June 20, 2000 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 11589 Africa. It is my hope that the Act will serve as ment of President Yahya Jammeh is suc- Ed Steiner, , Great an institutional framework for private investors ceeding where 30 years of autocratic rule had Grandfather. failed. Eileen Mondino, Boonton High School, and businesses to develop a meaningful pres- However, the technical, financial and edu- ence within Africa. Ultimately, a private-public cational resources of such countries are Tony. partnership is what is needed to provide the quickly exhausted—leaving too many Samanatha Fuess, Boonton High School, political and economic support African nations projects incomplete and ideas unrealized. The Duck Shot. require to meet the development challenges of As the international assistance and debt Jenny Blankenship, Boonton High School, the 21st century. relief to these countries has stalled in our Untitled. I want to thank you and the rest of my col- Congress, or dried up completely, private, Allyson Wood, Dover High School, Meta- leagues in the House for your support and non-governmental groups have stepped in to morphosis. fill the void in implementing essential devel- Mike Cicchetti, Dover High School, Still Life. partnership with Africa. Mr. Speaker, I submit opment programs. the following article, published in the May 26, U.S.-based Catholic Relief Services has in Jeff Albeck, Dover High School, Charles in 2000, issue of the Baltimore Sun, for insertion place across Gambia, and the rest of Africa, Charge. into the RECORD. programs that promote the role of women in Jee Hae Choe, Dover High School, Untitled. society, provide HIV education and fund Andrew Racz, Hanover Park High School, AMERICAN COMPANIES CAN DO MORE TO HELP micro-enterprise projects—all programs that AFRICA Self Portrait. formerly were undertaken by the U.S. Agen- Jean Guzzi, Hanover Park High School, (By James Clyburn, Earl Hillard and Bennie cy for International Development. However, Thompson) Lost. these non-governmental organizations are Amy Chang, Hanover Park High School, During a recent congressional recess, six themselves subject to competing congres- congressional delegations went on fact-find- sional finding interests and so, too, remain Self Portrait—Amy. ing missions to Africa. The number of dele- sorely underdeveloped. Stephanie Fertinel, Hanover Park High gations visiting the continent was no coinci- As in our cities, where corporate America School, Reflections. dence. has helped fund a rebirth of our inner cities, Jessica Posio, Livingston High School, Nor was it inconsequential when the so, too, can it assist the nations of Africa in Dreamer. United States used its chairmanship of the their own rebirth. Tricia Lin, Livingston High School, Untitled. U.N. Security Council to make January ‘‘Af- This notion of ‘‘trade not aid’’ is the cor- Alexandra Weeks, Madison High School, rica Month’’ for the council. President Clin- nerstone of the African Growth and Oppor- City. ton’s recently announced trip to Nigeria in tunity Act that President Clinton signed June, the second to Africa in his administra- into law this month and should define the fu- Lynette Murphy, Madison High School, Vice tion, is a welcome bid to efforts aimed at ture of U.S. relations with Africa. Versa. putting the map of Africa onto the U.S. pol- Those companies already at work in Africa Michael Sutherland, Madison High School, icy agenda. and with Africans, are now ideally placed to Weather. The president’s efforts are now being sup- provide the kind of business environment Juyoun Lee, Madison High School, Season. ported by members whose views on domestic that ultimately creates a peaceful society. Christopher Butler, Matheny School and policy span our political spectrum but who A healthy and educated workforce is not Hospital, Untitled. share a commitment to seeing an end to Af- only for good business but for stable and Faith Stolz, Matheny School and Hospital, peaceful lives, free of war and poverty, sick- rica’s self-destructive wars and the establish- Untitled. ment of an era of peace and prosperity on the ness and migration. continent. As members of Congress, it is our hope and Diana Viulante, Montville High School, Fly- Often, the only images of Africa the Amer- intention to help facilitate these partner- ing. ican public has the opportunity to see are ships wherever possible. We have seen the Jimin Oh, Montville High School, Self Por- those of carnage, corruption and catas- hope of a proud and welcoming people and trait. trophe. will implore our friends and colleagues to Elizabeth Mayer, Montville High School, As reports of civil war in Sierra Leone, help Africa keep hope alive. Wishing for Winter. Eritrea and the Democratic