Concerned Governments Angola - Mainly Complaints by Angola Against South Africa's Military Attacks

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Concerned Governments Angola - Mainly Complaints by Angola Against South Africa's Military Attacks UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 113 Date 06/06/2006 Time 11:29:25 AM S-0902-0005-01-00001 Expanded Number S-0902-0005-01 -00001 Title items-in-Africa - Question of Namibia - concerned governments Angola - mainly complaints by Angola against South Africa's military attacks Date Created 26/02/1979 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0902-0005: Peacekeeping - Africa 1963-1981 Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit / , jl 1 V t L/ •iOV •• .; 138'i No. 134/1981 November 11, 1981 H.E. Dr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary General United Nations, New York Excellency, Attached please find a copy of my communication to the President of the Security Council, which has relevance not only to the sixth anniversary of the independence of the People's Republic of Angola, but also to the aggression Angola continues to face at the hands of the racist apartheid regime in South Africa. The situation poses as serious threat to the peace stability of southern Africa. Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. .Isio de Figueiredo 5SADOR PERMANEIS7T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF ANGOLA TO THE UNITED NATIONS Permanent Mission of The People's Republic of Angola to the United Nations 747 Third Avenue (18th floor) New York, N.Y. 10017 (212)752-4612 No. 133/1981 November 11, 1981 H.E. Mr. Taieb Slim President of the Security Council United Nations New York Excellency, Today, 11 November 1981, the Government and people of the People's Republic of Angola, guided by the Central Commit- tee of the MPLA-Workers Party, are commemorating the sixth an- niversary of their declaration of independence and their free- dom from the oppression and exploitation of five hundred years of colonial domination. What was as important as the Angolan struggle for in- dependence was Angola's second war of liberation, begun even as the sound of the shots and cries of independence was still in the air. No sooner had independence been proclaimed, si- multaneous to the departure of the colonialist administration, than an even worse foe, allied with the powers of Western im- perialism and neo-colonialism, launched a vicious attack on the fragile Angolan republic, threatening our newly-won sove- reignty, territorial integrity and national independence. The Armed Forces of the minority racist apartheid regime in South Africa launched, a full-scale invasion , by i j land and air, of the People's Republic of Angola in an attempt to reverse the gains of the Angolan revolution, to destabilize southern Africa, to establish once and for all its hegemony Page 2/ President of the Security Council United Nations over the region, to install its own puppets in Luanda, to safe- guard its colonial and expansionist policies in the illegally- occupied territory of Namibia, and finally to protect its own system of apartheid which guaranteed minority rule and privelege while denying to the majority inhabitants of South Africa their human, civil, political and economic rights in their own historic fatherland. That situation has not changed to this day. The racist South African troops have continued to attack Angola , in ways ranging from the violation of our air space to brutal massacres such as that of Kassinga in May 1978, where over a thousand un- armed men, women and children were killed by the racists. Pre- toria's acts of armed aggression against the territory and peo- ple of Angola have been conveyed to the Security Council regu- larly throughout the past six years. Numerous Council meetings have been held, and resolutions adopted, but without the intend- ed results. If anything, Pretoria has become bolder over the years, with armed attacks against other independent sovereign Ftates in southern Africa as well and with calculated insults to the international community over the issue of Namibian indepen- dence. Over the years, the racist regime has increased its mi- litary presence in Namibia, not only to strengthen its occupa- tion of that country, in defiance of United Nations General Assembly and Security Council resolutions, but also the better to attack Angola and maintain its military adventurism in that area. In fact, even today, areas of southern Angola are still under the military occupation of the racist troops. The fact Page 3/.... President of the Security Council United Nations that the racist Armed Forces have needed a whole series of acts of armed aggression is a demonstration of the valour and cou- rage of F£PLA (Forcas Armadas Populares de Libertacao de Angola) and of the entire Angolan nation, which have together been un- hesitating and unflinching in the face of enemy attack and in defence of their country. The apartheid regime, despite strong diplomatic, poli- tical, economic and military