Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 458 Proceedings of the International Conference On Social Studies, Globalisation And Technology (ICSSGT 2019)

Learning Model of History to Wetlands for Historical Consciousness

1st Herry Porda Nugroho Putro* 2nd Deasy Arisanty Department of Social Sciences Education, Faculty Department of Geography Education, Faculty of of Teaching and Training Education, Teaching and Training Education, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, , Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, Indonesia [email protected] 3rd Mohamad Zaenal Arifin Anis Department of History Education, Faculty of Teaching and Training Education, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, Indonesia

Abstract—Land Environment wetness is a historical awareness. The results of the study are geographical characteristic of the city of scientific learning models in the form of models Banjarmasin, with indicators of swamp and river with stages in the form of; problem formulation, areas. The city of Banjarmasin continues to grow, observation, reporting, presentation, and many historical events have occurred since conclusions. Historical heritage in the city of prehistoric times to independence. Universitas Banjarmasin consists of places of worship, Lambung Mangkurat has made the wetland traditional houses, museums, old graves and environment a university vision. The purpose of floating markets. Implementation of the model this study is to analyze historical relics as a source was carried out in small trials in one group; trials of historical learning and develop learning models were limited to three groups, and extensive trials in wetland environments to increase historical in six groups. The wetland environment can be awareness. This research is a research and used as a development of historical learning and development (R&D). Data collection was carried learning resources to foster historical awareness. out qualitatively, and then a draft learning model Keywords—Wetlands, History Learning, was made. Data from field activities and Inquiry, Problem Solving, Historical Consciousness presentations are used to find out students'

I. INTRODUCTION long time for improvement. NUS Singapore has developed learning by solving problems creatively. The XXI Century became a challenge for Students are faced with real problems and given universities, due to the development of the assignments to solve [2]. Industrial Revolution 4.0. Learning is directed at acting by carrying out scientific activities, in the Learning history is important from the national form of various creative and innovative learning aspect, as the formation of nationalism. The models [1]. Improvements in learning patterns in psychological aspect of learning history knows Indonesia have been carried out by a combination of about development, change, and continuity. This can lecturing, question and answer, assignments based foster awareness and form personal respect and on lecturer teaching experience and trial-error. respect for each other, in the form of learning Learning outcomes remain inaccessible, requiring a according to Bloom's Taxonomy (Nurhasanah,

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL. This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 458

Maryuni, Putra, 2016, p.21). Historical methods can creativity in the form of culture. Traditional houses, be implemented in history learning, so learning special food is authentic evidence of the people's history becomes scientific. Learning history can be struggle to adapt to the wetland environment. taught according to the nature of science inform The existence of the river has produced a variety scientific, an application-related, student-centered of life activities. During the , the learning situation must be created which starts with river became the economic center; it could control a concrete applicatio [3]. the hinterland or inland areas for economic control. The environment stores learning resources, there According to Fong [7] that in the 18th century boats are sites, historical objects, and documents. Students played an important role in the Sultanate's economy, can find information in their environment and especially in the pepper trade. Boats are used to explore, so that they can grow their historical transport the community's agricultural produce, as awareness. For this reason, historical learning well as the community fulfilling the necessities of models need to be developed in accordance with life through rivers using boats. environmental characteristics. The Banjar War showed that the river was a Library Studies means of successful struggle against the Dutch, the fighters fought using boats and small canoes. The Historical education at this time has an important river has played an important role in the struggle of meaning as a basis for understanding the the in the 19th and 20th centuries. The development of society due to the Industrial fighters succeeded in sinking the warship of the Revolution 4.0. The ability to think critically can be Dutch Kingdom of unrest in December 1859. grown from learning history, so that it can Historical events in Banjarmasin are always related understand various political, social, economic, and to the river, because the river becomes the lifeblood cultural events that occur. Learning history can be of life, the development of power, and the spread of used to study various changes due to various culture. Saleh [8] sees in the past all cities where information [4]. The environment is a social force, government, trade is at the crossing of a river or there are three parts in the form of local, national, river mouth. If we look at the historical course of the and international. Every event is always related, city of Banjarmasin, its growth has benefited from its cause and effect. Learning from the environment can location at the mouth of a river large where large develop social competence and awareness in the ships are anchored. This condition allows the form of thinking skills and caring for the development of power. environment [5]. The selection of the environment as a source of learning must pay attention to the One of the developments in Banjarmasin as a background of students, so it is in accordance with trade center was due to the move of routes trade to the values prevailing in society. Learning becomes the Moluccas through Makassar, South , meaningful and useful for life. China returning to Makassar and continuing to Banten and India. In the mid-17th century Wetland environment is an area that has land Banjarmasin had developed very rapidly. Even consisting of water or surrounded by water, in the though the VOC controlled the Barito River, Banjar form of rivers, swamps, lakes [6]. Ecosystems pepper continued to flow out of Banjarmasin continue to develop over time, be it flora, fauna, and through small rivers. The harbor is full of sailboats, humans. Flora in the wetland environment can meet although there is a contract with the Dutch free trade the needs of human life, as food, as well as basic continues. Added by Poesponegoro [7] wars in the building materials and infrastructure. Fauna in the area of , especially Banjarmasin wetland environment can be managed to meet the are usually carried out in rivers. Wooden blocks and needs of life both food, economy, and culture. The rafts were built in the river. Cerucuk (large blocks wealth of the wetland environment has fostered

