The Marxist, No. 31, N.D

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The Marxist, No. 31, N.D ...........BRENT MARXIST - ..........INDUSTRIAL -GROUP... BRITAINS' CRISIS, the NATIONAL INTEREST and CLASS STRUGGLE A STUDENT IN INDUSTRY PORTRAIT OF A DISPUTE M. Hickey BOOK REVIEWS JIMMY REID REFLECTIONS OF A CLYDE-BUILT MAN Souvenir Press HEALTH FOR 1,000 MILLION PEOPLE . r · A DISCUSSION OOCUMENT The Socialist Medical Association NUMBER THIRTY--ONE PRICE lOp PROGR AMME GENERAL PRINCIPLES 1. The liberation .Pf the proletariat is the task of the proletariat itself. 2. The proletariat cannot liberate i tse1 fvi thout liberating all the classes which are oppressed by finance capital. 3. The liberation of the people can only be achieved by the people themselves. 4. We are opposed to the creation of elites who see themselves as liberators of the people. Such concepts arise from a lack of faith in the ability of people to liberate themselves. 5. The people can only liberate themselves under the leadership of th~J~dustrial working class and that class can only fulfil this role when its most politic ally advanced elem­ ents are brought together as a collective leadership which understands and applies the laws of historical development as discovered by Marx and Engels and further develnped by Lenin, Stalin and Mao. Applying these general principles to conditions in Britain, we draw the following conclusions: 1.. The basic task is to win the working class for revolutionary ideas and struggle. 2. This means that a resolute and consistent fight must · be waged to defeat the refor.nist and rerisinnist ideas which dominate the industrial wcrking class at the present time. This domination is expressed in many ideological:, 'political and organisational ways, including the approac' ~ towards industrial struggles on basic economic .issues such as wages and employment. Continued on back cover •••• Editorial Cdrrespondence to: T~ Hill, 11 Barratt Avenue, London, N.22 Subscriptions to: s. Graves, .. · 5 Woodfield Avenue, londoo, . N.W.9 (Cheques and Postal Orders payable to THE MARXI~T) Subsc_ription rates {6 issues) British Isles and Overseas (surface>mailt- £1.00 BRITAIN'S CRISIS, the NATIONAL INTEREST and CLASS STRUGGLE I BRENT MARXIST INDUSTRIAL GROUP Tnroughout tbe world, in Africa, Asia, is proof. As usual, 1we 1 are called upon Latin America, the· movement for national to make sacri.fices (temporary, of :course) independence is growjng in strength and an.d, as always, the sacrifices fa!! most gaining Victories every day. heavily upon the. working class. Increases ,, in food, rent, press most.heavily on the It is just the opposite as far as Britain working class because a bigger proportion j,s concerned.. The constantly recurring of their income is spent on these items. crisis and ever more frequent recourse ~o foreign. loans is taking us further and fur­ Wage restraint also presses most heavily ther down the road where all major decisions of all en industrial wcrkers ·for the reason concerning the running of the economy -will that, for the most part, their wages are have to be vetted by foreigners. the subject bf collective agreements and alterations to the wage schedules are fair­ The ·.latest indignity is the team of. exp­ ly easily detected. The formalised wage erts from that international bankers' org­ structure which is .an essential .Part. of anisation known as the International Monet­ labour's defence mechanism is thus used as ary Fund that has come to London to 'inves­ a means to control wages. This is one of tigate 1 the situation and thereafter lay the ironies of the class struggle. -down the conditions that must be met if the loan requested by the Government is to be In many other occupations such tight wage granted. · schedules do not exist and, in addition, perks are considerable. How can we pretend that Britain retains its national sovereig~ty when its _Govern­ The situation at I.C.I. with regard to ment must submit its decisions to an out­ the perks 'f some executive grades has been side body for vetting? publicised but that is only the tip of the iceberg. House repa~r and decoration by Callaghan, Healey, and practically the the maintenance department of the firm and vhol~ bunch of Labour, Tory and Liberal the provision of fridges, freezers, and politicians make no bones about the reason other domestic hardware to management for this si tuatiC'n. •we are ·consuming more grades is far from rare. Many office work-·· than we are producing", says Jim. ers escape the restrictions by divers means such as ril-~categorisation of the job. In terms of external trading relation­ ships this is indispvtable. The persistent Adding insult to injury, the 1problem 1 of and growing gap between imports and