Newfoundland Antique and Classic Car Club (NACCC) April – June 2008

Iron Wood Shopping Mall, Richmond BC (Picture compliments of Walter and Shirley LaCour)

President’s Message

Another cruising season has started and Classic Wheels 2008 Car show is now history. Time surely flies when we are having fun getting prepared for the show. I would like to thank all the members who participated in the show whether it was helping to plan the car show, showing your car, volunteering with ticket sales or whatever. Without your help it would be impossible to do such an event. Congratulations to all the trophy winners. It is very difficult to choose from such beautiful classic automobiles.

According to the list of activities and events in the calendar it seems we will have a very busy season. We suggest you refer to the calendar for events that will interest you. Of special note is a show and shine on July 1 at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 1 for our veterans. A large attendance will show our thanks to all the veterans from past and present for the sacrifice they made for us. There will be information in the newsletter pertaining to this.

Our car club plans to visit the A&W on Cunard Crescent, in Donavans on a regular basis every second Thursday night. Owner, Scott Bartlett, promises to make our visits interesting and will give the club a percentage for A&W catalogue merchandise purchased.

Please remember cruising and socializing is what our club is all about so get out and meet up with the members and enjoy our short cruising season. Until next edition...see you somewhere on the road. Have a safe and enjoyable season . ______Newfoundland Antique & Classic Car Club 1

Summer Events Calendar


Month Date Day Shows Info June 19 Thurs. Cambridge Estates 6:00pm, Portugal Cove Road 21-22 Sat. - Sun. Car Show All day events Departs 9:00 am, Holyrood Irving. Run to Marysvale via CBS Highway. Parade in Marysvale followed by breakfast at 28 Sat. Marysvale Parade & Breakfast Heritage House. Departs 12:30, A&W . Car run followed by Chinese supper at 29 Sun. Run and Chinese supper Golden Phoenix, at 6:00pm

July 1 Tues. Day Show & Shine Noon, Legion, Blackmarsh Road 5-6 Sun. Southern Shore Car Show All day events 13 Sun. Petty Harbour Show 1:00pm, Ball Field, Petty Harbour 19 Sat. Holyrood Show Noon, Holyrood Marina Departs 12:30, A&W Kenmount Road Run to Bergs. Followed by a meet at 20 Sun. Bergs Run / A&W Donovans A&W. 26 Sat. Hickman Chev Show All day event Departs 12:30, A&W Kenmount Road. 27 Sun. BBQ, Run to Salmon Cove for BBQ.

August 2 Sat. Vern Smith’s Grand Opening Swift Current Departs 12:30, A&W Kenmount Road. Poker run to Haven, Cupids. Supper at 5:00pm (Pease confirm by 3 Sun. Poker Run / Cupids Haven July 30 - 747-2600) 9-10 Sat. - Sun. Car Show Harry Ivany Arena, Botwood Car Show Paddy's Garden, Carbonear 1:00pm, Meadow Creak, Topsail. 17 Sun. Meadow Creek / A&W Followed by a meet at Donovans A&W Departs 12:30, A&W Kenmount Road. 24 Sun. Monty's Restaurant Car run via CBS Highway Departs 12:30, A&W Kenmount Road. 31 Sun. By the Bay Restaurant Car run via Marine Drive to St. Philips

September 7 Sun. Ladies Show 1:00pm, Donovans A&W 27-28 Sat. - Sun. Car Show All day events

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Classic Wheels 2008 – Awards

Easter Seals Award Sponsor: Island Furniture Winner: Ryan Howlett 1984 Firebird VOCM Award Sponsor: NACCC Winner: Barbara Tucker 1969 Cougar Mayor’s Choice Award Sponsor: City of Mount Pearl Winner: Derrick Sparkes 1959 T-Bird Special Interest Award Sponsor: Vern Smith Winner: Ron Bavis 1969 Chev Nova SS Participants’ Choice Award Sponsor: Nfld. Distributors Winner: Cec Kean 1953 Chev Pick Up 3Rd . People’s Choice Sponsor: East Can Transport Winner: Tony Neary 1970 Dodge Charger 2nd . People’s Choice Sponsor: Speedy Glass Winner: Cec Kean 1953 Chev Pick Up 1st . People’s Choice Sponsor: Cadillac Services Winner: Vern Smith 1954 Eldorador Door Prize Sponsor: City Tire Winner: Hugh Clarke Ticket No. 0479

Club 50/50 Winner: Winnie Hill Show 50/50 Winner: Bob Bennett

NACCC would like to extend thanks to all sponsors who continue to support NACCC Classic Wheels. Also we thank the following for personal donations - John and Eileen Dwyer; Albert Newell and Darlene Lundrigan and Scott Bartlett.

Special thanks are extended to Hickman Motors for displaying the 1958 and 2008 Corvettes.

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Bay Wheels 2008

An absolutely fantastic success!

Slightly over 2500 people attended Bay Wheels 2008 from all over the Province. The show had a beautiful selection of street cars, hot rods and, of course, the traditional antiques.

A great BBQ was held on Saturday night at the old Orange Lodge….the old wooden floor was really moving. It was Warren and Delores Puddester’s 40 th . wedding anniversary. Their family and wedding party attended and we had a beautiful anniversary cake. Warren’s old girlfriend (Gert) made a special appearance! She was on break from the fish plant and really wanted to see Warren and her other old boyfriend, Bob Ford. It was hilarious!

