Russian&East Euro Nl Fall08-12R
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Annual Report 2008-2009 Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology IMAGINING POSSIBILITIES WITHOUT BOUNDARIES ABOUT THE BECKMAN INSTITUTE he Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at Tthe University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is an interdiscipli- nary research institute devoted to leading-edge research in the physical sciences, computation, engineering, biology, behavior, cognition, and neuroscience. The Institute's primary mission is to foster interdisciplinary work of the highest quality, transcending many of the limitations inherent in traditional university organiza- tions and structures. The Institute was founded on the premise that reducing the barriers between traditional scientific and technological disciplines can yield research advances that more conventional approaches cannot. Beckman Institute research is focused around four research themes: • Biological Intelligence (see page 4) • Human-Computer Intelligent Interaction (see page 10) • Integrative Imaging (see page 16) • Molecular and Electronic Nanostructures (see page 24) The Beckman Institute is also home to two strategic initiatives (see page 40) that seek to unify campus activities in their respective areas: • Imaging • Social Dimensions of Environmental Policy More than 600 researchers from more than 40 University of Illinois departments as diverse as psychology, computer science, electrical and computer engineering, and biochemistry, comprising 14 Beckman Institute groups, work within and across these overlapping areas. The building offers more than 200 offices; specialized, state- of-the-art laboratories and other facilities; and meeting areas. To assist research efforts, the Beckman Institute provides state-of- the-art resources for faculty, staff, and students, including the: • Biomedical Imaging Center (see page 42) • Illinois Simulator Laboratory (see page 44) • Imaging Technology Group (see page 46) The 313,000-square-foot building was made possible by a gener- ous gift from University of Illinois alumnus and founder of Beckman Instruments, Inc., Arnold O. Beckman, and his wife Mabel M. Beckman, with a supplement from the State of Illinois. Additionally, the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation provides ongoing financial assistance for various Institute and campus pro- grams. Daily operating expenses of the Institute are covered by the state and its research programs are mainly supported by external funding from the federal government, corporations, and foundations. TABLEOF CONTENTS Director's Message 2 RESEARCH THEMES Biological Intelligence Overview 4 Highlights 6 Faculty Profile: Kay Bock 8 Human-Computer Intelligent Interaction Overview 10 Highlights 12 Faculty Profile: Art Kramer 14 Integrative Imaging Overview 16 Highlights 18 Faculty Profile: Yingxiao (Peter) Wang 22 Molecular and Electronic Nanostructures Overview 24 Highlights 26 Faculty Profile: Klaus Schulten 30 Selected Faculty Awards, Patents, Grants, 32 and Publications Strategic Initiatives: Imaging and Social 40 Dimensions of Environmental Policy Educational Outreach 41 Beckman Institute Facilities Biomedical Imaging Center 42 Illinois Simulator Laboratory 44 Imaging Technology Group 46 Beckman Institute Postdoctoral Fellows Program 48 Beckman Institute Graduate Fellows Program 50 New Faculty 51 Philanthropy 52 Celebrating William T. Greenough 55 1989-2009: Beckman Institute 20th Anniversary 56 Funding 2008-2009 59 Contact Information 60 5 11 17 27 46 Director’s Message that I hope will bring our Beckman family and friends back to campus. Earlier I alluded to change and growth that has occurred at the Institute this past year. One of the most exciting – and arduous – of these changes is the space swap between the Biomedical Imaging Center and the Illinois Simulator Laboratory. I am pleased to report that this well-orchestrated place swap is progressing very well and is on sched- ule. The Illinois Simulator Laboratory staff is now moved to their south cam- pus location and the Biomedical Imaging Center is putting the final pieces in place in the Beckman Institute basement. The new 3T whole body magnet was delivered on July 8 and is expected to be fully operational in the coming months. Special thanks to our operations staff and the ISL and BIC staffs for their diligence and magining possibilities without bound- President Emeritus; Mort Weir, patience with this project. aries. That philosophy has been at the Chancellor Emeritus; Patricia Beckman, I Our research themes are thriving core of the Beckman Institute since its daughter of Arnold and Mabel and have also seen changes this past inception in the 1980s. As we review Beckman; Jiri Jonas, Director from year. For the first time