PPRREE FFEEAASSIIBBIILLIITTYY RREEPPOORRTT OOFF LLAATTEERRIITTEE MMIINNEE MINERAL - LATERITE VILLAGE-RAKAMCHERLA, SURVEY NO. 5 (LEASE PERIOD 09-05-2006 TO 08-05-2026) LEASE AREA- 12.55 HECTARE MINING PROJECT - CATEGORY-“B2” RAKAMCHERLA VILLAGE , PUDUR MANDAL DISTRICT- VIKARABAD (TELANGANA) PROJECT PROPONENT LESSEE:SRI G. SRINATH GOUD H. NO. 1-8-497/3, CHIKKADAPALLY, HYDERABAD STATE-TELANGANA, PIN- 500004 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT M/S. GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED SEPTEMBER -2017 PRE FEASIBILITY REPORT For Laterite Mine Project (Area 12.55 Ha.), RAKAMCHERLA Village, PUDUR Mandal, 1 VIKRABAD District, TELANGANA State 11.. EEXXEECCUUTTIIVVEE SSUUMMMMAARRYY The proposed Laterite mining site is located at Village Rakamcherla, Puddur Mandal, District- Vikarabad, and State- Telangana. The total mining lease area is 12.55ha. The area of mine lease is Govt. waste land; Semi Mechanical Open cast Manual mining is the only suitable method of mining for such type of deposit. The location map of the mining site is added as Annexure-I. Brief description of the project is described below. 1.1 SALIENT FEATURE OF THE PROJECT Table 1-1:- Salient Features of the Project Sl. Parameters Description No. 1 Name of the project Laterite Mine 2 Nature of the project Opencast semimechanised Mine 3 Project Proponent Sri.G.Srinath Goud, H.No.1-8-497/3, Chikkadapally, Hyderabad. Telangana State- 500 004. Mob No. 9849377212, 9490793498. Email Id:
[email protected] 4 Lease period validity 09-05-2006 to 08-05-2026 5 Existing Capacity Total Mineable Reserve: