Divine Botany-Universal and Useful but Under Explored Traditions
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol. 6(3), July 2007, pp. 534-539 Divine botany-universal and useful but under explored traditions SK Jain1* & SL Kapoor 1A-26, Mall Avenue Colony, Lucknow 226 001, Uttar Pradesh; C-166, Nirala Nagar, Lucknow 226 020, Uttar Pradesh Received 17 August 2006; revised 21 February 2007 The study of all relationships between man and plant based on faith, belief and tradition concerning gods, goddesses, saints & other such powers can be called Divine botany. There are three aspects; the knowledge and information contained in the ancient religious books and epics of various faiths; the beliefs and practices as presently observed or performed among various ethnic group, and the future prospects and possibility in this area of botany. The paper has a brief account of faith related to plant in epics like Ramayan and Mahabharat, in religious scriptures like Bible and Quran & plants associated with planets, stars, Vastu-shastra, practices relating to plants in worship and decoration of deities, taboos and plants in various ceremonies, festivals and rites from birth to death. It is discussed that such a faith belief and practice have scientific basis and is helpful for good health and preservation of biodiversity. It is also suggested that the subject is not static but due to changes in biodiversity, human attitude to tradition and introduction of many exotics in various parts of the world, there is dynamism in this relationship. The future prospects and immense possibilities of the subject are indicated. Keywords: Divine botany, Sacred plants, Scriptures, Constellations, Nakshatras IPC Int. Cl.8: A61K36/00, A61P25/00 Human relationships with plant kingdom are very civilization in India and have shown that the intense, vast and multifarious.
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