Archambault, Roland & Land (Potter Est) 100 100 3.15 Glorid Squanturn Road Jaffrey, N.H. Armstrong, Herbert E. Lot 70 W LakeC 2000

1 3 3 Barthel Avenue Cottage 2000 4000 126.0 Gardner, Mass. Aspen, Dr. Richard W. and Lots 2 and 21-LaChance Div 8000 Dorothy B. Camp 100 8100 255.1. South Street Barre, Mass. Astle, Robert W. Jr. and Lot 15 Kimball Div 1500 1500 47.25 Alberta M.

1 98 Blaine Street Fairfield, Conn. Athy, Patrick J. Land 500 25 Bridges Avenue Cottage W Lake C 6000 6500 204.7! Newtonville, Mass. Atlantic Ritchfield Co 2 Pumps & 2 Tanks 1800 1800 56. 7C PO Box 725 8 Philadelpha, Penn. Ancoin, Elmer & Tina Land 300 3 34 Stratton Road John Rathburn Place 2200 2500 78.75 Jaffrey, N.H. Avedisian, Mrs. Alice Lot 5 Kimball Div 1500 1500 47.25 137 Maplewood Street Watertown, Mass. Avedisian, Harry & Lolia Lot 6 Kimball Div 1500 676 Boylston Street Cottage 6500 8000 252 .0( Newton, Mass. Bagley, Earl C. 8 Lots Woodmere 5 7 0-577 800 800 25.20 3 3 Pine Street Peterborough, N.H. Bagley, Mrs. Marion J. 5 lots W Woodmere 4000 33 Pine Street 2 Cottages 14000 Peterborough, N.H. Woodland 3000 50 : 21000 661 .5(

Bailey, C.W.G. & Catherin. ; E Lake M Land 2000 135-28 78 Ave Apt I6A Cottage *1 37 and garage 7000 9000 283.5C Flushing, New York Baker, George P & Ruth B Lots 20,21,22 &23 6000 Dean's House Cottage Rindge Manor 7500 13600 428. 4C Harvard Business School Soldier's Field Boston, Mass. 23.

NAME Description and Value £2 Balentine, James W & Hodgham land 42 42

Betty Jane Johnson land 1 70 17 59C 18.59 Gil more Pond Road Jeffrey, N.H.

Barbera, Concetta Camp #46-Blk I W KakeC 2500 86 Division Street Lots 11 -12 50

2 1 Shipman Avenue WLakeC 25 250 7.88 N. Babylon, L.I.N.Y. Barbera, Joseph Camp #38 Blk DW Lake C 2500 3 Sargent Avenue Lots 12-13-14 300 2800 88.20 Somerville, Mass.

Barbera , Natale Est. 2 lots 13-14 Blk I W LakeC 160 160 5 .04 c/o Mrs Grace Palerno 86 Division Street Chelsea, Mass. Barker, Edmund L. Land 500 41 Allison Street Barker Place 480 5300 166.95 Concord, N.H. Barnes, Carlos E. Jr & Rita Lot 19 Kimball Div 1500 1500 47.25 2 2 Barrett Avenue Keene, N.H. Barry, Agnes G. 13 lots 75 24 Parker Street Peny-Bryn Cottage 645 7200 226.80 Chelsea, Mass. Bartlett, Mrs. Alice A. Lot 2 LaChance Div 4000 87 School Street Camp 45 00 8500 267.75 Winchendon, Mass. Bastarache, Evangeline M. Land 1500 132 Baker Street Camp-Pool Pond 7 300 8800 277.20 Gardner, Mass.

Bastarache, Ulysse & Anna Jewell Land 1 00 360 Florence Street Trailer 400 Leominster, Mass. Boat 5 550 17.33 Batchelder, Clem M and Land 2 000 Marjorie C Cottage #5 7 & Garage 85 00 10500 330.75 5 9 Woburn Street Medford, Mass. Beekvold, Louise Scannell Land 2000 357 S Irving Street Cottage *5 6 & Garage Ridgewood, N.J. and Bunkhouse E Lake C 11000 Boats 200 13200 415.80 Beckwith, Beatrice Jane Land 2000 5-1/2 54 Chicken Street "Pon-A-Hill" 10000 Wilton, Conn. Cleaves land 5 00 125 00 393.75 Begun, Mrs Bettina B. Land 4000 Benjamin Road "Log Gables" Lake M 800 12 000 378.00 Shirley, Mass. Beksha, Michael W & Anna Land-Emerson Pond 75 2 Cassidy Lane Compa on 1/2 lot 7 2 45 3200 100.80 Medway, Mass. .


NAME Description and Value _ • o_2 2£ Belanger, Leopold L & Eva Land 4000 41 Lincoln Avenue Cottage 7 Beauvais Point 65 10500 Winchendon, Mass. Belfiore, Vinera Lots 10-11 Blk B W LakeC 25 5 Watts Street Camp # 39 255 Chelsea, Mass. Lots 6-10 Incl. Blk L 400 2900 Bell, E. Arthur Cottage-Witherton Hill -land 2 20 43 60 Campbell Drive Building 5000 7200 Stamford, Conn

Bell, William I & Evelyn Lot 6 Lake C 2000 460 3 Westridge Place Camp ^6 9 6200 8200 Washington, D.C. Belletete's Inc. Letourneau land 4000 60 4000 Peterborough Road Jeffrey, N.H.

Belliveau, Raymond & Irene Lots 4-7 Incl-W LakeC 1500 2 Dudley Street Camp 3000 4500 Fitchburg, Mass. Benjamin, Mrs Wilhelmina F Lot 19 Emerson Pond 1500 219 Silver Street Camp 5000 6500 Greenfield, Mass. Bennett, John P & Ann E McDermott land 3500 12 350 5 2 Pinckney Street Boston, Mass. Bert, Roderic L. Trailer-land 500

Box 8 6 3 , Sta A Trailer 30001 3500 Gardner, Mass. Bergeron, Joseph G. and Lots 15 and 2 7

Marguerite L. Monomonoc Terrace 1 700 1700 187 River Street Fitchburg, Mass. Bergman, Mary C Patri land 300 112 West Street Cottage 1500 1800

Paxton , Mass Berquist, Harold W and Lots 170-175 Incl. Miriam G Blk F W Lake C 300 4 Sheridan Street Camp 900 1200 Woburn, Mass.

Bernard, Joseph D. & Dorina Lot II Rindge Manor 1500 L.S 1500

Box 77 , State Road Otter River, Mass. Berry, Marion Joyce Metcalf land E Lake M 200 3563 79th Street Land 2000 # Jackson Heights, N.Y. Cottage I39 E Lake M 6600 8800 Bianchi, Anthony J and Lot 3 Sandy Shores 4000 Josephine E Camp 4500 8500 87 Keayne Street Revere, Mass.

Bilings, Maurice P Sr. and 1 /2 Lot 7 Emerson Pond 750 Anna A Camp 2250 3000

1 1 Turnpike Road Townsend, Mass. .


NAME Description and Value M _ • 0) D.2 X

Bingham, Donald & Emily Flagg & Jewell land 360 12 360! 1 1 .34 Kendall Road Fitchburg, Mass. Bisson, Horace J & Dorothy Mariana Land 800 19 80(t 25.20 41 White Place Brookline, Mass. Bixby, Charles D. & Myra E Land 150C 341 S Pan American Blvd Cottage "5 -Woodmere 5000 6500 204.75 Venice, Florida Black, Harold R & R. Anne Land 3000 P. O. Box 2 65 Cathedral Restaurant 16000 I900C 598.50 Shrewsbury, Mass. Blais, Wilfred J & Aldia J Bascom land 300 300 9.45 Rindge Road Jeffrey, N.H. Blake, Roland E. Land 4000 2 6 Berkeley Street Cottage-W Lake M 6500 10500 330.75 Fitchburg, Mass. Bliss, Warren E & Madelaine Part of Mayo land 1000 30 100 ) 31.50 Box 771 Hoi yoke, Mass. Block, Dr. Herman L & Norc Land-Wellington Div 4000 93 Fitch Hill Road Cottage 8800 13000 409.50 Fitchburg, Mass. Blouin, Dr. Alfred R. and Lot 13-14 LaChance Div 8000 Sylvia Camp 7000 15000 472.50 3 Lawrence Street Gardner, Mass. Bluke, Robert W & Elizabeth Lapham Land E Lake M 10000 5 3 Wiltshire Road Cottage 2000 # Williamsville, N.Y. Lot D 1 4000 16000 504.00 Bock, Carl W. Cottage W Lake M-Land 4000 9 1 Prospect Street Building 6000 Lunenburg, Mass. Boats &Launchex 200 10200 321 .30 Bolles, Mrs. Edith B. & Kelley land(Squantum) 100 100 3.15 Stickle, Helene C. RFD Jeffrey, N.H. Boston & Maine Corp c/o Land between Danforth's A E Regan and Knight crossings 400 400 12.60 Property Tax Commissioner 150 Causeway St. Boston, Mass. Bowers, Arthur W & Helen A Cottage-E Rindge 1000 68 North Main Street Cottage-Land 500 1500 47.25 Troy, New Hampshire Boyce, Charles F & Anne M Land 750

II Fall Park # Cottage 8 4 W Lake C 3250 4000 1 26.00 Maiden, Mass. Brait, Louis Fl- 193 Bessey Stickney Lot 1 8 R9 80 8 80 2.52 Dedham, Mass. and Stannard land Lane, Kenneth A

4 1 9 East Street Dedham, Mass. .


NAME Description and Value o_2 £2

Brasley # Harold J. and Lots 28-31 Incl. 1500 Arthur J. Cottage Pool Pond 7300 8800 28 Summit Street

Bristol , Conn Brett, Chesley C. Lot 15 4000 56 Irving Street Cottage-Wellington Div 9000 Somerville, Mass. Boats & Launches 500 13500 Brett, R. Bertrand & Isabella Land 1500

5 Nickerson Street Cottage W Lake M Wei I ing 85 00 10000 Cazenovia, New York Brett, Willis J & Fannie J. Land -Wellington 1000

1 9 Oliver Street Cottage W Lake M 5 000 6000 Watertown, Mass. Briggs, Raymond M & Louise Land 2 000 New Ipswich, N. H. Whitehead Cottage W Lake C 55 00 Land 2 000 Farrin Cottage W Lake C 3500 Boat 5 13050 Brigham Estate - c/o Brigham Land 12 00 1200 Nellie M Gleason 10 Bliss Road Newport, R.I Broadhead, Burt G. & Lot 2 -Kimball Div 1500 Micheline D. Cottage 5 500 7000 20 Reservoir Drive Danvers, Mass.

Brock, Mrs. Patrick Camp-Pine Eden 1 000 1000 14 Church St. Rt. 3 Westboro, Mass. Brooks, William M & Ceci le Back lots-Emerson Pond 400 400 22 6 Leominster Road Lunenburg, Mass.

Brown, Mrs. Marion I. 1/3 Tucker lot 140 140 38 6 High Street Winchendon, Mass. Brown, William D. Stearns (Buzzell lot) 9 00 60 900 38 6 High Street Winchendon, Mass. Brown Package Company Land-E W Towne & Winchendon, Mass. Sam Jones 2 700 224 Underwood lot 300 20 Brunelli, Nelsi & Anita Land-WLakeC 50 20 Short Street Cottage # 87 300 3500 Franklin, Mass. Bryant, Paul R. Lot W Lake M 4000

1 8 Westford Street Cottage 5 000 9000 Gardner, Mass.

Buccheri, Alfreda B. 3 lots #35-37 48 Bow Street BlkJ-WLakeC 375 375 Stoneham, Mass. Buffington, Lester W & Jean Lots 2 2 &23 LaChance Div 8 000 8000 5 Cross Street Shrewsbury, Mass. . .


Description and Value NAME Ti-2

Burke, John W & Helen F Lots 110-115 incl . Woodmere 750

1 5 8 Hahanton Avenue Cottage 9750 10500 330.75 Milton, Mass. Burpee, Herbert H & Yvette Lot *1 Emerson Pond 1000

4 1 6 Lancaster Street Camp 800 1800 56.70 Leominster, Mass. Buzzell, George A. & Maud Frink Land 1200 20 32 2 North Street Rugg Meadow 450 30 Whalom, Fitchburg, Mass. Danforth Meadow 40 2 Fletcher lot 300 10 Stearns Meadow 60 3 205C 64.58

Cabot, Thomas D & Virginia Bennett Pasture 2000 150 200' ) 63.00

3 1 Farm Road Weston, Mass. Cady, Patrick J & Eloine F Lots 2 0-21 Emerson Pond 1500 12 04 Racine Avenue Cottage 6500 8000 252.00 Orange City, Fla. Cambridge Boy Scout Camp Camp Quinapoxit-land 15000 125

1 40 Mt Auburn Street Buildings 20000 Cambridge, Mass. Allen House 2500 Land 500 1-2/3 Wahn Place 5000 Land 1000 36 Ford land 500 10 44500 (Exempt $24,000) 645.75

Carbone, Robert & McMahon , Land E Lake C 750 Theresa and Sano, Camp 4250 5000 157.50 Benjamin 57 Reed Avenue Everett, Mass. Carbonneau, Henry N. Lots 31-34 Inc 17-20 Incl 800 100 Warren Street Camp Blk W W Lake C 2000 2800 88.20 Fitchburg, Mass.

Carey, Paul 1 & Alice Lots 21-2-3 W Lake C 500 55 Emerald Street Camp 2500 3000 94.50 Medford, Mass. Caldwell, Harvey G Boats 800 800 25.20 Old Henniker Road Hillsboro, N.H. Carlson, S. William & Bruce Stratton pasture 1700 40 Washington Acres Shed & Trailer 800 2500 78.75 Hampstead, N.Car. Carpenter, David C. Sr. Lots 4000 74 Mimosa Street Cottage # I5 9 Lake M 6500 10500 330.75 Dorval, P.Q.Canada

Carrol 1 , Woodbury J . & Lot 18 LaChance Div 4000

Miriam 1 Cottage 8500 12 5 00 393.75

1 Lexington Avenue Somerville, Mass. . .


NAME Description and Value M _ • s D.2

N Weymouth , Mass Chadbourne Trust Co-c/o Towne Land 650 65 650 20.48 Mrs M Morse Gil more Pond Road Jeffrey, N.H. Chartier, Alphonsw W. Lots 29 6-302 Incl 2500 Petersham Road Camp-Woodmere 7500 10000 315 .00 Phillipston, Mass.

Chase, Henrietta M. Est Lots 1 ,2,1 7 & 1 8 c/o Mrs J E Goodrich Blk L W Lake C 500 500 15.75

1 Melrose Street Boston, Mass.

Cheater, Earl S & Ethyl F Lot 1 1 -Wellingtin Div 4000 25 East Street Camp 4600 8600 270.90 Winchendon, Mass.

Cheshire Oil Company 4 Pumps & 4 tanks 3600 3600 1 13.40 Emerald Street Keene, N.H. Christ Church Camp-c/o Land 15000 70 Rev Donald G Goodness Church camp 10000 5 69 Main Street Jeffers land 20000 69 45000 Fitchburg,Mass. (Exempt $20,000) 787.50 Christmas, Bertram & Constan ce Lots 165-172 Incl. 1000 3 36 Cambridge Street Cottage "2 6 -Woodmere 8500 9500 299.25 Burlington, Mass. Clarke, Dudley & Margaret Land 2500 431 3 Martha Avenue Camp *8 3 & Barn W Lake C 7500 10000 315.00 Bronx, New York Cleverdon, David W and Land 4000 Gertrude K. Cottage # I4I E Lake M 4300 8900 280.35 21 North Drive Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Cobb, Lawson E. & Louise V Land 1500 25 June Street Camp-Pool Pond 5000 6500 204.75 Gardner, Mass.

Cochran, Richard L. Camp-Pine Eden 3200 3200 1 00.80 69 Mason Street Winchendon, Mass. Cochran, Rodney C. Camp "2 -Pine Eden 6200

9 1 spruce Street Clement Camp 1800 3000 252.00 Winchendon, Mass. 35

NAME Description and Value M _ * fl> o_2 hiU X < 2£ 1— Cochrane, Harold Lots 354,355,360,361

2 1 Atlantic Avenue 388-91 Incl. 394-397 Incl . 4000 Fitchburg, Mass. Cottage #9 800C

Lots 410-417 Incl 478-85 1 ncl 398-405 and 406 2000 Cottages 6,7 and garage 9500

1 02 Lots Woodmere 1500 Lots 327,334-37 Incl 288-9-95,446,53 Incl 454-61 Inc 308,314-20 Incl. 324-26 Incl. 2000 ^1 Cottage 1 6800 35200 1 108.80 Coderre, Ernest P. Lot Pearly Lake 200 200 6.30 35 8 School Street Winchendon, Mass.

Cohan # Charles F & Elvi S. Land 1500 825 Walton Avenue Cottage-Pool Pond 5000 Bronx, New York Cleaves land 100 6600 207.90

Cohen, Joseph M. Est. c/o Metcalf Dam site 810 1 Sydney C. Kweskin Co-Ex. Page Meadow lots 2460 122 25 Bank Street Bowers (Adams) land 420 20 Stamford, Conn. Bowers (Stearns) land 690 34 Bear land 2010 100 Taggert lot 660 33

2 Tracks Meadow lot 90 8 714i ) 224.91 Collins, Catherine M. Lots 5, 6,4R & 6R 4000 Johnson Avenue Cottage Beauvais Point 6500 10500 330.75 E. Tempi eton, Mass. Collins, James & Beatrice E Lots 3 & 4 Blk C 2500 97 Lambert's Lane Cottage #66-W Lake C 3500 6000 189.00 Cohasset, Mass. Comeau, Dora Lot B Kimball Div 1500 1 4 6 Oxford Street Camp 1000 2500 78.75 Auburn, Mass. Connors, Lillian G. Land 2500 # 1 85 Perkins Row Cottage 76 W Lake C 4500 7000 220.50 Topsfield, Mass. Constantineau, Mrs Beatrice Lots 10-13 Incl. 1500 and Le Due, Lorraine Rita Cottage Pine Eden 4000 5500 173.25 Third Street Graniteville, Mass.

Cook, Eugene L & Joan Mari 3 Land Lots 1-2 3000 5 Bayside Avenue Bldg-Crowcroft Pond 3000 6000 189.00 Port Washington, N.Y. Cook, James E. Smith Lot 150 150 4.73 Box 2 9 8 -South Street Nutting Lake Bill erica, Mass.

Corley, Mrs. Eva Royce 1 /2 Popple Land 100 4-1/2 100 3.15 Rindge, N.H. Cornell, Mrs. Mary H. Lapham Lot 3 E Lake M 4000 72 Prospect Hill Road Cottage 2500 6500 204.25 Lexington, Mass. .


NAME Description and Value M • X

Critch, Richard S. Lots 1 & 2 W Lake C 2000

4 1 9 Proctor Avenue Cottage 2800 4800 151 .20 Revere, Mass. Cuddikee, Robert W & Molli s Lot 2 Rindge Acres 800 800 25.20 90 Thornberg Street Stratford, Conn.

Cudmore,John B. Dykstra land 1000 8 1 OCX 1 31.50

1 46 Stanton Street Rockland, Mass. Cunningham, Mrs. Margaret Cottage "*1 48 & Garage 7000 Scarboro Road Land 4000

Freedom, N.H. 1 /3 Smith land E Lake M 500 11500 362 .25 Currier, Albert W & June M Mayo land Rt. 119 2200 12 2200 69.30 PO Box 77 New Ipswich, N.H. Damon, Isaac M.M. Land 500 R.F.D. State Line Homestead 5500 Fitzwilliam, N.H. Wood and lumber 1000 7000 220.50 Dauphin, Edward D. Land (Danforth) 3000 45 unfinished house 5500

Buzzell mowing 75 1 Trailer 1500 Wilder lot 600 60 11075 348.86 Davidson, Harold & Catherin s Mortin Land 1000 7

1 8 1 Bonad Road Webber shore lot E Lake M 500 1500 47.25 Brookline, Mass. Davini, Joseph P & Grace M Land 6000 66 Bel mot Avenue L M Island-Bldg 7500 Winchendon, Mass. Boat 300 13800 434.70 Davis, William R & Doris A Lot 9 Marceau Div 800 800 25.20 5 Tanglewood Drive Shrewsbury, Mass. Davol, George & Amy and Hilltop cottages 24000 Stephen and Upjohn, Land 4000 28 Florence Ware land 500 8 Westford Road House 4500

Concord, Mass. Shore land-Pool Pond 13000 9 46000 1 449.00 Day, Pauline M. c/o Lester Lots 10-11 4000 W. Day Camp& Garage-Beauvais Pt 4500 B500 267.75 Rindge, N.H. DeCells, Charles K. and Dan Fish land 200 19 Letourneau, A. Wilfred Bradford house 14000 Prospect Street Land 2000 6200 510.30 Jeffrey, N.H. DeGaetano, John J. Lots 3 3-34 poart of 25 0-1 7 6th Avenue 39 & 40 Beauvais Pt 2000 2000 63.00 Redington Shores, Fla. -37-

NAME Description and Value n O 15 => hi X

1 3 Prospect Street Building 400C 5000 157.50 Fitchburg/ Mass. DeLisle, Dr. Antonio D. Lots 225-2 37 250C

1 82 Clarendon Street Cottage *44-Woodmere 11000 Fitchburg/ Mass. Boats 500 1400(( 441 .00

DeMartinO/ Achilles and Lots 17-18-19 Blk 1 1500 Charlotte Cottage #2 3 W Lake C 5000 6500 204.75 57 Read Street Winthrop, Mass. Dempsey, Paul W. & Ann Cottage - Lake M 6200 82 Lincoln Street Land 2000 8200 258.30 Fitchburg, Mass.

DeNeufville, John Cummings Land 2300 1 15 Harvard Road Mayo Land 1500 34 Stow, Mass. M. M. Jones land 1680 42 Hale & Wood land 2500 125 Stearns land 560 14

Converse land 160 50 870i ) 274.05 Deschenes, Bernice W. Cottage #9 6 & Garage 3300 P. O. Box 125 W Lake C - land 500 Black Canyon City, Ariz. Davis Land & Island W L C 1000 4800 151 .20 Deschenes, Mrs. Eva C. Hague land 1200 # 77 River Street Lot 1 2 1000

Jeffrey, N.H. Gentsch land 1500 3700 1 16.55 Deschenes, Amedes Est. Michigan land 3000 77 River Street Cottage %2 Brown's Pt 4300 Jeffrey, N.H. Land 2500 Cottage #9 Red Cabin 2500 Land 500 Cottage "o 7 & Garage 6500 Land-Journey's End 2500 Coreda Cottage #5 8 W L C 6000 Land 2500 Eunice Cottage #1 W L C 5500 Land 2500 38300 1206.45

Desmarais, Emile J and Lots 24-27 Blk 1 500

Georgetti R. Camp W Lake C 3300 3800 1 19.70 Mill St. Box 42 7 Granville, N.H. Desmarais, Emile & Jeanette Cottage-Lake M 4500 7 3 Webster Street Lots 8 -9 Land 4000 8500 267.75 Winchendon, Mass. Desmarais, Joseph Est. & Lots 2 8-29 Beauvais Pt 4000 Ethel L. Cottage 6000 10000 315.00 Fitchburg State Road Ashby, Mass. Devine, George H. Bush Hill 1000 90 1000 31 .50 1543 Kossuth Avenue Bohemia, N.Y. Devlin, Edward J & Ann B Barrett Land 300

34 3 Prospect Hill Road 1 /2 Barrett land 1000 30 1300 40.95 Waltham, Mass. 38

Description and Value NAME • 3 1> X

85 Tyler Road 1 /2 Barrett land 1000 30 1800 56.70 Weston, Mass. Diamantopoulos, Michael A Cottage-Beauvais Point 5200 and Rita M. Lot 1 7 2000 60 Prospect Street Boats 800 8000 252.00 Winchendon, Mass. Diehl, Mary L. Land 2500 Old Center Cottage *4 8 Woodmere 6300 8800 277.20 Winchendon, Mass. DiPersio, Angelo B & Viola Lot 2 8 -Emerson Pond 1500

1 2 4 Forest Avenue Cottage 4000 5500 173.25 Hudson, Mass. DiPietro, Frank S & Mary M Camp on Lot 2 4 5700

1 2 Charles Street back lot-LaChance Div 4300 Fitchburg, Mass. Lake Lot 1500 Summer Inn 13000 Chase House-land 800 Building 8000

Smith land 1 600

Boats 300 35299 1 108.80 Doiron, Rene P. & Pauline C Land-Divol Pond 500

1 5 5 Leamy Street Camp 3300 3800 1 19.70 Gardner, Mass.

Donahue, John J. and Lot 1 8-Monomonac Terr. 1500 Margaret E. Unfinished Cottage 5000 6500 204.75

1 9 Glencoe Street Brighton, Mass.

