INSIDE THIS ISSUE § St Laurence Church 2-6 Parish Council 7 Bus Timetable 8 Village Hall 8-10 Film 11 Horticultural Club 12 LRA 13 Noticeboard 14-15 Village Shop 17-18 Local Information 19-28


2nd Oct 7pm Film Night Village Hall Fisherman's Friends 6th Oct 6pm Harvest Festival St Laurence & Supper Village Hall 14th Oct 1pm Village Lunch Village Hall 24th Oct 7pm Lord Egremont Talk Village Hall & Hort Club AGM 30th Oct 3-5pm Village Tea Village Hall

Printed by Blackdown Lurgashall Parish October 2019 St Laurence's Church


!!!!!!!!!!!!!Date! Time! Church! Service! ! ! ! ! 6!October! 10.30!am! ! Harvest!Festival!with!Communion! Trinity'16' ! ! ! ' 6.00!pm! Lurgashall! Harvest!Festival! ! ! The$Rev.$Canon$Nigel$Nicholson$ ! ! ! 6.30!pm! ! Harvest!Festival! ! ! ! ! ! 13!October! 10.00!am! Lurgashall! Sung!Communion! Trinity'17' ! ! The$Rev.$Derek$Humphries$ ! ! $ 10.30!am! Ebernoe! Holy!Communion! ! ! ! ! ! Thursday!! 7.30!pm! Lurgashall! Licensing!Service!for! 17!October! The!Rev.!Kate!Bailey! ! The$Ven.$Archdeacon$Fiona$Windsor$ Archdeacon$of$Horsham$ $ ! ! ! ! 20!October! 10.30!am! Northchapel! Holy!Communion! Trinity'18' ! Combined!Parishes!Service! ! The$Rev.$Kate$Bailey$ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 27!October! 9.00!am! Lurgashall! Sung!Communion! Bible'Sunday' ! ! The$Rev.$Kate$Bailey$ ! ! ! 10.30!am! Ebernoe! Holy!Communion' ! ! ! !

Page 2 !

Lurgashall Parish October 2019 St Laurence's Church

SIDESMEN AND READINGS Date% Sidesman% Readings% Colour%

6!Oct! Mike!Pavia! Psalm!104:!1415,!33434! Green! Mark!4:!149,!13420! 13!Oct! Russell!Lawrence! 2!Timothy!2:!8415! Green! Luke!17:!11419! !!27!Oct! Amanda!Worrall! Romans!15:!146! Green! Luke!4:!16424!

You are warmly invited

to attend a special service taken by The Venerable Fiona Windsor Archdeacon of Horsham

to License our new Priest in Charge The Reverend Kate Bailey

On 17th October at 7.30pm

Followed by a welcome party at the Village Hall

Page 3 Lurgashall Parish October 2019

Dear All,

Well this is the week that we move in to Northchapel, and apart from being swamped with boxes, lists and a confused dog (amongst many other things!), we are really looking forward to Friday and our official arrival in the parish!

Although I don’t officially start work until my licensing on 17th October, I have meetings already pencilled into the diary, including the School Harvest service, which I’m really looking forward to.

We will be holding a combined service with Lurgashall and Ebernoe at St Michael's Church, Northchapel on Sunday 20th October at 10.30am, which will be my first service with you all, and we would like to invite you to join us afterwards at a "bring and share" lunch at Northchapel Village Hall, at 12pm, and meeting as many of you as possible. The idea is to bring enough food for you and your family, plus a bit extra to share with others – savoury, sweet (my favourite!) or side dish. If you are planning on coming, in order to help us know how many tables etc to put out, please could you let Kate Gambles in the Parish Office know – either by email on [email protected], or by phone at 01428 707373.

Next month I will be writing a fuller letter for the magazines – once we have arrived and are getting our feet under the proverbial parish office desk!

With all best wishes, God Bless

Revd Kate Bailey

Page 4 Lurgashall Parish October 2019

Please come to the

HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICE on Sunday 6th October 2019 at 6.00 pm




This will be followed by

HARVEST SUPPER in the Village Hall

SUPPER TICKETS ONLY £7.50 EACH (ticket price includes your first glass of wine)

Tickets now on sale in the Village Shop

Page 5 Lurgashall Parish October 2019

FLOWER ROTA 6th Oct Gina Reed 13th Oct Anthea Martin-Jenkins 20th Oct Judy Pavia 27th Oct Rose Dillon-Thiselton 3rd Nov Barbara Kinnear

CHURCHYARD WORKING PARTY The Churchyard working party is on Friday October 4th from 9.00am to 1.00pm. Help is always very welcome so please join us - even if it is only for an hour or so. Further details from Ian Bloor (01428 656884).

