Marine Protected Areas in Croatia
Marine protected areas in Croatia Gordana Zwicker Kompar, Institute for Environment and Nature Conservation Izola, 19th September 2019. Introduction . PA network of Croatia – national categories and Natura 2000 . Institutional framework . State of MPAs . Management effectiveness of MPAs . Ongoing projects and activities in MPAs . Key issues challenging functionality and effective management of MPAs PA network of Croatia National categories . 12,36% of inland area and 1,93% of marine area are protected in national categories % area of CATEGORY number of PAs area (km²) Croatian territory Strict Reserve 2 24,19 0,03 National Park 8 979,63 1,11 Special Reserve 77 400,11 0,45 Nature Park 11 4.350,48 4,90 Regional Park 2 1025,56 1,16 Monument of Nature 80 2,27 0,00 Significant Landscape 82 1.331,28 1,51 Park Forrest 27 29,55 0,03 Horticultural Monument 119 8,36 0,01 Total PAs in Croatia 408 7.528,05 8,55 PA network of Croatia Natura 2000 . Natura 2000 sites mostly overlaps national categories (~90%) Area of Area out of territorial sea % territorial sea territorial sea Inland area and inland sea and inland sea and inland sea Total surface of % of total No of Natura (km2) % of land waters (km2) waters waters (km2) RC (km2) surface RC 2000 sites SCI (POVS) 16.093 28,44 4.861 15,31 9,62 20.954 23,72 745 SPA (POP) 17.102 30,22 1.056 3,32 18.158 20,55 38 Natura 2000 20.772 36,7 5.164 16,26 9,62 25.936 29,36 783 PA network of Croatia Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 ‘By 2020, at least 17 % of terrestrial and inland water areas and 10 % of coastal and marine areas, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services, are conserved through effectively and equitably managed, ecologically representative and well-connected systems of protected areas and other effective area- based conservation measures, and integrated into the wider landscape and seascape’.
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