
Aug. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2005

of our military, and I know most of the Qaida associate Abu Musab Al Zarqawi; American people are as well. Cindy Sheehan, whose son Spc. Casey Listen, thank you all very much. Sheehan, USA, died in Iraq on April 4, 2004; and Gen. George W. Casey, Jr., USA, com- NOTE: The President’s news conference manding general, Multi-National Force— began at 12:01 p.m. at the Bush Ranch. In Iraq. A reporter referred to Karen Hughes, his remarks, he referred to President Under Secretary of State for Public Diplo- Mahmud Ahmadi-nejad of Iran; U.S. Ambas- macy. sador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad; senior Al

Interview With Israeli Television Channel 1 in Crawford, Texas August 11, 2005

Yaron Deckel. Mr. President, thank you decision that was. And the disengagement very much for the first interview granted is, I think, a part of making more to Israeli TV and for hosting us in your secure and peaceful, and I agree with the beautiful ranch in Texas. Prime Minister. The President. Well, welcome. Thanks for It’s important because the United States coming. It’s an honor to have you here, is a strong ally of Israel and, therefore, and it’s an honor to speak on Israeli TV. if you’re a strong ally, you want there to be peace for your ally. Prime Minister Sharon/Disengagement Mr. Deckel. You know, the main concern Mr. Deckel. I understand why you like of Israel is that the disengagement might this place better than the White House. lead not to more security but, on the con- We are on the eve of the disengagement, trary, to more violence. Do you understand and you have expressed your full support the concerns? in disengagement, trying to help Prime The President. Oh, absolutely, I under- Minister Sharon in his struggle. And I stand. And I can understand why people would like to ask why is it so important think this decision is one that will create to you, Mr. President? a vacuum into which terrorism will flow. The President. First of all, let me speak I happen to disagree. I think this will create about my relationship with Prime Minister an opportunity for democracy to emerge, Sharon, if you don’t mind. We’ve grown and democracies are peaceful. And there- close, and one of the reasons why is I ap- fore, it’s very important for the United preciate a person who when he says some- States, as an active participant in this proc- thing, means it. And I hope he appreciates ess, to encourage the formation of security that about me. In other words, I said early forces that will defeat terror, just like the on, we’re going to join in fighting terror roadmap calls for—these are Palestinian se- so that Israel could be secure and America curity forces—and to encourage the Pal- secure and other free nations secure. estinians to develop a peaceful state. Secondly—and I have—and he knows I keep my word, and I know he keeps his The Negev and Galilee word. Secondly, what I appreciate is some- Mr. Deckel. You had announced that you body who thinks boldly for peace. And will support the disengagement by some Ariel Sharon came to the White House and aid the administration will provide Israel said, ‘‘We’re going to disengage from the to develop the northern and southern—the Gaza.’’ And I was struck by what a bold Galilee and the Negev.


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The President. Right. attacks. And I think in the long run, two Mr. Deckel. Has any decision been made states living side by side in peace is the regarding this issue? ultimate solution for Israeli’s security. The President. Well, first of all, I did In the meantime, we’ve got to work to say when the Prime Minister was here that dismantle terrorist organizations, and that’s the Negev and Galilee present great oppor- precisely what the roadmap calls for. tunities for economic development. And we understand that. So I’m going to send President Abbas teams over to assess the opportunities avail- Mr. Deckel. How urgent is it that Mr. able for the United States to help Israel, Abbas take more actions against terrorism? and they’ll report back to me. But we have How urgent is it? Because you said that made no focus yet on specific budget items. it’s not enough, what they have done so Likud Party/Binyamin Netanyahu far. Mr. Deckel. Mr. President, are you trou- The President. Well, I think—and I’ve bled by the fierce opposition Prime Min- told that to the Prime Minister Abbas— ister Sharon, your partner, is facing in his or President Abbas. He’s a strong—he own camp, in the Likud Party? According strongly understands the need to dismantle to the polls, he might lose because of the terrorists. He knows that a democracy can’t disengagement. exist so long as you’ve got armed groups The President. First of all, on democracy willing to take law in their own hands, and there’s going to be dissent. And secondly, he’s committed to a democratic state. And the Prime Minister has made a very strong, we’ve got work to do with him, and that’s bold decision. And I can understand why why we’ve got a general on the ground people are debating the issue. But I’m con- there that’s helping to try train and coordi- fident he’s made the right decision. And nate Palestinian forces to fight off the ter- I can also assure the Israeli people the rorists who would want to stop the process decision he made has brought the United for peace. States and Israel even closer together. Mr. Deckel. Have you any opinion about Hamas Mr. Netanyahu, who stands to succeed him Mr. Deckel. But would you accept a per- and now is leading the opposition? manent ceasefire with the Hamas move- The President. Well, I met Bibi ment, for instance? Netanyahu. Of course, he’s well known in The President. Well, you know, Hamas the United States. He’s going to make the is on the terrorist group. decision he thinks is necessary for Israel’s Mr. Deckel. He made a ceasefire with good, and there’s just a disagreement be- them. tween two friends. But I believe the deci- The President. Well, he’s elected by the sion that Prime Minister Sharon has made Palestinians. I am not. On the other hand, and is going to follow through on will be I can express my opinions to him, which good for Israel. I have. And I don’t believe you can have Mr. Deckel. And why are you so sure a peaceful, democratic state with armed it’s going to lead to more security? groups willing to take the law in their own The President. Well, it’s an opportunity— hands. first of all, the previous system wasn’t work- Mr. Deckel. As a believer, Mr. President, ing. I mean, there was an intifada; there what do you say to Jewish believers who was death; there was killing. And if you think that God sent them to settle in the notice, there’s been a calm in attacks. One biblical Israel, and they will not obey any attack is too many, but there’s been fewer decision of elected government?


