University of Wollongong Research Online The Living Daylights Historical & Cultural Collections 4-9-1974 The Living Daylights 2(14) 9 April 1974 Richard Neville Editor Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Neville, Richard, (1974), The Living Daylights 2(14) 9 April 1974, Incorporated Newsagencies Company, Melbourne, vol.2 no.14, April 9 - 22, 28p. Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library:
[email protected] The Living Daylights 2(14) 9 April 1974 Publisher Incorporated Newsagencies Company, Melbourne, vol.2 no.14, April 9 - 22, 28p This serial is available at Research Online: Vol.2 No. 14 April 9-22 1974 Pissweak on principles but!. End of term report Friday and monday are our key production days, which makes an easter Daylights impossible. This issue must suffice for a fortnight, till april 22, then we're back every tuesday. What a week. It's only politics, but if the terrible twosome get in . THUD! a plagiarised potpourri of news, views People in this office are and trivia with MIKE MORRIS rushing around trying to get on an electoral roll — prefer ably in an electorate with a swinging seat. And anarchist 18 year olds, dont YOU forget to register. just this once. Naturally Mungo IViacCallum has weighed in with a blast Fowl power from Canberra, where the long knives are already flashing, SOME POLITICIANS have their prior (see opposite) and even ities in the right place, I’m pleased to notorious non-voter Harry learn.