Over $800.00 was raised from the auction for the Cupids Museum and a big thank you from museum curator, Linda Kane.

The show had 48 cars on the floor and then another 30 cars in the outside corral on Sunday afternoon. The weather was great as well.

The Lodge presented Nathan Chaulk with his specially-built bike and it was wonderful to see his mom help him get out of his wheelchair and onto his bike. Then he pedaled it away.

Award winners:

Long Distance Doug Parr, Fredericton, New Brunswick. Federal MP Award Wayne Ivany , ’65 Ford Roadster KIXX Country award Tony Neary, ’70 Charger Lodge Choice Wayne Tucker, ’53 Ford Truck Hot Rod Cupids Mayor Award Wayne Tucker, ’53 Ford Truck Hot Rod Participant’s Choice Wayne Tucker, ’53 Ford Truck Hot Rod Miss NL Choice Terry & Margaret Cranford,’37 Chevy Truck Hot Rod 3rd Place People’s Choice Rex Drover, ’76 Trans AM 2nd Place People’s Choice Jordan Murphy, ’93 Honda Del Sol 1st Place People’s Choice Terry & Margaret Cranford, ’37 Chevy Hot Rod.

The Lodge in Cupids would like to thank all the participants.

Everyone is a winner when we see the various charities receiving the benefits.

Roy Dawe On behalf of Bay Wheels 2008 Committee

Please visit the NACCC website for pictures

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Meeting Minutes ______

Newfoundland Antique and Classic Car Club Regular Monthly Meeting February 13, 2008

Executive in Attendance

President John Hill Vice-President Harold Howlett Treasurer Moira Farrell Social Director Cindy Howlett Past President Connie Hilliard

The meeting opened at 8:10 pm with 47 members in attendance. Minutes of the January 9 th . meeting were read by Jack Hill. The minutes were adopted on a motion from Ed Farrell, Sr. and seconded by Ron Snow.

Social Events Update

Cindy Howlett informed attendees that the roast beef dinner and dance is scheduled for February 23 at the Royal Canadian Legion and tickets are still available. A Chinese supper is tentatively planned for March 15 at the Emerald Palace, Kenmount Road. The annual pin presentation will be made at the April 9 th . meeting with a social to follow.

Sick Committee

Richard reported on several illnesses with members and their families. Reg Skinner underwent knee replacement surgery and is doing much better. Regrettably, Richard also reported on the passing of Harold Akerman’s sister, Sean Butler’s father, and Eileen Dwyer’s brother. Condolences expressed on behalf of NACCC.

New Business

Jack informed attendees that 2 applications have been received for the scholarship fund. These have been passed along to the Committee for review. A decision on the recipient is expected by the March meeting.

National News

Bob Ford was asked for an update on national association news. He spoke to the leaded fuels issue and discount cards from Marks Work Warehouse. Hopefully discounts for Marks will be expanded in the future. The national association is also trying to arrange a discount agreement with Canadian Tire. A card similar to a credit card is being considered for the future.

Bob informed attendees of the National Cross Country Tour for 2010. The tour is limited at 100 cars/couples. Mr. Fraser Field can be contacted if you are interested participating. There was discussion for NACCC to strike a committee to help organize the tour and perhaps have a social

______Newfoundland Antique & Classic Car Club 5 or dinner before participants leave St. John’s. Jack asked if there would be a cost to NACCC but Bob’s response was that participants are willing to pay for their own banquet.

Debbie Constantine questioned if NACCC had paid for a banquet in 2000 for participants of a tour. Bob said that in 1992 NACCC paid for a portion of the expenses. Jack says we have 2 years to consider how NACCC could become involved in the 2010 tour. Joe Doyle asked if NACCC had received any help from the Department of Tourism.

Tom Hollett thought it might be a good idea if NACCC were to pay for the music and maybe have drink tickets available to the participants. Debbie Constantine said the committee should be struck very soon as there is a great deal of work to be done.

Classic Wheels 2008

Jack informed everyone that Classic Wheels 2008 and Bay Wheels are tentatively scheduled for the same weekend. He has spoken with Roy Dawe about moving Bay Wheels to the following weekend. A decision is pending. It was decided at an executive meeting that instead of sweatshirts for this years show, a golf shirt would be available for purchase. The golf shirts will show only the logo and not the year of the show. As in other years a free t-shirt will be included with your car registration. Jack asked if Bob Ford would assist with car registrations. He also requested Joe Doyle’s assistance in ordering pins and dash plaques. It was noted that the counters who volunteered last year did a great job and made things operate much easier. After some discussion regarding ticket sales, several said ticket sales should be promoted by members not Easter Seals.

Outstanding Dues

It was agreed that a reminder would be forwarded to those with outstanding dues. The January/March 2008 “ Transmission ” will include the current club roster. Attendees felt that members who paid dues promptly should have priority for registrations for Classic Wheels 2008.

Other Business

Harold Howlett brought up the issue of the Secretary’s position. A volunteer was requested but no response was received. One member spoke out and said all members should consider running for office.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. on a motion from Bob Ford and seconded by Ed Farrell, Sr.

