The Real Protector Hare Krishna Dear Devotees, Please Accept My
The Real Protector Date: 2005-01-19 Author: Shyam Sundara das Hare Krishna dear devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudev. While I was passing through many temples of demigods viz., Siva, Anjaneya, Ganesha and Goddess Durga and so on, I got confused as to whom I should really surrender and pray for any benediction. By the mercy of Lord Krishna when I opened SB 10.2.26, my doubt got vanquished miraculously and the Lord's merciful answer is elucidated below through His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada: "Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary." Worship of demigods may be useful for a limited time, but the result is antavat, perishable. This material world is impermanent, the demigods are impermanent, and the benedictions derived from the demigods are also impermanent, whereas the living entity is eternal (nityo nityānaam cetanas cetanānām). Every living entity, therefore, must search for eternal happiness, not temporary happiness, The word 'satyam param dhīmahi' indicate that one should search for the Absolute Truth, not the relative truth. While offering prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Nrsimhadeva, Prahlad Maharaja said "bālasya neha śaraṇaṁ pitarau nṛsiṁha nārtasya cāgadam udanvati majjato nauḥ" Generally it is understood that the protectors for a child are his parents, but this is not actually the fact. The real protector is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. " taptasya tat-pratividhir ya ihāñjaseṣṭas tāvad vibho tanu-bhṛtāṁ tvad-upekṣitānām" - If neglected by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, a child, despite the presence of his parents, will suffer, and a patient, despite all medical help, will die.
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