Pest-Free Areas
Pest-Free Areas The following table lists countries and associated areas that meet the APHIS requirements for designated pest-free areas in accordance with 7 CFR 319.56- 5. Country Pest(s) Pest-free Area Argentina Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) Cer- The Patagonia Provinces of Neuguen, Rio Negro, atitis capitata and Anastrepha spp. Chabut, Santa Cruz, and Tierra del Fuego. This includes fruit flies areas along the valleys of the Rio Colorado and Rio Negro rivers and areas of the southern part of the Men- doza Province, south of the following coordinates: lat 33o 13’ 40.98” S, length 69o 54’ 36.86” W; lat 33o 13’ 40.98” S, length 69o 04’ 18.24” W; lat 33o 29’ 29” S, length 68o 59’ 20” W; lat 34o 02’ 47” S, length 67o 57’ 17” W; lat 34o 02’ 47” S, length 66o 44’ 06.05” W Australia Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) (Cer- The Riverland district of South Australia, defined as the atitis capitata), the Queensland fruit county of Hamley; the geographical subdivisions, called fly (Bactrocera tryoni or QFF) and hundreds, of Bookpurnong, Cadell, Eba, Fisher, Forster, other fruit flies destructive of citrus Gordon, Hay, Holder, Katarapko, Loveday, Markaranka, Morook, Murbko, Murtho, Nildottie, Paisley, Parcoola, Paringa, Pooginook, Pyap, Ridley, Skurray, Stuart, and Waikerie; and the Parish of Onley of the Shire of Mildura, Victoria Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) (Cer- Tasmania atitis capitata) and the Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) (Cer- Eastern Australia, defined as the Northern Territory, atitis capitata)
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