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Newfoundland Antique and Classic Car Club Regular Monthly Meeting March 12, 2008 Executive in Attendance

President John Hill Vice-President Harold Howlett Treasurer Moira Farrell Social Director Cindy Howlett Past President Connie Hilliard

The meeting opened at 8:05 p.m. with 40 members in attendance. Minutes of the February 12 th . meeting were read by Harold Howlett. The minutes were adopted on a motion from Albert Ford, seconded by Connie Hilliard.

Jack Hill opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. He said the roast beef dinner and dance went very well and thanked everyone who attended.

Social Events

Cindy also reported on the dinner and dance held the previous Saturday evening. She said the Chinese supper has been cancelled but could be held at a later date if members so wished. The annual pin presentation will be held on April 9th . followed by a social. Other dates have been verified for shows this summer. These include July 13 for Petty Harbour, July 19 for Holyrood, and the date for Bay Wheels has been changed to June 7-8. Ed Farrell, Sr. asked if a BBQ could be held at the Legion if Legion staff could do the clean-up. He also said the club needs a schedule of runs for the summer. This schedule should be posted on the website and at both A&W’s. Bob Ford suggested a run to Placentia and another to the grand opening of Vern Smith’s car museum. He also suggested trips to the A&W in Mount Pearl as the hospitality there was very good last year and we should give them support too.

Sick Committee

Richard Kearley was unavailable to report on the sick committee.

New Business

Bob Ford asked if the Old Autos editor could be sent a copy of our events calendar for their publication. He noted this publication has a wide circulation and many car enthusiasts would find the schedule informative if they are planning a visit to our area. He also asked if a copy of the newsletter (minus any financial information) could be forwarded to the National Association and other car clubs. Connie said copies used to be sent to other clubs and she would forward the list of names and addresses to Moira to follow-up.

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Scholarship Fund

As of this meeting no decision has been announced. Jack did say that a presentation at the April Society would be very good. Photos can be taken then to include in our next newsletter.

50/50 Draws

Tom Hollett was not present at this meeting but Jack informed members of a sort conversation he had with Tom at the February dinner and dance regarding 50/50 draws. Tom said he would like for all proceeds of these draws to go directly into a scholarship fund. There were no objections from those in attendance. Connie Hilliard said she thought this was a good idea but the 50/50 draws at the car show should remain as revenue for the show. Winnie Hill asked if there would be specific amount for the scholarship each year. Tony Baggs said a definite amount should be set aside as this is a very good cause. Jack asked Tony how much would be adequate. Tony replied saying $1000 annually would be a good figure and that two $500 scholarships would be acceptable. It was agreed by all that the scholarship for this year would remain at $600 and in the future it would be $1000.

Motion: Albert Ford put a motion to the floor for an annual $1000 scholarship. This motion received majority agreement, seconded by John Wall.

Upcoming shows

Jack informed everyone that he was speaking with the Jerry about a Show and Shine at the Royal Canadian Legion on Blackmarsh Road. Jerry thought July 1 would be an excellent time. Veterans could be invited and a small social could follow the show. The invitation would also be extended to the residents of the DVA pavilion. Curt Miller informed members that this is also the day for the Portugal Cove-St. Philips Show. Jack asked for interested from the floor and most agreed with the Legion show. Jack said he would speak again with Jerry regarding arrangements.

Ladies Show

Jack enquired about the interest for another ladies show at the A&W in Mount Pearl. All were in agreement. A date will be decided later.

Classic Wheels 2008

Planning is well underway. Jack says he hopes to get new cars this year maybe from members who joined this past year. Members felt it would be good if we could get the old police car again. Jack said he would look into the availability of this car.

Other Business

Linda Boone showed a copy of the Community Heroes page of the Evening Telegram. She felt it would be good publicity for Classic Wheels 2008 if we could put photos of presentations made to Easter Seals and VOCM Cares from last years show.

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There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. on a motion from Debbie Strickland, seconded by Ed Farrell, Sr.

Newfoundland Antique and Classic Car Club Regular Monthly Meeting April 9, 2008

Executive in Attendance

President John Hill Vice-President Harold Howlett Treasurer Moira Farrell Social Director Cindy Howlett Past President Connie Hilliard

The meeting opened at 8:10 p.m. with 60 members in attendance. Minutes of the March 12 th . meeting were read by Jack Hill. These were adopted on a motion from Bill Aiken, seconded by Joe Doyle.

Social Events

Cindy reported she was contacted by Cambridge Estates regarding a show this summer with agreement from all present. June 19 or 26 was suggested but no final date has been selected. Cindy asked everyone for their support at this years car show. Support last year was great with the supply of soups, help with ticket sales and manning of the flea market table. Hopefully support will continue this year.

Sick Committee

Jack first welcomed Jackie Walsh back to the meeting. He expressed his gratitude to Connie for bringing Jackie to the meeting. It was noted Les and Jenny Green’s daughter passed away and Richard will be sending out a card on behalf of the club. Harold Howlett said George Penney’s father-in-law had a heart attack but is doing much better. Richard said he would be in contact with Angela Penney.