You are all warmly invited to a “Bring and Share” lunch being held at Northchapel Village Hall at 12.00 on Sunday, 20th October to meet Kate, our new Priest in Charge

Please see details in Kate’s letter at the front of the newsletter

CHURCHWARDENS Mrs Elizabeth Clark, Caplins, Hillgrove 01428 707230 Mrs Amanda Worrall, Owlswood, Tennyson's Lane 01428 645182 Page 6 Lurgashall Parish October 2019 LURGASHALL PARISH COUNCIL

Lurgashall Parish Council held a meeting on Thursday 12th September 2019. Full DRAFT minutes from this meeting are available to view on the website and on the village green notice board.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 14th November 2019 at 7.30pm. All are welcome to attend and there will be time set aside as usual for parishioners to ask questions.

Mrs Helen Cruikshank Clerk to Lurgashall Parish Council

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01798 860788

Mrs A Martin-Jenkins (Chairman) Dr A Tate (Vice-Chairman) Mr R Cooper Mrs J Landstrom Mr J Harden Mr P Osborne Mr S Hellett Dr P Wilding Mr N P Jowett

Page 7 Lurgashall Parish October 2019 MYBus operated by Community Bus. Flat fare £1.10 each journey. Free with a bus pass. Run by volunteers.


Lurgashall Shop 9.30am Via & to Midhurst Bus Stand Budgens 10.00am Grange Centre

Returning from Budgens 11.19am Midhurst Bus Stand 11.25am Via Easebourne and Lodsworth to Lurgashall Shop 12.03am


The$50:50$Club$is$one$of$the$main$sources$of$income$for$our$Village$Hall.$$ We!really!need!more!people!to!join,$to$help$keep$this$important$ amenity$going.$ $ Members$may$choose$to$pay$between$£1$and$£10$per$month.$$50%$of$ this$goes$to$the$Village$Hall,$and$the$other$50%$is$returned$to$members$ through$prizes$in$a$monthly$draw$and$a$grand$Christmas$draw.$$$ It$is$simple$to$join.$$Just$call$Stephen$Meyer$on$01428$707162$or$email$ [email protected]$,$and$he$will$do$the$rest!$ $ September’s!Winners:! 1st$prize:$ $$Elizabeth$Clark$ $2nd$prize:$ $$$Peter$&$Jo$Lavender$ Page 8 Lurgashall Parish October 2019 VILLAGE HALL VILLAGE LUNCHES

Everyone in the parish can join in the friendly and excellent Monday lunches cooked by members of the village. Don’t be daunted if you are on your own, come along and you will receive a warm welcome. Just sign up in the Village Shop or call Erica on 01428 707162 and pay £4 when you arrive at the door. Wine is £2 a glass and raffle tickets for a home- made cake are £1 each. The lunch starts at 1.00 pm.

LUNCH DATES: 14th October, 11th November 9th December (Christmas Lunch)


30th October, 27th November (Christmas Bring and Buy)

Page 9 Lurgashall Parish October 2019

Village'Hall'Update'–'The'next'phase…' ! Latest'News:!!!!Over!the!past!two!months,! Hall!users!have!commented!favourably!on! the! positive! difference! it! makes! to! their! event! now! that! the! furniture! trolleys! are! easily! accessible! and! just! as! easily! returned! to! storage;! making! the! most! of! the!extra!space!this!provides!in!the!main!hall.!!! ! Attention! is! now! focused! on! fitting@out! and! furnishing! the! new! Archive/! Small! Meeting! Room.! ! Over! recent! years,! many! documents,! letters,! photographs,! oral! history! transcripts! and! artefacts! have! been! collected! by! the! Lurgashall! History! Group.!! This! group! has! long! needed! a! designated! space! for! the! cataloguing,!safe!storage!and!display!of!the!material.!!Currently,!it! is! all! kept! in! storage! meaning! that! only! selected! items! are! available! for! viewing! during! occasional! public! displays.! The! intention! is! that! it! will! all! be! available! in! The! Archive,! for! reference! by! anyone! with! an! interest! in! local! history,! both! in! person! and! on@line.! ! This! will! take! some! time! and! considerable! skill!to!set!up,!but!we!want!to!be!able!to!share!our!village’s!history! with! the! whole! community! through! hosting! interactive! projects! and!participative!events,!for!adults!and!children!alike,!in!the!hub! of!the!village!–!the!Village!Hall.!!There!will!be!more!information! available!as!this!project!progresses.! ! ! ! Village Hall & Equipment Hire enquiries: 07796 162 304 or email: [email protected] Village Hall website: ! !