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which are planted in water) are installed to hold the being able to think historically, namely thinking enemy at a certain distance, small blocks which are chronologically, comprehensively, interpreting, sharp are also planted in water and are not visible. research capabilities, and analyzing historical issues The boats that are used in South Kalimantan to fight [9]. in rivers are called Jukung, besides that there is a chop that can go fast. II. METHOD Wetland environment as a source of learning This research is a research and development [10]. according to Bruner's opinion is discovery, tracing Research conducted in the form of pre-research in historical events that exist in case. Gagne said that the form of library research and field research students can learn to connect the surrounding activities in lectures and learning resources along the environment with symbols, ideas, and concepts. river, then a draft of learning models was built and a Historical awareness means realizing the historical trial was conducted in small groups, limited groups reality that humans from time to time experience and broad groups. Modifications of research and changes and developments continuously, means development are in the following fig.1.

Figure 1 Chart of Research and Development Modifications Research The research locations in Banjarmasin and Study assessment tables in class. The aspects assessed are: Programs Educational history of Universitas timeliness, sincerity, tidiness, suitability of objects, Lambung Mangkurat. Data collection about problems, identification, sources, analysis, and historical sources is in the Banjarmasin city. Data conclusions. The aspects of class presentations are: collection about historical awareness in the Study timeliness, tidiness, cooperation, responses, Program. Research subjects were 250 students of the arguments, respect for opinions, media, Historical Education Study Program. The data were understanding, appreciation, sincerity. Scores are: collected through observation in the field and in the 50-60 (less), 61-70 (enough), 71-80 (good), 81-100 classroom. Historical awareness data was collected (excellent). Data analysis was carried out since the from student observations and presentations. process of data collection was called the process of Collection of student history awareness data with analysis, reduction, data presentation, data field activity evaluation tables and presentation verification, and drawing conclusions.

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Figure 2 Research Flowchart

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION about the struggle of the people in Banjarmasin at the time of maintaining independence in 1945. Rivers Research Locations and swamps have been a medium of community River for Banjarmasin community is the center of activity for a long time. life, since a long time ago various activities The following map is a description of historical developed along the river. The results of preliminary relics in the city of Banjarmasin, historical relics in studies have found historical sources in the form of the Banjarmasin city consist of; Surgi Mufti Tombs relics in the form of buildings, located on the banks Cultural Heritage, Prince Antasari Tombs Complex, of rivers and swampy areas. The building is a Suriansyah Tombs Complex, Kuin Floating historical building in the form of a place of worship Market, Sultan Suriansyah Mosque, Museum Sabilal and also the tomb of the kings around the 16th Muhtadin Sudimampir, Traditional House, century. In addition, historical documents were also Sasirangan Village, Jami Mosque. found in the form of letters or historical documents

Figure 3 Historical Heritage Map in Banjarmasin City

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Model Development sources. Small group discussion in the form of generating ideas, summarizing important points, The learning model developed is Student accessing levels skills and knowledge reviewing Centered Learning (SCL) in the form of cooperative topics in the previous class, studying, exercises, learning, namely discussion. Lectures by discussing quizzes, writing assignments, processing outcomes developing activities and forms of a student- learning at the end of class, commenting on class centered approach. In activities with discussion progress, comparing theories, issues and methods students form groups to discuss lecture interpretations, solving problems, brainstorming. material from lecturers, so that cooperation The developed learning model is in the form of a develops, mutual feedback, respecting the opinions chart as follows: of group members, and making arguments based on

Figure 4 Development Chart Model-Based learning history to wetland to historical consciousness