New Business

Scholarship Fund

Only 2 applications were received for the scholarship fund this year. Tony Baggs reported the fund would be shared equally by Meghan Hollett and Katherine Baggs. He informed everyone although he is on the scholarship committee he abstained from voting because one of the applicants was his daughter. Jack thanked Tony and the other committee members and said he hoped next year there would be more interest in the scholarship fund. Tony, Tom Hollett and Jack all reiterated that the fund is open to the families of club members and all are invited to apply. Tony suggested the process could be earlier next year, maybe before Christmas. ______Newfoundland Antique & Classic Car Club 9

The presentation of the scholarships has been postponed until the May meeting.

Upcoming shows

Jack spoke with Scott Bartlett, Manager of the A&W in Mount Pearl regarding another ladies show. Scott was very eager to have this show and welcomed members to the A&W on Thursday evenings as well. No date has yet been set for the ladies show.

Classic Wheels 2008

Jack said things are well in hand for Classic Wheels. He spoke with VOCM and advertising should begin about a month before the show. Prizes will be offered to listeners of VOCM. The VOCM representative, Jackie Dolomont, was asked to attend an upcoming meeting. She also asked if VOCM could set up a small table to sell tickets for another charity. All present agreed. Jack said there may also be some live radio coverage at the show.

Warren Puddester asked if the ladies could wear their poodle costumes at the show. He and others felt the costumes add a great deal to the atmosphere. Jack said it would be great if costumes were worn during Sunday afternoon.

Jack thanked Dave Bouzane for picking up the show tickets. He also expressed his gratitude on behalf of the club to Connie Hilliard who printed the car show posters.

Other Business

Pin presentations were made by Cindy Howlett to those in attendance. Pins for those who were not present will be mailed out.


A small social followed the meeting. Sandwiches, cookies and beverages were supplied by the auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00p.m. on a motion from John Roche, seconded by Connie Hilliard


At the monthly meeting in May, Jack Hill, President, presented a $500 scholarship to Ms. Meghan Hollett (daughter of Tom and Jeanette Hollett) and Ms. Kathryn Baggs (daughter of Tony and Joanne Baggs). This is the first annual scholarship to be awarded by NACCC recognizing the academic success of children of club members. All children or grand-children of members are eligible to apply. A call for the 2008/09 scholarship will be made this fall for presentation before the Christmas break. Congratulations Meghan and Kathryn ______Newfoundland Antique & Classic Car Club 10

New Members

Several new members have joined NACCC since the last “ Transmission ”. We welcome the following to our car club. (Please check the roster for more information.)

Gerald and Lynnette Biddiscombe Michael and Ruby Bouzane Matt Dyer Bert Hickman Ryan Howlett Albert Newell and Darlene Lundrigan Charlie and Glenda Powell Jackie and Dale Smith Jerome and Christine Quigley


To have your “For Sale” or “Wanted” items added to our website, please contact Ed Farrell, Jr. at 335-7212 or [email protected] .

Advertisements posted in our publications will be at a cost of $20.00 each.

It’s more fun to show off your car here …. than in your driveway!!!!

Gear Box

Don’t forget we have club merchandise for sale. Please contact an executive member.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

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Club Roster (New members are highlighted.)

ABBOTT, Jerry BILLARD, Carl and Annette 57 Boyle Street, St. John's, NL A1E 2H5 5 Bridge Road, Torbay, NL A1K 1A1 1977 Toyota Corolla 1955 Chev Belair 1985 Dodge 600 Conv. BOONE, Linda ACKERMAN, Eric and Louise P.O. Box 13139, CBS, NL A1W 2K1 14 Sutherland Drive, Paradise NL A1L 2J9 1965 Dodge Monaco 1969 Camaro SS Conv. 1970 Ford Mustang BOUZANE, David and Beulah 9 Jacobs Place, Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4J1 AITKEN, William and Gean 1969 Pontiac GTO Conv. 3 Second Street, Mount Pearl, NL A1N 1Y4 1956 Meteor Conv. BOUZANE, Michael and Ruby 194 Tilley’s Road South, CBS, NL A1X 3E7 AKERMAN, Harold and Glennis 1964 Thunderbird P.O. Box 45, Cupids, NL A0A 2B0 1980 Corvette 1930 Ford Model "A" 1964 Comet Caliente Conv. BRENTON, Jack and Jeanita 1966 F250 Camper Special P.O. Box 670, Marystown, NL A0E 2M0 1950 Pick-Up BAGGS, Anthony and Joanne 1956 International S10 Pick-up 395 Hamilton Ave. St. John's, NL A1E 1K5 1959 Plymouth Belvedere 1974 Triumph TR6 1964 Cadillac Coupe de Ville

BALLETT, Gerald and Dawn BROWN, Steve and Cathy 4 Roddickton Place 42 Durdle Drive, Goulds, NL A1S 1A8 St. John’s, NL A1E 5Y9 1970 Pontiac LeMans 1971 Plymouth Cuda BURSEY, Brian and Sylvia BARNES, Craig and Gloria 10 Alder Place, St. John’s, NL A1A 4Y1 16 Swansea St., CBS NL A1W 4S6 1965 500 1966 Plymouth Satellite 1971 Oldsmobile Cutlass Conv. BUTLER, Dr. Ralph and Lorna 20 Circular Road, St. John’s, NL A1C 2Z1 BARRETT, David and Elizabeth 1936 Ford Tudor 328 Hamilton Ave., St. John’s, NL A1E 1J9 1951 Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight Conv. 1959 Chevrolet Impala Conv. BUTLER, Shawn and Ester BAVIS, Ron and Heather Squires 1147 Torbay Road, Torbay, NL A1K 1A4 9 Summit Drive, Paradise, NL A1L 2N6 1957 Chevrolet BelAir 2 Dr HT 1969 Chev Nova SS 1957 T-Bird

BEATON, James and Elizabeth BUTT, Graham 11 Maple Street, CBS NL A1W 5M9 60 Harrington Dr., St. John’s, NL A1E 5V8 1980 Corvette 1968 Ford Shelby Cobra Conv.

