Truman's Bill No Bar to Use of Injunctions
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Workers of the World, Iloilo! THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NEGRO HISTORY WEEK By J. Meyer — See Page 3 — THE MILITANT PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Vol. X III - No. 6 NEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY FEBRUARY 7, 1949 PRICE: FIVE CENTS Wall Street Sets Up Clamor to Truman’s Bill Speed CP Trial By Farrell Dobbs FROM THE FEDERAL COURTROOM. NEW YORK, No Bar to Use Feb. 2 — The government has been caught Bed-handed in its rigging of the ju ry panels for the thought-control indictment and trial of the 11 Stalinists. Big Business doesn’t, like the enough, these maps have occupied way the tria l has boomeranged. the empty seats the government The capitalist press and radio are has so fa r been prevented from clamoring for an end to this filling with jurors from the rigged Of Injunctions monkey business about investigat panel. ing the jury system. They want The pattern of the pins on the a ju ry picked from the rigged maps is a dead give-away of the B/oc in Congress Prepares panel. jury-packing scheme. Dense ribs Weinstock Backs John F. X. McGohey, the gov of red appear along Park Ave ernment prosecutor, is using all nue, F ifth Avenue and Central Out on Offer to Other Anti-Labor Provisions legal tricks in the book to defend' Park West where penthouses of the hand-picking of ju ry panels. the wealthy are concentrated. By George Breitman He contends that so long as there Large clusters of pins stand out Debate Trotskyist is not total exclusion of a class at Gracie Square, Sutton Place W ill Not Defend CP Truman’s new labor relations bill, now under of people, a disproportion between and sim ilar points where the well- classes is entirely legal. to-do gather in tight little islands. Role in SWP Trial consideration by the Senate Labor Committee, would Defense counsel have shown Another cluster appears in fu ll NEW YORK, Feb. 2 — Louis abandon most of the Taft-Hartley Act’*s restrictioiis that “disproportion” really means bloom at the Parkchester high- in practice only token representa Weinstock, the leading Stalinisf on unions, including (he specific î>------------------------- ——— --------------- rent housing development in the spokesman in A FL Painterr tion, which is even more vicious Bronx. Your eye is next caught inti-strike injunction weapons it The main concessions in the than outright exclusion, because District Council 9, last Wed iad granted the administration. by a thin scattering of pins in night first accepted and ther proposed measure include: Repeal i t is an underhanded attempt to the university and college com Jut it would not deprive the ad- turned down an invitation tc of the Taft-H artley Act and conceal an actual policy of exclu munities. ninistration of the power to go debate a representative of thr restoration of the Wagner Act, sion. Then you become aware of the nto court for injunctions to break with certain amendments. Re Socialist Workers Party on the strikes. Last week Chief Judge John C. barren areas where a red pin in cognition of the closed shop, even Knox of this judicial district said nositions of the SWP and thr dicating the residence of a juror This was clearly indicated by in the area of interstate com in a public speech, “ Unless re CP with regard to past anr’ stands alone like a railroad wa Attorney General Clark’s testi merce in states where it is strained by an authority I cannot ter tank on a Dakota prairie. oresent trials under the Smitt mony before the Senate Com resist, jurors in my district will Act. banned. Abolition of the anti These lands of exile from jury mittee. He said the “ inherent communist affidavit. Withdrawal continue to be handpicked.” service include the three Harlems Monopolists Try to Hide The question arose in District lower of the President to deal •of the ban on political expendi Presiding Judge Harold R. Me (Negro, Puerto Rican and Italian) Council 9 when Secretary-Trea »vith emergencies” is “ exceedingly dina has accused the defense of surer M artin Rarback read to the tures by unions. Termination of and working class districts like ’treat” .and the government would The NLRB general counsel’s delaying tactics and of attempting the Lower East Side, Hell’s Kitch delegates from the notorious have “ access to the courts to to take over the administration of Need for Wage Raises Weinstock letters, whose con separate investigation and prose en and Chelsea. protect the national health, safety cution powers. Provisions pro justice. He halted examination of Wilkerson also produced a chart tents were reported in The Mili have gone to further increase ! corporation-inspired p r e