The Gospel in China - 1920-1930
Websites www.reforrn The editor's personal website is http://www.erro ll http :// Heritage Baptist Church, Owensboro, Kentucky, is referred to in the editorial and her ministries described in the article Encouragementfiwn Owensboro. Group photo taken at the Afi"ican Pastors' Conference in Barberton, South Afhca, see News, page 8. Front cover picture -·om Back to the Bible College, near Barberton, South Africa, participated in the recent African Pastors' Conference. The Makhonjwa mountains can be seen in the background. For report see News, page 8. II Editorial During the discussion time at the Banner ofTruth Leicester Conference for ministers in May Geoff Thomas posed this question: Why, he asked, did the Reformed movement which was flying high in the 1970s lose its momentum? One answer given was the distraction of the charismatic movement. Attracted by 'higher' and far more exciting forms of worship and by the claim of signs, wonders and miracles (which seldom if ever eventuate) droves of young people moved away from the Reformed churches. Westminster Chapel, London, now a New Frontiers Church, is one example of what took place. Failure to face the challenge of contemporaneity (the worship wars) led to the loss of many young people and families. Today the situation in the UK is worse than ever with many small Reformed ageing churches in decline and heading toward closure. The main reason is the failure to distinguish between essential truths, important truths and phantom truths. Phantom truths refer to matters which cannot be supported by Scripture and may refer such things as dress codes, musical instruments, flower arrangements, architecture, or the order of a worship service.
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