The Politics of British Israelism
Fundamentals of Belief #16H: The Politics of British Israelism Edited Sermon Transcript Jon W. Brisby; 4-6-2002 This afternoon, brethren, we want to start to wind down this rather long series that I've been completing on number sixteen of the Fundamentals of Belief of the Church of God, The Eternal. As you know, this is the fundamental that relates primarily to the topic we call British Israelism. It was one of those fundamental teachings that Mr. Armstrong did confirm as a means for us to understand the way to put into perspective many of the prophecies that are written within the Bible. Mr. Armstrong called it a key to understanding Biblical prophecy. As I've repeated a number of times during the last seven sermons, that is not to be confused with thinking that it is the most important doctrine of the Church. It certainly is not. Herbert Armstrong certainly did not originate the understanding of the topic of the lost tribes of Israel and the role of the United States, the British Commonwealth and the other democracies of Northwestern Europe as those descendants of the ancient Israelites. That was not new information, but Mr. Armstrong certainly capitalized upon it because God led him to understand that it was indeed true. Therefore, it had significance for us in understanding the context of many of the Biblical prophecies concerning Israel, both in ancient times and, most importantly, in the last days. So it did become a key. It opened up much understanding to us. So we've gone through in a synoptic fashion, and yet it's taken a number of sermons to cover the details of our understanding from the Bible of that which God promised through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David, and a certification that God did indeed fulfill His promises to those patriarchs, which is the main purpose for which I have spent so much time on this topic.
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