BENNETT, Robert and Valerie CARPENTER, Irwin and Sandra P.O. Box 128, Holyrood, NL A0A 2R0 P.O. Box 1293, , NL A0G 3A0 1958 Ford Fairlane 1964 Chevrolet Impala

BIDDDISCOMBE, Gerald and Lynnette CARTER, Don and Theresa 1285 Torbay Road, Apt. C 16 Edwards Pl., Mount Pearl, NL A1N 3V5 Torbay, NL A1K 1K6 1955 Buick Special 1962 Ford Galaxie 500

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COLE, Eric and Paula DOWNTON, John and Georgina (Cont.) 31 Whittens Lane, Torbay, NL A1K 1H1 1963 Chevrolet Impala 1956 Ford Victoria 1964 Pontiac Catalina 2+2 1962 Pontiac Parisienne COLE, Ron and Bonnie 286 Frecker Drive, St. John’s, NL A1E 5S6 DOYLE, Joe and Jean 1951 Morris Oxford 5 Carlton Drive, Mount Pearl, NL A1N 2X4 1957 Chevrolet BelAir CONSTANTINE, Boyd and Debbie 1964 Chevrolet Impala Conv. 33 Dalton Ave., Mount Pearl, NL A1N 2J3 1973 Buick Century 1960 Oldsmobile Super 88 1969 Dodge Dart Conv. DWYER, John and Eileen P.O. Box 251, St. John’s, NL A1L 5J2 CRANFORD, Eric and Rosalind 1981 Corvette 9 Marconi Place, Mount Pearl, NL A1N 2E7 1971 Buick LaSabre DYER, Matthew 527 Main Road, Goulds NL A1S 1E3 CRITCH, Ralph and Madonna 1968 Ford Mustang 135 Ashden Cres., Paradise, NL A1L 3H9 1957 Dodge Regent EARLE, Fred and Pam 13 Abbey Lane, Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4N5 CUMMINGS, Danny and Madonna 1976 Triumph TR-6 36 Point Leamington St., St. John’s, NL A1E 5X2 EDWARDS, Kevin and Gloria Thunderbird 40 Oxford Cres., Mount Pearl, NL A1N 2X7 1965 Ford Mustang DAWE, Bob and Ros Hutton P.O. Box 16036, Foxtrap, NL A1X 2E2 ETHERIDGE, Bill and Shirley 32 Samson St., Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4B8 DAWE, Lance and Sheila 1967 Ford Mustang 103 Cherry Lane, CBS NL A1W 3B5 EVANS, John and Paulette DAWE, Ross and Betty Box 128, , NL A0A 3L0 P.O. Box 83, Cupids, NL A0A 2B0 1948 Chevrolet Aero 1950 Chrysler Royale 1956 1956 Ford Fairlane DAWE, Roy and Rosalind 1971 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 P.O. Box 89, Cupids, NL A0A 2B0 1954 Ford Crestline Victoria EVANS, Mike and Sonya 73 Roberts Road South, CBS, NL A1X 6L1 DIDHAM, Rick and Ghislaine 1976 Chrysler New Yorker 38 Gosse’s Road, Paradise, NL A1L 1T3 1964 Chevrolet Impala FAGAN, John and Loella 1967 Ford Fairlane Conv. P.O. Box 97A, Gaskiers, 1968 Charger R/T St. Mary’s Bay, NL A0B 3B0 1979 Pontiac Trans Am 1968 Dodge Monaco 500

DOWNTON, Ed and Pat FARRELL, Ed Jr. and Vanessa 110 Linden Place, Apt. 16, 454 Main Street, Pouch Cove, NL A0A 3L0 St. John's, NL A1B 2S8 1967 Ford Mustang 1926 Ford Model "T" Speedster 1970 Pontiac Acadian FARRELL, Ed and Moira 9 Chelsea Place, CBS, NL A1W 4E9 DOWNTON, John and Georgina 1964 397 Hamilton Ave., St. John’s, NL A1E 1K5 1969 Pontiac Parisienne FINLAY, Patrick and Shirley 1968 Chevrolet Caprice 15 Quartz Place, CBS, NL A1W 4N6 1963 Pontiac Catalina Ventura 1958 Oldsmobile Super 88 1969 Chevrolet Caprice ______Newfoundland Antique & Classic Car Club 13