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The President. Well, you know, there are forcefully against terrorism. Do you share admonitions in the Bible that does talk this view with him? about the role of government relative to The President. Here’s the way I view it. man. And Israel is a democracy, and de- One, I think that the roadmap does call mocracies are able to express the will of for dismantling terrorist organizations. And the people. The Prime Minister is express- secondly, I think—I know that the dis- ing what he thinks is in the best interests engagement from Gaza presents an oppor- of Israel, and the people will decide, ulti- tunity for a Palestinian state which is peace- mately, whether or not that decision makes ful to begin to grow. In other words, it sense. goes to show that—that there’s a chance Mr. Deckel. You know, things in the to show the Israelis and the Palestinians Middle East constantly change. And nobody that there’s a better life ahead. And in predicted the U.S. will start dialog with order to do that in Gaza—in Gaza—— the PLO in the eighties, and then Prime Obligations of Middle East Participants Minister—late Prime Minister Rabin sign- ing an accord with Yasser Arafat. Do you Mr. Deckel. So the burden is upon the see any similar development with the Palestinians once the disengagement is Hamas in the future? over? The President. Here’s what I see. I see The President. I think the burden is on— relations with a peaceful Palestinian state everybody has got obligations. You know, that is run by—that is founded on demo- obviously, the peaceful withdrawal by cratic institutions. That’s what I believe can Israelis from the Gaza is part of the bur- happen and should happen. I mean, in den. The terrorists—dismantling terrorist order to ultimately defeat terror, whether organizations is part of the burden. I think it be in Palestinian territories or Iraq or the—— Iran, there must be open, transparent soci- Mr. Deckel. Should it be the first—the eties based upon rule of law. first step before anything other happens? The President. Gaza? Mr. Deckel. The dismantling of the ter- Palestinian Control of Gaza rorist organizations? Mr. Deckel. Your timeframe was a Pales- The President. Well, I think that’s a part tinian state in 2005. Would you like to up- of a process. You see, dismantling a ter- date the timeframe, Mr. President? rorist organization is not only taking arms The President. I think Israel—the people and isolating terrorists, but it’s also showing of Israel must understand that now is an the Palestinians and the Israelis that a opportunity for the Palestinians to show peaceful state can emerge. This is what the leadership and self-government in Gaza. opportunity is. And that’s why I think that And that’s why my focus is intensely upon Prime Minister Sharon’s decision was so Gaza. We hope that the disengagement bold. goes well. And we understand that once But we have a—let me finish the obliga- Israel has withdrawn, it’s now up to the tions. Israelis have obligations. The Pal- Palestinians to show the world that they estinians have obligations. The United can self-govern in a peaceful way. States has an obligation. That’s why Mr. Mr. Deckel. You said that once the dis- Wolfensohn and our general on the ground engagement is carried out, both sides will is there, to help establish the institutions help together to the roadmap to meet their necessary for a peaceful state to emerge. obligations. And Prime Minister Sharon Arab nations have got obligations now: one, vowed that there will be no political to not incite violence; two, to help isolate progress until the Palestinians will act and bring to justice terrorists; and three,