Donahue, Robert F. & Lot 2 6 Emerson Pond 1 500 Virginia M. Trailer 3000 4500 141 .75 99 Westboro Street No Grafton, Mass. Donaldson, Mrs Pauline W Land E Lake M 4000

48 Hawthorne Street Cottage ^14 2,14 3 and Garage 9000 1 3000 409.50 Cambridge, Mass. Dove, Mrs. Lempi Land 500 5 4 Centre Street Cottage 2000 Winthrop, Mass. Rantenan Land 900 3400 107.10 Downey, Alan M & Louise D Land-Pearly lake 1500

9 1 Richmond Road Cottage & Garage 4300 5800 1 82.70 Belmont, Mass. Drago, Paul J & Drago, W Lake C -land 800 Mrs. Mary C Camp ^5 5 4700 5500 173.25

1 1 5 Prospect Street Canton, Mass. Drolshagen, Roger S & Claire Lot 2 7-Rindge Manor LS 1500 1500 47.25 25 Briand Drive Nashua, N.H. Ducharme, Frank E Cottage #68 W Lake C 2000 45 9 Park Street Land 2000 4000 126.00 Gardner, Mass. Duguay, J. Philip & Leona Land -Lot 4 4000

1 2 Jean Street Cottage-Sandy Shores 3000 7000 220.50 Gardner, Mass. .


Description and Value M © NAME _ 3 Q) 1) X U O D < h- > t— Dumaine, F .C. Jr. Arthur Hale place 10000 Suite 4500 Land 250C 48 12500 393.75 Prudential Center Boston, Mass. Dunleavy, Mary A. Lots 13 & 14 150C 41 Gallivan Road Camp-Monomonac Terrace 650C 8000 252.00 Dorchester, Mass.

Durante, John P & Angela N Lot II -Michigan 600 50 Essex Street Bowley Cottage 190C 2500 78.75 Chelsea, Mass. Durgin, Chester W and Cottage -W Lake C 3000 Elizabeth T. Land 600 3600 1 13.40 69 Sagamore Street Dorchester, Mass.

Duire, Jesse Jr Cottage "*I5 -Woodmere 4500 28 7 Wanoosnoc Road 8 Lots Land 1500 6000 189.00 Fitchburg, Mass. Dyke, Mrs. Marie S. Camp-Pine Eden 1500 1500 47.25

1 John Street Worcester, Mass. Ebens, Richard F & Mary J Lots Woodmere 5 26-533 68 Washington Street Incl & 5 42 -5 3 Incl 500 500 15.75 Hudson, Mass. Ebert, Richard & Anna M. Lots 10-14 Incl BlkC WL C 500 39 Louis Street Cottage 3200 Chelsea, Mass. Lots 30-35 Incl Blk C 500 4200 132.20

Eglinton, Douglas & Margare [ Lot P-7 Paradise Island 4000 Turnpike Road Camp 5000 9000 283.50 Somers, Conn. Ekstrom, Mrs Helen P and Griswold Hill land 2000 Carolyn and Wedgwood, Esme Cottage 5800 7800 245.70 RFD #1, Box 91 Brattleboro, Vermont Emerson, Waldo H & Sibyl L Land E Lake C 2500 2 7 Whitcomb Street Cottage #5 2 & Barn 5700 8200 258.30 Springfield, Vermont

Erikson, Mrs. Alice Camp on Lot II -Pine Eden 1500 1500 47.25 440 Park Street Gardner, Mass. Fairburn, Charles S and Log Cabin ^3 2700 Elizabeth - L. Land W Lake M 800 3500 1 10.25

1 5 Dunshire Drive N. Chelmsford, Mass. Fancy, Arthur H. Cottage-Pine Eden 3200 3200 100.80 42 Keyes Street Oakdale, Mass. Fanning, Richard J & Beverly Lots 288,289,294,295 1 8 Warren Lane Woodmere 500 500 15.75 Weston, Mass. Feather, James E. and Lot P-13 Paradise Island 4000 Catherine P. Cottage 9500 3500 425.25 6 Hardwick Road Natick, Mass. . .


NAME Description and Value M _ ® w4) 0.2 X

Femino # John Land W Lake C 2500 ^73 1 Frankfurt Street Cottage 5500 8000 252 .00 Fitchburg, Mass.

Fenerty, Rufus S. Ill & Normc Towne Line farm 2500 2 2 Shadow Lane Bobilu land 200 Keene, N.H. R. Bobilu land 500 3200 100.80 Fenn, Mary R. Land 5000

E. Alstead, N.H. Homestead (Mague) 15000 150 2000 ( ) 630.00 Ferguson, Mrs. Grace B. Land 2000 21 Hillside Avenue Homestead 5500 6 7500 236.25 Needham Heights, Mass. Ferwerda, Mrs. Bern ice B. Lots 21,22 Emerson Pond 3000 3000 94.50

3 1 9 Cedar Street Ashland, Mass. Finch, Henry J & Helen J. Frisk land 300 5 300 9.45 Robbins Road Winchendon, Mass. Findley, Wallace Land E Lake M 4000 777 Pleasant Street Cottage # I3 2 12500 16500 519.75 Athol, Mass. Fisher, Raymond H & Clare Camp & lot 5 Pine Eden 1500 1500 47 .25 Red Stone Hill Road Sterling, Mass. Fisher, William H & Louise Camp - Lake M 3800 46 Longwood Avenue Camp on Lot 3 -land 4000 7800 245 .70 Fitchburg, Mass. Fitzgerald, Ansil L & Bernice Cottage ^6 3 4400

1 5 Lyman Street Land W Lake C 600 5000 157.50 Beverly, Mass. Fleming, Frederick J. Lot 16 Kimball Div 1500

1 5 Carpenter Street Cottage 4000 5500 173.25 Orange, Mass. Fletcher, Sidney N. Jr. Lots 488-491 Incl 2500 and Jeanne C. Cottage *3 -Woodmere 7000

1 05 Wheeler Avenue Lord land 3500 14000 441 .00 Orange, Mass. Flood, Richard R. and Shaker Pasture 800 3=2 Markum, Irene Packer Pond lot 500 1/2 2 Western Avenue Iver Brooks farm 300

Lowel 1 , Mass Buffin land 700 35 2300 72 .45 Florence, Harold J. Land-Pearly Lake 1500

1 7 Franklin Street Cottage *3 300 1800 56.70 Winchendon, Mass. Fluet, Ernest Land 1500 2 Taylor Street Cottage-Emersonian Park 2700 4900 154.35 Nashua, N.H.

Folsom, E. Wilfred & Ada M Brushwood Cottage & Garage 1 0000

50 Linnet Street Land E Lake C 1 000 W Roxbury, Mass. Cottage *5 3 200 Land E Lake C 2500 13725 432.34 41

NAME Description and Value 0.2 2£ Forcier, Rene J & Adelaide B Randall Cottage 5000 34 Forcier Way Land W Lake C 2000 7000 220.50 Jeffrey, N.H. Forrest, Robert H. Lots 9 & 10 Emerson Pond 3000 Station Street Camp 2500 5500 173.25 Kingston, Mass. Forsberg, Charles F. and Lot P—15 Paradise Island 4000 Inezetta Cottage 16000 P. O. Box 65 Lot I6-Parasise Island 4000 25500 803.25 S. Berlin, Mass. Forte, Dr. Joseph S & Doris Lot P-14 Paradise Island 4000 88 Elm Street Cottage 16000 20000 630.00 Gardner, Mass. Fournier, Mrs. Yvonne J. Land on Riverside W Lake C 40 400 12.60 21 Sibley Street Fitchburg, Mass. Fraas, William H. B. Land-Lake M 4 00 30- Crescent Heights Cottage # 8 9 00 13000 409.50 Fitchburg, Mass. Frederick, Mrs. Marha M. Cottage-Pool Pond 6 300 47 Princeton Blvd. Land 15 00 7800 245 .70 Lowell, Mass.

Fredette, E. Francis & Sarah Lots 1 & 2 W Lake M 8 00

4 1 Summit Avenue Unfinished Cottage 300 11000 346.50 Gardner, Mass. French, Arthur H & Marion 1/3 French property-land 800 135 65 Highland Drive buildings 2300 3100 97.65 Wapping, Conn. French, Charles W & Jean B Cottage-Paradise Island 11000 5 8 Bittersweet Lane lot 5 400 Weston, Mass. Lot #8 Marceau Div 4 00 19100 601 .65 Gaffney, Francis G. & Mary Land 100

1 6 Addison Street Cottage-Woodmere 7 00 8000 252.00 Chelsea, Mass. Gaffney, Richard & Henrietta Cottage *60 Woodmere 5 50

1 8 Addison Street Land 100 6500 204.75 Chelsea, Mass. Gagnon, Arthur J & Adele G Land-lots 3-4-5 Blk L 5 00

Box 2 3 Cottage W Lake C 1 5 00 2000 63.00 Pleasant Valley, Conn. Gallant, Joseph A & Lina M Camp Emersonian Park 100

4 1 2 Chestnut Street Land 15 2550 80.33 Gardner, Mass. Gallant, Joseph Alfred and Cottage-Emersonian Park 100 Dorothy R. Lot 9 800

3 1 5 Salem Road Boat 5 1850 58 .28 Bill erica, Mass. Garcia, Frank P & Rose M Camp-Kimball Div 6000

2 1 9 Manning Street Camp-lots 2 3-24 3000 9000 283.50 Hudson, Mass. Garcia, Joseph P & Irene A Lot 2 6 -Kimball Div 15 00

74 High Street Cottage 45 00 6000 1 89.00 Hudson, Mass. .


NAME Description and Value _ ®

Garcia, Raymond J and Cottage-Paradise Island 5 00 Lorraine Lot P-4 4 00 9000 283.50

1 1 Houghton Street Hudson, Mass. Gaseau, Harvey J & Ann K Land 109-116 Incl lots 800 Box 55 6 -S Main Street Cottage # 3 9 -Woodmere 2 2 00

Marlborough, N.H. Land lots 117-128 Incl 1 5 00 Cottage 45 7000 11500 362.25 William Boat Gay, H. 1 100 3.15 354 Shelton Road Trumbull, Conn. Geisman, Mrs. Stella M. Cottage-Pearly Lake 85 00 4 1 Sycamore Road Land 150 10000 315.00 Scarsdale, N.Y. Genest, Mrs. Lillian M. Cabin-Monomonic Terrace 15 00 8 Congress Place Land 40 Fitchburg,Mass. Boat 5 5500 174.83 Genovese, Vincent H. & Cottage-LaChance Div 65 00 Barbara Lot26&26R 4300 10800 340.20

1 Elizabeth Street Gardner, Mass. Giddings, Mrs. Alice H. Camp-Pool Pond 5 5 00 3 E.Broadway Lots 38-39 Pool Pond 1500 7000 220.50 Gardner, Mass.

Giffin, Harry F . Jr. Camp-Pearly Lake 2500 RFD Route 2 Land 15 00 4000 126.00 Charlemont, Mass. Gill, Harry W. & Eleanor K Land-E Lake M 4 000 1 80 Burgess Avenue Cottage #139 4 80 8800 277.20 Westwood, Mass. Gilley, Dr. Philip E.M. Jr. Shore lot-Hughgill Div 4 00 4000 126.00 48 Hartwell Street Fitchburg, Mass. Gil more, Miss Laura B. and Cottage # I5 -Lake Contoocook 3 200 Gilmore, Harold E. Land 800 4000 126.00

1 75 S. Clarendon Street Cranston, R.I Gingras, Edmond G & Mary E Cottage #4 3 Blk A W Lake C 4000 1 5 6 Partridge Street Lots 2 & 3 2 5 6500 204.75 Gardner, Mass.

Girvin, Effie T. Lot & Keating Lot W L C 25 00 Colonial Hotel Cottage #5 4 Bancroft Hall 5 000 Gardner, Mass. # Shore lot 4 1 25 8750 275.63 Goddard, Arthur E. Goddard land 40 20 400 12.60 95 3 8 Bundy Land Houston, Texas Godden, Rev. Edwin J and Homestead 7 000 Annetta Land 100 8000 252.00 Rindge, N.H. Goudreau, Francis J. Lot 6 -Monomonoc Terrace 400 72 Exeter Street Camp 65 10500 330.75 Fitchburg, Mass. Gould, Harold D. Jr. Lot 2 7 LaChance Div 400 1 Howard Street Cottage 6 00 10000 315.00 Blackst one, Mfi^. .


NAME Description and Value irt fl> wa> 0.2 X U < 2£ 1— Goulding, Donald G. and Gregg Pasture 1000 80 1000 31 .50 Muriel L.