exports insufficient exports is usually reduced to 1 the low productivity and proneness to ployment, the Government then proceed to strike of the British industrial worker. renege on their part .of the Social Contract If only he did not indulge i~ strikes and yet Trade Union leaders still mouth (some­ worked as hard as his German, French and what hysterically at times) their support Japanese counterparts, then all would be for H. well - or so it is suggested by some know­ alls who can 1t even mend a dripping tap. It is now painfully obvious that Govern­ v· ment, Opposition, the Left 1 and the Trade Some of the more 'enlightened• people - Un1on leaders are now floundBringJc · They those who have some experience of industry are~atching bold words: ("Gra~p the nettle, point to the faet that the higher product• Jimt, as Scanlon said at ·the l.U.C.) with ivity per_worker in those countries is au~ sto~-gap measures in the hope that, like to higher capital investment. · Most ·work­ Mr. "·Micawber, something will turn up. ers, being far from stupid, know this to be true, therefore the conventional wisdom Casting our minds back to . the birth cf of those in authority is to accept the the Social Contract, we remember that the point and pledge to move heaven and earth~, cenfte ·piece of the whole thing was the· to remedy the position ;. sometime in the pre~ntion of a higher -rate of unemployment. future' but in the meantime' accept wor'se ;. Expe-'Hence already sho11s that this' has not conditions. been the· case and it illustrates the danger of the working class accepting the aboli­ The 1wise men' cf the T.U.C~ speak cor­ tion of unemploymeht as the main 'practical rectly ~bout the need to inode'rnise' British-- task at ·the present time • . industry and restructure the econo'my, but then come up with the Sodal Contract as Unemployment is endemic throughout the the means of achieving it. The top and capitalist world and is insepar·able from a bottom of this is the acceptance of the mark'H ecoribiny. Uriemplo·yment will exist position that the' wages of the working as lbng as capitalism itself exists. This class must be held down iri oraer that in­ is due to the inherent tendency within ·cap" dustry can become more profitable and italist economy for p!'oductive capacity to therefore undertake a higher rate of -in­ groitfaster than the market; but..its incid" vestment. ence·· in each country depends upon ·several :facttirs'; the main two being· the <:general The o·bservant reader will no doubt note standard of living, and the productivity that whereas the working class must sacri­ per head of the population. fice , to put the coun.fry on its feet 1 ' the . capitalist Class n'eeds incentives in the Co·u'nt-ry A·, wHh a lD'vl standard of LiVing form of higher profits.- ·and a high· level ·of produdivity, will be abr~:=ta sell: its ·products more cheapl~ than So mu.~h for their patriot'ism. its 'tomrl~h tor B whiGh has 'a less favour­ -~ able" combination of these two factors. Having .obtained the restraint ~n wages ·with promises to refrain from ·cutting Gov.:. · As a consequ~nce, country A~~ddld~ every­ erriment expenditure and increasing unem- ·thing ·else ~being equal, tend to have a low- 2 er rate cf unemployment than B because it A sterling devaluation will (t:heoretic-:Jl­ ~:ould be ab'le to exJiort more of its surplus ly) allov British manufactures tb be sold products. more clle_aply abroa~ and so ( aYain, theoret-· ically) cp::ri up the possibility ol incre·as­ Prodoci:ivi ty J>er head of the population ing the volume of exportS. This is the depends upon three main factors: theory behind the Healey 1plan 1 for texport led grovth'. That this has not taken place 1. The proportion of the p-opulation actu· to anything lik·a the expected degree shows ally engaged in production; hov far theory has deviated from practice. 2. The efficiency cf the machines at their disposal; It is an open secret that the 'export po• 3. The sp~ed at which the worker performs tentiali ties' created by the fall in the his job and the i~terest which he displays value of sterling since January have been in increasing production. largely nullified, at least up to ~id-1976, by the fact that the majority of export~ All wealth is created by the Yorkers in have chosen to increase their profits by the p~oduction industries. (We are i9noring increasing prices rather than expanding agriculture for the purpose of this argu­ sales at the old price. ment.) They provide not anly for their cwn con• There is, however, no such escape for the sumplion but also for the cnnsumptibrt 11f mass of the people from the rise in pric~s the WhOle Of SOCiety I Whether it be fn the resulting fro~ the devaluation.
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