FLEMING, James and Geraldine HANRAHAN, Phil and Bridget 501 Salmonier Line, Holyrood, NL A0A 2R0 General Delivery, Marystown, NL A0E 2M0 1963 Chevrolet Impala 1963 Ford Galaxie 500 XL 1966 Ford Thunderbird HARRIS, Edgar and Gussie FORD, Albert and Betty 37 Mortimore Dr., Mount Pearl, NL A1N 3C3 27 Firgreen Ave., Mount Pearl, NL A1N 1T6 1961 Pontiac Bubble Top 1964 Mercury Park Lane Marauder 1962 Pontiac Bonneville 1964 Pontiac Grand Prix FORD, Gary and Maureen 22 Rigolet Crescent, St. John’s, NL A1A 3S2 HAYES, Gerry and Donna 1969 Mustang Mach I Box 81, Torbay, NL A0K 1E2 1968 Fargo Camper Special FORD, Gus and Charmaine P.O. Box 206, Bonavista, NL A0C 1B0 HICKMAN, Bert 1966 Ford Thunderbird P.O. Box 8340 St. John’s NL A1B 3N7 1928 Chevrolet FORD, Robert Jr. 1935 Cadillac Lasalle 20 Firgreen Ave., Mount Pearl, NL A1N 1T7 1938 Chevrolet 1963 Falcon Conv. 1958 Corevette 1963 Falcon Futura H/T 1969 Camaro Z28 1970 ½ Camaro FORD, Robert Sr. and Thelma 2002 Dale Ernhardt Coll. Monte Carlo 20 Firgreen Ave., Mount Pearl, NL A1N 1T7 1958 2 Dr. H.T. HILL, Dave and Annette 1958 Edsel Citation Conv. 15 Sinnot Place, Kilbride, NL A1G 1L1 1958 Edsel Pacer 4 Dr. H.T. 1952 Chevrolet Styleline Deluxe 1958 Edsel Pacer 2 Dr. H.T. 1963 MGB Roadster 1963 Falcon Ranchero 1973 Volkswagon Campmobile 1966 Mustang Conv. HILL, Jack and Winnie GREEN, Frank and Janice 299 LeMarchant Rd., St. John's, NL A1E 1R1 P. O. Box 88, 2 O’Donovans Lane, 1958 Cadillac de Ville Carbonear NL A1Y 1B5 1959 Cadillac Fleetwood 1952 Pontiac Chieftain 1968 Cadillac Coupe de Ville 1969 Cougar XR7 GUEST, Ken and Catherine P.O. Box 831, Goulds, NL A1S 1G8 HILLIARD, Connie and Rick Wells 1970 Chevrolet Impala 297 Pennywell Rd., St. John's, NL A1C 2M6 1968 Plymouth Fury Sport Conv. GUY, Ray and Johanna P. O. Box 1696, Bonavista NL A0C 1B0 HOBBS, Art and Ruby 1979 Pontiac Trans Am P. O. Box 129, Elliston NL A0C 1M0 1963 Custom GUZZWELL, Melvin and Anita 29 Nelder Drive, Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4M2 HOLLETT, Tom and Jeanette 1971 30 Red Head Road, Flatrock, NL A1K 1C8 1950 Ford Truck HAMLYN, Carl and Doreen 331 Thorburn Rd., St. John's, NL A1B 4R1 HOLLOHAN, Dr. Brendan and Brenda 1921 Model "T" Touring 132 Casey Street, St. John’s, NL A1C 4X7 1956 Ford Crown Victoria 1964 Imperial Crown 1956 Ford Country Sedan 1965 Imperial Crown 1959 Ford Galaxie 1966 Chrysler New Yorker 1961 Mercury Conv. 1967 Chrysler New Yorker 1963 Ford Galaxie 500 1967 Chrysler 300 Conv. 1964 Ford Falcon Futura II 1968 Imperial Crown Conv. 1971 Lincoln Mark III

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HOLLOHAN, Dr. Brendan and Brenda (Cont.) LEMESSURIER, Mac and Kay 1968 Chrysler Newport 12 Derby Place, St. John’s, NL A1A 1Y1 1973 Chrysler New Yorker Brougham 1954 Ford Conv. 1969 Buick Electra 225 Conv. MASTERS, Tony and Carol HOWLETT, Harold and Cindy 12 Bayview Heights, CBS, NL A1X 7R7 P.O. Box 122, Petty Harbour, NL A0A 3H0 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass 1972 Camaro Z28 McGRATH, Mike and Karen HOWLETT, Ryan 1278 Torbay Road, Torbay, NL A1K 1A6 P.O. Box 122, Petty Harbour, NL A0A 3H0 1968 Dodge Coronet 440 1984 Firebird McGRATH, Tom and Debby HUBLEY, Robert and Paula 85 Line, Torbay, NL A1K 1H4 5 Sanderling Place, Paradise, NL A1L 1G7 1976 Chevrolet Nova

HYNES, Gerry and Donna McKEEVER, Adrian P.O. Box 226, Bishops Falls, NL A0H 1C0 P.O. Box 8011, St. John's, NL A1B 3M7 1967 Ford Mustang 1969 Porsche 911E 1979 Volkswagon Beetle Conv. KANE, Lloyd and Linda 1979 Lancia Beta Zagato P. O. Box 64, Cupids NL A0A 2B0 1967 Mustang MERCER, Lloyd and Sandra P.O. Box 41, Whitbourne, NL A0B 3K0 KEAN, Cecil and Cathy 1964 Ford Thunderbird 39 Drover Heights, Portugal Cove NL A1M 3G6 MERCER, Peter and Michelle 1955 Pontiac Star Chief 102 Pearltown Rd., St. John’s, NL A1G 1P4 1966 Ford Fairlane 1961 GMC Pick-up 1953 Chev Pick up MILLER, Curt and Frances KEARLEY, Richard and Pauline 62 Doyle Street, St. John’s, NL A1E 2P3 86 Stirling Cres., St. John's, NL A1A 4G9 1958 Edsel Citation