11 4 Sackville Road Garden City, New York Goudry, Robert A & Mary M Jewell Farm land 1800 140

2 Monsen Road Cottage 4500 6300 1 98.45 Concord /Mass. Graves, Wilfred J & Irene J Cottage-LaChance Div 9000

1 6 Claire Avenue Lot 2 5 4000 Baldwinville, Mass. Back lot 2 5 R 300 13300 418.95

Green, Richard L & Betty 1 Cottage-Rindge Manor LS 2500

Riverview Avenue Lot 1 5 1500 4000 126.00 Kirkwood, New York Greenville, Mills Division Storage & Flowage Rights Warwick Mills Inc Pool Pond & Lake C 15000 15000 472.50

RR 1 New Ipswich, N.H. Gregory, George W. Jr. and Lots 418-425 Inclusive 400 400 12.60 Jean L. Mason's Island Mystic, Conn. Grivakis, Daniel C. and Lots 2 3-24 & 1/2 lot 25 1800 Jillson, John R. Camp-Pool Pond 4200 6000 189.00

1 5 Ledge Court Clinton, Mass. Grugnale, William and Cottage-Emersonian Park 2000 Florence M. Lots 2 and 3 2000 4000 126.00 3 Hadley Court Everett, Mass. Grummon, Robert M. Sherwin & Adams lot 320 16 Squantum Road Mowing land 300 2 620 19.53 Jeffrey, N.H. Hackey, Jerry & Eugenie Cottage 900 35 Laurel Street Jewell lot 300 1200 37.80 Leominster, Mass. Hagg, Albert O & Bernice E Blair lot 300 30 300 9.45 27 Oakland Street Stoughton, Mass. Haines, Edward G Camp-Pine Eden 6000 6000 189.00

1 Sunset Avenue Chelmsford, Mass. Hale, Ernest A & Ruth T. Sky High Bldg 26500 2 Chapel Street Land 10000 26

Brookline, Mass. Converse Place land 500 1 37000 1 165.50 Hall, John A & Eleanor P Homestead 30000 RFD Land 4000 5 Rindge, N.H Stratton Pasture 2000 19 Garage & Pond

Gibson Land 1200 37200 1 171 .80

Hampton National Bank Bank Stock Tax 1 .00 Hampton, N.H. Hanks, Alfred E & Rose M A J Robbins land 800 800 25.20 191 Mill Street Winchendon, Mass. .


Description and Value NAME o_2 2£ Hanley, Francis L & Nesta Log Cabin "z 2200 24 Westland Avenue Land 800 3000 94.50 Chelmsford, Mass. Hansen, Christian & Margaret Land 1500 37 Allston Place Cottage E Lake C 6500 8000 252 .00 Fitchburg, Mass. Hansen, Elmer S & Charlotte Cottage-Pool Pond 6500 206 Vernon Street Land 1500 8000 252.00 Manchester, Conn. Hansen, Norris O and Cottage Pool Pond 5000 Priscilla M. Lot 5 6 1500 650Q 204.75 10 Glen Gary Road Needham Heights, Mass. Hansen, Otto E. & Phyllis G Lots 31 and 32 -Emerson Pond 300 3000 94.50 P O Box 6 5 Turnpike Road Westbono, Mass. Harrington, Mrs. Mary B. Lyon lot 2000 124

7109 Beechwood Drive Home 1 0500 Chevy Chase, Maryland J.B.Robbins Place 750 50 Lowell & Thomas Meadow 400 40

W. R. Tucker lot 50 1 13700 431 .55 Harris, A. Emerson & Bernice Cottage-Beauvais Point 5200 12 32 Main Street Lot 16 2000 7200 226.80 Leominster, Mass. Haskell, Frederick A. and Foye, John L. House-Todd Hill 7250 784 Belmont Street Lot 750 8000 252.00 Brockton, Mass. Hastings, Mrs. Florence A Cottage - Lake M 7300

4 1 Park Avenue Lot 1500

Natick, Mass. Lot 1 1 4000

"Blue Top" 250 13050 41 1 .08 Hautenan, Henry Land 500 7 Juniper Street House-E. Rindge 2300 2800 88 .20 Jeffrey, N.H. Hawes, Marjorie Building lot 500 500 15.75

1 09 Medway Street Providence, R.I Hayes, Daniel J Estate and Wellington Piano Boxland 800 80

Rita G. Hayes Lot on Route 1 1 9 500 1300 40.95 389 Main Street W. Concord, Mass. Haynes, Robert M. Camp-Lake M 8500 P O Box 2 04G Land "Winona Birches" 4000 12500 393.75 Timberlane, Lake Wales, Fla Healey, Edward C.J. and Camp LaChance Div 3700

Elizabeth A Lot II and rear lot 4300 3 3 Apple Tree Hill Lot 12 -LaChance Div 4000 12000 378.00 Fitchburg, Mass.

Hedstrom, Mabel C. Camp-Pine Eden 1 800 1800 56.70 437 Lake Avenue Worcester, Mass. 45

NAME Description and Value _ ® 2£ Heftye, William P. "Butternut Farm" 9400 392 Main Stret Land 1000 10400 327.60 N. Andover, Mass. Heininger, Richard T. and Lots 20-21 Beauvais Pt 4000 4000 126.00 Josephine R.

1 4 7 W . Broadway

Gardner 7 Mass.

Henley, Izora V. & Charles Camp-Drag Hill 1 700

1 8 Bemis Road 2 Lots 700 2400 75.60 Newtonville, Mass. Hennessey, William F. and Cottage # k6 7 2 900

Karhryn Land W Lake C 600 3500 1 10.25 578 Mahanton Street Norwood, Mass. Hetherman, Mrs. Lillian C. Land 5 00

21 000 Flora Street Cottage 3000 3500 1 10.25 Roseville, Mich.

Hill, Ano J Thomas Land 132 1 32 39 Charlonne Street Raymond land 20 20 152 47.88 Jeffrey, N.H. Hill, Ano J & Edward C. Mead lot 200 20 39 Charlonne Street Cyrus Smith farm 2 500 50

Jeffrey, N.H. Popple land 82 82 352C 1 10.88

Hill, Melvin Land on New Ipswich Rd 1 000 100C 31 .5 80 Coolidge Road Worcester, Mass.

Hodges, Elizabeth J. Jr. Lot 1 1 -Pearly Lake 1 5 00

1 9 Lowell Street Cottage 45 600C 189.00 Cambridge, Mass. Hodges, Harold H. & Marie P Lots 40-42 Incl Pool Pond 1500 1231 E Washington St. Cottage 5500 700C 220.50 Hanson, Mass. Hoffman, Martin L & Sylvia S Cottage-Wellington Div 850 6 3 Beatrice Circle 2 lots 1500 10000 315.00 Belmont, Mass. Holdsworth, Mrs. Esther Hale Henry Hale Place 17000 43 Lawson Road Land 8000 12 25000 787.50 Winchester, Mass. Hollingsworth, Schuyler J.F. Morlock land 75 75 65 Green Street Part of Hale land 300 23

Mi I ton, Mass. Howe Pasture 5 00 50 Stratton lot (Symonds) 60 23 215C 67.73

Hoi I is, Lester C. & Gladys Lot on Rt. 1 19 1 000 1000 31 .5 30 De Francisco Circle Needham, Mass. Holm, Harry F & Bessie A Cottage- Lake M(Sund) 1000 Leominster Road Land 2000 3000 94.50

Lunenburg , Mass. Holohan, Paul & Simone A Lots27A&26A 1500 108 Main Street Trailer 500 2000 63.00 Townsend, Mass.

Home, Andrew G. Camp on lot 2 -Pine Eden 35 00 3500 1 10.25

1 1 Vamey Street Worcester, Mass. .


Description and Value NAME HI 3 0) o X

40 North Street Land 500 6000 1 89.00 Winchendon, Mass. Hunt, James A. Est Hunt lot 450 30 450 14.1 8 Winchendon, Mass. Hunter, Donald V. and Merchant land 250

Elizabeth F. Cottage 3000 3250 1 02 .38 7 Fairweather Drive Norwalj<, Conn. Hunter, Malcolm N. Cottage-Pool Pond 4000

2 3 Cynthia Circle Lots 5 3-55 Incl. 1 000

Holliston, Mass. Bunk House 1 000 6000 1 89.00 Hutton, Mrs. Alice C. Camp-Emerson Pond 5500

315 Old Marlboro Road Lots 1 7 and 1 8 3000 W. Concord, Mass. Back lots 10-11 A & 43 600 9100 286.65 Hyde, Edward B & Florence Cottage *8 6 -Michigan 4250

P O Box 9 1 Lot 1 1 750 5000 157.50 Brookfield, Mass. lorio, Philip & Frances G Cottage *1 4 Calumet 5400

4 Gilson Avenue Lots 268-71 Incl-Woodmere 800 6200 1 95 .30 Medford, Mass. Jackson, Kenneth J & Richarc Unfinished Cottage 2000 8

Rindge, N.H. Porter Hill land 1 20 Smith Land 300 20 2420 76.23 Jaffrey, Town of Land & BulletlPond 50000 Jeffrey, N.H. Chlorination Plant 5000 55000 (Exempt $5000) 1575 .00 Jarest, Clifford K & Dorothy Cottage W Lake C 5000 5 Maple ave RFD #2 Lot 7 2500 7500 236.25 Peterborough, N.H. Jeffers, Emmett T. and Kaippainen Land 7000 Margaret C 16 x 18 Back lots 2000

26 Chestnut Street Mbnomonoc Terrace back lot 1 000 Winchendon, Mass. Tico Island 3000 Colby land 800

Martin land 1 000 Hoganland 750 Barrett land 400

Morlock Cottage 1 1000 Land 4000

Small ots-Paradise Island 1 000 33000 1039.50 .


NAME Description and Value in _ ® X u < 25 1— Jenkins, James S. Cottage 7000 10 Dana St., Apt 402 Stearns land 2000 9000 283.50 Cambridge, Mass. Jenney, Mfg. Company Land 1000

P O Box 1 00 Service Station 15000 Chestnut Hill, Mass. 3 Pumps & 3 Tanks 2700 18700 589.05 Jensen, Edward W. & Helen Camp 2000 62 Carpenter Road Land Hughgill Div 2000 4000 126.00 Walpole, Mass. Johansen, Sven Converse land-Divol Pond 3000 65 3000 94.50 Off Dublin Road Jeffrey, N.H. Johnson, Aura O. Cottage 2800

5 1 Wickman Drive Lot 2 6 2000 Gardner, Mass. Lots I3R-26R Incl 29R, 30R & 30A 2000 Lot 2 7 Beauvais Pt 2000 Trailer 500 930C 292.95 Johnson, Byron, Et Al Camp-LaChance Div 4500 RFD Taylor Road Lot 3 4000 8500 267.75 Fitchburg, Mass.

Johnson, Herbert 1 Lot 3 Beauvais Pt 1000 100C 31 .50

5 1 Wickman Drive Gardner, Mass. Johnson, Orlin E. Lovejoy Farm 4500 450C 141 .75 Liberty Corner Road Far Hills, New Jersey

Johnson, Robert E. Cottage ^6 1 -W Woodmere 5850

1 1 2 Cherry Street Lots 470-477 750 660C 207.90 Gardner, Mass. Johnson, Mrs. Agnes S. Lot G-E Lake M -Cottage 12000 45 Hopkins Street Land 4000 Reading, Mass. Lot H & Lapham land 5000 Cottage and 2 shore lots 8000 29000 91 3.50 Johnston, Anna C. Est. c/o Cottage *5 5 & garage 6700 Eric R. Lorentzen E Lake C land 2500 9200 289.80 5 Beacon Road Hull, Mass. Jones, George P. Est Cottage E Lame M 10000 204 Highland Avenue Land 2000 12000 378 .00 Leominster, Mass. Kauppinen, Paul Camp-Pine Eden 800 800 25.20 36 S. Main Street Baldwinville, Mass.

Keach, Rev. Stanley J & Lot 2 9A-Kimball Div 1 300 1 300 40.95 Lola 44 Chestterton Road Wellesley, Mass. Keegan, Richard W. and Unfinished Cottage 5000 Marion N. Land-Wellington Div 2000 7000 220.50 22 Grafton Street Shrewsbury, Mass. Keene, Louis M. Land 750

1 1 Lakeview Avenue Trailer- Pearly Lake a325C 4000 126.00 Beverly, Mass. C


NAME Description and Value _ o 2£ Keene, Roy D. and Cottage & Garage 45 00

Genevieve R. Dickinson lot 1 000 5500 173.25

1 1 5 Grant Street Lexington, Mass. Keinanen, Mrs. Elizabeth Land on Goddard Road 20 200 6.30 Warren, Maine Keilig, Mrs. Margaret Maxwell-Marcott land 75 00 75 RFD Letourneau Land 4000 2 Fitzwilliam, N.H. Homestead 10000 4 Trailers 2000 23500 740.25 Kelley, Helen L. and Cottage-Monomonoc Terr. 2000

Keenan, Joseph B. Lots 10 and II 7000 9000 2 8 3.50 49 Montvale Street Roslindale, Mass. Kelly, Thirza G. Lot 2 4 -Rindge Manor LS 15 00 1500 47.25 5 8 Lynde Street Gardner, Mass. Kersey, Patricia S. Lots 24&25 4000

1 5 Westiborough Drive Cottage Beauvais Pt 45 00 8500 267.75 W. Harford, Conn. Keyworth, R. Allen Boats 70 700 22.05 P.O. Box 32 Winchendon Springs, Mass Kimball, Joseph P. & Impi Cottage Kimball Div 6 000

4 1 Duxbury Road Lot 2 1500 7500 236.25 Worcester, Mass. King, Mrs. Myrtle H. and Jones land 20 10 200 6.30 Madalyn M.