support it receives from its part- ners and allies, who seek to use it in a southern Atlantic con- text, will never win against the progressive forces of southern Africa. Under the leadership of President Jose Eduardo dos San- tos, President of the MPLA-Workers Party and President of the People's Republic of Angola, and guided by the Central Committee of the MPLA- Workers Party, the Angolan people are more deter- mined than ever, to consolidate the gains of their revolution, to continue with the task of national reconstruction, and to maintain their support for the independence struggle of the people of Namibia. The Government of the People's Republic of Angola is steadfast in its role as a force for justice and progress in southern Africa. It was in this context, which is considered by the Angolan people an extension of their revolution inside Angola, that the Government has played an internationally- • ' ' • 3 acknowledged role in breaking the deadlock created by South Africa vis a vis the plans for Namibian independence. And, on their part, the Government and people of Angola expect the international community to respect the sovereign status of Page 4/.... President of the Security Council United Nations Angola and its membership in the United Nations, and to force the racist regime to comply with United Nations resolutions re- garding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the People's Republic of Angola. The racist regime could not have become the terrorist monster is has, without overt and covert support from its friends. And this monster will not be controlled and subdued without inter- national action. Now is the time for action, because the fra- gile peace and stability of southern Africa are threatened as never before. Until final victory A luta continua. I request, Sir, that this communication be circulated as a document of the Security Council in connection with the question of South African aggression against the People's Republic of Angola. Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. AMBASSADOR PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE ZCZC MQP5781 MAP1417 \ SS CABKE T; ,NEWYORK (UNNY) 292222Z ETATPRIORITE - PC - HIS EXCELLENCY MR, DANIEL T. ARAP MOI PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA AND CURRENT CHAIRMAN OF THE OAU NAIROBI (KENYA) EXCELLENCY* "*^I:.WISH TO ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR MESSAGE OF 29 AUGUST CONCERNING THE MOST SERIOUS SITUATION RESULTING FROM SOUTH AFRICA'S ATTACKS ON ANGOLA WHICH HAVE BEEN UNIVERSALLY CONDEMNED, c I FULLY SHARE YOUR VIEW AS TO THE GRAVITY OF THE SITUATION, AS YOU MAY BE AWAREr UPON LEARNING OF IT* I RETURNED TO NEW YORK FORTHWITH TO CONTINUE MY CONSULTATIONS WITH THE PRESIDENT AND c ill MEMBERS OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL, SINCE YESTERDAY EVENING THE COUNCIL HAS BEEN MEETING IN FORMAL SESSION AND I HAVE TAKEN STEPS TO BRING THE CONTENTS OF YOUR MESSAGE URGENTLY TO ITS c* ATTENTION. MAY I ASSURE YOU THAT I AM MAKING EVERY EFFORT TO ENSURE THE IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL OF SOUTH AFRICAN FQRCESr SO AS TO e END THIS GRAVE VIOLATION OF ANGOLAN TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY, .. ACCEPT, EXCELLENCY, THE ASSURANCES OF MY HIGHEST CONSIDERATION, KURT WALDHEIM UNITED NATIONS NEW YORK COL 29 =08292245 »3^/s3* >i&5 v r : : : : ^^^^^^^^^^^'^TT -'^ — - ^ •"~--^-^~A'^^S^^-" "' ."-3^;~r:&s::;:- " ^- '..r.-^i. -_ ' *'. v^. -^'-..-•;. - ?^^ ryv TDT 009 SF.Pl.IM 73/63 ?F 1130 'TV! YOP" f'Y I OC 17 FFDFP£TTO?; Dr"OCR^ATIP"F r.TFP"*T IO"Al.F rFMVFS PFO FC I'-'DIGI'TF DFV^r-'T F^CAL^DF CPP-'I! FLI.r FORCES n FN 00 UPVFF'T^F"! P^?ISTF. FP^T^ rATIOT^ U'J^ OI?r w ^ FT P.'. IT I:-:C^-"DIT !0:"' Fl. "TLTT'IPF" r r^MF.-TTO'- °TO P IDF -COL Permanent Mission of The People's Republic of Angola to the United Nations 747 Third Avenue (18th floor) New York. N.Y. 10017 (212)752-4612 No. 106/1981 August 27, 1981 « H.E. Dr. Jorge E. Illueca President of the Security Council United Nations New York Excellency, Upon the instructions of my Government, I have the ho- nour to draw your attention to a matter which threatens inter- national peace and security, namely, the most recent and viscious armed invasion of the People's Republic of Angola by the racist armed forces of South Africa. In my two most recent communications ( 30th July 1981, addressed to the President of the Security Council, and 23rd June 1981, addressed to the Secretary General) I conveyed to the international community the concern of my Government regarding the acts of war being regularly perpetrated by the racist regime in South Africa against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the People's Republic of Angola. I conveyed also my Govern- ment's warning that South Africa's nefarious designs in Namibia and acts of aggression against the People's Republic of Angola, and its attempts to destabilize the sovereign governments in southern Africa constitute a most serious and immediate threat to the area.
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