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to provide funds to help these—the Gaza today, you made the right decision, Mr. to become a place of prosperity and peace. President? The President. . I did. The world is Iran safer without Saddam Hussein in power. Mr. Deckel. You mentioned Iran, and I Mr. Deckel. Is it? wonder, Mr. President, how imminently is The President. Yes. Absolutely. Saddam the Iranian threat? There was a release Hussein—you know, we made the decision lately of the U.S. intelligence that they on a lot of factors. One factor, of course, won’t have any capability in the next 10 is that the world thought he had weapons years. Is this your latest information, Mr. of mass destruction, not just the United President? States but the entire world. I went to the The President. My latest information is United Nations. The United Nations unani- that the Iranians refuse to comply with the mously passed a resolution that said to Sad- demands of the free world, which is: Do dam Hussein, ‘‘Disarm, or face serious con- not in any way, shape, or form have a pro- sequences.’’ Once again, he defied the gram that could yield to a nuclear weapon. world. And the United States and Israel are united But we also made the case that Saddam in our objective to make sure that Iran Hussein had terrorist ties. Abu Nidal was does not have a weapon. And in this par- in Iraq. Zarqawi, the man who’s inflicting ticular instance, the EU–3, Britain, France, so much murder and chaos on innocent and Germany, have taken the lead, been Iraqis, was in Iraq. Saddam Hussein was helping to send the message, a unified mes- an enemy of the United States, enemy of sage to the Iranians. a lot of countries. And there’s no doubt Look, in all these instances we want di- in my mind that we’re safer as a result plomacy to work. And so we’re working of him not being in power. And there’s feverishly on the diplomatic route. And you no doubt in my mind that a democratic know, we’ll see if we’re successful or not. Iraq will be a part of a change in the As you know, I’m—— broader Middle East that will lay the foun- Mr. Deckel. And if not? dations for peace. The President. Well, all options are on You know, a lot of the world says, ‘‘Well, the table. unless you are a certain type of person, Mr. Deckel. Including use of force? you can’t live in a free society.’’ I strongly The President. Well, you know, as I say, disagree with that. I believe that embedded all options are on the table. The use of into everybody’s soul is the desire to live force is the last option for any President. in freedom. That’s what I believe, that You know, we’ve used force in the recent there is an Almighty, and the Almighty past to secure our country. It’s a difficult— plants a sense of being free. Therefore, if it’s difficult for the Commander in Chief given a chance, people will live in a free to put kids in harm’s way. Nevertheless, society, and free societies are peaceful soci- I have been willing to do so as a last resort eties. in order to secure the country and to pro- vide the opportunity for people to live in President’s Visit to Israel free societies. Mr. Deckel. Any plans to visit in the State of Israel? I know you were there as Iraq a Governor of Texas. Mr. Deckel. I won’t be finishing this The President. I was. [Laughter] interview without asking you about your de- Mr. Deckel. What mostly impressed you cision in Iraq. Knowing what you know in the Holy Land?


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The President. Well, first of all, I’ll never of a bold decision that Prime Minister Ariel forget waking up in the hotel and seeing Sharon has made, and I think I’ll be able this golden shine on the Old City. It was to do that. just—and I remember waking up Laura. Mr. Deckel. Mr. President, I do thank I said, ‘‘Laura, you’re not going to be- you very much for this interview and for lieve—you’re not going to believe this fan- your time. tastic sight.’’ The President. Thanks for coming. The other thing, of course, that sticks in my mind was the helicopter tour I took of the West Bank, and my guide was Ariel Sharon. It was one of the great ironies of NOTE: The interview was taped at 7:17 a.m. all time. I was a Governor; he was in the at the Bush Ranch for later broadcast. In his Cabinet. And he said, ‘‘Would you like to remarks, the President referred to Prime take a helicopter ride?’’ to me. Governor Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel; President Cellucci, who went on to be the Ambas- Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) of the Pales- sador to Canada, and Governor Leavitt, tinian Authority; James D. Wolfensohn, who is now in my Cabinet, and Governor Quartet Special Envoy for Gaza Disengage- Racicot, the four of us, we said, ‘‘Sure,’’ ment; Lt. Gen. William E. Ward, USA, Sen- and we got in the chopper, and the tour ior U.S. Security Coordinator, Department guide was Ariel Sharon as we choppered of State; former President Saddam Hussein all throughout the West Bank. of Iraq; Palestinian terrorist Abu Nidal, who Mr. Deckel. Will you visit again? was found dead in Baghdad, Iraq, on August The President. I’d love to visit again 19, 2002; and senior Al Qaida associate Abu sometime. Musab Al Zarqawi. The transcript was re- Mr. Deckel. In your term? leased by the Office of the Press Secretary The President. I hope so. And I hope on August 12. A tape was not available for to visit and proclaim success as a result verification of the content of this interview.

The President’s Radio Address August 13, 2005

Good morning. This week I met in Texas of their country, building a free nation that with Secretary of State Rice, Secretary of can govern itself, sustain itself, and defend Defense Rumsfeld, the rest of my senior itself. And we’re helping Iraqis succeed. foreign and defense policy advisers. We dis- We’re hunting down the terrorists and cussed recent events in Iraq, including the training the security forces of a free Iraq political progress that is taking place in that so Iraqis can defend their own country. country. Despite the acts of violence by Our approach can be summed up this way: the enemies of freedom, Iraq’s elected As Iraqis stand up, we will stand down. leaders are now finishing work on a demo- And when that mission of defeating the cratic constitution. Later this year, that con- terrorists in Iraq is complete, our troops stitution will be put before the Iraqi people will come home to a proud and grateful for their approval. nation. The establishment of a democratic con- The recent violence in Iraq is a grim stitution is a critical step on the path to reminder of the brutal nature of the enemy Iraqi self-reliance. Iraqis are taking control we face in the war on terror. Our mission


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