1 1 8 Vernon Street Gardner, Mass. # Kingham, Laurence B. and Cottage 2 8 & Garage 1 000

Lucile R. Lots 232-9 Incl 1 500 5 3 Wayland Drive Tract "2 unnumbered lots 11500 362 .25 Verona, New Jersey Kirmil, William Rqind Cottage Sandy Shores 3 00 Lorraine Lot 2 4000 7000 220.50

Hi 1 1 crest Acres Skylark Road Lebanon, N.H. Kirslis, Peter G and Phelps Pasture-Goddard Rd 600 26 600 12.90 Stephanie L. 4 9 Bristol Street Cambridge, Mass. Klein, Edwin B. Jr. Cottage-Monomonoc Terr 45

1 7 1 Chestnut Street Land 4 00 8500 207.75 Foxboro, Mass. Knight, Arthur L. Jr. Bozzell lot 480 48 480 15 .12 RFD Sargent Road Westminster, Mass. Koski, Alvar J. & Gertrude Lot-Sandy Shores 2 80 2800 88 .20 89 8 Pearl Street Gardner, Mass. Kowalchuk, John E and Cottage Monomonoc Terr 5 500

Geraldine Lot 2 1 15 7000 220.50

White Birch Rd, Tol l a nd, onn 49

NAME Description and Value M _ o « 15 3 k. X

25 Forest Lane Lot 4 and Parts of 5 -6 -7 500 3500 1 10.25 Canton, Conn. Kwasny, John T & Mary A Lot P-10 -Paradise Island 4000 8 Claire Avenue Unfinished Cottage 3000 7000 220.50 Baldwinville, Mass. LaChance, Gerard J. & Cottage-LaChance Div 5000 Dorilda Lot 8 4000 9000 283.50

1 4 8 Vernon Street Gardner, Mass. LaChance, Leo P & Theresa McGregor Land 4500 45 450C 141 .75

1 Parker Street Gardner, Mass. LaChance, Luke A & Eva J Cottage 15000

1 1 1 Bickford Hill Road Lots 6 & 7 & part of 5 10000 25000 787.50 Gardner, Mass. Lackey Frank H. Lowe lot 80 8 Gil sum Road Towne lot 150 15 230 7.25 Keene, N.H. Ladeau, Frank E & Mildred Camp-LaChance Div 4000

37 Winchester Street Lot 1 6 4000 800C 252.00 Baldwinville, Mass. LaFalam, Harvey F Land-Wellington Road 500 42 Glenallen Trailer 1000 150C 47.25 Winchendon, Mass. LaFleur, Albion J & Doris G Cottage $77 5500 Off Old Dublin Road West Lake C 1000 650C 204.75 Peterborough, N.H. LaFreniere, Mrs Elizabeth Z Cottage #8 -W Lake C 7500 Jeffrey, N.H. Land 2500 10000 315 .00 Lahtinen, Martin O. Log Cabin *4 W Lake M 6400 60 Simonds Street H lot 600 Fitchburg, Mass. Boats 400 740C 233.10 Lambert, Mrs Victoria L. Cottage-LaChance Div 5200

1 8 Peterborough Rod Lot 31 4000 920C 289.80 Jeffrey, N.H. Lamontagne, Robert G and Cottage-Beauvais Point 4000 Marjorie L. Lots 14-15 4000 800C 252.00 2 3 W. Main Street Westminster, Mass. Lanham, Rev. Chares W Cottage Paradise Island 4000 and Mary N Lot P-3 4000 800C 252.00 86 Columbia Road Waterbury, Conn Lanoue, Edmund T & Norma Trailer and Land 500 46 Rosemont Street Trailer 3500 400C 126.00 Dorchester, Mass. Lapham, Maud C.c/o Mrs Lots 15-18 Incl Pond Lots 2000 200C 63.00 Agnes Johnston Lake M 45 Hopkins Street —Reading, Mass. .


NAME Description and Value _ 0.2

Laughlin, Henry A & Rebecca Ridgewood Farm 7000 Old River Street Land 1000 8000 252 .00 Concord, Mass. Lawson, Harold E. Carpenter lot 1500 Old Concord Turnpike Rutherford land 1500 6000 94.50 RFD2 Lincoln, Mass. LeBlanc, Camille J. and Home on Cathedral Road 5000 Germaine A. Land 1000 6000 189.00

1 08 Harvard Street Waltham, Mass. LeBlanc, Mrs. Regina Camp-Emerson Pond 3300

54 Grainite Street Land-lot 1 4 1500 480d 151 .2 Fitchburg, Mass.

Leger, Daniel J & Loretta Lots 19 & 2 0-Blk I WLC 750 750 23.63

1 2 1 Depot Street Fitchburg, Mass. Legg, Gordon F Cottage *96 -Woodmere 6300 962 Broadway Lots 135-8 Incl. 500 6800 214.20 Everett, Mass.

Letourneau, Oliver D & Sadi <; Letourneau land 500 500 15 .75

Box 1 1 1 - RD #1 Forge Village, Mass.

Lewis, Ralph H . Cottage-Beauvais Pt 4000 67 Parker Street Lots 18-19 4000 800C 252.00 Fitchburg, Mass.

Liddell, Earl R. Camp-Pine Eden 1 600 160C 50.40 201 Pearl Street Winchendon, Mass. Lightzer, Doris L. Lois L. Cottage # 74 W Lake C 3500 and Joan T. Land 2500 600C 189.00

3 1 Eden Street Charlestown, Mass. Lightizer, Emily A. Cottage #42 W Lake C 1700

1 5 Maverick Street Lots 12-13 500 220C 69.30 Chelsea, Mass. Lightizer, James A & Mary Cottage - W Lake C 500 529 Pleasant Street Lots 19-20 700 120C 37 .80 Winthrop, Mass. Lindsay, Thomas B & Althea Davis Orchard & Cottage 2500 Groton Road Lots 652-657 Inclusive 500 300C 94.50 N Shirley, Mass. Littlefield, Milton E & Mary Cottage ^5 9 -Woodmere 5400 Main Street Lots 79,80,61 ,62 600 600C 189.00 Woodbury, Conn. Livermore, Roland C & Camp Emerson Pond 4000 Frances T Lots 2-3-24,2 5 4500 8500 267.75 Box 1044 Acton Center, Mass.

Livermore, Roland John Boats 50 50 1 .58 Box 10 44 Acton, Mass. 51

Description and Value NAME in 3 a> 7i X

1 5 Shelburne Road Shore land-Lake M 8000 17000 535.50 Wellesley Hills, Mass. Lovejoy, Albert R. Cottage # 8 2 W L C 4300 Box B-2 Land 2500 6800 214.20 South Branch, N.J.

Lowe, Russell B. Jr. Lowe Holdings as per plan 1 1400 760 245 Kenyon Street Ethel Hutchinson lot 450 30 Hartford, Conn. R R Robinson lot /cottage 4000 125 Whitney Pasture 375 25

Ducrow Place 100 1 Jewell lot 200 2 Brown lot 1200 17725 558.34

Luder, William Fay Lot II Paradise Island 4400 4400 1 38.60

1 1 2 Wetherbee Road Waltham, Mass. Mace, Merrill A. & Virginia Cottage E Lake M 7500 Timber Lane, Conn Land 4000 11500 362.25 Madru, Robert A & Alice M Cottage-Kimball Div 6000 Lot 25 1500 2 Boats 500 8000 252.00

Magee, Dr. Lincoln J and Cottage-Lake M 1 1000 Esther L. land 4000 15000 472.50 24 Glenallen Winchendon, Mass. Mailman, Carolyn S. Log Cabin-Kimball Div 7000 39 Knox Street Lot 2 2 1500 Palmer, Mass. Lot 21 -Kimball Div 1500 10000 315.00 Majewski, Juri - c/o Anna Back Lot-LaChance Div 300 300 9.45 Miller 362 Broadway Gardner, Mass. # Malk, Lauri R. & Lillian P Cottage 1 40-E Lake M 9500 and Mark, Rudolph R. Land 4000 13500 425 .25 and Beverly J. Park Road Ashby, Mass.

Mandranelis, Zacharias and Cottage-E Lake M 1 1000 Pauline Lot 4000 15200 478.80 20 Otterson Street Nashua, N.H. Manseau, Joseph E. Lot 12 Blk H W Lake C 125 125 3.94 227 W. 16th Street New York, N.Y. Marks, El den E & Helen M. Burt Cottage-Lake M 6000

1 1 George Street Land 4000 10000 315 .00 Newton, Mass. -52-

NAME Description and Value M __ • o_2 X

1 107 Rich Street Lots 220-224 Inc 228-31 2500 12500 393 .75 Gardner, Mass. Martin, Leo M. Michaud land 300 5 300 9.45 306 Benjamin Street Winchendon, Mass. Martorano, Roger J. and Lots 7-8-9 Blk P W Lake C 400 400 12.60 Christine M. 724 Saratoga Street E. Boston, Mass. Marserian, Levon & June E. Cottage-Woodmere 4900 63 Newcomb Road Lots 151-15 2 600 5500 173.25 Stoneham, Mass.

Mason, Ellis L. Cottage-Blk 1 3800

476 Prospect St Lots 2 8-31 Incl. & lot 1 5 400 Rever,e, Mass. Lots 1-2-3 Blk G WIC 300 Lots 21-23 Inc Blk M WLC 500 5000 157.50 Mason, Willard Lots 5 -6 Blk J lot 2 7 Blk P

1 7 1 Parker Street Lots 21-22 Blk G-W Lake C 400 400 12.60 Everett, Mass. Masters, Gordon E & Cottage-Paradise Island 9000

Victoria 1 Lot P-12 4000 13000 409.50 31 17 Cedarbridge Road Northfield, N.J. Matthews, Carl Ray Brodmerkle Place 4000

Box 202 Land 1 000 26 5000 157.50 S. Lancaster, Mass. Mattson, Urho & Edward L Land-Divol Pond 400 3 400 12.60 95 Brookline Road W Townsend, Mass. Maurice, John & Mary A. Seppala Land 500 500 15 .75

1 71 Almira Road Springfield, Mass. McAllister, Norman F. Est Cottage-Wellington Div 7000 and Mabel A. Lot 4 4000 11000 346.50 Box 1072 Mass. Ave West Acton, Mass. * McCaffrey, Eugene G. and Cottage 1 3 3 -Lame M 4000 Eleanor V. Land 4000 8000 252.00

1 2 9 Granite Street Leominster, Mass. McCusker, Hugh J & Mary E Cottage ^6 3-E Lake C 8200

1 95 William Street Land 1000 9200 289.80 Stoneham, Mass. McDonald, Paul V. and Camp -Michigan 3600

Florence A. Lot 1 1 600 4200 1 32.30 22 Davis Avenue Brookline, Mass. McGary, Malcolm C and Ashley Place 6500 Joanne M. Land 2000 85 8500 267.75

5 1 ferry Street Gloucester, Mass. .


NAME Description and Value 2£ McGuire, Edward M & Karen Cottage-Pecker Pond 2500 Box 22 -Orchard Street Land 1500 4000 126.00 Lodi, New York McLellan, Mrs. Margaret A. Cottage (Allen) 6000 6000 189.00 3641 Old Gun Road Midlothian, Virginia McNally, Thomas E. Cottage-Blk F 700 31 7 Maple Avenue Lots 1-4 Inc 15-18 Inc 1000 1700 53.55 Kissimmee, Florida McSkimmon, W.B. Est - c/o John Mann Farm 4000 90 4000 126.00 Donald McSkimmon, Adm Jeffrey, N.H. Medrykowski, Waclaw Lot 7 Monomonoc Terrace 4000 4000 126.00 32 Greenwood Place Gardner, Mass. Mehegan, Mrs. Catherine Home-Todd Hill 8250 8 3 Walk Hill Street Land 750 9000 283.50 Jamaica Plain, Mass. Mengelle, Isabel Log Cabin *1 W Lake M 2200 Brubacker Hall Land 800 3000 94.50 75 State Street Albany, New York # Michaud, William H & Rbt. Cottage 2 I & Garage 9 00

Hoi den St-Box 1 38 Lots 2 05-15 Incl & pt

Ashburnham, Mass. of I ots 2 1 6 -7 -8 -9 Woodmere 2 5 00 11500 362.25 Michniewicz, Stanley E & Cottage # 2 8 -W Lake C 65 00 Jean M. Land 2 500 9000 283.50 22 Orange Street Athol, Mass. Midlin, John & KathleenM Cottage & Lot B-Rindge Acres 400 349 Griffin Road Land 4000 Wapping,cConn Unfinished Cottage 3000 11000 346.50 Mikelsons, Janis & Lucija Camp-Divol Pond 1500

3 3 Zamore Street 2 Tracts land 1 000 2500 78.75 Jamaica Plain, Mass. Miller, Anna Back Lot-LaChance Div 30 300 9.45 362 Broadway Gardner, Mass. Mills, James L & Helen B Cottage 79-W Lake C 65 Addison Rd-Route 2 Land 2 5 00

Goffstown , N . H Boat 5 9050 285 .08 Mineau, Ralph J & Isabel M Smith land Rt 119 50 45 South Street Trailer 1000 1900 59.85 S Hadley Falls, Mass.