Republic of the The three writers are members of the Con- Matal Usefi, Montville High School, Primal Congo continue to grab headlines in Amer- gressional Black Caucus from South Caro- lina, Alabama and Mississippi, respectively. Instincts. ica’s newspapers, we journeyed to Africa Matthew Schwartz, , with the hope of highlighting a different Mr. Clyburn is caucus chairman. Self Portrait. image of the continent. Our delegation spent f three days in one of the continent’s smallest Brooke Purpura, Morris Knolls High School, countries, Gambia—made famous by author ANNUAL CONGRESSIONAL ARTS Self Portrait. Alex Haley in his epic saga, ‘‘Roots,’’ as the COMPETITION PARTICIPANTS John Fisher, Morris Knolls High School, Self true-life homeland of the novel’s hero, Kunta HONORED Portrait. Kinte. Marion Bezars, Jr., Morris Knolls High Smaller than any of our individual con- HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN School, Pondering. gressional districts, Gambia is a country of Kristen Reilly, Mt. Olive High School, only 1 million people on the west coast of Af- OF rica. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Stamped in Stone. Jonathan Rehm, Mt. Olive High School, The country makes up for its few natural Tuesday, June 20, 2000 resources with a modern deep-water port and Blind Faith. one of Africa’s most advanced telecommuni- Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, once Rachel Regina, Mt. Olive High School, Phil. cations systems. Like many African coun- again, I come to the floor to recognize the Tanya Maddaloni, Mt. Olive High School, tries, Gambia is struggling to define itself as great success of strong local school systems Creation. a service economy, worthy of Western in- working with dedicated parents and teachers. Steven Ehrenkrantz, Randolph High School, vestment. I rise today to congratulate and honor 47 out- Untitled. During our stay, we were bounced along standing high school artists from the 11th Alton Wilky, Randolph High School, Whai. seemingly impassible roads to isolated vil- lages by our government hosts and saw that Congressional District of New Jersey. Each of Francesca Oliveria, Randolph High School, the much-vaunted ‘‘services’’ did not extend these talented students participated in the An- Immanis. outside the capital city of Banjul. What we nual Congressional Arts Competition, ‘‘An Ar- Ashleyh Waddington, Randolph High were shown was not a whitewash, however, tistic Discovery,’’ sponsored by Schering- School, Untitled. but a stark example of an African country Plough Corporation. They were recently hon- Shirley Lewlowicz, , struggling to provide a better future for its ored at a reception and exhibit. Their works Untitled. people. are exceptional. Rachel Glaser, West Essex Senior High Between episodic power outages and sea- Mr. Speaker, I would like to list each of the School, Untitled. sonal floods, there exists in Gambia a hope Joseph Morelli, West Essex Senior High and motivation to overcome and succeed. students, their high schools, and their contest From what we were shown, Gambia can, and entries, for the official record. School, Untitled. may already be, an African success story. Sarah Louise Podron, Bayley Ellard High Kate O’Donnell, West Essex Senior High With the construction of many new hos- School, The Open Window. School, Irish Heritage. pitals and dozens of new schools, including Alexis Perry, Bayley Ellard High School, Austyn Stevens, West Morris High School, the country’s first university, the govern- Window of My Soul. Diva.

VerDate jul 14 2003 21:56 Oct 15, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\E20JN0.000 E20JN0 11590 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 20, 2000 Kerry French, West Morris Mendham High tunity to travel to Washington D.C. to meet addition, seven other submissions received School, Kassie. Congressional Leaders and to mount his or honorable mention by the judges, Kerry Meghan Buckner, West Morris Mendham her artwork in a special corridor of the U.S. French, Erin Bollinger, Jimin Oh, Rachel High School, Ashley. Capitol along with winners from across the Glaser, Jenny Blankenship, Juyoun Lee and Erin Bollinger, West Morris Mendham High country. This year, first place went to John School, Self Portrait. Mario Bezars, Jr. Emily Dimiero, West Morris Mendham High Fisher of Morris Knolls High School. Second Indeed, all of these young artists are win- School, Facade. place went to Emily Dimiero of West Morris ners, and we should be proud of their achieve- As you know, Mr. Speaker, each year the Mendham High School. Rachel Regina of Mt. ments so early in life. winner of the competition will have the oppor- Olive High School was awarded third place. In

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