A Preliminary Checklist of the Species of Non-Marine Molluscs from the Alburni Mountains, Campania, Southern Italy (Mol- Lusca Gastropoda Bivalvia)

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A Preliminary Checklist of the Species of Non-Marine Molluscs from the Alburni Mountains, Campania, Southern Italy (Mol- Lusca Gastropoda Bivalvia) Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (1): 377–392 A preliminary checklist of the species of non-marine Molluscs from the Alburni Mountains, Campania, Southern Italy (Mol- lusca Gastropoda Bivalvia) Agnese Petraccioli1, Paolo Crovato2, Ivano Niero3, Laura De Riso4, Camillo Pignataro5, Gaetano Odierna1 & Nicola Maio1* 1Dipartimento di Biologia, Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Edificio 7, via Cinthia 21, 80126 Napoli, Italy 2Via S. Liborio 1, 80134 Napoli, Italy 3Via Cici 17/1, 30038 Spinea (Venezia), Italy 4Ente Parco Nazionale del Cilento, Vallo di Diano e Alburni, Via Montesani, 84078 Vallo Della Lucania (Salerno), Italy 5Fondazione I.RI.DI.A. - Museo Naturalistico, via Forese 16, 84020 Corleto Monforte (Salerno), Italy *Corresponding author, e-mail: nicomaio@unina.it ABSTRACT An annotated checklist of the species of non-marine molluscs from the Alburni Mountains (Salerno Province, Campania, Southern Italy) is reported. The research was carried out from 2010 to 2013 inside a Site of Community Importance (SCI) and a Special Protection Area (SPA), of the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park. The non-marine molluscs sampled on the field were compared with data available from the literature and malacological collections. Up to now, only 12 non-marine Mollusc species were known from the Alburni Mountains through bibliographical data. In all, the malacofauna of Alburni Mountains is composed by 83 non-marine Mollusc species (73 species of land snails, and 10 species of freshwater molluscs). The presence of nine species (six species of land snails and three species of freshwater snails) was confirmed by our field investigation, four species (3 species of land snails and 1 species of allochthonous freshwater snails) were recorded only by bibliographical data and were not yet found. Our analysis identifies 70 species of non-marine Molluscs (64 species of land snails, 6 species of freshwater molluscs) recorded on the basis of field data which were not previously recorded from the study area. At least 11 species are new records for the Campania Region. Extremely interesting is the record of Vertigo angustior Jeffreys, 1830 a species protected in European Union by the Annex II of the “Habitats Directive” and listed as “Vulnerable” at the European level. A Red List of Threatened Species is proposed and the species were classified with the code of I.U.C.N. (Version 2014.3). Five allochthonous species were surveyed for the first time in the study area: 3 land snails: Lucilla scintilla (Lowe, 1852), Lucilla singleyana (Pilsbry, 1829) and Paralaoma servilis (Shuttleworth, 1852), and 2 freshwater snails: Potamopyrgus anti- podarum (J.E. Gray, 1843) and Ferrissia fragilis (Tryon, 1863). Four species are known exclusively from the literature: Vertigo (Vertigo) moulinsiana (Dupuy, 1849), Macrogastra (Pyrostoma) plicatula (Draparnaud, 1801), Cernuella virgata (Da Costa, 1778), and Haitia acuta (Draparnaud, 1805). KEY WORDS Non-marine Molluscs; Alburni Mountains, Campania; faunistics; conservation. Received 18.07.2014; accepted 29.11.2014; printed 30.03.2015 Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress “Speciation and Taxonomy”, May 16th-18th 2014, Cefalù-Castelbuono (Italy) 378 AGNESE PETRACCIOLI ET ALII INTRODUCTION mit of Monte Alburno/Panormo) in all suitable hab- itats present on the territory of the Alburni Moun- The knowledge of the malacofauna of Campania tains in accordance with the vegetation types (about 150 species, personal data; 13,595 sq Km) reported in the land use map (1: 25.000) available by is far below than that of other regions. This is even the “Ente Parco”. Adult specimens and shells of non- more evident when we consider the protect areas of marine molluscs were hand-collected through visual this territory as those of the Alburni Mountains search, leaf litter and soil collecting and sorting. whose malacofauna is virtually unknown (Fig. 1). Samples were then air dried and sieved down to 0.5 In all Campania Region, only papers on check- mm mesh. Samples of sediment were screened with list of Capri Island and Vesuvius National Park are calibrated sieves. The cleaned up material was known in the last 10 years (Petraccioli et al., 2005a, examined under lens and/or stereo microscope to 2005b, 2006a, 2006b, 2007; Picariello et al., 2011); sort the smallest fraction, namely. Fractions above 1 moreover there are only historical reports, nearly cm were searched by a Leica EZ4 stereo microscope 100 years old, concerning the most common species (Leica Microsystems GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany), and quoted with obsolete names. The purpose of both incident and transmitted, and then photo- this paper is, therefore, to help bridge this gap by graphed with a digital camera.The specimens for ana- increasing the malacofauna knowledge of this tomical exams were drowned in water and fixed