s s , it and welfare. This bill, as hibiting strikes by federal em the tria l ju ry panel with only six showing that workers who toil By John G. Wright tant (Jan. 3 and 31). Recalling swollen profits. | would appear, is dictated by all I read it, does not .purport to ployees and permitting employers of the 525 members heard. with their hands outnumber busi the conviction of 18 SWP mem I t was only a brief while ago Now that many,union contracts these salient facts. But we 'find circumscribe the rights of the not to bargain collectively with ness executives 6 to 1 in the pop bers in the Minneapolis case, DAMNING EVIDENCE that such authoritative represent are coming up fo r discussion, the few signs of such recognition United States in this respect.” foremen are also omitted. ulation as a whole, but on the Rarback said: atives of Big Business as Mr. Hen monopolists are training their among the top union officials, The duplicity of the measure Doxcy A. Wilkerson, director of stacked ju ry panels the business “ When a part of the labor and ry Ford publicly »acknowledged biggest guns against any further On the contrary, signs of soft- was also demonstrated by Secre BIG l o o p h o l e s of- the- Stalinist-controlled Jeffer executives outnumber the manual liberal movement had rallied the need for a “fourth round” of wage increases. The daily press pedalling this urgent issue are tary of Labor Tobin’s reply to On the other hand, the Wagner son School in this city, is now on workers 9 to 1. the witness stand presenting a wage increases. Nor did it even keeps playing up the consecutive becoming more and more appar- ¡behind these men in order to Sen. Humphrey’s question i f the Act is amended’ to extend certain defend them on the civil rights mass of facts concerning present “OUR PEERS” enter the minds of top union lead declines in “ primary market pri- ent. The crassest action thus far Truman b ill “ provided fo r gov “ unfair labor practice” curbs to ces,” in the “ wholesale price in- has been taken by the CIO Amal- issues that were at stake under ernment seizure of struck facili practices in selecting juries. Books To date 21 of the 23 grand ers to publicly soft-pedal this.jus j unions. The “ unfair” practices dex” and in the “ commodity price gamated Clothing Workers, whose the Smith Act, Brother Wein ties.” Tobin refused to give a yes of all sizes, shapes and colors, to jurors who indicted the Stalinists tifiable demand. include “ unjustifiable secondary index.” What they omit to under- | officials have voluntarily “ post stock and the Communist Party gether with many maps and have been questioned on the w it How could it be otherwise in a or no answer, saying the ques boycotts and jurisdictional strikes; score is that all these price poned” discussions of higher slandered and besmirched the charts have been introduced in ness stand. There was not a single period of peak inflation? The tion should be directed to Clark. strikes to compel an employer to changes represent declines of not j wages. political views of this group and evidence. Lists totaling 7,737 Negro among them. They turned squeeze upon the workers is In short, 'J^ruman’s bill makes bargain when he is under obliga more than a few percentage points | From the standpoint of the called fo r the government to jurors are under analysis. out to be corporation directors graphically reflected in govern a number of formal concessions tion to bargain with another from the ALL-TIM E highs estab- , capitalists, such “ labor statesman- send them to jail for their poli Wilkerson has inserted red pins and stockholders, bankers, brok' ment figures. According to the 1» labor while at the same time union; and failure to give at least on a series of maps to indicate ers, wholesalers, an editor and B L S index, compiled several lished in August and September : ship” is, of course, highly Iaud- tical opinions. he retains the power to circumvent 30 day’s notice before termina “ Today, the same Communist the place of residence of each j the wife of a police sergeant, months after the “third round” of of last year. I able. From the standpoint of la- or negate many of these con tion or modification of contracts. juror on present and past ju ry They have served on an average wage rises, the situation since According to Labor Department! bor’s interests, it is a stab in the Party is being tried under the cessions. (Continued on Page 4) estimates, “ the decline in the cost panels back to 1940. Ironically I (Continued on page 4) WJ Day shaped up as follows: back not only to the struggle for -ame Smith Act for their poli- of living since last August had Wages were up 20% while prices bridging the gap between prices ’cal opinions and we can under had soared by 35%.