Page 10 Lurgashall Parish October 2019

Film Night is back again on Wednesday 2nd October with ‘Fisherman’s Friends’ at Lurgashall Village Hall

This feel-good comedy is based on a true story and set in the Cornish village of Post Isaac. A fast-living, cynical music executive (Daniel Mays) heads to a Cornish village on a stag weekend where he's pranked by his boss into trying to sign a group of shanty-singing fishermen (led by James Purefoy). He becomes the ultimate 'fish out of water' as he tries to gain the respect of the unlikely band and their families who value friendship and community over fame and fortune.

Doors open at 7.00pm Film starts at 7.30pm

Admission: £5.00 Cash Bar, Interval Ice Creams

Looking ahead.... films for November and December:

6 November – ‘Stan & Ollie’ – about legendary comic duo Laurel & Hardy, starring Steve Coogan and John C Reilly

4 December – ‘The Lion King’ – terrific Disney re-make Page 11 Lurgashall Parish October 2019

LURGASHALL((HORTICULTURAL((CLUB( ( THURSDAY))24))OCTOBER))2019) 7))for))7.30))pm) LURGASHALL))VILLAGE))HALL) ) ?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)??)?)?)?)?) “(TWO((LIVES(“( a((talk((by( LORD((EGREMONT( )) Lord)Egremont)will)speak)about)two)particular)aspects)of)his) life.))One)of)these)will)reflect)his)living)at),)and)other) his)career)as)an)author.) ) EVERYONE))WELCOME……….ENTRY)FREE………) ....…………….……))BAR))……………..…..) ) ) MEMBERS) The)talk)will)be)followed)by)the) ANNUAL))GENERAL))MEETING) with) Glass)of)wine)and)nibbles) Page 12 Lurgashall Parish October 2019

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! LURGASHALL!RECREATION!ASSOCIATION! WINE!QUIZ!NIGHT! ! With!wine!tasting!hosted!by!Hennings!of!Petworth! Thursday,!28th!November!2019,!Lurgashall!Village!Hall! ! Come!along!and!enjoy!a!‘Call!my!bluff’!style!wine! evening!–!! our!experts,!Hennings,!arrive!with!the!wine!and!we!have! to!guess!where!it!comes!from.! ! Tickets!D!£20!per!person! (to!include!a!welcome!glass!of!fizz,!wine!tasting!and!light! eats)! ! Wine!also!available!for!purchase!on!the!night!! so!a!good!opportunity!to!stock!up!for!Christmas!with!the! help!of!the!experts.! ! In!aid!of!Jubilee!Field!upkeep.! ! Tickets!available!from!the!village!shop!or!email!D! [email protected]!

Page 13 Lurgashall Parish October 2019

Local&Artists&& can&you&help?&&

We#would#like#to#showcase#the#talent#of#local## artists,#sharing#and#celebrating#scenes#from## around#our#beautiful#village.

# Professional,#amateur#artists#and#enthusiasts,#we#would#very# much#like#to#create#a#collection#of#Gift& Cards#to#sell#in#the# shop.##Would#you#be#willing#to#share#your#artwork#of#scenes# around#the#village#and#parish?##If#so,#we#would#love#to#hear# from#you#and#receive#copies#of#your#artwork.##We#often#have# requests#from#customers#for#cards#depicting#local#landmarks# and# as# the# shop# is# a# not?for?profit# organisation# your# contribution#would#be#greatly#valued.# # In#addition,#we#would#like#to#receive#artwork#of#a#seasonal# theme# so# that# we# can# also# produce# a# lovely# collection# of# Christmas& Cards.# We# are# very# keen# to# also# receive# contributions#from#talented&young&artists#with#prizes#for#any# images#chosen#for#print.##All#images,#paintings#and#drawings# required#before&31st&October.#! # For#more#information,#please#call#or#email#Sophie#Jowett#or# collect#a#flyer#from#the#shop.##Thank#you#for#your#support.! # TEL#### 01428#707277# EMAIL## [email protected]# WEBSITE###!! ! ! ! Page 14 Lurgashall Parish October 2019 NOTICEBOARD FOR SALE/HOLIDAY RENTAL

In the heart of a forested hillside overlooking Lucca, Tuscany, in a quiet peaceful area, beautiful, traditional, south facing home. 3 double bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, study, large traditional kitchen with open fire, 2 living rooms, cantina and utility area. Garden and small olive grove. Exposed beams, tiled floors. For holiday rental or sale.