KELLY, Bill and Florence MORGAN, Jim and Pat 22 Flavin St., Suite 301 46 Marine Drive, Torbay NL A1K 1A7 The Imperial, St. John’s, NL A1C 3R9 1957 Ford Ranchero 1957 Custom Ford 300 KENNELL, James and Eileen 1957 Ford Fairlane 500 42 Salerno Place, Torbay, NL A1K 1A6 1979 Chevrolet Malibu MULLALEY, Don and Bernice 62 Perlin Street, St. John’s, NL A1E 4C4 LaCOUR, Brandon P.O. Box 567, Holyrood, NL A0A 2R0 MURPHY, Bob and Daisy 1960 Chevrolet Impala Conv. 1850 Highway Seal Cove, NL A1X 6N2 LaCOUR, Walter and Shirley 1947 Chev CO P.O. Box 82, Holyrood, NL A0A 2R0 1930 Ford Model “A” MURPHY, Ron and Pat McGregor 1952 Buick Super 11 Banyan Place, St. John’s, NL A1H 1A2 1979 Ford Bronco XLT LEDREW, Gerry and Rosemary 1985 Corvette Ledrews Road, Kelligrews NL A0A 2T0 MURRAY, Brian and Shelly LEE, Ben and Carol 3 Easons Road, CBS, NL A1E 3B7 P.O. Box 27, 631 Main Road 1969 Camaro RS SS Goulds, NL A1S 1G3 1956 Chrysler Windsor Nassau

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MURRAY, Frank and Mary Lynn PENNEY, Tony 15 Clements Place, Torbay NL A1K 1B4 24 Frontenac Ave. 1955 Fordamatic Towncar Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4V7 1962 Chevrolet Impala SS NEARY, Tony and Catherine 1075 Indian Meal Line PERCY, Dave and Heather Portugal Cove, NL A1M 3C4 17 Dundas Street, St. John's, NL A1B 1X1 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner 1968 Ford Mustang California Special

NEWELL, Albert and Darlene Lundrigan PERRY, Chris 99 Winslow St., St. John’s NL A1E 6G6 57 Amherst Heights, St. John’s, NL A1E 3J3 1964 Chev Malibu 1962 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 1967 Chev II PIERCEY, Keith and Robbi NEWHOOK, Bill and Madonna (Sr.) 11 Quilty’s Road, Paradise, NL A1L 3K7 P.O. Box 106, Dildo, NL A0B 1P0 1968 Dodge Charger 1972 Pontiac Lemans POTTLE, Wallace and Georgina NEWHOOK, Bill and Lisa (Jr.) 6 Eagle River Drive, CBS NL A1X 7Y3 41A Bellvue Cres., St. John’s NL A1E 5T4 1937 Chev Roadmaster

NOEL, Gib and Gillian POWELL, Charlie and Glenda 14 Park Avenue, Carbonear, NL A1Y 1A3 50 O’Reilly Street, St. John’s, NL A1E 3H1 1931 Willys Six 1963 Galaxie 500XL 1948 Chrysler Traveller 1968 Cutlass Supreme PRICE, Gary and Yvonne 15 Gulliver Place, St. John’s NL A1E 4K5 OLIVER, Frank 1975 Plymouth Duster P.O. Box 13139, Station Topsail CBS NL A1W 2K1 PUDDESTER, Robert and Kelli 1966 Chevy II Super Sport 9 Quartz Place, CBS NL A1W 4N6 1966 Thunderbird O’NEILL, Terry and Lynda 2 Moore Place, PUDDESTER, Warren and Dolores Grand Falls-Winsor NL A2A 2T7 20 Darcy Street, St. John's, NL A1A 5C1 1975 Chev Corvette Stingray 1963 Ford Thunderbird Conv.

O’REILLY, Douglas & Elizabeth QUIGLEY, Jerome and Christine 429 Main Road, Goulds, NL A1S 1E9 16 Salerno Place, Torbay, NL A1K 1A6 1961 Buick Le Sabre 1966 Chev Impala 1965 Buick Le Sabre Conv. QUINN, Lorne and Glenda OSMOND, Craig and Christine 30 Tobin’s Road, CBS, NL A1W 3E8 Box 45, Site 9, Clarkes Beach, NL A0A 1W0 1959 Lincoln Premier 1978 Volkswagen Super Beetle Conv. REARDON, Fred and Frances OSMOND, Derek and Roberta 28 Durdle Drive, Goulds, NL A1S 1A8 23 Boyle Street, St. John’s, NL A1E 2H3 1949 Ford Tudor 1978 Corvette Silver Anniversary ROCHE, John and Shirley PEDDLE, Ronald and Phyllis 11 Middle Cove Road Box 62, General Delivery Middle Cove, NL A1K 1G1 , NL A0B 1K0 1968 1955 Ford Fairlane Club Sedan

PENNEY, George and Angela RODGERS, John and Patricia 17104 Stn. Kelligrews, 462 Indian Meal Line, Torbay, NL A1K 1G4 Kelligrews, NL A1X 3H1 1960 Oldsmobile Super 88 1967 Chev Malibu ______Newfoundland Antique & Classic Car Club 16

ROSE, Gordon STRICKLAND, Greg and Debbie, 21 Pine Hill Place, Paradise, NL A1L 1Y3 Box 294, Avondale, NL A0A 1B0 1971 Dodge Challenger 1968 Imperial Crown Conv.