in group in an important area of the Campania Region 75% ethanol. The reproductive apparatus was extrac- as the Alburni Mountains, with particular reference ted by means of scalpel, scissors and forceps. The to the species listed in the Annex of the Habitats illustrations of genitalia were sketched using a camera Directive, in the Index of the protected fauna of lucida mounted on the above stereomicroscope. Italy and in the various red lists (Manganelli et al., The sampled specimens were collected with 2000a; Cerfolli et al., 2002; I.U.C.N., 2014). permission of the “Ente Parco Nazionale del Ci- lento e Vallo di Diano” (Permit no. 16341/ 19.10.2010). Two sampled specimens for species MATERIAL AND METHODS were deposited in the Museo Naturalistico of Corleto Monforte (Salerno Province), a museum The Alburni Mountains are a calcareous massif acknowledged as an “institution of regional in- in the Salerno Province (Campania Region) belong- terest” (Decreto dalla Giunta Regionale Campania ing to the Lucan Sub Apennines chain, located in the n. 2010 del 29/12/2008). In addition, when other Eastern area of Cilento, near the borders between specimen/species were collected, we preserved Campania and Basilicata. In North-East the range de- them in the private collection of the authors. The grades into the plain of Vallo di Diano between the species identification was based on qualified dicho- valleys of the Calore Lucano, Tanagro and Sele tomickeys (Giusti & Pezzoli, 1980; Girod et al., rivers. The massif extends for about 250 km2. The 1980; Bech, 1990; Giusti et al., 1995; Kerney & study area (SCI IT8050033 named: “Monti Alburni”, Cameron, 1999). The taxonomic order and nomen- and SPA IT8050055 named: “Alburni”) is included clatural arrangement of the list follow: Bodon et al. in Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park (1995), Manganelli et al. (1995, 1998, 2000b), and covers 14 administrative municipalities (Aquara, Castagnolo (1995), Ponder & Lindberg (1996), Auletta, Castelcivita, Controne, Corleto Monforte, Nordsieck (2002) and Bank (2011); the common Ottati, Petina, Polla, Postiglione, San Pietro al Tana- names were based on Janus (1982) and on the web gro, San Rufo, Sant'Angelo a Fasanella, Sant’Arsenio, site: http://media.eol.org. and Sicignano degli Alburni) (see TEMI, 2010). For each species a brief note on the abundance A detailed investigation on the historical and cur- in the study area is reported according to the fol- rent literature and a comprehensive study of Neapol- lowing classification: Very rare (sampled in 1–5 itan public and private molluscan collections were stations), Rare (sampled in 6–10 stations), Uncom- preliminarly performed. We also inspected the mon (sampled in 11–19 stations), Common ( original sites reached by Costa (1874) 140 years ago. sampled in 20–35 stations), Widespread (sampled From 2010 to 2013 the field surveys were con- in over 35 stations). The bibliographical and ducted in 127 sampling points (stations or plots) museological data were then reported. If present in between 100 and 1742 meters above sea level (sum- the I.U.C.N. Red List, each species is classified A preliminary checklist of non-marine Molluscs from the Alburni Mountains, Campania, Southern Italy 379 with the code of Red List of Threatened Species data from 1986. Classified as “LC” by Cuttelod et (I.U.C.N., 2014) and Cuttelod et al. (2011). al. (2011) and by I.U.C.N. (2014). RESULTS Familia ACICULIDAE J.E. Gray, 1850 Species surveyed on the field Platyla talentii Bodon et Cianfanelli, 2008 Phylum MOLLUSCA Cuvier, 1795 Rare, 10 plots, locally abundant (Figs. 2, 3). En- Classis GASTROPODA Cuvier, 1795 demic of Southern Apennine. Bodon & Cianfanelli, Subclassis ORTHOGASTROPODA Ponder et 2008. Classified as “NT” by Cuttelod et al. (2011) Lindberg, 1996 and “NT” by I.U.C.N. (2014). Ordo ARCHITAENIOGLOSSA Haller, 1890 Ordo NEOTAENIOGLOSSA Haller, 1892 Familia COCHLOSTOMATIDAE Kobelt, 1902 Familia POMATIIDAE Newton, 1891 (1828) Cochlostoma montanum (Issel, 1866) Cochlostoma montanum cassiniacum (Saint-Simon, Pomatias elegans (O.F. Müller, 1774) 1878) Round-mounted Snail Common, 34 plots, locally abundant. Museal Common, 28 plots. Museal data from 1986. Figure 1. The study area: Alburni Mountains, S-Italy. 380 AGNESE PETRACCIOLI ET ALII Familia HYDROBIIDAE Stimpson, 1865 Radix labiata (Rossmässler, 1835) Mud snails Lymnaea (Radix) peregra (O.F. Müller, 1774) Radix peregra (O. F. Müller, 1774) Pseudamnicola (P.) cfr. moussonii (Calcara, 1841) Wandering Snail Very rare, 1 plot. Classified as “LC” by Cuttelod Very rare, 3 plots. Costa (1874): sub Limnaeus et al. (2011) and by I.U.C.N. (2014). Endemic Gibilmannicus (see O. G. Costa, 1839). Museal data species in Europe (Cuttelod et al., 2011). from 1986. Radix peregra is classified by I.U.C.N. (2014) as synonym of Radix balthica (Linnaeus, Belgrandia minuscula (Paulucci, 1881) 1758). Radix labiata is classified as “LC” by Cuttelod et al. (2011). Very rare, 2 plots. Bodon et al. (2005). Classi- fied as “DD” and Endemic species in Europe by Cuttelod et al. (2011) and “DD” by I.U.C.N. (2014). Ordo PULMONATA Cuvier in Blainville, 1814 Subordo BASOMMATOPHORA Keferstein, 1864 Potamopyrgus antipodarum (J.E.
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