DISTRICT COUNCIL BY-ELECTION 4th May 2017 PETER WILDING Your Local Choice for Plaistow

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Dear Resident,

I am your Conservative District Councillor Candidate for the Plaistow Ward By-Election on May 4th.

I was born and brought up in Billingshurst and have lived in Lurgashall for the last 20 years. I studied Engineering at and Cambridge Universities and did an MBA at London Business School. I have had a 36 year career in the computer industry, which involved both delivery and sales of computer services to the public sector. I retired from Hewlett Packard in 2015.

I have been a Parish Councillor in Lurgashall for 20 years, chaired the Planning Committee for 10 years and been Chairman of the Lurgashall Parish Council for the last year. This has given me extensive knowledge of planning issues which are an important part of the District Councillor's work.

I will do my best to represent your interests on Council and follow up on any issues you raise with me where you need assistance.

The Crouchlands facility in Plaistow is probably the biggest issue affecting this Ward. I will closely follow the planning appeal and make sure that, if it results in enforcement action, it is rigorously implemented.

My priorities are to make sure we get good value for money from our Council taxes and to make sure we preserve the beautiful rural environment we live in.

I very much hope to meet you while delivering this leaflet, or if you are out, in the next few weeks. Best Wishes


Peter Wilding

If you would like to raise an issue of concern, or help our campaign, please contact me: Tel: 07790 491196 or E:mail: [email protected] YOUR CONSERVATIVE DISTRICT COUNCIL HAS Been thrifty with your money and:

Has one of the lowest Council Taxes in West while still  providing a high standard of service.

Has protected our vital services from cuts, by careful financial  planning.

Has kept services under regular review to ensure they are as A danger on Plaistow’s rural lanes  efficient as possible. We have outsourced our leisure centres while maintaining service quality, range and prices, and at the same time making major savings for the council taxpayer.

Has protected those who need help the most by maintaining a  generous Council Tax support scheme.

Supported our community by:

Helping many local people by insisting on a high proportion of homes  for renting or shared ownership in all large new developments. The Arun & Wey Canal Centre part funded by CDC Investing in the economy to secure long-term prosperity, including  starting construction of an Enterprise Gateway to provide offices and workshops for start-up businesses. Writing a Local Plan which has looked to balance building  prosperous communities and providing homes whilst protecting our area’s special character. Working with the Police & Crime Commissioner to keep the District a safe, low crime area.

Worked to protect our environment by: Northchapel Village Green

Collecting 43% of all household waste for efficient recycling.  Maintaining a Waste and Recycling service, recognized as one of  the most efficient in the country Working with the County Council and the South Downs National  Park Authority, the Environment Agency and Natural to achieve sensible outcomes for planning applications.

Lurgashall Village Green

Anybody can now vote by post. If you wish to vote by post, please download an application form from: www.aboutmyvote.co.uk or phone Chichester District Council on 01243 534652

If you would like to raise an issue of concern, or help our campaign, please contact me: Tel: 07790 491196 or Email: [email protected]

WORKING FOR YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY Promoted by Jane Kilby on behalf of Peter Wilding, both of St John’s House, St John’s Street, Chichester, PO19 1UU. Printed by Express Printing, Bognor Regis, PO21 5EF.