RUSSELL, Derek and Sandra THISTLE, Brian and Betty Box 1052, Blaketown, NL A0B 1C0 7 Webb Place, Mount Pearl, NL A1N 3T2 1968 Buick GS Conv. 1964 Chevrolet Impala 1969 Ford Mustang Mach I THISTLE, John and Sharon RYAN, Jim and Helen 24 Munden Dr., Mount Pearl, NL A1N 2T3 5 Rodes Place, Mount Pearl, NL A1N 3B8 1969 Pontiac Parisienne 1949 Chevrolet Fleetline Deluxe THISTLE, Steve RYAN, John and Marg 45 Brougham Drive, Paradise NL A1L 0C7 21 Rumbolt Place, St. John’s, NL A1A 5K6 1966 Ford Mustang 1978 Corvette THORNE, Ainslie and Karen SKINNER, Reg and Barbara 277 Canada Drive, St. John’s, NL A1E 5K2 4 LaManche Place, St. John’s, NL A1E 4P7 1973 Dodge Charger SE 1962 Cadillac 1968 Ford Mustang Coupe THORNE, Robert and Doreen 18 Bellaventure Pl., Torbay, NL A1K 1A4 SMITH, Chris and Sandra 1957 Chevrolet BelAir P.O. Box 1205, NL A0A 1G0 1967 Pontiac LaMans Conv. TILLEY, Joe and Regina 19 Marine Drive, Torbay, NL A1K 1A7 SMITH, Jackie and Dale 1968 Chevrolet Impala 34 Doyle St., St. John’s NL A1E 2P3 1968 Ford Mustang TIPPETT, Barry and Shirley P.O. Box 603, Holyrood, NL A0A 2R0 SMITH, Vernon and Ina 1954 Pontiac 2 Door P.O. Box 131, Swift Current, NL A0E 2W0 1957 Pontiac 2 Door Hardtop 1908 Cadillac 1958 Oldsmobile Eighty Eight 1929 Cadillac 1958 Buick 2 Door Hardtop 1931 Cadillac V12 1964 1953 Buick Skylark Conv. 1967 Meteor Conv 1953 Cadillac Eldorado Conv. 1971 Cadillac 2 Door Hardtop 1954 Cadillac Eldorado Conv. 1974 Thunderbird 2 Door Hardtop 1957 Cameo Pick-up 1957 Pontiac Bonneville TUCKER, Wayne and Barbara 1957 Chevrolet Dual Force 24 Barnes Lane, CBS, NL A1W 5T9 1957 Ford Retractable Hardtop 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 Conv. 1957 Chevrolet Cameo 1970 Ford Mustang Mach I 1959 Cadillac Eldorado Conv. 1969 Cougar Conv. 1960 Chrysler 300 Conv. 1963 Thunderbird M Code Roadster WALL, John and Carol 1969 Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500 P.O. Box 38, Lakeview , NL A0A 2P0 SNOW, Ron and Dee 1956 Pontiac Catalina 79 Old Petty Harbour Road 1964 Ford Galaxie 500XL St. John’s NL A1G 1H6 1968 Chrysler Newport 1955 Buick Special WALLIS, Robert and Carol SPARKES, Derrick and Natalie 5 Pt. Leamington Street 31 Glendale Ave. St. John’s, NL A1E 5W9 Mount Pearl, NL A1N 1N1 1964 Dodge 1958 Ford Thunderbird H/T 1959 Ford Thunderbird Conv.

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WALSH, Jacqueline WHITTEN, John and Linda 52 Carpasian Rd., St. John's, NL A1B 2R2 17 Milford Haven Close 1961 Ford Sunliner Conv. Logy Bay NL A1K 3E7 1970 Ford Mustang Conv. WARREN, Willis and Rose P.O. Box 12, , NL A0B 2S0 WILKINS, Nels and Margie 1968 Ford Galaxie 500 106 Prowse Avenue St. John’s, NL A1C 2M7 WHELAN, Gordon and Marilyn 1969 Ford Galaxie 500 59 Gully Pond Road, CBS, NL A1X 6Z2 1973 Chevrolet Impala WINTER, Christian P.O. Box 13313, Station A, WHITE, Matthew and Violet St. John’s, NL A1B 4B7 15 Norma’s Ave., Mount Pearl, NL A1N 1C3 1969 Dodge Super Bee 1966 Pontiac LeMans Conv.

WHITEWAY, Doug and Gale Honorary Members: 196 New Pennywell Road St. John’s, NL A1B 1C6 PINSENT, Sean 1979 Firebird 12 Blackstrap Path, CBS NL A1W 4C1 1966 Ford Falcon

Have a Chuckle

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