Figure 5 Step learning Outcomes learning is the awareness of history: sources in the wetland environment, students are the student is able to formulate the problem able to compile a source report in parallel rah in the historical sources, students are able to analyze the wetland environment. The results of observations by historical events in the area wet, students are able to students are places of historical events along the identify historical sources in the wetland river as shown below: environment, students are able to interpret historical

Figure 6 Place of worship of Chinese people

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Figure 7 The first mosque in Banjarmasin in the 16th century

Figure 8 Tomb complex of the kings

The picture above shows that in the wetland Trial environment there are also activities from China in Model testing is carried out in two stages. The the form of a Chinese shrine called Klengteng, first stage is at the historical heritage site in the around the place there is a village known as wetland environment, the second stage is in the Chinatown. This shows that relations with Chinese classroom. Model Learning models to increase culture have been established for a long time. awareness through historical sources in the wetland Islam as the majority religion is marked by the environment are carried out with field activities and first mosque that was founded around the sixteenth exposure. Historical awareness can be seen in the century by the first Sultan, Sultan Suriyansyah. The results of field activities and presentations. In field process of Islamization of relations with the Sultanate activities the results of the report become an of Demak in in the succession between Prince indicator of awareness of the history students. This Samudra or Sultan Suriansyah with his uncle Raden can be seen from the ability of students to observe, Tumenggung. identify, analyze and compile reports. In small group trials the results of understanding and application of Not far from the Suriansyah Mosque there are activities can be seen by identifying, analyzing, tombs of kings, nobles and scholars who have concluding, and compiling reports in sufficient contributed to the development of Islam, Khatib categories with an average of 65. After making Dayan, and their followers in the sixteenth century. revisions and reflections on the next trial that is a limited trial of three groups, with fifteen people students obtained an average yield for field activities

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was 76.4. This shows the historical awareness of change in Banjarmasin City in the form of various life historical sources in the wetland environment in activities is a source of historical learning. Learning either category. Model development was carried out history can be easier by looking at the evidence of more broadly in six groups with 28 students. The events, to foster understanding, appreciation, results of the fieldwork show that historical awareness and historical skills. awareness of historical students has increased. This Wetland environment where community life is shown by the report score of the results of activities take place for centuries. This is evidenced fieldwork on average 83.56 included in the excellent by the existence of historical heritage objects. category. Historical learning models rarely use the Historical awareness of students can be seen at environment as a source of history, learning always the time of exposure to the results of field uses textbooks and student activity sheets. Learning observations in the form of timeliness, cooperation, material rarely relates to the student environment. attitude to answer, argue, respect opinions, use of This model has transformed history learning into media, understanding of historical sources and interesting and fun learning. Students wake up to get events, as well as seriousness in discussion. The to know more about historical events. Historical results of limited trials show the average score of awareness of students can be developed with students is 70.13, meaning that the category is good. scientific learning activities. Students can get to know While the lowest score of students is 69.5 and the historical sources firsthand, and have historical skills highest score is 70.5. In limited trials the scores in the form of scientific reports and are responsible obtained are as follows: for the lowest average for presentations. The scientific learning model in the student score is 75.7 while the highest is 78.5. The form of inquiry can foster student competence based average score of the group is the lowest 76.4, 78 is the on environmental characteristics, namely a highest score the overall total score is 76.7. The combination of student centered learning in the form of results of limited trials indicate that students' contextual teaching learning and cooperative historical awareness is good. Extensive trials in the learning. exposure session showed that the students' historical awareness had reached the excellent category. This This combination of learning models shows that can be seen from the score indicators that approach learning becomes fun and students can empathize 80, that is, 79.4. with historical events and be able to imagine. Students have learning experiences according to IV. CONCLUSIONS curriculum demands and historical learning goals. Environment in which tertiary education ACKNOWLEDGMENTS develops has different characteristics from tertiary institutions in other regions. The historical aspect is We want to express special gratitude to all the result of the adaptation of a long struggle to informants and anyone who has helped during the cultivate and maintain the environment. Banjarmasin research. Especially the Faculty of Teacher Training City is an old city surrounded by wetlands; this area and Education has provided research funding continues to grow based on historical evidence. assistance and Department of History Education Various activities such as the development of Study Program, Lambung Mangkurat University. religion and culture can be seen from the physical, REFERENCES social and cultural heritage. Population development can be an indication of the development of various [1] Shahroom, A., & Hussin, N. (2018). Industrial aspects and activities of Banjarmasin City, as well as revolution 4.0 and education. International the development of forms of government, namely the Journal of Academic Research in Business and Sultanate to modern government. Continuity and Social Sciences, 8(9), pp. 314-319.

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