All Enquiries please contact; Philip and Elizabeth Birch 07905/294228

5 brand new, very strong wicker baskets for sale; ideal for storage and stacking. 2 handles incorporated into weaving. Measurements: 45cms x 51cms x 26cms deep Happy to sell individually or as a lot. £20.00 each £80 for all 5 Please contact Elizabeth Mobile : 07905/294228

Page 15 Lurgashall Parish October 2019

PACT Autumn


‘a Day in the Life of a High Sheriff’ Davina Irwin-Clark

High Sheriff of West All welcome th 7:30pm Friday 11 October 2019

St Mary's Parish Church, Petworth GU28 0AD free entry, wine and canapés to follow loos at church free parking in town centre car park GU28 0ES ( 6 minutes walk ) Further info: Gerald Gresham Cooke 01798 342 151 [email protected]

Page 16 ! Lurgashall Parish October 2019


! A!SHOP!MANAGER!is!required!to!oversee!the!day!to!day! running!of!the!shop.!!This!is!a!new!role!and!requires! someone!with!excellent!administrative!and!organisational! skills,!who!is!dependable!and!selfGmotivated!but!above!all!a! team!player!who!has!the!drive!to!help!grow!the! business.!!This!is!a!partGtime!role!and!we!envisage!currently! requires!around!16!hours!per!week.!!! ! ! ! A!WEEKEND!SALES!ASSISTANT!is!needed!for!Saturdays,!some! Sundays!and!possibly!the!occasional!weekday! shift.!!Applicants!should!be!reliable,!have!good!customer! service!skills!and!over!18!years!old.! ! ! ! If!you!are!interested,!we!would!love!to!hear!from!you.!! Please!email!Hennie!Cooper!for!more!information!at! [email protected]! ! ! ! ! TEL!!!! 01428!707277! EMAIL!! [email protected]! WEBSITE!!!!! ! ! Page 17 Lurgashall Parish ! October 2019



Due!to!staff!holidays,!the!POST( OFFICE!will!have!reduced! opening! hours! from! Monday( 21st( to( Friday( 25th( October(

(inclusive),! please! see! below.! Opening! times! will! also! be! published!in!store!and!on!the!website.!! ! OPENING(HOURS( VILLAGE(SHOP( POST(OFFICE( at Haslemere Museum ! OPEN( CLOSE( OPEN( CLOSE( 78 High Street, GU27 2LA

MONDAY!21!! 9.00!AM! 5.30!PM! 9.00!AM! 11.00AM! TUESDAY!22! 9.00!AM! 5.30!PM! CLOSED! ! WEDNESDAY!23! 9.00!AM! 1.00!PM! 9.00!AM! 11.00AM! (10.00 am – 5.00 pm Mon – Sat) THURSDAY!24!! 9.00!AM! 5.30!PM! CLOSED! ! FRIDAY!25! 9.00!AM! 5.30!PM! CLOSED! ! Affordable Art, Prints & Cards

! ! As! the! month! draws! to! a! close,! there! is! a! very! important! date!in!the!diary!for!the!children!of!Lurgashall!who!dare!to! venture! out! on! HALLOWEEN.! ! The! shop! will! be! open! for! st Trick( or( Treat( until( 7.00( pm( on( Thursday( 31 ( October.!! Don’t! miss! out! on! the! Pumpkin! competition! this! year.!! th Entries!welcome!from!Saturday!26 !October!with!a!prize!of! a!monster!bag!of!sweets!for!best!entry.! On Saturday 26 October ! 11.00 am–2.00 pm in the Haslemere Room ! TEL!!!! 01428!707277! EMAIL!! [email protected]! WEBSITE!!!!! Page 18 ! ! ! Lurgashall Parish October 2019

at Haslemere Museum 78 High Street, GU27 2LA

(10.00 am – 5.00 pm Mon – Sat)

Affordable Art, Prints & Cards

On Saturday 26 October 11.00 am–2.00 pm in the Haslemere Room

Page 19 Lurgashall Parish October 2019


TUESDAY 12th NOVEMBER 2019 10am - 4pm

Upwaltham Barns, , Petworth, GU28 OLX

on A285 Petworth to Road

Admission £5.00 Free Parking

Coffee, Cakes & Light Lunches

A variety of stalls ideal for Christmas shopping

Reg. Charity No. 1058769

Page 20 Lurgashall Parish October 2019


Help needed…can you put a smile on Mariam’s face?