Miraglia, Mrs. Thelma Lots 38-40 Inc Blk J WLC 375 375 1 1 .81 7 Adrian Street Somerville, Mass. # Monadnock National Bank National Bank Stock 1 77 177. -00 Jeffrey, N.H. Monomonac Lake Shores Inc Flowage & Storage Rights Box 2 2 6 L.M & Wellington 24000 24000 756.00 Lunenburg, Mass. 54

NAME Description and Value 0.2 2£ # Monomonock Sporting Club Clubhouse 1 6 O/Bldgs 14000 c/o George Mossman, Treas. Land 8 00 25 High Street McGregor land 2 000 24000 756.00 Gardner, Mass.

Moore, Harvey B. George A Wil lard land 600 23 600 1 8 .90

3 1 Lime Street Boston, Mass.

Morgan, Robert I Sr. and Lot 1 9-Monomonoc Terrace 15 00 1500 47.25 Barbara E. 2 8 Colab Road Twksbury, Mass. Moroney, Leo J & Olive S Camp-Paradise Island 4 00 729 Hartford Turnpike Lot P-6 4000 8000 252.00 Shrewdbury, Mass. Morris, Robert G & Mary T Lot 2 6-Monomonoc Terrace 90 Route 44 Lot 2 7 -pt of Monomonoc " 9 1800 56.70 Pittsfield, Mass. Mulcahy, Frances M. Hale & Rourke Land 500 39 Leavitt Street Camp 4 300 Hingham, Mass. McCormack land 200 5000 157.50 Mulcahy, Francis E. & Elmer Hastings-Cleaves land 300 300 9 .45 157 Lexington Street E. Boston, Mass.

Murdock, E. Inc. Haskell lot 1 400 70 87 West Street A.S.Kimball land 675 45 Winchendon, Mass. Wilder lot 105 70

Part Norcross land 1 35 90 B.F.Danforth land 75 50 C.H.Danforth land 22 5 15

Burritt land 1 5 0C 50 Huse-land 2 lots 8 00 40

A.J. Robbins land 1 08C 90

Rugg Sprout land 1 00 6-1/2 Platts land 5 5 Abbott land 6 00 20 Nash lot 600 41 E.H. Converse land 600 40 Ballou land 450 45 Danforth land 6 00 20 Shore lot (McGregor)Lake M 40 Ramsdell 210 14 J. A. Knight lot 150C 60

Coffin lot 1 00 7 Shurtleff lot 2 70 18 Liberty Rand fcrm 1000 07 Robbins lot 7 7

H.H. Rice lots 1 200 01 Lyons lot 390 26 Alexander lot 7 80 78 21350 672.53 Murphy, Gerald & Mary E Cottage-Wellington Div 5 5 00 66 8 Westminster Hill Rd Land 2 000 7500 236.25 Fitchburg, Mass. 55

NAME Description and Value 15.2 2£ Nagle, Alan D & Joan L. Unfinished Cottage-Woodmere 1000

1 84 Kimber ly Avenue Lot 2 80- (Bacon lot 1 000 200C 63.00 New Hav en, Conn Napolitano, Vincent J. and Cottage-W Lake C 7100

Carole A Lot 1 2500 960C 302.40 7 Front Street Maynard, Mass. Neault, George H & Robert Cottage *1 9 -Woodmere 5500 25 North Street Lots 322-3 & 327-33 Inc 2500 8000 252.00 Walpole, Mass. Newell, Edward H. Lots 10-14 Incl

2 1 Thorndike Avenue Blk P-W Lake C 500 500 15.75 Fitchburg, Mass. New England Power Co Power Line 269500 441 Stuart Street A L Brown land-mchy 7001 35 Boston, Mass. Peter Geddes Land 80 4 E. Murdock land 240 12 Harris Rice land 240 12 27076

Norcross, Mrs. Julia R. Lots I and I A Kimball Div 2000 # RFD 1 1 /3 Tucker lot 140 30 2140 67.41 Fitzwilliam, N.H.

Norcross, Leon A. and 1 /2 Moore lot 100 8 100 3.15 Heidel, Ola M. 5 3 Grove Street Winchendon, Mass. Novak, Edward - c/o Mrs. Cottage #4I W Lake C 2300 Sophie Novak Lots 7 -8 -9 Blk F 500 2800 88.20

1 5 Gore Street Cambridge, Mass.

O'Brien, Charlotte & Cottage 1 38 E Lake M 7000 Spaulding, Beverly Land 2000 9000 283.50 95 Blossom Street Fitchburg, Mass. O'Donnell, Joseph C. Homestad 26000

Todd Hill Land 9000 35000 1 102.50 Rindge, N.H. Olson, Hilbert A. & Marion Cottage -Pool Pond 3500 5 68 North Road RR 2 Lots 18-22 incl. 1500 5000 157.50 Sudbyr, Mass. . F .

-5 6-

NAME Description and Value M _ •> • o.2 Uft. X < 2£ i—

Olson, Stanley lc| & Ada S Cottage *95-Woodmere 7800 445 Shrewsbury Street Lots 189-19 6 Incl and

Hoi den , Mass. triangular lot adjoining 1000 8800 277.20 O'Neil, Hubert F. Est-c/o Stratton Place 4500 Mrs. Katherine Christian, Exe c Land 1000 5500 173.25 P O Box 374 Jeffrey, N.H. O'Neil, Thomas P Jr. Cottage 38-Woodmere 3900 36 Russell Street Land 600 4500 141 .75 Cambridge, Mass. O'Neill, John E and Camp- W Lake C 800 Dorothea L. Deschemes land-lot 4 400 1200 37.80 9 6 S Street South Boston, Mass. Ostergard, Ronald C & Ruth Cottage #4 8-W Lake C 2900 4 1 4 3 Bellingham Street Lots -9 Incl Blk G 600 3500 1 10.25 Chelsea, Mass. O 'Toole, Austin J. Est-c/o Camp-E Lake C 8000 Mrs Alice G. O'Toole, exec Lot 9 700 8700 274.05 7 Carlisle Street Andover, Mass. Paine, Wallace B. Cottage-E Lake M 12000 35 S Main Street Lots J & K 4000 Baldwinville, Mass. Trailer 4000 24000 756.00 Pajari, Wilbur H. Cottage-Pool Pond 3000

1 Oak Street Lots 14-17 Incl. 1500 4500 141 .75 Baldwinville, Mass. Palazzolo, Pasquale A. and Cottage *9 7 W Lake C 2600 Barbara L. Lots 1-4 incl 400 3000 94 .50 72 Wordsworth Street E. Boston, Mass Palazzola, Paul J & Ann M Cottage-W Lake C 3100

70 Wordsworth Street Lots 15-18 Incl Blk G 400 3500 1 10.25 E Boston, Mass. Palermo, Mrs. Grace Cottage 3800 8 Elizabeth Road Lots 2 5-29 Incl Blk Z lots Stoneham, Mass. IW6 Incl Blk L,lots 25-34

incl 1 000 4800 151 .20 Parhiala, J. Alfred & Ceclia Town Farm land 300 30 New Ipswich, N.H. John F Hale land 540 54 840 26.46 Parker, Louis E. Camp-Woodmere 3100

Lawrence Street Lots 175-6 400 3500 1 10.25

Pepperell , Mass. Parks, Reginald Tarbell land 2000 63

1 95 Main Street Bldg. 2000 75

Winchendon, Mass. Metcalf land 1 000 5000 157.50

Patari, Anton Walter Hale land 2000 1 00 2000 63 .00

Rindge State Rd Box 1 47 Ashburnham, Mass. Patch, Charles Cottage *\ -Pearly Lake 2400 4 3 Beech Street Land 600 3000 94.50 Winchendon, Mass. 57

Description and Value NAME o_2 2£

Pattison, Mrs. Natalie B. Cottage #47 Blk J 2 40 3101 Carolina N.E. Lots 11-14 and 31-34 600 300C 94.50 Albuquerque, N.Mexico Paul, Frederick H Jr. Est L.F. Hale place 15000 and Elizabeth Land 2 00 20 17000 535 .50 5 8 3 Watertown Street Newtonville, Mass. Payne, R. W. Inc. Ware land 5 000 40 5000 157.50 Wood Kene, N.H. Peabody, Bayard W. Cottage-E Lake M 3 00

1 05 S Main Street Land 400 7000 220.50 Baldwinville, Mass. Pearl, Norman J. & Edith A Aseph Hale Place ;5 2 00

1 8 7 Peterborough Road Land 80 6000 189.00 Jeffrey, N.H.

Perry, Donald I & Annette Cottage-Lapham Div 10000 43 Peterborough Road Lot E 4000 Jeffrey, N.H. Part of ot J 5 00

Boats 1 14600 459.90 Perry, Mrs. Lenna W. Schoolhouse lot/Dan Fish land 1125 75 P O Box 321 Cottage-Emerson Pond 500 Jeffrey, N.H. Island 1000 Rindge lot & Keyes land 850 85 Wheeler land 100 1/4 Morlock land 5 00 50 4075 128.36 Perry, Mrs. Lenna W. and Goodnow Ramsdell land 1275 85

Hanna, George R. Trs. VWO Wetherbee land 1 275 85 James, B. Perry Winchester land 45 30 Jeffrey, N.H. Elson Converse land 780 65 Pool Pond land 6 390 70 10170 320.36 Peterson, Adolph & Edith M. 1/3 French property-lbdg. 2 300

28 Brown Street Land 80 1 35 3100 97.65 Bloomfield, Conn. Petts, Father Phillip C. Cottage-Woodmere 3 900

98 Summer Street 1 -1/2 lots 600 4500 141 .75 Portsmouth, N.H. Phillips, Charles E. & Joyce Part of lot 7 in 4th range 45 3 21 Hi 1 1 crest Road Cottage 5 -E Lake M 3500 Glen Ridge, N.J. Land 4000 7950 250.43 Pigeon, Mrs. Florence H. Camp-Woodmere 13000 20 Hammond Road Lots 2 9 -60 Incl 65-72 Incl Belmont, Mass. 81-87 inclusive 4000 17000 535 .50 Pine Eden Association Land & -Pool Pond 8 000 15 c/o Mrs. Earl Priest Community House 2 000 10000 315.00

Box 2 1 2 Jeffrey, N.H. Pisorczyk, Stonley F. end Cottage-Monomonoc Terrace 3500 Gertrude A. Lot 9 4000 7500 236.25 Monchonis Rood N Wilbraham, Mass. Pliska, Chester J & Helen C Camp-LaChance Div 5 00

129 Whalom Road Lot 1 400 9000 Fitchburg, Mas. Rear lot 10 -R 300 300 292.95 . .

-5 8

NAME Description and Value _ ® 2£ Pope, George B. Jr and Cottage # 3 -Woodmere 72 Vivian G Lots 133-34 & 139-140 600 7800 245.70 E. Golf Road Bedford, Penn Popple, Raymond E. Long Place (land) 800 800 25.20 5 096 A Idaho Avenue Plattsburg,ABF NY Porter, Howard W & Francis Cottage-Beauvais Pt 45 24 Crescent Heights Lots35-36A 4000 Fitchburg, Mass. Boat 5 J550 269.33 Porter, Leonard C & Shirley Mowing land 30 300 9.45 Squantum Road Jaffrey, N.H. Priest, R. Earl Camp-Pine Eden 3 200 3200 100.80

Box 2 1 2 Jaffrey, N.H. Primavera, Richard D & Land 14000 35 14000 441 .00 Joseph Box 2 6 6 Ware, Mass. Prue, James Howard & Bessie Cottage ^2 -Pearly Lake 1000 Forrest Ave Star Route Land 1500 2500 78.75 Orono, Maine Public Service Co of N.H. Transmission System