in 15 years a the accomplishments of this past year it 1993-2001; Pierre Wiltzius, Director new theme was added to our roster: is also important to reflect on the imag- from 2001-2008, and a keynote Integrative Imaging. This theme will ini- ination and determination of our faculty, speech from Ted Brown, the Institute’s tially be comprised of two groups that staff, and students who have each con- Founding Director. This celebration was were formerly a part of our Biological tributed to our long-standing, global a great time to reflect on the past 20 Intelligence theme: Bioimaging Science reputation of being a leader in interdis- years with people with both past and and Technology and the Bioacoustics ciplinary research. present connections to the Institute. Research Laboratory. Stephen Boppart In this past year there has been As I write this message, we are and Zhi-Pei Liang are serving as co- much change and growth at the also looking forward to our 20th chairs for this new theme. Beckman Institute. As I write my inau- Anniversary Symposium which will be The Molecular and Electronic gural Director’s Message, I would like to held October 5-7, 2009, starting in the Nanostructures research theme went extend thanks to Pierre Wiltzius for serv- evening of October 5. The anniversary through its external review this year, ing as the Institute’s Director from planning committee has done a which happens every four years. The 2001 to 2008. Like Founding Director tremendous job in putting together an review committee was very pleased Ted Brown, and his successor, Jiri Jonas, excellent program, that features an with the presentations and the high- Pierre provided vision for the future evening keynote address from Nobel level scientific activity that is being car- while also upholding the traditions that Laureate Susumu Tonegawa. The ried out within the individual research are strongly in place at the Institute. morning session keynote speakers are groups. They were also pleased with I am very pleased to be on board Thomas R. Insel, Director of the activity that is taking place across during the Beckman Institute’s 20th National Institute of Mental Health, and research groups. Anniversary year. On April 16 we held a nanoscientist Charles M. Lieber of Our other two research themes, celebration that brought back many Harvard University. The program also Biological Intelligence and Human- Beckman friends and family. The gala includes some of our very own world- Computer Intelligent Interaction, are event featured remarks from Chancellor renowned researchers. It is sure to be also doing very well. I invite you to Richard Herman; Stanley Ikenberry, an interesting and enjoyable meeting 2 Imagining Possibilities Without Boundaries review their sections of this annual was named Fellow of SPIE, the more thankful for the generous support report to get up to date on their International Society for Optical of the Beckman Foundation. The research activities. Engineering; Kenneth Suslick who was Foundation has been a tremendous All of the Beckman Institute named a Fellow of the Materials supporter of the Beckman Institute and research themes, and for that matter Research Society; Yingxiao Wang who without their continued funding we the Beckman Institute as a whole, will received the National Science would not be able to maintain the level be reviewed in November of 2009 by Foundation Early Career Award; of excellence that we are accustomed our External Advisory Committee. We Gabriele Gratton who was elected the to achieving. look forward to this opportunity as it President of the Society for Psycho- Additionally, in an effort to further provides us with invaluable external physiological Research; Narendra Ahuja supplement research, operations, and views on what we are doing well and and Thomas Huang who received the capital efforts, we have recently added a where we can improve or change. HP Open Innovation Research Award; Development Office at the Beckman The Beckman Institute also added and Nicholas Fang who was named Institute. Fundraising will of course be two new strategic initiatives this year: one of the world’s 35 Top Young one of the goals of this newly created Imaging and Social Dimensions of Innovators by Technology Review. office, but another important goal will Environmental Policy (SDEP). These In June the Beckman Institute was be to connect with Beckman Institute campus-wide initiatives are both seek- host to a wonderful celebration that “alumni.” We hope to build lasting rela- ing to unify efforts in their respective honored Bill Greenough, one of our tionships with those of you who have areas. The strategic initiative on Imaging founding faculty members and a co- spent time here and have helped shape is led by Stephen Boppart and will be chair of the Biological Intelligence the Institute