Can!you!make!room!for!an!international!student!to!experience!true! British!Festive!hospitality?! Hosting!an!international!student!will!bring!a!whole!new!dimension!to! your!Christmas,!with!a!chance!to!learn!about!another!country’s! traditions!and!enjoy!the!connection!and!friendship!that!such!sharing! brings.! ! HOST!UK!arranges!for!international!students! to!enjoy!brief!visitsGone!day,!a!weekend!or,! over!the!festive!period,!a!threeGday!visit,! with!UK!hosts.!! We!warmly!welcome!new!volunteer!hosts! to!join!us.!!! To!learn!more,!go!to!our!website!!! or!leave!us!a!message!on!!

Page 21 Lurgashall Parish October 2019


! OPENING'HOURS' VILLAGE'SHOP' POST'OFFICE*' ! OPEN' CLOSE' OPEN' CLOSE' MONDAY! 9.00!AM! 5.30!PM! 9.00!AM! 1.00!PM! TUESDAY! 9.00!AM! 5.30!PM! 9.00!AM! 1.00!PM! WEDNESDAY! 9.00!AM! 1.00!PM! 9.00!AM! 1.00!PM! THURSDAY! 9.00!AM! 5.30!PM! 9.00!AM! 1.00!PM! FRIDAY! 9.00!AM! 5.30!PM! !9.00!AM! 4.30!PM! SATURDAY! 9.00!AM! 5.30!PM! CLOSED! ! SUNDAY! 10.00!AM! 1.00!PM! CLOSED! !

*!closed!for!lunch!1.00!–!2.00!pm! TEL!!!! 01428!707277! EMAIL!! [email protected]! WEBSITE!!!!! ! ! !


The September price for c.12,000 litres was 44.98ppl+VAT from Local Fuels. The next order will be placed in the first week of October. I send an email to members on the first of each month asking if they want to join that delivery and how much they estimate they might need. The price varies from week to week. I order every month in the winter and every other month from April to September. If you would like more information about joining the buying group please email [email protected]. Annabel Grout Page 22 Lurgashall Parish October 2019

Page 23 Lurgashall Parish October 2019

The Noah's Ark is a beautiful 16th Century village pub overlooking the cricket green.

We offer a regularly changing menu and specials board, that uses only the best seasonal ingredients from local suppliers.

The Noah's Ark caters for parties and events of all sizes. Please contact us for more information

The Green | Lurgashall | GU28 9ET 01428 707346 | [email protected]

Child friendly | Dog friendly | Garden

Page 24 Lurgashall Parish October 2019

! The Haslemere Chicken Sitter pet sitting services Haslemere & surrounds

Home visits for animals such as:

• Cats • Chickens • Rabbits • Guinea Pigs • Multiple pet households • Plus many more!

Boarding available for:

• Chickens • Guinea Pigs • Hamsters

www.thehaslemerechickensitter, [email protected] 01428 707302 - 07736112559 Goffs Cottage, London Road, GU28 9EQ @thehaslemerechickensitter

Page 25 Lurgashall Parish October 2019


Tel: 01903 723 710 Mobile: 07714 165171

Rob's well rotted ! Curtain Making Service FARMYARD & Soft Furnishings MANURE Probably the best in the South! Tel: 0771 359 1908

Handmade by Carole Jewell Please contact; 01730 815144 07764 233234 [email protected]

Page 26 Lurgashall Parish October 2019

Your community: We're part of the fabric At Savills, we pride ourselves on local knowledge. It’s the foundation of what we do. I like the sound of that Savills Petworth | Exchange House, Petworth, GU28 0BFˏȫˏȅȆȍȏȎˏȈȊȈˏȆȆȆ what can we do for you?

Page 27 Lurgashall Parish October 2019

USEFUL CONTACT DETAILS fete 01428 707265 [email protected] newsletter 01798 861459 [email protected] oil syndicate 01798 861459 [email protected] rector 01428 707373 shop 01428 707277 [email protected] village hall booking 07796 162304 [email protected] village lunch 01428 707162 village tea 01428 707522 Rose Dillon-Thiselton

Police non-emergency 101 Southern Electric emergency 08000 72 72 82 Southern Water emergency 0800 820 999

Church Parish Council Village Hall

CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NEWSLETTER If sending in new contributions please could you set up the page layout of your advert or item in A5.

Please send contributions by the 18th of each month by email to [email protected] or deliver to Sods Cottage, Lurgashall, GU28 9EX (if delivering by hand, the letterbox is the clay pipe attached to the gatepost)

Page 28