Legislative Assembly Hansard 1967
Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER 1967 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Sub Judice Matter [7 SEPTEMBER] Questions 411 THURSDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER, 1967 Mr. AIKENS: Mr. Speaker, I give notice that your ruling be disagreed with. If we are going to have solicitors writin~ to us and Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, telling us what to do, we mtght as well Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair disband. at 11 a.m. Mr. SPEAKER: Order! I point out to the hon. member that I have given reasons for SUB JUDICE MATTER my ruling. If he studies my ruling, he will MR. SPEAKER's RULING see what I refer to in it. Mr. SPEAKER: Hon. members, I have received the following letter from Messrs. Hawthorn, Cuppaidge & Badgery, Solicitors, QUESTIONS dated 5 September, 1967:- PRINTING OF EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS "The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, IN HoNG KONG Parliament House, Mr. Houston, pursuant to notice, asked BRISBANE. The Minister for Education,- "Dear Sir, ( 1) What publications used in Queens "re A. T. Dewar v. Mirror Newspapers land State primary and secondary schools Limited are printed and bound in Hong Kong? "We are acting for the abovenamed Alexander Tattenhall Dewar, of Power (2) What is the name of the firm in Street, Wavell Heights, Member of the Hong Kong doing this work? Legislative Assembly of Queensland. ( 3) Is this firm associated with any "We are instructed to inform you that we Queensland firm and, if so, who are the have today issued a Writ out of the directors and shareholders of the local Supreme Court of Queensland, Brisbane, firm? on behalf of our Client against Mirror Newspapers Limited.
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