1 6 Central Square Pipeline 31 5687 315687 9944.14 Keene, N.H. Puopolo, John P & Jane B Cottage-Kimball Div 7700 2 73 Washington Street Lots 2 7-28 800 Arlington, Mass. Lot 2 9 -Kimball Div 400 8900 280.35 Puopolo, Louis R. and Lot 3 2 -Kimball Div 800 800 25.20 Charlotte A. 25 4 Worther Road Lexington, Mass. Earl # Putnam, U Cottage 2 I -W Lake C 5 00 Wedgewood Road Land 1000 6000 1 89.00 Sturbridge, Mass. Quatrale, Philip Lot 15-LaChance Div 4 00 4000 126.00 Foster Road Ashby, Mass. Randolph, Richard F. Cottage-W Lake C 5 00

1 1 2 Overbrook Drive Lots 2 3-28 Incl 1500 Wellesley, Mass. Nault land 300 6800 214.20 Rathburn, John K. Cudworth land 5 1-1/2 Box 248 Flagg lot 5 1/2 100 3.15 Peterborough, N.H. Ray, Robert Miles and Cottage-Woodmere 6 30 Ray, Araminta M. Lots 7 3-78 incl. 1500 7800 245.70

1 64 Grove Street W. Medford, Mass. Raymond, Amy B & Madeline 2 Cottage *I44 -145 ELM 9000 and Gay, Mrs. Ruth R. Land 30 54 Cole Avenue 1/3 Smith land 5 00 12500 393.75 Providence, R.I 59

NAME Description and Value (A 0) a> X u < 23 t— Renauld, Theodore Jr. Cottage-Michigan 500 243 Mil Ibury Avenue Lots 12 3,12 7-8-9 300 800 25 .20 Mill bury, Mass. Ricard, Arthur A. Est Rear lots 8 A, 9 A Emerson Pond 600 600 18.90 54 Granite Street Fitchburg, Mass. Ring, Alvah O & Ruth C Cottage-Wellington Div 6000 and Miss Ruth E Lot 4000 10000 315.00 2075 Beacon Street Waban, Mass. Rix, Clayton E & Charlotte Camp-Emerson Pond 3500 8 Pequot Road Lot 3 1500 5000 157.50 Wayland, Mass. Robb, William A & Evelyn K Camp-Kimball Div 2500

40 Manchester Street lot 1 3 1500 4000 126.00 Keene, N.H. Robideau, Peter. Est. c/o Lots 157 & 16 0-Woodmere 600 600 18.90

Mrs Edna 1 . Burke

1 9 Shawnee Lane Dover, N.H. Robillard, Armand A & Gloric Lots 2 9,2 9 A LaChance Div 4300 4300 135.45 South Road Tempi eton, Mass. Rolland, Martin G. Cottage *5 -Woodmere 6700 54 Woodchester Drive lots 5 02-5 09 incl 800 7500 236.25 Weston, Mass. Rose, Fred J & Ruth B Hammond Cottage- 3500 9 Summer Street Land-Pearly Lake 1500 5000 157.50 Newport, Vermont Rostedt, Paava E. Cottage-Emerson Pond 4800

1 2 Whittemore Street Lots 15-16 3000 7800 245.70 Fitchburg, Mass. Rouisse, Robert E Sr & Eva M Cottage-Kimball Div 6000

1 4 1 Rodimar Avenue Lot 8 1500 7500 236.25 Fitchburg, Mass. Rugg, Cleron S. Cotttage #5l-W Lake C 2000

State Line, N.H. Land 1500 3500 1 10.25 Rugg, Frank H. Camp-Pine Eden 2800 2800 88.20 33 Fairhaven Road Worcester, Mass. Rupner, Irina Cottage-LaChance Div 5000 Trout Stream Drive Lot 9 4000 9000 283.50 RFD2, Vernon, Conn. Russell, Peter H. Unfinished Cottage 1500 Fox Farm Road RFD Marceau Div-land 700 2200 69.30 (Greenville) New Ipswich, N.H. Rutherford, Mrs. Eleanor D Cottage-W Lake M 5500

1 1 7 Prospect Street Land 3000 Reading, Mass. Colburn land 4500 13000 409.50 Rutherford, Peter G. Est Cottage-W Lake M 6000

1 1 7 Prospect Street Land 3000 9000 283.50 Reading, Mass. 60

Description and Value M • NAME © _ o.2 X

Sabatelli, Michele M. and Cottage-E Lake M 1 1000 Clementina L. Land -Part of Lot C 4000 15000 472.50

1 4 Howard Street Leominster/ Mass. St. George, Leonard & Cottage M 2, garage 15000 Cecilia Lots 1-2 8 Incl-Woodmere 2500 # 49 Stratton Road Cottage 1 62 1 1000 Jaffrey, N.H. Land E Lake M 5000 335 0C 1055.25 Salmonsen, Robert H and Camp-Kimball Div 4000 Jeannette Lot 14 1500 5500 173.25 140 Wells Road Granby, Conn. Salvato, Joseph & Mary Cottage # 46A W Lake C 2400

86 Division Street Lots 8-10 Incl Blk 1 400 2800 88.20 Chelsea, Mass. # Sandback, Helen K. Est Cottage 1 47 -E Lake M 6900 c/o John Q Tilso, Jr. Tr Land 2000

Wiggin and Dana 1 /3 Smith land 500 9400 296.10

P O Box 1 8 3 2 New Haven, Conn Santagate, Charles & Natalie Lots 6-10 Incl Blk L WLC 400 400 12 .60 50 Watts Street Chelsea, Mass. Sargent, Mrs. Freda M. Cottage S^4 -W Woodmere 6800 73 Linden Street Lots (10) 2000 8800 277.20 Winchendon, Mass. Sawyer, Alfred P & Fay S Duncan land 100 2 Old Turnpike Road Demers, Hal lock, Popple Jeffrey N.H. Jones & Bradford lot 900 61 Bean & Symonds 600 20 Foster land 300 10 1900 59.85

Sawyer, Arthur F . and Cottage-Michigan 2000 Blangard, Dorothy J. Lots 10-11 500 2500 78.75 8 Highland Street W. Medway, Mass. Sawyer, Jason Grassy Pond Island 1000 2 Old Tunpike Camp 200 1200 37.80 Jeffrey, N.H. Scarrel, Mrs. Susan W. Camp-Pine Eden 2800 2800 88 .20 34 Prspect Street Winchendon, Mass. Schatz, Edward A. Cottage *4 Woodmere 7200 2404 Valencia Drive Lots 8 9-90 1000 8200 258.30 So Gate, Sarasota, Fla Schneider, Otto & Ingelorg Camp Kimball Div 500

1 5 Hughes Land Lot H 9 A 1500 2000 63 .00 Windsor Locks, Conn Schow, Howard B. Lakeview Cottage 7000 385 S Parkwood Avenue Land-Wellington Div 4000 11000 346.50 Pasadena, California .


NAME Description and Value a> 2£ # Schner, Edith M. Cottage 1 3 6 -Go rage 7500 3 Lathrop Avenue Land E Lake M 2500 10000 315 .00 Westfield, Mass. Seppa, John O & Carmela Cottage 4000 5 Bryant Road Wellington land 1000 Lexi ngton, Mass. New Camp 14000 Land 4000

1 Boat 1000 24000 756.00 Setzco, Walter Camp-Monomonoc Terrace 2000

Pleasant Street Lots 1 , 2 and 3 6000 Leominster, Mass. Lot 3 6 LaChance Div 4000 12000 378.00 Shaw, Clifford A & Mary J Cottage -Carpenter Div 6200

4 1 Needham Street Lot 6 3000 9200 289.80 Norfolk, Mass. Shelton, Paul S. Camp-Pine Eden 3200 3200 100.80 Oldham Rd RFD Box 2 72 Westboro, Mass. # Sherwin, John P. Cottage 1 57 6000

1 8 1 N Lincoln Street W Lake M 3000 9000 283.50 Orchard Park, New York Shields, Francis H. West Rindge Store 60 80 Main Street Land 1500 7500 236.25 Peterborough, N.H. Sholl, Calvin K & Nancy Camp-Lapham Div 3 000

1 Whitney Street Lot 4 4000 7000 220.50 Lunenburg, Mass. Singer, Irving & Josephine F Cottage-Pool Pond 7500 35 2 Marlborough Street Land 1500 9000 283.50

Boston , Mass Sirois, Walter G & Alice L Cottage *1 6 -Woodmere 5 700

Burrington Court Lots 252-259 incl . 800 6500 204.75 Jeffrey, N.H. Sisters of the Presentation Cottage # I30 -garage 12000 B.V.M. Inc Land Lake M 400 # 366 South Street Cottage 1 3 1 -garage 12 000 Fitchburg, Mass. Land Lake M 4000 32000 1008.00 Sivula, Anna M. and Simula Kelley land 300 Tyyne Est Cottage 15 00 1800 56.70

1 5 2 Mechanic Street Fitchburg, Mass. Slavin, Robert L& Sylvia E Cottage-LaChance Div 5000

1 1 Locust Stret Lot 17 4000 Winchendon, Mass. 2 Boats 200 9200 289.80

Smiley, Clifford & Agnes R Cottage "o 1 -Woodmere 6700

Box 3 3 1 5 6 Lots 141-148 Incl 1500 8200 258.30 Kendall, Florida Smith, Edward L & Mary J Lot-Michigan 500 500 15.75 Coburn Road Jeffrey, N.H. Smith, Mrs. Elen R. Cottage # 6 2 5500 Jeffrey, N.H. Land E Lake C 1000 6500 204.75

Smith, Esther Cottage-Wei 1 ingtor Div 10500 32 37 Harrison St Lot 3 4000 14500 456.75 Hollywood, Florida .


NAME Description and Value M • 0.2 Ul_ X < 2£ »— Smith, Marshall W. & Persis Lot ^1 LaChance Div 4000 4000 126.00 Old Center Winchendon, Mass. Smith, Richard Cottage W Lake C 4500

1 06 Osgood Street Land 1500 6000 189.00 Gardner, Mass. Solomita, Louise N. Cottage Pool Pond 6600 467 Lincoln Avenue Land 1500 8100 255.15 Saugus, Mass. Spear, LeRoy F Camp-Pine Eden 1200 1200 37.80 24 Riverside Place Walpole, Mass. Spitz, Father N. Carlyle Norcross lot 500 50 500 15.75 PO Box 8 02 Port-Au-Prince, Haiti Stather, Donald G. Camp-Pool Pond 6000

1 3 Goldsmith Avenue Land 1500 7500 236.25 Beverly, Mass. Stearns, Herman E. Lord land 400 1-1/2

PO Box 125 1 Boat 100 500 15 .75 Winchendon, Mass.

Steinberg, Diana Lots 1-2-3 Blk D 375 375 1 1 .81 55 Georgetown Drive Framingham, Mass. Steinmann, Joseph M & Rita Cottage 3000

25 2 Main Street Dandelin Land 6000 1 6 9000 283.50 West Concord, Mass.

Stevens, Bernice 1. est 1/3 Tucker lot 180 180 5.67

1 1 8 High Street Winchendon, Mass. Stone, Lester & Ruth Flagg Place 1600 32 Paine Street Land 600 2200 69 .30 Worcester, Mass. Stone, Richard C & Lola M Camp-W Lake C 3800 2 7 Old Marlboro Road Lots 1-7 Inclusive 600 4400 138.60 Maynard, Mass.

