2010 W o R l d A m A t e u R t e A m c h A m p i o n s h i p s R e c oR d B o o k woMen Men for the espirito Santo Trophy for the eisenhower Trophy olivos Golf Club Buenos Aires Golf Club Buenos Aires Golf Club olivos Golf Club Buenos Aires, Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina TABLE OF CONTENTS InternatIonal Golf federatIon . .2 InternatIonal Golf federatIon offIcers and commIttees . .2 InternatIonal Golf federatIon members . .3 InternatIonal Golf federatIon staff . .4 2010 bIennIal meetInG . .5 Espirito Santo Trophy 2010 champIonshIp revIew . 7 scorInG summary . 8 team photos . 13 team medal wInners, year-by-year . 31 champIonshIp records . 34 Eisenhower Trophy 2010 champIonshIp revIew . 41 scorInG summary . 42 team photos . 48 team medal wInners, year-by-year . 71 champIonshIp records . 75 notable past players . 83 natIonal federatIon members of the InternatIonal Golf federatIon . 84 hIstory of the InternatIonal Golf federatIon . 89 the trophIes . 90 orIGInal deleGates . 91 note: The 2012 competitions are scheduled for Antalya, Turkey. The 2014 competitions are scheduled for Karuizawa, Japan. International Golf Federation Maison Du Sport International, Avenue de Rhodanie 54, 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland Tel. 41-216-23-12-12 • Fax 41-216-01-64-77 • email:
[email protected] World Amateur Team Championships Golf House, P.o. Box 708, Far Hills, nJ 07931-0708, USA Tel. 1-908-234-2300 • Fax 1-908-234-2178 • email:
[email protected] (for the most current InformatIon, please vIsIt www .InternatIonalGolffederatIon .orG) IGf offIcers presIdent: vIce presIdent: Mr.