Stratton, Frederick M. Lot on Route 1 1 9 1000

32 8 Main Street Stock in Trade 1 200 2200 69.30 Jeffrey, N.H. Stuart, Benjamin F. Jr. and Cottage E Lake M 7000 Geraldine L. Land 4000 11000 346.50 Elm Street Baldwinville, Mass. Sullivan, Anthony C. Cottage #70 W Lake C 4200

1 Crescent Street Lots 4-7 Incl Blk A 1000 5200 163.80 Keene, N.H.

Surprenant, Richard & Natali ; Cottage 14000

3 1 Skyline Drive Lots 4 and 1/2 lot 5 6000 20000 630.00 Wellsley, Mass. Swanbeck, Florence L. est Cottage 45-W Lake C 4000 c/o Wallace G Swanbeck Lots 21-24 incl Blk J 500 4500 141 .75

1 9 Lincoln Street Franklin, Mass. -6 3-

NAME Description and Value (A 15 ° u X < 2£ i- Szocik, Alfred C & Joan G Cottage-Pool Pond 4300 563 Massachusetts Ave Lots 7 -8 -9 1200 5500 173.25 Lunenburg, Mass. Taggett, Carrie E. Est - c/o Homestead 2500 Miss Elizabeth Kalish Land 1500 30 864 Cummings Highway Phillips Land 200 10 4200 132.30 Mattapan Mass

Taylor, Mrs Mabel E. 1 /3 Etta Todd Place 2000 7 High Street Land 330 2330 73.40 Milford, N.H. Teixeira, Mrs. Pearl L Camp-Emersonian Park 500 West Peterborough, N.H. Lot 8 1000 1500 47.25 Thompson, George R & Helen Lot in E Rindge Village 600 41 Nightingale Avenue E. Rindge Chapel 1000 1600 50.40 Quincy, Mass. # Tibbetts, Donald C & Lorraine Back lots 1 2A-Beauvais Pt 800 800 25.20

3 1 2 South Street Northborough, Mass. Tice, Charles F. & Clara Cottage # 8 -W Woodmere 6300 5 3 Mechanic Street Lots 399,402,403,404 Fitchburg, Mass. 407-409 incl 700 7000 220.50 Tieger, Marc P. Pratt land 800 800 25.20

7 1 2 N Broad Street Elizabeth, N.J. Tierney, Gerald F. Jr. Unfinished Camp-Kimball Div 800 and Joyce C. Lot 3 1 A 1000 1800 56.70 25 Bennett Street Hudson, Mass. Tikkanen, Paul & Jeanne Lots 27R & 28 R 1200 1200 37.80 45 Dover Court Beauvais Point New Milford, N.J.

Toko, Oliver R. 1 Cottages, Boathouse 10000

1 95 Marshall Street Island 5000 15000 472.50 Fitchburg, Mass. Tonazuch, Anthony J & Lot 2 9 Emerson Pond 1500 1500 47.25 Roseanne R and Wells, Richard W & Rosemary L 2021 Grismer Ave Apt 5 2 Burbank, Cal ifornia Tonn, Arnold A & Jean P Cottage-Pool Pond 4500 92 3 Matthews St Lot 5 7 500

Bristol , Conn Perry Land 500 1 5500 173.25 Tosdal, Harry R & Thora H Adams Place 16000 70 Bow Road Land 4000 75 Belmont Mass Mague Pasture, Hunt Gardner land 2000 70 Emory land 1200 80 23200 730.80 Towne, Archie Smith land 450 30 450 14.18

1 1 5 Park Street Winchendon, Mass. Towne, Clarence E. Est Smith Lot 400 40

1 1 5 Park Street 1 /2 Moore lot 80 8 Winchendon, Mass. Moore lot 60 3 540 17.01 64

NAME Description and Value M «> © _ k. o_2 X

Truran, Albert E & Jeanne M Land W. Side Todd Hill Rd. 3500 1 15 3500 1 10.25

P O Box 1 1 6 Groton, Mass. Tucker, Marguerite F. Cottage *47-Woodmere 5000

1 44 1 Main Street Lots 161-164 Incl 1000 6000 1 89.00 Fitchburg, Mass. Turco, Joseph J & Doris M Callahan lot W Lake C 800 800 25.20

8 1 Marvin Street Franklin, Mass.

Turner, Mathewson A . and Cottage E Lake M 8000 Wilma F. LotF 4000 12000 378.00 155 Main Street Newington, Conn Turtle, Donald R & Dolly Lot 36 Emerson Pond 800 800 25.20 66 Deewpwood Drive Wapping, Conn Vaillancourt, Napoleon G. Cottage-Kimball Div 3000

and Beverly A Lot 1 1500 4500 141 .75

Laurel St-Box 1 37 New Ipswich, N.H. Vaillette, Edgar & Louise Cottage-Beauvais Pt 3500

1 80 Central Street Lots 12-13 4000 7500 236.25 Leominster, Mass. Vaine, Arthur W & Annabelle McColley land 150 15 150 4.73 Elmwood Road Winchendon Springs, Mass. Valade, Albert E. Sr and Unfinished Camp-Pool Pond 5500 Eunice C Lots 32-35 incl. 1500 7000 220.50 44 Glenallen Winchendon, Mass.

Valonen, Carl O Lots 6 5-66 Pool Pond 1 500 1500 47.25 # RFD l, Box 31 Troy, N.H. Van de Graaf, Mrs Catherine House-Todd Hill 20000 39 Hurlbert Street Land 4000 24000 756.00 Cambridge, Mass. Van Syckle, Vincent J. and Bush Hill 3000 123 3000 94.50

C . Marilyn

1 4 Cinder Road Garnerville, N.Y. Veatour, J. Edmond Jr. Camp Emerson Pond 2250

1 2 6 Hollywood Street 1 /2 Lot 8 750 3000 94.50 Fitchburg, Mass.

Vernick, Richard & Hacel E 2 Cottages-Pool Pond 1 4000 91 Moose Hill Road Lots 2000 16300 513.45 Trumbull, Conn Vigeant, Robert C & Joan M Cottage-Paradise Island 5000 150 Mill Street Lot P2 4000 9000 283.50 Marlborough, Mass. Vincent, Paul & Theresa L Cottage-Pool Pond 6500

1 7 1 Leamy Street Lots 36-37 750 7000 220.50 Gardner, Mass. Vorce, James N & Shirley R Farrar Land 500 8 500 15 .75

Box 1 1 Dublin, N.H. 63.

Description and Value NAME 3 w4> o X U < 2£ 1— Vose, Mrs Christine M. Stratton Home-W Rindge 4500

c/o James Stratton Land 500 500C 1 57.50 Rindge, N.H. Wahlstrom, Lester Trailer 700 65 South Street lot - W Lake C 300 1000 31 .50 Shrewsbury, Mass. Walaschek, Mrs Ellen G. Lots 11,12 Emerson Pond 3000 3000 94.50 76 W7th St Apt 370 S Boston, Mass. Walaschek, Mrs Gertrude M Camp -Emerson Pond 500

442 E 5th Street Lot 1 3 1 500 2000 63.00 S Boston, Mass.

Walker, Richard 1 & Lillian Camp- 1000

1 1 Erregger Road Colby lot 860 43 Syracuse, New York Phelps & Sargent meadow 480 24

Jones Madow 1 30C 65

Ingalls Mill Privilage 200 3840 1 20.96 Walker, Vernon E. Lots 21-22 Blk F WLC 250 250 7.88 God Mine Road Dublin, N.H.

Wallace, George R III Mobil home 7000 Box 5 3 Woodland Lake Land/garage 8000 Fitchburg, Mass. 8 Camps # 2 BH 12000

Torvela Place 1 1000 Land 1000 5

Cook land 1500 1 7 40500 1 275 .75

Walsh, John T & Mary E Cottage #4 6- E Lake C 1 1250 7 3 Chelmstord Street Land 1500 12750 401 .63 Dorchester, Mass. Walsh, John T Jr & Elaine Cottage #47- 12200

1 1 1 Whipple St C-2 Lots & McCarthy lot 1 800 14000 441 .00 S Weymouth, Mass. Walz, Miss Ursula L. and Cottage #92 W Lake C 6300 Titus, Mrs Doris E Davis Land 1500 7800 245 .70 4602 Franklin Street Kensington, Maryland

Walz, Hans G & Vinnette Cottage #9 1 7000 and Walz, Thomas C & Land-W Lake C 1500 8500 267.75 Annabel le

1 4 Sunset Road We lies ley, Mass. Waskleiwicz, Paul & Cottage #2 -Woodmere 5200 Catherine M. Lots 197-200 incl 1000 6200 195.30 25 3 Seaspray Rd RFD Old Lyme, Conn Webber, M B Est c/o Antill place 2500 Richard W Webber Land 1500 50 4000 126.00 17900 Riverside Drive Lakewood, Ohi o Welch, Alphonse J. Est Cottage #75 9500

1 8 Pacific Court Land W Lake C 2500 12000 378.00 Fitchburg, Mass. .


NAME Description and Value M © X

Wetmore, Roy D & Marjorie Love joy lot 1000 1 00 49 Allen Street Hubbard lot 850 85 Athol, Mass. Brooks land 450 45 Thomas Mason land 680 68

Raymond Sherwin land 1280 1 28

Watson lit 1 ooc 100 C .H.Thomas land 720 72 Crowe lot 250 25 Sherwin land 90 9

Emory (Gregory)lot 1000 1 00 7320 230.58 Wharff, Conroy H. & Helen Cottage E Lake M 2000

74 Fairview Road Land (2 lots) 4000 6000 1 89.00 Lunenburg, Mass. Wheeler, Mrs. Grace B. Land at Woodmere 2000 2000 63 .00

1 39 Elm Street Winchendon, Mass. White, Gordon R and Kennedy land 2500 5 2500 78 .75 Elizabeth J. 61 Oak Street Jeffrey, N.H. White, Mrs Margaret H. Cottage #161 10000 High Street Land W Lake M 4000 14000 441 .00 Winchendon, Mass.

White, Russell, III and Bean farm -land 1 200 120

Eleanor G Lot on Pearly Lake 1 000

Branch Land Herman Hale land 1 000 15 3200 1 00.80 Groton, Mass. Whitney, Arthur L & Elaine Camp-Paradise Island 3500 Laurel St-Box 6 3 Lot P-l 3000 6500 204.75 New Ipswich, N.H. Whitney, Carleton E. Cottage 6000 Land 2500 10

1 /3 Undivided land 100 8600 270l90 Whitney, James & Helen Phillips land 500 50 500 15.76 40 Fifield Street Nashua, N.H. ..


NAME Description and Value HI fl> 0) Ib a 3 X

Winchester, Virginia 1 /3 Undivided land 100 8600 270.90 Whitney, Marcus M. Est c/o Cottage ^15 4 Lake M 6800 W. Whitney, Exec Land 4000 10800 340.20

5 1 1 Central Street Winchendon, Mass. Wiggin, Stephen P & Edna Camp Pool Pond 2700 Pleasant St-Box 3 34 Lot 6 4 500 3200 100.80 greenville, N.H.

Wihtelin, Otto & Onni 1 Camp-Divol Pond 1 300 6 Nichols Street Lot 500 1800 56.70 Fitchburg, Mass Wilder, Richard H. Dan Woodard lot 500 26 500 15.75 390 Annaquatucket Rd N Kingston, R.I Willey, Kenneth E. Camp-Emerson Pond 4000 55 Rest Way Lots 5 -6 3000 7000 220.50 Springfield, Mass. Williams, Alfred P Jr and Cottage *3 3 -Woodmere 6500 Jeannette M. Lots 2 16 -2 19 Incl 1000 7500 236.25 3 Donald Street Lexington, Mass. Wilson, Dr. Richard T. Lot # I9-Rindge Manor LS 1500 1500 47.25

1 1 6 College Avenue Somerville, Mass. Winchester, Leon H. Cottage *I0 -Woodmere 6400 210 Park Avenue Lots 518-525 incl 600 7000 220.50 Worcester, Mass. Wolanski, Benjamin J Camp-W Lake C 6200 and Jennie Land 1000 7200 226.80 485 Pleasant Street Gardner, Mass. Wood me re, Assoc. Inc. c/o Parks and unnumbered lots 2500 2500 78.75 Richard E Gaffney,Treas

1 8 Addison Street Chelsea, Mass. Woodruff, Walter & Eleanor Cottage-Beauvais Ptq 8400 South Road Lots 37,38 & pt of 39,36 ,13 4600 13000 409.50 Ashby, Mass. Woollacott, Elizabeth N Shore Lot # 2 W L C 1250

Turkey Hill Road Marceau Div 2500 3750 1 18.13 Lunenburg, Mass. # Wozmak, Mrs Virginia S Cottage 8 1 3500

1 96 Main Street Land W Lake C 2500 16000 504.00 Jaffrey, N.H.

Wozmak, Dr. C Francis 1 Boat 350 350 1 1 .03

1 96 Main Street Jaffrey, N.H. -6 8

NAME Description and Value _ ® 2£ Wright, Walter F. Cottage # 2 6 W Lake C 2 5 00 Woodside Avenue Land 5 00 3000 94.50 Wellesley Hills, Mass. Zablonski, Anthony C and Camp-Highgill Div 2500 Sophie Land 2000 4500 141 .75 87 Church Street Gardner, Mass. Zenker, Karol R and Annette Cottage 4 00

597 High Rock Street Wellington land 1 000 5000 157.50 Needham, Mass. Zerinsky, Robert Parker & Rand lot 60

266 Front Street Sargent lot 5 00 1 100 34.65 Winchendon, Mass. Zitzow, Ada et al Leighton Place 85 Cor Taylor Ave & Ave B Land 15 00 10000 315.00 White Horse Beach Plymouth, Mass. Zographos, Aristide G and Cottage-Log Cabin 7 00 Grace Land-E Rindge 100 8000 252.00 242 Massachusetts Avenue Boston, Mass. NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES

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